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Technical Information Kalmar Container Handler, DRF.: Reachstackers 42 - 45 Tonnes

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The document discusses the flexibility and performance advantages of using a reachstacker for container handling operations. A reachstacker can handle containers quickly and efficiently in narrow spaces while ensuring good driver visibility. It allows containers to be picked up and placed from any angle less than 90 degrees, improving work efficiency.

A reachstacker can handle containers flexibly in tight spaces, pick up and place containers from various angles rather than just 90 degrees, squeeze aisle widths, lift containers lengthwise for transport, and reduce wear on machines and surfaces by performing more lifts while stationary.

The flexibility of a reachstacker allows containers to be handled from any position rather than just 90 degrees, meaning the driver does not always have to approach from the same angle. This improves work efficiency and handling speed during loading and unloading. Aisle widths can also be reduced.

reachstackers 42 45 TONNES.

KALMAR container handler, DRF.

Kalmar is part of Cargotec Corporation


Container Handling.
Reachstackers from Kalmar combine per-
formance, comfort and reliability.

Container handling with a reachstacker is

one of the most flexible handling solutions
whether to operate a smaller one-unit termi-
nal or a medium sized port. A reachstacker
can handle loaded containers quickly and
efficiently in narrow spaces, while still ensur-
ing the driver has optimum visibility.

The extensive freedom allowed by the lifting

equipment, boom and attachment, and its
rotation possibilities, gives that the driver
can improve the work efficiency of the unit,
by not needing to approach the container
from a 90 degrees position.

The fact of not needing to pick a

Containers can be lifted lengthwise making it possible to deliver container, right-angled, means a lot of
the container into and trough workshop doors, port shed gates, etc in terms of work efficiency and handling
in then low, longitudinal position. speed, during loading and unloading.

Instead, the container can be picked or The goals in developing a reachstacker are
dropped-off by the unit approaching from clear: high performance throughout the op-
any angle <90 degree. And by rotating the erating cycle, high user-friendliness, and low
spreader and reaching the boom to suitable running costs. Together with a high level of
length, the driver can handle the container environmental awareness, this has resulted
from any position. As an additional advan- in new technical solutions and systems. Model designation
tage, the aisle width driving space depth, DRF450-70S5XS
Any driver with the ability to take advantage
needed can be squeezed, as well. Diesel
of the machines capacity and technical ben-
Wear on the machine and the working efits will find this reachstacker a powerful,
surface can be reduced if the reachstacker flexible tool for handling containers with the
First row capacity in decitonnes
is used in the right way. Compared to a con- lowest possible operating and maintenance
Wheel base in decimetres
ventional forklift, a larger proportion of the costs.
lifting manoeuvre can be performed while
The technical information in this material Five container stacking
the unit is stationary.
primarily refers to the DRF. Specific informa- Extended capacity

Containers can also be lifted and transport- tion about the DRDs technical systems is Support jacks

ed lengthwise, making it possible to deliver available on request.

the container into and through workshop
doors, port shed gates, etc in then low, lon-
gitudinal position. This can be a vital ability
for the possibility of container stripping and
stuffing inside the sheds.

capacity and dimensions

Maximum lifting capacity

in confined spaces.
The chassis and lifting equipment have The boom has two sections, the inner and the lifting cylinders has a new design that
been developed to ensure the best possible outer boom. The sliding plates between the produces smooth stopping and starting
performance, strength and user-friendliness. inner and outer boom require no lubrication. movements.
The nature of the working environment The cable-chain which leads hydraulic hoses
The booms lifting and extension function
and capacity requirements at different load and cabling to the attachment is made of
is damped in the end positions for reduced
centres determine which model is the most maintenance-free plastic.
wear and greater comfort.

Lifting boom hydraulics

Lifting boom Oil is fed to the boom functions by load
The rotator is fixed in the inner boom and
The lifting boom carries the load. The design sensing pumps. To reduce pressure drops,
enables the container to be rotated. The ro-
has been optimised using computer simula- wide hydraulic hoses have been used for
tator consists of an upper and a lower yoke
tions and extensive field tests. The powerful the boom functions. A wider hose produces
joined with a powerful bearing. Rotation
execution in high-tensile steel has a minimal a lower flow rate with the same volume,
is enabled by two hydraulic motors, which
number of welds for maximum strength. The thereby reducing friction and heat develop-
drive a gear-ring. Two hydraulic dampers
booms fixture in the frame and the lifting ment. The blocking valves on the lifting and
help prevent the container from swinging
cylinders are fitted with spherical plane extension cylinders block the oil flow when
thrust bearings. The width of the rear fixture the boom functions are not in use, which
(boom suspension) increases the overall secures the boom position. The base of
rigidity and the good rearward visibility.

Container 86 Container 96



L5 5200

Container 86 Container 96 Rail Lifting height Load centre

1:st row 2:nd row 3:rd row 1:st row 2:nd row 3:rd row 2:nd row H4 (mm) H5 (mm) L4 (mm) L5 (mm) L6 (mm)

DRF420-60S5 41*/42 25* 11 40*/42 25* 11* 16 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-60S5 43*/45 27* 13 42*/45 27* 13* 18 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-60S5M 43*/45 30* 15 42*/45 30* 15* 19 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-60S5X 43*/45 35* 18 42*/45 35* 18* 24 15200 18200 1865 3815 6315
DRF420-65S5 41*/42 28* 14 40*/42 28* 14* 18 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-65S5 43*/45 31* 16 42*/45 31* 16* 20 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-65S6 42**/44*/45 31* 16 43*/45 31** 16** 20 16200 19250 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-65S5X 45* 36*/38 21 43*/45 37*/38 21* 27 15200 18200 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-65S6X 43*/45* 35*/38 21 43*/45 34**/36*/38 21** 27 16300 19350 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-70S5 42**/45 34* 18 42*/45 34* 18* 23 15100 18100 1965 3815 6315
DRF450-70S5X 45* 39*/41 23 45* 40*/41 23* 29 15100 18200 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-70S5XS 45* 39*/41 23 45* 40*/41 23* 29 15100 18200 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-70S5XS (SJD) 45* 39*/41 31 45* 40*/41 31* 35 15100 18200 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-75S5XS 45* 43*/45 26 45 45* 26* 32 15200 18400 1865 3815 6315
DRF450-75S5XS (SJD) 45* 43*/45 34 45 45* 34* 41 15200 18400 1865 3815 6315

(SJD) = Support jacks down

For more detailed information please advice the technical Data Sheet
capacity and dimensions

Attachment Attachment and Firstly, a large number of computer simula-

The primary function of the attachment is to rotator hydraulics tions have been run in order to eliminate
firmly attach the container during lifting. This The functions are fed with a constant pres- critical tensions under various kinds of
is done with four twistlocks which rotate, sure, which means there is no pumping of strain. The simulations were characterised
thereby securely gripping the containers hydraulic oil when the functions are not by uncompromising demands on the funda-
corner fittings. in use. One valve serves all the hydraulic mental principles of stability, manoeuvrabil-
functions in the attachment. The valve ity and visibility. Secondly, the machine has
The mechanical levelling ensures that the
ensures that each hydraulic function is fed then undergone extensive field-testing to
twistlocks reach the corners, even if the
the exact amount of oil needed to optimise fully ensure its dynamic strength.
container is leaning.
the speed of the functions movements. The
The reachstacker is available with a variety
The attachment can easily be adapted to attachment functions are damped in the end
of wheelbases to fulfil demands on lifting
different container standards. A hydraulic positions.
capacity in relation to manoeuvrability and
motor drives the function via chains. The
operating economy in the best way.
container can also be moved sideways to
facilitate loading and unloading, or to com-
The frame forms the basis of the machines Increased capacity
pensate for unbalanced loads. Two hydraulic
lifting and manoeuvring characteristics. The
cylinders perform the side-shift movement. In some cases, high capacity requirements
frames beam construction, along with its
in the second and third rows of containers,
width, makes the reachstacker stable, tor-
or on the far rail track, call for the benefit of
sion resistant and service-friendly.
support legs. In other cases, it may be the
restricted handling space that determines
the most suitable model.



R1 B
R3 100


Aisle width (mm) Turning radius (mm) Main dimesions (mm) Service
Dimensions weight
A1 - 20 ft A2 - 40 ft R1 - 20 ft R3 - 40 ft B V L H3 Clearance Wheels (kg)

DRF420-60S5 11200 13600 8100 9400 4150 6055-12185 11200 4500 250 18.00x25/36 65500
DRF450-60S5 11200 13600 8100 9400 4150 6055-12185 11200 4500 250 18.00x25/40 67400
DRF450-60S5M 11200 13600 8100 9400 4150 6055-12185 11200 4500 250 18.00x25/40 69400
DRF450-60S5X 11200 13600 8100 9400 4150 6055-12185 11200 4600 300 18.00x33/36 77400
DRF420-65S5 11600 13600 8500 9400 4150 6055-12185 11700 4500 250 18.00x25/36 66500
DRF450-65S5 11600 13600 8500 9400 4150 6055-12185 11700 4500 250 18.00x25/40 69000
DRF450-65S6 11900 13900 8500 9450 4150 6055-12185 12000 4500 250 18.00x25/40 69800
DRF450-65S5X 11600 13600 8500 9400 4150 6055-12185 11700 4600 300 18.00x33/36 76300
DRF450-65S6X 11900 13900 8500 9450 4150 6055-12185 12000 4600 300 18.00x33/36 77500
DRF450-70S5 12000 13600 8900 9400 4150 6055-12185 12200 4500 250 18.00x25/40 69400
DRF450-70S5X 12100 13600 9000 9400 4150 6055-12185 12200 4700 300 18.00x33/36 77800
DRF450-70S5XS 12100 13600 9000 9400 4150 6055-12185 12200 4700 300 18.00x33/36 79300
DRF450-75S5XS 12500 13600 9400 9400 4150 6055-12185 12700 4750 300 18.00x33/36 82100


No machine is better
than its driver.
Kalmars goal while developing the cabin has Ergonomics The pedals are designed for high comfort,
been to assure the driver the best conceiv- Controls and instruments are intuitively with a hanging accelerator. The internal
able safety, ergonomics and visibility. positioned and work the way a driver would dimensions are otherwise generous, offering
expect. Search lights in the buttons and an open floor space.

Sound and vibration switches make them easy to identify and

The cabin is separately suspended and use, even in darkness. Climate

isolated from the frame with powerful rubber In the centre above the steering wheel is An electronic controlled heating and ventila-
dampers. Effective shock absorption minimis- a display showing operating information, tion system comes as standard, as do filters
es vibration. The cabin is fitted with insulation warning messages, error codes etc. To the for fresh air and recirculation. An air cooling
material both inside and out. The maximum left of the display is the panel for warning system comes as an standard. The cooling
noise level inside the cabin is 72 dB (A) and indication lamps. system provides a good cooling effect, even
measured according to DIN45635. in extremely high temperatures. A pollen
The drivers seat and control lever for the
filter is available as an optional extra.
lifting functions can be adjusted to the opti-
mum individual driving position.

A Left instrument panel
B Gear selector and multi-function lever
C Steering wheel panel
D Direction indicators
E Prepared for terminal and
E dashboard attachment
F Hydraulic controls
Panel for hydraulic functions
H Emergency switch
III Parking brake



Performance is the result of how well

the machines functions work together.
The efficacy of the lifting equipment is deter- Transmission
mined by a combination of lifting speed, ca- The transmission transfers power from the
pacity, visibility and user-friendliness. Lifting engine to the hydraulic pumps and drive line.
places heavy demands on the engine and The engine and gearbox control systems
working hydraulics, but lifting is only part of work together to find the optimum balance
the operating cycle. Before the machine is in between power and fuel economy at any
position to load or unload, the demands are given point.
instead on precise control with tight turning
The transmission system consists of a
radius, effective brakes and high pulling
torque converter and a gearbox. The same
power. And of course, all the functions must
gearbox is used whichever engine is chosen.
still perform optimally even after heavy use.
The gearbox is automatic, but can partly
be shifted manually. The torque converter
is a hydraulic coupling positioned between
the engine and gearbox. The gearbox and
torque converter work together via a joint
hydraulic system.

Brakes Drive line

The brake circuit is separated from the hy- The propeller shaft and drive axle transfer Standard
draulic system and has its own tank, cooler the power from the transmission to the driv- drive train

and high-pressure filter. A temperature ing wheels. The mountings on the propel-
transmitter in the separate tank regulates ler shaft are fitted with cross-flanges for
the cooler fan. optimum strength.

The foot-brake valve, which controls the oil The drive axle shifts gear down in two
feed to the brakes, is sensitive enough so stages, differential and hub reduction. The
that the driver can brake optimally yet still engine only achieves maximum torque at
gently. The parking brake is activated auto- the drive wheels, which spares the transmis-
matically when the ignition is turned off. sion.

Drive train Standard* Optional

Engine Manufacturer Volvo TAD 1250VE with Cummins QSM11 with

Model air cooled intercooler air cooled intercooler
Power 247 kW at 1900 rpm 261 kW at 2000 rpm
Peak torque 1760 Nm at 1400 rpm 1830 Nm at 1100-1400 rpm
Transmission Dana 15.7TE32418 Dana 15.7TE32418
Driving axle Kalmar WDB Kalmar WDB

* Stage 2 and Tier 2 outside US and EU

A Volvo engine is standard. Cummins is The engine and transmission cooler is a sin-
available as optional extra. The engine pro- gle unit that uses the same fan. The engine
vides power for driving and the working hy- coolers separate expansion vessels are
draulics. The engines are low-emission turbo fitted with a level transmitter that indicates
diesels with unit injectors and intercoolers. low coolant level.

The design of the combustion vessels, When the engine temperature is too high or
along with the precise fuel injection control, the coolant level or oil pressure too low, the
ensures more efficient combustion. Emis- engines power output is actively reduced.
sions decrease, while power and torque Should the oil pressure fall below a certain
increase. The engines fulfil the requirements level, the fuel feed to the engine is cut off
Cummins QSM11 with air cooled intercooler
of 97/68*2004/26 EC stage 3, US EPA Tier 3. automatically. can be fitted as optional extra.

Steering system
The steering axle has been cut from a single The hydraulics that feed oil to the steering
piece of robust steel, which means as few cylinder is optimised for enhanced driving
maintenance-requiring parts as possible and sensation. Orbitrol and the priority valve
high structural strength. jointly provide gentle yet precise steering

The new steering axle has few maintenance-requiring parts and high strucural strength.

Lifting speed (m/s) Lowering speed (m/s) Driving speed (km/h) Gradeability (%) Draw pull (kN)
unloaded at 70% of rated load unloaded at rated load unloaded (F/R) at rated load (F/R) at 2 km/h, unloaded at 2 km/h, at rated load max, unloaded max

DRF420-60S5 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370

DRF450-60S5 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-60S5M 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-60S5X 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 27/27 21/21 28 18 40 320
DRF420-65S5 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-65S5 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-65S6 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-65S5X 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 27/27 21/21 28 18 40 320
DRF450-65S6X 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 27/27 21/21 28 18 40 320
DRF450-70S5 0,42 0,25 0,36 0,36 25/25 21/21 37 22 40 370
DRF450-70S5X 0,42 0,25 0,35 0,35 26/26 20/20 27 17 39 320
DRF450-70S5XS 0,42 0,25 0,35 0,35 26/26 20/20 27 17 39 320
DRF450-75S5XS 0,41 0,24 0,35 0,35 25/25 19/19 25 15 35 320


The distributed and redundant

control system.
For the reachstacker to work perfectly a Two things are needed for a command initi- The power-feed supplies the machines elec-
robust communication network is needed, ated by the driver to result in a particular trical and electrohydraulic functions with
along with a system that gives the func- function, or for several functions to work voltage, while the communication system
tions power. together: power-feed and communication. controls and checks that the functions have
been activated, waits in standby mode or
indicates a fault.



Kalmar Cabin Unit

Kalmar Information Terminal

Kalmar Information Display

The communication network layout. Electronic Diesel Control

Transmission Control Unit

Kalmar Distributed Unit

The distributed power-feed and communica- able, robust transfer of data and is difficult The unit is connected in a separate CAN-bus
tion network consists of electrical compo- to disrupt. CAN-bus loops have been used in loop with the EDC engine node (Engine
nents and a microcomputer-based system Kalmar machines since 1995. Diesel Control) and KCU. The engine node
for controlling and monitoring the reach- controls the fuel injection and receives its
The greatest benefit of using CAN-bus
stackers functions. control signals from its own transmitters on
technology is that the amount of cabinling
the engine.
The most important components in the can be reduced. All that is needed to estab-
network are the control units (nodes). They lish communication are two data-bearing
distribute control of the machines functions. leads and two leads for feeding the nodes Power supply
Each node has its own processor. The nodes processors. The network loop for both the Power-feed for the functions differ from the
integrate with each other and all communi- CAN-bus and the nodes processor feed are feed required for communication and feed-
cation; control signals and signal information redundant. ing of the nodes processors.
are sent via data buses.
The Kalmar Cabin Unit (KCU) is the control Each distribution unit (node) in the distrib-
The nodes transmit their signals in messag- node for the entire network. There are sev- uted network is fed voltage from one of the
es on the network. Each message contains eral nodes, called KDUs (Kalmar Distribution power distribution boxes. The distribution
several signals and has its own address. Any Units), in the network. Each node is posi- boxes are located inside the cabin and on
units that need to know the status of a sig- tioned near to the functions it is designed to one side of the frame. The distribution units
nal listen out for the address of the signals deal with. With certain optional equipment, (nodes) guide power from the distribution
message. All the nodes in the network listen further nodes (KDUs) are connected to the box to the required functions based on the
to each other. existing network near to where the specific instructions in the messages from the com-
functions are located. munication network.
CAN-bus is a two-wire transfer of data and a
definition of a bus type. CAN-bus technology The Transmission Control Unit (TCU), which
has been chosen because it provides a reli- is the gearbox node, deals with the gearbox.

Control functions
The driver and machine communicate via The system also distributes information to
the Kalmar Information Terminal (KIT) and the driver such as alarm warnings, operat-
the Kalmar Information Display (KID). Control ing details and action-guided information. In
signals initiated by the driver are transferred these cases, messages are sent from one
to the KCU, which handles all incoming of the nodes in the network, captured by
signals from the controls in the cabin, and the KCU, and then presented in the KID or
sends messages out into the communica- the panel for warning and indication lamps.
tion network. The KID shows information from the control
units in the form of messages, status, fault
indication etc. Keyboard (KIT)

Warning and indication lamps (KIT)

Display (KID)

Alarm indicator

High reliability is achieved by reducing the
number of components and ensuring each
individual component maintains a consist-
ent high quality.

One of our guiding principles in designing the

reachstacker was to minimise the number
of potential sources of error. Therefore, the
machine consists of as few components and
moving parts as possible. The functionality
and operational reliability of each component
is assured by extensive testing.

The machines structure

Kalmar has been making reachstackers and keep the number of components to a Redundant communication
since the mid-1980s. There are a lot of minimum. network
Kalmar machines around the world, used in A network of distributed control units
The booms lifting and extension cylinders
all kinds of climates. Overall, this has helped (nodes) using limited cabling and fewer cou-
are fitted with double gaskets. Moreover,
build our completely unique experience plings, meaning fewer sources of error.
the machine is fitted with extremely reliable,
of this machine type. The machines lifting
well-sealed ORFS (O-Ring Face Seal) cou- The power-feed for each node is independ-
equipment, frame and structure has been
plings in all the hydraulic hoses as standard. ent of the other nodes, which help prevent
fine-tuned over the years, and today we
other nodes from being disrupted, should
can offer the best balance of performance
Temperature control one stop working. The same applies to
and operational reliability in the machines
and hydraulic cleanliness the transfer of control signals. Both the
mechanical components and structure.
In order to maintain optimum functionality power-feed and control signal transfer are

in the hydraulic system even under extreme redundant, so that power or signals always
Hydraulic components have two paths to choose for maintaining
operating conditions, cleaning and cooling of
and couplings communication, thus offering extra safety
the hydraulic oil is highly efficient. The brake
The number of hydraulic components and and reliability.
circuit is separated from the rest of the
hydraulic couplings has been minimised.
hydraulic system and is fitted with its own
The main valve has an integrated servo,
cleaning process and cooling system.
which helps increase control of the oil flow


Few, short stoppages for service Service accessibility
and maintenance minimise loss The top covers on the frame can be re-
of production time. moved quickly and easily. Most of the main
components are easily accessible from
In the longer term, the reachstackers reli-
above in the broad frame when inspection
ability is a crucial parameter in the overall
and maintenance need to be carried out.
handling economy. At the same time, each
The cabin can also be moved lengthwise
machine must be service-friendly so it can
thus further increasing ease of access.
be maintained and repaired quickly and eas-
ily, thereby maintaining high reliability.

Kalmars products have always been very

service friendly as we continuously strive:
to minimise the number of components
to choose the highest quality
components throughout
to use lubrication-free options
wherever possible
to optimise accessibility for service and

Fault identification
The control and monitoring system offers
completely new opportunities for fault iden-
tification. There are over 400 fault codes and
140 diagnostics menus built into the system.

The overall aim is to make stoppages as few

and as short as possible. With this machine,
Kalmar has created the best possible bal-
ance between performance and operating
economy in other words, a low cost over
the entire life cycle of the reachstacker.

High availability and grouped service points makes daily

inspections and maintenance work easy.



Kalmar offers the best cost over lifetime for its customers.
Modern and innovative technology together with lasting
equipment and comprehensive service ensures Kalmar
increases its customers productivity. Every day.

Kalmar invests in its sales and service network. Thus
Kalmar is a reliable and trustworthy supplier with ability to

We reserve the right to change the design and technical data without prior notice. Tolerances according to K-standard 95430.0008/0009
serve demanding customers.

Kalmar practises innovative service development. Because
of Kalmars local customer service strategy, Kalmar knows
its customers local conditions, and can provide efficient
and effective service in every location.

Kalmar has not stopped at the top, but continuously
improves its offering. New services as well as investments
in automation and environmentally friendly solutions work
for our customers benefit.
921524-0711/081210 KST Rd & Resultat

Kalmar Industries AB
Torggatan 3, SE-340 10 Lidhult, Sweden
tel. +46 372 260 10, fax. +46 372 263 93





Kalmar is part of Cargotec Corporation

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