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Rule 5-10 CivPro Dean Jara

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(1) Whether or not a complaint for sum of money is the proper remedy for the
petitioner, notwithstanding theKasunduang Pag-aayos; 13 and
MONTANEZ, respondent.[G.R. No. 191336. January 25, 2012.] (2) Whether or not the CA should have decided the case on the merits rather
than remand the case for the enforcement of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos.

On February 1, 2001, respondent Jerry Montanez (Montanez) secured a loan of One

Hundred Forty-Three Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Four Pesos (P143,864.00), HELD: Because the respondent failed to comply with the terms of
payable in one (1) year, or until February 1, 2002, from the petitioner. The respondent the Kasunduang Pag-aayos, said agreement is deemed rescinded pursuant to
gave as collateral therefor his house and lot located at Block 39 Lot 39 Phase 3, Article 2041 of the New Civil Code and the petitioner can insist on his original
Palmera Spring, Bagumbong, Caloocan City.||| Due to the respondent's failure to pay demand. Perforce, the complaint for collection of sum of money is the proper
the loan, the petitioner filed a complaint against the respondent before the Lupong remedy.The petitioner contends that the CA erred in ruling that she should have
Tagapamayapa of Barangay San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal. The parties entered into followed the procedure for enforcement of the amicable settlement as provided in
a Kasunduang Pag-aayos wherein the respondent agreed to pay his loan in the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law, instead of filing a collection case. The
installments in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) per month, and in the petitioner points out that the cause of action did not arise from the Kasunduang Pag-
event the house and lot given as collateral is sold, the respondent would settle the aayos but on the respondent's breach of the original loan agreement.
balance of the loan in full. However, the respondent still failed to pay, and on
December 13, 2004, the Lupong Tagapamayapa issued a certification to file action in This Court agrees with the petitioner. It is true that an amicable settlement reached at
court in favor of the petitioner. the barangay conciliation proceedings, like the Kasunduang Pag-aayos in this case, is
binding between the contracting parties and, upon its perfection, is immediately
On April 7, 2005, the petitioner filed before the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of executory insofar as it is not contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public order
Makati City, Branch 66, a complaint for Collection of Sum of Money. In his Answer and public policy. 16 This is in accord with the broad precept of Article 2037 of
with Counterclaim, 3 the respondent raised the defense of improper venue considering the Civil Code, viz.: A compromise has upon the parties the effect and authority of res
that the petitioner was a resident of Bagumbong, Caloocan City while he lived in San judicata; but there shall be no execution except in compliance with a judicial
Mateo, Rizal.After trial, on August 16, 2006, the MeTC rendered a Decision, 4 which compromise.
disposes as follows: WHEREFORE, premises considered[,] judgment is hereby
rendered ordering defendant Jerry D. Montanez to pay plaintiff. Anent the issue of Being a by-product of mutual concessions and good faith of the parties, an amicable
whether or not there is novation of the loan contract, the CA ruled in the settlement has the force and effect of res judicata even if not judicially
negative. ||The CA went on saying that since the parties entered into a Kasunduang approved. 17 It transcends being a mere contract binding only upon the parties
Pag-aayos before the Lupon ng Barangay, such settlement has the force and effect of thereto, and is akin to a judgment that is subject to execution in accordance with the
a court judgment, which may be enforced by execution within six (6) months from the Rules. 18 Thus, under Section 417 of the Local Government Code, 19 such amicable
date of settlement by the Lupon ng Barangay, or by court action after the lapse of settlement or arbitration award may be enforced by execution by the Barangay
such time. 10 Considering that more than six (6) months had elapsed from the date of Luponwithin six (6) months from the date of settlement, or by filing an action to
settlement, the CA ruled that the remedy of the petitioner was to file an action for the enforce such settlement in the appropriate city or municipal court, if beyond the six-
execution of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos in court and not for collection of sum of month period.
money. 11 Consequently, the CA deemed it unnecessary to resolve the issue on

Case Digests in Civil Procedure Dean Jara AY 17-18 | DAVID, MATEO

Under the first remedy, the proceedings are covered by the Local Government option when he instituted Civil Case No. 5139-V-97 for recovery of unrealized
Code and the Katarungang PambarangayImplementing Rules and Regulations. profits and reimbursement of advance rentals, moral and exemplary damages,
The Punong Barangay is called upon during the hearing to determine solely the fact and attorney's fees. In the instant case, the respondent did not comply with the terms
of non-compliance of the terms of the settlement and to give the defaulting party and conditions of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos. Such non-compliance may be
another chance at voluntarily complying with his obligation under the settlement. construed as repudiation because it denotes that the respondent did not intend to be
Under the second remedy, the proceedings are governed by the Rules of Court, as bound by the terms thereof, thereby negating the very purpose for which it was
amended. The cause of action is the amicable settlement itself, which, by operation of executed. Perforce, the petitioner has the option either to enforce the Kasunduang
law, has the force and effect of a final judgment. Pag-aayos, or to regard it as rescinded and insist upon his original demand, in
accordance with the provision of Article 2041 of the Civil Code.Having instituted an
It must be emphasized, however, that enforcement by execution of the amicable action for collection of sum of money, the petitioner obviously chose to rescind the
settlement, either under the first or the second remedy, is only applicable if the Kasunduang Pag-aayos. As such, it is error on the part of the CA to rule that
contracting parties have not repudiated such settlement within ten (10) days from the enforcement by execution of said agreement is the appropriate remedy under the
date thereof in accordance with Section 416 of the Local Government Code. If the circumstances. Considering that the Kasunduang Pag-aayos is deemed rescinded
amicable settlement is repudiated by one party, either expressly or impliedly, the by the non-compliance of the respondent of the terms thereof, remanding the
other party has two options, namely, to enforce the compromise in accordance with case to the trial court for the enforcement of said agreement is clearly
the Local Government Code or Rules of Court as the case may be, or to consider it unwarranted.
rescinded and insist upon his original demand.
The petitioner avers that the CA erred in remanding the case to the trial court for the
This is in accord with Article 2041 of the Civil Code, which qualifies the broad enforcement of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos as it prolonged the process, "thereby
application of Article 2037, viz.:If one of the parties fails or refuses to abide by the putting off the case in an indefinite pendency." 25 Thus, the petitioner insists that she
compromise, the other party may either enforce the compromise or regard it as should be allowed to ventilate her rights before this Court and not to repeat the same
rescinded and insist upon his original demand. proceedings just to comply with the enforcement of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos, in
order to finally enforce her right to payment. The CA took off on the wrong premise
In the case at bar, the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law provides for a two-
that enforcement of the Kasunduang Pag-aayos is the proper remedy, and therefore
tiered mode of enforcement of an amicable settlement, to wit: (a) by execution by
erred in its conclusion that the case should be remanded to the trial court. The fact
the Punong Barangay which is quasi-judicial and summary in nature on mere motion
that the petitioner opted to rescind theKasunduang Pag-aayos means that she is
of the party entitled thereto; and (b) an action in regular form, which remedy is
insisting upon the undertaking of the respondent under the original loan contract.
judicial. However, the mode of enforcement does not rule out the right of rescission
Thus, the CA should have decided the case on the merits, as an appeal before it, and
under Art. 2041 of the Civil Code. The availability of the right of rescission is
not prolong the determination of the issues by remanding it to the trial court.
apparent from the wording of Sec. 417 itself which provides that the amicable
Pertinently, evidence abounds that the respondent has failed to comply with his loan
settlement "may" be enforced by execution by the lupon within six (6) months from
obligation. In fact, the Kasunduang Pag-aayos is the well nigh incontrovertible proof
its date or by action in the appropriate city or municipal court, if beyond that period.
of the respondent's indebtedness with the petitioner as it was executed precisely to
The use of the word "may" clearly makes the procedure provided in the Revised
give the respondent a second chance to make good on his undertaking. And since the
Katarungang Pambarangay Law directory or merely optional in nature.
respondent still reneged in paying his indebtedness, justice demands that he must be
Thus, although the "Kasunduan" executed by petitioner and respondent before held answerable therefor.
the Office of the BarangayCaptain had the force and effect of a final judgment of
a court, petitioner's non-compliance paved the way for the application of Art.
2041 under which respondent may either enforce the compromise, following the WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed decision of the Court of
procedure laid out in the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law, or regard it as Appeals is SET ASIDE and the Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 146,
rescinded and insist upon his original demand. Respondent chose the latter Makati City, dated March 14, 2007 is REINSTATED. SO ORDERED.

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2. [G.R. No. 192150. October 1, 2014.] and Dr. Melissa Palugod (Godofredo's attending physician). The defense, on the other
hand, presented the petitioner, Wilfredo Verdad and Caridad Sabay. The petitioner
FEDERICO SABAY, petitioner, vs. PEOPLE OF THE denied the charge and claimed that he had simply acted in self-defense. He narrated
PHILIPPINES, respondent. that on the date of the incident while he was putting a monument on his lot,
Godofredo suddenly hit him with an iron bar in his right hand, causing him injuries.
FACTS: Jesus Lopez (Jessie), Godofredo's son, went out of their house and with a .38 caliber
gun, fired the gun at him. To defend himself, he got a stone and threw it at
At around three o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon of June 12, 2001, while the
petitioner and his daughter Erlinda Sabay(Erlinda) were busy laying wood and water
pipes in the yard of Godofredo Lopez (Godofredo), the latter confronted the petitioner The MTC's and the RTC's Rulings
about his (the petitioner's) alleged intrusion into Godofredo's property. A verbal
altercation ensued between them. In the course of the verbal exchange, Erlinda hit
In its decision, MTC believed the prosecution's version of the incident and found the
Godofredo on the head with a hard object. The petitioner joined in by throwing a
petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt of two (2) counts of slight physical injuries.
stone at Godofredo's face, breaking the latter's eyeglasses. Godofredo claimed that as
a result, he felt dizzy. 5 The petitioner and Erlinda then shouted at Godofredo and The MTC, however, dismissed the light threats charged, as this offense is deemed
threatened to kill him. Immediately thereafter, Jervie Lopez (Jervie) came and absorbed in the crime of slight physical injuries. Further, it absolved Erlinda for the
crime of light threats as there wasno allegation that she uttered threatening words
pacified the three. But in the course his efforts, he was hit in the hand with a
against Godofredo. The MTC rejected the petitioner's claim of self-defense for lack of
bolo. 6 The neighbors intervened not long after and pacified the parties. The Medico
clear, convincing and satisfactory supporting evidence. The MTC held that the
Legal Certificates 7 dated June 12, 2001 showed that Godofredo suffered a contusion
on the left parietal area of his head and an abrasion in his left cheek, while Jervie petitioner failed to prove that there had been unlawful aggression by Godofredo; he
sustained a wound in his right palm. did not even present the medical certificate of his injury as evidence. The petitioner
sought recourse with the CA, arguing in this appeal that: (1) the MTC
has no jurisdiction over the case in view of the prosecution's failure to offer the
On June 13, 2001, Godofredo and Jervie filed a complaint against the petitioner Certification to File an Action in evidence; and (2) the trial court erred in not
before the barangay. 8 The parties agreed to settle the complaint based on the sustaining his claim of self-defense.
recommendation of the building inspector and reflected their agreement in their
Kasunduang Pag-aayos 9 (Kasunduan) dated June 20, 2001. The Kasunduan,
however, was not implemented because the building inspector failed to make the The CA's Ruling
promised recommendation to resolve the boundary dispute between the
parties. 10Thus, the Office of the Barangay Captain issued a Certificate to File an The CA rejected the petitioner's arguments and affirmed the RTC's decision. The CA
Action. The petitioner was accordingly charged before the MTC with the crime of held that even if there had been no formal offer of exhibit pursuant to Section 34,
Physical Injuries under two (2) Informations. Rule 132 of the Rules on Evidence, the Certification to File an Action could still be
admitted against the adverse party if, first, it has been duly identified by testimony
duly recorded and, second, it has been incorporated into the records of the case.
The petitioner, together with his daughter Erlinda, was also charged with Light
Noting that the Certification to File an Action was identified by the complainants and
Threats 12 for allegedly uttering threatening words against the private complainant,
is attached to the records of the case, the CA ruled that an exception to Section 34,
Godofredo. When arraigned, both accused pleaded not guilty to all the charges. Trial
Rule 132 of the Rules on Evidence could be recognized.
on the merits thereafter ensued. At the trial, the prosecution presented the following
eyewitnesses: Rodolfo Lata, Sr. y Dolping (Rodolfo) and Dina Perez y
Alapaap (Dina) (who both testified on the details of the crime); Godofredo; Jervie;

Case Digests in Civil Procedure Dean Jara AY 17-18 | DAVID, MATEO

The CA also dismissed the petitioner's plea of self-defense. The CA ruled that self- formal offer, the Certification is not admissible pursuant to Section 412 of Republic
defense is essentially a factual matter that is best addressed by the trial court; in the Act No. 7160, and cannot be considered by the court. We do not find this argument
absence of any showing that both the MTC and the RTC overlooked weighty and sufficiently persuasive.
substantial facts or circumstances that could alter their conclusion, the appellate court
saw no reason to disturb their factual ruling.
In sum, we are fully satisfied that the petitioner is guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of two (2) counts of slight physical injuries, as the lower courts found. His
On March 22, 2010, the CA denied the petitioner's motion for reconsideration; hence, claim of self-defense fails for lack of supporting evidence; he failed to present
the present petition. any evidence of unlawful aggression and cannot thus be said to have hit
Godofredo as a measure to defend himself.


WHEREFORE, premises considered, we DENY the appeal and AFFIRM the
decision dated October 23, 2009 and the resolution dated March 22, 2010 of the
HELD: YES. We find no reversible error committed by the CA and affirm the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 31532.
petitioner's conviction for two counts of slight physical injuries.||| The CA correctly
observed and considered the situation: the settlement of the case was conditioned on
the recommendation of the building inspector; with no recommendation, no resolution SO ORDERED.
of the conflict likewise took place.

Furthermore, the Barangay Captain, as a public official, is presumed to act regularly
in the performance of official duty. 13 In the absence of contrary evidence, this 1. Traveo v. Bobongon Banana Growers Multi-purpose Cooperative, G.R. No.
presumption prevails; his issuance of the disputed Certification to File an Action was 164205, [September 3, 2009]
regular and pursuant to law. 14 Thus, the Barangay Captain properly issued the Facts:
Certification to File an Action.
Petitioner Oldarico Traveo and his 16 co-petitioners, in 1992, respondent Timog
Agricultural Corporation (TACOR) and respondent Diamond Farms, Inc. (DFI)
Even granting that an irregularity had intervened in the Barangay Captain's issuance hired them to work at a banana plantation at Bobongon, Santo Tomas, Davao Del
Norte. Petitioners asseverated that while they worked under the direct control of
of the Certification to File and Action, we note that this irregularity is not a
supervisors assigned by TACOR and DFI, these companies used different schemes
jurisdictional flaw that warrants the dismissal of the criminal cases before the MTC. to make it appear that petitioners were hired through independent contractors,
including individuals, unregistered associations, and cooperatives; that the
successive changes in the names of their employers notwithstanding, they
Thus, the MTC has jurisdiction to try and hear the petitioner's case; the claimed continued to perform the same work under the direct control of TACOR and DFI
irregularity in conciliation procedure, particularly in the issuance of the Certification supervisors; and that under the last scheme adopted by these companies, the
to File an Action, did not deprive the court of its jurisdiction. If at all, the irregularity nominal individual contractors were required to, as they did, join a cooperative and
merely affected the parties' cause of action. The petitioner next contends that even if thus became members of respondent Bobongon Banana Growers Multi-purpose
there was a valid Certification to File an Action, the lower courts still erred in Cooperative (the Cooperative). Sometime in 2000, above-named respondents
began utilizing harassment tactics to ease them out of their jobs Soon thereafter,
admitting the Certificate into evidence as the prosecution did not formally offer it as they stopped paying their salaries, prompting them to stop working.
required by the Rules on Evidence. He emphasizes that in Fideldia v. Sps.
Mulato, 18 the Court held that a formal offer is necessary because judges are required One after another, three separate complaints for illegal dismissal were filed by
petitioners, individually and collectively, with the National Labor Relations
to base their findings solely upon evidence offered by the parties. In the absence of a
Commission (NLRC) against said respondents including respondent Dole Asia

Case Digests in Civil Procedure Dean Jara AY 17-18 | DAVID, MATEO

Philippines as it then supposedly owned TACOR, for unpaid salaries, overtime signs the verification, and when matters alleged in the petition have been made
pay, 13th month pay, service incentive leave pay, damages, and attorney's fees. in good faith or are true and correct.
The Labor Arbiter, found respondent Cooperative guilty of illegal dismissal. On 4) As to certification against forum shopping, non-compliance therewith or a defect
partial appeal to the NLRC, petitioners questioned the Labor Arbiter's denial of therein, unlike in verification, is generally not curable by its subsequent submission
their money claims and the dropping of their complaints against TACOR, DFI, and or correction thereof, unless there is a need to relax the Rule on the ground of
Dole Asia Philippines. NLRC sustained the Labor Arbiter's ruling that the "substantial compliance" or presence of "special circumstances or compelling
employer of petitioners is the Cooperative, there being no showing that the earlier reasons". DcCITS
mentioned Orders of the DOLE Secretary had been set aside by a court of
competent jurisdiction. It partially granted petitioners' appeal, however, by 5) The certification against forum shopping must be signed by all the plaintiffs
ordering the Cooperative to pay them their unpaid wages, wage differentials, or petitioners in a case; otherwise, those who did not sign will be dropped as
service incentive leave pay, and 13th month pay. It thus remanded the case to the parties to the case. Under reasonable or justifiable circumstances, however, as when
Labor Arbiter for computation of those awards. Their Motion for Reconsideration all the plaintiffs or petitioners share a common interest and invoke a common cause
having been denied by Resolution of September 30, 2003, petitioners appealed to of action or defense, the signature of only one of them in the certification against
the Court of Appeals via certiorari. forum shopping substantially complies with the Rule.

By Resolution dated February 20, 2004, the appellate court dismissed 6) Finally, the certification against forum shopping must be executed by the
petitioners' petition for certiorari on the ground that the accompanying party-pleader, not by his counsel. If, however, for reasonable or justifiable
verification and certification against forum shopping was defective, it having reasons, the party-pleader is unable to sign, he must execute a Special
been signed by only 19 of the 22 therein named petitioners. Their Motion for Power of Attorney designating his counsel of record to sign on his behalf.
Reconsideration having been denied by Resolution of May 13, 2004, petitioners (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
lodged the present Petition for Review on Certiorari.
In this case, the foregoing restated pronouncements were lost in the challenged
Petitioners posit that the appellate court erred in dismissing their petition on a mere Resolutions of the appellate court. Petitioners' contention that the appellate court
technicality as it should have, at most, dismissed the petition only with respect to should have dismissed the petition only as to the non-signing petitioners or
the non-signing petitioners. merely dropped them as parties to the case is thus in order.
Issue: WON the appellate court erred in dismissing their petition due to the defect in
the verification and certification against forum shopping
Held: 1. Philippine Ports Authority v. William Gothong & Aboitiz, Inc., G.R. No.
No. The Court's guidelines for the bench and bar in Altres v. Empleo, 20 which were 158401, [January 28, 2008]
culled "from jurisprudential pronouncements", are instructive: For the guidance of
the bench and bar, the Court restates in capsule form the jurisprudential Facts:
pronouncements already reflected above respecting non-compliance with the After the expiration of the lease contract of Veterans Shipping Corporation over the
requirements on, or submission of defective, verification and certification Marine Slip Way in the North Harbor on December 31, 2000, petitioner WG&A
against forum shopping: requested respondent PPA( Philippine Ports Authority) for it to be allowed to lease
1) A distinction must be made between non-compliance with the requirement on or and operate the said facility. Thereafter, then President Estrada issued a
submission of defective verification, and non-compliance with the requirement on or memorandum dated December 18, 2000, stating to the effect that in its meeting held
submission of defective certification against forum shopping. on December 13, 2000, the Economic Coordinating Council (ECC) has approved the
request of petitioner WG&A to lease the Marine Slip Way from January 1 to June
2) As to verification, non-compliance therewith or a defect therein does not
30, 2001 or until such time that respondent PPA turns over its operations to the
necessarily render the pleading fatally defective. The court may order its submission
winning bidder for the North Harbor Modernization Project. However, believing that
or correction or act on the pleading if the attending circumstances are such that strict
the said lease already expired on June 30, 2001, respondent PPA subsequently sent a
compliance with the Rule may be dispensed with in order that the ends of justice letter to petitioner WG&A dated November 12, 2001 directing the latter to vacate the
may be served thereby. contested premises not later than November 30, 2001 and to turnover the
3) Verification is deemed substantially complied with when one who has ample improvements made therein pursuant to the terms and conditions agreed upon in the
knowledge to swear to the truth of the allegations in the complaint or petition contract. In response, petitioner WG&A wrote PPA on November 27, 2001 urging

Case Digests in Civil Procedure Dean Jara AY 17-18 | DAVID, MATEO

the latter to reconsider its decision to eject the former. Said request was denied by Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in ruling that the RTC committed grave abuse of
the PPA via a letter dated November 29, 2001. discretion when it denied the admission of the second amended complaint

On November 28, 2001, petitioner WG&A commenced an Injunction suit before the Held:
Regional Trial Court of Manila. Petitioner claims that the PPA unjustly, illegally and No. The CA did not err in finding that the RTC committed grave abuse of discretion
prematurely terminated the lease contract. It likewise prayed for the issuance of a in issuing the Order dated March 22, 2002 denying the admission of respondent's
temporary restraining order to arrest the evacuation. In its complaint, petitioner also second amended complaint.
sought recovery of damages for breach of contract and attorney's fees. On December
11, 2001, petitioner WG&A amended its complaint for the first time. The The RTC applied the old Section 3, Rule 10 of the Rules of Court:
complaint was still denominated as one for Injunction with prayer for TRO. In the Section 3. Amendments by leave of court. after the case is set
said amended pleading, the petitioner incorporated statements to the effect for hearing, substantial amendments may be made only upon
that PPA is already estopped from denying that the correct period of lease is "until leave of court. But such leave may be refused if it appears to the
such time that the North Harbor Modernization Project has been bidded out to and court that the motion was made with intent to delay the action or
operations turned over to the winning bidder. It likewise included, as its third cause that the cause of action or defense is substantially altered. Orders
of action, the additional relief in its prayer, that should the petitioner be forced to of the court upon the matters provided in this section shall be
vacate the said facility, it should be deemed as entitled to be refunded of the value of made upon motion filed in court, and after notice to the adverse
the improvements it introduced in the leased property. party, and an opportunity to be heard.
Following the first amendment in the petitioner's complaint, instead of the provisions of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, amending Section
respondent PPA submitted its answer on January 23, 2002. Meanwhile, the TRO 3, Rule 10, to wit:
sought by the former was denied by the trial court by way of an order dated January
16, 2002. SECTION 3. Amendments by leave of court. Except as
provided in the next preceding section, substantial amendments
Petitioner later moved for the reconsideration of the said Order on February 11, may be made only upon leave of court. But such leave may be
2002. Shortly thereafter, petitioner filed a Motion to Admit Attached Second refused if it appears to the court that the motion was made
Amended Complaint. This time, however, the complaint was already captioned as with intent to delay. Orders of the court upon the matters
one for Injunction with Prayer for Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of provided in this section shall be made upon motion filed in court,
Preliminary Injunction and damages and/or for Reformation of Contract. Also, it and after notice to the adverse party, and an opportunity to be
included as its fourth cause of action and additional relief in its prayer, the heard.
reformation of the contract as it failed to express or embody the true intent of the
contracting parties. The admission of the second amended complaint met strong The Court has emphasized the import of Section 3, Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules of
opposition from the respondent PPA. It postulated that the reformation sought Civil Procedure in Valenzuela v. Court of Appeals, thus:
for by the petitioner constituted substantial amendment, which if granted, will Interestingly, Section 3, Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
substantially alter the latter's cause of action and theory of the case. amended the former rule in such manner that the phrase "or that the cause of
RTC issued an Order denying the Admission of the Second Amended Complaint. action or defense is substantially altered" was stricken-off and not retained
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of the aforesaid order but the same was in the new rules. The clear import of such amendment in Section 3, Rule
again denied in an order dated April 26, 2002. Herein respondent WG&A then filed 10 is that under the new rules, "the amendment may (now)
a petition for certiorari with the CA seeking the nullification of the aforementioned substantially alter the cause of action or defense." This should only be
RTC orders. The CA granted respondent's petition, thereby setting aside the RTC true, however, when despite a substantial change or alteration in the cause
orders and directing the RTC to admit respondent's second amended complaint of action or defense, the amendments sought to be made shall serve the
pursuant to Section 3, Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. Petitioner higher interests of substantial justice, and prevent delay and equally
moved for reconsideration but the same was denied per Resolution dated May 15, promote the laudable objective of the rules which is to secure a "just,
2003. speedy and inexpensive disposition of every action and proceeding."

Hence, the present petition. 2. Swagman Hotels & Travel Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 161135, [April
8, 2005]

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Facts: other matters included in the case may be determined in a single proceeding, thereby
David Hegerty, its president and vice-president, respectively, obtained from private avoiding multiplicity of suits. Section 5 thereof applies to situations wherein
respondent Neal B. Christian loans evidenced by three promissory notes dated 7 evidence not within the issues raised in the pleadings is presented by the parties
August 1996, 14 March 1997, and 14 July 1997. Each of the promissory notes is in during the trial, and to conform to such evidence the pleadings are subsequently
the amount of US$50,000 payable after three years from its date with an amended on motion of a party. Thus, a complaint which fails to state a
interest of 15% per annum payable every three months. In a letter dated 16 cause of action may be cured by evidence presented during the trial.
December 1998, Christian informed the petitioner corporation that he was
terminating the loans and demanded from the latter payment in the total However, the curing effect under Section 5 is applicable only if a cause of action in
amount of US$150,000 plus unpaid interests in the total amount of US$13,500. fact exists at the time the complaint is filed, but the complaint is defective for failure
to allege the essential facts. It thus follows that a complaint whose cause of action
On 2 February 1999, private respondent Christian filed with the Regional has not yet accrued cannot be cured or remedied by an amended or supplemental
Trial Court of Baguio City, Branch 59, a complaint for a sum of money and damages pleading alleging the existence or accrual of a cause of action while the case is
against the petitioner corporation, Hegerty, and Atty. Infante. For a while, they paid pending. Such an action is prematurely brought and is, therefore, a groundless suit,
an interest of 15% per annum every three months in accordance with the three which should be dismissed by the court upon proper motion seasonably filed by the
promissory notes. However, starting January 1998 until December 1998, they paid defendant. The underlying reason for this rule is that a person should not be
him only an interest of 6% per annum, instead of 15% per annum, in violation of the summoned before the public tribunals to answer for complaints which are immature.
terms of the three promissory notes. Thus, Christian prayed that the trial court order As this Court eloquently said in Surigao Mine Exploration Co., Inc. v. Harris: unless
them to pay him jointly and solidarily the amount of US$150,000 representing the the plaintiff has a valid and subsisting cause of action at the time his action is
total amount of the loans; US$13,500 representing unpaid interests from January commenced, the defect cannot be cured or remedied by the acquisition or
1998 until December 1998; P100,000 for moral damages; P50,000 for attorney's accrual of one while the action is pending, and a supplemental complaint or an
fees; and the cost of the suit. amendment setting up such after-accrued cause of action is not
permissible.||| Hence, contrary to the holding of the trial court and
RTC rendered a decision on 5 May 2000 declaring the first two promissory notes the Court of Appeals, the defect of lack of cause of action at the
dated 7 August 1996 and 14 March 1997 as already due and demandable and that the commencement of this suit cannot be cured by the accrual of a cause of action during
interest on the loans had been reduced by the parties from 15% to 6% per annum. the pendency of this case arising from the alleged maturity of two of the promissory
When the instant case was filed on February 2, 1999, none of the promissory notes notes on 7 August 1999 and 14 March 2000.|||
was due and demandable. As of this date however, the first and the second
promissory notes have already matured. Hence, payment is already due.
Under Section 5 of Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, a complaint which
states no cause of action may be cured by evidence presented without objection.
Thus, even if the plaintiff had no cause of action at the time he filed the instant
complaint, as defendants' obligation are not yet due and demandable then, he may
nevertheless recover on the first two promissory notes in view of the
introduction of evidence showing that the obligations covered by the two promissory
notes are now due and demandable. Court of Appeals denied petitioner's appeal and
affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court. MR was filed but was denied by the
Court of Appeals. Hence, this petition.

No. Amendments of pleadings are allowed under Rule 10 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure in order that the actual merits of a case may be determined in the most
expeditious and inexpensive manner without regard to technicalities, and that all

Case Digests in Civil Procedure Dean Jara AY 17-18 | DAVID, MATEO

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