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Blog My Favorite Vacation N

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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: Blog My favorite vacation / Evidencia: Blog Mis vacaciones


In this activity, you will have to participate in a blog. In your entry, please describe your
favorite vacation. Include dates, places you visited, activities you did, means of
transportation, some pictures (can be unreal) and any other information you consider
relevant. / En esta evidencia, usted deber participar en un blog. En su entrada de
blog, por favor describa sus vacaciones favoritas. Incluya fechas, los lugares que
visit, las actividades que hizo, en qu se transport. Incluya imgenes (pueden
ser o no reales) y cualquier otra
informacin que considere relevante.

Example / Ejemplo:

My favorite vacation

My favorite vacation was in 2005. I went to Venezuela. I traveled by plane. It was a

good flight. I went to many places in Caracas. I visited museums, restaurants, parks,
discotheques, theaters, and churches. They were beautiful and funny. I stayed in a
beautiful hotel. In January, I spent some days in an exotic beach near Caracas. It
was fantastic. I practiced scuba diving, I swam in the ocean, and I surfed a lot. I ate
delicious food and I met many friends. I came back to Bogota in February. My
vacation was fantastic because I rested a lot, I met new friends and I knew beautiful

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

My favorite vacation and my last vacation.
In this picture we were at the beach in San Andres, where the weather was
always very warm and sunny, and we had lots of fun, so I cannot complain.

In this picture All my family were barefoot.

We took off their shoes in the beach because you was felt the sand on your
feet and it was very relaxing.

I was wearing a brown shorts and a white t-shirt, and a sunglasses.

She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, and a hat of many colors.

The boy, He was wearing a brown shorts and a red t-shirt.

My favorite vacation was in 2015. I went to San Andres.

I traveled by plane. It was a good flight.

We stayed in a hotel where we were treated really well and started to enjoy.

I spent some days in an exotic beach Johnny Cay near San Andres.
I went to many places in Johnny Cay.

Many tourists visited Johnny Cay, and they knew and saw the island, and
the light blue of the sea and white sand.

I played with my little son in the sand. We made many sand castles with the
help of my wife and we even made a competition which one was better.
And as always my son was angry because he could not built the castle.

We met nice people of the island, and we bought and ate delicious sea food
in the restaurants of the island.
I wanted to eat a shrimp cocktail and I loved it.
We ate a lot of fish and seafood, the seafood was delicious but something
that I didnt like was coconut milk, it wasnt tasty, my wife said that it is
amazing and delicious but I didnt like it.

It was fantastic. I practiced scuba diving, I swam in the ocean with my wife
and children, and we saw a starfish and many snails and crabs.

The hottest days we went into the sea and we swam to get tired, of course I
did it carefully.
My favorite vacation and my last vacation. My favorite vacation and my last vacation.
My name is Diego Torres and this is my family. Mi nombre es Diego Torres y esta es mi familia.
In this picture we were at the beach in San Andres, En esta foto se encontraban en la playa de San Andrs,
where the weather was always very warm and donde el clima era siempre muy clido y soleado, y
sunny, and we had lots of fun, so I cannot tenamos un montn de diversin, as que no puedo
complain. quejarme.

In this picture All my family were barefoot. En esta imagen Toda mi familia estaba descalzo.
We took off their shoes in the beach because you Nos quitamos los zapatos en la playa, ya que se hizo
was felt the sand on your feet and it was very sentir la arena en sus pies y era muy relajante.

I was wearing a brown shorts and a white t-shirt, Yo llevaba un pantaln marrn y una camiseta blanca, y
and a sunglasses. unas gafas de sol.

The woman is my wife, Daniela. La mujer es mi esposa, Daniela.

She was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans, and Llevaba una camiseta blanca y pantalones vaqueros
a hat of many colors. azules y un sombrero de muchos colores.

The boy is my son, Juan Camilo. El nio es mi hijo, Juan Camilo.

He was wearing a brown shorts and a red t-shirt. Llevaba un pantaln marrn y una camiseta roja.

The little girl is my daughter Diana, she was La nia es mi hija Diana, ella llevaba un vestido de color
wearing a pink dress, and a long brown hair. rosa, y un pelo largo y castao.

My favorite vacation was in 2015. Mi favorito de vacaciones fue en 2015.

I went to San Andres. Fui a San Andrs.

I traveled by plane. It was a good flight. Viaj en avin. Fue un buen vuelo.

We stayed in a hotel where we were treated really Nos quedamos en un hotel donde nos trataron muy bien
well and started to enjoy. y empezamos a disfrutar.

I spent some days in an exotic beach Johnny Cay Pas unos das en una playa extica Johnny Cay, cerca
near San Andres. de San Andrs.
I went to many places in Johnny Cay. Fui a muchos lugares en Johnny Cay.

Many tourists visited Johnny Cay, and they knew Muchos turistas visitaron Johnny Cay, y conocieron y
and saw the island, and the light blue of the sea vieron la isla, y la luz azul del mar y la arena blanca.
and white sand.

I played with my little son in the sand. Jugu con mi pequeo hijo en la arena.
We made many sand castles with the help of my Hicimos muchos castillos de arena con la ayuda de mi
wife and we even made a competition which one esposa y incluso hicimos un concurso que uno era mejor.
was better. Y como siempre mi hijo estaba enojado porque no poda
And as always my son was angry because he could construido el castillo.
not built the castle.

We met nice people of the island, and we bought Nos encontramos con gente agradable de la isla, y
and ate delicious sea food in the restaurants of the compramos y comimos deliciosa comida de mar en los
island. restaurantes de la isla.

I wanted to eat a shrimp cocktail and I loved it. Quera comer un cctel de camarones y me encant.
We ate a lot of fish and seafood, the seafood was Comimos un montn de peces y mariscos, el marisco era
delicious but something that I didnt like was deliciosa, pero algo que no me gustaba era la leche de
coconut milk, it wasnt tasty, my wife said that it is coco, no lo era sabrosa, mi mujer dijo que es increble y
amazing and delicious but I didnt like it. deliciosa, pero yo no me gusto esto.

It was fantastic. I practiced scuba diving, I swam in Fue fantstico. Practicaba submarinismo, nad en el
the ocean with my wife and children, and we saw a ocano con mi esposa e hijos, y vi una estrella de mar y
starfish and many snails and crabs. muchos caracoles y cangrejos.

The hottest days we went into the sea and we Los das ms calurosos que entraron en el mar y
swam to get tired, of course I did it carefully. nadaron a cansarse, por supuesto que lo hice con
My wife always took care of our children and Mi esposa siempre se encarg de nuestros hijos y nos
warned us of any danger. advirti de cualquier peligro.

We went to a nightclub called the cave and then Fuimos a un club nocturno llamado la cueva y luego
traveled around the island. viajamos alrededor de la isla.

This vacation needed them to forget the problems Estas vacaciones los necesitaba para olvidar los
and stressed of daily routine in the work. problemas e hizo hincapi en la rutina diaria en el
It was a perfect beach day. Fue un da de playa perfecto.

With my wife went shopping in a very large store. Con mi esposa fuimos de compras en una tienda muy
We bought souvenirs, clothing, objects, ornaments Compramos recuerdos, ropa, objetos, adornos y nos
and we became fully loaded with things at the hotel. convertimos en plena carga con las cosas en el hotel.

My vacation was fantastic because I rested a lot, I Mi viaje fue fantstico porque descans mucho, me
met new friends and I knew beautiful places. encontr con nuevos amigos y supe lugares hermosos.

Obviously, all this time we took pictures, which after Obviamente, todo este tiempo nos tom fotos, que
I edited on the computer and put them effects, so despus de editar en la computadora y los pusieron
that they look more beautiful. efectos, por lo que se ven ms bella.
Then, my wife made a scrapbook with them. Entonces, mi esposa hizo un libro de recuerdos con

In conclusion I can say that i had a wonderful time En conclusin puedo decir que he tenido un tiempo
with my family, I enjoy the time and the moments maravilloso con mi familia, me gusta el tiempo y los
that I spend in that awesome beach, I hope that momentos que pasan en esa playa impresionante,
one day we will be back there!. espero que algn da vamos a volver all !.

Follow the steps below to participate:

1. Click on the blog title and then on Crear entrada de blog.
2. Write the title and your entry messages with your feedback. Then, click on
Publicar entrada.
3. Explore your learning mates comments and, then, give constructive
feedback by clicking on Comentario.
4. Once you have written the comment, click on Aadir.

Pasos para participar:

1. Dar clic en el ttulo del blog y luego en Crear entrada de blog.

2. Escribir el ttulo y el mensaje de entrada con sus aportes, despus dar clic
en Publicar entrada.
3. Explorar lo expuesto por sus compaeros y posteriormente hacer sus
comentarios constructivos dando clic en Comentario.
4. Una vez escrito el comentario, dar clic en Aadir.

Criterios de evaluacin
Describe experiencias de vacaciones haciendo uso de la estructura
gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

Usa los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado simple con la estructura y

el vocabulario requeridos.

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