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Speaking Part 2 Band 9 Answers

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1. Describe a day out that didn't cost a lot

One of my favorite days out that I had that ended up being very cost-effective day out was when my
husband and I decided to go with some friends to the beach to camp overnight to spend the day
with each other. So, we decided that we were going to have very simple food at the beach, we were
going to just make some sandwiches. So, we just used some food from our refrigerator that we
already had. We had bread and some lunch meat and things like this and then some fruit and some
vegetables. So, it ended up being very cost-effective, and we didn't have to go to the store and
purchase supplies for this trip, and we also didn't have to purchase firewood. Because we moved to
a very secret spot where you could sort of make your way down the hill to reach the beach, and you
could procure your own firewood from the beach. So, we got our own firewood loaded into the car
with our sandwiches, and headed to this beach that we had been told was very beautiful. So, our
friends and ourselves went to this beach. We set up our chairs and our tent and our food and
supplies, and we were just sitting around enjoying each other's company and catching up on each
other's lives, and it was a really nice bonding experience for all of us, and as the sun was going
down of course it was a beautiful sunset as it always is at the beach, this is sort of a given. But we
noticed that there was a turtle climbing onto the beach, a sea turtle and we couldn't believe our luck
it was such a beautiful sight and then before we knew it more and more turtles started to climb up
onto this beach and before we knew it there were maybe 30 turtles that had come to sleep on the
beach for the evening. It was really a one-in-a-million experience. It was something that I'll never
forget, something that I couldn't prepare for. It was overwhelming, and it was breathtaking. It was so

2. Describe a positive change in your life

Something that really created a lot of positive change in my life was acquiring a position in a
veterinary clinic. Before this time, I had been working different jobs, and I hadn't been sure what
direction I wanted to go with my life which made me feel kind of aimless. It was hard to feel motivated
in this situation. So I decided to go where I could do something that I love, which is to be around
animals. Animals are my favorite thing in the world. So I found a job at a veterinary clinic, and
immediately I realized this was the change that I needed in my life. Because it gave me something
to work on and work towards. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge that has to be gained,
so it gave me something that I wanted to study about every day. I was learning something new every
day, and it really created this passion inside of me to not only continue to be around animals every
day but to be the best at what I was doing to gain more knowledge and to really become an expert
at what I was doing, and I did the best that I could in that position. So it really helped me define my
sense of self. It gave me an identity while I was in this field, and it really helped me cultivate some
very meaningful relationships as well. Because I was around people with whom I had a shared
passion all day long. So we could really connect with each other on these issues. I always speak
about something that interested me, which of course, you know, we spoke with a lot of passion, and
this helped to really create some very meaningful relationships, and connections, and these will be
friendships that I will have for my entire life. And while I no longer work in this field, it did help to
propel me forward with a sense of confidence and knowing that it's really important for me in my life
to do things that I feel passionate about because that's what keeps me excited, that's what motivates
3. Describe a quiet place you like to go to

One of my favorite places that I like to go to when I'm looking for just a quiet place where I can go
is a beach park called the Whole keeper, which has an overlook. So it's quite high above the beach
and the ocean it's sort of a sea cliff so a lot of people will park their cars and they'll get out of their
car, and they'll just stand or sit and watch the ocean. Not only is it a wonderful place to watch the
ocean, but you will also aim at surf spots and winter things, spots where you can watch the surfers,
catch the waves, you can watch the waves crashing on the shore, and can watch them do some
pretty amazing things. You can watch them demonstrate their skills instead of competing with each
other in a fun, competitive way. But the reason that I love this place so much is that it really helps
me to center myself. It's almost meditative. It really engages all of your senses, so of course, you're
seeing the waves, and you're seeing the ocean, and it's absolutely gorgeous. You are taking these
big deep breaths of fresh salty ocean air. You know you can feel the sand, you can hear the waves,
you can hear sea birds. So it's a really good place to just be very present and to see everything
that's going on around you and to be happy with everything that's going on around you. Because I
don't think anyone could be unhappy in this place. So it's also a really nice place to be with your
thoughts because everyone is sort of there to just enjoy themselves alone. Every once in a while,
someone will you know go with friends and will speak with each other. But most of the people you'll
find there are alone, and they're there to just really have some quiet time to think about things, to
contemplate their lives, and I think most of the big decisions that I've made in the last many years
have been made at this overlook looking at the ocean.

4. Describe an occasion when you got stuck in a traffic jam

There was one time that I was caught in a very terrible traffic jam that ended up being a really
positive experience. So that's what I'm going to talk about today. I was on a trip with my family. We
were driving a very long distance from one state to another to visit some relatives. All of a sudden,
we see ahead of us that traffic is slowing, and then we can do a complete stop. We thought, OK,
maybe there's something in the road, maybe there's some construction, and so we're sitting there,
time passes more time is passing, and finally, we realized we were not going anywhere. And
suddenly, we see that the people around us have also sort of figured this out, and people are getting
out of their cars, so we're on a what is usually a very busy highway, and everyone is standing around
outside on the street which was quite a contrast to what we're usually seeing on that situation. So
that strikes me as very interesting and very funny. But we decided why not so we also got out of the
car and people were playing their music in their car with their windows open. It was like a big party
on the street, on what's usually a very busy highway, so it's also you know when you're in a situation
like this that's rather unusual and could be very frustrating and angering, but people are making the
best of it and finding the silver lining in this situation. This can kind of create a sense of community,
you know we're all in this together, and so we're all engaging with each other, we're laughing about
it, we're talking about it, we're making friends with the people in other cars. So I was really excited
to see, however, and kind of came together and made this positive situation and turns, you know, a
traffic jam which is arguably one of the most frustrating things in our lives, into something very fun
and memorable, and I'll never forget this party in the highway that we had during a traffic jam.
5. Describe a time when you lost something and then got it back

I would like to talk about a time when I lost my car keys in a department store and luckily was able
to get them back at the end of the day. We have a very large store nearby with many many aisles,
and it has food and clothes and everything you could possibly need for your house. So as you can
imagine it's quite a large store because they have a little bit of everything. So we did our shopping.
We got everything on our list, and so I went to go put it in the car and realized we didn't have our
car keys which, of course, instills a sense of panic, you know you think, Oh my gosh, where my
keys?! So we went back into the store, and we kind of reversed followed our list to retrace our steps,
and we couldn't find them, so then I'm starting to kind of dig their things, and I'm you know leaving
no stone unturned so to speak and searching in every nook and cranny of the store, and we still
couldn't find it so, of course, my panic level is just rising during this whole time. I'm asking every
employee that I can find, you know has anyone turned in a set of keys? No, we haven't had any
keys turned in, so we keep searching, and I'm finally thinking, oh my goodness, we're going to have
to give up. We're never gonna find our keys, and finally, to my great relief, I heard an announcement,
and they said, well, the woman looking for her keys, please come to the front desk. So I guess yes,
thankfully someone had found like he's in the store and given them to a store employee, so we were
able to finally leave the store after many hours. Luckily, we haven't bought any cold items that day,
or they would have surely gone bad while we were trying to search for our keys. Yes, it was a huge
sense of relief to finally have the keys back, and ever since then, I've been very careful having now
a clip on my keys, so it hooks up to my purse or my belt loop, on my pants, so they are not going
anywhere they're very secure.

6. Describe an important river or lake in your country

There is a very important and famous lake in my country called Lake Taho. It's a world-famous lake
because it has some of the clearest water in the world, so you can be out on this water and you can
see to the bottom many, many, many feet down, it's crystal clear. So it's very famous for that reason.
I actually grew up very near to this lake, so we spent a lot of time there, especially during the
summertime. Something that makes this lake really unique is that it's at a very high elevation, and
so during the wintertime, it's surrounded by snow, and there are mountains all around it, so it's trees
and forests, and it's very, very, very snowy there in the wintertime. In the summertime, the snow
doesn't fully melt, so you'll be going to the beach on a very hot day, and you'll still see snow-capped
mountains in the distance, which is quite an interesting experience while you're in your bathing suit
in the hot weather. The lake is constantly replenished by melting snow so by snowmelt, so it's rather
cold all year long in the wintertime they always have a hypothermia warning please don't enjoy the
lake. It's very cold, some brave souls do, but it's definitely not recommended. During the
summertime, people love to go there because it's very, very hot but the water is still very cold, so
the joke was that you know it's so hot that you wanna go into the water, but it's so cold in the water
that you have to get out after a couple of minutes. So you spend your entire beach day going in and
out of the water to try to cool down and warm up, but the water is absolutely gorgeous. People love
to swim there, love going on boats, they also love to do stand-up paddle boarding and jet skis, so
there are a lot of activities that people do on this lake.
7. Describe a competition you would like to take part in

There is a competition that I would love to take part in called The Amazing Race. It is a very popular
television show here in which several teams travel around the world competing in different
challenges, and at the end of each leg of the race, one team is eliminated until finally, there are only
a few teams left and whoever wins that final leg wins million dollars. So obviously I would love to
win that prize, but for me, the reason I would like to compete in this particular race is because of the
fact that you get to go around the world and not only that, but they really try to put you in situations
where you are exposed to local culture and local traditions, so it's a really unique way to experience
different places and different people. Because I love to travel and because I love learning about new
cultures and new languages, I think this is the perfect competition for me it's made for me I think so
definitely I would love the opportunity to travel the world in this competition. It really pushes you to
your limit, though, so you have to have a lot of mental fortitude. You also have to be rather physically
fit because some of the challenges are mental while other tasks are quite physical. So it partners in
this competition, so ideally, you find someone that complements your set of skills, so you have a
very well-rounded skillset in your team of two. That's the ideal combination. Like I said, it really tests
you, so you have to be very ready to be pushed to your limits physically, mentally, emotionally. You
also have to go in knowing if you wanna play dirty or if you wanna play fair because some teams
will be very thrilled and really take any opportunity, they have to mess up another team's chances,
you know to further their own games, so you have to decide to go in or out.

8. Describe an interesting neighbor

I had a lot of interesting neighbors over the years, but I think one neighbor that stands out as being
rather interesting is Ian Walsh, who is a famous big wave surfer. When we moved into our new
home in Hawaii, we didn't know who would be living near, and we knew that surfing was very famous
there, of course. Since I have a relative who is also very fanatical about watching big waves or being
so, I already knew many of the names of some of the very famous surfers around the world because
of this relative. One day we were out taking walk. I was walking my dog, and I saw this nice couple
and their young baby out for a walk on her street. I looked closer, and I realized Oh my gosh, this is
Ian Walsh. I saw that he actually lived just across the street from me, so this became my little claim
to fame, but I lived across the street from this very famous well-known big wave surfer, and it was
so interesting because I've watched him on TV. I've seen him compete and really admire him as an
athlete and also as a competitor. He's really proven himself to be a very nice person, so that was
really interesting and then I I was really excited to pick up the phone and call my relative who's such
a big fan and tell him Oh my goodness, this is my new neighbor I can't believe it I'm so excited and
I had to kind of remind myself OK you know he's just a regular person. We tend to put celebrities up
on a pedestal. You know, we really tend to idolize them and forget that they are just regular people
like you and me, so that was a humbling moment where I had to realize, OK, you know he's walking
with his wife and his child. He's just a regular guy like the rest of us, but it was still really exciting. I
spent the next many years telling anyone who would listen that I was neighbors with Ian Walsh and
feeling very proud of this fact. He is, I think, one of my more interesting neighbors and definitely the
most famous neighbors that I've ever had.
9. Describe an important event you celebrated

An important event that I celebrated was the wedding of my father. He married a few years back
and found a very wonderful woman that is perfect for him. They make each other really happy, they
complement each other very well, and so they ended up having a wedding in our really backyard,
which was very special because it felt very personal and not very close to home, and it just made it
really, really special, that it was something so close and quiet and intimate. So a friend was the one
who did the actual ceremony, and I took pictures, and my brother and sister were at the wedding,
so we were all very involved. We all had our part to play in this wedding which made it even more
special. And another really exciting aspect of this wedding is that my stepmother is from the
Philippines, so the wedding had a fusion of cultures between our American culture for weddings and
her Filipino culture for weddings, so different traditions were honored in the ceremony, there were
different foods from both cultures available for people to eat. So it was really fun to watch a lot of
our very American friends or relatives try some of her family's food for the first time, and I was very
proud of them for being open-minded and being willing to get in there and give it a try, so you know
some things they obviously liked better than others, but it was it was quite fun to watch them try
those foods that I had already been able to try, thanks to her delicious cooking over the years, so
yeah it was a really fun event was really memorable, and it was really special, because like I said
we all were playing our part and we all became a family that day officially of course. We felt like a
family before that, but the pen was put to paper, and it was official that day that we became a family,
so I gained a new mother in my life.

10. Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

The thing that I do most frequently to stay fit and healthy is to walk and hike quite often. Luckily, I
have a dog, who needs to go out very often, so I use that as an opportunity and also as a driving
force when maybe I'm not feeling quite so motivated because I don't have a choice. I've got to take
the dog out, so I used it as an opportunity to get some exercise. We try to do long daily walks and
sometimes more than once during the day, depending on how hot or rainy it may be, we may have
to have some shorter walks, but we do our daily walk every morning, and sometimes we take
different routes. The dog seems to really enjoy some variety in his life, so we try to keep things
spiced up for him. So yes, we do some nice long walks together, but my preferred method is hiking.
I really love that I can combine physical activity with getting to see some really beautiful things. It's
just only motivation, so there's a particular place that I go very often, where you can park the car,
and after 10 minutes of walking you have amazing views, and you can really take in the scenery
from the top of the hill, you can look, you can see the ocean in the distance. In one direction you
can see hills, in the other it's very scenic. It's breathtaking, so you don't really realize that you're
helpings nothing and that you're getting quite a good workout because you're just enjoying the view,
so you're kind of checking yourself into exercising and staying Astro that way, so that's my favorite
way an I really used that method to explore some really beautiful places we have found some
tremendous forest paths, and we have seen some gorgeous coastal trails, and you don't mind
pushing yourself to physical limits, you know you're sweating, you're sore, but you don't mind.
11. Describe something that surprised you

Something that really surprised me was enjoying myself very much on the recent trip, and I'll tell you
why. I get very seasick. I get sick during motion of really any kind, so when my father-in-law invited
us to go on a boat trip, I thought this was my worst nightmare. I thought there could be no worse trip
for me I knew it would be beautiful I knew that there would be so many wonderful things to see that
we would enjoy spending time with family, but I thought there's no way I can go on this trip because
I'm going to spend 5 days vomiting it's gonna be terrible, but no one wants do it so you know I didn't
wanna say no we didn't want to hurt their feelings, so I tried to prepare as much as I could, I grabbed
every new invention to prevent motion sickness, every new remedy you know medical and herbal
and I was ready to do a rain dance at that point I would have taken any potion anyone had given
me to prevent this motion sickness, so you know we got the boat I was fully prepared for the worst
and to my great surprise and relief, the type of boat that they had gotten was very stable on the
water, so we weren't you know tossing and turning, we weren't going up and down all the time that
also keeps quite inexperienced sailor, so he was able to make the boat very common even for us,
so I was very prepared to be sick of the dog. The entire time that I ended up only being a little bit
sick, few times, it was very manageable, and I ended up having an amazing time. I guess I just had
to find my sea legs, but after I did so, I had a really wonderful time, and I'm so glad that I went
because we ended up seeing just absolutely breathtaking scenery, traveling between islands that
you can really only do by sea.

12. Describe a product from your area (such as food or handicraft)

There is a particular food that is a necessity for any tourists to try when they come to my area if
there visiting San Francisco there's a very famous pier 39 and it's lined with shops and restaurants
and activities an everyone who comes to San Francisco they love to visit this place and the thing
that they must try is right at the end there's a restaurant where you can sit and you can look over
the ocean and you can smell the salty air and they will serve you a bowl made of sourdough bread
filled with a soup called clam chowder. Clam chowder isn't necessarily specific to this area but this
kind of clam chowder and this type of bowl is what makes it unique to this area. The bowl made out
of sourdough bread is freshly baked so while you're walking down the pier you can smell aroma of
warm freshly baked bread and it just draws you into this restaurant then you have to follow your
nose and you have to try it and soup is very thick and creamy it has large pieces of clam chunks of
potatoes and other vegetables so it's very rich very savoury and the slight sourness from the bread
and the freshness of the bread helps to cut through that richness it's perfect combination and it also
feels sort of eco-friendly in a way because you're eating the bowl and they don't have to washing
bowl for you when you're done. It's really quite a fun experience as well but it's absolutely delicious
an it's just something that everyone has to do when they come to San Francisco they have to have
a sourdough bread with clam chowder and watching the ocean, you know smelling the bread
smelling the sea, air is such a unique.
13. Describe something you do to keep yourself concentrated

When I really need to concentrate, I usually turn to music, but it has to be a very specific kind of
music, otherwise, I also find that distracting and it's counterproductive to my goal of being focused.
So I usually like to find some music that's rather soothing that has no lyrics, because if there are
lyrics I will find myself thinking about what they're saying I might try and sing along if I know the song
and that takes my mental energy away from the task at hand so I'll try to find something with a nice
beat you know maybe it's music from another country or something Celtic or something Arabic,
something that has just something that's enjoyable to listen to, but without any words and this way
I can’t kind of lose myself in the music, I can enjoy it without being distracted by it and I find that this
really is conducive to me studying and I'm being able to focus my mental energy on a task. So this
is the way that I most easily keep myself focused and I have to definitely have it on headphones to
help tune out and drown out any sounds from around me. So that I'm just kind of lost in this musical
world and justice focus on what I'm doing otherwise I can be very distracted by you know someone
else in the house or I can hear something outside or I can you know see my phone going up and I
also have to make sure my phone is face down so that I'm not tested to get on it and look at
Facebook or something instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing. So music really helps me
to drown all of that out and did just lose myself in it so that I can will be productive. The worst thing
that happens when I'm doing this is sometimes there will be an ad like if I'm listening to music on

14. Describe an invention that changed the world for the better
There are so many inventions that have changed the world for the better, but I think the thing that
stands out immediately to me is our development of penicillin. Before we were able to utilize this
medicinally, just the smallest things were able to take someone out really, you know, a cut, a small
injury, being sick with something that now today is so easily curable, so I think this really absolutely
changed our lives completely, and you know I think about all of the people, you know, prior to 1942
that had something that now is so easily fixed with a pill, with an injection, with something, so easily
administered and, you know, had they had that, things would have been so very different throughout
history. Because we have this, we also don't have to be careful in certain situations, so not only it
allowed us to, you know, deal with the average things that come up, but now we don't have to be so
careful as to say no, you know if I get a cut, I'm going to die well, that's not the case anymore, so
now we can go riskier, we can take some bigger jumps, bigger risks in our lives and as people and
activities, because we know that we have penicillin, we have antibiotics to help us, it should be used
even injury or an illness, so penicilin really sort of turned the tide for us as a society and absolutely
changed the direction of medicine and everything that we've done from that point with antibiotics is
tremendous, you know. I think this has really affected the world for the better, and our ability to help
people survive more illnesses, just survive more injuries, I mean, I can't think of anything that's better
than being able to help someone to continue their life after something.
15. Describe a time when you were very busy

The time when I have been busiest in my life was when I was planning my move from Hawaii to
California. As you can imagine, moving across the ocean is quite hard. It takes a lot of planning, it
takes a lot of moving parts that have to be coordinated, so preparing for this across the ocean, which
was so quite an ordeal, quite a task, so we had to organize, you know, all of our belongings we had
to pack everything and get rid of anything we weren't going to be taking with us. Since you can't load
a big truck or a big van, the only option to keep your belongings is to ship them in the mail, so we
had to send some boxes to ourselves long in advance. This type of task took a lot of preparation, a
lot of early planning and advanced planning. So, we needed to ship everything we had to say our
goodbyes to everyone which was very bittersweet, but we were also very excited for what was ahead
and this new life that we were beginning. But overall, I found this experience to be very overwhelming
so I relied very heavily on lists during this time to alleviate this sense of chaos while I was so busy
so I kept a lot of lists, you know cross everything off as I finished it which was a great sense of relief
and accomplishment and see list getting smaller and smaller. But yes, this is probably the busiest
that I've ever been, definitely had to take some time every so often to just sort of to disconnect from
what was happening, set some time with friends or play a game where something just to kind of
remove myself from the situation a little bit to maintain my sanity during this crazy busy time. Overall,
everything worked out very well and as happens with busy things it goes from this to this and you
know you think wow how did they make it through that and it happened so quickly and then it's over.

16. Describe a time when you helped a child

So when I was a bit younger, we had some friends, who were teachers in a local elementary school,
they asked if my sister and I, who at that time were not exactly qualified teachers of any kind, they
asked us if we would come in and help to tutor their young els students and help them with their
reading. They had a mixed group in their classrooms, they had people who were native English
speakers, and they had people who had not grown-up speaking English, so they were following a
little behind in their reading skills. So, we went once or twice a week if memory serves to go and
read with them through to them have them read to us and to help them progress in their reading
abilities, so we did this free of charge of course. First, it was volunteer opportunity, and it felt really
good to give back to our community and to lend a hand in this classroom. It was really amazing
every time you saw that light bulb go on for a student, and you could see that they were really
starting to understand the material, make new connections that they hadn't had before. It was really
rewarding, and we were always very excited to go back into the classroom. We definitely formed
some close bonds with the students and, you know, really it was a very specific type of satisfaction
to know that you are making a difference in the children's lives, and it felt really good to help them.
I know that this would be the unofficial beginning to my career as an English teacher in the future,
but so I guess I have more experience in this field than I initially thought. But yes, this was a time
that we that we help some local children, and I hope that this help really helped them to progress
and succeed throughout their entire academic career.
17. Describe something you do to save time

The way in which I find myself taking the most time in my life is by focusing a lot of my energy and
being efficient. I'm a big believer in efficiency. I tend to be a pusher of efficiency as well. I expect
efficiency of the people in my life because it's the same priority for me and the way I feel that I
express the sufficiency the most in my life is by making lists. So, I'm a big believer in writing things
down that needs to be done so that they are not forgotten, and then I tend to itemise this list in an
order, in which it makes the most sense to complete them an overlap any tasks that I can to make
sure that I'm spending the least amount of time possible to accomplish these tasks. So, I identify
each and everything that I need to do, break it down into smaller parts, organize it, categorise it,
give myself a certain amount of time in which I need to complete these tasks and cheque them off
the list one by one. I think that the best way that we can save time is by combining tasks and by
doing things in a way that makes sense in terms of getting them done, so usually, this looks like,
you know, if I, for example, need to practice my foreign language, for example, Spanish and I have
to clean the kitchen while I'm going to listen to a podcast in Spanish while I clean my kitchen next
across two things off the list at the same time I really love the feeling of getting two things done at
once. It's very satisfying for me. Another way that I save time is doing things in the same way over
and over again so that I don't have to put too much time and thought into these activities. They just
become second nature. I can do them off the top of my head without giving them any thought and
this really saves a lot time.

18. Describe a family member you'd like to work with

I think that if I was going to go into business with a family member, I would have to choose my father.
He is a businessman who has owned some business for a very long time, and his business has
always been rather successful, so I think it makes the most sense to choose someone who has that
knowledge, and he's very business-savvy, so definitely I would choose to go into business with him.
One of the things that makes him very successful is his natural sales ability. He could sell ice to an
Eskimo. No one can tell him no. He doesn't take no for an answer. He's very aggressive in his sales
tactics, but he does it in such a way that you don't feel that it's aggressive. You just feel like he wants
to help you and that he is trying to do something very good for you, so it doesn't give you that feeling
of, no I don't want to be sold anything that sometimes salespeople give you, so he's very, very good
at this. He's also very ambitious and very motivated, so I know that our business would keep moving
forward and would always be progressing, and when he really is dedicated to something, he puts
his all into it. He spends all of his time learning about this item or this service that will be providing
how it works? And what it does do? Where does it come from? He learns every aspect of it so that
he can really be the most knowledgeable and answer any questions that the potential customers
may have. So, I think going into business with him would give me the best chance of being
successful and ultimately wealthy, which is, of course, the end goal of any business person. Even
though we don't always see eye to eye sometimes we can disagree on many things. I think pairing
up with him would be the best choice.
19. Describe a difficult decision that you once made

One of the most difficult decisions that I had to make in my life was leaving the place where my
family lived to go and start a new life somewhere else. I was living very close to my family. We all
actually lived on the same properties. We saw each other very often and spent a lot of time together,
but my husband received a job offer in another state, and it was very difficult for us to consider
leaving his family there as well, but ultimately, we did decide it was the best decision for us and our
lives, together in our future. Where we were living didn't offer a lot of economic opportunities a lot of
professional opportunities, so we uprooted our lives and moved across the ocean to start a
completely new chapter of our lives. The place that we live in now offers a lot of professional
development opportunities, a lot of rooms for advancement for him, and so it just made sense for
us and looking at our future goals and the things that we want to have together in our lives. It made
sense for us to make this decision now that we're here. Of course, we really miss our families, and
we wish we could see them more often, but we know that this was the best decision for us, and
we've been able to experience a completely different way of life here, it really broadened our
horizons and met a lot of very interesting people. We are going to see a lot of the country because
when you're on an island, where we were before, you can't really just get in your car and drive, see
a lot of different places because you're sort of limited geographically, but now we can get in our car,
we can drive for days, and we can see so much of our country so that alone has made the decision
quite worth it, I think to be able to see and experience a lot of things, but definitely, it wasn't an easy
decision to make, and I do miss living in their family quite a bit.

20. Describe a famous person in your country

A famous person in my country that everyone seems to know not only in my country but also around
the world is Britney Spears. She is a very famous musician who notoriously had a bit of a breakdown
several years ago, but now is making a glorious comeback. People really love to see somebody
who was down and who turned their life around and has made some changes for the better. So she,
firstly, became famous by singing pop music back in the 90s and she sort of defined that era of
music for a lot of people and she evokes a lot of nostalgia for the people who listen to her now, who
kind of grew up listening to her, so this is definitely something I can relate to as well. Maybe it's not
my cup of tea anymore, but her music definitely takes me back to when I was younger and brings
back some fond memories of that time in my life. But yes, many years ago, she very famously had
a breakdown. She shaved her head, she had to go to court, there was some question about whether
or not she had been using drugs, and she lost custody for children. It was quite a sad story. It was
all over the news, and I can imagine it was difficult for her as a person to go through something like
this, being in the public eye, that would make it much more challenging to go through something like
that. She kind of fell off the radar for a while, but recently she was in the news because she was
able to sort of regain control of her life, she's performing again, she's making music again. I definitely
hope that it's enjoyable music that people really respond well to, for her sake she really needs to
rally some support from the public in terms of her music again, so that she can start having that
more of an income and I'm sure that it would also be great for her self-esteem and for her personal
21. Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestion about your

I think the best advice that I received at work was to not take things so personally. I tend to put my
all into everything that I do professionally, so if I make a mistake or if I receive some negative
feedback, or if things don't go the way that I expect them to go, sometimes I can really take those
things to heart, and I take it personally rather than realising that it's just a job someone in my previous
position did finally say, you know look, you have to realize this just a job this is not a reflection of
who you are as a human being. If things go badly or things go different ways, and then you hope
they will because I found myself feeling very upset during these situations, and that really isn't
productive at all in the work environment, so I was able to take a step back and look at things a little
bit more objectively. This really helped me to focus on what I could accomplish rather than focusing
on some of the things that didn't go so well or maybe that weren't worth putting so much effort into,
so this really helped me to be more positive at work more optimistic, it improved my job satisfaction
overall definitely, and it certainly improved my relationship with my coworkers. Because they saw
me being much more positive and ultimately more productive because of this shift in my attitude. So
this was very good advice and even though occasionally I still feel myself taking things further,
personally, if things aren't going so well in a certain professional way, I have the ability now to step
out of the situation and look at it from the outside and accept that this is a profession is not ultimately
the only reflection.

22. Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something important
I want to use my cell phone to do something very important, which was to apply for a rental house.
We had been house hunting for quite a while, trying to find the right house for us that was within our
budget and then all of the things that we were really looking for, and it seems that the market was
very competitive, so everyone seemed to be looking for the same type of thing that we were looking
for, so if we didn't apply very quickly for something, it would be gone very very quickly. So, I received
a notification on my phone that there was a new home available for rent, so we checked it out and
decided that we loved it. This is the one that we really want, but we were nowhere near a computer,
so I just used my cell phone to allow the application, and even though it's not ideal to fill out
something quite this important on the cell phone, we had no choice but to rely on it in that situation,
and we just hoped there wouldn't be any issue with the application format on this mobile phone we
were able to complete it. We were able to submit all of the documents by taking pictures of our
identity ID cards and things like this, all of the necessary application materials. We were able to
submit everything, and ultimately, we were able to be the first ones to apply for the home, and we
were able to get it, and we were really glad that we had done this because, like I said, it was a very
competitive market. You really had to strike while the iron is hot. He found a good opportunity. You
had to jump on it, so it ended up being such a good thing that we went ahead and did it on the cell
phone, and the house was perfect for us. It was exactly we've been looking for, so it's really fantastic
that were essentially walking around with computers in our pockets that are travel size every day.
23. Describe a person you enjoy talking with

One of the people that I the most enjoyed speaking with is my best friend, Michelle. We really seem
to see eye to eye on so many issues and so many subjects, we can talk about any and everything.
There's nothing that we can't discuss or probably that we haven't discussed at this point. I really
value her opinion and input. I think that she has a lot of wonderful advice to offer, so if I'm ever
having a challenge in my life or an issue, I really enjoy speaking with her about it. She is an excellent
listener. She really makes you feel like she's giving you her full attention, and she offers some really
fantastic feedback to show that she was listening, and then she'll help you to see a problem from a
different way from different angle. Sometimes when you're so deeply steeped in an issue, it can be
really hard to change your perspective and to look at a new way. She really good helping me open
my eyes and see things from a different angle, so I really appreciate that about her, and I've been
able to work through big questions in my life with her advice and her help, and ultimately her
guidance as well. She's a very well-educated person, and she's also had a lot of experiences in her
life, so she has a lot of really good input to offer when we speak. In addition to giving fantastic advice,
we also just really enjoy each other. We laugh a lot together. We have a very similar sense of humor,
so were able to talk about things in our lives and just laugh at them, so it's really a nice way to
unwind as well as expand really stressful moment in my life. Lately, I can just call her, and we can
just have a really nice time chatting and laughing together, and we also are there to support each
other when there are hard things in our lives.

24. Describe a time when you gave advice to others

So I have a very close friend, and we give each other advice a lot; if we have a big question in our
lives, we always turn to each other just to kind of talk it out and work it through. So this friend was
having some trouble professionally, she's extremely intelligent, very accomplished, and highly
educated, but her work environment was making her very unhappy. It was sort of a toxic
environment. There wasn't really a lot of room for growth, her coworkers were very negative, and it
was just really an unhealthy environment, and she found herself feeling really depressed about
having to go to work every day. So she was wondering, you know should she give up this job and
risk being unemployed for a while, risk having to find something different and maybe not liking that
either or should she just kind of stick it out and see what happens. You know, a lot of people have
this sense that the grass isn't greener on the other side. It's greener where you water it. But
sometimes, the grass is just never going to grow any better than it's growing. So I gave the advice
that you know it's really not worth continuing if it's just making you this unhappy. You're an
accomplished person, you have a lot of potentials to find something else, so I think it's probably
worth taking the risk to find something that you know you don't dread going to every single day.
Because our work is such a big part of our lives that having a situation where you hate it is kind of
unbearable because you're going to it every single day. So that was my advice to her, and she did
end up taking it. She took the risk she made the jump, and ultimately, she found a job that not only
does she absolutely love, but they ended up paying her better than her previous position. So more
money, more job satisfaction, a tonne of room for growth, and she's really kind of found her footing
in this new company, established an entirely new branch of the company she sort of created old
position it's really amazing to see and so her success is just ramping up.
25. Describe a place you visited (not your hometown) that you recommend others to live in
So I briefly visited a place called Melbourne, Florida. It is near Orlando, which a lot of people seem
to be familiar with, but I would definitely recommend people live in this city for a variety of reasons.
First and foremost it has a very relaxed atmosphere and a very beachy life, it is surrounded by water.
So essentially, on one side, you have a river, and on the other side, you have the ocean. So water
is never far away, which for me is a win in every direction. I think that's a great way to live. There's
a tonne of natural beauty. There are palm trees, like I said, there's water everywhere, there are
gorgeous tropical flowers, so it's really colorful everywhere you look, and there's a beautiful
fragrance from the flowers everywhere. The people are really friendly, and there's a really strong
sense of community. It's very conveniently located as well to other very popular destinations, both
tourist destinations and just some fun things to do. It's not too far from Disney World, which is a
world destination. So that's kind of fun to be so close to that. It's a very scenic place, as I mentioned.
There are kinds of animals, and there are dolphins and manatees and things like that. So that's
always going to be interesting, and you would never be tired of them. The quality of life, I think it's
just really high in a place like that, in a place where you can spend so much time outside, where you
enjoy being with the people who live there because they have a similar mindset to you, you know
they are just enjoying their lives, they are living every day in a beautiful, sunny, warm place, so they
are happy, and you are happy. It is just a happy world.

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