Dynamical Systems Final
Dynamical Systems Final
Dynamical Systems Final
Non-linear centre - A family of closed curves that 4.1. If A < A (i ) for any i (A is degenerate),
form a continuum of periodic cycles. These cycles then try a component solution of the form:
are stable but not asymptotically stable.
xi (t) = tei t vi + ei t w
Limit cycle - An isolated (not a continuum) peri-
odic cycle with a defined radius. It can asymptot- where w is an unknown vector that needs to
ically stable, unstable or semi-stable. For periodic be determined. Substituting this into Eqn.
orbits to be stable, they must satisfy: (2.0.2) and equating like terms gives:
(A i I) w = vi
f (t) dt 0
which can be solved to find w.
2 General Method 4.2. If i is complex, then vi will also be com-
plex, with the conjugate pairs being i and
vi . The pair of complex eigenvectors can be
For a general non-linear system:
replaced with real eigenvectors.
x = f (x) (2.0.1) If i = i + ji and vi = ai + jbi , then the
component solution is:
1. Solve:
xi (t) = ei t ai cos(i t) bi sin(i t)
x = 0
+ jei t ai sin(i t) + bi cos(i t)
to obtain equilibria, x .
Combining this with the complex conjugate
2. Linearise Eqn. (2.0.1) to obtain: component solution, xi (t), gives two real so-
x = Ax (2.0.2)
p(t) = ei t ai cos(i t) bi sin(i t)
where A is the Jacobian matrix of f (x), i.e. A =
q(t) = ei t ai sin(i t) + bi cos(i t)
f (x).
3. Evaluate the Jacobian, A, at an equilibrium 4.3. A can be normalised to obtain its normal
point. form, A0 , by changing coordinates. Consider
The Jacobian, A, represents a new curvilinear co- Eqn. (2.0.2) and let y = V1 x:
ordinate system based on the gradient of the func-
tion, f (x). Evaluating the Jacobian at the equi- x = Ax
librium point therefore gives the gradient of the y = V1 AVy
function locally at the equilibrium point. This is
the tangent space. so:
The new local coordinate system can be decom- A0 = V1 AV
posed to find eigenvalue-eigenvector pairs. This
gives its invariant directions and tells us about 5. Analyse stability of the equilibrium point by
the local stability of the equilibrium point. looking at its eigenvalues.
4. Decompose A to find its eigenvalues and eigen- If the equilibrium is hyperbolic, we can conclude
vectors at the equilibrium point. on the stability of the original non-linear system
using the Hartman-Grobman Theorem. However,
Eqn. (2.0.2) has a solution of the form:
if the equilibrium is non-hyperbolic, the Hartman-
x(t) = e x0 Grobman Theorem doesnt apply so we cannot use
P it to conclude on the non-linear systems stability.
where x0 = i ci vi where vi is an eigenvector of
A. In the linearised approximation, a non-hyperbolic
equilibrium is a centre. But the topology of the
This can be re-expressed as:
non-linear system at the equilibrium point is not
X necessarily a centre. We cannot make this conclu-
x(t) = ci ei t vi (2.0.3)
sion since we cannot apply the Hartman-Grobman
Theorem - which only works for hyperbolic equi-
see (8.1) for proof. libria.
6. To investigate the stability of non-hyperbolic in the linear system. Returning to Eqn. (2.0.2)
equilibria in the original non-linear system, we and changing coordinates:
have the following options:
x = Ax
Polar coordinate transformation = VV1 x
Symmetry V1 x = V1 x
Hamiltonian/Gradient System z = z
Lyapunovs Direct Method where T, , and z are defined as follows:
LaSalles Invariant Set Theorem
. . ..
h .. i h .. i h . i
7. To further analyse the topology of the non-
T= vi vkc
linear system, especially when determining the ex- .
.. .. ..
istence limit cycles and separatrix cycles, we have . .
the following options: h i
Polar coordinate transformation i 0
h i
= 0 0
Poincare-Bendixson Theorem h i
0 0
Bendixson/Dulac Criterion
Gradient Systems zs
Index Theory z = zj
h i
i 0 0
3 Invariant Sub-Manifolds zsi h i
zj = 0 0 zj
h i
This section introduces the concept of invariant zck zc
0 0 k
manifolds and their relation to the stable, unsta-
ble and centre subspaces.
We see that the solution of the stable, unstable
Recall that the general solution to the linear sys-
and centre systems of equations (zsi , zuj , zck respec-
tem is given by Eqn. (2.0.2):
tively) are decoupled from each other. Hence, each
X system of equations is able to completely describe
x(t) = ci ei t vi the behaviour of the flow within its corresponding
subspace. Therefore, the subspaces is decoupled
where each component, i, can be grouped under from each other and are therefore invariant.
the categories: stable (s), unstable (u), or centre For example, consider a saddle node, which has
(c). This gives: both stable and unstable directions. The eigenvec-
tors corresponding to the stable and unstable di-
x(t) = ws (t) + wu (t) + wc (t) rections are contained in ws and wu respectively.
These eigenvectors are separatrices which divide
where ws (t) is the stable subspace, E s ; wu (t) is the phase plane into stable and unstable regions.
the unstable subspace, E u ; wc (t) is the centre sub- Trajectories are unable cross separatrices and are
space, E c . therefore contained within either the stable or un-
Each subspace is formed from the linear combina- stable region.
tion of eigenvectors which span said subspace, e.g. The Hartman-Grobman Theorem states that in
ws = E s is formed from the linear combination the case of hyperbolic equilibria, there exists a bi-
of vis - the eigenvectors corresponding to stable continuous function, H, that maps a sub-manifold
eigenvalues - each of which span the subspace, E s . (non-linear surface with curvilinear coordinates)
Having identified the subspaces present in the so- containing the equilibrium, to a subspace contain-
lution, x(t), we must now show that these sub- ing the origin (linear surface with rectilinear co-
spaces are invariant w.r.t. to the flow, eAt . We ordinates), such that trajectories are mapped ex-
therefore need to decouple the system of equations actly and parametrization of time is preserved.
Thus, the invariant subspaces E s , E u , and E c map which shows that it is invariant under the transfor-
to invariant sub-manifolds. mation. The system is therefore symmetric about
the x1 axis. Hence, the origin is a non-linear cen-
4 Stability of Non-Hyperbolic
4.3 Conservative Systems
If an equilibrium point in the linearised approxi-
mation is non-hyperbolic, we cannot conclude that A conservative system possesses an energy-like
this equilibrium point in the original non-linear function, V (x), which is preserved along the tra-
system is a centre, because the Hartman-Grobman jectories of the system. The requirements a con-
Theorem does not apply. servative system needs to satisfy are: there exists
a non-constant V (x) : <n < with dVdt(x) = 0.
Instead, further analysis is required using the tools
below: If the system has an isolated equilibrium at x
(there are no other equilibria in a neighbourhood
around it), and one can construct such a V (x)
4.1 Polar Coordinate Transformation with a local minimum or maximum at x , then
there is a region around x which contains a closed
This transforms the coordinate system of the lin-
orbit, i.e. the trajectories around x evolve on
earised system from Cartesian to Polar Coordi-
level sets of V (x).
nates. Note that this only works for a 2D system,
<2 :
x1 x1 + x2 x2 x1 x2 x2 x1 4.3.1 Hamiltonian Systems
r = =
r r2
where r gives the radius of the trajectory mea- Systems of the form:
sured from the equilibrium point.
p = f (p, q)
4.2 Symmetry q = g (p, q)
A 2D non-linear system is symmetric w.r.t. the where p, q <n for which there exists a twice-
x1 axis if it is invariant under the transformation differentiable function, H(p, q) : <2n < for
(t, x2 ) (t, x2 ) and vice versa. some set U <2n such that:
Likewise, the system is symmetric w.r.t. the x2
axis if it is invariant under the transformation, H(p, q)
(t, x1 ) (t, x1 ) and vice versa. f (p, q) = (4.3.1)
If a system is symmetric w.r.t. one of the axes, and H(p, q)
g (p, q) = (4.3.2)
if the origin is a centre in the linearised approxi- p
mation, then the origin is a centre in the original
non-linear system. Consider the system: are called Hamiltonian Systems with n degrees of
x1 = x2 x2 , f (x1 , x2 ) freedom. Note that all Hamiltonian Systems are
conservative. See 8.3 for the derivation of Eqn.
x2 = x1 x22 , g (x1 , x2 ) (4.3.1) and (4.3.2) above.
and test it under the transformation (t, x2 ) If it can be shown that the system is a Hamil-
(t, x2 ): tonian System by finding H(p, q), then we have
dx1 also found the possible trajectories of the system
= x1 - since the trajectories evolve along level sets of
d (t)
H(p, q) which form closed orbits.
d (x2 )
= x2 We can therefore conclude on the trajectory and
d (t)
stability of the system. For example, if (p , q ) is
f (x1 , x2 ) = f (x1 , x2 )
an equilibrium and H(p, q) > 0, then this equilib-
g (x1 , x2 ) = g (x1 , x2 ) rium is stable.
4.4 Gradient Systems 3. V (x) is negative definite
be negative semi-definite. If V (x) is positive def- which has (scalar) gradient:
inite then it is a Lyapunov function whose level
sets can be used to generate D. m(x) =
The trapping region, D, can be found indirectly
or directly. which can alternatively be derived by considering
the gradient of the trajectory on the phase plane:
4.6.1 Indirect Trapping Region m (x) =
dx2 dt
The indirect method is to simply use the function, =
dt dx1
V (x), that satisfies the conditions in Lyapunovs x2
Direct Method (4.5) or LaSalles Invariant Set =
Theorem (4.6). The local region where V (x) sat-
isfies the conditions is the trapping region. The noting that m(x) = m (x) , where (x), is a
condition required on the boundary of the trap- curve representing the trajectorys path in the
ping region is V 0. phase plane.
This is because V (x) = V (x) x - see (8.4) The limiting condition to be satisfied for C to be
for proof - which means that V (x) is the rate of the boundary of a trapping region is:
change of potential, V (x), along the system trajec-
m(x) = m(C)
tory. So V (x) decreases or remains constant over
time. And since V (x) is bounded over this region x2
= m(C)
(it is possible to draw closed curves of V (x) = V0 ), x1
the trajectory must point inward or tangentially x2 mx1 = 0
to the boundary of the region.
where m = m(C). But more generally,
Note that V (x) describes how V (x) changes along
system trajectories (a scalar). It is not the gradi- x2 mx1 0 or x2 mx1 0 (4.6.1)
ent of the potential function (a vector).
where the choice of inequality depends on the ge-
Alternatively, proving that the trajectories point ometry. To determine which inequality applies,
into the trapping region is sufficient to show its draw the tangent to the curve at some point, x,
existence. This can be done in Cartesian using x1 with gradient, m(C). Then draw vectors of x
and x2 or polar coordinates using r. pointing into the trapping region at x. Only one
of the inequalities can be true.
In 3D, the bounded region is defined by some
4.6.2 Direct Trapping Region
closed surface. At any point on the surface, the
trajectory must point inward or lie tangential to
The direct (or graphical) method would be to
the surface. The exact condition required is as
analyse the vector field of the phase space and
construct some bounded region defined by a char-
acteristic set of vectors (or vector function), y. A Let the outward normal of the surface be, n. Then
trapping region is defined as having a vector field the following must be satisfied:
that is pointing inwards or tangential to it.
x n 0 (4.6.2)
In 2D, the bounded region is defined by some
closed curve, C. At any point along C, the tra- i.e. the trajectory is either tangential to the sur-
jectory must point inward or lie tangential to C. face or points into the region bounded by the sur-
The exact condition required is as follows: face.
Let the gradient of the curve at any point be
m(C). The direction vector of the trajectory at 5 Closed Orbits and Limit Cy-
any point is given by:
x = We wish to further analyse the topology of the
region far-from-equilibrium and which may cover
a number of equilibrium points. In this scenario, 5.2 Bendixson/Dulac Criterion
the equilibrium points will interact, which gives
rise to behaviours which differ from those of the This criterion is used to show the non-existence of
original equilibrium points. The tools below allow periodic orbits for 2D systems:
us to analyse this behaviour.
x1 = f (x1 , x2 )
x2 = g(x1 , x2 )
f g
It may be that x 1
+ x 2
= h(x1 , x2 ), in which case,
f g
1. If M only has stable equilibria, then there it is possible that x1 + x 2
= 0 for some (x1 , x2 )
can only be one, and (x) is a stable equi- and a change of sign occurs across this point. In
librium point this case, the phase plane can be split into different
regions, Di , where each region, Di <2 , covers an
f g
area of the phase plane where x 1
+ x 2
6= 0 and
2. If there are no stable equilibrium points in no change of sign occurs. So each Di is defined by
M , then it must contain a periodic cycle, the boundaries where h(x1 , x2 ) = 0.
and (x) is a periodic cycle
But note that it is possible for a closed orbit to
exist over unions of Di , such that it is not con-
3. If M contains a finite number of equilibria, tained within any one region. Instead, it crosses
then (x) is a connected set composed of over them.
a finite number of equilibrium points con-
nected with homoclinic and heteroclinic or- 5.3 Gradient Systems
bits. Mathematically, it will have orbits, ,
with () = xi and () = xj Gradient systems which have the form given by
Eqn. (4.4.1):
and if a closed orbit existed, then x(T ) = x(0), so: 3. Let I(C) encircle an equilibrium point, x .
If the equilibrium point is a saddle node,
then I(C) = 1, otherwise I(C) = 1. We
|x|2 dt = 0
0 identify the index of an equilibrium point as
x = 0 t [0, T ] I(x ).
which means that the point cant have moved, so 4. If I(C) follows a closed orbit of the system,
x(0) was a fixed point, not an orbit. then I(C) = 1
The stability of the periodic orbit (or equilibrium For = 0, the two points collide to form a
point of P ) can be analysed by looking at the be- saddle point. For < 0, the saddle point
haviour of P near x . The condition to be satisfied vanishes.
for a stable limit cycle is:
2. Transcritical bifurcation - This has the nor-
mal form:
<1 (5.5.1)
dr x=x
x = x x2
1. Saddle-node bifurcation - This system has While the bifurcations listed in 6.1 can exist for
the normal form: a system of any number of dimensions, a Hopf bi-
furcation can only exist in 2D systems.
x = x2
Hopf bifurcations occur for systems which have
whereby, for > 0 there are two equilib- complex eigenvalues whose real part is a function
rium points, one stable and one unstable. of the bifurcation parameter. Hopf bifurcations
are therefore characterised by a shift in the loca- Deterministic means that the system has no
tion of the eigenvalues from the LHP (stable) to random or noisy (probabilistic) inputs or parame-
the RHP (unstable) and vice versa, with zero real ters. The irregular behaviour arises from the sys-
part when = 0 . tems non-linearity, rather than from probabilistic
driving factors.
1. Supercritical Hopf bifurcation - Consists of a Sensitive dependence on initial conditions
stable spiral when < 0 , bifurcating when means that nearby trajectories separate exponen-
= 0 to become weakly stable, then be- tially fast, i.e. the system has a positive Lyapunov
coming an unstable spiral with a stable limit exponent.
cycle when > 0 .
Chaotic systems exist in both discrete-time sys-
2. Subcritical Hopf bifurcation - Consists of a tems and continuous-time systems. Note that
stable spiral surrounded by an unstable limit discrete-time systems can be chaotic even if it is
cycle when < 0 . As approaches 0 , the 1D.
limit cycle collapses onto the stable spiral,
rendering it unstable. For > 0 , the equi-
librium point is now an unstable spiral. 7.1 Discrete-Time Systems
Chaos is defined as: the aperiodic long-term be- 7.2 Continuous-Time Systems
haviour in a deterministic system that exhibits
Characteristics of the Lorenz Equations are:
sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
Aperiodic long-term behaviour means that 1. Non-linearity
there are trajectories which do not settle down
to equilibrium points, periodic orbits or quasi- 2. Symmetry - Mapping (x, y) (x, y)
periodic orbits as t . gives the same equations. Hence, if
x(t), y(t), z(t) is a solution, so is
x(t), y(t), z(t) . So all solutions are
either symmetric themselves, or have a sym-
metric partner.
V (t) < 0
V (t + dt) = V (t) + (f n) dtdA
V (t + dt) V (t)
= (f n) dA
V (t) = (f n) dA
8 Miscellaneous Proofs and Using both Eqn. (8.1.1) and (8.1.2):
Derivations x(t) = eAt x0
1 2 2
= I + At + A t + . . . ci vi
8.1 Proof that x(t) =P eAt x0 can be i
rewritten as x(t) = i ci ei t vi X X t2 X
= ci vi + t ci Avi + ci A2 vi
i i i
eA t
X X t2 X
Taylors expansion of gives: = ci vi + t ci Avi + ci A2 vi
i i i
X X t2 X
= ci vi + t ci i vi + ci 2i vi
i i i
X 1
eAt = I + A + A2 t2 + . . . (8.1.1) = ci vi 1 + i t + 2i t2
2 2
= ci ei t vi