Basicmatrixtheorems PDF
Basicmatrixtheorems PDF
Basicmatrixtheorems PDF
Richard E. Quandt
Princeton University
Definition 1. Let A be a square matrix of order n and let λ be a scalar quantity. Then det(A−λI)
is called the characteristic polynomial of A.
It is clear that the characteristic polynomial is an nth degree polynomial in λ and det(A−λI) = 0
will have n (not necessarily distinct) solutions for λ.
Definition 2. The values of λ that satisfy det(A − λI) = 0 are the characteristic roots or
eigenvalues of A.
It follows immediately that for each λ that is a solution of det(A−λI) = 0 there exists a nontrivial
x (i.e., x 6= 0) such that
(A − λI)x = 0. (1)
Definition 3. The vectors x that satisfy Eq.(1) are the characteristic vectors or eigenvectors of
Now consider a particular eigenvalue λ and its corresponding eigenvector x, for which we have
λx = Ax. (2)
λP x = P Ax = P AP −1 P x, (3)
and defining P x = y,
λy = P AP −1 y. (4)
Proof . A polynomial of nth degree may, in general, have complex roots. Assume then, contrary
to the assertion of the theorem, that λ is a complex number. The corresponding eigenvector x may
have one or more complex elements, and for this λ and this x we have
Ax = λx. (5)
Both sides of Eq. (5) are, in general, complex, and since they are equal to one another, their complex
conjugates are also equal. Denoting the conjugates of λ and x by λ and x respectively, we have
Ax = λx, (6)
since (a + bi)(c + di) = ac − bd + (ad + bc)i = ac − bd − (ad + bc)i = (a − bi)(c − di). Premultiply
(5) by x0 and premultiply (6) by x0 and subtract, which yields
x0 Ax − x0 Ax = (λ − λ)x0 x. (7)
Each term on the left hand side is a scalar and and since A is symmetric, the left hand side is equal
to zero. But x0 x is the sum of products of complex numbers times their conjugates, which can never
be zero unless all the numbers themselves are zero. Hence λ equals its conjugate, which means that
λ is real.
Proof . Let λi 6= λj . Substitute in Eq. (5) first λi and its corresponding eigenvector xi , and
premultiply it by x0j , which is the eigenvector corresponding to λj . Then reverse the procedure and
substitute in (5) the j th eigenvalue and eigenvector and premultiply by x0i . Subtracting the two
results from one another yields (λi − λj )x0i xj = 0, from which it follows that x0i xj = 0.
Corollary 1. If all the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix A are distinct, the matrix X, which
has as its columns the corresponding eigenvectors, has the property that X 0 X = I, i.e., X is an
orthogonal matrix.
Proof . To prove this we need merely observe that (1) since the eigenvectors are nontrivial (i.e.,
do not have all zero elements), we can replace each eigenvector by a corresponding vector which
is obtained from the original one by dividing each of its elements by the squareroot of the sum of
squares of its elements—thus insuring that each of these vectors has length 1; and (2) the n vectors
are mutually orthogonal and hence form a orthonormal basis in n-space.
Regression Theory 3
Proof . First, we note that corresponding to λi there will be at least one eigenvector xi . For any
arbitrary nonzero vector xi one can always find an additional n − 1 vectors yj , j = 2, . . . , n, so that
xi , together with the n − 1 y-vectors forms an orthonormal basis. Collect the y vectors in a matrix
Y , i.e.,
Y = [y2 , . . . , yn ],
and define
B = [ xi Y ]. (8)
0 λi x0i xi x0i AY λi 0
B AB = = (9)
λ i Y 0 xi Y 0 AY 0 Y 0 AY
since (1) the products in the first column under the 11 element are products of orthogonal vectors,
and (2) replacing in the first row (other than in the 11 element) the terms x0i A by λi x0i also leads to
products of orthogonal vectors. B is an orthogonal matrix, hence its transpose is also its inverse.
Therefore A and B 0 AB are similar matrices (see Definition 4) and they have the same eigenvalues.
From (9), the characteristic polynomial of B 0 AB can be written as
Note that any set of n linearly independent vectors in n-space can be transformed into an orthonormal basis the
Schmidt orthogonalization process.