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Two Way Mixed ANOVA

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The study investigated the 'own-race bias' in face recognition and found that people are better at recognizing faces of their own race compared to other races.

The independent variables were the race of the participant (Asian or Caucasian) and the race of the face shown (Asian or Caucasian). The dependent variable was the number of faces participants correctly recognized.

The ANOVA showed no main effects of participant race or face race, but there was a significant interaction between the two independent variables.

Two-Way Mixed ANOVA

Analysis of Variance comes in many shapes and sizes. It allows to you test whether participants
perform differently in different experimental conditions. This tutorial will focus on Two-Way
Mixed ANOVA.

The term Two-Way gives you an indication of how many Independent Variables you have in
your experimental design in this case: two.

The term Mixed tells you the nature of these variables.

While a repeated-measures ANOVA contains only within participants variables (where

participants take part in all conditions) and an independent ANOVA uses only between
participants variables (where participants only take part in one condition), 'Mixed ANOVA'
contains BOTH variable types. In this case, one of each.

Worked Example

Previous research has found that we are better at recognising faces of our own race compared
to those of other races. This tutorial will illustrate how to run a Two-Way Mixed ANOVA using
this Own-Race Bias in face recognition.

Imagine that you wanted to investigate whether this own-race recognition advantage exists for
Asian and Caucasian adults. You could show participants of both races images of faces that are
both Asian and Caucasian. After a short break, you could then show them a larger pool of faces
and ask participants to identify whether or not they had seen them before.

In this example, there are two independent variables:

Race of Participant which has two levels: Asian and Caucasian.

Face Race also with two levels: Asian and Caucasian.

The number of faces participants correctly recognise could be taken as the dependent variable.
This is what the data collected should look like in SPSS (and can be found in the SPSS file Week
3 ORB Data.sav):

As a general rule in SPSS, each row in the spreadsheet should contain all of the data provided
by one participant.

For within participants variables, separate columns need to represent each of the conditions of
the experiment (as each participant contributes multiple data points).

Between participants variables are coded in a separate column, where the different levels or
conditions of the IV refer to separate individuals.

The different columns in SPSS display the following data:

ID_No: This just refers to the ID number assigned to the participants. We use numbers
as identifiers instead of participant names, as this allows us to collect data while keeping
the participants anonymous.
Race: This just refers to our between participants variable: participant race. As
participants were either one race or the other, codes have been used to tell SPSS which
condition each of the participants belonged to. In this case:

1 = Caucasian
2 = Asian

Revisit the tutorial Adding Variables to see how this is done.

Asian_Face: This column represents one level of our within participants IV: race of face.
As participants saw all facial stimuli, conditions are represented by different columns.
This column contains the number of faces participants correctly recognised when the
facial stimuli were Asian.

Cauc_Face: This column represents one level of our within participants IV: race of face.
It contains the number of faces participants correctly recognised when the facial stimuli
were Caucasian.

We will now walk you through how to run a Mixed ANOVA in SPSS

To start the analysis, begin by CLICKING on the Analyze menu, select the General Linear Model
option, and then the Repeated Measures... sub-option.

You always select this option, whenever you have a within participants variable.
The Repeated Measures Define Factor(s) box should now appear. This is where we tell SPSS
what our within-participants IV is, and how many levels it has.

It doesnt matter what name we give our variable, but its probably a good idea to give it a
sensible name, that we can interpret easily when we look at the output. In this case, lets name
our variable Face_Race (the underscore is used to separate the words, as SPSS doesn't like
spaces in variable names).

We can define our first variable by typing the name (Face_Race) into the Within-Subject Factor
Name box, and entering the number of levels (2) into the Number of Levels box:

CLICK on Add to add this variable to the analysis.

Once you have finished defining your IV, CLICK on the Define button to continue with the

This opens the main ANOVA dialog box.

First, we need to tell SPSS what our between-participants variable is. To do this, SELECT the
Participant Race variable and move it across to the Between-Subjects Factor(s) box by
CLICKING on the blue arrow to the left of the box.

Next, we need to tell SPSS what the conditions of our within-participants variable are. In the
Within-Subjects Variables box itself, there are a series of question marks with bracketed
numbers. These numbers represent the levels of our IVs. Our task is to replace the question
marks with the names of the conditions that will map onto the variable level codes.

To do this, SELECT the two IV conditions: Asian faces and Caucasian faces (when doing this
yourself, hold down the SHIFT key to select multiple options simultaneously). Now add the
conditions to the Within-Subjects Variables box by CLICKING on the top arrow button.
Now we have told SPSS what is it that we want to analyse, we are almost ready to run the
ANOVA. But before we do, we need to ask SPSS to produce some other information for us.

First, we want to ask SPSS to produce some descriptive statistics for our different conditions
(i.e. means and standard deviations). CLICK on the Options button (highlighted in the image
above) to do this.

This options the Repeated Measures: Opens dialog box. To produce means for the different
variables and conditions, highlight all of the factor names in the Factor(s) and Factor
Interactions box, as is shown here. When doing this yourself, remember that if you hold down
the Shift key you can click on and highlight all of the factors in one go. (OVERALL) just gives you
the overall mean of the whole data set. As we are looking for group differences, this isn't very
informative... so it isn't really worth including in this step (although you can if you like)!

To move the variables across, CLICK the arrow (highlighted above).

In the bottom half of the dialog box, there are a number of tick box options that you can select
to get more information about the data in your output. In this example we are just going to
select three.

First, CLICK on Descriptive Statistics, so

we can produce our means and standard

Next, CLICK on Estimates of effect size to

produce effect size information.

Third, whenever you carry out an ANOVA

which contains a between-participants
variable, the assumption of homogeneity
of variance must be met. This assumes
that the groups you are comparing have a
similar dispersion of scores.

To test the assumption, CLICK on the

Homogeneity Tests option now.

Finally, CLICK on Continue to proceed.

Almost there but before we can run the analysis, we need to tell SPSS to produce some more
things for our output. There are a number of other buttons we could select here. If any of our
IVs had more than two levels (or conditions) we would need to select the Post-Hoc tests
button. But as both Race of Participant and Face Race only have two, we can skip this option
on this occasion. Visit the tutorial on One-Way Independent ANOVA to see more about the Post
Hoc options available in SPSS.

Instead, we next want to tell SPSS to create a graph of our data for us. This will help us
interpret any interaction there might be between the two Independent Variables. CLICK on the
Plots button to do this.
Here we are going to tell SPSS what type of graph we want. While it doesnt really matter
which way round you put the variables on the graph, it is usually better to put the IV with the
most levels on the horizontal axis and the other on as separate lines.

In this case both variables have the same number of levels: two. As such, the order really
doesnt matter. As Race is already highlighted, start by moving it across to the Horizontal Axis
box using the top blue arrow. Next, SELECT Face_Race and move it across to the Separate
Lines box using the appropriate arrow.

CLICK on the Add button to add it to the Plots box, and then CLICK Continue to proceed.

We are now ready to run the analysis!

CLICK OK to continue
This opens the Output window, where SPSS produces all of the statistics that you asked for:

There is quite a lot of output for Analysis of Variance, but dont worry - this tutorial will talk you
through the output you need, box by box.

Within-Subjects Factors

This box is just here to remind you what values you have
assigned the different levels of your within-participants
variable, and what they mean. You may find it useful to
refer back to this when interpreting your output.

From looking at the box you should be able to see that for
the first factor, Face_Race, there are two levels, where:
1=Asian Faces and 2=Caucasian Faces.
Between-Subjects Factors

This box is just here to remind you what

values you have assigned the different
levels of your between-participants
variable, and what they mean. You may
find it useful to refer back to this when
interpreting your output.

From looking at the box you should be able to see that for the second factor, Race, there are
also two levels, where: 1 = Caucasian participants and 2 = Asian participants.

Descriptive Statistics

This table gives you your descriptive statistics. Its good to look at and report these, as they can
give you an important insight into the pattern of your data. From this table we can see the
average (mean) number of faces recognised for each of the possible variable conditions. You
can also see the variation in the data (i.e. spread of scores) for the different groups from the
standard deviation.

From this table we can see that on average, the overall Caucasian and Asian participants
recognised similar numbers of faces (means = 26.70 and 26.75 respectively).

However, the breakdown of conditions showed that for the Asian facial stimuli, Asian
participants got more correct responses (mean = 27.60, SD = 2.30) than Caucasian participants
(mean = 25.90, SD = 2.34); but for the Caucasian faces, Caucasian participants (mean = 27.45,
SD = 2.21) outperformed the Asian participants (mean = 25.95, SD = 2.68).

Boxs Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices and Multivariate Tests

You only need the next couple of output boxes when you have multiple dependent variables
(which we dont). Skip over these and go straight to the Mauchlys Test of Sphericity box.
Mauchly's Test of Sphericity

This table tests whether the assumption of sphericity has been met. This is a bit like the
assumption of homogeneity of variance for independent tests; and like Levene's test, we do not
want Mauchly's test to be significant. However, rather than assuming equal levels of variance
in the data for the different conditions, in this case we assume that the relationship between
the different pairs of conditions is similar.

The good news is, you only need to look at this table when you have a within participants
variable with more than two levels (i.e. more than one pair)... which in this case, we don't have
- Face_Race only has two conditions!!

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

This is the one of the most important tables in the output. It gives you the ANOVA results for
your within-participants variable (Face_Race); and any interactions with that variable.
The key columns you need to interpret your analysis are:

df stands for degrees of freedom. Degrees of freedom are crucial in calculating

statistical significance, so we need to report them. For each main effect and interaction
there are two df values of interest: the factor (or interaction) df and the error term df.
In this example the dfs can be found in the Sphericity Assumed rows (you would only
use the other rows if the sphericity assumption had not been met).

F stands for F-Ratio. This column gives you the F-Ratio statistics calculated by the
ANOVA. It is essentially calculated by dividing the systematic variance (i.e. the variation
in your data that can be explained by your experimental manipulation) by the
unexpected, unsystematic variance. The larger your F-Ratio, the more likely it is that
your experimental manipulation (your IV) will have had a significant effect on the DV.

In this example the you need to report the values in the Sphericity Assumed rows.

Sig stands for Significance Level. This column gives you the probability that the results
could have occurred by chance if the null hypothesis were true. The p-value should be
smaller than 0.05 for the F-ratio to be significant. If this is the case (i.e. p<.05) we reject
the null hypothesis and infer that our experimental manipulation (our IV) has had a
significant effect.

However, if the p-value is larger than 0.05, we have to retain the null hypothesis: that
there is no difference between the conditions (or no interaction).

Partial Eta Squared. While the p-value can tell you whether your main effects and
interaction terms are statistically signicant, partial eta squared (p2) tells you about the
magnitude of these effects. As such, we refer to this as a measure of effect size. To
interpret your effects sizes, you can use the following cut-offs:
o 0.14 or more are large effects
o 0.06 or more are medium effects
o 0.01 or more are small effects

So we know which columns we need to look at, but what numbers do we use?

Which row you choose depends on whether your assumption of Sphericity has been met. If
your Mauchleys test was non-significant (i.e. the assumption had been met), or if you have less
than 3 levels in your within-participants IV (which we do!), then you read across from the
Sphericity Assumed row. If Mauchleys had been significant, then you would need to use one
of the other rows.

SPSS groups your analysis into blocks: one block for each variable and interaction.
First, lets look at Face_Race.

Using the Sphericity Assumed row, you need to report your results as:

F (IV df, error df) = F-Ratio, p = Sig, p2 = Partial Eta Squared

...along with a sentence, explaining what you have found. In this case you might say:

There was no significant main effect of Face_Race on face recognition scores overall
(F(1, 38) = .01, p = .92, p2 < .001).

Next, we can use the same method to look at the interaction term. The results are in the
Face_Race * Race block. Again, using the Sphericity Assumed row to locate the correct values,
you might report your results as something like:

There was a significant interaction between Face_Race and Race in terms of recognition
scores (F(1, 38) = 10.59, p = .002, p2 = .22).

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

You really don't need to worry about this table for interpreting your results... so skip over this
and go straight to your Levenes Test of Equality of Error Variances which assesses the
assumption of homogeneity of variance for your between-participants variable (Race).
Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances

When conducting an ANOVA with any between-participants variables, one assumption that
must be met is that the groups you are comparing have a similar dispersion of scores (i.e.
homogeneity of variance). The Levenes Statistic tells us whether or not this is the case.

For Mixed ANOVA, this assumption is assessed at all levels of your within-participants variable
(i.e. for both Asian and Caucasian facial stimuli).

If the test is significant this indicates that there are statistically significant differences in the way
in the data are dispersed, suggesting that the assumption has been violated. As such, we are
looking for a non-significant result here. In this example, the Sig. column tells us that this is
what we have found as both p-values are greater than .05.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

This is another one of the most important tables in the output. This is where we get our
ANOVA statistics for the between-participants variable (Race).

As with the Tests of Within-Subjects Effects table, the columns we need to interpret your
analysis are highlighted above: df, F, Sig and Partial Eta Squared

In this case we need to read across the row representing our IV (labelled Race) and the Error
As with the results for the within-participants variables and interaction, you need to report your
results using the following formula:

F (IV df, error df) = F-Ratio, p = Sig, p2 = Partial Eta Squared

...along with a sentence, explaining what you have found. For example:

There was no significant main effect of Race on face recognition scores overall
(F(1, 38) = .03, p = .86, p2 = .001).

We now have our ANOVA results for both of our IVs (Face_Race and Race) and the interaction
between these variables. But the question is, what does it all mean?

We know that while neither of our IVs produced a significant main effect, we did find an
interaction between our IVs... but we now need to interpret and explain what this actually
means in English!! To do that, we need to refer back to our Descriptive Statistics to see what is
happening in each of our different conditions.

Estimated Marginal Means

These boxes show you the breakdown of the means for the different levels of your IVs, and all
of the different condition combinations. For a Mixed ANOVA, the mean values are the same as
those displayed the Descriptive Statistics box at the beginning of your output. Note that these
boxes report the Standard Error rather than the Standard Deviation through.

This first box tells you the overall mean recognition scores for both levels of your first IV:
Participant Race. Here we can see that both Caucasian (mean = 26.68) and Asian (mean =
26.78) participants performed similarly.
The second box tells you the overall mean recognition scores for the levels of your second IV:
Face_Race. From the very first box in the SPSS output, we saw that 1=Asian Faces and
2=Caucasian Faces.

As such, we can see that overall participants performed similarly for both Asian (mean = 26.75)
and Caucasian (mean = 26.70) faces.

The final box gives you the breakdown of facial recognition scores for all of your condition
combinations. This can help you to interpret your interaction. Again, remembering that the
number codes are 1=Asian Faces and 2=Caucasian Faces, we can interpret the pattern of results

Here we can see that while Asian participants recognised more Asian faces (mean = 27.60) than
Caucasian faces (mean = 29.95); Caucasian participants showed the opposite pattern (Asian
faces mean = 25.90; Caucasian faces mean = 27.45), suggestive of an own-race bias in face

Profile Plots

The final part of the output is the Profile Plot. Graphs can be really useful in helping you to
visualise and understand your interaction. When looking at the graph, it may help you to
consider the following:
Are the lines doing the same thing... If not, what are they doing?
Are some points on the graph closer together than others?

Here, the blue line represents Face_Race 1 = Asian Faces. From the way the line slopes we can
see that Asian Participants performed much better for this stimuli than Caucasian Participants.

In contrast, the green line (which represents Face_Race 2 = Caucasian Faces) slopes in the
opposite direction. For this stimuli type, Caucasian participants performed better Asian

As well as looking at the slopes of the lines, we can also look at the vertical distance between
the dots for each race of participant. Doing this we can see that both races performed better
for faces of their own race, compared to those of the other race. And this own-race advantage
was of a similar magnitude in both cases.

The trick now is to put all of the information from your output together to make a results
section that is sensible and meaningful!!
How do we write up our results?

When writing up the findings from your analysis in APA format, you need to include all of the
relevant information covered by the previous slides.

What were the inferential statistics for your IVs

o i.e. what were the ANOVA results
For significant findings, where did the significant difference(s) lie
o i.e. what were the results of your post hoc tests, if you did them
What was the pattern and direction of these differences
o i.e. what were the means and descriptive statistics for your conditions
If the interaction term was significant, what does it mean in English
o i.e. describe what was happening in the different conditions

It is usually helpful to the reader of your results if you include a table of the means and
standard deviations for all of the conditions in your results. It also helps to include a graph of
your results. You can edit your graph by double clicking on it in the output in SPSS.

For this example, you might end up writing a results section that looks a bit like this:

The results of the Two-Way Mixed ANOVA showed that there was no significant main
effect of Participant Race (F(1, 38) = .03, p = .86, p2 = .001) on face recognition scores,
with Caucasian (mean = 26.68) and Asian (mean = 26.78) performing similarly overall.

In addition, there was also no significant main effect of Face Race on recognition
scores (F(1, 38) = .01, p = .92, p2 < .001), with participants showing similar average
recognition scores for Asian (mean = 26.75) and Caucasian (mean = 26.70) faces.

In contrast, there was a significant interaction between Race of Participant and Face
Race (F(1, 38) = 10.59, p = .002, p2 = .22). Descriptive statistics showed that while
Asian participants performed better for Asian facial stimuli (mean = 27.60, SD = 2.30)
compared to Caucasian stimuli (mean = 25.95, SD = 2.68); Caucasian participants
showed the opposite pattern (Asian faces mean = 25.90, SD = 2.34; Caucasian faces
mean = 27.45, SD = 2.21). From looking at the graph we can see that both races
showed a similarly sized recognition advantage for own-race faces.

These findings support the notion of an own-race bias in face recognition.

This brings us to the end of this tutorial. Why not download the data file used in this tutorial
and see if you can run the analysis yourself?

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