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2017.02.09 Complaint (Doc 1)

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Case 1:17-cv-00072 Document 1 Filed 02/09/17 Page 1 of 17



individually, and as the )
administrator of the estate of )
Plaintiff, ) Civil Action No.:
) _________________
v. )
in his individual capacity, )
Defendant. )


COMES NOW the Plaintiff SHUNTA DAUGHERTY, as the administrator

of the estate of MICHAEL DASHAWN MOORE, and through her undersigned

attorney files this Complaint. Ms. Daugherty will use 42 U.S.C. 1983 to

vindicate her rights under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United

States Constitution, to redress the deprivation of the Mr. Moores Constitutional

rights by Officer HAROLD HURST, the Defendant in this action. Ms. Daugherty

will also seek to hold Defendant Hurst liable under Alabama law for the wrongful

death of her son. In support of her Complaint, the Plaintiff alleges the following:

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Officer Harold Hurst killed the Michael Moore (the Decedent) by shooting

him while the Decedent was standing and also while the Decedent was on the

ground, bleeding out and motionless. Every eyewitness to this shooting has stated

that the Decedent had his hands up and was not resisting at the time Hurst fatally

shot the Decedent, nor was the Decedent resisting or threatening the life of Hurst

(or anyone else) prior to being fatally shot. Hurst allegedly pulled the Decedent

over for a routine traffic stop.

Significantly, an initial newspaper report stated a gun was found in the glove

compartment of the car the Decedent was driving, but that report kept changing.

Hurst claims the Decedent had a gun, but the gun was never photographed at the

scene, and this alleged gun was never confiscated at the scenedespite Hurst

having rolled the Decedent over to cuff the Decedents hands behind his back, and

despite the fact that medical personnel and police officers, who moved the

Decedents body multiple times at the scene, never confiscated or identified a gun

on the Decedents body.

Instead, this gun was allegedly found at the hospital, allegedly under the

Decedents body, after he was pronounced dead. One thing is for sure, however,

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witnesses say that the Decedent had his hands up and had no weapon in his hands

prior to, or at the time of, being shot by Hurst.



At all times relevant to this Complaint, Plaintiff Shunta Daugherty was a

citizen of the United States and a resident of Mobile, Alabama. Ms. Daugherty is

the natural mother of the Decedent and is the administrator of the Decedents

estate. At all times relevant to this Complaint, the Decedent had clearly established

legal rights under state and federal law and the United States Constitution. Ms.

Daugherty submits herself to the jurisdiction and venue of this Court and is entitled

to bring this action on the Decedents behalf under state and federal law for all

general, special, compensatory, punitive, and any other permissible damages.


At all times relevant to this Complaint, Defendant Harold Hurst was a

United States citizen, an Alabama resident, and a sworn officer of the City of

Mobile Police Department. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Hurst was

acting under the color of state law. At all times relevant to this Complaint,

Defendant Hurst was subject to the laws of the State of Alabama and subject to all

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policies, procedures, special orders, general orders, guidelines and regulations of

the City of Mobile Police Department.

Officer Hurst claims that he pulled the Decedent over for a routine traffic

stop. The Decedent pulled over the subject car without fleeing and without

incident. Hurst commanded the Decedent to exit the subject car, and the Decedent

obeyed Hursts command by exiting the car without resistingwearing elastic-

waist-band basketball shorts and a T-shirt; the Decedent has just finished playing

basketball prior to being pulled over by Hurst. Once out of the car, the Decedent

had his hands up and did not make any sudden movements, according to witnesses.

Nevertheless, Hurst shot the Decedent, and then when the Decedent fell to the

ground, Hurst shot him again. Witnesses say that Hurst then rolled the Decedent

over and cuffed the Decedents hands behind his back, and notably: Hurst never

confiscated an alleged gun from the Decedent at that time, or at any other time.

As the Decedent laid on the ground, with his hands cuffed behind his back,

Hurst never attempted to photograph (or direct anyone to photograph) the alleged

gun that Hurst later alleged that the Decedent had. As the Decedent laid on the

ground bleeding out, Hurst never attempted to render first aid to the Decedent. As

the Decedent laid on the ground bleeding out, paramedics arrived and rolled the

Decedents body over while police were present, and no gun was ever taken from

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the Decedents body at that time. In fact, no gun was ever taken from the

Decedents body by anyone while the Decedents body was at the scene where the

fatal shooting took place. Paramedics picked up the Decedents body and placed it

on a cot to be put into the awaiting ambulancestill no gun was found.

Once at the hospital, City of Mobile Police Officers entered the Decedents

hospital room. Allegedly, a gun was found under the Decedents body at the

hospital. When witnesses were asked whether the gun that was allegedly found was

the Decedents gun, those witnesses said no and that they had never seen the gun

the police claimed was found on the Decedents body. Ms. Daugherty is using 42

U.S.C 1983 as the vehicle to sue Hurst in his individual capacity regarding

federal claims. Hurst may be personally served with process at his place of

employment, the City of Mobile Police Department.



This Court has original subject matter jurisdiction over the federal claim in

this action in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 1331 because the claim raises a federal

question under the laws and Constitution of the United States.

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This Court has supplemental subject matter jurisdiction over the state claim

in this action under 28 U.S.C. 1367(a) because the state and federal claims form

part of the same case or controversy under Article III of the United States



This Court has personal jurisdiction over the Defendant because he is

domiciled in Alabama.


Venue is proper in the Southern District of Alabama under 28 U.S.C.

1391(b)(1) because the Defendant resides in this district and under 28 U.S.C.

1391(b)(2) because a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims

occurred in this district.



On or about June 13, 2016, the Decedent was playing basketball with

friends, at a gym, while wearing elastic-waist band shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers.

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After playing basketball, the Decedent and two friends entered a vehicle

(subject vehicle); the Decedent was the driver while one friend rode in the front

passenger seat and the other friend rode in the back seat.


The Decedent began to drive the subject vehicle on roads located in Mobile,



On June 13, 2016 while the Decedent drove the subject vehicle on roads

located in Mobile, Alabama, Officer Harold Hurst signaled the Decedent to pull

over while Hurst was driving a police car issued to him by the City of Mobile

Police Department.


The vehicle the Hurst was driving when he signaled the Decedent to pull

over was marked with insignia that identified Hursts vehicle as a City of Mobile

Police Department Vehicle.


Hurst gave the directive to the Decedent to pull over the Decedents vehicle

in Hursts capacity as a City of Mobile Police officer.

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At the time Hurst directed the Decedent to pull over the Decedents vehicle,

Hurst was a paid employee of the City of Mobile Police Department.


The Decedent pulled over the car of which he was driving, upon Hursts

directive, without trying to flee.


Once Hurst signaled the Decedent to pull over the car that the Decedent was

driving, Hurst did not have to chase the Decedent or take any action to block the

Decedents car or otherwise force the Decedent to stop that car of which the

Decedent was driving.


Once pulled over, Hurst eventually directed the Decedent to exit the subject

car by getting out of the front driver seat, and the Decedent followed Hursts

command without resisting.


Once the Decedent exited the subject car, the Decedent had his hands up, as

Hurst pointed his government issued firearm at the Decedent.

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While the Decedent had his hands up, Hurst saw that the Decedent did not

have a weapon in his hand, including Hurst seeing that the Decedent did not have a

gun in his hands.


While the Decedent had his hands up and while Hurst had his government

issued firearm pointed directly at the Decedent, the Decedent made no sudden hand

movements, nevertheless, Hurst shot the Decedent.


After being shot by Hurst, the Decedent fell to the ground where he laid

motionless while bleeding and during that time, Hurst shot the Decedent again.


As the Decedent laid on the ground shot, Hurst did not know if the Decedent

was dead.


As the Decedent laid on the ground shot by Hurst, Hurst rolled the Decedent

over and cuffed the Decedents hands behind his back.

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Neither prior to cuffing the Decedents hands behind his back or after

cuffing the Decedents hands behind his back did Hurst ever confiscate any

weapon (firearm or otherwise) from the Decedents body.


While at the scene where he shot the Decedent several times, and as the

Decedent laid on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, Hurst never

confiscated a gun from the Decedents body.


While at the scene where he shot the Decedent several times, and as the

Decedent laid on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, Hurst never

photographed a gun on the Decedents person.


While at the scene where he shot the Decedent several times, and as the

Decedent laid on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, Hurst never

identified a gun as being the Decedents gun.


While at the scene where he shot the Decedent several times, and as the

Decedent laid on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, Hurst never

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identified any gun that he claimed the Decedent possessed that caused Hurst to fear

for his, Hursts, life.


When Hurst rolled the Decedents body over to cuff the Decedents hands

behind the Decedents back, Hurst did not identify a gun on the Decedents body.


Emergency medical personnel touched the Decedents body in numerous

places; rolled the Decedents body over; and picked his body up to put it on a

stretcher, while at the scene of the shootingand during that entire process, no

medical personnel confiscated a gun from the Decedents body while prepping the

Decedent to be transported from the scene of the shooting to the local hospital.


Emergency medical personnel touched the Decedents body in numerous

places; rolled the Decedents body over; and picked his body up to put it on a

stretcher, while at the scene of the shootingand during that entire process, no

medical personnel identified a gun on the Decedents body while prepping the

Decedent to be transported from the scene of the shooting to the local hospital.

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While emergency medical personnel touched the Decedents body in

numerous places; rolled the Decedents body over; and picked his body up to put it

on a stretcher, while at the scene of the shooting, many law enforcement officers

observed said medical personneland not one those observing law enforcement

officers identified a gun on the Decedents body while said medical personnel

prepped the Decedents body to be transported from the scene of the shooting to

the local hospital.


Once the Decedents body was transported to the local hospital, law

enforcement officers from the City of Mobile Police Department entered the room

in which the Decedents body was located, and thereafter a gun was found under

the Decedents body.


The gun allegedly found under the Decedents body was shown to the two

passengers who were riding with the Decedent in the subject car at the time Hurst

pulled the subject car over, and those two passengers said that they had never seen

said gun before.

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The Plaintiff hereby reiterates and incorporates by reference the allegations

contained in paragraphs 1-34 as if set forth fully herein.


At all times relevant to this Complaint the Decedent had a clearly

established right under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution to

be free from unreasonable seizure by government agents such as the Defendant.


Based on all facts that have been incorporated to support this Count,

Officer Hurst violated the Decedents clearly established right to be free from

unreasonable seizure by using deadly force on the Decedent when the Decedent

posed no threat to the Defendant or to any other person.


Because of Hursts objectively unreasonable conduct, the Plaintiff therefore

seeks a punitive damage judgment against the Defendant, in an amount to be

determined by the enlightened conscience of a jury, together with interest and any

costs this Court deems just.

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The Plaintiff hereby reiterates and incorporates by reference the allegations

contained in paragraphs 1-38 as if set forth fully herein.


The Plaintiff is the natural mother of the Decedent and the administrator of

the Decedents estate.


While working within the scope of his employment with the City of Mobile,

the Defendant violated the Decedents clearly established Fourth Amendment right

to be free from unreasonable seizure.


The Defendants violation of the Decedents clearly established Fourth

Amendment right to be free from unreasonable seizure was the direct and

proximate cause of the Decedents death.


Because the Defendants wrongful act caused the death of the Decedent, the

Plaintiff is entitled to bring this survival action pursuant to ALA. CODE 6-5-410.

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The Plaintiff has complied with all Notice of Claim requirements. A copy of

said Notice is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit A.


The Plaintiff therefore seeks a punitive damage judgment against the

Defendant, in an amount to be determined by the enlightened conscience of a jury,

together with interest and any costs this Court deems just.


(Against Hurst in his individual capacity)


The Plaintiff hereby reiterates and incorporates by reference the allegations

contained in paragraphs 1-45 as if set forth fully herein.


At the time that Officer Hurst fatally shot the Decedent, the City of Mobile

Police Department had a strict policy that Hurst could not shoot a knowingly

unarmed person who posed no threat to his life or to the life of others. Hurst

violated this mandate, under the facts incorporated to support this Count, because

at the time he shot the Decedent, he knew the Decedent was unarmed, posed no

threat to Hurst himself, and posed no threat to anyone else because Hurst saw the

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Decedent had no gun in his hand, made no sudden movements and never tried to

even approach Hurstin addition to the other facts used to support this Count.

Consequently, Hursts use of deadly force fell below that of a well-trained City of

Mobile Police Officer and constitutes negligence on the part Hurst for which Hurst

is liable to Plaintiff under all controlling law with respect to compensatory, special,

punitive, and nominal damages.


WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully prays for the following relief:

1. That this Court exercise jurisdiction over this case and grant a jury


2. That this Court decide, as a matter of law all issues not required to be

determined by a jury;

3. That this Court award all permissible damages recoverable from the

Defendant, including general, special, compensatory, punitive, and

any other damages deemed appropriate, in an amount to be

determined at trial;

4. That this Court permit recovery of reasonable attorneys fees and

costs in an amount to be determined by this honorable Court; and

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5. That this Court grant any additional relief that this honorable Court

deems appropriate under the circumstances.


Respectfully submitted this 9th day of February, 2017,


Eric Tavaris Hutchins
116 Madison St
Alexander City, AL 35010
Telephone (256) 392-4040

Mario Williams
Ga Bar No. 235254


44 Broad Street, NW, Suite 200
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Telephone (404) 654.0288
Facsimile (404) 592.6225


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