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Solidbank Corporation v. Spouses Tan

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[G.R. No. 167346. April 2, 2007.]


COMPANY , * petitioner, vs . SPOUSES PETER and SUSAN TAN ,


CORONA , J : p

Assailed in this petition for review by certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court are the
decision 1 and resolution 2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated November 26, 2004 and
March 1, 2005, respectively, in CA-G.R. CV No. 58618, 3 affirming the decision of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 31. 4
On December 2, 1991, respondents' representative, Remigia Frias, deposited with
petitioner ten checks worth P455,962. Grace Neri, petitioner's teller no. 8 in its Juan Luna,
Manila Branch, received two deposit slips for the checks, an original and a duplicate. Neri
verified the checks and their amounts in the deposit slips then returned the duplicate copy
to Frias and kept the original copy for petitioner.
In accordance with the usual practice between petitioner and respondents, the latter's
passbook was left with petitioner for the recording of the deposits on the bank's ledger.
Later, respondents retrieved the passbook and discovered that one of the checks,
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company (Metrobank) check no. 403954, payable to cash in
the sum of P250,000 was not posted therein. cDCaHA

Immediately, respondents notified petitioner of the problem. Petitioner showed

respondent Peter Tan a duplicate copy of a deposit slip indicating the list of checks
deposited by Frias. But it did not include the missing check. The deposit slip bore the
stamp mark "teller no. 7" instead of "teller no. 8" who previously received the checks.
Still later, respondent Peter Tan learned from Metrobank (where he maintained an account)
that Metrobank check no. 403954 had cleared after it was inexplicably deposited by a
certain Dolores Lagsac in Premier Bank in San Pedro, Laguna. Respondents demanded
that petitioner pay the amount of the check but it refused, hence, they filed a case for
collection of a sum of money in the RTC of Manila, Branch 31.
In its answer, petitioner averred that the deposit slips Frias used when she deposited the
checks were spurious. Petitioner accused respondents of engaging in a scheme to illegally
exact money from it. It added that, contrary to the claim of respondents, it was "teller no. 7"
who received the deposit slips and, although respondents insisted that Frias deposited ten
checks, only nine checks were actually received by said teller. By way of counterclaim, it
sought payment of P1,000,000 as actual and moral damages and P500,000 as exemplary
damages. aCcADT

After trial, the RTC found petitioner liable to respondents:

Upon examination of the oral, as well as of the documentary evidence which the
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parties presented at the trial in support of their respective contentions, and after
taking into consideration all the circumstances of the case, this Court believes
that the loss of Metrobank Check No. 403954 in the sum of P250,000.00 was due
to the fault of [petitioner] . . . [It] retained the original copy of the [deposit slip
marked by "Teller No. 7"]. There is a presumption in law that evidence willfully
suppressed would be adverse if produced.

Art. 1173 of the Civil Code states that "the fault or negligence of the obligor
consists in the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature of the
obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the person of the time and
of the place"; and that "if the law or contract does not state the diligence which is
to be observed in the performance, the same as expected of a good father of a
family shall be required."

. . . For failure to comply with its obligation, [petitioner] is presumed to have been
at fault or to have acted negligently unless they prove that they observe
extraordinary diligence as prescribed in Arts. 1733 and 1735 of the Civil Code (Art.
1756). . . HAcaCS

xxx xxx xxx

WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of
[respondents], ordering [petitioner] to pay the sum of P250,000, with legal interest
from the time the complaint [for collection of a sum of money] was filed until
satisfied; P25,000.00 moral damages; P25,000.00 exemplary damages plus 20%
of the amount due [respondents] as and for attorney's fees. With costs.


Petitioner appealed to the CA which affirmed in toto the RTC's assailed decision:
Serious doubt [was] engendered by the fact that [petitioner] did not present the
original of the deposit slip marked with "Teller No. 7" and on which the entry as to
Metrobank Check No. 403954 did not appear. Even the most cursory look at the
handwriting thereon reveal[ed] a very marked difference with that in the other
deposit slips filled up [by Frias] on December 2, 1991. Said circumstances
spawn[ed] the belief thus, the said deposit slip was prepared by [petitioner] itself
to cover up for the lost check. 6DTCAES

Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but the CA dismissed it. Hence, this appeal.
Before us, petitioner faults the CA for upholding the RTC decision. Petitioner argues that:
(1) the findings of the RTC and the CA were not supported by the evidence and records of
the case; (2) the award of damages in favor of respondents was unwarranted and (3) the
application by the RTC, as affirmed by the CA, of the provisions of the Civil Code on
common carriers to the instant case was erroneous. 7
The petition must fail.
On the first issue, petitioner contends that the lower courts erred in finding it negligent for
the loss of the subject check. According to petitioner, the fact that the check was
deposited in Premier Bank affirmed its claim that it did not receive the check.
At the outset, the Court stresses that it accords respect to the factual findings of the trial
court and, unless it overlooked substantial matters that would alter the outcome of the
case, this Court will not disturb such findings. 8 We meticulously reviewed the records of
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the case and found no reason to deviate from the rule. Moreover, since the CA affirmed
these findings on appeal, they are final and conclusive on us. 9 We therefore sustain the
RTC's and CA's findings that petitioner was indeed negligent and responsible for
respondents' lost check.
On the issue of damages, petitioner argues that the moral and exemplary damages
awarded by the lower courts had no legal basis. For the award of moral damages to stand,
petitioner avers that respondents should have proven the existence of bad faith by clear
and convincing evidence. According to petitioner, simple negligence cannot be a basis for
its award. It insists that the award of exemplary damages is justified only when the act
complained of was done in a wanton, fraudulent and oppressive manner. 1 0 ECTSDa

We disagree.
While petitioner may argue that simple negligence does not warrant the award of moral
damages, it nonetheless cannot insist that that was all it was guilty of. It refused to
produce the original copy of the deposit slip which could have proven its claim that it did
not receive respondents' missing check. Thus, in suppressing the best evidence that could
have bolstered its claim and confirmed its innocence, the presumption now arises that it
withheld the same for fraudulent purposes. 1 1
Moreover, in presenting a false deposit slip in its attempt to feign innocence, petitioner's
bad faith was apparent and unmistakable. Bad faith imports a dishonest purpose or some
moral obliquity or conscious doing of a wrong that partakes of the nature of fraud. 1 2
As to the award of exemplary damages, the law allows it by way of example for the public
good. The business of banking is impressed with public interest and great reliance is
made on the bank's sworn profession of diligence and meticulousness in giving
irreproachable service. 1 3 For petitioner's failure to carry out its responsibility and to
account for respondents' lost check, we hold that the lower courts did not err in awarding
exemplary damages to the latter. DEHaAS

On the last issue, we hold that the trial court did not commit any error. A cursory reading of
its decision reveals that it anchored its conclusion that petitioner was negligent on Article
1173 of the Civil Code. 1 4
In citing the different provisions of the Civil Code on common carriers, 1 5 the trial court
merely made reference to the kind of diligence that petitioner should have performed
under the circumstances. In other words, like a common carrier whose business is also
imbued with public interest, petitioner should have exercised extraordinary diligence to
negate its liability to respondents.
Assuming arguendo that the trial court indeed used the provisions on common carriers to
pin down liability on petitioner, still we see no reason to strike down the RTC and CA
rulings on this ground alone. cSTHaE

In one case, 1 6 the Court did not hesitate to apply the doctrine of last clear chance
(commonly used in transportation laws involving common carriers) to a banking
transaction where it adjudged the bank responsible for the encashment of a forged check.
There, we enunciated that the degree of diligence required of banks is more than that of a
good father of a family in keeping with their responsibility to exercise the necessary care
and prudence in handling their clients' money.
We find no compelling reason to disallow the application of the provisions on common
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carriers to this case if only to emphasize the fact that banking institutions (like petitioner)
have the duty to exercise the highest degree of diligence when transacting with the public.
By the nature of their business, they are required to observe the highest standards of
integrity and performance, and utmost assiduousness as well. 1 7
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision and resolution of the Court of Appeals dated
November 26, 2004 and March 1, 2005, respectively, in CA-G.R. CV No. 58618 are hereby
AFFIRMED. Accordingly, the petition is DENIED. CcAESI

Costs against petitioner.

Puno, C.J., Sandoval-Gutierrez, Azcuna and Garcia, JJ., concur.

* On June 8, 2005, the Court granted the motion of private respondents to implead
Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company as petitioner following the latter's acquisition of
Solidbank. Under Rule 3, Section 19 of the Rules of Court, the person or entity which
acquired the interest of a party to a case may be substituted in the action or joined with
the original party.

1. Penned by Associate Justice Arcangelita M. Romilla-Lontok and concurred in by

Associate Justices Rodrigo V. Cosico and Danilo B. Pine (retired) of the Twelfth Division
of the Court of Appeals; rollo, pp. 9-20.
2. Id., pp. 22-23.
3. Entitled Peter and Susan Tan v. Solidbank Corporation.
4. Decided by Judge Zenaida R. Daguna, rollo, pp. 74-80.
5. Rollo, pp. 79-80.
6. Rollo, p. 17.
7. Rollo, pp. 150-159.
8. Lipat v. Pacific Banking Corporation, 450 Phil. 410 (2003).
9. Bordalba v. Court of Appeals, 425 Phil. 407 (2002).
10. Petitioner's Memorandum, rollo, p. 157.
11. Philippine Banking Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 127469, 15 January 2004,
419 SCRA 487.

12. Petitioner's Memorandum, rollo, p. 157.

13. See Prudential Bank v. Court of Appeals, 384 Phil. 817 (2000); Bank of the Philippine
Islands v. Casa Montessori International, G.R. No. 149454, 28 May 2004, 430 SCRA 261.
14. Supra, at 5.
15. Id., Articles 1733, 1735 and 1756 of the Civil Code.
16. Canlas v. Asian Savings Bank et al., 383 Phil. 315 (2000); see also Bank of the
Philippine Islands v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102383, 26 November 1992, 216 SCRA
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17. Simex International (Manila) v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 88013, 19 March 1990, 183
SCRA 360.

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