Medical Parasitology PDF
Medical Parasitology PDF
Medical Parasitology PDF
Samar N. El-Beshbishi
Professor of Medical Parasitology
Mansoura Faculty of Medicine
1.Types of parasites.
2.Types of hosts.
3. Host- parasite relationship.
4. Pathogenesis of parasitic diseases.
5. Zoonosis.
6. Classification of Medical Parasitology.
7. General characters of parasites.
Medical Parasitology: is the study of parasites
of man and their medical consequences.
Protozoa Insect
Medical Helminthology
Platyhelminthes (flat worms)
Class : Trematoda (Flukes)
General characters:
1) Adults are leaf like, pear shaped or elongated
worms, flattened dorsoventrally.
2) Bilaterally symmetrical except schistosomes.
3) Size: varies, some are large fleshy (Fasciola)
others are just visible by naked eye
4) Covered with protective cuticle that may be
smooth, spiny or tuberculated.
5) No body cavity, all organs are embedded in
loose connective tissue cells.
6) Suckers: for attachment, usually 2 in
number, in some there are 3
(Heterophyes heterophyes).
7) Digestive system:
- Starts by the mouth opening, found at the
bottom of the oral sucker.
- The mouth leads to a pharynx, then a short
oesophagus which bifurcates into two long
intestinal caeca.
- Caeca end blindly with no anus.
Digestive system
8) Excretory system
- Starts by a definite number of excretory cells
called (flame cells).
- Waste products pass from the cell excretory
tubules excretory duct excretory bladder
exceretory pore at the posterior end of the
Flame cell
9) Nervous system: consists of a ring of nerve
ganglion around the pharynx, from which
nerve fibers arise.
10) Respiration and nutrition:
-Adult flukes are anaerobic.
-They feed on biliary secretion, intestinal
contents, tissue juices or blood according to
their habitat.
11) Genital (reproductive system):
-Nearly all trematodes are hermaphroditic with
exception (schistosomes).
The male reproductive organs consist of two
or more testes.
The female genital organs consist of a single
ovary situated in front of the two testes.
Genital system
Life cycle of trematodes:
- Eggs of trematodes should reach water in
order to develop.
- Alternation of generations in the life cycle of
Asexual cycle in the soft tissues of snail I.H.,
begins by miracidium and ends by cercaria
stage, passing through sporocyst and redia
stages (except for Schistosoma).
Sexual stage in tissue of D.H.
Trematode parasites (flukes) include:
Hepatic or liver flukes:
- Fasciola gigantica - Fasciola hepatica
- Opisthorchis viverrini
Intestinal flukes:
- Heterophyes heterophyes
Lung flukes:
-Paragonimus westermani
Blood flukes:
-Schistosoma haematobium, mansoni, japonicum and