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Manual For Chess Trainers Step 1 PDF

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Learning chess

Manual for

chess trainers

Copyright Cor van Wijgerden 2004

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system or transmitted in any other form or by any means without permission in writing from
the publisher.

ISBN 90-77275-35-5



Publisher: Van Wij gerden

English translation: Kaarlo Schepel
Editor: Dr. Bert Botma
Drawings: Rupert van der Linden
Cover design: Eric van der Schilden

Preface 4

The first step ................................................................................................ 5

Chess development of a child ...................................................................... 5
Organisation................................................................................................. 9
Motivation ................................................................................................. 10
Teaching .................................................................................................... 11
- Orientation............................................................................................... 14
- Prior knowledge ...................................................................................... 14
- Acquisition .............................................................................................. 15
- Practice .................................................................................................... 19
- Testing ..................................................................................................... 26
Certificate .................................................................................................. 27
Indications for the use of this manuaL ...................................................... 28
Lesson 1: Board and pieces ....................................................................... 29
Lesson 2: How the pieces go ..................................................................... 34
Lesson 3: Attack and capture..................................................................... 41
Lesson 4: The pawn ................................................................................... 49
Lesson 5: Defending .................................................................................. 56
Lesson 6: Check......................................................................................... 65
Lesson 7: Mate (1) ..................................................................................... 71
Lesson 8: Mate (2) ..................................................................................... 78
Lesson 9: Castling ..................................................................................... 88
Lesson 10: Profitable exchange ................................................................. 93
Lesson 11: Twofold attack ...................................................................... 100
Lesson 12: Draw ...................................................................................... 106
Lesson 13: Mating with the queen ........................................................... 111
Lesson 14: Capturing en passant ............................................................. 115
Lesson 15: The notation .......................................................................... 118
List of concepts ........................................................................................ 123
Ordering ................................................................................................... 128

The Step by Step learning system is an officially acknowledged method by

the Dutch Chess Federation. It has been successfully adopted by the
majority of chess clubs and schools in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The whole course consists of six manuals, specifically for chess teachers
and trainers (the first step also for parents), and six workbooks that can be
used by the students themselves.
The course introduces the game of chess in a no-nonsense, common-sense
way to all budding players from ages 6 up. It introduces many psycho
logical aspects of the game and avoids the pitfalls that characterise many
less-extensive courses. It would allow anyone of average and above ave
rage ability to absorb - at one's own pace - all the rules and skills of chess
that are necessary to become a strong club player. It also tries to remove
most impediments that often cause players to play below their strength.

In the first step all the rules of the chess game are introduced. Furthennore,
much attention is paid to developing of the basic skills, necessary to play
chess. Comparing with other books for beginners the step-by-step method
introduces an unique sequence of the teaching material. Learning how to
mate is postponed as long as possible. This sounds astonishing and even
incredible but up till now, practice has shown that this approach works
perfectly. Children learn to play chess very well, for sure if they get enough
time in between to play and practice.

At this moment not all books of the chess course are translated into English
yet. You will find updated infonnation on our website at:

For more infonnation, please contact

Enjoy your chess lessons.

Rotterdam, May 2004

Cor van Wijgerden

The first step

The first step deals with all the rules (laws) of the game of chess. Addi
tionally, a lot of attention is devoted to the basic skills that are necessary to
play the game.
The elementary learning material appears to be simple and indeed, some
teachers manage to work through the first step in three months. That is not
the best approach, however. Essential chess techniques like mating the op
ponent require a more extended learning period. It is better to plan a period
of a year to really master the basic skills (there will always be exceptions).
Just let students play. You will easily catch up on 'lost' time at a later

The chess development of a child

The game of chess has an enonnous attraction to children. The shape and
movement of the chess pieces fascinate them. Chess is a game in which you
can be boss, and where you face the consequences of your own actions.
Good or bad luck, as you experience in games like 'Bingo' or 'Monopoly ',
does not exist in chess. In short, children think it is a nice - even cool -

After learning the way the pieces go and how to capture your opponent's
pieces playing becomes a proper treat. For children, the first aim of the
game then becomes capturing the opponent's pieces. The captured pieces
are then neatly arranged in order of battle along the side of the board, pre
ferably on their own side. The loot is regularly counted. Children will even
count them if nothing has been captured in the meantime.
Capturing becomes the aim of the game for children. It does not really
matter a lot to them whether material is lost. Even if they know the concept
of mating and are partially capable of executing mate, they will remain so
fascinated by capturing that this is what they are after in the first place.
They will select a piece (each child having their own preference) and will
start hunting with it. If the piece is killed in action, then it is the turn of the
next piece. When one of the players is mated, it is often by accident and it
comes as a surprise to both players. They would rather continue! "You are

mated" is countered by "Yes, but I got your queen."

Material phase
The period in which children are occupied with the material itself is easily
identifiable. We call this period: the material phase. The children explore
the pieces and the way they move over the board, and by accident and error
they become more skilful. They do not hesitate anymore about the way the
pieces go. The children will be helped enormously in their chess develop
ment, if they get the chance to work through this material phase at their
own pace as completely as may be possible. One of the benefits (among
others) in later games will be that they do not continue to give pieces away.

Spatial phase
Mastering the concept of mate and focusing on finding a mate are only
sufficiently effective if a child gets sufficient insight in the spatial division
of the board during the material phase. It has to discover that the way the
pieces move does not only extend to other pieces but also to squares. Only
then can there be some talk of (an attempt to) spatial control. The students
reach a new plateau: termed the spatial phase, without completely leaving
the previous one. To start with this phase without taking the previous one
into account will lead to more and unnecessary mistakes in the games of
the children. It will the take the children quite some time to reach the
following phase.

Time phase
We play moves in chess with a certain goal in mind. We need time to reach
that goal.
Time is expressed in moves. Chess players call a move a tempo (i.e. 'time'
in Italian, with its plural: tempi). The stronger we start playing, the more
important tempi become. Even playing as White is then an advantage,
because White is the side that starts the game. For this reason, we call the
third phase of development the time phase. The fact, that it takes a number
of years before a child reaches that level requires a bit of explanation.
Students do not have an inkling of the importance of time in the first step.
They sometimes invent wonderful plans that are a few moves deep, e.g. to
catch a pawn with their King. The opponent unfortunately can counter the
threat in just one move when the intended capture is near. In our eyes, this
is a waste of time, but we have to realize that children do not yet experience
that they could have utilised those lost moves better. Even children in the
second step pursue with their King an opponent's pawn with a good heart

(White: a4 - Black: Kb3: 1. a5 Kb4 2. a6 Lb5 3. a7 Kb6 4. a8Q). We may
conclude from the way they react that they not even consider this strange:
"That was close! "
This insufficient understanding of the concept of time is in a way remark
able. Children do not like it when they have to pass a turn during 'Mono
poly'. They do realize most certainly that they are at a disadvantage as
regards the opponents. You never have to pass a single move during chess:
you play whenever it is your turn. That you, nevertheless, may have to pass
- i.e. lose a tempo - after all because of 'stupid' moves may occur to them,
but the expectation that the opponent will overlook a threat tends to over
rule that thought.
As a result of the lessons and comments about their games, they will gradu
ally start to understand the real truth during the second step that a chess
game is more than just a sequence of separate moves. Through the exer
cises they learn the importance of looking a few moves ahead; and as a
result of the lessons children learn over the opening (gambits) that you may
'exchange' material for space and time. We are at that time, however,
already into Step 3. Only then do the concepts of gaining or losing a tempo
get more importance. When commenting on their games, we shall then
follow up on this point: "You can gain a tempo by playing this. You will
lose a tempo in development. That is going to cost you a tempo."

None of the three above phases are clearly defined and visible periods, but
they run partially along parallel tracks. Only the initial and final stages of
each phase are at a different point in the learning process. Let's clarify this
by making the following comparison:
Material phase: from January through June
Spatial phase: from March through September
Time phase: from May through December
Experience reveals that children need all their attention and energy at the
start of a certain phase, so that there is no room and energy left over for the
next one. As soon as you observe a certain manner of control, you may
slowly start with the next phase.

Relevance for the chess lesson

A chess trainer will do well if he takes the three stages described above into
account during his lessons. He will help his children by allowing them to
play a sufficient number of games and by letting them make the exercises
during the material phase. The right concepts and skills will thus be
acquired and exercised at the right moment. It is a waste of time if students

are learning a spatial aspect like mate, and if they have to think about the
way a certain piece moves at the same time.
The duration of each phase tends to depend on the individual. This is the
reason that our aim should be to adapt chess teaching as much as possible
to suit the individual child. In practice, this will of course conflict with a
lack of manpower, but we get quite far in the right direction by means of
the exercise sheets, and especially by playing enough games.

Consequences for practice

The above-mentioned phases also have importance for the practical game.
It does not make sense to point out all kinds of aspects regarding the spatial
division of the board during the material phase, nor about giving mate in a
certain position. Nor does it not matter to force children to think a long
time about their moves. The point is that the problematic nature of the
game is represented for children by the material itself that is on the board,
and not by any other factors. In practice, we have noticed many well
meaning people who think that they are promoting a positive development
by forcing children to think a long time about their moves. Unfortunately,
the opposite is true. The child gets bored until the moment that it is allowed
to make his move and will lose interest in the game.
It is evident that playing with a clock at this stage is not appropriate and
only causes the child to lose concentration.
Assistance by the trainer during a friendly game like: "Just have a good
look, you can capture a piece" is in a different category altogether and is
the right thing to do. We always need to remain aware during teaching and
when commenting on the children's games in which phase the children are.
That way we may be able to correct the child's errors more effectively.

Conditions for the chess lessons

The conditions for chess lessons are, at least on paper, simple:
a room with furniture
There is always a space available in schools for teaching and playing.
The situation in chess clubs is often less suitable. In the worst case,
youth clubs have just one room available where all activities for all the
steps have to take place. To make matters even worse, after the 'hour of
chess', the club night for adults will have to be held in the same room.
The ideal situation is that each group has its own room for their own
lesson. Playing games, however, can be staged with other groups in a
larger room.
chess boards and pieces
The pieces used by the children should preferably be large, rather larger
than normal size. The idea that children's chess pieces should be com
paratively smaller is based on a wrong assumption. Larger pieces pro
mote the ability to recognize and to handle them: the younger the child
ren are, the more important the size of the chess pieces. The board
should be of a size comparable to the pieces and should have numbers
and small letters on the edge. Children should have their own board
during the entire lesson.
a demonstration board with pieces
When teaching groups of more than 4 children, a demonstration board
should be used, preferably a large board (of about 1 10 x 100 cm.) that
could be placed or hung somewhere. The most suitable would be a
magnetic board, although a wooden board with edges on which pieces
can also be used.
a school board or a flip-over to write upon
This comes in handy if the teacher wishes to write down the main points
of a lesson as a visual support.
accessories for the demonstration board and normal boards to mark the
Indispensable are accessories to mark squares and actions taking place
on the board. Coloured magnets or a marking pen (in case of a board
that can be wiped) are ideal. Coloured counters are handy for the boards
of the children, and coloured pencils for the exercise books.

The place of the children
A pleasant seating arrangement for small groups is a half circle or a horse
shoe shape around the demonstration board. All children will be able to see
the demonstration board well in that seating arrangement, while the teacher
can oversee all boards of the students quickly. He can walk at any time to
any board to check or to assist.
Preferable all children should have their own board during the lesson. If
this arrangement cannot be realized and two children have to work with one
board, it is important that the children can turn their chair towards the
demonstration board during the lesson. If they have to look sideways to
wards the demonstration board, then their orientation becomes more diffi
Children require separate skills when working together on one board: the
ability to cooperate and to wait for each other. To sit opposite each other
like during a game has the disadvantage that the perspective towards the
board is different for each of them. It is therefore better to let young
children sit next to each other behind the chess board during the expla

Fixed time
Structure is important for chess lessons. A fixed time to start and a fixed
duration for the lesson are experienced as pleasant by children. That applies
both to chess at a chess club and in school, even if it is an extracurricular

Structure of the chess hour

Children like to play games. We use this knowledge by dividing the lesson
into an instruction part and a game part. More time is allocated for playing
chess. If there is a fixed time for the duration of the lesson, and therefore a
fixed time to play, the enthusiasm of the children will remain constant,
even if more difficult subjects are covered.


Children want to learn chess for various reasons, whether it was seeing
Searching for Bobby Fischer or the beguiling movement of those wooden
dolls over the board. Their environment may play a large role too: their
school teacher wants them to learn chess or their grandpa urges them.
To learn chess is a challenge, it is something new that you may learn to

manage at your own level. This starting motivation, curiosity, unfortunately
only lasts a short time. We therefore have to remain alert once the initial
attraction faded:
offer something new
raise the skill of the child
Because the child will start to play better chess, it enjoys learning and using
this new ability. Then the child will remain interested. His motivation will
transfer at a later stage to the playing of games. The challenge then is to
measure his skills with others. His real love for the game of chess will
develop at a later stage. When we start with the chess lessons, we shall
therefore have to focus first of all on supporting and raising the motivation
of the children. A few points of attention in order to maintain their moti
vation are:
make sure there is a good atmosphere
be well-motivated yourself (good preparation)
show interest in the students and approach them positively
adapt to the games and the level of the students
teach well
We shall give ample attention to this latter point in this manual.


Teaching is not simple, certainly not for an inexperienced teacher. He has

to deal with the teaching material and the children, and he has to use his
wits in managing the teaching process correctly. Just following the ready
to-use lessons in this manual is not sufficient for that purpose. It is really
necessary to know what you are doing.

Sequence of the teaching material

In which sequence should the teaching material be introduced? Many
teaching manuals choose the 'logical' approach and teach mating as
quickly as possible because that is the aim of the game. In this method,
mate is only introduced in lesson 7. Why? Mate is a concept for which the
student (among others) needs to have knowledge of the way the pieces
move over the board, of attack and of defence. To master the concept of
defence adequately is already quite a job.
The structure of the teaching material in chess therefore requires a depen
dent structure. Students have to fully master specific learning subjects

before they can successfully tackle the next subject. To start with mating
before the students have mastered all concepts from the previous lessons
sufficiently, lowers the chance that they will master mating as well as the
following subjects.

Sequence of the lessons in the first step

The sequence of the lessons depends on various factors:
1. logical need
When covering mate, all partial concepts should be known (how the
pieces go, attack, capture, ways to defend, check and how to get out of
2. importance, utility
Mate is the aim of the game and it therefore needs to be covered as soon
as possible. The children want to play games. A rule like 'castling' will
therefore have to wait.
3. variation, change of subject
Lessons with the same kind of content should not be given in sequence.
How the pawn moves, should therefore not be discussed immediately
after the lesson 'How the pieces go.'
4. Age and level
The twofold attack (one and a half move) can easily wait until a later
time for young children as well as for weaker groups.

Sequence in the course of lessons

It is useful to keep the following principles in mind:
1. from concrete to abstract
We shall explain this rule by means of examples.
2. from easy to diffi cult
The way the rook moves is much easier for a child than the way the
knight moves. For this reason we deal with the rook first. The pawn
appears to be simple but it is better to postpone discussion about it a bit
because of the many extra rules (the double step, moving straight but
capturing diagonally, not moving backwards, and pawn promotion).
3. from important to less important
The 'en passant' rule is less important for games of the children and is
therefore discussed only at the end of the step (and then only because it
is a rule of the game). When protecting pieces, the direct ways are dealt
with first. The indirect ways are omitted altogether.
4. from simple to complex
We first deliver mate on the edge of the board with a piece that is

protected. Only then do we introduce mating positions with more than
two pieces and in the middle of the board.
5. from general rule to specific rule
We first learn to defend and only then to get out of check (the latter is
easier! )
6. from simple concept to multiple
We first discuss protecting a piece and only then interposing a piece that
should itself be protected.

Structure of a lesson
The results of learning are detennined by many factors. A personal
characteristic like intelligence can't be decisively influenced, we do how
ever have a direct influence in the way the lessons are structured and pre
sented, the help, which the students receive, and the feedback during the
learning process (see schedule of the teaching model later on).
The subject-matter in this manual is structured in such a way that there is a
logical sequence of the entire process, both in the structure of an individual
lesson and through the entire cycle of lessons of the first step.
We will be able to accompany the learning process of the children better by
using a lesson structure.
We differentiate between:
prior knowledge
acquisition (instruction) feedback

Prior to every lesson that he is teaching the teacher must ask himself what
he wants to accomplish, what goal he has in mind and what material he
wants to convey. The students also must have a goal in mind.
The second step is to recall the prior knowledge; the children are asked to
recall those points of their knowledge that relate to the subject to be dis
cussed. The children need that knowledge in order to acquire the new skills.
The students exercise what they have learned after the explanation phase,
e.g. by making a number of exercises. This way, the teacher can check how
much of the subject has become clear to each child.
In addition, it is important that the teacher checks whether the students
apply what they have learned to their games. It is further advisable to test
the children after a while to see whether the discussed material is still there
and ready to be used.

In any moment in the lesson feedback will have to be given to the students.
Stress what is correct and what isn't and especially why not.
We shall now discuss each part of the pattern of lessons a bit more


The orientation is indicated with: goal of the lesson. It is important for the
instructor to find his bearings in what the main point of the lesson is and
why the students have to learn it at this particular stage in the step. If he
does not realize this point, chances are that these points are not emphasized
sufficiently. The summary at the end of each lesson and the reminder - if
given - do assist in this.
The students need to grasp the purpose of the lesson. They have to be sti
mulated to take an active part in the lesson. A good start by drawing their
attention is a good beginning. That can be done by going into their world of
experience, using a suitable little story. It must relate to the material that is
to be discussed (exchanging a big marble for 4 ordinary ones is a profitable
exchange). In case this is not possible, putting a position on the demonstra
tion board is a good alternative. We put a position on the board at the be
ginning of a lesson about capturing, in which a piece is looking at a piece
of the other colour. We then ask a simple question "What is the matter
here?" One of the games played by the children could provide common
ground later in the lessons.


Recalling prior knowledge is much more important than many teachers

think (this is often left out for the sake of convenience). The lesson that
deals with mate is much more difficult to follow for the student who does
not know all the different ways to get out of check than for the student who
has this kind of knowledge ready at hand. The specific prior knowledge:
what does the student already know of the subject he needs to know, can be
found in the manual. We can sometimes appeal to more general prior
knowledge: e.g. what may students apply in this lesson that they have
learned elsewhere (e.g. checkers or other games).
Having sufficient knowledge at one's disposal means that new information
can be quicker and more easily acquired and absorbed. What is learned

becomes attached to and part of what was learned earlier.
We must not only recall and test the necessary present knowledge of the
students but also reinforce it. Reinforcing the structure of the subject-matter
with the students makes it is easier for them to acquire new information and
to retain it. The chance for practical application is not yet assured as a
result of this but it certainly increases.


The (possibly) unknown (chess) concepts that will be discussed in the
respective lesson are given under this captioned heading. We cannot simply
assume that students already have mastered concepts that may also occur in
daily life. Some concepts in chess have more than one meaning. Exchange
means e.g. capturing a piece from your opponent by giving a similar piece
of your own. However, winning (or losing) the 'exchange' means (your
opponent) capturing a rook while giving a bishop or knight.
Another nice illustration of such a misunderstanding is also the following
occurrence in a game between a trainer and a (young) student where the
different meanings of 'moving back' lead to a misunderstanding. The trai
ner played Bfl-b5+. The reply came immediately without thinking: h7-h5.
Trainer: "You are in check. Just move the pawn back."
Child: "Pawns are not allowed to move back."

Conveying a new subject can be done in different ways: tell a story, explain
it, show it. The demonstration board is a very useful tool in this respect.
Anything verbally communicated should always be supported by an exam
ple. The positions for the demonstration board are given in this manual for
each and every lesson. The safest way is to copy these positions exactly.
The teacher must get into the habit of stepping back after making a move
on the demonstration board. He then does not stand in the way of the stu
dents and he has a good overview himself of the position on the demon
stration board.

The teacher should, however, refrain from almost literally quoting the text
of this manual. The vocabulary used and the speed at which he speaks
should of course be adapted to the level at which the group is able to under
stand the subject-matter.

The explanation should never result in a prepared monologue. Children do
not want to be a passive audience. They want to participate actively. Even
if students may appear to be attentive, they could very well be completely
elsewhere with their thoughts. Everyone has to be drawn into the lesson.
Examples could be set up on their own board and solved, or a child could
come to the demonstration board to show the solution. Interaction must be
our device.
The preparation should be adapted to the way the children react from the
very first moment on. They understand what you tell them or they do not; a
new explanation may then be necessary. A short summary may also be
helpful. The nature of the questions is a further indication whether the
explanation of the subject-matter has to be repeated or has to be put across
in a different way.
If possible, the main points of the lesson have to be written down during
the lesson on a blackboard or on a flip-over. The quantity of verbally
presented information otherwise becomes too much. It is important that the
students learn as little as possible by heart during the instruction. The
students may use the summary on the board later on when absorbing it.
Important to remember is the fact that part of the children prefer to absorb
the subject-matter through reading.
Many subjects lend themselves for a schematic representation:
o protecting

o movmg away
o capturing

o interposing

The awareness that learning is not a passive process but that it requires
mental activities of the students is important. Children have to relate the
new knowledge you give them to the knowledge they already have. To help
children to relate this new knowledge independently can be accomplished
in various ways. This issue will now be considered in more detail in the
sections 'Asking questions' and 'Forms of assignments'.

Asking questions
Asking questions is an important skill when giving an explanation. The
teacher will have to use this skill frequently. The art of asking the right
question presupposes the ability to listen.
We ask questions with various aims in mind. First of all to find out whether
a certain kind of knowledge or ability has been acquired (e.g. when re
calling the prior knowledge) to raise the interest of the students, and, finally
to draw their attention or to 'bring their attention back' to the lesson. An

important aim of asking questions is to let the students absorb the subject
through thinking. The subject-matter will then be better retained, and
available when necessary.
Points of attention when asking questions:
Ask questions in such a way that everyone has enough time to think
about it.
Ask a question, pause for a moment and only then address someone.
While pausing, reflect on who will have to answer and anticipate the
The reflection time should not be interrupted.
In each group, someone will raise his finger at once after the question.
The inclination to allow the answer to come quickly from the group is
fairly tempting, 'the raised finger' otherwise disturbs the order. By
allowing everyone to think about the question, the students could write
the answer down (in chess, the answer is short, usually a move), or tell
the answer to their neighbour. Everyone is then actively taking part.
Formulate the question as clearly as possible.
Ask single questions. Do not ask "How can you save the bishop and
what does White threaten then?" but ask the questions in sequence.
The teacher should not cut off the answer without reason.
Student: "I think that I shall play the bishop." Teacher: "Very good
because it will be safe on g5 and then delivers check." It is better to
continue with a question.
The answer should be evaluated.
The right feedback is essential. The way you react determines strongly
whether the desired learning effect will take place. "You are giving a
knight away" is a different approach than if you say: "You have pro
tected your rook, but do you see what is happening with your knight?"
Lift out the good elements from the given answer.
Do not work with the same children all the time.
Also choose passive children; don' t let only the best student answer, but
also ask children who do not raise their finger. And make sure that, from
time to time, you give someone a turn twice in a row!
The sequence of the questions has to be didactically well-founded.
A principal is that the build up of questions should be from easy to
difficult, from simple to complicated.

For the correct application of this last point, there is some insight required
into which aspects of chess are difficult for children. An outline:
A move forwards is often easier than a move backwards.

A move over a longer distance, irrespective of the nature of the move
(capture, play, protect) is often harder to see than over a short distance.
The quantity of pieces on the board is also a determining factor; the
more pieces there are on the board, the more complicated it becomes.
A position with more than one theme is more difficult (e.g. attack,
capture and protect play a role in the twofold attack).

The technique of 'passing on questions' fits well in these chess lessons,

particularly when enumerating. "In which ways can you get out of check?"
Three children can answer to that. All students are forced to stay alert. 'To
keep on asking questions' is useful. When a student does not know the ans
wer, or when a wrong answer is given, the questions can become more
specific in order to get the right answer.

Forms of assignment
The students can be put to work in various ways during the instruction.

Solve a position
The position on the demonstration board is set up on the children' s own
board. Each student will then be able to solve the assignment at his own
level. The answer can be checked easily. This form is particularly satis
fying when there is more than one solution. "Put the knight in the middle
and place pawns on whatever squares the knight may jump to in one move"
is a simple example. Any other position in which a piece has to be placed in
on the board is suitable too.

Invent a position yourself

This form can be used in almost every lesson. "Invent a position in which
White can deliver mate in one." Nice and instructive. Two students in turn
may invent a position with the given theme and then solve it.

Playing format
The students play along on their own board and they play a move in turn,
e.g. a rook move when explaining how a rook moves. It could also turn into
a 'game' . The knights are in two corners (at and hS). Who will get his
knight into the corner of the opponent first? This game will have a sur
prising result when played correctly, (which we will not give away!)

Learning together can be instructive. As a group, students sometimes know

better where the difficulty lies in understanding the material or in solving a
problem. They are closer to each other in their development. This form of
cooperation can be useful, particularly if the teacher is a strong chess

The most important points from the lesson are summarised under this
heading. At the end of the instruction, it is useful to enumerate all what has
just been learned with the students.


The verbal instruction given by the trainer is briefly summarised for the
students by means of reminders. These are included in the exercise book.
Even the best teacher cannot prevent that part of the instruction does not
get across. The children will subconsciously make a selection of that part of
the lesson that they grasp. As a result a few things will be remembered, and
this is unfortunately not always the most essential part of the lesson. The
reminder, however, will convey all essential information.
Further, it is important that the student is able to read through the subject
matter besides the verbal explanation. At home, when the chance to ask
questions has gone, the reminder can refresh the knowledge that has sunk
away. An added advantage is that the parents see what their child is learn
ing at the chess club and can if necessary brush up on their own knowledge.

The purpose of the exercise sheets is that the children practise the material
that has been covered. Each child needs a work book, so that everyone can
work and put into practise what was learned at one's own level and at one's
own pace.
The number of problems that a student makes per lesson will depend on the
time allowed, the degree of difficulty and the level and interest of the stu
dent. It is definitely not necessary to always complete an entire page. The
purpose of the assignments is not to keep the children quiet and occupies.
White is at move in all positions, except in positions where a black dot ( . )
is shown at the right upper corner; this means Black is to move.
The purpose and topic of each exercise sheet can be found under the
heading 'Explanation'. In certain cases, an indication is also given as to

what problems one can expect.

Board and pieces

A board and pieces for each child is desirable, so that all assignments can
be set up on a real board if necessary. The position of the diagram will
gradually be solved by more children. More and more by heart, although
fingers and pencil dots will still often be an aid. The possibility to set up the
position on a board should always be available for the more difficult
assignments. Solving a position is in that case easier because the child then
can fall back on making a move on the board. The children' s use of the
board is an important indication for the teacher as to how far the child is in
his development.

Content of exercise sheets

Assignments with a particular theme are found on most exercise sheets. By
means of a well-thought out instruction we teach the children plan not to
make these exercises at random. We teach them what they have to look for,
and we indicate a search strategy for them. It should become clear to the
children how problems of a certain type can be dealt with in general. This
is particularly useful for the practical game where every position is
The exercise sheets are not all the same. Variation keeps up the motivation
and diversion in the way of solving problems raises the process of generali
sation and helps children to adapt it to their own games.
Exercise sheets require various actions:
indicate squares (mark with a plus sign)
which moves are possible (mark squares)
play the best move (an arrow for the move made)
insert a piece (write down initial of the piece)
indicate all good moves
multiple choice

Note down or make arrows?

A pleasant facet of working with diagrams is that writing down the answers
in the standard method of notation can be postponed until the moment that
the child is ready for it. Especially if writing down the right notation is
more difficult for a child and takes him longer than finding the solution to a
chess problem.
Learning notation is postponed until lesson 15. The lesson can be inserted a
bit earlier for older children, if necessary; a bit later for younger children

when you cannot get around it.
The notation lesson can also be cut into sections, so that this notation skill
slowly improves. It is, of course, extremely handy during instruction when
the students are able to call moves aloud.
Hardly any single assignments in the beginning phase are more than half a
move deep. The right move can therefore very easily be 'notated' by draw
ing an arrow in the diagram. Arrows are also possible in assignments with
more than one move, e.g. the twofold attack. They can then be numbered.

Helping (general)
Directly after the instruction it is useful to walk amongst the working stu
dents, not to give aid, but to check whether everyone has understood the
assignment and has gone to work.
After that there shouldn't be any support for some time! Students have the
tendency to ask anything that they momentarily don't understand.
When the students are working on the assignment and the material is being
absorbed, the instructor should remain busy by walking around, assisting
and checking. Direct feedback provides the highest learning effect.
Through the number of mistakes made during and after the exercises, the
trainer will see what a child has seen and what not, so that he can go further
into the matter.
A general guideline has to be that the children will have to answer at least
70 to 80% of the assignments correctly. If this percentage is lower, then
chances are that the child has not grasped the subject-matter, and will con
tinue to make many mistakes. The result is that his motivation will gradual
ly decrease. To let the students muddle on is senseless.
It is advisable in such cases to repeat a lesson or to go further into the
positions that the child does not understand. When doing so, it is important
to analyze the nature of the mistakes. If, during the exercises of the sheet
Capture an unprotected piece the child alternatively captures an unpro
tected and a protected piece, then it is clear that the subject 'defence
through protection' has to be explained once more.
Another approach is to take an exercise that was made correctly as a start
ing point. Letting them explain why this assignment 'went well', will help
them to understand their other mistakes better. The student will discover
the rules to be applied together with the teacher. By using this approach,
the student becomes less sensitive to constantly changing situations and
fewer mistakes will appear when something changes. To use what has been
learned in a flexible manner, and to adapt it to continuously changing
situations during the training sessions and also in the real game, the child

must develop a conscious and active insight into the way he makes his
decisions. Specific assistance is further given for every exercise sheet under
the headings 'Wrong' and 'Help'.

Helping (in practice)

The children will make mistakes when making the exercises. These mis
takes indicate where the limits of the child lie as regards insight and skill.
Dedicated help is necessary to let the children make progress. A number of
factors are of importance:
Cause of the mistake:
- the subject was not understood
- one of the previous lessons was not understood
- sloppiness (e.g. because of working too quickly)
- attention diverted because of other factors on the board
Methods for assistance:
- asking questions (do not give the answer yourself)
- cooperate (stay with the child)
- when one way of support does not help, try another
The child should always experience the help positively so that it will con
tinue to ask for help in the future.

The diagram is an assignment from the

exercise sheet Defending/Protecting: A.
Suppose that a child has inserted as
answer 1. Nc3-b5. This move is not
correct. Other mistakes are also possi
ble. It is important to realize that there
are gradual differences in mistakes. A
move like 1. Nc3-e2 is more serious
(although a better move!) because there
IS no relation with the assignment at


Assistance can be given in the following way:

We first set up the position on a real board.
We allow the child to make the incorrect move.
We ask if the child can discover what is wrong about this move.
We allow the child to look at the move from Black's perspective (turn
the board around if the child thinks that this is easier).
Most children will then discover the mistake and can start looking for the

correct answer. The concepts of the lessons have been grasped with 1.
Nc3-b5. However in that case, the child has overlooked that the knight is
lost. That can be found by 'discovery'.

The right way to help

discovers the mistake (1. Nc3-b5)
formulates the cause (child misses the answer 1 .. a6xb5)
. .

concludes that the answer in principle is correct (Nb5 protects pawn c7).

Trainer and child:

the position is set up
the wrong move is executed
the trainer asks questions
- turn the board
- remove unnecessary pieces so that only the essential ones remain
- set up another position with the same problem

discovers the mistake
looks for the right answer

Record results
In order to get a general impression of a specific student, it is useful to
register the results of the children.
The motivation of the children is in direct rela '"t:I
s:: a ..., z 0 '-

e: III 0
!!. S
3 ciQ'
tion to the obtained result. If everything is cor .....
rectly and quickly finished, the attention stimu a"
lus will diminish because of boredom (the work 0

becomes sloppy and mistakes are made). Slow
work with few correct answers, on the other 3 + 12 +10 +12 +4 +10

hand, will lead to a loss of self-confidence, so 4 + 12 +11 +10 -

that new assignments will be avoided. When 6 + 12 +12 +11 +7 +12
registering results, these tendencies can be dis 8 + 12 +9 +10 +6 -
covered. That can be done quite simply, as in
the table. The minus sign means not-yet-made; as soon as the page is
finished, the minus sign is changed into a plus sign. Nigel is the problem
child here.
It is tempting to keep a much more extensive registration (a student

following system) with error analysis and so on. That means a lot of work,
and in practice it means that often no tracking at all is done after a few
months' time.

In each group, there will always be one student who is much faster and
more skilful in solving problems. We have made a provision in form of the
special assignment sheets for these students. The exercise sheets from the
workbook are found in the manual under the heading 'workbook'. The
degree of difficulty is indicated with the name.
The idea is that the sheets with an t!:J can be made by everyone after the
instruction has been given. The sheets with t!:J t!:J are more difficult and will
only be directly needed by one or more individuals. However, they are
much recommended for everyone, only at a later stage of the course. Most
children will never get to the sheets with t!:J t!:J t!:J. These sheets are the ideal
test exercises, but only at the end of the step, or even during a following
Children who are quicker than average should be presented with more diffi
cult problems. This should not be seen as a smart way to keep them quiet.
There comes a moment when a distinction needs to be made in the lesson,
so that both the slower and the quicker students can get into their own
stride. Therefore, the best solution is to offer the quicker children the option
to maintain their own tempo. Testing will be of great importance for this
latter group. It should indicate whether they have really mastered the mate
rial and are able to apply it, or that they have only rushed through it.

Playing format
The digestion of exercises need not only take place in writing. Playing out
positions on the board is of vital importance.
Children want to play anyway. "When are we finally going to play a
game?" is a frequently asked question. It is a pity that the complexity of
chess is such that the students cannot start playing a real game after the first
lesson. We are lucky that the need to play in the first phase can be met
through all kinds of games. A further advantage is that many skills are
learned additionally, and in a playful manner. The way the pieces move is
learned automatically as a first skill. That is especially necessary as far as
the knight is concerned.
The game positions always involve a small number of pieces, which contri
bute to the overall clarity. In a real game, each child will play their own
game without taking much notice of the opponent. They will learn quite

rapidly during the games that you have to watch the play of the opponent.
The students will also learn subconsciously to strategies that are quite im
portant during a real game. These strategies include: the use of the centre,
covering as many squares as possible and the battle for a tempo.

Student versus student

The games can be played between the students themselves. The dis
advantage of playing each other is that in some games (e. g. 'Queen traps
knight') the defender plays so badly that the better player does not have to
strain himself to win. Other games, on the other hand, (e. g. 'Starting
position') lend themselves very well for playing each other. A point to
remember is that there may be insufficient control in the first stages of the
game to apply the correct rules.

Simultaneous display
An excellent alternative for playing each other is playing against the
teacher (either an ex-student or one who is on higher step). A position can
be played simultaneously against a maximum of 12 children. More than 12
is not advisable. The students would then have to wait too long for their
turn, and with this number there is not much time to explain something on
an individual basis.
In this form of exercise, the teacher can observe from close by what points
the students have understood well, which subjects give them problems, and
which are too difficult. In a question and answer monologue, the teacher
tells them aloud the right way to analyze the position. By telling them what
move he intends to play, he is able to convey the right manner of thinking.
This role-modelling has proven its usefulness at every level. "My queen is
attacked. What moves can I play now? I cannot go to a4. In what ways can
I defend myself?"
The simultaneous player may on purpose reintroduce in the games the sub
jects discussed in the lesson. He could leave pieces unprotected, allow him
self to be mated, make an unprofitable exchange. He does not really have to
allow himself to be mated. "What will you play if I do this?" is a question
that makes sense and leaves the door open.

Useful subjects for the simultaneous format are in particular positions in

which one side dominates. Playing the weaker opponent (who will always
lose with good play) is not very motivating for students. Especially when
the position requires mating with the queen, the other player simply cannot
do much more than move his king sideways one step at a time. We can

make it a bit more exciting in that case by counting the moves. Then there
is something in it for both sides. The trick for the defender is to keep going
as long as possible and for the attacker to do the job as quickly as possible.
The computer can also be of help in games with a legal position.
Give the side with the queen to the child and the computer will allow itself
to be mated willingly time and again. An ideal exercise situation.
All chess programs have been programmed according to the rules of the
real chess games. Positions without a king are seldom allowed by any com
puter program.

Finish a gamer-posit ion)

The main purpose of the chess lessons is to teach the children how to play
(better) chess. The main portion of the chess hour after the lesson about
mate must therefore consists of playing games.


Each teacher has to keep track of whether the students do or do not apply
the acquired knowledge in their games. That is harder in the beginning,
when games are not yet written down, but you can get a reasonable im
pression of the children's play if you walk around during their games. It is
important not to let the level of knowledge and their level of skills differ
too much. In case this happens, it is advisable not to introduce any new
It is also of importance to keep an eye on their knowledge level. It is sensible
to ask questions about the subjects that have been covered after five lessons
or so. The simplest method is to make a summary of the exercise material
that was done. This can be found in the sheets marked with Repetition. The
familiarity with the material coincides with the familiarity of the positions.
What is already known predominates and a good result is probable.
A bit more difficult is solving the problems when the same subjects are
tested in new positions. The testing sheets marked with Mix are suitable for
the following reasons:
to record progress
to introduce tests in a child-friendly manner (first literally mixed repeti-
tions, then mixed repetitions that cover the same theme)
the mixed exercises resemble real games as closely as possible
The results of the mixed sheets are a good indication to determine whether
the your teaching speed is too high or adequate.

Ce rtificate

The children may take an examination after the lessons of 'step one.' They
will get a certificate (see picture - the original one is in full colour) when
they pass. The certificate is not a goal in itself. We give chess lessons in the
first place to build and to raise their skills ('how to learn and play better
chess ), not to get certificates. But these can be a good stimulus to continue

with the course material to the end.

We also have to realize that to give children the prospect of the certificate
in the beginning of the year will not be a stimulus for very long. The point
in which they will receive the real certificate lies too far in the future. Goals
that are closer by have to serve as a real stimulus.

When preparing for the examination it is sensible to let the children make a
test examination first, and if necessary a second time. However, try to
prevent that them doing test examinations too many times. It will put a
severe strain on their enthusiasm, and it put too much emphasizes on the
examination and the certificate.

Indications for the use of this manual

The manual contains a great number of
split diagrams. These have to be read and !llii
set up on the board as separate diagrams. %%

The left side of this diagram has to be set

op on an empty demonstration board (thus
without the position on the right). When
discussing the right part, the position on the
left has to be removed. Leaving the posi
tion is not recommended, because this
often leads to unnecessary misunder
standings. If the rook remains on d5, then
1 . Rd5xe5 would be best, but it would not
be the solution that we had in mind.

The following symbols, which refer to diagrams, are of crucial importance:

D' refers to the diagram on the top of the page.
refers to the diagram in the middle of the page.
refers to the diagram at the bottom of the page.

The moves in the answers are sometimes accompanied by an exclamation

mark or a question mark, e.g .. 1 . Rd2xd4 ! or 1 . . . . Nf5-d4?
The exclamation mark means a good move.
The question mark means a bad move.

The name of the reminder - if given - and the exercise sheets of the
relevant lesson can be found in the exercises under the heading Workbook.
The diamond is the name of the reminder, the square is the name of the
exercise sheet. They can be found in the workbook that is meant for the
o Attacking and capturing
D Rules of the game / Castling: A
The meaning of the pawn ( ) was explained on page 24.

1 Boa rd a n d p ieces


exploring the board
learning about coordinates
learning the names of squares
introducing chess pieces



board, square (white and black), file, rank,
diagonal, diagram, coordinates, piece, star
ting (initial) position,

No one is likely to be entirely ignorant of
chess in a new 'beginners' group. The
children often already know the board from
checkers, and a family member will have
explained how the pieces go. Our expe
rience is that those 'experts' like to help
during the lessons and can be easily em
ployed for this purpose. The rest of this
lesson, i.e. exploration of the board and in
troducing the various pieces, will therefore
have to be adjusted to the group's level.
Chess, just like checkers, is played by two
players on a board (diagram ). A chess
board and a checkers board are about the
same size, but a checkers board has 1 00
equal squares, a chess board 64. For the
sake of clarity, the squares alternate as light
and dark. Irrespective of the colour (mostly

dark and light brown), we always talk
about white and black squares. The board
is correctly placed when a white square is
in the lower right hand corner, i.e. 'white
on the right' . Let the students check
whether the board of their neighbour is
placed correctly.
The demonstration board is simply a nor
mal but enlarged board on which everyone
can see everything better. Pieces will be set
on the board: white and black ones. They
are going to play against each other on the
board, each piece on one square.
We can combine the presentation of the
pieces (only the name! ) with a little story
about the origin of the game of chess. A
few data are given at the end of the lesson
under Information. The pieces may be set
up on their initial square after they have
been introduced. The initial position will
then be 'populated' slowly. A student may
set up the black pieces on the board. They
will stand directly opposite the white pie
ces. In the diagram () you will find the
correct initial position. Point out the diffe
rences between real pieces and the pieces
of the demonstration board; their similarity
is obvious.

Giving names to squares

It is handy for the chess lessons to be able
to name squares. This identification of
squares may be allotted some brief atten
tion. The students then will learn the names
without effort during the course of the
chess lessons. To enable us to follow all
events on the board well, all squares have a
name (diagram .(l.).
The letters a through h are found on the
lower side of the board and on the right of a b e d e f g h

the board the numbers 1 through 8. The
position of the coordinates differs from
board to board. The name of a square con
sists of a letter and a number. We find the
name by first looking down and then to the
right. Start by pointing out a square in the
corner, e.g. h I . It is important that children
imitate this on their own board. We already
know that there is a white square in the
right-hand corner. Check whether the
students point out the right square and
whether all boards are correctly placed.
Repeat this exercise, this time nominating a
square in the middle of the board.
An exercise with other squares does not do
any harm. Put a piece on the board and let
them name the square (if necessary close to
the edges first). In the diagram (Q) the
white knight is located on square g7, the
black queen on f4.
On some demonstration boards, there are
also letters and numbers on top and on the
left. We then have a choice. It happens that
some of these boards have capital letters
instead of small letters. Putting a sticker of
small letters is a good solution. It prevents
confusion later on when using notation.
The letters and numbers on some boards
are only on one side, so that the black
player sees all of them upside down. The
explanation may be supported by analogy
of streets and house numbers, or with fore
names and family names. Experience
shows, however, that this is not necessary.
Useful concepts for the following lessons
are: files, ranks and diagonals, the squares
in a vertical, a horizontal and a sloping
line, respectively. In the diagram () the c
file, the 7th rank and the diagonal d l /h5
have been indicated.

The speed and the total time required for
the instruction do not only depend on the
age and the knowledge that is already pre
sent, but also on the interest of the students.
Giving names to the squares is not always
exciting. Adapt the number of examples to
your situation. It is sufficient if children
know how we arrive at the name of a
square. You do not need to have this know
ledge in order to play a game of chess.

Chess is played on a board. Parts of the
board have a name: white and black
squares, files, ranks and diagonals. The
names of the squares are found by first
looking for the letter and then for the
The chess pieces (king, queen, rook, bis
hop, knight and pawn) have their appointed
place on the board. The game starts from
the initial position.


<> The board

Exercise book

o Board / Naming the squares: A

Explanation: The names of the squares on which the pieces are
standing, should be written at the bottom of the diagram.
Mistake: Squares are wrongly named. A few mistakes indicate
quick work or working without sufficient concentration.
Help: Point out the mistake only. If this is insufficient, then let
the student read through the reminder or allow another
student to help.

D Board / Naming the squares: B
Explain: The circles, squares and diamonds have to be drawn on
the correct square in the diagram.
Mistake: Wrong squares were indicated. Incidental mistakes occur
most of the time because the children work too quickly or
without concentration.
Help: Let the student read through the reminder or allow another
student to help.


D Board / Naming the squares: A

1) f3 a8 c6 7) f6 bI d5
2) g8 e7 c3 8) d8 g4 e6
3) g4 d5 c2 9) g5 b4 c6
4) c5 h5 b2 1 0) f4 e6 b7
5) e3 d6 b7 1 1) c3 h5 e2
6) d4 f5 c2 1 2) f7 b6 dI

The most important piece is the king. The king was called Shah in Persia.
The game of chess owes its name to him. He can be easily recognized by
the cross on his head.
The queen was the weakest piece in the original version, she advised the
king as a counsellor. She was changed into the strongest piece during the
The bishop developed from the elephant, and is still called ' elephant' in
Russian! It was in the past featured with twisted tusks that pointed to each
other. The French mistook these tusks for a fool ' s cap (cap 'n' bells), and
therefore called the bishop ' fou' ( crazy). The English thought the tusks

were a bishop' s mitre, and called the piece 'bishop ' . The Netherlands and
Germany took it for a courier (' loper' and ' Laufer').
The horses have been horses from the start, sometimes with a rider or a
knight, which is why that has become the name in English.
In the original version, people used chariots for the rooks. These were
changed to their present form during the crusades.
Eight white pawns are placed in front of the above pieces. The pawns were
the foot soldiers of the game as of old.

2 H ow the p ieces go


learning the way chess pieces go
learning the ranking order of chess pieces

naming chess pieces


way pieces go, move, making a move,
straight, diagonally, forwards, backwards,
sideways, jump, game rule, game

We will now discuss the way the pieces go
in the order of difficulty for the students.
We will therefore start with the rook. They
have to look for the rook in their own chess
set. We put the rook on e4 (diagram ) and
show what the rook can do. The rook goes
straight: forwards, backwards and sideways
as far as you want it to go. We move the
rook from e4 to b4. White has played a
rook move. We play the rook to the other
squares, to the middle, to the edge and into
the corner. We show all the different possi
bilities on the board and give a running
The students can exercise the moves of the
rook on their own board alone or in twos.
In the latter case, they play a move in turn
as White and Black. The rooks are not
allowed to land on the same square.
Counting the number of possible moves

gives a good impression of the value of the
pieces. On an empty board the rook can {-
move from each square to 1 4 squares.
After the rook, it is the turn of the bishop
which will receive the same treatment as
the rook (diagram 1}). The bishop moves
diagonally: forwards and backwards, as far

as you want it to. Let them move the
bishop from d5 one, two or more squares,
forwards and backwards. Avoid that the
bishop is only played to the edge. Ask for
the shortest and longest bishop move (e.g.
from a7 to b8, respectively from al to h8).
Explain, then let them work by themselves.
To keep the lesson fresh and varied, please
call a student to the demonstration board to
show a few moves.
Bishops are different. There is a bishop for
the white and one for the black squares.
They can of course never change their
square colour. A bishop on b7 can never
come to g3.
A bishop on d5 may choose out of 1 3
squares on an empty board. That is its
maximum. There are only 7 squares possi
ble from a l or b I .
After having dealt with rook and bishop, it
is only logical that the queen is next in line.
She can play like the rook and like the
bishop. The queen in the diagram (.0.) can
move both straight and diagonally, in all
directions, as far as you want her to go. She
can move in eight different directions from
the middle of the board. If she stands on
e5, then she covers at least 27 squares on
an empty board. In the corner, the queen
has to be satisfied with 2 1 squares. The
queen can do a lot and she is therefore very
The way the knight moves is the most com-

plicated of all pieces. There are several
ways to explain its movement. We have
chosen for one diagonally, one straight
(one straight, one diagonally is also possi
ble). Children may have learned the move
of the knight differently. The way a knight
moves also imitates (follows) the letter L.
It does not really matter what way a student
uses, but teaching them more than one way
will create confusion.
The move ( or jump) of the knight must be
demonstrated well and several times. The
knight jumps in the diagram (Q) from d4,
always to a square of a different colour. In
order to make the visual image and the
control easier, it is recommended to put
pawns on all the squares where the knight
may jump in one move. Put extra emphasis
on the word jump in order to eliminate
illegal moves like Nd4-e4 (after moving in
correctly one diagonally and one straight).
A knight in the centre of the board gives a
nice circle; but half a circle also suits our
It is unfortunate that some children conti
nue to have problems with the knight jump.
A good visual prop is a 'board' of 3x2
squares (standing and lying). That can be
simply drawn and cut. On such a board a
knight jumps from one corner to the other
The way the king moves is easy again. We
deal with him last in order to let the stu
dents become used to the unique position
of the king in chess. In the diagram () the
king on f3 may move straight and diago
nally, but only one square per move. Do
not only place the king in the middle of the
board, but also at the edges and in a corner.
Also show a king of the other colour.

Counting the various options gives the
students a good first impression of the
activity of this piece.
The concept of check will be introduced at
a later stage. The way the pawn moves is
left for another lesson. It takes a while
before the students are sufficiently familiar
with the way the pieces move. Allow the
children to play as much as possible with
the pieces!
A rough knowledge of the value of the
pieces is indispensable for the following
lessons. The students should make an order
of ranking. The probable order that they
will give is queen, rook, bishop, knight,
king. The queen is worth the most, then the
rook. Knight and bishop are roughly worth
the same because each bishop only can
come on one square colour. A point list
will be introduced at a later stage. A rough
ranking list is sufficient for the moment,
their relative worth comes in lesson 1 0.

The rook, bishop, queen, knight and king
each move in their own way over the
board. The pieces differ in their importance
and value.


o Moves ofthe pieces

Playing format

Knight 's jump

The first game ! The players make a move
in turn and White starts just like in a real

In the position in the diagram ( fi) the white
and the black knight must 'eat' the pawns
of the other colour. That means capturing
them, and although this will be only
covered in the next lesson, this inconsis
tency does not pose any problems in
practice. The knights are not allowed to
capture each other.
Whoever has captured the most pawns is
the winner.
The purpose of this game is to exercise the
way the knight jumps in a playful manner.
This is a very useful exercise.
Variation: Both players have two knights.

The game may be repeated after the follo

wing lesson has been covered. The knights
could then be allowed to capture each

'Making circles '

Each player has two pieces (a rook and a
bishop). The children have to return these
to their original square in the diagram (Q).
The pieces have to move clockwise. The
area in the middle of the square is the
' inner circle' . That part of the board serves
as a barrier. This block of pawns serves our
purpose very well (draughtsmen will do
too, if they are at hand). Capture is not
allowed, and to stand with two pieces on
the same square is of course not permitted
either. The aim of the game is to let the
children exercise the way the pieces move.

Variation : Add the queen and a knight and

let these play as well. The maximum is
four pieces for each player.

Initial position
A 1& ;;; \UlJ
All pieces are in the wrong position in the .JL a . 53 .:
diagram (fi). The aim of the game is to
bring the pieces move by move to their
correct place in the initial position. The
pieces are not allowed to move beyond the
middle half of the board (i.e. 4th / 5 th row).
It is not necessary to erect a barrier. Who

ever reaches the initial position first wins.
White begins.
rO-, ;:/0
;c n//. ./u/,.a, ? illi: Y':\
This is a nice game where the children not 'g ):-lJ: .
// / / / / /" " , Y: /:/" " " />" " , %

only exercise the way the pieces go, but in

which they will learn to remember the ini
tial position in a playful manner. Even
children who already know the way the
pieces move a bit longer, will play this
game with relish.
The game can also be played individually
with only the white pieces.
The children have not yet memorised the
initial position. This position should there
fore stand on the demonstration board
during the game (on the white side give the
position they are starting from, on the black
side the initial position, which they are try
ing to achieve). It is also possible to con
sult the reminder 'The board '.


D Rules of the game / Moves of the pieces: A l!:,

Explanation: All squares to where the piece may move in one move get
a plus sign.
Mistake: The squares in between (from where and to where the
knight moves) get a plus sign (a knight on e4 can jump to
f5 and f6).
Help: The knight is compared too much to other pieces;
therefore the jump has to be explained one more time.
Ask once more how the knight moves and set up pawns

for the knight' s moves. Looking at the reminder will also
Mistake: A piece can play unexpected moves. There are too many
plus signs for the moves of various pieces.
Help: After a few plus signs have been written down by the
child, one of them has been taken as a starting point. Ask
him if the piece shown is allowed to go to the square with
the wrong plus sign. He will then often realize his
Mistake: Too many plus signs when the queen is discussed.
Help: The queen can do 'anything' has been taken too literally.
Asking once more how the queen moves is often
Mistake: The bishop moves to a square of a different colour. A
white-squared bishop becomes a black-squared one.
Help: "Have another look ! " Carelessness is often the cause.


D Rules a/the game / Moves a/the pieces: A

I ) Rb4: b l , b2, b3 , b5, b6, b7, 6) Ng5 : e4, e6, fl, h7, h3 , f3
b8, a4, c4, d4, e4, f4, g4, h4 7) Rh8 : a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, fS,
2) Bd7: a4, b5, c6, e8, c8, e6, f5, g8, h l , h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7
g4, h3 8) Qe4: a4, b4, c4, d4, f4, g4,
3) Ne4: c3 , c5 , d6, f6, g5, g3, f2, h4, e l , e2, e3, e5, e6, e7, e8,
d2 d3 , c2, b l , d5, c6, b7, a8, f3,
4) Qg7: a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, fl, g2, h i , f5, g6, h7
h7, g l , g2, g3 , g4, g5 , g6, g8, 9) Ke8 : d8, d7, e7, fl, fS
f6, e5, d4, c3 , b2, a l , h8, fS, 1 0) Na7 : b5, c6, c8
h6 1 1 ) Drawing
5) Kb3 : a2, a3, a4, b4, c4, c3 , 1 2) Rg2 : a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2,
c2, b2 h2, g l , g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8

3 Attack a n d ca ptu re


learning the interaction of chess pieces

the way chess pieces move
order of rank of chess pieces


attack, capture, jump, mobility, vulnera
bility, mutual

In case the students have problems with
any of the issues that were covered in the
previous lesson, the prior knowledge
should be repeated. The easy pieces only
need to be covered briefly. Many of the
children will still make knight moves with
In this lesson, both players' pieces will be
standing opposite each other for the first
time and influence each other. This inter
action means that the opponents must
watch two pieces. That requires attention.
Indicate in the diagram () that the rook
looks at the bishop. In this case, we say
that the rook attacks the bishop. If it is
White's turn, he can capture the bishop
with the rook: the rook will then take the
place of the bishop on b7. The bishop
disappears from the board and does not
take part in the game any longer. In short,
the rook has captured the bishop.

The black bishop on the right side attacks
the knight. He can capture the knight.
Give a few more examples with other pie
ces. Replace white with black pieces, and
vary beVween forward and bacard cap
tures. You will find out that bacard cap
tures are more difficult, as are captures
over a relatively longer distance. On the
left side in the diagram ( fi ) the queen
attacks the rook.
In the upper right side of the split diagram
the bishops attack each other. In this type
of position, which bishop can capture the
other depends on whose turn it is to move.
In the lower right side the king can capture
the knight. Let one of the students come to
the demonstration board to point out the
attack and to make the capture.
Capturing is not obligatory! Capturing is,
however, subject to certain rules. In the
following examples, we will discuss when
capturing is not permitted.
In the diagram () the queen attacks the
knight, but not the bishop. This can be
further illustrated by replacing the black
knight by a white one (diagram right).
Captures by the knight require special at
tention. Besides 'normal' capture, the
knight is able to capture by 'jumping over
other pieces' .
On the left side in the diagram (,ij.) the
black knight captures the white rook.
Nothing special.
In the right side of the diagram, the knight
on f3 can capture both the rook on e5 and
the bishop on h4. It does not matter that
there are pieces 'in the way' on e4 and f4.
The knight can jump over both one's own
and enemy pieces. Children (and especially
young ones) have trouble with jumping

captures. To them, the pieces really stand
in the way. They take the knight, move it to
e4, see an obstacle and then move it the
other way. The game ' Which knight eats
the quickest ', which will be outlined at a
later point in this lesson is a good exercise
in this respect.
Finally, we completely lock up the knight
on e3 in the diagram ( 1)' ) and only give it
one exit (f4). If children now also let it play
eight moves without hesitation (including
two captures), then they will have grasped
the concept of capturing with a knight.
We let the children participate on their
board as much as possible. We should
realize however that the job of transferring
relatively complicated positions on the
demonstration board to their own board is
quite difficult for the children.
Attacking pieces should be done with the
necessary care. When doing so, you have to
make sure that the attacking piece cannot
itself be captured. In the diagram (Q) the
queen has to attack the rook in a safe
manner. This can only be accomplished by
means of a diagonal attack. A good move
is e.g. 1. Qb3-dS. In contrast, the queen
must attack a bishop straight by means of a
vertical or horizontal attack.
In the right side of the diagram, it would
not be clever if Black attacks the white
rook with his own rook (e.g. 1 . . . . Rf7 -g7).
But Black can safely attack the white
bishop by playing 1 . . . . Rt7-h7 (or f4).
When it comes to attacking, the knight
once more has an exceptional status. A
knight can attack any other piece without
being captured itself.
During 'attacking actions', you will
generally find more than two pieces on the

board. Each extra piece means more and
more complex interaction! Other pieces of
the opponent may act as spoil-sport when
attacking a piece yourself.
In the diagram (1)') the bishop on f3 could
attack the black rook from either c6 or g4.
The black knight can capture the bishop if
it moves to c6. This attack is therefore un
likely to be successful. Thus, the correct
attacking move is 1. Bf3-g4.

Enemy pieces that are under attack, may be
captured. That is not a duty. However,
capturing is not obligatory.
The queen, rooks and bishops cannot jump
over other pieces. A knight jumps and,
when doing so, can capture enemy pieces.
The opponent can attack your pieces too
and capture them! If you attack an enemy
piece, you should do so with care: make
sure that an enemy piece cannot capture
your attacking piece.


o Attacking and capturing

Playing format

Queen against knight

In the diagram () the queen must conquer
the knight. The knight can only be caught
on the edge and on some squares close to
the edge of the board.
The children switch colours after each
game. It is also possible for the teacher to
play the side of the knight simultaneously

in small groups.
The concepts of mobility (knight in the
centre) and vulnerability (knight more
towards the edge) play a role. In the begin
ning the children will play rather at ran
dom. We can come back to this little game
after a few lessons. By then, the children
will play much more focused.

In the diagram ('0') the pieces must capture
the buttons or coins (pawns are less suit
able because of their colour).
The idea is to capture as many as possible
without being captured yourself. Jumping
over the counters is not allowed.
The importance of the centre (squares d4,

d5, e4, e5) becomes apparent in this little

Variation: Both games have an extra rook.

Queen + rook against bishop

A white queen and rook have to catch a
black bishop (diagram Q). They may start
from the square that they occupy in the ini
tial position. This chase will only succeed
with correct play if the rook is exposed (but
protected!), but almost no child will think
of this on his own accord. If catching the
bishop does not succeed, then an extra rook
needs to be added to do the job. This is a
difficult exercise, and therefore only suit
able for your better student.

Knight 's jump

This exercise was outlined in lesson 2
above. Both players have two knights and
the knights are now allowed to capture
each other.

Which knight 'eats ' the quickest?
The diagram ('0') comes about by replacing
both kings by one of their opponent's
knights. Only these knights are allowed to
play in this exercise. They have to capture
all the enemy pieces surrounding them as
quickly as possible. Whoever has 'swal
lowed' all of them first, wins. Not easy, but
nice and instructive. Even at step 5 level,
the person who begins will not always win.


D Rules ofthe game / Moves of the pieces: B

Explanation: The students have to write a plus sign on the squares
where the indicated piece can go in one move. The enemy
piece that can then be captured will get a circle.
Mistake: Capturing your own pieces.
Help: As a result of the dedicated effort to capturing, other
factors are forgotten. Capturing is a nice job and the more
captures the better! Setting up the diagrammed position on
their own board is a good prop. Let them make the move,
and ask: "What piece do you capture?" and "Take a good
look at that."
Mistake: Capturing too few pieces.
Help: The child is already content after capturing one piece. His
reasoning: you are only allowed to capture one piece at a
time ! Set up the position and ask what other pieces can
also be captured.
Mistake: Queen, rook and bishop can jump.
Help: The error could be caused by unfamiliarity with this
aspect. What is more likely however, is that the student
identifies himself with the wrong piece (e.g. the piece that
he has just captured). It is sufficient to point out that the
same piece must play every time.

D A ttacking / Creating an attack: A

Explanation: This exercise sheet requires a good introduction. The
point is that, rather than investigating all possibilities, the

student must find the best solution. In addition, the
opponent is not hannless anymore: he gets into the discus
sion too, as will happen in almost all positions that will
follow. Choosing the right approach from the start will
pay offi
The students must first look for all possible attacks in the
diagram (setting a plus sign on the squares is enough).
They can find the best move by comparing all possible
attacking moves. The condition is that their own piece
cannot be captured. Therefore the motto is: attack safely !
The correct move will get an arrow. In some of the dia
grams an extra complication is: Which piece should
Mistake: The piece that attacks can itself be captured.
Help: The cause is often that the child is too involved with his
own action. We therefore repeat the suggested move on
his own board and ask: "What can the opponent play
Mistake: Position 8 or 1 0 is wrong.
Help: There is a correct attack but the opponent is able to
capture a piece with the attacked piece (see answers). We
make the move on the child's own board and ask: "What
can the opponent play now?"


D Rules ofthe game / Movement of the pieces: B

I) d2, e5, g I , h2, xh4, xg5 8) g3, g5, g6, f3, f5, h3 , h4, h5,
2) c4, e6, f7, g8, e4, xb3, xf3 xe6, xg7
3) c4, b4, e4, xd5 9) c8, e8, f5, f7, xc4, xe4
4) d5, e6, e7, e8, d4, f6, f4, xc3 , 1 0) e l , e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, a2,
xe4, xf5 , xg3 b2, c2, d2, 2, g2, h2, d I , fl ,
5) c6, c8, a7, b7, d7, e7, f7, g7, xd3
h7 1 1 ) drawing
6) d2, f4, 2, g l , xg5 1 2) b2, c l , e l , f4, xc5 , xe5
7) c4, c3, c6, c7, d5, xb5, xc2

D Attacking / Creating an attack: A
1) 1 . Be2-g4 7) 1 . Be2-h5
2) 1 . Ne4-f6 8) 1 . Rg2-g6 ( 1 . Ne2-d4?
3) 1 . . . . Rd5-dl or 1 . ... Rd5-e5 Bc6xg2)
4) 1 . .. . Qd5-d2 or 1 . .. . Qd5-f7 9) 1 . . . . Nc5-d3
1 . .. . Qd5-a2 1 0) 1 . BaS-b4 ( 1 . Bc6-e4 Rf5xaS)
5) 1 . Rb8-d8 1 1 ) 1 . . . . Qa8-h8
6) 1 . Nb7-d6 1 2) 1 . Bg2-d5

4 The pawn


learning the possibilities of the pawn

knowledge of the other chess pieces


double step, promotion

This lesson should be gIven when the
students have complete mastered the way
the other pieces move.
Many people think that the pawn is the
easiest chess piece. That is not correct. The
pawn is quite different from the other pie
ces because of the many exceptions.
Treating it separately is therefore neces
sary. To vary the way that the teaching
material is presented, we do not cover the
pawn immediately after the other pieces.
The pawn moves straight ahead, one step at
a time; the pawn has the right (not the
duty), to move a double step, but only in
the initial position. The pawn on b2 in the
diagram ( .(l. ) may choose to move one or
two steps forward. The pawn on c5 has lost
its right to move two steps forward and can
only move one step forward. The pawn on
g3, too, can only move one step forward.
After explaining how a pawn moves, a few
students could show the pawn move on the
demonstration board. The pawn captures

forwards diagonally. This makes the pawn
the only chess piece that captures different
ly from the way it moves.
The different possibilities are illustrated in
the diagram (fr). The c-pawn may capture
on d5 or move to c5 . The pawn on h2 may
move one or two squares forward. It is not
allowed to capture the bishop on g4. The
pawn on a6 cannot move, because its path
is blocked by the knight on a7.
We now set up the diagram (Q) and play 1 .
d7-d8. A pawn that reaches the other side
of the board changes into a queen, rook,
bishop or knight of its own colour. Empha
size that the pawn cannot remain on that
square and that the pawn cannot change
into a king. We call this promotion. In the

beginning, it is better to avoid the term 'to
queen' ; the other pieces may be selected
Pawns cannot move backwards. They can
only move 5 or 6 times and get blocked

quite quickly. Set up the e-pawns in their
initial position on an empty board. White
plays 1. e2-e4 and Black plays 1 e7-e5.
. . .
The pawns cannot move anymore. A
suitable question the children could think
about is: "When can pawn e4 play again?"
In the diagrams on the exercise sheets and
on the demonstration board, Black always
plays from above downwards. We never
make an exception in order not to confuse.
We also look at the possibilities of the
black pawn using the diagram ( .(). ). Pawn
b7 may move one or two squares forward;
it is not allowed to capture the knight on
c5. Pawn b2 may be promoted on b 1 or by
capturing on c l . Let the children explain
how the pawn may have arrived on b2. The
pawn on e5 has a choice of capturing the

queen or the rook, or of moving a step
forwards. Capturing 'en passant' (capture
while passing) will be covered at the end of
the first step, in lesson 14.
We conclude the lesson by repeating how
the initial position should be set up. A
playful way is to play together starting with
the 'Initial position ' from lesson 2, at first
with the white pieces only.
In the diagram (1)') we give two possible
options. Of course, the white and black
positions must be identical when you start
The easiest way to learn how to set up the fifi(; A .ill/1 1& /}:
!iai .JL 9'U.
board is by starting with an empty board fW" " " '/ " " /'"" ' '" " ' Y-
and fill it from the edges inwards: first the r i r i r i r i
rooks, then the knights and bishops. Setting
up the queen and the king only can be con
fusing. The white queen stands on a white
square, the black one on a black square.
That is, the queens 'keep their colour. ' The
eight pawns are then positioned in front of t3J r t3J r t3J r t3J r
/ " " /%0 ' " " / '0( " " // ' / ,//Z " , , /
;;;/ Jf':\ ;;; ?
/" "

/" &:,
the pieces (see diagram ). " ,y, <:.2.J r; ' /
/, / / / /
/ " ' /% //" " "
Point out that the white pieces always have
to stand on the first and the second rank.
We will stick to that principle throughout
the course; it prevents confusion so that
pawns do not move the wrong way.

A repetition of the rules of the pawn:
going straight
capturing diagonally
a choice between 1 and 2 steps at the
first move
the only chess piece that never moves


o The pawn

Playing format

Pawn play
Eight pawns against eight pawns play from
their initial position (diagram 1)'). F - ''',,%
,. .-.
.& %.-.%
.-.% .-.

.& %.-.%
.& %.-.% .&
Whoever promotes first wins. You also win
if your opponent cannot move anymore.
The students will switch colour after every

Bishop or knight versus pawns

In the diagram (Q) on the left, the side with ." " %."
" %."
" %."

the pawns begins. The pawns win with
good play, but in practice it is often the
bishop side who wins. The bishop could
nail the pawns down, after which the
obligation to make a move will result in the
loss of the pawns. The students will
discover themselves that it is better not to
capture a protected pawn (to be discussed
in the next lesson).
The pawn player wins when a pawn pro
motes or when the bishop is captured. The
bishop player wins when all the pawns
have been captured or when the last pawn
has been nailed.
The knight on the right has a lot more diffi
culties against three pawns. It is therefore
allowed to begin. With correct play the
pawns will win easily.

Queen against pawns

In the diagram (D.) the queen has to do
battle against eight pawns. This pawn mass
looks enormous, but a smart student will

capture all the pawns quickly. During the
course of play the student will discover the
difference between protected and unpro
tected pawns. To capture a protected pawn
will cost the queen. This little game can
best be demonstrated in a simultaneous
display. The teacher plays the side of the

Promotion game
The eight pawns in the diagram (Q ) have to
be moved to the other side. A pawn that
promotes counts for one point (use the
black pawns to keep track of the score),
and disappears from the board. The knight
has to capture as many pawns as possible
and avoid being captured itself. The players
will play a 'best-of-two' match, one with
the pawns, and one with the knight. The
player with the most points after two
games is the winner.

Initial position
The game from lesson 2 remains interes
ting for the students. More difficult
variations are:
The initial position but with a twist (the
bishops must stand on squares of a
different colour!) An example can be
found in the diagram (). The minimum
number of moves in this position is 1 8.
Another example: Kh l , Qg I , Nfl , Ne l ,
Rdl , Rc l , Bb l , Ba l . In this case, the
minimum number of moves is 1 5 .
The students invent an initial position
themselves. White sets up a piece, Black
sets up the same piece in a straight line
on the other side of the board. Then
Black sets up a piece, White sets up the
same piece on the other side, etc. Point

out that the bishops must stand on
squares of a different colour.
Let the students construct a position A /\\Ur 1&
from which the initial position can be .JL 51' !iaf GrAl a
reached as quickly as possible. This is a
real popular assignment for the student.
In the diagram (1)') we have shown the
position that will allow the children to
reach it quickest. From this position, the
initial position can be reached in 1 2
moves. This is the minimum number of :///'u . "./ //" rO-,
',//., ';';
'ill.M f:":\ ::

moves that is required, providing that / / / / " ,Y-
(:"2...H.J '( /"
// / , , / /' /:/, / / / "

the starting position does not contain

any pieces that occupy their original
square. Another challenge for the most
advanced kid in the group is to construct
the maximum number of moves. With
good play, the maximum number of
moves is I S.


D Rules of the game / Moves of the pawn: A 8

Explanation: The students must write a plus sign for all possible pawn
moves. The pieces that can be captured get a circle. Indicate
that pawn moves are not always possible.
Mistake: The pawn moves are in the wrong direction.
Help: Explaining the rules once more is the obvious solution. The
cause of this mistake is that the student has missed the
relationship between the starting point of the pawn and the
position of the board. Keep telling him that White's initial
position starts on the 1 st rank and Black's on the S th rank.
They will quickly correct these direction problems in the
exercises. The problem may persist for a longer period during
games, however.
Mistake: The pawn jumps or makes other illegal moves.
Help: These errors only occur in positions in which no pawn move
is possible. Point out that pawns are sometimes unable to

D Attacking / Creating an attack: A /j /j
Explanation: The piece next to the board has to be inserted in such a way
that a good attack is possible. The inserted piece itself should,
of course, not be captured. If by any chance more than one
piece can be attacked, the attack on the most important piece
counts. The piece to be attacked should be unprotected; the
students understand this even though they do not yet know
what unprotected means.
Mistake: The inserted piece can be captured.
Help: The cause is often that the student is focussed too much on his
own action. We set the piece on their own board and ask:
"What can the opponent now play?"
Mistake: The attacked piece is protected.
Help: Set the position up on the board. Let the child capture the at
tacked piece with the piece that they have inserted and ask
them what the opponent will now play.


D Rules of the game / Moves ofthe pawn: A

I ) f6, f5 8) e l Q , xd l Q , xfl Q (R,B,N) 1 2
2) a3, a4 possible moves
3) d4 9) Drawing
4) d5 , xe5 1 0) no pawn move possible
5) e3 , e4, xd3 1 1) xb4
6) d6, xc6, xe6 1 2) b5, xc5
7) c8 Q , c8R, c8B, c8N

D Attacking / Creating an attack: A

1 ) rook on the 2nd rank or on the 7) Ra3 , c3 , h3
g-file. 8) Qb2, c3
2) Nc3, e3 , f4, f6, e7, c7, b6, b4 9) Ka7, a8, c8
3) Bishop on a2/g8, fl /a6 1 0) Qg8, Qh6
4) Be6 or Ld7 1 1) Kg8
5) Nd5 , e8, g8, h7, h5 1 2) Nc2
6) Nb6

5 Defe n d i n g


reacting to an attack

attack and capture
rank of pieces


defend, protect, move away, interpose, pro
tected piece, unprotected piece, material

At the beginning of this lesson, it is impor
tant to check whether the children have
mastered the concept of 'attack' . Let them
think of a few positions on their own
Diagram (Q) may be used to defend by
' moving away ' . The knight on c5 is attack
ed by the queen. It can move away to d7,
b7, a6 or a4. It will be clear that the
knight' s moves to b3, d3 , e4 or e6 are out
of the question. On those squares the queen
still can capture the knight.
When we add a black rook on g8 (diagram
), Black can defend himself not only by
moving away but also by 'protecting' the
knight. Black plays the rook to c8. At this
point it is good idea to repeat the order of
ranking of the pieces (see lesson 2). The
queen is worth more than a knight; there
fore, White will not capture with his queen
on c5 . An incorrect way of protecting is I .

.. Rg8-g5. Although the rook on g5 pro
tects the knight, it is itself unprotected, and
can be captured by the queen.
The example in the diagram ('fr) is similar.
The black bishop on the left is attacked by
the white rook. Black can protect the
bishop by 1. Nc2-a3 or he may move

with his bishop away: 1 Bb5-a4. The

. ..

protecting move 1. ... Nc2-d4 is wrong.

Whereas this succeed in protecting the
bishop, the knight can now itself be cap
tured. Anticipating your opponent's moves
(watching his game) is an important facet
of the game of chess. We have to empha
size this to the children.
The black queen attacks the white knight
on the right. Allow the children to look for
the two correct answers and let them make
the moves on their own board (1. g3-g4
and 1. Nh5-f4).
Anticipating the moves and watching the
opponent's game is hard for beginning
chess players. All their attention is devoted
to the protection of their own pieces while
other factors are ignored. In this example
the board is rather empty. As a result, this
problem will not be that apparent. How
ever, in case of positions that involve more
pieces, and particularly during real games,
this problem - a false 'sense of security' -
will become more serious.
A third way to defend is by 'capturing'.
There are two forms of capture: the threate
ned piece can capture the attacker itself, or
another piece can capture it. In the left side
of the diagram (), both knights attack
each other. We call this a mutual attack.
We point out that the white knight is pro
tected and the black knight is unprotected.
Black may move his knight away, protect it

by playing his pawn to b6, or capture the
white knight.
On the right side, the rook on e4 is in
danger of being captured. White can move
the rook away or the bishop can capture the
knight. Both methods are correct.
Let the student set up positions that involve
an attack themselves. The student next to
him may then point out the various ways in
which the attacked piece can be defended.
He then thinks in turn of a new example.
Note that, a helping hand by the teacher
will certainly be necessary here.
In the diagram (c: , the fourth way to de
fend: 'interposing' is illustrated.
The threatened queen on g2 may move to
f2 (smart), capture the bishop (stupid, as
the queen is worth more) or we can place
the pawn in the line of attack by 1 . e3-e4.
We include interposing for completeness'
sake. In games of beginners interposing
occurs primarily in order to get out of
check. This manner of defending will be
dealt with more extensively in lesson 6.
You may safely leave interposing out of
the lessons for the time being. It is not in
cluded in the exercises for this lesson. We
do not use the term 'interfere' in this con
text, since we reserve this term for another
aspect (see step 4).
The ways to defend that we have covered
so far are summarised in the diagram (.{).).
The attacked knight may move away to c4.
White can also capture the attacker by 1 .
Qc3xa5 or protect it e.g. by 1 . Qc3-b2.
Another special way to protect, which ap
pears on the exercise sheet but is often
overlooked in practise, is possible: White
may play 1 . b3-b4 after which the knight
on a3 is protected. The pawn that plays

does not protect the knight itself, but clears
the way for the real defender. We refer to
this method of protecting as 'clearing ' .
On the right i n the diagram the knight on
h6 is in danger. It does not have a safe
square to go to. The queen covers all the
escape squares. Only by moving the f
pawn forward is White able to save his
In the last example in the diagram (1)'), the
students should count the number of
correct moves for White:
move away: Re2, Rg2, Rh2
capture: Rxt7
protect: Ke3, Ke2, Kel
protect by clearing: dS
protect by moving the attacked piece
itself: Rf4, Rf6
This last, alternative way of protection is
not considered in the exercise sheets.

You may defend yourself against an attack
in four ways: by moving away, protecting,
capturing, interposing. In some cases more
than one way is correct. You can safely
capture pieces that are unprotected.


o Defending

Playing format

Who retains anything?

The students must attack and defend with
equal material, e.g. the material proportion
shown in the diagram ( ). Whoever has
captured everything, wins.

Variation 1 :
Material on different wings (the pawns in
that case do not have any enemy pawns
blocking their path).
Variation 2:
Other piece(s) than the knight.

Who retains anything?

The students must attack and defend with
unequal material (diagram '0').
Whoever captures everything wins.
Variation 1 :
Begin the game from a different initial


D Defending / Protecting: A f::.

Explanation: In order to promote a good orientation, the students
should first circle the attacked piece. Only then they are
allowed to draw an arrow for the correct protecting move.
It is of course necessary to solve the assignments one by
one. All positions have been made in such a way that only
defence through protecting is the correct solution. There is
further only one good answer for each diagram.
Mistake: The attack is not recognized because of limited insight or
because they do not yet have a sufficiently developed
sense of danger.
Help: Let them set up the position on their own board and ask:
"Is this piece attacked? And this one?"
Mistake: The protecting piece can be captured. Beginners concen
trate completely on protecting the piece and do not devote
any attention to other facets.
Help: Do you see a good move for the opponent?

D Defending / Moving away: A f::. f::.

Explanation: We let the students first make a circle around the pieces
that are in danger. They must then find a safe square for
the attacked piece. Only then should they draw an arrow

to indicate the correct move (that may be a capturing
move). A rough knowledge of the value of the pieces is
necessary to get the correct solutions. The queen is the
most valuable piece, the rook is more valuable than a
bishop or a knight. A piece that is attacked by a pawn is
always in danger.
The attacked piece in the last three positions may only be
played to square where it is protected by a friendly piece.
Mistake: The piece can be captured.
Help: Set up the position. "Do you see a good move for the
Mistake: The problem is too difficult. The student cannot find a
square for the threatened piece.
Help: The attacked piece in positions 1 0, 1 1 and 1 2 can only be
played to a protected square.

D Material / Capture an unprotected piece: A

D Material / Capture an unprotected piece: B
Explanation: Let them make a circle around all attacked pieces. That
promotes a good orientation. After a comparison between
the protected and unprotected pieces, the students draw an
arrow for the correct move.
Mistake: Capture of a protected piece.
Help: It depends on the cause of the mistake:
- The pieces are lumped together; the piece appears to be
In this case the position can be simplified by removing a
few pieces.
- The captured piece is protected at a distance.
The student should study the options open to the opponent
more closely after the erroneous move is played. That
brings a new assignment: to capture an unprotected piece.
If the student still does not see it, the protecting piece may
be moved closer.

D Defending / Capture the attacker: A

Explanation: The piece being attacked is able to defend itself by
capturing. An easy sheet.
Mistake: The exercise is wrong.
Help: Look at the exercise sheet 'Capture an unprotected

p iece .

D Test / Rep etition: A 8

Explanation: The positions on this exercise sheet have been made be
fore. It is a good test to discover what part of the material
the student still has trouble with.
Mistake: The exercise is wrong.
Help: It is good to differentiate between the various mistakes
made. Has a game rule been forgotten or has a basic skill
like capturing or defending been applied incorrectly?

D Test / Mix: A
Explanation: The themes of the exercises are indicated under the dia
grams, therefore we cannot really consider this a real mix.
Most students will therefore obtain a good result.
It is to be recommended that teacher and students solve an
example after the style of 6, 7 and 8 together.
Mistake: Material will be lost.
Help: Set up the position on the board. Ask what the opponent
would be able to play now (usually capturing an unpro
tected piece). Then study the position once more.
Mistake: Position 6, 7 or 8 is wrong.
Help: The student has to look at all the opponent' s pieces.
Review all possible moves of the pieces one by one and
check whether the squares are attacked or not.


D Defending / Protecting: A
1) 1. c2-c3 7) 1 . . . . Ng4-f6
2) 1. . . . g7-g6 8) 1 . Kg I -g2
3) 1. . . . Ka8-b8 9) 1 . Nc3-d5
4) 1. Rfl -c I 1 0) 1 . . . f6-f5

5) 1. Bf2-d4 1 1) 1 . Rd4-d3
6) 1. Nb I -c3 1 2) 1 . Nc3-e2

D Defending / Moving away: A

1 ) 1 . e4-e5 3) 1 . . . . Rd6-d8
2) 1 . . . . b6-b5 4) 1 . Nd5-e3

5) 1. Re5xh5 9) 1. Qd5-a2
6) 1. . . . Bc5-e3 1 0) 1. Ne3-d5
7) 1. . . . Bg5-c l 1 1) 1. . . . Nb7-d6
8) 1. . . . Qa5-c5 1 2) 1. Rf3-a3

D Material ! Capturing an unprotected piece: A

1) 1. Bc4xe6 7) 1. Qd2xa5
2) 1. . . . Be7xg5 8) 1. . . . Qf7xfl
3) 1. Nc3xd5 9) 1. Kf3xe4
4) 1. . . . Ne4xd2 1 0) 1. . . . Kg8xf7
5) 1. Rd l xd6 1 1) 1. . . . d5xc4
6) 1. . . . Ra7xa3 1 2) 1. . . . Bd4xb6

D Defending ! Capturing the attacker: A

1) 1. . , . Ne7xd5 7) 1. Re2xe7
2) 1. e4xd5 8) 1. Bg5xe7
3) 1. . . . f5xe4 9) 1. . . . Sg5xf3
4) 1. . . . Bc5xd4 1 0) 1. Qd5xd8
5) 1. . . . Rc3xc 1 1 1) 1. Nd4xe6
6) 1. . . . Be5xc3 1 2) 1. Re7xe8+

D Material ! Capturing an unprotected piece: B

1) Drawing 7) 1 . . . . a6xb5
2) 1 . d4xc5 8) 1 . Qd2xh6
3) 1 . . . . Re8xe2 9) 1 . Bg2xa8
4) 1 . . . . Rf8xf3 1 0) 1 . . . . Nd5xf4
5) 1 . . . . Qf3xh l 1 1) 1 . Nd6xe4
6) 1 . Nd4xc6 1 2) 1 . . . . Qg4xd7

D Test ! Repetition: A
1) 1. Be6, Bd7 7) 1. . . . Ra7xa3
2) 1. c8Q (R, B, N) 8) 1. Kg l -g2
3) 1. Nb7-d6 9) 1. . . . Qe5-b8
4) 1. . . . Nc5-d3 1 0) 1. Nb6
5) 1. . . . f6-fS 1 1)
6) 1 2) 1 . . . . Qf7xfl

D Test ! Mix: A
1 ) 1 . . . . Nd7-b6 3 ) 1 . Re4xe6
2) 1 . . . . Nf6-d7 4) 1 . . . . Bb6-d4

5) 1 . ... Nd8xc6 - b2, d2, e3, f4, f2, g I
6) b4, c4, e4, f4, g4, h4, d3, d2, 9) 1 . ... Bf8xb4
dI , d5, d6, d7 , d8 1 0) 1 . Bd6-g3 or 1 . Bd6-f4;
7) + a2, c4, e6, c6, a8 , e4, f3 , rather not 1 . f2-f4 because of
h I ; - b3 , b7, fl, g 8 , g2 1 . . . . Qe4xe3 .
8) + a4, b4, c4, a7, b6, c5, d5, 1 1) 1 . Nd5-c7
d6, d7, d8, e5, f6, e4, g4, h4, 1 2) 1 . Ne6xd4
d3, dI , c3, a l .

6 C heck


learning how to deal with an attack on the king (check)
learning how to defend against check
necessity of getting out of check



check, getting out of check, getting out of
check, interpose

The king has a special function on the
chess board. He always remains on the
board until the end of the game. This
lesson covers the attack on and defence of
the king. It is useful to repeat the prior
knowledge of attack and capture (without
the king) with a few examples. Positions
with a limited number of pieces from the
exercises may serve as example.
In the diagram (), the white rook looks at
the black king: the king is being attacked.
The attack on the king has a separate name:
'check' . We indicate that when the black
king is in check, Black has to repel the
attack on the king. The king moves one
square to the right to g8 and is not in check
anymore. Let the students themselves give
a few other ways to get out of check. We
conclude that only I . . Kf8-f7 is wrong,
. .

because the king does not get out of check.
On the left, the bishop gives check. Tell the
children to set up a few more examples on
their own board. The person next to them
can point out the right moves.
In the left side of the diagram ('fr), Black
has more than one way to get out of check:
He can move away with his king.
He can capture the checking rook with
his bishop.
The capturing move is of course the best
option. We show all the different ways to
get out of check by making all moves com
pletely on the board.
A similar example is given on the right.
We apply the same approach in the position
of the diagram (Q ) . There is a limited
number of possible moves in both parts of
the diagram. On the left Black has to cap
ture the queen with his king; there is no
other move (even though the occasional
student might think that a5, not directly
under White's control, still is a safe
square). The king may therefore also cap
ture the checking piece.
On the right White has to give his queen to
get out of check. A pity, but there is no
other option.
Thus far two ways to defend have been
presented: moving away and capturing.
From the previous lesson, we remember
the option of protecting. That option logi
cally cannot be applied when you have to
get out of check. Protecting the king does
not make any sense because the check will
The fourth way of defending: ' interposing' ,
is now introduced in the diagram (.Q.). The
students will have no difficulty in finding
the right moves in both parts (even if inter-

posing was not discussed in the previous
lesson). On the left Black plays 1 .

Bb8-a7, and on the right 1 . Nh3-g1 i s the

only move. Tell them to also invent a few
positions in which a piece is interposed.
To make sure that the concept of getting
out of check has become crystal clear, we
will use the diagram (fr). The defending
party may get out of check in both parts of
the diagram in three different ways. In the
upper part, Black can capture the queen,
interpose his own queen or move his king
aside (only Kf8 is correct so as to protect
the queen). In the lower part, White can
capture the rook, interpose the knight on e3
or move his king away, e.g. by playing 1.
In the exercises of this lesson the students
should be able to tell which way to get out
of check is the correct one. Two examples
are presented in the diagram (Q ).

On the left White is in check and a move

by the king to a2 or b 1 allows him to get
out of check. This is not the best option,
however, since then the bishop on b4 will
be lost. In this case capturing is therefore
the correct move.
On the right the knight on g4 will be lost if
Black plays with his king. For this reason,
interposing the knight on h6 is the right
In this lesson, we must also point out that
two kings can never stand on adjoining
squares, because they will then simultane
ously give check and be in check. That is
never permitted! It is preferable not to tell
them that there always should be a square
in between two kings. Children then think
it is impossible to place any pieces between
the kings.

The examples given in the diagram ({)') are
obvious and self-explanatory.
The little game to go with this lesson is an
exercise in which you keep the two kings
After the next lesson, which covers mate,
the students will be able to play their first
real game. It will help them if a check
during a game is called out aloud by the
word "Check". Do not permit capture of
the king. We would then be teaching them
a rule which has to be unlearned at a later
stage. Moreover, it is likely that children
will try to give a 'silent check' , thus taking
advantage of the inattentiveness of the op

The attack on the opponent's king has a
separate name: check. An attack on the
king must always be neutralized. You may
get out of check by:
moving away with the king
capturing (with the king or another
interposing a piece
Two kings must always remain one square
apart. The adjoining square between the
two kings need not necessarily be empty, a
piece may occupy it.


o Check and getting out of check

Playing format

King versus king

In the diagram () which king can capture

most counters (buttons, coins, checkers).
The students have to bear in mind the
square between the kings. The purpose of
this little game is for them to learn that
they should keep the kings apart. In the
process, a student has to discover that
keeping the opponent's king away is a
successful strategy. With good play, White
will of course prevail.

Kings and pawns going into battle

The number of pawns may be restricted to
three the first time (diagram Q ) .
You may place the king behind any pawn
of your choice. Whoever first gets a pawn
to the other side or has captured all pawns
first wins.
The number of pawns used at the start
may vary. Eight against eight pawns is
another option.
The pawns are not connected (pawn


D Attacking / Giving check: A 8

Explanation: Before the students draw an arrow to show the good ' safe'
chess move, they should first look at all options to deliver
check. They should not lose any material.
Mistake: The checking piece can be captured.
Help: Look at the position from the opponent's side after playing
the move. What piece can you capture?
Mistake: The move played costs material.
Help: Capture piece giving check yourself and compare the two
captured pieces. Do you remember which piece is the more
important one?

D Defending / Getting out of check: A
D Defending / Getting out of check: B
Explanation: The students have to show the move that gets the king out of
check. Indicating the check with a red arrow first offers a
useful support promoting correct orientation. What options
are there to get the king out of check? They choose the best
one and draw an arrow.
Mistake: The king remains in check.
Help: Which piece delivers check? Try a different move. If the
position then still is too complicated, then the position should
be simplified (see introduction).


D A ttacking / Giving check: A

I ) 1 . Bf4-d6+ 7) 1 . Rd l -d5+
2) I . . . . h5xg4+ 8) I . Bfl -b5+
3) 1 . . . . Nd7-c5+; 1 . . . . Rc8xc3+ 9) I . . . . Qd6-b4+
gives up material. 1 0) I . Ne5xc6+ or I . Ne5-g6+ but
4) 1 . Bg2xc6+ that wins no pawn.
5) 1 . . . . b7-b5+ 1 1 ) 1 . . . . Nb4-d3+
6) Drawing 1 2) 1 . Qa2-g2+

D Defending / Getting out of check: A

I) 1 . Kg l -h l Nf6xe8
2) 1 . Kh l -g l 8) I . . . . a6xb5
3) I . . . . Kg8-h8 9) 1 . . . . Re7-b7
4) 1 . . . . Kg8-g7, h8 1 0) 1 . . . . Qd7-g7
5) I . . . . Rc8xd8 1 1) 1 . Nd l -c3
6) 1 . . . . Qb6xf6; 1 . . . . Kf7-g8? 2. 1 2) 1 . Bfl -e2; 1 . Qd l -e2;
Qf6xb6 1 . Ng l -e2
7) I . . . . Nd7xf6; I . . . . Kg8-g7 2.

D Defending / Getting out of check: B

I) 1 . . . . Nb8xc6 7) I. Nb3xc5
2) 1 . Kh I -g2 8) 1. . . . Kc8-b8
3) I . . . . Kd5-c5 9) I. Bg5-e3 ; I . Kg l -h l ? h6xg5
4) I . . . . Nd7-f6 1 0) 1. Kb l -a l
5) drawing 1 1) 1. Nc4-d2
6) 1 . . . . Ra7xa3 1 2) 1. Bg5-d2; 1 . Kd l -c l ? Rd5xg5

7 M ate (1 )


learning how to finish a game by mating the opponent
the result of a game (winning or losing)

check and getting out of check
protecting a piece


checkmate, mate, support, mating pattern,
result, flight square, opponent, (chess) game

All knowledge from the previous lessons is
necessary to tackle the concept of mate. Do
not start the lesson if there still are clear
gaps in this knowledge.
Delivering check and getting out of check
and protecting a piece are particularly im
portant. We recall this prior knowledge
with simplified examples from the exercise
sheets. Positions will be new for the stu
dents if we mirror them, change colours of
the pieces or move the pieces one row up
or down.
In the introduction, in the section of the
chess development of a child, we suggested
that this development should go from mate
rial to spatial. Space plays an important
role in the present lesson. Mate implies
control of the squares around the king. To
mate a king away from the edge of the
board means that the king must be denied a

total of squares. To allow a fluent develop
ment from material to spatial, we will start
with mating positions in which the space is
kept to a minimum. First in the corner and
at the edge, and only then with material
around the king (that is damaging to the
defender). We introduce mate with a
position as shown in the diagram ( 'fr). Here
moving away or interposing a piece is not
possible, but capturing is an option. After
the king is added, we deny Black this op
tion as well. The king is in check and Black
is not able to get out of it. We then say that
the game has ended in 'checkmate' or
simply 'mate' ; alternatively we can say that
Black has been '(check)mated' .
Check (shah) is the Persian name for king,
mate means 'dead' . It is clear that Black is
mated only because the queen is protected
by the king. He supports his queen, hence
'supporting' mate. Mate means the end of
the game. White wins and scores a point.
To explain a supporting mate, we can
choose to add more pieces that support the
white queen. We could e.g. protect the
queen by a variety of pieces.
In the diagram (Q ) the mating move is in
troduced. In the left part of the diagram
White delivers mate by 1 . Qb3-b6, on the
right by 1 . . . . Qe1-g3. We shall limit our
selves to the mate with the queen. She
denies the king all his squares (that is pos
sible only along the edge of the board).
In the left diagram ({).) the queen has to
deliver check and also deny access to the
escape square a4. A number of students
will invariably answer with the move I .
Qb7-a6#. They overlook that square b4
will become available for the king by this
move. Correct is 1 . Qb7-b5#.

The white king on the right cannot move
anywhere. Still, Black has to choose the
check with care. After 1 . . . . Rg8-g3+,
White gets square h2 for his king; correct is
therefore 1 . . . . Qf4-g3#.
Possible questions: "To which squares can
the king still escape?" "On which squares
do the pieces cooperate?" "Where can you
deliver a check?"
You can also deliver mate with a capturing
move. For some students, this option will
not be immediately obvious. In the left part
of the diagram (1)') White is able to deliver
mate by 1. Qc5xb5.
If the defending player has other pieces
besides his king, then a defence may be
possible. In the right part, 1 . . . . Qg6-g 1 + is
not good because White can capture the
queen with his bishop. The correct mating
move is 1 . . . . Qg6-g2#.
Tell the students to set up a few positions
on their board themselves. Emphasize that
the bishop, rook and queen may also pro
tect pieces and squares from a distance.
Point out backward moves and long moves.
Careful observation will tell you how well
the children have grasped the spatial as
pect. It is clear that students who manually
pick up the king when mate has been
announced and try to move him over all the
adjoining squares (and only then notice that
the king cannot get out of check) are only
beginning to understand the concept of
space in chess (spatial comprehension).
On the left side in the diagram () the
black pawns are so poorly placed that the
queen does not even need assistance: 1.
Qc2-c8#. This type of mate is called: a
back rank mate.
On the right, the black queen needs help

from her own pawn: 1. . . . Qfi-f4#.
We see here that the number of escape
squares available to a king can be restricted
considerably by his own pieces. In case of
a mating position, not all squares therefore
need to be covered by the opponent's pie
ces. His own pieces may stand in the king 's
Other pieces of the attacker can deliver a
(supporting) mate too. There are four such
examples in the diagram ( il' ). White mates
in the top left corner by I . Rb5-b8#.
Further clockwise: I . BfS-g7# , I Ng4-

n# and I Rd2-a2#.
. .

Exercises where a piece has to be added are

useful for learning how to deliver mate. We
ask the children to add the missing piece on
such a square that the position becomes a
mate. In the left part of diagram (Q) we
have to add a white queen. She should go
to c8 to deliver mate. In the right part, a
black queen has to deliver mate. If the
queen stands on g2 or h I , White is mated.
The instruction is sufficient if the student
find the mate quickly. If they do not yet
manage to do this perfectly, then it is
useful to show them a few more examples
on the demonstration board. Making them
understand the mating concept can be
accomplished by covering the subject from
different angles. One way of doing this is
by making exercises in which the suppor
ting piece is added.
In this lesson it is not yet necessary to in
troduce the position in the diagram ( .(l. ), but
it serves as a good example for another
kind of approach. In the left part of the dia
gram, the queen on c8 can still be captured
by the king. Give a white pawn to a student
and ask him to place that pawn on such a

square that Black is mated. A pawn on d7
is the correct solution; the queen is now
Another approach is to add one or more
pieces of the defender's own colour. The
students now have to look for the escape
square(s) still available to the king on the
right. They should then add the piece on
that square to block the escape. When the
white pawn is placed on h2, White is

The king is in check. He cannot move any
where and the check cannot be neutralized.
He is mated.
One piece supports another piece so that
the king cannot capture it. The king' s own
pieces sometimes get in the way, obstruct
ing and preventing his escape. The game is
finished when a king is mated and the
winner will get a point. The loser will get a
zero. The result is 1 -0 if White wins, 0- 1 if
it is a victory for Black.


o Mate

Playing format

Playing a game
At this point the students know the rules
that are required to play a real game.


o Mate / Mate in one: A

Explanation: The students first have to check whether the king still has any
escape squares. Covering those squares with green counters
is a good prop (to draw a green + sign confuses the situation
after the mating move has been made). Only then do they
draw an arrow for the mating move. All mating patterns
belong to the type we call 'supporting mate ' .
Mistake: The piece that delivers check i s unprotected.
Help: At which squares are both pieces looking? In a supporting
mate, two pieces are covering the same square.
Mistake: The king is not mated.
Help : To which squares is the king still able to move?
Mistake: The range of the attacking piece in the old position is gone
after the move is played. The queen covers square a6 from
b5, played is the move Qb5-b8. Square a6 is now not any
longer under the control of the queen.
Help: Set up the position, execute the move and let them conclude
that it is not a mate. Then look at the position once more.

o Mate / Creating mate: A

Explanation: The king has to be mated. The piece next to the board needs
to be added on a square from where it will check the king and
at the same time targets all remaining escape squares.
Mistake: The king is not in check (and is therefore not mated).
Help: Such a mistake can occur by accident. Looking once more at
the position will be sufficient in that case. It may also be an
indication that the concept of mate is not yet clear enough.
Let a good student help (useful for both parties).
Mistake: The king is not mated.
Help : Set up the position and execute the answer given. Let the
students look for the defence. If that does not work, then
choose a step by step approach:
"Can the king move away?"
"Can you capture the piece that delivers check ?"
"Can you interpose a piece?"


o Mate / Mate in one: A

I ) 1 . Qfl-b7# 7) Drawing
2) I . . . Qc3-b4#
. 8) Drawing
3) 1 . ... Qc l -g5# 9) 1 . . . . Qd6xh2#
4) I . . . . Qb8-b2# 1 0) Drawing
5) I . a7xb8Q# 1 1) Drawing
6) I . Qa4xd7# 1 2) I . Qb2-b7#

o Mate / Creating mate: A

I) Qb5 6) Qg7 1 1) b7
2) Qb2 7) Rf8 1 2) Qh l
3) Qg7 8) Re7 1 1) b7
4) Qg2 9) Qf4 1 2) Dh l
5) Qb8 1 0) Bg7

8 M ate (2)


see lesson 7
learning elementary spatial control
learning to control squares



complementary mate, cooperation, back
rank, guarding, chasing

This second lesson about mate should be
given only after the students have played
games for a few weeks !
Only a limited number of mating patterns
have been introduced thus far: the suppor
ting mate and the mate in which the defen
der's material is preventing the king to es
cape. The spatial aspect remains limited in
the supporting mate because the piece deli
vering mate is standing on the square next
to the king.
In the type of mate we will deal with in this
lesson, pieces are cooperating in another
way: they complement each other. Spatial
control therefore plays a bigger role in this
'complementary ' mate. It is advisable that
we make the transfer from material to spa
tial as concrete as possible. We will there
fore use accessories (e.g. magnets) on the
demonstration board. These should indicate

to which squares the king can and cannot
escape. Further, it is important that the
previous material has been absorbed
We avail ourselves in the complementary
mate of two concepts: guarding and cha
sing. Guarding implies that squares to
which the king might escape, are con
trolled. By chasing, we mean delivering
check so that the opponent's king has to
move away.
Guarding is explained by means of the dia
gram (Q). With assistance of green and red
magnets (or + and - signs), we mark the
squares to where the king may and may not
move. The king is not allowed to go to
squares d7, e7 and f7. The squares d8 and
f8 are accessible, though. The rook guards
the king who cannot escape from the back
rank. Other squares on the 7th rank are not
important for the mate.
The queen is an even better guard because
she can deny the king more squares. In the
lower part of the diagram the king can
move only to g 1 . Indicate the guarded and
unguarded squares by marking them.
In the diagram () the students will indi
cate the rook on b7 as the guard and g8 as
the only square where the king may still
move. The task of the white pieces is to
deliver mate together. The rook on a6 does
not do anything at this moment. His job is
to deliver check to the king. There are two
checking moves. 1 . Ra6-h6+ does not make
sense as the king can move to g8. The job
of the chaser is to check and to deny the
king the last escape square. The more 1 .
Ra6-a8# suits two purposes. Note that the
rooks complement each other.
In the lower part of the diagram, a similar

example is given, but with a small
difference. After 1 .. .Rf5-h5#, White has
been of course checkmated, although there
will be some children who will try to es
cape to h I . After all, the Black pieces do
not have direct contact with this square.
There are two examples in the diagram ( i)' ) ,
which may be treated in a similar manner.
In the left part, White delivers mate by 1 .
Ba4-c6#. In the position on the right, the
chaser must simultaneously deliver check
and deny square g2 to the king. The right
answer is therefore 1 Qh5-f3# or 1

Qh5-d5#. After 1 . . . . Qh5-d l + , the king

would escape to g2.
We tell them to indicate in the diagram ()
both the inaccessible and the accessible
squares of the king. The king can only
move to a7. The bishop covers square b 8 ,
the queen the squares b7 and b8. The
knight on d7 prevents mate on b8. The
queen must deny square a7 and deliver
check to achieve mate, but in doing so she
cannot lose sight of square b7. By 1 .
Qb5-a6#, White delivers check and con
trols all the king's escape squares.
Repeat these kinds of exercises in a step
by-step-fashion so that it is clear that the
students have understood the material. Step
by step means that we are paying attention
to the escape squares and to the place of the
king as well as to the guard and the chaser.
In this lesson, it is possible to use the prop
of adding pieces to a position. The piece
delivering mate is often left out initially.
The last three positions show extra possibi
lities , and indicate potential problems that
may occur in complementary mates.
In the diagram ( ), there are two guards on
the 7th rank. Still, there is only one way in

which White can deliver mate. Only 1 .
Rg7-g8# i s mate because after 1 . Rb7-b8+ ,
Black can capture the rook. In the lower
part of the diagram, Black plays 1 Rh2-

hl# . White may interpose the bishop on

d 1 after check by the other rook.
Tell the students to always check the move
that they want to play. In chess, the oppo
nent continues to play until the very end of
the game.
In the diagram (1)'), there is a rook on the
square to where the king can escape. Es
cape is accomplished by a capturing move.
The knight move 1 . Nd7-f8+ therefore does
not lead to mate. In this case, the chaser
must perform various functions simultane
ously. By 1 . Nd7-f6#, the knight provides
two services. It delivers check and it pro
tects the rook on g8; a combination of sup
porting and complementary mate.
By first checking where the king can still
move to, students may reach a hasty and
incorrect decision. This is illustrated in the
diagram (Q). From the fact that the king
cannot move anywhere, the children may
sometimes conclude that a simple check is
sufficient for a mate. Wrong. The chaser
may open up already guarded squares to
the king. White should not check with the
knight on f7. This produces the wrong co
operation between the attacking pieces: the
king is suddenly offered three squares
where it can escape to. The knight sabo
tages the control of the rook and the bishop
over the squares g8, g7 and h7. Correct is
1 . NeS-g6 mate. The only function of the
knight is to deliver check, but that is
sufficient. The guards continue to do their
work undisturbed.

Pieces must cooperate when delivering
mate. Preventing the king from escaping is
just as important as delivering check. There
are pieces which must guard and there is a
piece that chases: the guards and the chaser
do their work together and mate the king.
The chaser must take care that he does not
get in the way of the guards. Sometimes he
has to perform the double task of deliver
ing check and controlling escape squares.


o Mate

Playing format

Chasing and guarding

Starting from the diagram () the queen

and the rook must mate the opponent. It
makes sense to first play this little game
with the whole group on the demonstration
board. Queen and rook will constantly
change the roles of guard and chaser.
In small groups, it is possible to fmish the
assignment by simultaneous display. If the
students play each other, then the defender
can be motivated to continue for as long as i9
possible. Keeping a tally of the number of
moves is not difficult.
Variation: Mating with two rooks. A bit
more difficult.


o Mate / Creating mate: B 8

Explanation: The students must add the piece that is next to the board in

such a way that the position becomes a checkmate. Instead of
drawing the piece, writing down the first letter or a simple
mark is sufficient. This mating pattern is an example of com
plementary mate.
Mistake: The king can still play.
Help: Most of the time, the piece that checks must also control
escape squares. To which squares can the king still go?
Indicate these squares with a plus sign.
Mistake: The king can play again.
Help: The added piece stands in the way of the guards. Set up the
new position and look at where the king can move to. Was
this also possible in the original position?
Mistake: A piece can be interposed.
Help: In case of mate, a child is inclined to look king moves only.
What ways do you know to get out of check? Let them check
the other possibilities (capturing, interposing).

D Mate / Mate in one: B

Explanation: All mating patterns are an example of complementary mates.
Tell the students to indicate with + and - signs the options of
the king first (with a green and red pencil would be the
clearest). Only then they are allowed to draw an arrow for the
mating move. Warn them for the dangers. The chaser must
sometimes also control flight squares and he is not allowed to
get into the way of his own pieces.
Mistake: The piece delivering mate can be captured.
Help: In what ways can you get out of check? Check the
possibilities one by one and look at the various possibilities
on the board.
Mistake: The king has obtained new escape squares as a result of the
check. Sometimes the chosen move means that the chaser
only gives check and does not simultaneously control a flight
Help: Look at the new situation. Where can the king still move to?
Was that also possible in the original position?

D Mate / Mate in one: C

Explanation: In all mating patterns, own pieces are in the king' s way. Only
the last two positions will occasionally cause problems.
Before looking for the solution, it may be useful to first

prepare by marking the position with + and - signs.
Mistake: The king can still move.
Help: The piece that checks also has to control a few escape
squares. Where can the king still move to?

o Mate / Creating mate: C

Explanation: The students must add the piece that is next to the board in
such a way that the position becomes a checkmate. The first
letter of the piece is sufficient. The mating pattern can be
supporting and/or complementary. See also the previous
sheet (where they have to create a mate).

o Mate / Creating mate: D

Explanation: The king is already in check. The piece that must be drawn
on the board is assigned guard duty and should cover the
king' s escape squares. Tell the students to first indicate
where the king can still move to. The solution will then no
longer be a problem.
Mistake: The king can still move.
Help: The added piece must control more than one square. Set up
the position and check the king' s options. See also the
previous sheet (where they have to create a mate).

The number of exercise sheets with 'mate' is large. They do not all belong
to this lesson. The exercise sheets D through I may be used as extra exer
cise material after one of the following lessons. A lot of instruction is
therefore not necessary.
The children have thus far exercised the mating positions on 'empty'
boards with only the pieces that are involved with the mate present. They
will now get the opportunity to try and recognize the same mate on the
exercise sheets above-mentioned, in positions where there are more pieces
on the board. We will thus get a good idea what the students are capable of.

o Mate / Mate in one: D

D Mate / Mate in one: E
Explanation: The positions are a bit more 'crowded' on these exercise
sheets. In each vase, the topic is that of complementary mate.
We repeat a number of mating patterns that already occurred
on an exercise sheet in more difficult positions.

D Mate / Mate in one: F
Explanation: Subject on exercise sheet F is always the complementary
mate. This work sheet may be used independently in order to
let the children exercise mate in more 'crowded' positions.

D Mate / Mate in one: G

D Mate / Mate in one: H
Explanation: Sheets G and H may be used during this course as a broade
ning exercise for everyone. It gives quicker students the
opportunity to expand their skills by means of more, and
gradually more difficult exercises.
On the G sheets, the children should be constantly on the
look-out for options available to the defender. A few extra
difficulties in other positions, e.g. using longer moves when
delivering mate. The reason for this is that children, and
especially younger ones, have difficulty in finding moves in
which pieces move over longer distances. In addition, the
positions have been constructed in such a way that the mate
is relatively hidden; the student will have to look at a number
of possible solutions. There are seductions in these positions,
and only one move will lead to mate in one.
Mistake: The student does not find the mate.
Help: In the previous lessons we have already given a lot of advice
on how to help. The best strategy is to simplify the positions
by removing irrelevant pieces.


D Mate / Creating mate: B

1 ) Rh I 7) Bc3 . . . h8
2) Qa8, Qb7 8) Re3
3) Ba2, Bb3, Bc4 9) Qc8
4) Nh6, Ne7 1 0) Qf8
5) Ra8 . . . e8, Rh8 (last move 1 1) Bh7
must be 1 . g7xh8R#) 1 2) Bf2, Be l
6) Nf2

o Mate / Mate in one: B
1) 1. Qc8-a8# 7) 1. Qa6-h6#
2) 1. . . . Rc6-h6# 8) 1. . . . Bf5-e4#
3) 1. Bb3-d5# 9) 1. . . . Nd4-c2#
4) 1. Qc l -c8# 1 0) 1. . . . Be3-f2#
5) 1. . . . e2-e 1 Q (R)# 1 1) 1. Rc 1 -e 1 #
6) 1. . . . Rb6-b l # 1 2) 1. Bh7-g6#

o Mate / Mate in one: C

1) 1. Qa4-e8# 7) 1 . . . . Nc4-a3#
2) 1. . . . Qh7-h2# 8) 1 . . . . g3-g2#
3) 1. Qc2-a4# 9) 1 . Bg6-e4#
4) 1. . . . Ng4-f2# 1 0) 1 . Rb3-g3#
5) 1. . . . b3-b2# 1 1) Drawing
6) 1. . . . Rb2-b 1 # 1 2) 1 . . . . h3-h2#

o Mate / Creating mate: C

1 ) Qd7 6) Nf7
2) Qh5 7) Rc7
3) Bh6 (Bh8 is mate, but there is 8) c5
no legal move leading to this 9) Ng4
position.) 1 0) Ba6
4) Re8, Rd8 1 1) Nb3
5) Qe8 1 2) Rh5

o Mate / Creating mate: D

1) Kc6, Kc4 7) Bc4
2) g3 8) Rf8, Rg8, Rh8
3) Qe6, Qf7 9) Bh4
4) Ne2 1 0) Bd4
5) f5 1 1) Nb3
6) Qe3 1 2) g4

o Mate / Mate in one: D

1) 1. Ng5-f7# 7) Drawing
2) 1. Ng4-h6# 8) 1 . . . . Rc2xh2#
3) 1. . . . h3-h2# 9) 1 . Bb2xf6#
4) 1. Ne5-g6# 1 0) 1 . . . . Nb4-c2#
5) 1. . . . d2-d 1 Q/B# 1 1) 1 . Ra5-h5#; 1 . Rg3-h3+?
6) 1. . . . Qf6-a l # 1 2) 1 . . . . Qd2-h6#

D Mate / Mate in one: E
1) 1. Re6-e8# 7) 1. d7-d8Q(R)#
2) 1. . . . Bb7-f3# 8) 1. . . . Qg3-a3#
3) 1. . . . Bh7-e4# 9) 1. . . . Bg7xc3#
4) 1. . . . Qfl -h l # 1 0) 1. . . . Ra8-e8#
5) 1. . . . Qc8-c l # 1 1) 1. Ne5-f7#
6) 1. Rg6-a6# 1 2) 1. Bb l -e4#

D Mate / Mate in one: F

1) 1 . Qd5-g8# 7) 1. . . . Rd2xh2#
2) Drawing 8) 1. . . . Rf8-fl #
3) 1 . . . . b2-b l Q# 9) 1. Qd8-b6#
4) 1 . . . . Qc5-g l # 1 0) 1. . . . Rb2xh2#
5) 1 . . . . Qg7-g2# 1 1) 1. Qf3xb7#
6) 1 . . . . Qa4xc2# 1 2) 1. g6-g7#

D Mate / Mate in one: G

1) 1. Re l -e8# 7) 1 . Ne5-f7#
2) 1. g6-g7# 8) Drawing
3) 1. . . . Qfl-h4# 9) 1 . . . . Qa5-e 1 #
4) 1. . . . Bg6-e4# 1 0) 1 . Nc5-a6#
5) 1. b6-b7# 1 1) 1 . a6-a7#
6) 1. . . . Ra5-g5# 1 2) 1 . . . . Ne5-f7#

D Mate / Mate in one: H

1) 1. . . . Qb8-h2# 7) 1. Bc4-f7#
2) 1. Nb5-c7# 8) 1. Rd l -h l #
3) 1. Qf3-f7# 9) 1. b7-b8Q/R#
4) 1. . . . Nf5-g3# 1 0) 1. Bc l -h6#
5) 1. Qd I -h5# 1 1) 1. . . . fl-fl N#
6) 1. . . . Ra2-e2# 1 2) 1. Rd l xd8#

9 Castl i n g


learning the importance of the safety of the king
bringing the rook into play

attack on squares


castling, castling kingside, castling queen
side, development, bringing into play,
king's wing, queen' s wing

For this lesson, we take the games that the
children have played thus far as our point
of departure. We choose a game in which
one of them was mated quickly. The king
remains in danger as long as he is standing
in the middle of the board. To let the game
last longer, castling was introduced in the
1 6th century, as a move to promote the safe
ty of the king. It is the only move in which
you play two pieces at the same time.
In the diagram (.().) the white king and the
rook are in their initial position. Now per
form the castling move in the following
Only grab the king and move him two
squares to the right in the direction of the
Release the king (he is then on g 1 ).
Grab the rook with the same hand and

move it to the other side of the king, to fI .
The position that occurs after castling is
given in the diagram ( 1)' ).
Other ways of castling (e.g. either using
two hands or moving with the rook first)
are not permitted. It is at any rate very
logical to grab the king first. The move
Ke l -g l would be illegal and therefore it is
quite obvious that White intends to castle.
On the other hand, the move Rh 1 - fI would
be a legal move (and so does not necessa
rily have to be interpreted as the first stage
of castling).
Now put the king back to e l and move the
rook to al . From this point, we will now
castle on the queenside.
. . . .
Only grab the king and move him two

squares aside in the direction of the rook
on a l .
Release the king (he then stands on c l ).
Grab the rook with the same hand and
move it to the other side of the king, to
dl .
The position that occurs after castling is
given in the diagram (Q ). L,,
After performing both castling moves, one
of the students will undoubtedly discover
that the location of the king in relation to
the corner is different. This difference is
important. We use it to introduce the terms
kingside and queenside castling. There is
only one square left in the corner after
kingside castling. The students should per
form both ways of castling on their own
board, also for Black.
Castling on an empty board will give them
a wrong impression. The king needs to be
brought to safety. In the diagram ({l.) we
have added pawns on 2, g2 and h2 and
also set up the black castling position.

After castling, the white king will be
completely safe behind his pawns and the
black king will be almost safe (e.g.
checking the white king is not possible,
while the black king can be checked along
the h3-c8 diagonal).
Both ways of castling can be easily per
fonned by a child on the demonstration
board. We tell them that castling is not
only useful for bringing the king to safety,
but also because it brings the rook into
The second phase of this lesson consists of
telling the children when castling is not
The rules which state the conditions under
which it is illegal to castle, can be best
remembered by dividing them into two
The first group (without check):
If you have played with the king; even if
he is standing on e8 again.
(diagram fr Black).

If you have played with the rook; even if

it is back on al or h I .
(diagram fr White).

If there is a piece between the king and

the rook (diagram Q Black).

The positions are self-explanatory. The stu

dents will not have any problem with them.
The second group (with check as common
If you are in check (diagram Q White)

If you will end up on a square controlled

by an enemy piece (so that the king will
be in check) (diagram - Black)
If you move with the king across a
square that is controlled by an enemy
piece (diagram - White kingside cast

Special attention should be given to the at
tack on the a 1 rook in this diagram. White
is permitted to castle queenside in this po
sition. The king will not pass over a square
that is attacked.
These rules must be clarified with more
emphasis and through examples. In practi
cal games, the students will overlook the
last two examples in particular.
It is no lUXUry to let the students repeat
these rules during the lesson. They will
remember these rules better. The essence,
however, is not being able to reproduce the
rules ( e.g. "You cannot castle if that puts
you in check") but in applying the rules
(e.g. "Is White allowed to castle in this
After having been introduced to this new
information, working with the reminder
will do the rest. Subdividing the material
into two sets of rules makes the memori
sing process easier. Few people will retain
more than 4 items of new information at
the same time.
A separate note about castling is introduced
in the lesson about notation (lesson 1 5).

The king and a rook move simultaneously
during castling. It brings the king to safety.
At the same time, the rook comes into play.
There are 6 separate kinds of situations in
which you are not permitted to castle.


o Castling


D Rules of the game / Castling: A !3.

Explanation: A multiple choice exercise. The students should blacken or
mark the correct circle. In positions where castling is not
permitted, they should indicate why castling is prohibited.
Mistake: Exceptions are not acknowledged.
Help: Concrete questions help. "Is the king in check?" "Which
piece looks at fl ?" Did you see the bishop on a3?" "Where
will the king end up after castling?"


D Rules of the game / Castling: A

1 ) no (the king has moved) 7) yes
2) no (there is a bishop between 8) no (White would be in check
king and rook) after castling)
3 ) no (White is in check) 9) no (the king has to pass d8,
4) no (Black would be in check where it is in check)
after castling) 1 0) yes
5) yes 1 1 ) yes
6) no (the king would have to 1 2) no (White is in check)
pass d 1 , where it is in check)

10 P rofita b le excha nge


learning value of the pieces
learning exact ranking order of the pieces

mobility of the pieces
special characteristics of pieces


value, trading pieces (of the same value),
profitable exchange, exchange

When we explained the way the pieces
move, we already indicated a provisional
order of rank related to the value of the
pieces. As the students have started to play
games, it makes sense to determine this
value more exactly. They can use this in
formation to their advantage when cap
turing protected pieces.
We now go back to the lesson where we
discussed the way the pieces go. Tell the
children to put a knight on d5 on their own
board (diagram Q). Let them count the
number of possibilities the knight has.
Count the number of squares it can move
to. We come to a total of 8, which we write
on the blackboard or on the flip-over.
We repeat this with a bishop on d5 (dia
gram ). This piece can move to a total of
1 3 squares.
We also count the number of possible

moves from dS for the rook and the queen.
The rook comes to 1 4 moves and the queen
comes to an impressive 27. Smart children
will not count the moves of the queen but
add the numbers of rook and bishop).
The king may move to 8 squares from dS,
the pawn has only one move.
The conclusion is that some pieces cover
more squares than others and therefore
have more options than others. Using this
information, we can make a list of values,
in which the piece with the most options
gets the highest value. The queen is about
twice as capable and mobile as the rook.
We therefore give the queen 9 points and
the rook S . A problem occurs when assign
ing a value to the bishop. It can do almost
as much as the rook, and much more than
the knight. But because the bishop can only
use 32 squares, it is worth less. Further
more from the edge of the board, it can
look at far fewer squares (on b 1 it looks at
just 7). It therefore gets a mere 3 points
behind its name.
The knight also is allocated 3 points, just as
many as the bishop. The knight has the im
portant benefit that it is capable of jumping
over other pieces. And it can go to all 64
squares. The pawn is worth 1 point. The
following table summarizes the preceding
from dS value
knight 8 3
bishop 13 3
rook 14 S
queen 27 9
pawn 1 1
king 8
The value of the pIeces should be used
when calculating a capturing move. It is

then also clear why the king has not been
given a value. He cannot be captured, he
remains on the board until the very end of
the game.
We will now discuss the trading of pieces
(of the same value) and the profitable
exchange using the demonstration board.
Trading (capturing) pieces of the same
value does not appear to be a problem.
However, in many games of children the
sentimental value of a piece plays a part.
They (and adults too) sometimes expe
rience great difficulty in trading a strong
piece like the queen or a beloved piece like
the knight. "I am not going to capture,
because then I shall lose my queen," is
their argument. They are convinced that
their own piece is stronger than the same
piece of the opponent! It helps if we now
emphasize that capturing a piece of the
same value involves trading, which we
demonstrate by letting both queens to be
Trading means that the piece being captu
red is protected and that the piece capturing
it is being recaptured.
In the diagram (), we give examples of
the trading of queens and rooks. The
queens have been exchanged after 1 .
QaSxd8 Rc8xd8. The same applies to the
rooks on the right: 1. Rh2xh7 Kh8xh7.
In the left part of the diagram (), we deal
with the trading of bishops after 1 . Ba4xc6
On the right White may choose between
trading of the knights or of a bishop against
a knight. The value of the pieces that are
being traded is the same every time.
When we explain the concept of a profi
table exchange, we start with the largest

possible difference in value.
In the first example in the diagram ( fr ), we
let a pawn capture the queen. After 1 .
c5xb6 c7xb6 White has earned no less than
eight points, the difference between a
queen and a pawn (9 - I = 8). A second
example is given on the right. The black
rook can capture the white queen. That
earns Black 4 points (9 - 5 4).

It is easy to think up a few more examples

yourself. Make sure that the captured piece
is itself protected, because this will deter
mine the exchange. Capturing an unpro
tected piece is something else altogether.
The most common profitable exchange is
seen in the diagram (). A knight or a bis
hop captures a rook. This capturing move
occurs so often that there is a special name
for the difference in value between bishop
or knight and the rook. We call this the
'exchange' , a gain of 2 points.
On the left, White wins the exchange by
capturing on c3 : 1 . Na2xc3 Rc8xc3 .
On the right, Black is the lucky one after 1 .
Be7xh4 2. g3xh4.

Finally we discuss the two positions in the

diagram ( .(). ) . In both cases you can choose
between two captures. These kinds of posi
tions also occur in the exercise sheets. It is
important not to be satisfied with the first
profitable exchange that meets the eye.
On the left, White of course captures the
queen. She is worth more than the rook.
On the right, the pawn captures the rook.
This earns two more points than capturing
the bishop.

When playing games, it is useful to know
roughly how much pieces are worth. Pieces

that possess more qualities (larger range,
greater mobility) than other pieces are
worth more. The queen is therefore worth
more than all the other pieces: 9 points.
The rook (5 points), bishop and knight
(each 3 points) are less important but they
are still more important than the pawn ( 1
point). The king is not given any value.
Trading is capturing and recapturing of
pieces of roughly the same value. If we
gain points when trading, we call this a
profitable exchange.


<> Exchange and profitable exchange


D Material / Profitable exchange: A

Explanation: First of all, the students should compare all possible cap
turing moves. Only then should they choose the move that
gains them the most material. It is useful to let them record
the recapturing move with an arrow too. The points gained
can be recorded at the bottom of the diagram. The list of
values in the reminder (or on the blackboard) can be used for
Mistake: The student is content with trading pieces of the same value
or with fewer material gain than was possible in the position.
Help: Consulting the list of values is sufficient.
Mistake: The solution is not found.
Help: The distance between the pieces is too large. Putting the
pieces closer to each other helps.
Help: The board is too full.
Simplifying the position by removing several irrelevant
pieces. If there are a lot of pieces cluttered around the piece
to be captured, most children will be confused.

D Material / Profitable exchange: B 8 8
Explanation: See the A-sheet.

D Test / Repetition: B 8
Explanation: The positions on this exercise sheet have probably been made
before. The result will give the teacher a good idea of where
the children are on the learning curve.
Mistake: Many mistakes.
Help: Do not proceed with new material but let them play a lot of
games first, and only then offer this sheet once more. If the
mistakes continue to relate to the same themes, then a fresh
explanation is obviously called for.

D Test / Mix: B
Explanation: The themes of the exercises are indicated.
Mistake: The solution is wrong.
Help: See the relevant chapter.


D Material / Profitable exchange: A

I ) I . e5xf6 g7xf6 (2 points) (4 points)
2) 1 . e5xd6 c7xd6 (4 points) 9) 1 . . . d4xc3 2. b2xc3

3) 1 . . . . Nc5xd3 c2xd3 (2 points) (2 points)

4) I . Bg2xa8 Rf8xa8 (2 points) 1 0) 1 . Nd4xe6 f7xe6 (6 points)
5) 1 . Rd l xd7 Nf6xd7 (4 points) 1 1) 1 . . . . Bd6xf4 2. g3xf4
6) I . Nc3xd5 e6xd5 (2 points) (6 points)
7) 1 . . . . Bg5xc l 2. Rfl xc l 1 2) 1 . . . . d4xc3 2. b2xc3
(2 points) (2 points)
8) I . . . . Ra2xf2+ 2. Kg2xf2

D Material / Profitable exchange: B

I) 1 . d5xc6 b7xc6 (2 points) (2 points)
2) I . f5xe6 f7xe6 (2 points) 7) Drawing
3) 1 . f4xe5 d6xe5 (4 points) 8) I . . . . Nc6xd4 2. e3xd4
4) I . Ne7xc8 Qc4xc8 (2 points) (2 points)
5) I . . . . Nc4xd2+ 2. Nf3xd2 9) I . . . . g4xf3 2. Be2xf3
(6 points) (2 points)
6) 1 . . . Bh6xc l 2. Rfl xc I
. 1 0) 1 . . . . Bc3xg7 2 . Bb2xg7

(2 points) (4 points)
1 1 ) 1 . .. . Rd3xb3 2. a2xb3 1 2) 1 . Be3xa7 Nc6xa7 (2 points)

D Test / Repetition: B
1) 1 . . . . Nd4-c2# 7) 1. ... a6xb5
2) 1 . Qa4xd7# 8) 1. Ra5-h5#
3) 1 . Ndl -c3 9) 1. Rc7#
4) no (in check after castling) 1 0) 1. . . . h3-h2#
5) 1 . Rd l xd7 1 1) 1. . . . Rd8-d2+
6) 1 . . .. Nb4-d3+ 1 2) 1. Nd4xe6

D Test / Mix: B
1 ) 1 . Ng4-h6# 7) 1. Qe5-h5#
2) 1 . . . . Bc6xg2 2. Rg 1 xg2 (2 8) 1. Bb2-d4
points) 9) 1. Bh7-f5#
3) yes 1 0) 1. . . . Rb2xb7 (4 points)
4) 1 . ... Nd6-c4 1 1) 1. Nc5-b7#
5) 1 . Bc6xg2 1 2) 1. Re l xe5
6) 1 . Qd4xb6

. .... .. -

"" -1-
-J.-- .. - -

11 Twofo l d attack


learning to control the cooperation of pieces
learning to attack effectively

attack and defence
value of pieces



The students must be able to handle some
of the concepts that re-appear without
effort, otherwise this lesson will be too
ambitious. The concepts are attack, defence
by protecting, exchange and (un)profitable
We start with the diagram (). A well
known position for the students. Pawn h7 is
attacked twice and defended only once.
White can deliver mate by 1. Ra7xh7#.
The bishop protects the rook. Without the
bishop, Black would be able to capture on

In the diagram ( ), Black can deliver mate
by 1 Qe2xb2#. This is possible because

of the cooperation between queen and

In both positions there are more attackers
than defenders. The majority of attacking
pieces can be used to gain material. This
looks simple, but the difficulty lies in the .(jJ. ..
1 00
number of moves that are involved. We
will therefore begin quite simply. First,
only the white knight and the black bishop
are present to repeat the concept of attack
(diagram 1)' left). If it is White's turn to
move, then he can capture the black bishop.
Then the concept of defence is introduced.
An example is provided in the right part of
the diagram, where the rook protects the
bishop. Black can recapture after the knight
takes the bishop. White has not gained
anything because the bishop was protected.
We now complete the position by adding
the white rook (diagram q). White captures
the bishop with the rook, Black recaptures
and White captures once more. It does not
matter whether White captures with the
rook or with the knight first (in the latter
case Black does not recapture). The result
is that White has gained a bishop. If two
pieces attack an opponent's piece that is
only protected once, we are dealing with a
twofold attack. It is important that the stu
dents realize that the following elements
play a role in a twofold attack:
the attack (Rg 1 and Nf3)
the defence (Rg8)
A piece that is attacked twice and protected
only once is in danger, since it is insuffi
ciently defended. By telling the students to
play the moves on their own board, the
action will become more concrete for them.
In the diagram (), we find twofold attacks
with other pieces. It sometimes does not
matter with which piece we capture first.
On the left White is able to capture with the
queen and with the bishop. In both cases,
he will win a knight.
On the right the bishop on g5 is attacked
twice and protected only once: White can

capture with the bishop or the knight and
gains a bishop.
Discuss these examples (and - if necessary
- other ones, depending on the level of the
group). After every solution we ask what
material has been gained.
In the diagram (1l'), we see a twofold at
tack. Let the children count how many
times a piece is attacked and defended first.
Let them point this out as well. Only then
do we ask them to play the correct move.
White cannot just capture on c4. If you
capture with the queen first, it will cost a
point. We have to capture with the least
valuable piece. By capturing with the rook
first, we will gain three points. Make all the
moves and show what has been earned.
On the right, only a capture by the bishop
on g6 will gain a point.
Not all twofold attacks will gain some
thing. In the left side of the diagram (Q),
White would be ill-advised to capture on c6
twice, as this would lose a point.
White should not capture either on the right
on f8 (will cost a point). A modest retreat
towards h3 is the right approach.
It is advisable to discuss the more difficult
forms of the twofold attack depending on
the speed and the progress of the lesson
and the level of the group.
More difficult twofold attacks are given in
the diagram ( ). White has to give material
first in order to gain material.
On the left side the knight on c6 is attacked
twice. However, the students will hesitate
about capturing; after all, the rook is more
valuable than the knight. The gain of one
point becomes apparent only after the
action has been completed. On the right
Black will gain material only by capturing

1 02
with the rook.
Pieces that function in the same manner on
the same rank or file also attack twice. The
function of the piece at the back is hard to
see for younger children in particular; the
problem here is that the piece in front
'masks' the function of the piece in the
In the left side of the diagram ('0'), the rook
on a8 will be lost: 1. Ra4xa8.
A similar twofold attack can be executed
along the diagonals. On the right Black
wins a knight by 1 . Bg6xe4. By telling
them to execute the moves on their on
boards, this attack will become more
meaningful for the children. The part of the
twofold attack over one line may be saved
- if necessary - for a later time. This form
does not appear on exercise sheet A.

An attack on a protected piece with the
same value does not lead to a material gain.
We can speak of insufficient defence only,
if an extra attacker is recruited. This kind
of attack is called the twofold attack.
In some positions, the attacker can choose
with what piece he will capture first; some
times only one order of capturing is cor
rect, while in rare cases, we have to give
material first. The twofold attack can also
be used to deliver mate.


o Twofold attack

1 03

D Material / Capturing a piece that is attacked twice: A

D Material / Capturing a piece that is attacked twice: B
Explanation: Indicating the correct moves with arrows is bit more
difficult, because two lines of attack and one of defence
are asked for. The move played will become apparent by
giving brackets to the piece that captures first or by
numbering the arrows. In some positions, indicating one
move is sufficient (in case of a mate, or if recapturing is
illegal or costs material).
Tell the students to indicate how many points were gained
underneath the diagram. The list of values on the reminder
of the previous lesson can be useful.
Mistake: The assignment is not successful.
Help: Reducing the position to the essential pieces is an ef
fective method. Tell the students to verbalize the problem.
F or many, the use of the board and pieces is a necessary
support to find the correct way of counting the gained
points. The solution is one and a half move away, which
is beyond the horizon of many children.
Mistake: The sequence of capturing is a problem.
Help: We let them execute both ways and count the gain.
Maximum material gain is required. Check whether the
students can handle the correct value of the pieces.


D Material / Capturing a piece that is attacked twice: A

1 ) 1 . Rc7xe7 (or 1 . Re I xe7) ( l point)
Te8xe7 2. Te I xe7 (3 points) 6) 1 . Ne5xf7 or 1 . Bb3xf7 ( 1
2 ) 1 . . . . Re8xe5 or 1 . . . . Nd7xe5 point)
(3 points) 7) I . . . Re8xe7 (5 points)

3) 1 . . . . B f6xe5 2. Lb2xe5 8) 1 . Re I xe5 (5 points)

Te8xe5 (3 points) 9) 1 . Nd3xe5 or 1 . f4xe5 ( l
4) 1 . Nf3xe5 (or 1 . Bc3xe5) 2. point)
Pc6xe5 2. Bc3xe5 (3 points) 1 0) 1 . . . . e5xd4 or 1 . . . . c5xd4 ( 1
5) 1 . . . . Ne4xg3 or 1 . . . . Bd6xg3 points)

1 04
1 1 ) 1 . Bb5xc6+ b7xc6 2. Tc l xc6 1 2) 1 . Bg2xd5 Lb7xd5 2. Kd4xd5
( 1 point)

D Material / Capturing a piece that is attacked twice: B

1 ) 1 . Rd8xf8+ or 1 . Rfl xf8+ Bb5xd7 or 1 . Bb5xd7 (3
(5 points) points)
2) 1 . Bb2xf6 Be7xf6 2. Rfl xf6 8) 1 . Rc2xc6 Bb7xc6 2. Rc l xc6
(3 points) ( 1 point)
3) 1 . . . Rd7xd3 2. Rd l xd3
. 9) 1 . Ng5xf7 ! (3 points) or 1 .
Rd8xd3 (5 points) Bc4xf7+ ( 1 point)
4) 1 . Bg5xf6 Bg7xf6 2. Rfl xf6 1 0) 1 . Qd3xh7#
(3 points) 1 1) 1 . Bc4xf7+ ( 1 point)
5) Drawing 1 2) I . Bd3xa6 Bb7xa6 2. Qe2xa6
6) Drawing ( 1 point)
7) 1 . Qd2xd7 Qd8xd7 2.

1 05
12 D raw


learning a different way to finish a game
equal result

all rules concerning the king
spatial control


equal play, draw, stalemate

Just as in other sports, finishing a game
undecided is possible in chess. An unde
cided game has a separate name in chess
(and also in checkers): draw. Both players
get half a point; the result is then Yl-Yl. For
the time being, two ways to make a draw
are important for the beginning chess
player. The first one can be explained
quickly. In a position with only kings (dia
gram Q), none of the players can deliver
mate anymore. A game is a draw when you
cannot mate the opponent anymore.
The second method is the main part of this
lesson: 'stalemate' . We can only start with
stalemate when the concept of mate has
been mastered reasonably well.
The position in the diagram () is a mate.
We clarify once more that the black king
cannot do another step without remaining
in check. In short: The king is in check and
cannot play another move. These two

1 06
elements are needed for a proper under
standing of stalemate.
In the diagram ( fi ), the black king cannot
play a move. Still, Black is not mated be
cause his king is not in check. In a position
in which a player is not in check and is
unable to play a move, we speak of a
'stalemate ' . In case of stalemate the game
is called a draw. This will come as a dis
appointment to White, because he is a
queen and a rook ahead. He missed the win
by stalemating his opponent.
We have to point out to the children that
the game is over when it is stalemate ! They
are inclined to play on!
In the diagram (Q), the black king cannot
play another move. There is a bit more
material on the board, but the black pawns
cannot move either. Black is therefore
again stalemated. He cannot play another
move and he is not in check.
When it is stalemate, we do not only check
whether the king can play. That alone is not
of any consequence to make it a stalemate
(otherwise both players would be stale
mated at the beginning of the game ! ). The
condition is that not a single piece (of the
player who is stalemated) is able to make
another move !
In the diagram ( .(J. ), Black is to move. His
king cannot move but he is still capable of
making a move with his a-pawn. That
means that he is not stalemated. After 1

a6-a5, White i s forced to play a clever

move. Of course, he should not capture on
a5 with his king. A normal bishop or
knight move will give the black king an
escape square. White is then able to capture
the a-pawn on the next move.
The next position is a bit harder and may

1 07
be skipped if necessary.
In the diagram (1l') the king on a8 cannot
play and the same goes for the pawn on h6.
That is not a problem for the students.
What is surprising, however, is that the
bishop on a7 cannot move either. Black
would be putting himself in check and that
is against the rules. Therefore, Black is also
stalemated in this position. For children,
stalemate is almost always the result of
inattentiveness since all of their attention is
still geared towards capturing pieces.
Smart students will try to use stalemate as a
weapon after a little while. They will try to
get rid of their last piece. Here is a fore
taste. In the diagram () the black king

" "
does not have another move, but the rook

can still play. Black can give a check on d3

but after 2. Qg6xd3 , the king can move
again. More useful is 1 . Re3-e8+; now

White has to capture with the queen in

order to give the black king a bit of air.

Capture by the king leads to stalemate. It is
of course important to note that it is only a
stalemate when the player whose move it is
cannot play anymore. In the position in the
diagram ({J.), Black cannot play, but it is
White's move, so the game continues. You
cannot be stalemated if it is not your turn to
move. White has to be careful, though, and
remove his rook from the b-file, otherwise
Black can claim a stalemate.
The students will be able to differentiate
between the concepts of mate and stale
mate after a bit of exercise, and recognize
when there is no stalemate. This know
ledge is necessary to be able to do the
exercises successfully.
Exercises in the style of: "Try stalemating
White or Black" ought to be avoided. They

1 08
are unnatural. On the other hand, exercises
in which they try to avoid stalemate are
There are nice examples in the diagram ( {t )
for good groups. On the left, White can
only win by promoting the pawn to a rook.
After the rash l . c7-c8Q, Black will be
stalemated. On the right, White has more
winning moves. The nicest one is 1 . ti-fSR
(promotion to queen will again result in

Draw means an undecided game; the
players share the point. We record the
result as Y2-Y2. A game is a draw if there are
only kings left on the board. It is also a
draw in case of a stalemate. You are stale
mated if it is your turn to move and you
cannot make a legal move and you are not
in check.
In a game in which you are in a winning
position you have to be careful, not to
stalemate your opponent accidentally. That
will cost you half a point.


O Draw


D Rules or the game / Mate, stalemate or play: A 8

Explanation: A multiple-choice exercise. The students must choose the
correct answer from the three answers provided: mate,
stalemate or White / Black plays. If their choice is 'play',
then the best move has to be written down.
Mistake: The wrong circle is marked.

1 09
Help: The students will arri ve at the right answer through a step
by-step approach.
"Is the king in check?"
"Where can the king move?"
"Is another piece than the king able to move?"
Mistake: Stalemate is ticked but a piece other than the king can still
Help: To-the-point questions may assist. "Can the king play?"
"Is another piece still able to move?"


o Rules the game / Mate, stalemate or play: A


1) stalemate 7) 1 . . . . a6
2) 1 . .. Bxc8
. 8) 1 . . . Kd7

3) mate 9) mate
4) Drawing 1 0) mate
5) 1 . Bfl 1 1 ) stalemate
6) mate 1 2) 1 . Nd l

- ---

1 10
13 M ati n g with t h e q uee n


learning another skill in delivering mate
learning to play in accordance with a plan

everything about mate and stalemate


The number of games in which students
aimlessly look for a mate when only the
queen is left, is legendary. It is easy to use
the examples from the students ' games for
this purpose. The advantage is that the stu
dents will be motivated to learn how they
can checkmate the opponent' s king in the
easiest way possible.
Mating with the queen has to be learned in
three separate steps: the mating pattern,
bringing the king into play and driving the
enemy king to the edge of the board. These
three parts will be discussed in turn. By
presenting the mating pattern, we take the
final goal as the point of departure. In the
diagram (Q) there are two mating patterns.
Tell the students to think of other mating *
positions too. Emphasize that the queen
cannot deliver mate all by herself; coope
ration with the king is necessary.
We exercise mate in one move with the
positions in the diagram ({l.). On the left
White has a choice between five moves;
there is no choice on the right. Give a few
more difficult examples depending on the

level of the group.
The exercise sheet that accompanies this
lesson can be completed at this moment.
Look under Workbook.
When mate in one with the queen has been
exercised, we proceed to the previous
phase in delivering mate: approaching with
the king. We know that the black king
cannot be mated by the queen all by her
self. In the diagram (1)') the king has to
assist. Point out that the black king still has
an escape square left where he can move
to. Black moves with his king back and
forth. The white king moves to f6 and
White then delivers mate. We can check
whether the children have understood this
step by placing the king on another square.
We now proceed to the technique of dri
ving the king to the edge of the board with
the queen. We set up the diagram (Q) on
the demonstration board for this purpose.
The queen on e5 keeps the black king in
his prison. He cannot move cross the fifth
rank or the e-file. A possible sequence is:
1. Kc6-b6 2. QeS-dS (makes the jail
smaller yet) 2. Kb6-c7 3. QdS-e6
Kc7-d8 4. Ke6-t7 (The king has access to
the eighth rank only.) 4 Kd8-c8 s. Qt7-

e7 Kc8-b8 6. Qe7-d7 Kb8-a8. At this

moment the danger of stalemating the king
has to be pointed out. The black king al
ways has to retain one square to which he
can move.
At this point, phase two takes effect: the
king approaches. Smart children will point
out that the white king can be brought in as
soon as after move four.
The process of mating with the queen has
been learned in the reverse sequence, from
the final phase - which is easy and

1 12
recognisable - to the initial position. Even
though this is not the quickest method, it is
the simplest one.
To complete the subject, we tell two stu
dents to finish the position in the diagram
( '0') on the demonstration board. We repeat
the strategies of the player with the queen
during the mating process.

Mating a king with king and queen can be
accomplished using a simple plan. The
freedom to move the king must be reduced
constantly. The danger is that the jail be
comes too small (stalemate). When the
king has only one square left, the oppo
nent's king comes to assist the queen.


Playing format
The children must exercise delivering mate
with the queen in practical play. This skill
can be acquired only through playing. The
possibilities depend on the size of the

Playing simultaneously
(size of the group < 12)
The students will take the side of the player
with the queen. Do not hesitate to point out
errors during their play; some guidance
will prove to be very useful. Skipping a
move is not a problem either, although this
will not occur very often.

Students playing against each other

(size ofgroup > 12)
When the group is larger, children will

1 13
have to mate each other. After a successful
attempt, the player with the queen takes the
side with the king alone.
A drawback of this method is that playing
the side of king alone tends to be boring.
The only success that the side with the king
only can obtain is a stalemate, and even
that outcome will be due to a mistake of
the opponent.
A good solution is to involve older students
of the higher steps. They will be pleased to

Playing against the computer (one child

per computer)
The computer will be a grateful participant
in game fragments in which superiority is
very large. He will continue to play moves
without complaining. The number of moves
until mate offers a good indication as to how
far the skill has been mastered.


D Mate / Mate in one with the queen: A l3J

Explanation: The students will have little difficulty with this sheet. The
idea is that they will learn to recognise the mating pattern
with the queen and king.


D Mate / Mate in one with the queen: A

I) 1. Qc2-c8# 6) 1 . Qf6-fl # 1 0) I . Qd5-a2# (a8)
2) I. Qd4-h8# 7) I . Qb3-g8# 1 1 ) 1 . Qg3-h2#
3) 1. Qh4-e7# 8) 1 . Qc2-b l #, (h3 , h4, g6)
4) 1. Qb7-f7# (c l , d l , g2, h2) 1 2) I . Qb5-a4#
5) I. Qf7-b7# 9) I . Qe2-g4#, h2 (a5 , b7)

1 14
14 Ca ptu ri n g e n passa nt


learning a special way to capture with the pawn

all rules that deal with the pawn


'en passant'

In order to put the rule of capturing while
passing by (en passant) into perspective,
we can tell a bit about chess history. The
pawns were previously only allowed to
move one step forward in the initial posi
tion. In order to speed up the game, people
introduced the 'double-step' rule. How
ever, this resulted in problems of the kind
in the diagram (). The a- and b-pawn
obstruct each other, but the g-pawn would
be able to pass undisturbed past the white
pawn to gS . To make this impossible,
White may pretend as though the pawn has
in fact done only one step. White may then
capture the pawn: 1 g7-gS 2. fSxg6.
. .

In the left side of the diagram (), c2-c4

has been played; the right part shows the
position that has occurred after Black has
captured 'en passant' .
Two special features come to our attention
regarding the other rules of capturing:
The pawn ends up on an empty square.
Capturing has to be carried out imme-

1 15
diately after the double step has been
It will help children to know that capturing
in passing by (en passant) is possible only
when the opponent plays a double-step
move. It is important to put this double step
of the pawn and the possible reaction of
capturing 'en passant' into a context. We
repeat the rule that has just been learned
with the help of another in which one pawn
is at the initial square and the other a
knight's jump away on the adjacent file.
We go through the conditions once more in
Capturing 'en passant' is possible only
after a double step of the pawn.
The capturing move has to be carried out
at once; if you play another move first,
you lose the right to capture 'en pas
sant' .

The last rule of the game is a difficult
capturing move by a pawn, which is called
' en passant' . The English translation is
'capturing while passing by' , but there is
not a single chess player who uses this


o The pawn (2)


D Test / Repetition: C t5,

Explanation: The positions are known and the theme of the exercise is
also indicated. This should not give any problems.

1 16
Mistake: The answer is wrong.
Help: See the relevant lesson.

D Test / Mix: C
Explanation: The themes of the exercises are indicated underneath the
diagrams, therefore we cannot really consider these a true
mix. Most students should be able to obtain a good result.
Mistake: White plays with the king in position 3 .
Help: Getting out of check by moving away the king i s ' always'
correct. Set up the position, let them execute the move and
ask which move the opponent is going to play. He would
capture on b2 with the bishop. Discuss all possibilities to
get out of check and see which move will cost the least
number of points. The best solution is 1 . Rd l xd4 e5xd4 2.
Qb2xd4+, even if that costs a point.


D Test / Repetition: C
1) 1 . Qb3-g8 7) 1. . . . a7-a6
2) yes 8) 1. . . . Qfl -h l
3) 1 . . . . Be6xc8 9) 1. . . . Rf8-fl
4) 1 . . . . Ne5-t7 1 0) 1. Bb5xc6+
5) 1 . Qc2-b l , c l , d l , g2, h2 1 1) 1. Bb2xf6
6) 1 . Re l xe5 1 2) 1. . . . Bf6xe5

D Test / Mix: C
1 ) 1 . Rfl xt7 6) stalemate
2) 1 . Bh3-g2 7) 1 . Bd7xh3
3) 1 . Rd l xd4 e5xd4 2. 8) 1 . . . . Nd5-f4
Qb2xd4+; 9) 1 . Be2-h5
1 . Kg l -h l ? Bd4xb2 1 0) 1 . c3 -c4
4) 1 . . . . c7-c6 1 1) 1 . . . . Bf8xa3
5) 1 . . . . Nc3xd5 2. Nf4xd5 (2 1 2) 1 . Qd5-f5

1 17
15 N otati o n


learning how to notate moves

being able to give every square a name


notate, notation, capital letters, lower-case
letters, block letters

At the beginning of the chess lessons we
have already made the students aware of
the fact that the squares all have their own
We recall the necessary prior knowledge
by letting the students name a few squares.
We can do this quickly and efficiently with
the demonstration board. We then start
with the diagram (). Then play the move:
Rd4-d8. We are now able to write down
the move on the blackboard (or on any
other writing aid). We tell them that the
rook is rendered as capital R. After this
write down the square where the piece
comes from, in this case d4. Next, we write
a hyphen, - , which indicates: 'goes to' and
finally we write d8, the destination square.
This will not present any problem to the
Now play another move with the rook and
let the children describe how the move
should be written down. For the move

1 18
Rd8-h8 the child should indicate what is to
be written down. The letter R for the rook,
d8 for the square it comes from, hyphen for
'goes to' and h8 for the square it arrives at.
We replace the rook by a knight. We now
play the move Na4-c5 (diagram fr left) and
follow the same method.
Once this is clear, we can give the com
plete list of the pieces:
K for king
Q for queen
R for rook
B for bishop
N for knight
We use N for knight because the letter K is
already used for the king.
We do not write anything for the pawn and
we have to explain and emphasis this with
an example. Students are inclined to render
the pawn with a lower-case p or pa.
On the right side of the diagram the pawn
move g2-g4 may be carried out and written
We now come to the representations of
special moves (diagram Q). Consider first
capturing. We capture the black bishop
with the white rook, and record this on the
board as Rd4xf4. We explain: capital R,
d4 square of departure, a multiple sign (x)
for capture and f4 as the square of arrival.
The children practice this using the demon

stration board too. These exercises must
also include moves made by other pieces.
We then introduce the symbol that repre
sents check (diagram D. ).
We play Bel-h4 check. We only need to
explain that we put a plus-sign (+) behind
the move, to signify that Black is in check:
Bel-h4+ (in older chess books, the death
cross t is used).
"" 1 19
The white pawn is going to promote in the
diagram (1)'). We record this as: c7-c8Q.
The common notation for the pawn move
and the capital letter for the piece that is
selected. We take the first letter of the
chosen piece for promotion to other pieces:
R for rook, B for bishop and N for knight.
The capturing move of the pawn in the
right section is annotated as f4xgS. Cap
turing 'en passant' is recorded as a pawn
move with the addition of e.p. If this lesson
is given before lesson 1 4, then the notation
of ' en passant' may be skipped.
In the diagram (), White plays 1 . b6-b7.
A mating move can be rendered by a
simple remark: mate (after the last move).
We fmd many signs for mate in the chess
literature, including a double checking
mark (++) or hash #.
There is a separate notation for castling:
0-0 (zero-hyphen-zero) and 0-0-0 for king
side- and queenside-castling respectively.
The students will from now on be able to
note down their solutions when going
through their exercise sheets. This may
take a bit of coaxing, since most of the
children prefer to draw arrows. It would be
ideal if they would now and again note
down their own games (for the moment
only the first 1 0 to 1 5 moves).

Noting down moves is called 'notating' .
The rules are simple provided you identify
the squares. You are able to note down a
move by means of the first letter of a piece,
a hyphen and the names of the squares.
When recording a capturing move, we
write a multiple-sign instead of a hyphen.

1 20

<> The notation


D Notation / The long notation: A

Explanation: The piece in the diagram moves to the square with the
circle or the circled piece. This move needs to be recorded
in long notation. A summary of the notation rules are on
the board:
K king x captures on
Q queen + check
R rook mate mate
B bishop # mate
N knight Q promotion to queen
pawn 0-0 kingside castling
- moves to 0-0-0 queenside castling

D Material / Winning material: A

Explanation: Winning material is possible in all positions. The students
must choose from:
- capture an unprotected piece
- the profitable exchange
- the twofold attack
- promotion (does not need to be a capturing move ! )
Let the students look for unprotected pieces, insufficiently
protected pieces or attacks on major pieces first.
Mistake: The solution is a capturing move, but it still does not win
Help: The position resulting is studied from the other side.
"What did you win?"
"What can your opponent play now?"


D Notation / The long notation: A

1) 1 . Rf2-f7 7) 1 . . . . Nb8-d7
2) 1 . c2-c4 8) 1 . Ra l -e l
3) 1 . . . . Nb6-d5 9) 1 . Ne5-f7 mate
4) 1 . . . . Qd8-h4 1 0) 1 . . . . 0-0-0
5) 1 . . . . Bg7xa l 1 1) 1 . e7-e8Q
6) 1 . Ne3xf5 1 2) Drawing

D Material / Winning material: A

1) 1. . . . Ba6xfl 7) 1. Bb5xd7
2) 1. Rc5xh5 8) 1. Nd5xe3
3) I. Be4xb7 9) 1. Rf7xa7
4) 1. . . . Ng4xe3 1 0) 1. Bb2xg7
5) 1. Bc5xe7 1 1) 1. .. . Qd4xf4
6) 1. . . . Bc5xe3+ 1 2) I. g5xf6

1 22
List of co n ce pts

attack A piece is in a position from where it can capture a

piece of the opponent (see lesson 3)
back rank The 1 st and 8th rank of the chess board. The phrase
is primarily used for 'mate (delivered) along the
back rank. '
blunder A very bad move. The term is relative. At a lower
level, a blunder allows mate or loss of a piece. At a
higher level, a serious positional error is also
considered to be a blunder.
capture The removal of a piece of the opponent (see lesson
3). It is also a form of defence (lesson 5).
castling A move by the king and the rook at the same time
(see lesson 9).
centre The middle of the chess board (the squares d4, d5 ,
e4 and e5).
chaser A piece that delivers check in order to further op
press the opponent king.
check An attack on the king (see lesson 6).
complementary mate A mate in which at least two pieces are coopera
ting, the guard and the chaser. Both deny the
opponent king a few number of squares. The
chaser delivers check (see lesson 8).
cooperation Pieces of the same player may protect, support or
complement each other.
defend To counter an attack (see lesson 5).
diagonal An uninterrupted sequence of squares along a
slanting path of the same colour (see lesson 1 ).
diagram A scaled-down reproduction of a chess position
with slightly adapted chess pieces (figurines).
double pawn Two pawns of the same colour on the same file.
draw An undecided game (see lesson 1 2) .
eat For very young children, this is a suitable expres
sion to indicate capture (taking, grabbing) of a
piece of the opponent.
escape Synonymous for move away
escape square A term that is mostly used to indicate a square

1 23
where the king may escape to. Less often used for
other pieces.
exchange White captures a piece and Black recaptures that
piece. The pieces should (roughly) have the same
exchange (the) The difference between a rook and a bishop or
knight. The player who captures a protected rook
with his bishop or knight, wins the exchange, i.e.
he has made a profitable exchange (or is the
exchange up). It makes a difference of two points.
exercise sheet A page with assignments in the workbook.
profitable exchange Capture of a protected piece of the opponent in
which points are gained (see lesson 1 1 ).
file An uninterrupted sequence of vertical squares on the
chess board (a 'column' - see lesson 1 ).
flee Synonymous for escape.
forced move The only move that does not lead to immediate
game A battle between two players.
get out of (a) check Defend oneself against check (see lesson 6).
getting a queen Popular expression for pushing a pawn to the other
side of the board. Strictly speaking, this is an
inaccurate phrase because other pieces than the
queen could also be selected (see lesson 4).
grab Synonymous for capture or take.
guard A piece that denies escape squares to the opponent
hanging Insufficiently protected. A piece that is dangling
(hanging), is being attacked and the immediate
threat is that it will be lost.
illegal move A move that is not in accordance with the rules
(laws) of chess.
interpose A form of defence (see lesson 5).
jail The area for the opponent king from where he
cannot escape anymore. The concept is used when
mating with the queen (see lesson 1 3).
line piece The queen, rook or bishop
line File, rank or diagonal (lesson 1 ).
mate The end of a chess game when the king is in check
and is unable to get out of check in any way (see

1 24
lesson 7).
material Pieces and pawns. If White is ahead in material,
this means that White has more points.
minor promotion The promotion of a pawn to a rook, bishop or
knight. Promotion to a queen is the norm because
she is worth the most.
mobility The number of moves that a piece can move to.
move away A form of defence. The attacked piece is played to
a safe square (see lesson 5). See also 'escape ' .
move The action performed when moving a piece on the
chess board.
notate Writing down the moves of a game.
opponent The person you are playing against.
overlook Chess phrase for not seeing something during a
pIece We should only use this for the king, queen, rook,
bishop or knight. In this manual, the expression
'pieces ' is also used to refer to pieces and pawns
collectively. Which of the two meanings IS
intended will be clear from the context.
player One of the two opponents in a chess game.
pnson The area for the opponent king from where he
cannot escape anymore. The concept is used when
mating with the queen (see lesson 1 3).
promotion A pawn that reaches the other side (the 8th rank for
a white pawn, the 1 st rank for a black pawn) is
promoted. It changes into a queen, rook, bishop or
knight of the same colour. See also minor
protect A form of defence (see lesson 5).
rank A uninterrupted sequence of horizontal squares on
the chess board (see lesson 1 ) .
refute Show that a certain move (or sequence o f moves)
is incorrect.
regular move A move made in accordance with the rules (laws)
of chess.
resIgn Stopping the battle before being mated. This never
happens during Step One.
simultaneous display A match in which one player tests his skills against
more than one player at the same time.

1 25
square Name of a space on the chess board. There are 32
'white ' and 32 'black' squares (irrespective of the
actual colour).
stalemate A player is stalemated if he is not in check and
cannot play any legal move (see lesson 1 2).
supporting mate Mate in which the piece that delivers mate is
protected by another piece (see lesson 7).
take Synonymous for capture or grab.
threat An unpleasant move of the opponent that is
looming, e.g. a mate-in-one. Most of the time, a
defence against a threat is possible; only mortal
threats cannot be countered.
touch move A game rule which states that the player who
touches a piece has to play with the same piece (or
capture if the piece touched belongs to the oppo
trade Synonymous for exchange. White captures a piece
and Black recaptures that piece. The pieces should
(roughly) have the same value
trap A move which, while perhaps not objectively the
best, entices the opponent to play an obvious but
wrong move.
twofold attack An attack in which two pieces of the same player
are cooperating. One piece is supporting the other
(see lesson 1 1 ).
unprotected A piece is unprotected if it is not covered by a
piece of the same colour. As soon as the opponent
attacks this piece, it is in danger.
work sheet Synonymous for exercise sheet.

1 26
The Alternative Press
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F o r E u rope: cl o Kaarlo Schepel

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O rderi n g
The following books are available in the Step Method series:

Manuals for chess trainers: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5

Workbooks : Step 1 , Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5 , Step 6
Extra workbooks: Step 3 extra, Step 4 extra, Step 5 extra
Plus workbook: Step 3+

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1 28

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