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The University of Texas at Austin

Department of Sociology
305 E 23rd St, A1700,
CLA 3.306
Austin, TX 78712

(512) 232-6300/471-5514


Ph.D., Sociology, 1984, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas

M.A., Sociology and Government, 1974, Texas A&I University, Kingsville,
B.A., Sociology and Government, 1973, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, Texas


Public Sociology Award, International Migration Section, American

Sociological Association, 2016
Distinguished Career Award, Latino Section, American Sociological
Association, 2013
Joseph S. Werlin Scholar of Latin American/Hispanic Studies in Sociology,
University of Houston, 2004-2006
Human Rights Award, presented by Coordinador 96 and the Houston
Immigration and Refugee Coalition, December 1996.
Distinguished Graduate Student Award, Texas A&I University, 1974
Summa Cum Laude Graduate, Texas A&I University, 1973
Governor's Public Service Internship Awardee, Austin, Texas, 1973


International Migration
Global Sociology
Historical/Comparative Sociology
Economic Sociology
Mexican American/Latin American Studies
Political Sociology
Race/Ethnic Relations
Urban Sociology
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Curriculum Vitae


Coercive Bureacracies
Border Control/Deaths
Immigration in U.S. Society
International Migration
Introductory Sociology
Introductory Social Statistics
Introductory Social Research
Introduction to Sociological Theory
Introduction to Population Studies
Mexican American Subculture
Political Sociology
Racial and Ethnic Relations
Social Change
Social Stratification
Sociology of Latin America
Urban Sociology


Faculty Panel Member, Bridging Disciplines Program in Public Policy (Human

Rights & Social Justice), School of Undergraduate Studies, The University of
Texas at Austin, 2015-present.

Academic Policy Advisory Committee, Office of the Dean, School of Liberal

Arts, The University of Texas at Austin, 2012-2015.

Coordinator, The Mexican Center, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin

American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, 2011-2013.

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, 2008-present.

Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Houston, 2003-2008.

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Houston, 2004-2008.

Director, Center for Immigration Research, Colleges of Liberal Arts & Social
Sciences, University of Houston, 1995-2007.

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Houston, 1991-

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Curriculum Vitae

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Houston, 1984 to


Assistant Instructor, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin,


Adjunct Instructor, Extension and Correspondence Studies, The University of

Texas at Austin, 1980-1984.

Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin,


Adjunct Instructor, Department of Psychology/Sociology, Texas A&I University

at Kingsville, 1978.

Instructor, Department of Psychology/Sociology, Texas A&I University at

Kingsville, 1975-1976.


American Sociological Association. Elected Council Member, International

Migration Section, 2012 2015.

Advisory Board. Latino Studies Journal. 2011 present.

Advisory Board. Latina/o Sociology Book Series, New York University Press,

Advisory Board. Latinidad Book Series. Rutgers University Press, 2012 2015.

Advisory Board. Travaux et Recherches dans les Amriques du Centre (Centre

d'tudes Mexicaines et Centrmericaines, France/Mexico). 20122014.

Member. Binational Group on Mexican Migration to the United States.

Georgetown University-CIESAS Guadalajara. Mexico City/Washington, D.C.

Research Consultant, African American-Latino Relations Project, Southern

Educational Foundation, Atlanta, GA, 2006-2008.

Member, Advisory Committee, Mayor's Advisory Committee on Immigrant and

Refugee Affairs, Houston, TX, 2001-2005

Member, Advisory Committee, Inter-racial, Inter-cultural Community Building,

Democratic Renewal Institute, Claremont University, 1998-2001
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Curriculum Vitae

Member, Planning Committee, Gulfton Area Neighborhood Organization for

Immigrant Legal and Community Services, 1997-2000

Member, Advisory Committee on Criteria for Diversity, Texas Higher Education

Coordinating Board, Austin, TX, 1996-1997.

Founding member, Houston Inter-Ethnic Forum Collaborative and Research,


Member, Inter-University Program for Latino Research Committee,

Social Science Research Council, 1993-1996

Member, Board of Directors, Tejano Center for Immigrant Legal Assistance,

Houston, TX, 1987-1989


Nestor Rodriguez. 2014. Research mentoring support, $1,400. Inter-University

Mentoring Program: University of Texas- Fatima Jinnah Womens University,
Islamabad, Pakistan. Mentored graduate student on development of course
curriculum on gender and migration for undergraduate instruction in

Nestor Rodriguez. 2011. Awarded $10,000 by the Lozano Long Institute of Latin
American Studies, The University of Texas at Austin. Seed money for a pilot
study of impacts of U.S. deportations for migrant sending communities in Mexico
and Honduras.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2011-2012. Awarded $6,000. Foreign travel support funds

awarded by the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, The University
of Texas at Austin.

Nestor Rodriguez (with Rebecca Torres as Co-Principal Investigator). 2010-

2013. Awarded $208,650 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the
three-year program Undergraduate Research Experience (REU) at the Population
Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin.

Nestor Rodriguez. Awarded $9,9088. 2010 US-Mexico Borderland/Indigenous

Studies Research Award, given by UT-Austin College of Liberal Arts. Award for
2010-2011 research on the death patterns of unauthorized migrants at the U.S.-
Mexico border.

Diversity Mentoring Grant. Applied for and was awarded a UT Austin Graduate
School Diversity Mentoring Fellowship to support a minority graduate student in
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Curriculum Vitae

Sociology in the first year of enrollment. $16,000+ of direct support for new
graduate student for 2010-2011.

University of Houston. Awarded $3,000 for exploratory research on unauthorized

migration conditions at the Mexico-Guatemalan border, 2005.

Joseph S. Werlin Endowment, Latin American Scholar Award (University of

Houston): $6,000 for support on Latin American related research, 2004-2005.

Ford Foundation. Awarded $3,500 for travel support to meet with migration
researchers at Renmin University of China (Peoples University of China),
Beijing, China, 2003.

Ford Foundation. Awarded $170,000 for 2002-2004 for core support for Center
for Immigration Research, University of Houston. Principal research focus:
Effects of 1996 immigration law (IIRIRA) on communities in Texas, Mexico, and
El Salvador; random survey in El Salvador of 300 Salvadoran deportees. Co-
principal investigator: Jacqueline Hagan.

Ford Foundation. Awarded $250,000 for 1998-2001 for core support for Center
for Immigration Research, University of Houston. Principal research focus:
effects of 1996 immigration law (IIRIRA) on local communities in Texas, and
analysis of the death of unauthorized migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. Co-
principal investigator: Jacqueline Hagan.

Open Society. Awarded $50,000 in 1998 to support center operations and

projects of the Center for Immigration Research. The projects include settlement
patterns of new Asian immigrants in the Houston area. Co-principal investigator:
Jacqueline Hagan.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Migration Policy Institute grant:

Awarded $20,000 for a field study of transborder community relations in the
Laredo/Nuevo Laredo and El Paso/Juarez areas as part of a study along five
international borders, 1997-2000.

Ford Foundation: Impacts of Recent Immigration and Welfare Legislation in

Texas and Mexican Communities. Awarded $75,000 for a 1997-1998 study of
how 1996 immigration and welfare laws affects low-income and immigrant
communities in six Texas localities, and in adjacent Mexican border communities.
Co-principal investigator: Jacqueline Hagan.

Hogg Foundation for Mental Health grant: Family Separation, Mental Health,
and International Migration. Awarded $42,000 for a study of mental health
conditions (anxiety, depression, stress) among immigrants separated from families
by U.S. immigration laws restricting travel between the United States and
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Curriculum Vitae

communities of origin. The research sites are Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.
Co-Principal Investigator: Antonio Ugalde.

University of Texas at Austin collaborative grant. Small Business Activity,

Migration, and Urban Poverty: The U.S.-Mexico Transborder Region.
Collaborative grant in 1996 for $10,000 from UT Austin (Bryan Roberts and
Frank Bean) to investigate transnational economic linkages between immigrant
households in Houston and communities of origin in Monterrey, Mexico.
Jacqueline Hagan was a co-principal investigator in the Houston site.

Loyola University/HUD grant. Creating and Sustaining Stable Diverse Urban

Neighborhoods in the United States. Awarded $7,000 for a 1995 study of
intergroup relations in a mixed Houston neighborhood as part of a HUD-funded
national study of relations in mixed neighborhoods.

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) grant. Migrant Death at the

Texas-Mexican Border. Awarded $14,000 by AFSC for a 1995 field study to
estimate the number of deaths among undocumented migrants who attempt to
cross into Texas from Mexico. Jacqueline Hagan was a co-principal investigator.

Ford Foundation grant. Inter-Ethnic Forum of Houston (IEF). Given $150,000

by the Ford Foundation in three grants during 1994-1996 for the formation of a
research and community organization to study intergroup relational patterns in
Houston and promote positive intergroup relations. Grant proposals were co-
written with IEF staff.

Urban Institute contract: Latino Settlement Patterns in Houston. Given $5,000

for a research paper on new Latino settlement zones in the Houston area. 1992.

Tomas Rivera Center grant: "Houston Evaluation of Hispanic Priorities." Given

$500,000 by the Ford Foundation, The Houston Endowment, and the Andrew
Mellon Foundation to conduct a two-year study (1991-1993) of Anglo, African
American and Hispanic-community needs and priorities in the Houston area.
Professor Ricardo Romo (UT-Austin) was a co-principal investigator.

Institute on Multiculturalism and International Labor, SUNY Binghamton,

contract: awarded $8,000 for a study of labor market incorporation of
undocumented Latin American migrant workers in Houston, 1991-1992.

University of Houston Institute for Higher Education, Law and Governance/UH

Center for Public Policy funding: "Undocumented Students and Higher
Education in Houston." Given $15,200 for a study (June-December, 1991) of
problems that undocumented immigrant students face when seeking admission to
institutions of higher education in the Houston area.
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Curriculum Vitae

University of Texas grant: "Political Ethnography in Houston: Electoral

Mobilization in the Barrio of Magnolia." Awarded $25,636 for a one-semester
study (fall 1990) of electoral activities and political participation in a Latino
district in Houston. The study was part of an ethnographic project at the
University of Texas at Austin focusing on Latino electoral behavior in several
U.S. cities.

Hogg Foundation grant: "Unaccompanied and Undocumented: A Mental-Health

Study of Accompanied Central American Immigrant Children." Awarded
$25,720 for an eight-month (January-August, 1990) study of Central American
children apprehended by the INS at the Texas-Mexico border. The study (1)
sampled 500 child detainee files to develop a socio-demographic profile of the
apprehended children and (2) interviewed 133 youth to examine for the presence
of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Co-principal investigators were Ximena
Urrutia-Rojas and Robert Roberts.

Bureau of the Census grant: "An Ethnographic Evaluation of Census Undercount

in Houston." Awarded $15,173 to investigate the extent and causes of census
undercount among 132 immigrant households in Houston. Project started on June
1, 1990 and ended in spring 1991. Co-principal investigator: Jacqueline Hagan.

Field study in San Cristobal Totonicapan, a Guatemalan sending community of

Mayan immigrant workers to the United States. Conducted family interviews and
observations of highland Mayan residents and return migrants in the summers
from 1988 to 1998.

Ford Foundation grant: "Changing Relations Between New Immigrants and

Established Residents in the U.S.: Houston." Awarded $150,000 for a two-year
(1988-1989) field study of evolving relations between established residents
(Anglos, African Americans, and Mexican Americans) and new immigrants
(Mexican and Central Americans) in Houston. Awarded LGIA grant ($800) by
University of Houston to transcribe project interviews. Awarded an additional
$3,500 by the Changing Relations Project to organize a conference to disseminate
findings of the Changing Relations Project.

Research Fellow, Institute for Latin American Studies, The University of Texas at
Austin, 1987-1988. Member of the Central American Research Group.

Field study of undocumented Central American migrants in Houston, 1985-1987.

The project has interviewed 260 migrants and is investigating several aspects of
the migrants' community conditions. Awarded LGIA grant ($800) by the
University of Houston to pay for interview transcriptions.

Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUP)/Social Science Research

Council grant: "Hispanic Housing in the United States: Research for Public
Policy." Awarded $70,429 for a study of Hispanic rental housing conditions in
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Curriculum Vitae

the United States. The 1986-1987 research involved constructing a database of

national housing data, a telephone survey of Houston renters, and fieldwork
among Hispanic immigrant renters in Houston. The co-principal investigator was
John I. Gilderbloom.

Awarded Research Initiation Grant ($5,000) by the University of Houston for an

exploratory study of undocumented Central Americans in Houston, June-August,

Dissertation: Labor Migration and the Development of the Capitalist World-

System: A Theoretical and Socio-Historical Analysis of Selected Labor
Migration Patterns in the Dutch, British, and U. S. Periods of Hegemony.
Supervised by Professor Joe R. Feagin.

Field study coordinator and interviewer. "Work and Community Absorption of

Undocumented Mexican Workers in Austin and San Antonio." Professor Harley
L. Browning, Principal Investigator. Population Research Center, University of
Texas at Austin, 1980-1983.

Field study coordinator and interviewer. "San Antonio Undocumented Mexican

Labor Study." Professor Harley L. Browning, Principal Investigator. Population
Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin, June-December, 1978.

Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin,

Summer, 1977. Helped to catalog Latin America censuses.


American Sociological Association

Latin American Studies Association


Roberts, Bryan, Cecilia Menjivar, and Nestor Rodriguez. Deportation and Return
in a Border-Restricted World: Experiences in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala,
and Honduras. New York: Springer Press. Forthcoming (2017).

Leal, David, and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.). 2016. Migration in an Era of

Restriction and Recession: Sending and Receiving Nations in a Changing Global
Environment. New York: Springer Press.

Saenz, Rogelio, David G. Embrick, and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.). 2015. The
International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity. New York:
Springer Press.
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Saenz, Rogelio, David G. Embrick, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2015. Introduction:

A Framework for Understanding the Race and Ethnic Transition. In The
International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity, edited by
Rogelio Saenz, David G. Embrick, and Nestor Rodriguez, 3-20. New York:
Springer Press.

Hagan, Jacqueline, David Leal, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2015. Deporting Social
Capital: The Removal of Salvadoran Migrants from the United States. Migration
Studies 3, advanced online access March 11.

Susanne Jonas and Nestor Rodriguez. 2014. GuatemalaUS Migration:

Transforming Regions. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Berger Cardoso, Jodi, Erin Hamilton, Nestor Rodriguez, Karl Eschbach, and
Jacqueline Hagan. Deporting Fathers: Intent to Re-Migrate among Salvadoran
Deportees. International Migration Review. Initial online publication: July 3,

Wheatley, Christine, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2014. With the Stroke of a

Bureaucrats Pen: American State Reforms to Manage its Undocumented
Population, 1920-2012. Pages 157-178 in Lois Lorentzen (ed.), Hidden Lives
and Human Rights in America: Understanding the Controversies and Tragedies
of Undocumented Immigration. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Nestor Rodriguez and Cristian Paredes. 2014. Coercive Immigration

Enforcement and Bureaucratic Ideology. Pages 63-83 in Cecilia Menjvar and
Dan Kanstroom (eds.), Constructing Immigrant Illegality: Critiques,
Experiences, and Responses. Cambridge University Press.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2013. Immigration Reform. Contexts 12 (2).

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. Urban Redevelopment and Mexican American Barrios

in the Socio-Spatial Order. Pp. 87-110 in Barrio Urban Policy, edited by David
Diaz and Rodolfo Torres. New York: New York University Press.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. New Southern Neighbors: Latino Immigration and

Prospects for Intergroup Relations between African Americans and Latinos in the
South. Latino Studies 10, No. 1-2 (Spring/Summer): 18-40.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. Questions de droits humains et dthique sur une

stratgie tats-unienne. Hommes & Migration, No. 1296 (Mars-Avril): 54-63.

Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez, and Brianna Castro. 2011. Social Effects of
Mass Deportations by the United States Government: 2000-2010. Ethnic and
Racial Studies, 34 (8): 1374-1391.
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Sarah Blanchard, Erin R. Hamilton, Nestor Rodrguez, and Hirotoshi Yoshioka.

2011. Shifting Trends in Central American Migration: A Demographic
Examination of Increasing Honduran-U.S. Immigration and Deportation. The
Latin Americanist 55, No. 4 (December): 61-84.

Nestor Rodriguez and Tatcho Mindiola. 2011. African Americans and Latinos
in Houston: Intergroup Perceptions and Relations. In Just Neighbors?: Research
on African American and Latino Relations in the U.S. Edited by Edward Telles,
Gaspar Rivera-Salgado and Sylvia Zamora. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Arbona, Consuelo, Norma Olvera, Nestor Rodriguez, Jacqueline Hagan, Adriana

Linares, and Margit Wiesner. 2010. Predictors of Acculturative Stress among
Documented and Undocumented Latino Immigrants. Hispanic Journal of
Behavioral Sciences, vol. 32, no. 2, 362-384.

Jacqueline Hagan, Brianna Castro, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2010. The Effects of
Deportation on Families and Communities: Cross Border Perspectives. North
Carolina Law Review. Vol. 88, No. 1 (June): 1799-1824.

Nestor Rodriguez and Cecilia Menjivar. 2009. Central American Immigration in

the Post- Civil Rights Era. In Jose Cobas, Jorge Duany, and Joe Feagin (eds.).
U.S. Racialization of Latinas/os: At Home and Abroad. Kent, WA: Paradigm

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Manifest Functions. Pp. 552-553 in Vincent N.

Parrillo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Volume 2. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Latent Functions. Page 538 in Vincent N. Parrillo

(ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Volume 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Hagan, Jacqueline, Karl Eschbach, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. U.S.

Deportation Policy, Family Separation, and Circular Migration. International
Migration Review, 42 (1): 64-88.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Theoretical and Methodological Issues of Latina/o

Research. Pp. 3-15 in David Havidan, Rogelio Saenz and Cecilia Menjivar
(eds.), Latinas/os In the United States: A Research Source Book. Berkeley:
Springer Press.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Los Mexico Americanos: Quines Somos Y Quines

Seremos. Pp. 63-70 in Victor Ziga (ed.), Identidad y Diversidad. Monterrey,
Nuevo Len: Fondo Editorial de Nuevo Len.
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Nestor Rodriguez. 2007. Mexican and Central Americans in the Present Wave
of U.S. Immigration. Pp. 81-100 in Jose Luis Falconi and Jose Antonio Mazzoti
(eds.), The Other Latinos: Central and South Americans in the United States.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies, distributed by Harvard University Press.

Philips, Scott, Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2006. Brutal Borders?
Examining the Treatment of Deportees During Arrest and Detention. Social
Forces, vol. 85, no. 1 (September):93-109.

Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.). 2005. When the State Kills: Latin
America, the U.S. and Technologies of Terror. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez. 2005. State Terror in the U.S.-Latin
American Interstate Regime. Pp. 3-27 in Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez
(eds.), When the State Kills: Latin America, the U.S. and Technologies of Terror.
Austin: University of Texas Press.

Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez. 2005. New Responses to State Terror.
Pp. 335-346 in Cecilia Menjivar and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.), When the State
Kills: Latin America, the U.S. and Technologies of Terror. Austin: University of
Texas Press.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 2004. Fractured Families and

Communities: Effects of Immigration Reform in Texas, Mexico, and El
Salvador. Latino Studies, 2 (3): 328-351.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2004. Workers Wanted: Employer Recruitment of

Immigrant Workers. Journal of Work & Occupation, vol. 31, no. 4 (November):

Randy Capps, Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2004. Border Residents
Manage the Immigration and Welfare Reforms. Pp. 229-249 in Philip
Kretsedemas and Ana Aparicio (eds.), Immigrants, Welfare Reform, and the
Poverty of Policy. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers.

Karl Eschbach, Jacqueline Hagan, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2003. Deaths during
Undocumented Migration: Policy Implications in the New Era of Homeland
Security, in In Defense of the Alien, 26:37-52.

Scott Phillips, Nestor Rodriguez, Jacqueline Hagan. 2003. Brutality at the

Border?: Use of Force in the Arrest of Immigrants in the United States
International Journal of Sociology of Law, vol. 30, (2003): 285-306.
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Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez, Randy Capps, and Nika Kabiri. 2003.
"Effects of Immigration Reform on Immigrants' Access to Health Care."
International Migration Review, 37 (2):444-463.

Tatcho Mindiola, Yolanda Niemann, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. Black/Brown

Relations and Stereotypes. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. "Resurrecting Exclusion: The

Effects of 1996 Immigration Reform on Families and Communities in Texas,
Mexico and El Salvador." Pp. 190-201 in Marcelo Suarez-Orozco and Mariela
Paez (eds.) Latinos: Remaking America. Los Angeles, CA: University of
California Press.

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. Resurrecting Exclusion: The

Impact of Legislative Reform in Texas and Mexico. Research Perspectives on
Migration, vol. 3, no. 1: 15, 18-19.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 2001. "Transborder Community

Relations at the U.S.-Mexico Border." In Demetrios Papademetriou and Deborah
Meyers (eds.), Caught in the Middle: Cross Border Communities in an Era of
Globalization. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. "National Identity Outside the Nation-State: Notes from
Japanese Immigrant Experiences." Annual Review of Migration Studies. Vol. 7:
69-84. (Japanese Association of Migration Studies)

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 2000. "Maya Urban Villagers in

Houston: The Formation of a Migrant Community from San Cristobl
Totonicapn." In James Loucky and Marilyn Moors (eds.), The Maya Diaspora:
Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Rosa Davila and Nestor Rodriguez. 2000. Successes and Challenges of

Relations between African Americans and Latinos in the United States at the End
of the Twentieth Century. Pp. 36-48 in Lynn Huntly (ed.), Beyond Racism:
Embracing an Interdependent Future. Atlanta: Southern Education Foundation.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2000. "Hispanic and Asian Immigration Waves in Houston."

In Helen Rose Ebaugh and Janet Saltzman Chafetz (eds.), Religion and the New
Immigrants: Continuities and Adaptations in Immigrant Congregations. Walnut
Creek, CA: Rowman and Littlefield.

Alejandra Rincon, Susanne Jonas, and Nestor Rodriguez. 1999. "La migracin
guatemalteca en los EE.UU., 1980-1996. Pp. 7-32 in Juan Alberto Fuentes K.
(coordinator), Poblacin y Migracin en el Area Rural. Guatemala: Sistema de
Naciones Unidas.
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Nestor Rodriguez.1999. Black and Latino Relations at the End of the Twentieth
Century. Pp. 423-432 in Charles Hisrchman, Philip Kasinitz and Josh Dewind
(eds.), The Handbook of International Migration: The American Experience. New
York: Russell Sage.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1999. "Globalization, Autonomy, and Transnational

Migration: Impacts on U. S. Intergroup Relations." Research in Politics and
Society, vol. 6: 65-84.

Karl Eschbach, Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez, Ruben Hernandez Leon, and
Stanley Bailey. 1999. "Death at the Border." International Migration Review,
vol. 33 no. 3 (Summer): 430-454.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 1999. Central Americans in the

United States. Pp. 278-296 in A. Gary Dworkin and Rosalind Dworkin (eds.),
The Minority Report: An Introduction to Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Relations,
3rd ed. Dallas, TX: Harcourt Brace Javanovich.

Karl Eschbach, Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez, and Anna Zakos. 1998.
"The Houston Heights: Co-existing Communities?" Cityscapes: A Journal of
Policy Development and Research, vol. 4, no. 2: 245-259.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1997. Inmigracin Latina y Acceso a Servicios de Salud en

el Area Metropolitana de Houston. Pp. 125-128 in Olga Solas and Antonio
Ugalde (eds.), Inmigracin, Salud y Politicas Sociales. Granada, Espaa:
Andaluz School of Public Health and The European Commission.

Ximena Urrutia-Rojas and Nestor Rodriguez. 1997. Unaccompanied Migrant

Children from Central America: Sociodemographic Characteristics and
Experiences with Potentially Traumatic Events. Pp. 151-166 in Antonio Ugalde
and Gilberto Cardenas (eds.), Health and Social Services among International
Labor Migrants: A Comparative Perspective. Austin: Center for Mexican
American Studies, University of Texas Press.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1997. The Social Construction of the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Pp. 223-243 in Juan F. Perea (ed.), Immigrants Out!: The New Nativism and the
Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States. New York: New York University

Updated and reprinted:

Nestor Rodriguez, 2006, Die soziale Konstruktion der US-mexikanischen

Grenze, in Monika Eigmller und Gorg Vobruba (Hrsg.), Grenz-
Soziologie: Die politische Strukturierung des Raumes, Wiesbaden: VS
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Curriculum Vitae

Janis Hutchinson, Nestor Rodriguez, and Jacqueline Hagan. 1996. "Community

Life: African Americans and Multiethnic Residential Areas." Journal of Black
Studies, vol. 27, no. 2: 201-223 .

Nestor Rodriguez. 1996. The Battle for the Border: Notes on Autonomous
Migration, Transnational Communities and the State. Social Justice, vol. 23, no.
3: 21-37.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1996. U.S. Immigration and Intergroup Relations in the Late
Twentieth Century: African Americans and Latinos. Social Justice, vol. 23, no.

Stanley Bailey, Karl Eschbach, Jacqueline Hagan, and Nestor Rodriguez. 1996.
The Human Costs of Border Enforcement: Migrant Deaths at the Texas-Mexico
Border. Migration World, vol. 24, no. 4: 16-20.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. 1995. "Latino Settlement in the 'Free-Enterprise City.'" Pp.

201-221 in Robert D. Bullard, J. Eugene Grigsby III, and Charles Lee (eds.),
Residential Apartheid. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, UCLA,
University of California Press.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. 1995. "The Real 'New World Order.'" Pp. 211-225 in
Michael Peter Smith and Joe R. Feagin (eds.). The Bubbling Cauldron: Race,
Ethnicity and the Urban Crisis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Nestor Rodriguez. Lessons on Survival from Central America. Forum for

Applied Research and Public Policy, vol. 10, no. 3 (Fall 1995):90-93.

Nestor Rodriguez, Noelia Elizondo, David Mena, Frank Yeverino, Adolfo

Vasquez and Ricardo Rojas. 1994. "Political Mobilization in Magnolia."
Rodolfo de la Garza, Louise DeSipio and Marta Manchaca (eds.), Barrio Ballots:
Latino Politics in the 1990 Election. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. 1993. "Economic Restructuring and Latino Growth in

Houston." Pp. 101-127 in Joan Moore and Raquel Pinderhughes (eds.), In The
Barrios: Latinos and the Underclass Debate. New York: Russell Sage.

Nestor P. Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 1992. "Apartment Restructuring and

Immigrant Tenant Struggles: A Case Study of Human Agency." Comparative
Urban and Community Research, vol. 4:164-180.

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 1992. "Recent Economic Restructuring

and Evolving Intergroup Relations in Houston." Pp. 145-171 in Louise Lamphere
(ed.), Structuring Diversity: Ethnographic Perspectives on New Immigrants in
Six American Cities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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Nestor P. Rodriguez and Ximena Urrutia-Rojas. 1990. "Impact of Recent

Refugee Migration to Texas: A Comparison of Southeast Asian and Central
American Newcomers." Pp. 263-278 in Wayne H. Holtzman and Thomas H.
Bornemann (eds.), Mental Health of Immigrants and Refugees, Austin, TX: Hogg

Rodolfo De La Garza, Nestor Rodriguez, and Harry Pachon. 1990. "The

Domestic and Foreign Policy Consequences of Mexican and Central American
Immigration: Mexican American Perspectives." Pp. 135-147 in George Vernez
(ed.), Immigration and Foreign Relations. Washington, D.C.: The RAND

Beth Ann Sheldon, Nestor P. Rodriguez, Joe R. Feagin, Robert D. Bullard and
Robert D. Thomas. 1989. Houston: A Study of Growth and Decline in a Sunbelt
Boomtown. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Joe R. Feagin, John Gilderbloom and Nestor Rodriguez. 1989. "The Houston
Experience: Private-Public Partnership." Pp. 240-259 in Gregory Squires (ed.),
Unequal Partnerships: The Political Economy of Urban Redevelopment in
Postwar America. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 1989. "Undocumented Central

American Migration to Houston in the 1980s." Journal of La Raza Studies, vol.
2, no. 1 (Summer/Fall)1-3.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. 1989. "Houston's Hispanic Growth," Pp. 48-52 in Dorothy

F. Caram, Anthony Gary Dworkin, and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.), Hispanics in
Houston and Harris County: 1519-1986. Houston: Houston Hispanic Forum.

Dorothy F. Caram, Anthony Gary Dworkin, and Nestor Rodriguez (eds.). 1989.
Hispanics in Houston and Harris County: 1519-1986. Houston: Houston
Hispanic Forum.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. 1988. "Participant Observation in the Undocumented

Community." Pp. 38-39 in Beth B. Hess, Elizabeth W. Markson, and Peter J.
Stein, Sociology. 3rd edition. New York: MacMillan.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1987. "Undocumented Central Americans in Houston:

Diverse Populations." International Migration Review, 21 (1):4-25.

Nestor Rodriguez and Joe R. Feagin. 1986. "Urban Specialization in the World-
System: An analysis of Historical Cases." Urban Affairs Quarterly,
22(December): 187-220.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 16
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 1986. "Chicano-Indocumentado Relations in the Workplace."

Pp. 72-84 in Chicano-Mexicano Work Relations. Edited by Tatcho Mindiola, Jr.
and Max Martinez. Mexican American Studies Center, University of Houston.

Nestor Rodriguez and Rogelio T. Nunez. 1986. "An Exploration of Factors that
Contribute to Differentiation Between Chicanos and Indocumentados." Pp. 138-
156 in Mexican Immigrants and Mexican Americans: An Evolving Relation.
Edited by Harley L. Browning and Rodolfo de la Garza. Center for Mexican
American Studies/University of Texas Press.

Harley L. Browning and Nestor Rodriguez. 1985. "The Migration of Mexican

Indocumentados as a Settlement Process: Implications for Work." Pp. 277-292
in Hispanics in the U.S. Economy. Edited by George Borgas and Marta Tienda.
Academic Press.

Book Reviews:

Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border

Studies, edited by Anna Amelina, Devrimsel D. Nergiz, Thomas Faist, and Nina
Glick Schiller. Review in Contemporary Sociology, 43 (1): 63-65, 2014.

The Xaripu Community Across Borders: Labor Migration, Community, and

Family, by Manuel Barajas. Review in Social Forces 89, No. 2, December, 2010.

Generations of Exclusion: Mexican Americans, Assimilation, and Race, by

Edward Telles and Vilma Ortiz. Review in Journal of American Ethnic History,
fall 2009.

Latin American Social Movements: Globalization, Democratization, and

Transnational Networks, edited by Hank Johnston and Paul Almeida. In
Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 37, No. 5, September, 2008.

A Century of Chicano History: Empire, Nations, and Migration, by Gilbert G.

Gonzalez and Raul Fernandez. In International Migration Review, vol. 39, no. 2,
Summer, 2005.

Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary

Immigration, by Richard Alba and Victor Nee. In City and Community, vol. 3,
issue 4, December 2004.

Ellis Island to JFK: New Yorks Two Great Waves of Immigration, by Nancy
Foner, in American Journal of Sociology, vol. 107, no. 1, July 2001.

Batos, Bolillos, Pochos, and Pelados: Class and Culture in the South Texas
Border, by Chad Richardson. In Contemporary Sociology, vol. 30, no 1. 2001.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 17
Curriculum Vitae

Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America, by Ignacio Klich and Jeffrey
Lesser (eds.). In Patterns of Prejudice, vol. 34, no. 3.

The Terror of the Machine: Technology, Work, Gender, & Ecology on the U.S.-
Mexico Border, by Devon G. Pea. In International Migration Review.

Immigration in Americas Future: Social Science Findings and the American

Debate, by David Heer. In Patterns of Prejudice, 1998.

Inside Babylon: The Caribbean Diaspora in Britain, by Winston James and Clive
Harris. In Contemporary Sociology, 24(1995):321-322.

Hispanics in the Labor Force: Issues and Policies, by Edwin Melendez, Clara
Rodriguez, and Janis Barry Figueroa. In Contemporary Sociology, 22(July 1993),

Ethnicity at Work: Divided Labor on a Central American Banana Plantation, by

Philippe I. Bourgois. In American Journal of Sociology, 97(July, 1991):235-237.

Educacin y Estructura Social: Ensayos de sociologa de la educacin, by

Gonzalo Catao. In Contemporary Sociology, 1991.

Dancing on a Volcano: The Latin American Drug Trade, by Scott B.

MacDonald. In Contemporary Sociology, 18(November, 1989):929.

Puerto Rican Poverty and Migration, by Julio Morales. In Contemporary

Sociology, 17(November, 1988):789-790.

Return to Aztlan: The Social Process of International Migration from Western

Mexico, by Douglas Massey, Rafael Alarcon, Jorge Durand, and Humberto
Gonzalez. In American Journal Of Sociology, 94(September, 1988): 449-451.

Birds of Passage: migrant labor and industrial societies, by Michael J. Piore. In

Contemporary Sociology 10(March, 1981):298-299.


Aging Environments of Fear, paper for aging conference (September 2016);

paper focuses on immigration enforcement in Latino communities and effects on
elderly residents.

Social Differentials in the Unaccompanied Migration of Central American

Minors to the United States, paper being prepared for a special issue of the
Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 18
Curriculum Vitae

The Ripple Effects of Deportations: Research Findings in Honduras, coauthored

paper being prepared for journal submission.

The World that Migrant Labor Made: Migration and the Rise of the World
Economy. I am presently organizing my next book project.


Nestor Rodriguez. Testimony presented before the Subcommittee on the Western

Hemisphere of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. House of Representatives,
Hearings on Consequences of U.S. Deportations of Immigrants to Latin
American Countries. 110th Congress, first session, July 24, 2007.

Nestor Rodriguez. Testimony presented before the Subcommittee on Housing

and Community Development of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban
Affairs. House of Representatives, Hearings on Rehabilitation of Allen Parkway
Village, Houston, Texas. 103rd Congress, first session. December 14, 1993.


Nestor Rodriguez. 2016. Migration of Children in a Time of War: Heuristic

Findings for a Conceptual Model of Central American Child Migration.
Research presentation at Undocumented, Unaccompanied, and Citizen: Charting
Research Directions for Children of Immigration Conference, The University of
Texas at Austin, February 25-26.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2015. Session Organizer/Presider, Section on International

Migration Paper Session: Social Effects of Immigrant Detention, Removal, and
Return. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 22-
26, Chicago, Illinois.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2015. Panelist, Talent, Skill and Brain Circulation: How
Migrants Contribute to Labor Integration. Panel Discussion, Rice University
Institute for Public Policy, Mexico Center. Houston: Rice University, May 21.

Nestor Rodriguez. Unaccompanied Migration of Central American Youth to the

United States: Recent Patterns. Presentation made at conference, Central
American Young Migrants and the Border Crisis: Causes and Responses. The
University of Texas at San Antonio, August 26, 2014.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2014. Session Organizer, Section on International Migration

Paper Session: International Migration and Development. Annual Meeting of
the American Sociological Association, August 16-19, San Francisco, California.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 19
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez and Susanne Jonas. 2014. A Phase-Specific Analysis of

Guatemalan Migration to the United States. Paper presented at the Migration
and the State, Roundtable, Annual Meeting of the American Sociological
Association, August 16-19, San Francisco, California.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2014. Presider. Migration & Identity across the Americas.
Paper panel, Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association (ILASSA)
Conference, February 27March 1, 2014, The University of Texas at Austin.

Nestor Rodriguez, David Leal, and Jacqueline Hagan. 2013. Deportation

Impacts on Community Social Capital. Paper presented the Annual Meeting of
the American Sociological Association, New York City, NY. August 10-13.

Paris Pombo, Maria Dolores, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2013. New Dangers and
Risks for Deported Migrants in Deportation Environments. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC,
May 29 June 1.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2013. Trends in Latino Studies. Workshop panelist at the

Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC,
May 29 June 1.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2013. Teaching about Race from the Perspective of

Immigration Policy. Teaching Race in the Classroom Symposium, Kinder
Institute for Urban Research, Rice University, April 5.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2013. Comments on Marcela Turatis Fuego Cruzado: Las

victimas atrapadas en la guerra del narco [Cross Fire: The victims trapped in the
narco war]. Forum on the new Latin American Journalism: Dialogue between
Academics and Journalists. Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies,
The University of Texas at Austin, February 28.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. Chair, Student Panel 1, annual conference of the

Southern Demographic Association, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 10-12.

Nstor Rodrguez. 2012. Ambiente de miedo en contextos de control de

inmigracion. (Environment of Fear in Contexts of Immigration Control)
Presentation at El Colegio de la Frontera (COLEF) Norte, Commerative Seminar
of the 30th Anniversary of COLEF, August 23-24. Tijuana, Mexico.

Nestor Rodriguez and Cristian Paredes. 2012. Coercive Bureaucracies,

Ideology, and Immigration Control. Paper presented at the meetings of the
American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 20
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. Migration in an Era of Restriction. Paper presented

at the meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, May 23-26, San

Nestor Rodriguez. 2012. Issues and Trends in Latino/Latina Studies Today.

Roundtable panelist, meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, May
23-26, San Francisco.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2011. The Future of Central America: Challenges and

Opportunities of Migration and Remittances. Brookings Institution. Panelist.
September 29. Washington, D.C.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2011. Border Control: Ethnical and Human Rights Issues of
a U.S. Enforcement Policy. Paper presented at conference Le Mexique dans les
Migrations Internationales, Mises en Perpective Mditerranennes. Marseilles,
France, October 17-19.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2010. Poster Judge at 2010 International Conference Aging in

the Americas, Austin, Texas, September 15-17.

Nestor Rodriguez . 2010. Honduran Migration to the United States: An

Overlooked Source of Central American Immigration, co-authored with Sarah
Blanchard, Erin Hamilton, and Hirotoshi Yoshioka. Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 14-

Nestor Rodriguez. 2010. Policy Contradictions of the Liberal State.

Participant in Thematic Session: International, Federal, and Local Government
Policy Responses to Immigration. Invited presentation made at annual meetings
of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 14-17.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2010. Participant in Author Meets Critics session (to discuss
Timothy J. Dunns book, Blockading the Border and Human Rights), meetings of
the Southwestern Social Science Association, April 1, Houston, Texas.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2010. New Southern Neighbors: Latino Immigration and

Prospects for Inter-Group Relations between Latinos and African Americans in
the South. Keynote address, Latinas and Latinos in the U.S. South Conference,
University of Alabama, February 19.

Jacqueline Hagan, David Leal, Nestor Rodriguez. 2009. Deporting Social

Capital: The Removal of Salvadoran Migrants from the United States. Invited
paper presented at the conference Deportation and the Development of
Citizenship, sponsored by the Department of International Development,
Refugee Studies Centre, and Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society, University
of Oxford. December 11-12.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 21
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 2009. El Endgame: Impactos de Deportaciones Masivas.

Invited presentation made at the Seminario: "Tendencias y polticas migratorias
ante la crisis econmica y el momento politico." El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico
City, September 25.

Nestor Rodriguez and Susanne Jonas. 2009. Guatemalan Migration to the

United States: A Spatial and Regional Perspective. Paper presented at the
annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco,
August 8-11.

Tatcho Mindiola and Nestor Rodriguez. 2009. Evolving Research on Black-

Brown Relations. Roundtable session at the annual meetings of the American
Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 8-11.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 2009. U.S. Policy of Massive

Migrant Removal: Impact on Salvadoran Migrants. Paper presented at annual
meetings of the Population Association of America, Detroit, Michigan, April 30.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2009. Discussant on paper panel Determinants of Migration

and Immigration. Annual meetings of the Population Association of America,
Detroit, Michigan, April 30-May 2.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2009. Mistreated Guests: Three Eras of U.S. Deportations

to Mexico. Invited presentation at the conference China and Latin America in
the Global Age. Conference organized by Peking University, the Teresa Lozano
Long Institute of Latin American Studies at UT Austin, and the University of
Vera Cruz, Mexico. Beijing, March 17-18.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Border Control: Ethical and Human Rights Issues.
Paper present at the American Sociological Association Meetings, Boston, July 3-
August 4.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Discussant in panel Immigrants and Politics: Where

Do Latinos Fit in the Discourse? American Sociological Association Meetings,
Boston, July 31-August 4.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Political Challenges of Relations between African

Americans and Latinas/os in the South. Invited presentation at the conference
The State of Black and Brown Arkansas, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
April 24-25.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Immigration Enforcement Policy: Impacts on Mexican

Migrants. Presentation at conference Mexico-U.S. Migration: Rural
Transformation and Development, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin
American Studies, UT Austin, April 8-10.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 22
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 2008. Deportaciones: Endgame Impacts on Mexican

Migrants. Paper presented at the conference North America and the Dilemma
of Integration: Perspectives on the Future of the Region. Conference organized
by CIDE, UNAM, ITAM, COLMEX, ITESM, and LLILAS (UT Austin), Mexico
City, February 25-29.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2007. Mxico-Americanos: Quienes Somos y Quienes

Seremos. Invited paper presented in the Dilogos Program of the UNICEF Foro
Universal de las Culturas, Monterrey, Mexico, September-December.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2007. Comparative Experiences and the Emerging Nexus of

Asian and Latin American Immigration. Invited paper presented at Asia in
Latin America Conference, University of Texas, Austin, TX, October 18-20.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2007. Dangerous Journey: Unauthorized Central American

Youth Migration to the United States. Paper presented at the meetings of the
Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Canada, September 5-9.

Phillips, Scott, Jacqueline Hagan, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2006.

Brutal borders? Examining the treatment of deportees during arrest
and detention. American Sociological Association: Montreal, Canada.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2005. Effects of 1996 Immigration Law on Central

American Communities of Origin. Paper presented at brown-bag session on
October 4, at the Latin American Studies Program, Princeton University.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2004. Co-organizer, co-presider and discussant: State Terror

in Latin America I and II (two panels), Latin American Studies Association, Las
Vegas, NV, October 7-9.

Jacqueline Maria Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2004. The Church vs. the State:
Religious Work to Help Undocumented Person Migrating to the United States.
Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Society, San
Francisco, California, August 12-18.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2004. Migration and Social Change in U.S. Society. Invited
lecture given to graduate students in the Department of Sociology, Peoples
University in Beijing (Renmin Univerisity), March 17.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2003. Effect of 9/11 on U.S. Border Security. Presentation

at the meetings of the Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, March

Nestor Rodriguez. 2003. Mayan Immigrant Community Life: What changes and
what stays the same? Presentation at the meetings of the Latin American Studies
Association, Dallas, Texas, March 27-29.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 23
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. Can we Get Along?: Hispanic New Immigrants in

White Middle-Class Neighborhoods. Presented at the annual meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, August.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. Crossing the Mexican Gauntlet: Trials and Challenges
of Central American Migration to the United States. Presented at the Latin
American Conference on The Other Latinos at Harvard University, April.

Scott Phillips, Jacqueline Hagan, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. State Violence
Against immigrants. Paper presented the Annual Meetings of the Southwest
Sociological Association Meetings, New Orleans, March 28-30.

Jacqueline Hagan, Karl Eschbach and Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. Death at the
Border. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Traverse Ethics Conference, States
and Migrants: New Challenges, Changing Responsibilities. University of
California, Berkley, April 26.

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. 2002. Resurrecting Exclusion. Paper

presented at conference, Latinos Remaking America: Academic and Journalistic
Perspectives, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard
University, May 2.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. Work and Identity Transitions in the Global Labor
Force: The Formation of a Mayan Workforce in Houston. Paper presented in the
Special Session Work and the Post-Industrial City. National meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, August 18-21

Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. Participant in Critics Meet the Author session (on Joe
R. Fagins Racist America) of the annual, national meetings of the American
Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, August 18-21.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 2001. "Mayan Peasant Workers in a

Post-Industrial Labor Force." Paper presented that the 2001 international
Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, DC, September

Karl Eschbach, Jacqueline Hagan, and Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. Trends in

Accidental Deaths of Foreign Transients at the Southwest Border of the United
States, 1985-1998. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Public
Health Association, Atlanta, GA, October.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2001. Revisiting the Free-Enterprise City: Observations at

the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century. Paper presented at the regional
meetings of the Social Science Southwest Association, Fort Worth, TX, March
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 24
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. 2000. Session Organizer: "Poverty and the International

Division of Labor." The annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, Washington, DC, August.

Nestor Rodriguez. 2000. Undocumented Migrants in U.S. Cities. Paper

presented to the Migration Working Group, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan,

Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez and Randy Capps. 1999. The Effects of the
1996 Immigration and Welfare Reform Acts on Texas-Mexico Border
communities. Paper presented at Immigration Session, the annual meetings of
the American Sociological Association, Chicago, August.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1999. Migration and Development of the World Economy.

Lecture given in the Sociology Department, Peoples University of China,
Beijing, July.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1999. Contemporary Latino Immigration in U.S. Society.

Presentation made to the Working Group on Japanese Immigration, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan. July.

Nestor Rodriguez, 1998. Immigration into Texas. Presentation to faculty of

College of Humanities, Universidad de Monterrey. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. June.

Ruben Hernandez Leon, Nestor Rodriguez, and Jacqueline Hagan. 1997. The
Monterrey-Houston Connection: The Social Organization of Migration in a
Binational Urban Industrial Region. Paper presented at the annual meetings of
the American Sociological Association, Toronto, Canada, August.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1996. The Social Construction of the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological Association,
New York City, August 16-20.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. 1995. From the Highlands of

Guatemala to the Post Industrial Setting of Houston: A Case Study of Mayan
Migration. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Sociological
Association, Washington, DC, August.

Nestor Rodriguez. 1995. Immigrants and Health Care in Houston. Paper

presented at the conference International Migration: Health and Social Policies.
Andalusian School of Public Health, Granada, Spain, June.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan. "Beyond the Workplace: Immigrant

Workers and Housing Struggles in Houston." Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association, Miami, August 11-16, 1993.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 25
Curriculum Vitae

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez. "Investigating Census Coverage among

Latino Immigrant Tenants." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the
American Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, August 19-24, 1992.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan, "Maya Migration to Houston: The

Totonicapan Experience." Paper presented at the Latin American Studies
Association meetings, April 4-6, 1991, Washington, DC.

Jacqueline Hagan and Nestor Rodriguez, "IRCA, Immigrant Households and

Work." Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Southwest Social Science
Association, March 27-30, 1991, San Antonio, Texas.

Nestor Rodriguez and Jacqueline Hagan, "The New Immigration and IRCA:
Implications for Political Relations in Houston." Paper presented at the annual
meetings of the American Sociological Association meetings, August 10-15,
1990, Washington, DC.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. "Intergroup Relations as a Strategy for the Social Well-

Being of New Latino Immigrant Communities." Paper presented at the 1990
annual conference of the Inter-University Program for Latino Research. Cal Poly
Pomona, May 25-27, 1990.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. "Integration or Interdependence?: Intergroup Relations

Between New Latino Immigrants and Mexican Americans." Paper presented at
the annual meetings of the Southwestern Social Science Association, March 28-
31, 1990, Forth Worth, Texas.

Nestor P. Rodriguez and Ximena Urrutia-Rojas. "The Impact of Recent Refugee

Migration to Texas: A Comparison of Southeast Asian and Central American
Newcomers." Paper presented at the Conference On The Mental Health Of
Immigrants And Refugees," March 22-25, 1990, Houston, Texas.

Nestor P. Rodriguez. "Funding Qualitative Research." Presentation at the First

Annual Symposium on Qualitative Methods in Health Research, University of
Texas School of Public Health, Houston, December 1, 1989.

Nestor Rodriguez. "A Comparison of Intergroup Impacts of Mexican and Central

American Immigrants on Mexican Americans: Houston and the Lower Rio
Grande Valley." Presented at the MEXAMERICA Conference, The Center for
Economic and Social Research, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora,
November 17-18, 1989.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Conducting Oral Histories among Central American

Immigrants: A Research Experience." Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Oral History Association, Galveston, Texas, October 19-21, 1989.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 26
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. "Mayan Ethnogenesis in Houston." Paper presented at the

annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco,
August, 1989.

Rodolfo O. de la Garza, Nestor Rodriguez, and Harry Pachon. "The Domestic

and Foreign Policy Consequences of Mexican and Central American
Immigration: Mexican American Perspectives." Presented at the RAND/Urban
Institute conference "International Effects of IRCA." Guadalajara, Mexico, May
3-5, 1989.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Evolving Relations Between Established Residents and New

Immigrants: An Emerging Paradigm." Presented at the Southwestern Social
Science Association meetings, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 29-April 1, 1989.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Immigration in Houston's Mexican American

Neighborhoods." Presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association
meetings, Houston, March 23-26, 1988.

Nestor Rodriguez. Co-chair with Joe R. Feagin. "Global Cities: A Roundtable

Discussion." American Sociological Association meetings, Chicago, August 28-
31, 1987.

Nestor Rodriguez. Panel Chair. "Central American Immigration." Southwestern

Social Science Association meetings, Dallas, March 18-21, 1987

Nestor Rodriguez. "Guatemalan Indigenas and Honduran Garifunas in Houston:

A Comparison of Undocumented Minority Migration." Presented at the
Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, Dallas, March 18-21, 1987.

Nestor Rodriguez. Moderator. Student Session: Unemployment in Texas.

Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, Dallas, March 18-21, 1987.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Undocumented Central Americans in Houston: Diverse

Populations." American Sociological Association meetings, New York, NY,
August 29-September 6, 1986.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Labor Commitment in the Undocumented Labor Market: A

Preliminary Report on Field Research on Undocumented Workers." Presented at
the Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, San Antonio, TX, March
19-22, 1986.

Joe R. Feagin and Nestor Rodriguez. "Urban Specialization in the World-

Economy." Presented at the American Political Science Association meetings,
August 29-September 1, 1985, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 27
Curriculum Vitae

Nestor Rodriguez. "The Growth of Houston's Hispanic Population." Presented at

the Southwestern Social Science Association meetings, March 20-23, 1985,
Houston, TX.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Political Class Relations Between Core and Peripheral

Workers." Presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association Meetings,
March 20-23, 1985, Houston, Texas.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Struggles in the Workplace: Challenging the Myth of the

Docile Illegal Alien." Presented at the Meetings of the American Sociological
Association, August 25-31, 1984, San Antonio, Texas.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Dividing workers, controlling work: Work and labor

segmentation in the early history of capitalist production." Presented at the
Southwestern Social Science Association Meetings, March 21-24, 1984, Forth
Worth, Texas.

Nestor Rodriguez. "Chicano-Indocumentado Relations in the Workplace."

Presented at the Regional Conference of the National Association of Chicano
Studies, March, 1983, Houston, Texas.
Rogelio Nunez and Nestor Rodriguez. "Exploring Chicano- Indocumentado
Relations." Presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association Meetings,
March, 1983. Houston, Texas.

Harley L. Browning and Nestor Rodriguez. "Mexico-U.S.A. Indocumentado

Migration as a Settlement Process and Its Implication for Work." Presented at
The Hispanic Labor Conference, February 1982, University of California at Santa


Place of Birth: Corpus Christi, Texas

Language Skills: Bilingual (English and Spanish)


Jose Limon, PhD

Hispanic Studies Center
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

Joe R. Feagin, PhD

Department of Sociology
Texas A&M University
Nestor P. Rodriguez Page 28
Curriculum Vitae

311 Academic Building

College Station, TX 77840-4351

Dudley Poston, PhD

Department of Sociology
Texas A&M University
311 Academic Building
College Station, TX 77840-4351

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