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CV Dr. Naidu

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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr.C.B.Uday Raj Naidu

Sex: Male

Nationality: Indian

Profession: Medical doctor, Senior Public Health Specialist.

Email address:

Mobile: +254732848630, +918143868911


Educational Qualifications:

All India Secondary School Certificate (1981)

Passed in First Division

Higher Secondary School certificate (Intermediate)(1983)

Passed in Second Division

Medical Graduation (1983-88) - Passed in Distinction.

Master in Public Health (International Course in Health
Development) Passed from International Tropical Institute - Antwerp,

International Training in HIV/AIDS for Medical Coordinators at Berlin Germany

conducted by MSF in 2006.

Medical Management Course for Medical Coordinators (MSF - Amsterdam,

Holland) in 2005

Attended the Humanitarian Technical training for Senior level conducted by

Save the Children (29th Sep to 4th Oct.- 2013 )
Attended Training on Populations in precarious situations conducted by MSF
in Amsterdam in the year in 2009,
Attended training on Operational and program strategies with MSF in
Geneva from 17th march to 30th march 2012.
Passed IELTS (International English Language Testing System-Academic)
with 6.5 band.
French Learning Crash Course from Alliance France (Madras, India)
Attended the project cycle management training in 2013.

Attended the Health Cluster Coordinators training in Jordan conducted by

WHO in 2016.

Professional Experience:

As a Country Health Coordinator with MSF Spain in Yemen (15th May

2017 still on-going)

Responsible to manage the Cholera outbreak in different governorates.

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children.

Ensuring the smooth management of the MSF hospital to provide

maternity and surgical care for war trauma at ABS.

Responsible to start secondary care hospital in Razeh

Ensuring the quality of health care in the MSF hospitals at Hajja, ABS and

As a Health Cluster Coordinator Seconded to WHO by GOAL in

Ethiopia. (from Jan 2016 Dec 31st 2016)

Conducted and documented regular health cluster meetings.

Conducted Initial rapid assessment of humanitarian needs.

Using HeRAMS Monitored availability of health services in crisis areas.

Developed strategic and humanitarian response plans to manage the
Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of reproductive age, Pregnant
women and children.

Disseminated Indicator monitoring frame work for the partners.

Monitoring the Nutrition programs of the partners and providing technical

expertise to improve the quality of nutrition and emergency outbreak

Conducted Assessments when there was floods and outbreak of epidemic

diseases like Measles and to assess the nutrition crisis.

Worked closely with local implementing NGOs so that the program

produces the desired outcomes.

Worked with the MOH and the UN agencies so that there is no overlaps
and gaps in the resource mobilization.
Conducted needs assessment and establishing EPREP to respond to
epidemic disease outbreaks.

Health Advisor for Syria and Turkey based in Turkey with GOAL

Coordinating the activities of the projects in Turkey and also developing

new health projects inside Syria.

Designing and implementing the projects (PHC, NCD project, (Non-

communicable disease) Mobile clinics with MUAC screening, Patient
support program and SRH project) for the Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of
reproductive age, Pregnant women and children among the Syria

Responsible for establishing the Mobile clinics and patient support

program in Syria and for Syrian refugees in Turkey especially to old people
for chronic conditions - NCDs like HTN, DM, Mental health problems.

Responsible for Business development and proposal writing to get the

funding from DFID, EC, UNHCR for NCD project.

Ensuring that all the projects that are implemented with the MEAL
component and are compliant to Donor requirements.

Recruited the skeleton staff i.e. the Health Coordinator, medical

coordinator and Health officers and conducting trainings.

As a Head of Health for Save the Children for Somalia based in

Nairobi (1st March 2014 to Aug 2015).

Management of multiple complex projects (18 projects) in Somalia.

Hiring of staff for different projects like Reproductive health projects,

NCD project, HIV/TB, PHC and Nutrition projects.

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents,

Women of reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Based on the country strategies, NCD and maternal and child health
programs (EPHS, ICCM, IDPs in Mogadishu) were re-designed with
clear objectives and operational plans in the districts of South Central
Somalia to ensure adherence to global best practice.

Managed the operational and technical aspects of HIV/AIDs and TB

projects funded by Global fund.
Budget management & re-alignment to produce value for money in
Non-communicable disease projects, maternal and child health
programs funded by different donors like DFID, EC, OFDA, CIDA,

Attending donor meetings for fund raising.

Developed Monitoring and evaluation framework for the health &

nutrition programs in Puntland, Somaliland and South Central Somalia
and staff training on M&E.

Implemented and managed the Health (PHC and NCD) and Nutrition
programs in Dobley, Galkayo, Adado, Borama, Gardho districts and 3
zones of Somalia with evidence based strategies.

Conducted regular field visits to recruit, train and providing on job

supervision to health program managers & to ensure that the maternal
and child health projects are following the recent WHO protocols and
guidelines so that quality standards are maintained and following the
security guidelines in the field.

Prepared OFDA, ERF, UNICEF project proposals for 3 zones of

regions of Somalia.

Provided technical assistance to working groups like, reproductive

health, NCD, child health, Nutrition, HIV/AIDs (Adult & Paediatric), TB
(Adult & Paediatric), vaccine preventable diseases, malaria etc.

Country Health Director (CHD) for Merlin for Somalia based in Nairobi
and acting CD (26th Sep 2012, till 28th Feb 2014).
As an acting Country Director in the absence of the CD, was Responsible for
the management of the security and all other aspects of the Programs in

Responsible for both programmatic and operational aspects of program


Budget management & realignment of the budget for different health projects
in Somalia which are funded by different donors like DFID, EC, OFDA, CIDA,
UNICEF and WFP. Responsible to monitor the financial aspects of the

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children in different parts of Somalia.
Recruiting the health program managers, training them so that they can
manage the different health projects.
Attending donor meetings for fund raising.

Conducted situation analysis and prepared the proposals targeting the gaps
with clear objectives, operational plans & M&E framework ex: Dobley for
Cemonc, Mudug&Benadir regions for JHNP etc
Wrote Sitreps and reports highlighting the major burning issues among
children and their families to advocate a change Ex: female genital mutilation,
child marriages, importance of birth spacing, gender based violence etc..

Designed and implemented evidence based Health & Nutrition programs in

Somaliland, Puntland and South Central Somalia like Reproductive Health
(MISP), NCD, HIV/AIDS, TB, PHC, EPI, and outreach health programs &
mobile clinics for nomadic population.

As a Health cluster Coordinator for Somalia from December 2012 to June

2013 proposals of different INGOs were re-designed to implement evidence
based maternal and child health programs funded by OCHA.
As a Health Cluster coordinator of Somalia took the leadership in formulating
the Somalia national strategic health plan and operational planning of the
CHF funds for the health & Nutrition programs.

Initiated and implemented an emergency intervention to respond to the

cyclonic floods in Puntland, the success story of the intervention was captured
by Alzajeera and I was interviewed to explain the success of the intervention,
since it was the first intervention that kick started during the emergency.

Implemented & managed of Nutrition projects in Somaliland, Puntland and

South Central Somalia like OTPs, Stabilisation Centre, SFPs and outreach
nutrition programs like OTP sites, MUAC screening, Active case finding and
community mobilisation.

Studied the trends, Identified the gaps, priorities that have to be addressed for
children and their families and proposed the evidence based interventions
(ICCM, Neonatal resuscitation, IYCF, FP PAC, SGBV, Bemonc, NCD etc) and
replicated the interventions with other partners in Somaliland, Puntland and
south central Somalia.

Analysed the problems and linking it to evidence based policy decision

making and advocacy with MoH as a health cluster Coordinator like task
shifting and skills shifting Ex; training the nurses and midwives to conduct

Analysed the HIS data, performance indicators, defining outcomes and impact
of the health interventions.

Wrote proposals and prepared budgets for OCHA, JHNP, SIDA, OFDA, WFP,

Country Health Director for MSF (Swiss) for Iraq (20th Sep 2011 still
working until 30th July 2012).

Managing the security of staff during the absence of the Head of Mission in
Conducted Rapid and in-depth Assessments of the Syrian Refugee camps in
Duhok (Khurdistan). Follow up of the security guidelines in the refugee

Started a Primary Health Care, Nutrition, NCD, HIV/AIDs, paediatric wing and
a Child protection Intervention in the Syrian refugee camp in Duhok provision
of 24/7 Maternal and Child Health Care Facility to the Syrian refugees in the

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Conducted Regular Monitoring and evaluation of programmatic and

operational aspects of the programs in Kirkuk, Duhok (Khurdisthan)
andHaweja to improve the quality of maternal and child health programs.
Responsible for the Dialysis unit of Kirkuk hospital.

Representing the organization at all levels of Ministry and UN.

Conducted an assessment in Kirkuk and proposed medical intervention (PHC

project) for Pregnant women and children, prepared the project proposal and
implemented the project.

Conducted an Assessment and Designed an intervention in Haweja

Rehabilitation of OTs, Infection control package for the OTs and the training of
the Emergency room MDs on the evidence based practice. .

Managed the Medical projects (Kirkuk General Hospital AndHaweja General

Hospital). Management and re-alignment of budget for the medical projects
depending upon the evolving needs.

Management of the budget and was responsible for the financial aspects of
the projects.

Recruited and provided technical expertise to the expatriate medical team and
the national medical team on the evidence based practice in obstetrics and
paediatrics i.e. (ANC care, deliveries, Nutrition, pneumonia, neonatal
complications and its management.

Introduced the HIS (Health Information System) in both the referral hospitals
and for the (MoH) health services of Kirkuk Governorate.

Emergency Medical Coordinator for IRC in Liberia (15th Jan 2011

to 15th May 2011)
Responsible for the security of the teams.
Conducted rapid assessments at the Liberian border and proposed
a reproductive health and nutrition intervention for the Ivorian
refugees with a special focus on Children and women.
Conducted Monitoring and evaluation of the health projects in the
bordering villages of Liberia and improved the quality of maternal
and child health services through evidence based interventions
(ICCM, Bemonc, IYCF etc ).

Management of budget and its re-alignment as per the needs.

Ensuring that the project is compliant with the donor requirements.
Attending the Donor meetings.
Representing the organization on all coordination meetings and at
Organised Mobile clinics providing vaccination, MUAC screening,
OTP services, Child health care, Reproductive Health services and
the elderly refugees for their chrnic conditions in the bordering
villages of Liberia for the Ivorian refugees and the host
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents,
Women of reproductive age, Pregnant women and children of
Ivorian refugees and Liberians
Conducted assessments of the existing MoH health facilities in the
bordering areas of Liberia which are hosting the Ivorian refugees
and providing necessary support to these existing health facilities
through strengthening of HR, trainings, drug supplies etc and by
strengthening the security guidelines.
Responsible for hiring and firing of the staff.
Organized outreach vaccination services for the refugees and host
Organized outreach community case management of child hood
diseases by community health volunteers for refugees and host
Referral system was put in place to refer the childhood medical
complications and pregnancy related complications.
Recruited the HR and established emergency programs i.e.
Nutrition program, reproductive health, child health program, Child
protection program (SGBV), HIV/AIDs, & TB in UNHCR refugee
camps and transit Centres.
Prepared project proposals and budget for OFDA, SIDA, UNHCR,
ECHO etc.

Country Health Director for MSF France for Somalia based in Nairobi
(Kenya) and acting Country director (in the absence of the CD) for 2
years (1st August 08 until 31st August 2010).

Representation and Coordination with MoH, national ; regional ; local authorities;

NGOs and other partners
Implemented and managed the Nutrition program (ATFC and ITFC) in Jammame
(Somalia) , also redesigned the program to target the GAM and SAM of the
Jamame which has raised due to food insecurity resulted from floods.

Responsible for the financial aspects and the budget management of the projects.
Responsible for the security of the teams on the ground.
Conducted assessments for Health, Nutrition , HIV/AIDs, Child protection,
reproductive health and other related issues in Jamame district of Somalia.
Implemented and managed the programs like child health, reproductive
health, NCD project, Child protection (SGBV), HIV/AIDs among children
and their families in Jamaame and Mogadishu in Somalia covering the
IDPs and the host communities.
Conducted monitoring and evaluation of projects and changed the strategy of
intervention as per the context evolution to improve the quality of programs.
Under took the recruitment and training of the Field Medical expatriates and
training them on the nutrition, ANC and PNC protocols.
Prepared the Annual plan, PoA, program planning, budget, quarterly, half yearly
and annual reports for the Nutrition, NCD project, Malaria, RH projects and other
projects. Re-alignment of budget if required.
Prepared the National Health Policy for the staff and their families in the
coordination and the projects staff of Somalia also covering Malaria &
Reproductive Health care package.
Training of the medical staff and MDs on Medical Emergencies, NCDs, provision
of Comprehensive Malaria care, reproductive health care during emergency
scenario and evidence based field medical practice.
Produced remote management tools to monitor and evaluate the medical
programs in the areas that are not secured in Somalia.

Country Health Director for MSF Belgium for Liberia. (1st April 08 to
31st July 08)

Managed the HIV & TB project together with paediatric TB and HIV component.
Managed the SGBV and the Nutrition program in Liberia.
Under took Supervision and provided technical assistance to the medical staff.
Conducted Monitoring and Evaluation of the project and did handover of the
project to the local authorities.
Training on the recent developments in HIV AIDS and TB and its impact on the
children and women.

Country Health Director for MSF Swiss for South Sudan (1st April 07
to 30th October 07)

Prepared a project proposal for a long term Health Emergency response

project (Response mechanisms to Epidemic diseases, Malnutrition crisis,
Malaria, NCD, RH package and diseases due to natural calamities) for all the
10 states of South Sudan.
Representing MSF at MOH.

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Prepared the Medical Budget for the Emergency response project including
the Malaria, Nutrition projects, RH package targeting the entire 10 states of
South Sudan.
Handed over the 9 years old projects (PHC project, referral Hospital and MCH
clinic) to another NGO.

Country Health Director in Liberia for 2-MSF sections - Swiss & Spain
sections. (1st Nov-05 till 30th Sep 06)

Responsible for Hiring and training of the staff.

Representing the MSF at MOH and at UN meetings,

Established and managed Stabilization Centre, OTP sites in different Health


Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Planning, implementation and evaluation of MCH and SGBV (sexual and

gender based violence) project involving temoignage and testifying in
supreme court.

Responsible for the overall management of the HIV/AIDS and NCD projects.

Ensuring that the Projects developed at compliant with MOH protocols.

Attended the Supreme court of Liberia for testifying on behalf of the victims of
Prepared the legal health policy for the victims of the SGBV including for
Prepared the protocol on the psychosocial support for the child and adult
victims of SGBV.
Prepared the protocol for the legal medical management for the victims of
Organised the safe houses for the victims of SGBV.
Conducted workshops of SGBV prevention and response mechanisms

Under took the planning and implementation of TB project.

Established Stabilization Centre, OTP sites in different Health Centres.
Under took Monitoring and evaluation of the nutrition project

Implemented the new treatment protocol (Artesunate Combination therapy) in

the PHC projects and referral Hospital.
Worked in close collaboration with MoH and UN agencies.
Under took the emergency preparedness and forecasting for disease
outbreaks, development of disease control plans for the refugees in the
bordering areas of Liberia.

Project Medical Coordinator (Field Coordinator) for two projects in

Ethiopia for MSF-Swiss (1st Oct-04 to 31st Aug-05)
Worked in close collaboration with all levels of MoH (District, Region &
Federal Ministry) and UN agencies.

As a Head of the Emergency ACT implementation (Malaria) pilot project in

MoH facilities implemented for the first time in Ethiopia.

Implemented the new national treatment protocol for malaria (Artesunate

Combination therapy) in the MoH facilities.
Hired and trained the medical staff to treat the Complications of malaria cases
in MoH Referral Hospital.
Organised mobile clinics covering the reproductive and child Health Care
Implemented and managed Nutrition -CTC Project (Community Based
Therapeutic Care) and management of Nutrition emergency.
Established Stabilization Centre, OTP sites in different Health Centres.
Prepared the project Proposal and the Medical budget for malaria &
maternal and child health, nutrition projects.

As a Medical doctor & Acting Medical Coordinator for an emergency

mission in Somalia for MSF-Swiss (1st Feb-03 to 31st July-03)

Coordinated with the local and International agencies in Kenya and


Responsible for Hiring and training of the staff.

Implemented the HIV.AIDS, NCD, Nutrition, ANC Care, and TB Projects in

MSF Health Centre for the IDPs.
Responsible for the Management of patients of IPD (Maternity, Surgical,
Kalazar, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine).

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of

reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Prepared Emergency preparedness plan for the possible epidemic outbreaks.

Created emergency medical and surgical services for the war victims.
Preparation of the ECHO proposal and the budget for the projects.

In South Sudan, worked as a MD for Medicines Sans Frontiers (Swiss)

during two years.

1stJan-01 to 31st Dec-02.

Planned and implemented the Primary Health Care Project, Malaria

project, HIV/AIDS, NCD project, Reproductive Health Care services
and Nutrition activities (SFP & TFC) for the IDPs.
Organised trainings, refresher courses for the medical staff.
Conducted Nutrition Survey once in every 6 months in
BahrelGhazal in South Sudan.
Implemented the ITFC and ATFC in different health Centres.
Under took monitoring and evaluation of the Nutrition program.

Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents,

Women of reproductive age, Pregnant women and children

Management of Malaria paediatric and adult cases in the Primary Health

Care Project.

Provided training on the usage of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and treatment

protocol in PHC project.
Implemented the new treatment protocol (Artesunate Combination therapy) in
the PHC project and MSF referral Hospital.
Provided the care for the Complicated malaria cases in MSF Referral
Implemented the Malaria Control Measures i.e. ITN distribution for the target

Conducted IDP assessments, prepared reports with recommendations and

coordinated with UN agencies for sanction of food and IDP kits.
Managed the Maternal and Child Health Project in South Sudan.

As a Country Medical Coordinator and as a MD in Kosovo, for Medicines

Du Monde (1st September 1999 to 30th September 2000)

Training of trainers for the Sexual and Gender Based Violence, HIV/AIDS
projects in Kosovo.
Prepared the protocol on the clinical treatment for the victims of SGBV.
Prepared the Legal Medical Certificates for the victims of SGBV taking into
consideration the Albanian (Muslim) law.
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of
reproductive age, Pregnant women and children
Managed HIV/AIDS project and provided clinic for pensioners association of
Prepared the legal health policy for the victims of the SGBV in accordance to
Albanian (Muslim) law.
Prepared the protocol for the legal medical management for the victims of
Organised the safe houses for the victims of SGBV.
Conducted workshops of SGBV prevention and response mechanisms.

Medical doctor in South India (Hyderabad) in Shree Nursing Home . (

2nd Jan 1995 to 31st December 1998 )

Managed the ARV clinic.

Under took the management of PMTCT activities in ANC and MCH Clinic
of MoH.
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of
reproductive age, Pregnant women and children
Responsible for Management of Malaria cases in the Primary Health Care
Project and the nursing home.

Medical Coordinator for International Association of Lions Club in

South India (Hyderabad) (1st Jan 1993 to 31st December 94)

Organised mobile medical camps providing primary health care in rural areas.
Organised EPI campaigns in rural areas with the collaboration from MoH.
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of
reproductive age, Pregnant women and children
Established Malaria treatment centres, MCH and family planning clinics by
coordinating with MoH.
Provided technical assistance for organising the ARV Sentinel sites.
Managed the opportunistic infections in the Health Centres.
Provided technical assistance to Malaria treatment centres.

Medical doctor in the South India (Hyderabad). (1st Sep 1988 to

31stDecember 1992 ) for Shree Nursing Home.

Managed the VCT centres.

Managed the treatment centre for OI and the ARV clinic.
Responsible to manage the Nutrition crisis among Adolescents, Women of
reproductive age, Pregnant women and children
Managed the PMTCT activities in ANC Centres.
Managed the complicated Malaria cases in Nursing Home.

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