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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/7348.

Original Article

A Prospective Study of Predictors

Surgery Section

for Post Laparotomy Abdominal

Wound Dehiscence

Garg Ramneesh1, Shah Sheerin2, Singh Surinder3, Singh Bir4

ABSTRACT patients were found to be obese (BMI>30) and 13 patients were

Introduction: Break in continuity of the skin with or without anemic. Twelve had low serum albumin, 16% had raised serum
deeper tissues, following laparotomy, results in abdominal wound bilirubin while 4 patients were diabetics. Renal failure was found
dehiscence. This study was done to evaluate the risk factors that in 19 of 50 patients. 92% patients were with ASA score I E. In
lead to wound dehiscence in post-operative period. 88% of patients, laparotomy wounds were either contaminated
or dirty. Post-operative nausea and vomiting was found in 10
Material and Methods: This was a prospective study done on 50
patients and cough in 9 patients.
patients who developed wound dehiscence (partial or complete)
following laparotomy. The pre-operative investigations, intra- Conclusions: Abdominal wound dehiscence after laparotomy is
operative findings and any post-operative complications were a surgical emergency with high morbidity and mortality leading
recorded in a specified Performa. to escalation in hospital costs and prolonged illness. This
complication can be avoided if the factors involved in wound
Results: The highest incidence of wound dehiscence was found
dehiscence are properly addressed.
to be in patients of fourth decade, with male preponderance. 16

Keywords: Wound dehiscence, Laparotomy, Peritonitis

Introduction factors affecting wound dehiscence following laparotomy, in 50

An abdominal wound may occur due to disruption in the anterior patients admitted in tertiary care hospital in Punjab, India.
abdominal wall caused by either trauma [1] or any surgical
intervention in order to gain access to the underlying pathology [2]. Material and methods
In the latter scenario, incision thus made passes through various This study was conducted on 50 patients admitted to the general
layers of the anterior abdominal wall from skin, subcutaneous surgery department of Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, India, who
tissue, linea alba and peritoneum. This incision when made initiates developed wound disruption following laparotomy.
a cascade of mechanisms at cellular level, which aims at achieving A detailed pre-operative clinical examination and investigations
healing at incision site [3]. This healing may occur by primary were done for patients who were candidates for undergoing
intention (wounds with opposed edges) or by secondary intention laparotomy. Abdominal skin was prepared 2-3 hours prior to
(wounds with separated edges). Healing by secondary intention surgery and laparotomy was performed under general anesthesia,
occurs whenever there is extensive loss of cells and tissue as through a vertical midline incision. Laparotomy incision was closed
occurs in infarction, inflammatory ulceration, abscess formation etc. en mass with peritoneum and linea alba in a single layer using
Whenever there is hindrance in the normal cascade of abdominal non absorbable continuous mono filament polypropylene number
wound healing process, it results in the disruption of the abdominal 1 and skin with interrupted braided silk 2-0. The total duration of
wound that is also known as wound dehiscence. surgery from incision to closure of wound was recorded. In the
This abdominal wall disruption may be partial or complete. Partial Post-operative period, record was kept regarding the incidence of
disruption is when one or more layers have separated but the nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, cough and abdominal distension
underlying sheath and peritoneum is intact. Complete disruption is on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th and 10th day. The wounds were dressed daily and
when all the layers have disrupted leading to viscous evisceration. inspected for any discharge. Presence of pus or discharge positive
The reported incidence continues to be 0.2% to 6% with associated for bacteria on culture was considered as positive for infection. The
mortality of 9 to 44% [4]. Factors affecting wound healing in abdom total hospital stay, any events and final outcome were also recorded.
inal wall and those leading to its disruption have been discussed Those patients who developed wound dehiscence were included in
by various previous reports but no clear consensus could be the study and the factors contributing to wound dehiscence were
made. General patients profile like age, sex, nutritional status, pre- analyzed.
operative medical condition like anemia, diabetes, jaundice, renal
failure, bad ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) scoring, Results
intra-operative knot breakage, suture material rupture or suture In this study, the following results were observed:
cut through, emergency or elective surgery, type and duration of
1. Age/Sex: The highest incidence of wound dehiscence was found
surgery and Post-operative wound infection or increase in intra
to be in patients of fourth decade (11/50). The mean age for wound
abdominal pressure are the various factors leading to abdominal
dehiscence was 41.61 years [Table/Fig-1]. Patients above 60 years
wall dehiscence. This study is a prospective study to evaluate these

80 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jan, Vol-8(1): 80-83 Garg Ramneesh et al., A Prospective Study of Predictors for Post-laparotomy Abdominal Wound Dehiscence

were considered as elderly, which constituted 14% of the total Type of wound No. of Patients Percentage
patients, in this study. Male predominance (37/50) was observed,
Clean - -
with ratio of male to female being 2.84:1.
Clean Contaminated 6 12
Age group ( years) No. of patients Percentage Contaminated 22 44
< 20 6 12 Dirty 22 44
2130 9 18 Total 50 100
3140 11 22 [Table/Fig-3]: Type of wound encountered
4150 9 18
5160 8 16 10. Duration of surgery: Our study, showed that 10 of our
dehiscenced patients had emergency laparotomy lasting for more
6170 6 12
than 2 hours, while the remaining 40 patients had surgery lasting for
>70 1 2
less than 2 hours.
Total 50 100
11. Type of intra-abdominal pathology: 35 patients (70%) had
[Table/Fig-1]: Age Distribution perforation of hollow viscus with peritonitis. 10 patients (20%) had
intestinal obstruction with no evidence of peritonitis. There were 5
2. Obesity: Of the total of 50 patients, 16 were found to be obese
patients (10%) who had injury to solid organs or mesentery with
(BMI>30). Out of these 16 patients, 4 (8%) were females having BMI
hemoperitoneum secondary to trauma. Three cases (6%) had
28.6 or more.
malignancy of large gut.
3. Anaemia: In the present study, 13 patients were anemic with Hb
12. Post-operative nausea, vomiting and cough: Post-operatively,
of less than 10g%,mean Hb being 8.44+_ 0.95gm%. These patients
all the patients had nasogastric decompression of the stomach,
were transfused blood pre-operatively. Intra-operative and post-
so there was no incidence of persistent or projectile vomiting. But
operative blood transfusionwas also given as and when required.
those patients who had or complained of post-operative nausea
4. Hypoalbuminemia: Twelve of our patients had serum albumin and vomiting on more than two occasions, were considered to
levels <3.0gm%, mean being 2.41 +/- 0.35. 38 patients (76%) had be having significant vomiting. In this study, there were 10 (20%)
albumin levels >3.0gm% with a range from 3.0 to 3.6 and a mean patients having post-operative nausea and vomiting. Similarly 9
of 3.16 +/- 0.16 gm%. patients had post-operative cough that resulted in increased intra-
5. Diabetes: Patients with fasting blood sugar >127 mg% or abdominal pressure and wound dehiscence.
random sugar >140 mg% were considered diabetics. Only 4 (8%) 13. Abdominal distension: In our study, post laparotomy abdominal
of our wound dehiscenced patients were diabetics. These patients distension was observed in 6 patients (12%). The distension
were given insulin. All the 4 patients developed wound infection in occurred because of persistent paralytic ileus.
the post-operative period. No mortality was observed among these
14. Wound infection: Post-operative wound infection was found to
be the single most common factor observed in 90% of patients as
6. Jaundice: Any patient with serum bilirubin >1.0mg% was a cause of abdominal wound dehiscence. 45 out of 50 patients had
considered as jaundiced and considered as indicative of hepatic post-operative wound infection. Out of the infected wounds, there
dysfunction. In this study 8 (16%) patients had serum bilirubin was fecal discharge in 8 patients (16%), frank pus in 12 patients
>1.0mg%. The range of bilirubin levels >1.0 mg% was 1.2 to 5.3, (24%) and seropurulent discharge in remaining 25 patients (50%).
with a mean of 2.96 +/- 1.66. The commonest infecting organism was found to be E-coli [Table/
7. Renal Failure: Nineteen patients (38%) of the total 50 patients Fig-4].
with wound dehiscence, had raised blood urea level (>40mg%).
Organisms No. of Patients Percentage
Levels ranged from 41 to 146 mg%, with a mean of 66.48 +/_
E- coli 18 40.0
26.60. Only 4 patients (8%) had serum creatinine levels >2mg %.
Klebsiella 10 22.2
8. ASA Score: In our study 46 patients (92%)were with ASA score I E , 3
patients (6%) had ASA score IIE and 1 patient (2%) had ASA score IIIE. Pseudomonas 5 11.1

ASA IV were refused surgery, so do not form part of this study [Table/ Staph aureus 8 17.8
Fig-2]. Streppyogenes 4 8.9
The prefix E is indicative of surgery being performed on emergency Total 45 100
basis. None of the patients in this was on steroids. [Table/Fig-4]: Organisms seen in wound infected patients

Score No. of patients Percentage

15. Post-operative day of wound dehiscence: Sixteen patients
I(E) 46 92
(32%) developed wound dehiscence on 4th day. 15 patients (30%)
II(E) 3 6
developed wound dehiscence on 3rd day while 4 patients (8%)
III(E) 1 2 developed wound dehiscence on day 7th. There was no dehiscence
IV(E) - - prior to 3rd post-operative day or after 7th post-operative day [Table/
Total 50 100 Fig-5-7].
[Table/Fig-2]: ASA score for patients
Day of dehiscence No. of patients Percentage

9. Wound contamination: In this study, 44 patients (88%) had 3rd 15 30

either contaminated or dirty wounds. 6 patients (12%) had clean 4th

16 32
contaminated wounds and there was no patient with a clean wound. 5th 10 20
In 22 patients with contaminated wound, 18 had wound sepsis. 6th 5 10
All these 44 patients had developed wound infection in the post-
7 th
4 8
operative period. All patients with dirty (22) had wound sepsis, while
Total 50 100
5 out of 6 patients with clean contaminated wounds had wound
[Table/Fig-5]: Day of wound dehiscence
sepsis [Table/Fig-3].

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jan, Vol-8(1): 80-83 81

Garg Ramneesh et al., A Prospective Study of Predictors for Post-laparotomy Abdominal Wound Dehiscence

[Table/Fig-7]: Showing complete wound dehiscence

[Table/Fig-6]: Showing partial wound dehiscence

increase wound infection [15]. In our study, 92% patients were with
All the 50 patients who had developed wound dehiscence had ASA score I E. ASA IV were refused surgery so do not form part of
undergone laparotomy on emergency basis. The laparotomy was this study. One of the significant finding is that all the 50 patients who
considered as emergency type when performed on patients who had developed wound dehiscence had undergone laparotomy on
presented with acute abdomen and had minimal or optimal pre- emergency basis. Similar observation has been made by Penninckx
operative preparation and surgery was performed at all hours of et al., [7], where wound dehiscence rate was found to 6.7% in
the day, in the emergency operation theater. Out of the 50 patients, emergency laparotomy and 1.5% in elective cases. This fact may
there were 2 deaths (4%). be attributed to poor patient preparation, complicated inflammatory
disease, premorbid factors and operating at odd hours. Another
DISCUSSION characteristic feature of our study was that these laparotomy
Abdominal wound dehiscence after laparotomy is a surgical wounds were either contaminated or dirty in 88% of patients. Similar
emergency with high morbidity and mortality leading to escalation results were found in a study by Haley et al., [16], in which they
in hospital costs and prolonged illness. The reported incidence of showed contaminated/ dirty wounds to be an important predictor
major abdominal wound disruption is 1-3% and is associated with for wound infection. Our study, showed that 20% (10/50) of our
mortality rate of 15-20% [4]. Although several systemic factors, dehiscence patients had emergency laparotomy lasting for more
local mechanical factors and post-operative events have been than 2 hours. Haley et al., demonstrated that the duration of surgery
blamed for abdominal wound dehiscence, yet there is no clarity on more than 2 hours was second greatest independent predictor of
the importance of each of these factors. risk after a multivariate analysis. Post-operative nausea and vomiting
(significant if is more than 2 times a day/requiring treatment) was
In this study, the highest incidence of wound dehiscence (22%)
found in 10 and cough in 9 of our patients.The increase in intra
was recorded in the age group of 31-40 years, probably because
abdominal pressure because of nausea, vomiting or cough results
of higher incidence of acute abdomen in this decade. Our study
in breakage of suture, undoing of knots or pulling through the tissue.
showed no correlation of the increased incidence with the increasing
In our study 12% patients had post abdominal distension. It has
age as was showed by Halasz et al., [5]. Our study showed male
been proved by Jenkin et al., [17] in his study that facial layers tend
predominance (37/50) as was also recorded by studies of Keill et al.,
to lengthen as the wound distends, where as suture length remains
[6] and Penninckx et al., [7]. Of the total of 50 patients, 16 were found
the same leading to breakage of suture, undoing of knot or pulling
to be obese (BMI>35). In a similar study conducted by Cruse and
through tissue. Post-operative wound infection was found to be
Foord et al., [8] on 18090 patients it was found that obese patients
single most common factor observed in 90% of our patients as
have 13.5% wound infection rate. Obesity is associated with other
a cause of abdominal wound dehiscence. It has been shown by
co morbid conditions like diabetes, hypertension, herniation etc.,
various other studies [14,18] that tensile strength of staphylococcus
which can all, contribute to poor wound strength and healing. In the
aureus contaminated wounds in rat on 6th post-operative day was
present study, 26% patients were anemic with Hb of less than 10g%.
much decreased. These infected wounds slowly break down and
It has been depicted by earlier studies by Keill et al., [6] and Whipple
than heal by granulation tissue. All our patients had multiple risk
et al., [9] that anemic people have poor wound healing and tend to
factors contributing wound dehiscence. The least number of risk
have wound gaping. Twelve of our patients had serum albumin levels
factors recorded were 3 and maximum number was 11, the same
<3.0g%.Hypoprotenemia contributes to prolonged inflammatory
was also interpreted by Riou et al., [19].
phase and impairs fibroplasia, proliferation, proteoglycan and
collagen synthesis, neoangiogenesis and wound remodeling [10].
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1. Assistant Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
2. Resident, Department of Plastic Surgery, Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
3. Ex Professor & Head, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College &Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India.
4. Ex Professor, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College &Rajindra Hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India.
Dr. Ramneesh Garg,
127-E, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana-141001, Punjab, India. Date of Submission: Sep 16, 2013
Phone: 9501035555, E-mail: Date of Peer Review: Nov 21, 2013
Date of Acceptance: Dec 15, 2013
Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS: None. Date of Publishing: Jan 12, 2014

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jan, Vol-8(1): 80-83 83

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