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The Outcome of Surgery For Perforated Peptic Ulcer in Modern Times

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International Surgery Journal

Vats R et al. Int Surg J. 2018 May;5(5):1702-1707 pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902

Original Research Article

The outcome of surgery for perforated peptic ulcer in modern times

Ruchir Vats, Babar Rehmani*, Saurabh Agrawal

Department of General Surgery, Swami Rama Himalayan University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

Received: 08 March 2018

Accepted: 23 March 2018

Dr. Babar Rehmani,

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: A laparotomy for peritonitis due to perforated peptic ulcer is one of the commonest emergency
operations done by a general surgeon and is still associated with a marked mortality and morbidity. The aim was to
assess the current mortality and morbidity in patients operated for perforated peptic ulcer and to identify the factors
associated with increased mortality in these patients.
Methods: All adult patients operated for perforated peptic ulcer over a period of one year were included in this
prospective observational study. The demographics, clinical presentation, pre-operative laboratory parameters,
operative findings, operation done, and the outcomes were noted in pre-designed proforma. Mortality and morbidity
was assessed and factors relating to increased mortality were determined using standard statistical tests of significance
such as Chi square test and the student’s t test.
Results: 55 patients underwent laparotomy for perforated peptic ulcer (23 gastric and 32 duodenal perforations).
There were 53 males and only 2 females in the group. Their mean age was 44 years. The mortality was 16% (9/55)
and morbidity was 25% (14/55). Complications were encountered in 14 patients, most commonly surgical site
infection in 13% cases, entero-cutaneous fistula occurred in 3 patients and one of them expired despite re-exploration
due to persistent sepsis. The other two patients survived, and fistula healed spontaneously. The operative procedure
done was Graham’s patch or it’s modification. Only 2 patients had antrectomy with Billroth II reconstruction.
Conclusions: Despite the advances in management of critically ill patients, the mortality (16%) and morbidity (25%)
for this common surgical emergency remains high and is unchanged over the last half century. Presence of
comorbidities and low serum albumin are associated with an increased risk of adverse outcome.

Keywords: Mortality, Peptic ulcer perforation, Peritonitis

INTRODUCTION techniques of closure of perforation and reported a

mortality rate of 17%.2,3 The addition of definitive acid
Peritonitis due to perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) is one of reducing procedures after repair of PPU although popular
the commonest surgical emergencies attended by a in mid and late twentieth century has been made
general surgeon. Perforation is an acute life-threatening redundant after the introduction of proton pump
complication of peptic ulcer disease. In most cases it inhibitors.4 Despite the passage of time and
requires urgent surgical management and is associated improvements in care of critically ill patients, PPU still
with a high rate of mortality and morbidity. 1 Nowadays has a substantial mortality.5
surgery for PPU, after initial resuscitation, consists of
laparotomy/laparoscopy with peritoneal lavage and This study was done in order to evaluate the outcomes of
closure of perforation with or without omental patch. surgery for PPU and to assess various factors that
Cellan-Jones in 1929 and Graham in 1937 described their increase the risk of adverse outcomes.

International Surgery Journal | May 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 5 Page 1702

Vats R et al. Int Surg J. 2018 May;5(5):1702-1707

METHODS There were 9 deaths resulting in a mortality rate of 16 %.

The cause of mortality in most of these patients was
This prospective observational study was conducted at sepsis with multi organ dysfunction and most of these
Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Swami Ram patients expired within 48 hours post-operatively. In one
Himalayan University, Dehradun over a period of 12 patient the initial recovery was satisfactory however this
months. It is a tertiary care referral centre for the Garhwal patient developed an entero-cutaneous fistula that was re-
division of Uttarakhand and neighbouring districts of explored and again developed a leak. This patient
western Uttar Pradesh. Adult patients who underwent succumbed to septic complications in the third week.
exploratory laparotomy for peritonitis due to peptic ulcer
perforation were included. Table 2: Location of PPU and correlation with
The University Ethics committee had granted permission
for the study. Patients who on laparotomy were found to Mortality
Site of No Yes P Value
have perforation other than peptic ulcer, were less than 18
years of age or left against medical advice from hospital F % F %
were excluded. A pre-designed proforma was used to Duodenal 29 63.1 3 33.3
record the demographics, clinical presentation, pre- Gastric 17 36.9 6 66.7 0.108
operative laboratory parameters, operative findings, Total 46 100 9 100
surgical procedure done and the outcomes. The data was
entered in SPSS software version 20. 32 patients had duodenal perforations, all located in the
anterior wall of first part of duodenum and 23 had gastric
Mortality and morbidity was assessed in terms of perforations, of which 20 were located in the antrum (pre-
percentages and factors relating to increased mortality pyloric) and 3 were located in the anterior wall of body
were determined using standard statistical tests of along the lesser curvature of stomach. Amongst the 23
significance such as Chi square test, Fisher’s exact test gastric perforations there were 6 deaths (26%) and out of
and the Student’s t test. A p value less than 0.05 was the 32 duodenal perforations there were 3 deaths (9%).
considered statistically significant. This seems to suggest that mortality is higher for patients
with gastric ulcer perforation however the difference is
RESULTS not statistically significant (Table 2).

During the study period 55 patients undergoing Table 3: Morbidity in patients operated for PPU
laparotomy for peritonitis were found to have perforated (n = 55).
peptic ulcer. They underwent repair of perforation and
were included in this study. There were 53 males and Number of events
only 2 females. PPU is found to occur mostly in fourth (14 patients)*
and fifth decade of life (Table 1). Surgical site infections 10
Duodeno-cutaneous fistula 2
Table 1: Age distribution of patients with PPU and Pleural effusion 6
correlation with mortality. Paralytic ileus 2
*some of the patients had multiple complications
Age P
No Yes
groups value The dimensions of perforation were assessed intra-
Frequency % Frequency % operatively. Mostly the perforations were of size between
20-30 9 19.6 0 0.0 0.5-1 cm. There were 2 giant ulcers (>2 cm) located in
31-40 10 21.7 2 22.2 the gastric antrum. Both of these antral ulcers were
41-50 14 30.4 2 22.2 repaired by resection. One of them succumbed to sepsis.
51-60 7 15.3 3 33.4 No saddle perforation or posteriorly located ulcer was
>60 6 13.0 2 22.2 encountered in this study. Among the 12 perforations of
Total 46 100 9 100 size < 0.5 cm, 3 were difficult to identify as they were
almost pin- point dimension and were covered by pus
The oldest patient in the study was aged 72 and survived flakes or adjacent viscera. The size of perforation had no
the surgery. All patients had a laparotomy with peritoneal correlation with mortality. Complications were
lavage. The perforation was repaired by Graham’s or encountered in 14 patients in this study (Table 3).
modified Graham’s method in 38 cases and suture repair
of perforation without omentopexy in 15 cases. The Some of the patients had multiple complications. The
perforations were repaired with vicryl or silk suture most frequent complication noted as expected was
depending upon the choice of the operating surgeon. surgical site infection in 13 % cases. Breakdown of
Definitive procedure (antrectomy with truncal vagotmy perforation repair with ensuing entero-cutaneous fistula
and Billroth II reconstruction) was done in only 2 patients occurred in 3 patients (5%) and one of them expired
with a large size of perforation.

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Vats R et al. Int Surg J. 2018 May;5(5):1702-1707

despite re-exploration due to persistent sepsis. The other Table 6: Delay in presentation correlated with
two patients survived, and fistula healed spontaneously. mortality.

Table 4: Co-relation of various co-morbidities with Mortality

Delay in No Yes P
mortality in PPU (n = 55).
presentation Value
F % F %
Mortality Less than
Co- No (46) Yes (9) P 14 30.44 0 0
24 hours
morbidities F % F % value 24-48 hours 15 32.60 3 33.34
COPD 3 6.5 2 22.2 0.184 0.11
More than
DM 5 10.9 6 66.7 0.001 17 36.96 6 66.66
48 hours
HTN 1 2.2 3 33.3 0.012 Total 46 100 9 100
Others 3 6.5 1 11.1 0.522
Hypotension on presentation had no correlation with
Correlation of mortality with various parameters was mortality following surgery for PPU. Although 11
assessed. A positive history of chronic NSAIDs intake patients had hypotension on initial examination they
was present in 33 patients and steroid use in 4 however responded to resuscitation and all of them survived
there was no correlation between ingestion of NSAIDs or except one.
steroid with mortality. Most of these patients were
smokers (49/55) and had a history of alcohol ingestion DISCUSSION
(36/55) but this did not increase the risk of mortality.
Among the pre-existing co-morbid conditions, diabetes Peptic ulcer disease is a very common clinical entity.
and hypertension confer an increased risk of mortality in Effective treatment is now available with the advent of
patients with PPU. COPD did not have a positive proton pump inhibitors and H. pylori eradication therapy.
correlation with postoperative mortality (Table 4). Surgery for intractable ulcer disease is rarely needed.
Although the incidence of peptic ulcer disease has
Table 5: Correlation of mortality with various decreased over the past decades and the admission rates
laboratory parameters in PPU. for this are declining, the epidemiological pattern of the
complications, including bleeding and perforation, have
Mortality changed little. The risk of PPU is 3.8 -14/100000
Laboratory No (n=46) Yes (n=9) P
population/year and the need for emergency surgery for
parameter Value
Mean±SD Mean±SD complications of peptic ulcer is fairly constant at 7 % of
Hb (gm%) 14.17±2.58 13.33±2.13 0.363 hospital admissions.6 Perforation is the most common
TLC complication of peptic ulcer and also the most lethal with
9.04±4.41 7.76±6.42 0.466
(x103/ mortality rates upto 30%.7,8 Although outcomes from
Creatinine bleeding ulcers have improved with the availability of
1.53±0.84 2.09±1.05 0.085 modern endoscopic techniques, the outcomes of PPU
Potassium have still remained unchanged.
4.41±0.79 4.50±1.29 0.795
Sodium The mortality of PPU as reported in previous studies is
136.70±3.26 140.17±2.83 0.004 shown in Table 7 and is in double digits in most series (2,
Albumin 9-23).
3.14±0.75 2.04±0.47 <0.001
Bilirubin The reports from developed nations, where meticulous
0.82±0.52 1.42±0.65 0.010 record keeping, and rigorous follow-up is available, such
as Denmark show that the mortality approaches 30% and
On analyzing the laboratory parameters there was the reason may possibly be the older age of the patients
significant correlation between low serum albumin, low with more co-morbidities. Some reports, especially from
sodium and raised bilirubin levels with mortality (Table Asia, show a very low mortality rate (24,25). These
5). include a higher proportion of younger patients without
co-existing ailments and many cases operated
Surprisingly serum creatinine did not show a statistically laparoscopically which may have caused a selection bias.
significant impact on mortality. A trend towards increase Multiple organ dysfunction is most important cause of
in mortality was noted in patients who presented late to mortality in PPU patients. This is also observed in the
the hospital after the onset of symptoms however this did present study. Adherence to peri-operative sepsis
not reach statistical significance (Table 6). protocol is most important to reduce mortality.8

Once admitted to the hospital all the patients were taken There was an overwhelming preponderance of males in
up for surgery within 6 hours after initial resuscitation. this study. This is similar to the observations of many

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Vats R et al. Int Surg J. 2018 May;5(5):1702-1707

other reports of PPU in which almost 80% are males. 22,25 patients were encountered with giant ulcer perforations,
However Saverio D et al from Italy observed that more out of which 1 patient survived. For the perforations <2
than half the patients undergoing surgery were females.26 cms. Dimension, the size did not correlate with mortality
They were of the opinion that the incidence is more in
females due to their longer life expectancy and presence Post-operative morbidity following repair of PPU is high
of more co-morbidities leading to a greater use of and ranges from 17- 63%.8,26 The most common
ulcerogenic medications. PPU is seen commonly in complication seen in our study is surgical site infection.
fourth and fifth decade of life in this study. This finding Wound related problems are also the leading concern
was also noted in the earliest reports from the western reported by other authors.21,34 There are less surgical site
world but now the age of afflicted patients is older. From complications in patients undergoing laparoscopic repair
the series in the developing world it is seen that patients for PPU.30-32 Zimmermann et al concluded that minor
are relatively younger.27,28 morbidity is less in laparoscopic approach but there was
no difference in major morbidity or mortality compared
An interesting point noted in this series is the large to open surgery. Similar views have been put forward by
number of gastric perforations mostly pre-pyloric with an Siow and Mahendran who had a morbidity of 22% in
almost equal distribution of duodenal and gastric their laparoscopic series. The other frequently seen
perforations (1.2:1). Agaba has reported a very high complications that may have a serious outcome are
number of pre-pyloric perforations (80%) in a series of respiratory and abdominal sepsis (collection). All
400 patients.27 This is in sharp contrast to the ratio of surgeons dread to see bilio-enteric contents pouring from
duodenal to gastric perforations reported in other studies. the drain or surgical wound. The patient is at risk of life
Etonyeaku et al from Nigeria reported 10:1, Chalya et al and the surgeon has a crisis of confidence with this
from Tanzania found a 13:1 ratio while Bali et al from setback. Leak rates of 2- 8% have been reported after
India showed a ratio of 5:1.19,20,28 perforation repair.19,21,22 In the present study the fistula
rate was 5%. These unfortunate patients have a 35%
The acid reducing procedures (vagotomy/ highly chance of mortality.
selective vagotomy) are used infrequently and in special
circumstances only (e.g. in giant ulcers). In this study There are a number of scoring systems for outcome
vagotomy with drainage procedure was not recquired in prediction in PPU, yet none appears to be superior and
any of the PPU patient but 2 patients did undergo most of them are investigated in isolation.8 The most
antrectomy with vagotomy and Billroth II reconstruction. frequently used scores are the American Society of
Rickard et al in a review of surgery for complications of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status classification
peptic ulcer reported a 60% vagotomy rate from sub- system, the Boey score, the peptic ulcer perforation
saharan Africa.23 Seow et al have found a gastric (PULP) score and POMPP score. The last three scores are
resection rate of 1 in 10 in a series of 599 patients of PPU designed specifically for the prediction of mortality for
operated over a period of 8 years.29 Agaba reported a 2% PPU patients and consider relatively simple data obtained
definite anti-ulcer procedure in a decade long period with pre-operatively.18,36,37
98% patch closure.27
The delay in presentation was observed as one of the
Laparoscopic repair of PPU has been reported from many most important factors for increased mortality in PPU
centres. The laparoscopic approach has a lesser rate of patients.2,3 Other investigators have also noted increased
wound complications and faster recovery post-surgery, risk of death with an increasing interval between
but the major morbidity and mortality remain the perforation and initiation of treatment.20-23,38 The same
same.30,31 Many of these patients recquire conversion to has not been observed in this study. The delay in
open surgery. However, with increasing expertise presentation did not have a significant impact on
conversion rates are coming down and some dedicated mortality. In an analysis of patients undergoing
laparoscopic teams are even showing a mortality of 2% in emergency abdominal surgery in Denmark no significant
laparoscopic repair.32 In this study all patients were assosciation between mortality and surgical delay was
managed via open approach despite the fact that several noticeable.39 A study of 239 patients of PPU from Turkey
of the operating surgeons routinely do laparoscopic found that the duration of symptoms had no effect on
surgery in elective cases. This points towards the mortality.35
hesitancy amongst general surgeons to use the
laparoscopic approach for PPU repair. In emergency The blood parameters with a significant impact on
hours, the availability of staff trained to assist in mortality were serum albumin, bilirubin and sodium
laparoscopic repairs is also an issue. values. This is similar to the study done by Thorsen et al
in which they conducted multivariate analysis of factors
Some authors have cited the size of perforation as a affecting outcomes. They concluded that
significant factor in post-operative complications and hypoalbuminemia is the strongest single predictor of
mortality.33 Giant ulcers (size more than 3 cm) had a mortality. In the present study the value of serum
mortality of 50% in comparison with small (5.74%) and creatinine was not found statistically significant in
large (15.79%) perforations. In the present study only 2 relation to mortality in patients of PPU. In the study there

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International Surgery Journal | May 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 5 Page 1707

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