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Hypertensive Crisis Journal

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published: 10 January 2017

doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2016.00051

Cardiovascular Hypertensive Crisis:

Recent evidence and Review of the
Christos Varounis1*, Vasiliki Katsi2, Petros Nihoyannopoulos3, John Lekakis1 and
Dimitris Tousoulis3

2nd Department of Cardiology, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2Cardiology Department, Hippokration General

Hospital, Athens, Greece, 31st Department of Cardiology, Athens University Medical School, Hippokration Hospital, Athens,

Despite the high prevalence of hypertension (HTN), only a small proportion of the hyper-
tensive patients will ultimately develop hypertensive crisis. In fact, some patients with
hypertensive crisis do not report a history of HTN or previous use of antihypertensive
medication. The majority of the patients with hypertensive crisis often report non-specific
symptoms, whereas heart-related symptoms (dyspnea, chest pain, arrhythmias, and
syncope) are less common. Hypertensive crises can be divided into hypertensive emer-
gencies or hypertensive urgencies according to the presence or absence of acute target
organ damage, respectively. This differentiation is an extremely useful classification in
Edited by: clinical practice since a different management is needed, which in turn has a significant
Umberto Campia,
MedStar Heart Institute, USA
effect on the morbidity and mortality of these patients. Therefore, it is very crucial for the
Reviewed by:
physician in the emergency department to identify the hypertensive emergencies and
Piyali Chatterjee, to manage them through blood pressure lowering medications in order to avoid further
Baylor Scott and White Health/Texas
target organ damage or deterioration. The aim of this narrative review is to summarize
A&M Health Science Center, USA
Gregory Angelo Sgueglia, the recent evidence in an effort to improve the awareness, recognition, risk stratification,
Ospedale S. Eugenio, Italy and treatment of hypertensive crisis in patients referred to the emergency department.
Christos Varounis Keywords: hypertensive crisis, management, hypertensive emergencies, hypertensive urgencies, hypertension

Specialty section: INTRODUCTION

This article was submitted to
Cardiovascular Metabolism, Systemic hypertension (HTN) is the most common chronic medical disorder affecting over 1 bil-
a section of the journal lion people worldwide and more than 65 million adults in the Unites States (1). Worldwide, recent
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine estimations indicate that HTN is the responsible cause for approximately 7.1 million deaths per year
Received: 14May2016 (2). In addition to this, HTN is one of the most frequent causes of visit to the physicians office (3).
Accepted: 23December2016 Among the HTN population, about 12% of the patients will ultimately develop hypertensive crisis,
Published: 10January2017
which according to the 2003 Joint National Committee (JNC) on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
Citation: and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) is defined as the elevation of systolic blood pressure
VarounisC, KatsiV, (SBP) >179mmHg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) >109mmHg (4). Hypertensive crises can be
NihoyannopoulosP, LekakisJ and
divided further into hypertensive emergencies or hypertensive urgencies according to the presence or
TousoulisD (2017) Cardiovascular
Hypertensive Crisis: Recent Evidence
absence of acute target organ damage, respectively. Target organ damage can be defined as the acute
and Review of the Literature. damage and resulting dysfunction of the eyes (fundoscopy findings, such as hemorrhages, exudates,
Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 3:51. or papilledema), the brain (hypertensive encephalopathy), the heart (acute pulmonary edema), or
doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2016.00051 the kidneys (acute renal failure). This differentiation is an extremely useful entity in clinical practice

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | 1 January 2017|Volume 3|Article 51

Varounis et al. Cardiovascular Hypertensive Crisis

given that a different management is needed, which in turn has emergencies. End-organ damage in hypertensive emergencies
significant effect on the morbidity and mortality of these patients. was associated more frequently with cerebral infarction (24%),
More specifically, in hypertensive urgencies, the blood pressure acute pulmonary edema (23%), and hypertensive encephalopathy
(BP) should be reduced within 2448 h, whereas hypertensive (16%) (8). Similarly, in a recent study of 73,063 hypertensive
emergencies require immediate BP reduction in order to prevent patients presenting to the emergency room from 2005 to 2010,
irreversible target organ damage (2). However, despite this patients with hypertensive crisis were more frequently presented
distinction, a patient presenting with hypertensive urgency may with headache and chest pain (9).
have history of previous end-organ damage and chronic HTN
without ongoing or imminent target organ dysfunction (2, 5). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
The aim of this narrative review is to summarize the recent
evidence in an effort to improve the awareness, recognition, risk The precise pathophysiology of the hypertensive crisis remains
stratification, and treatment of hypertensive crisis in patients unclear. However, two different but interrelated mechanisms may
referred to the emergency department. play a central role in the pathophysiology of the hypertensive
crisis. The first is the failure in autoregulatory mechanism in the
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CLINICAL PROFILE vascular bed. The autoregulation system is a key factor in the
pathophysiology of HTN and hypertensive crisis. Autoregulation
In a recent large multicenter Italian study (6), 4.6/1,000 cases is defined as the ability of the organs (brain, heart, and kidneys) to
out of 333,407 patientsconsecutively admitted to emergency maintain a stable blood flow irrespective of alterations of perfu-
department were diagnosed with hypertensive crises (n=1,546). sion pressure. If the perfusion pressure drops, the corresponding
Out of 1,546 hypertensive cases, 25.3% of them (n=391) being blood flow decreases temporarily, but it returns to normal values
reported as hypertensive emergencies. Interestingly, 23% of the after the next few minutes. In case of autoregulation malfunction,
emergencies occurred in patients with unknown HTN (27.9% if the perfusion pressure drops, this leads to decrease in blood
among men and 18.5% among women). Regarding symptoms, flow and an increase in vascular resistance. In hypertensive crisis,
the majority (55.6%) of the hypertensive crisis patients reported there is a lack of autoregulation in vascular bed and blood flow
non-specific symptoms like headache without neurological defi- and so an abrupt increase of BP and systemic vascular resistance
cit, dizziness, vomits, palpitations, etc., even among emergency can occur, which often leads to mechanical stress and endothelial
cases (49.3%). Moreover, heart-related symptoms (dyspnea, chest injury (10).
pain, arrhythmias, and syncope) were the less common symptoms The second mechanism is the activation of reninangiotensin
in hypertensive crises (28.3%). Regarding hypertensive emergen- system, leading to further vasoconstriction and thus generating a
cies, the majority (30.9%) of the patients had acute pulmonary vicious cycle of continuous injury and subsequently ischemia (2).
edema, 22% had stroke, and 17.9% had myocardial infarction. Besides these mechanisms, a prothrombotic state may play a key
Less frequent diagnoses were acute aortic dissection (7.9%), role in hypertensive crisis; a recent, albeit small, study showed that
acute renal failure, and hypertensive encephalopathy (4.9%). sP-selectin was significantly higher in patients with hypertensive
Also, patients with hypertensive emergencies had 34% higher crisis compared with normotensive controls regardless of the
odds of being male and 28% less odds of having non-specific presence of retinopathy, which suggests that platelet activation
symptoms compared with patients with hypertensive urgencies. is a relatively early finding in the pathophysiologic sequelae of
The importance of this study was that the frequency of unknown hypertensive crisis (11) (Figure1).
HTN both in the hypertensive crises and more specifically in
the hypertensive emergencies was higher compared to previous DIAGNOSIS
studies published in the literature.
Regarding the clinical profile of the patients presenting with The evaluation of a hypertensive crisis initially includes a detailed
hypertensive crises, a recent cross-sectional study in Brazil (7) medical history. More specifically, the physician should ask the
revealed that about 88% of the patients with hypertensive crisis patient about (i) the duration of HTN history, (ii) any evidence
reported known history of HTN, whereas approximately 76% of of uncontrolled BP recordings in the past, (iii) concomitant
the patients were treated previously with antihypertensive treat- administration of other drugs that might increase BP (e.g., non-
ment. Patients presenting with hypertensive emergency were steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), (iv) history of sleep apnea
older (63.413.4 vs. 57.015.6, p<0.001), more sedentary, syndrome, and (v) evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors and
and antihypertensive medication were less frequently prescribed other comorbidities.
compared to those with hypertensive urgency, whereas no other Also, physical examination should include (i) auscultation of
differences were found in terms of other cardiovascular risk fac- heart sounds/murmurs (aortic coarctation), neck arteries, and
tors, like smoking or prevalence of diabetes mellitus. abdominal murmurs, (ii) neurological deficits, (iii) fundoscopy
Different symptoms and clinical profile have been reported in to assess for retinopathy, grade III (flame hemorrhages, dot
studies comparing hypertensive emergencies and urgencies. More and blot hemorrhages, hard and soft exudates), or grade IV
specifically, age and diastolic pressure were higher in hyperten- (papilledema), (iv) absence, reduction, or asymmetry of pulses
sive emergencies than hypertensive urgencies. The most frequent in the lower extremities, and (v) examination of the abdomen
sign and symptom in hypertensive urgency was headache (22%) (aortic aneurysm). Also, vital signs should be checked carefully
and chest pain (27%) followed by dyspnea (22%) in hypertensive in the evaluation of a patient with hypertensive crisis, e.g., BP,

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | 2 January 2017|Volume 3|Article 51

Varounis et al. Cardiovascular Hypertensive Crisis

crisis as opposed to left ventricular ejection fraction (13). Despite

this interesting finding, speckle tracking echocardiography is not
easy to implement in an emergency department setting.

It seems that patients with hypertensive crises, regardless of
whether it is the emergency or urgency subtype, receive treatment
mostly in a rather heterogeneous and empirical way. However,
important treatment options are available to emergency depart-
ment physicians.
In cases with hypertensive urgency BP control should be
managed with the use of low doses of oral antihypertensive
medications, where a gradual decrease of BP over hours to days
is expected. Medications that can be used to treat hypertensive
urgencies are oral labetalol (3:1 ratio of antagonism of non-
selective -adrenergic and a1 receptor) and clonidine (central
a-2 agonist).
On the other hand, hypertensive emergencies require rapid
BP control with a parenteral antihypertensive medication, and in
FIGURE 1 | The pathophysiology of hypertensive crisis. these instances the patient should be admitted to intensive care
unit. The BP should be reduced within minutes to an hour to about
2025% in the first hour and then to 160/100 or 160/110mmHg
within the next 26 h. However, BP should not be returned to
oxygen saturation, and heart rate. More specifically, BP should be normal values (14). This is due to the fact that additional BP
measured in both the arms to detect any potential differences (2). reduction could cause brain ischemia due to abnormal cerebral
In a recent study of 189 patients, normal heart rate was associated flow autoregulation in these patients. An exception to this would
with hypertensive urgency, whereas patients with hypertensive be in the case of aortic dissection, where the rapid and immedi-
emergency had higher average heart rate. Tachycardia was most ate reduction of BP within 510min using initially a parenteral
associated with hypertensive left ventricular failure in the setting of -blocker (i.e., esmolol) (BP target: SBP <120mmHg and a mean
hypertensive emergency due to activation of sympathetic nervous arterial pressure <80mmHg) is crucial for the patient (14, 15).
system. Moreover, heart rate less than 100bpm had high specific- A great number of medications are available for the treatment
ity, classifying patients as hypertensive urgencies. However, other of hypertensive emergencies. Sodium nitroprusside is a first-
hemodynamic parameters such as systolic or DBP and pulse choice for the majority of hypertensive emergencies, and it acts
pressure were not able to classify hypertensive emergencies from within seconds as a potent arterial and venous dilator. The most
hypertensive urgencies (12). This vital sign seems to be useful in important disadvantage is thiocyanate toxicity. The toxicity is
the emergency department in the differentiation of hypertensive more likely to occur if patients have hepatic or renal failure and
emergencies from hypertensive urgencies. when the agent is administered for more than 4872h (16).
Initial laboratory analyses should be performed rapidly Labetalol can be used to treat hypertensive emergencies
after initial evaluation of the patient. These laboratory analyses through IV administration with a non-selective -blocker and a1
include urinalysis (check for significant proteinuria, red blood adrenergic receptor blocker with 6.9:1 ratio of antagonism reduc-
cells, cellular casts, or analysis for metanephrines in case of high ing the systemic vascular resistance but maintaining the cerebral,
suspicion of pheochromocytoma), a chemistry panel (creatinine, renal, and coronary blood flow. It is interesting that despite the
blood urea nitrogen levels), electrocardiogram (to check for -blocking effect it maintains also the cardiac output (2).
myocardial ischemia or infarction and/or signs of left ventricular Nitroglycerine is a venodilator that mainly reduces the preload
hypertrophy), a plain chest radiograph (evaluation of cardio- and decreases the cardiac oxygen demands, and it is often used
megaly or pulmonary edema), brain computed tomography (CT) in hypertensive crises. This agent is used primarily in acute myo-
scan (evaluation of neurological deficits), and chest CT scan or cardial infarction and acute pulmonary edema along with other
transesophageal echocardiography (in suspicion of aortic dissec- antihypertensive regimens (17).
tion) (2). Other agents that can be used in hypertensive emergencies
A fast transthoracic echocardiogram could be also useful to include nicardipine (dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker),
assess the function of the left ventricle to measure the ejection which is a useful agent for patients with coronary artery disease
fraction or to detect segmental hypokinesias. Even if new echo- due to its beneficial effect on coronary blood flow or clevidipine,
cardiography imaging techniques are not used extensively in daily which is a new short-acting intravenous dihydropyridine calcium
clinical practice, it seems that speckle-tracking echocardiography channel blocker (14). Enalaprilat is an angiotensin-converting
may detect depressions of global longitudinal left ventricular enzyme inhibitor, but it is not recommended since it can aggra-
systolic strain and global systolic strain rate during hypertensive vate renal blood flow, and the potential of renal failure in patients

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | 3 January 2017|Volume 3|Article 51

Varounis et al. Cardiovascular Hypertensive Crisis

with hypertensive emergency is high (18, 19). Fenoldopam is an of myocardial infarction, unstable angina, hypertensive crisis,
important medication, and it acts through peripheral dopamine-1 pulmonary edema, stroke, or transient ischemic attack. In a
receptors as a vasodilator and as a diuretic. It has been shown recent retrospective study with a 2-year duration, patients with
to be an effective and well-tolerated agent for the treatment of hypertensive crises and elevated cardiac troponin-I (c TnI) had
hypertensive emergency (20). Diuretics are not generally recom- 2.7 times higher risk for the occurrence of MACCE at 2-years
mended agents for the treatment of hypertensive emergencies follow-up compared with those with normal c TnI values (24).
with the exception of acute pulmonary edema. However, in The introduction of a prognostic score from large epidemiologi-
a recent small randomized controlled trial (21), researchers cal studies could be of high value in order to stratify the patients
randomized 59 patients with acute pulmonary edema due to according to baseline clinical and demographic characteristics.
hypertensive crisis to either furosemide or placebo. Researchers
concluded that the subjective perception of dyspnea in patients CONCLUSION
with hypertensive pulmonary edema was not influenced by the
administration of a loop-diuretic. This may be due to the fact Hypertensive crisis has the potential of end-organ damage, and
that patients with hypertensive heart failure are often euvolemic this has a significant effect on patients prognosis. The prognosis
or only mildly hypervolemic and also that loop-diuretics and differs substantially whether the patient is presenting with hyper-
especially furosemide after IV administration initially exert tensive emergency or urgency. Several regimens are effective to
vasodilation of the venous capacitance. treat both hypertensive emergencies and urgencies, but the choice
of the treatment is dependent on the clinical presentation of the
PROGNOSIS patient. It is very crucial for the physician in the emergency
department to identify the hypertensive emergencies quickly and
It seems that hypertensive emergencies have different prognoses so to intervene with BP-lowering medications in order to avoid
compared to hypertensive urgencies. Due to the fact that several further target organ damage and deterioration.
medications can be used to treat hypertensive crises, epidemio-
logical data show that the mortality of the hypertensive emer- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
gency has been decreased gradually from 80% in 1928 to 10%
in 1989 (22). In a recent study with hypertensive crisis patients CV, VK, PN, JL, and DT declare the following criteria regarding
who were admitted to a coronary care unit, researchers found the submitted work: (1) substantial contribution to the concep-
that the overall mortality was 3.7%. In patients with hypertensive tion or design of the work; (2) drafting the work or revising it
emergency, the mortality was higher (4.6%) compared with critically for important intellectual content; (3) final approval of
patients with hypertensive urgencies (0.8%) (23). Despite the the version to be published; and (4) agreement to be accountable
different prognosis between patients with two entities, other for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to
researchers tried to find prognostic factors of major adverse car- the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately
diac or cerebrovascular events (MACCE) defined as a composite investigated and resolved.

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Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | 5 January 2017|Volume 3|Article 51

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