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Ripple Protocol - Deep Dive For Financial Professionals PDF

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November 2014

Ripple Protocol: The Internet for Value

Ripple is a universal protocol founded in 2012 to power the cheapest and fastest payment system for value
transfer. Ripples technology enables users to transfer funds (including fiat currencies, digital currencies and
other forms of value) across national boundaries as seamlessly as sending an email.

Building Upon Other Digital Currencies

Like other digital currencies such as Bitcoin, the Ripple Protocol enables peer-to-peer transaction settlement
across a decentralized network of computers. As a result, Ripple circumvents many of the fees and reduces
many of the risks involved in interbank funds transfers, particularly in international transactions. Unlike other
digital currency protocols, however, the Ripple Protocol is currency agnostic and users are not required to
transact in the Protocols native currency (XRP). In addition, the technology enables near real-time settlement
(three to six seconds) and is built to route each international transaction to the cheapest FX bid/ask spread
available in the network.

A Compelling Alternative to Correspondent Banking

As a result of its key features, the Ripple Protocol represents a compelling alternative to traditional interbank
funds transfer systems. While this report walks through several potential applications of the protocol, the
technology is perhaps most promising in international transactions. Given the absence of an international
payment rail, international interbank funds transfers rely on a series of correspondent banking networks which
introduce multiple layers of fees, counterparty risk and settlement delays. The Ripple Protocol eliminates the
costs associated with correspondent banking as it enables two banks located anywhere in the world to
transact directly on a real-time basis.

Partnerships are Key

Another key differentiator of Ripple is the networks reliance on partnerships with banks, payment processors,
money transmitters, and other financial services institutions. This approach stands in contrast to other peer-to-
peer networks, most of which seek to disintermediate existing players. The Ripple Protocol is not built to
interface directly with consumers and does not govern retail prices. Thus, the Protocol provides financial
institutions with the flexibility of passing on some of the cost savings to their end customers (consumers and
businesses) while managing profit margins.

Regulation, Liquidity and Competition are Key Risks

Regulatory uncertainty remains the key hurdle for digital currencies, including Ripple. It is unclear how
regulation will ultimately shape up and what costs this will add on the protocol or to its users. Additionally,
much of the protocols appeal, such as the ability to send funds abroad and leverage competitive FX rates,
hinges on the network ability to scale volume. Finally, competition could intensify as some incumbents that feel
threatened by the rise of digital currencies could enact policies to restrict adoption.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.

1. Ripple Protocol: The Internet for Value 4

2. How Ripple Protocol Works 9

3. Key Features of the Ripple Protocol 11

4. Ripple Currency (XRP): Overview 14

5. Ripple Labs: Overview 17

6. Potential Use Cases 18

7. XRP Demand Examined 23

8. Applications Beyond Traditional Payments 26

9. Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look 28

10. Correspondent Banking: A Closer Look 33

11. Electronic Payments: A Closer Look 37

12. International Money Transfers: A Closer Look 40

13. Potential Risks 43

14. Conclusion 45

15. Additional Resources 46

16. Contact 47

Ripple Protocol: The Internet for Value
Ripple is a universal protocol founded in 2012 to power the cheapest and fastest payment system for value
transfer with a global, post-Internet architecture. Ripples innovative technology enables users to exchange
money (including fiat currencies, digital currencies, gold, and other items of value) across national boundaries
as seamlessly as sending an email.

At its core, Ripple is a physical network of computers running a common open-sourced software (known as
rippled, pronounced: ripple-d), developed and maintained by Ripple Labs (more on Ripple Labs below).
Users plugged into the rippled software transact according to rules set by the Ripple Protocol. Similar to other
Internet protocols e.g. SMTP for email and HTTP for websites Ripple is a set of rules that govern how
Internet-connected computers communicate with each other. As an Internet protocol, no one owns the Ripple
network and the open-sourced software is completely free. Ripple Labs does not operate the network, collect
fees, or limit access.

Understanding Ripple as a Protocol

Understanding Ripple as a protocol is critical in order to appreciate the potential of the technology and the
appeal for prospective users/partners. Ripple protocol is a set of rules for transaction clearing and settlement:
governing how two parties can transfer ownership of any currency or item of value. The protocol is not
designed as a consumer or merchant interfacing payment service. This means banks, payment processors,
money transmitters, and other providers of financial services can continue to control the entire customer
experience (including interfacing with their end customer, determining pricing, and customer acquisition).

In addition, as a protocol, Ripple cannot dis-intermediate banks or its financial services users/partners. This is
synonymous with other Internet protocols like HTTP (the protocol for the Internet) or SMTP (the protocol for
email); no company can cut access to these public goods, because no company controls them. On the other
hand, Ripple relies on financial institutions to serve as gateways providing access for funds to enter and exit
Ripple and market makers to provide liquidity within the network.

Another important aspect of a protocol is that users dont have to know how it works- and in fact, users dont
even know there is a protocol to begin with. Consumers dont have to understand how the Automated Clearing
House (ACH) or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) work to send payments
or understand how the HTTP or SMTP protocols to use the Internet. Whats important is that the protocols
ultimately enable a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Ripple is a Shared, Common Ledger

Every financial firm manages a ledger of accounts of some sort. In a digital world, payments are essentially just
updates to the database. A bank can transfer funds between in-house accounts by effectively moving $1,000
from cell C1 to cell D1. The complexity arises from the fact that every firm has its own proprietary ledger, and

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two firms running two different systems cannot easily communicate directly. On a high level, one can think of
Ripple as a neutral, open-source ledger that connects financial institutions and networks, and on which
developers can build innovative payment applications. If every firms back end can communicate with Ripple,
then the protocol can act as a universal link between institutions globally. Ripple offers an improvement to
existing solutions because, like email, Ripple is totally neutral and free. It is not controlled by any country or
region. And unlike centralized solutions, no company can impose future costs to use the network.

A Compelling Alternative for Interbank Transfer Systems

There are several features of the Ripple protocol that make Ripple a compelling alternative to the current
interbank transfers systems. Currently, interbank funds transfers impose financial and operational costs on
financial institutions, which help dictate the retail prices consumers and businesses pay. In addition,
counterparty risk and settlement delays are factors that banks and their customers need to constantly manage.

These costs and risks are most pronounced in international transactions. Today, each country has its own
domestic interbank transfer system, such as the ACH system in the U.S. or the Bankers Automated Clearing
Services (BACS) in the UK. These payment systems enable domestic bank-to-bank transfers, usually routing
through the central bank as a clearing agent. These are typically low-cost transactions for banks, but they
could take two to five days to settle.

For international transactions, however, there is no global equivalent of ACH. This is partially because there is
no trusted, supra-national clearing agent to provide the settlement that central banks provide on a national
level. Instead, money moves across borders through a patchwork of correspondent banking relationships,
connecting one regional banking center to another.

Correspondent banks are typically large, multi-national banks that maintain accounts in several regional
banking systems. These correspondent banks act as a domestic agents bank in international markets and
could process transactions, accept deposits or conduct other business activities on behalf of domestic banks.
For example, a small or mid-sized U.S. bank could transact with a European bank through the services of a
correspondent bank with a presence in the U.S. and in Europe. These correspondent relationships are
governed by bilateral agreements between financial institutions. For a more detailed discussion on
correspondent banking, see A closer look at correspondent banking on page 33.

For businesses, consumers, and banks, the costs of correspondent banking could add up over many
transactions. First, each correspondent bank introduces a per-transaction cost known as a lifting fee. Second,
businesses or consumers typically bear the cost of currency conversion (i.e. the FX spread), which is dictated
by the correspondent. Third, small/mid-size banks are typically required to deposit funds as collateral in an
account at their correspondent bank as part of the arrangement. This liquidity cost varies depending on each
bilateral arrangement and the perceived risk of each bank.

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Moreover, each correspondent banking relationship introduces settlement delays, and the more complicated a
correspondent banking network gets for a particular funds transfer, the longer the businesses and consumers
need to wait to access funds. This could place small and mid-size banks at a disadvantage competing with
larger peers who can often provide a better customer experience for international transactions

Inefficiencies in International Funds Transfers

SWIFT: Messaging vs. Funds
The following is a simple illustrative example of how an international payment Transfer
from a U.S. account holder (say, a U.S. importing business) to a EU account
The Society for Worldwide
holder (say, a German exporting business) is handled through correspondent Interbank Financial
banking channels. The example below illustrates how the funds move after Telecommunication (SWIFT)
the U.S. account holder initiates the payment. provides a network that
enables financial institutions
If the U.S. Bank does not have an EU banking license, which is typical of worldwide to send and receive
most small and mid-sized banks, then the U.S. Bank first transfers the funds information about financial
transactions in a secure,
to a large U.S. bank, its domestic correspondent bank. However, given that
standardized and reliable
these banks operate different core account ledgers, they are unable to
transact directly. Thus, the U.S. Bank routes the funds through the Federal
Reserve, which then relays the funds to the domestic correspondent bank. SWIFT is often colloquially
These funds are transferred via the ACH system. thought of as international
wire. However, it only
provides for messaging and
The correspondent bank maintains an account in the EU banking system,
does not provide for funds
known as a nostro account, which is pre-funded with euros. After receiving settlement.
USD funds via ACH, the domestic correspondent bank then initiates an
Settlement still occurs through
offsetting EUR transfer from its nostro account to the beneficiarys bank in the
a patchwork of regional rails.
EU banking system. Again, given that these EU banks also operate different
Ripple can provide a free,
account ledgers, the EU correspondent bank needs to route the funds via the international rail that can co-
European Central Bank, which acts as a clearing agent and finally relays the exist with SWIFT messages.
funds to the European bank where the German exporting business has an

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A key takeaway here is that there is no direct linkage between the U.S. and EU banking systems save for a
handful of multi-national correspondent banks that maintain funded accounts in both regions and charge for
the service of effecting funds transfer between them.

International transactions need to go through a series of hops between domestic banks, central banks and
correspondent banks. Each hop represents an additional layer of cost (usually a per transaction fee), risk
(settlement and counterparty risk), and delay. Additionally, international transactions introduce FX conversion
fees (for businesses/consumers) and currency reserve management costs (for banks). The diagram below, for
all its complexity, shows a relatively simply example between two heavily trafficked regions/currencies. The
path between two developing market regions can be significantly more complex and costly, and in some
cases, non-existent.

Sent: Received:
$1000 720
(760) ($940)

$7.5 $25 4% 15
fee fee FX fee

The Double-Spend Problem: Bitcoins Breakthrough

Transaction settlement has historically been a tri-party arrangement between the sender, the beneficiary, and a
trusted third party clearing agent. For example, in the U.S., the Federal Reserve is the trusted clearing agent
that operates a ledger shared between banks. In retail payments, a player like PayPal is a clearing agent that
operates a ledger shared by its retail users.

The need for a clearing agent stems from what technologists refer to as the double spending problem. A digital
USD balance is just an entry in a ledger. It is the liability of its issuer a promise to pay the bearer on demand
and it is underpinned by the assets held by a bank or custodian.

Without the Federal Reserve acting as a trusted clearing agent, a bank could conceivably double spend its
assets and simultaneously send payments to multiple counterparties, which presents significant counterparty
risk. Instead, banks deposit funds with the Federal Reserve, and the Fed can move assets between their
accounts with enough visibility to ensure the solvency of payments. Or in the retail example, users deposit
funds with Paypal, and Paypal can ensure that a users assets are not double spent.

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The Bitcoin protocol offered a novel solution to the double spend problem. In the Bitcoin protocol, a network
of interconnected computers collectively managed a ledger which tracks ownership of digital assets (bitcoins).
This eliminated the need for a clearing agent, thus enabling the peer-to-peer transfer of funds with no
intermediaries. This theoretically eliminates many of the fees and underlying counterparty risk.

However, the Bitcoin protocol - like most other digital currency protocols - requires users to transact in the
protocols native digital currency (i.e. Bitcoin users must transact in bitcoins, or BTC).

The exhibit below illustrates how the same U.S. importer business can transfer funds to the German exporter
business via the Bitcoin protocol. First, the U.S. business converts USD into BTC using a bitcoin service
provider. BTC can then be transferred directly to the beneficiarys bitcoin account. Next, the German
business service provider converts the BTC into Euros, and finally, the bitcoin service provider delivers Euros to
the German business. The German business then deposits the amount into its EU Bank.

Bitcoins technology is a conceptual improvement that removes much of the friction in the current process for
interbank transfers. The protocol enables peer-to-peer transaction settlement and thus circumvents the
complicated and costly correspondent banking framework. This has the potential to provide users with both
cost savings and faster settlement. However, the fact that the Bitcoin protocol requires users to transact in
BTC introduces some new frictions:

Exchanges or bitcoin payment processors impose transaction fees to convert in and out of bitcoin.
Liquidity to convert in and out of BTC may be limited or costly.
Though many users immediately convert out of BTC upon receipt, there is still ten to sixty minutes of
currency volatility that is unavoidable while the bitcoin network confirms transactions. YTD, the
average hourly trading range for BTC/USD has been 1.5% with outlier moves as high as 20% over a
sixty-minute window. This volatility can entirely consume the savings of using bitcoin, and then
Even if the volatility of BTC is significantly reduced, there is no way to guarantee the fiat value that
the beneficiary will receive (without a third party taking the price risk) which presents challenges for
this schema to comply with Consumer Financial Protection Bureau mandates.

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How Ripple Works
The Ripple protocol builds upon and in some ways improves on other digital currencies. Like other digital
currencies, the Ripple protocol enables peer-to-peer transaction settlement through a decentralized network of
interconnected computers. This eliminates several of the fees and counterparty risk involved in interbank fund

However, in contrast to other digital currencies, the Ripple protocol is completely currency agnostic and users
are not required to convert local currency into Ripples native currency (XRP or ripples). Additionally, rather
than attempt to circumvent traditional financial institutions, Ripple relies on financial institutions to function as
(1) gateways into and out of the Ripple network, and (2) market makers to provide liquidity for FX conversion by
posting bids/asks for each currency pair. Ripple routes each transaction to the trader(s) with the best price in
the network.

Thus, in the same transaction discussed above, the U.S. importers bank would directly plug into Ripple and
initiate a USD to EUR transaction. Market makers will compete for the transaction by posting bid/ask for
EUR/USD. Ripple will ensure the market maker posting the cheapest offer fulfills the transaction. This market
maker will thus, buy USD from U.S. Bank and sell Euros to the EU Bank.

The illustrative example points to several potential advantages of using the Ripple Protocol for interbank
First, because, users are not required to convert to XRP in order to transact on the Protocol, the
sender of the funds only needs to worry about one fee, which is the FX spread. This spread,
moreover, is minimized given Ripples algorithm to route transactions to the lowest spread on the
Second, because Ripple is not intended to be directly customer interfacing, banks continue to
control their customers experience. Thus, banks could ultimately decide how much of the cost
savings to pass on to their customers.
Third, transactions on the Ripple network typically settle within a few seconds. This enables banks to
grant their customers faster access to their funds, improving their overall customer experience, and
improving working capital for businesses.

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Fourth, since customers continue to interface directly with their bank to access Ripple, KYC/AML
and compliance requirements around customer interaction are already in place and can largely
remain the same.

Summary table of different messaging and transaction settlement protocols

SWIFT Bitcoin Ripple

Architecture Centralized Decentralized Decentralized

Settlement Process Batch clearing & settlement Proof of Work Consensus

Speed 2+ business days 10 - 60 minutes 3 - 6 seconds

1 2
Peak Volume 19mm Messages/Day 600,000 Transactions/Day 86mm Transactions/Day [RL Est.]

Currency Fiat currencies BTC only Universal

Transaction Cost Operator fees Mining fee Security Cost

Herstatt Risk
Bilateral Settlement Herstatt Bank was a German bank
that went bankrupt in 1974,
Over the past few decades, best practices for funds settlement have
highlighting to the world an example
trended towards tri-party settlement arrangements. In addition to the of settlement risk.
two counterparties who are transacting with one another, a third party
Per Wikipedia: On June 26, 1974,
settlement agent is often involved to mitigate settlement risk.
German regulators forced the
troubled Bank Herstatt into
Staggered hours of operation across different time zones can make it liquidation. That day, a number of
difficult or sometimes impossible to settle both sides of a banks had released payment of
transaction simultaneously. For example, the banking hours of Japan Deutsche Marks to Herstatt in
and the U.S.A do not share any hours of overlap. To avoid Herstatt Frankfurt in exchange for U.S. Dollars
that were to be delivered in New
Risk (see inset) a settlement agent will typically receive payment from
York. Because of time-zone
both counterparties and wait until both sides of the transaction settle differences, Herstatt ceased
before releasing funds. This serves to reduce the counterparty risk operations between the times of the
that arises from mismatched time zones and varying settlement times. respective payments. The
counterparty banks did not receive
their USD payments.
In contrast to the existing system, the Ripple ledger operates 24/7
and provides for real-time, bilateral settlement, eliminating the need This type of foreign exchange
for a third party clearing agent. Two counterparties who are settlement risk is now known as
Herstatt Risk. CLS Bank was founded
integrated into Ripple can exchange funds or assets simultaneously.
in 2002 to mitigate this type of risk.


Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10

Key Features of the Protocol
Below are key features of Ripple protocol, which further highlight how it differs from other interbank transfer
systems and digital currency protocols:

1. Consensus: the Driver of Real-Time Settlement

The Ripple network is a shared public ledger administered collectively by a network of servers. This ledger
tracks the accounts and balances of Ripple users. Within the Ripple Network, all transactions are authorized
and settled through a process called consensus. This process entails a supermajority of Ripple servers mutually
agreeing that a transaction within the network is valid before updating the ledger.

Ripple servers use public/private key cryptography to verify whether transactions are valid or not. Each
transaction that gets submitted is signed with a unique digital signature, analogous to how people sign paper
checks with a unique signature in traditional banking. Ripple servers mathematically verify that the correct
signature appears the signature of the owner of the funds before including transactions in a new ledger.

Consensus must be reached among a supermajority of connected computers in order to make changes to the
ledger. This is what is known as an atomic process either a transaction is completely verified, or not.

This process is what enables the Ripple Network to offer users real-time settlement (typically between 3 to 6
seconds) and bypass the need of a central operator, which as explained above, circumvents layers of fees that
financial institutions, business and/or consumer bear for traditional payments. In other words, the process of
consensus is what enables fast, secure and decentralized settlement on the Ripple network. This distinguishes
Ripple from other digital currency protocols, such as Bitcoin, which rely on a process called proof of work (i.e.
mining) to validate transactions on the block chain. Unlike Bitcoin, Ripple does not rely on mining to reach
consensus, so it does not consume the large amounts of energy that Bitcoin does, nor is the networks
security related to the amount of processing power devoted to it. For a more detailed explanation of the
consensus mechanics, please refer to the Consensus white paper or the links to additional information in the

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2. Currency-Agnostic: a Key Differentiator from Other Digital Currencies
The Ripple protocol also has a native currency called XRP (sometimes pronounced ripples) that exists within
the network. This is similar to other digital currency protocols, which enable the creation and distribution of a
native digital currency. Like other currencies, XRP is known as a crypto currency, or a currency that is verifiable
using mathematical properties. These crypto currencies are digital assets, which can be transferred within the

Unlike other digital currency protocols, however, Ripple provides users complete currency choice and does not
require users to transact in XRP. Instead, XRP is there to provide two key functions: to prevent abuse of the
system and to act as a bridge currency for market makers providing liquidity within the network (more on both
of these features below). Thus, users can hold balances in one currency and transact in another currency
without converting to XRPs in the process.

3. FX In-Stream: Lowering the Cost of FX through Market Maker Competition

Cross currency payments have historically been an area with very healthy margins. The FX component of an
international wire transfer can frequently bear a 2% - 4% fee to exchange even the most liquid G10 currencies.
Retail remittance pricing is even higher, often at a 5% -10% spread to institutional foreign exchange market

Ripple has the potential to meaningfully bring down these costs by making payment FX rates competitive on a
per transaction basis.

The Ripple network translates currencies by routing orders through market makers competing to earn bid/ask
spread. These markets makers are important sources of liquidity within the network and are primarily financial
institutions with a business in currency or securities market making (i.e. banks, hedge funds, quantitative
trading shops). Market makers compete for business within the Ripple network, posting orders to buy and sell
different currency pairs to facilitate payments.

The Ripple Protocol is designed to route every transaction to the cheapest price available in the market. Thus,
the only way an order gets filled is if it is posting the best price for a specific currency pair at the particular time
the transaction is executed. As a result, the protocol can lower one of the highest financial and operational
costs for financial services companies moving funds across national boundaries.

4. Pathfinding
Ripples Pathfinding Algorithm further improves on market maker pricing by searching for the cheapest path for
payments to move across the network.

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In liquid currency crosses, the cheapest path will often be a direct one hop path through one market maker,
for example directly from USD to EUR. However, the Ripple pathfinding feature will seek the cheapest path
even if it is a more complex route through several intermediary currencies.

In the example below, the sender of a payment holds EUR, and the recipient wants to be paid in KRW. Since
there may not be a tight market in EUR/KRW, the payment is routed through several order books to improve
the price. Unlike in traditional markets, users are not exposed to legging risk. Ripple executes multi-hop paths
as a single atomic transaction. The entire transaction either completes or it never happens there is no way for
a payment to get stuck en route. Since Ripple transactions are just updates to a distributed ledger, multiple
legs can be executed at the same instant as they are all included in the same ledger update. There is no
counterparty risk to intermediaries.

Summary of key features and benefits of the Ripple Protocol

Cost Factor Ripple Solution Funds Transfer

Settlement speed Point-to-point Real-time

Settlement risk Atomic process Straight-through processing

FX rate Marketplace for FX traders to compete Least-cost FX

Straight-through processing enables the entire payment lifecycle to be conducted electronically without the need for manual intervention or re-
keying. Current international wires can have a failure rate of 2-10% depending on the institution, requiring human intervention to remedy.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 13

Ripple Currency (XRP): Overview
The Ripple protocol has a native currency called XRP (sometimes referred What is a Counterparty-Free
to as ripples), which performs several key functions within the network. Currency?
XRP, like other digital currencies, is a math-based currency (also known as
Traditional currencies like EUR
cryptocurrency), which is a digital asset with verifiable mathematical and USD are not natively
properties. As a digital asset, ownership of XRP can be directly transferred digital assets. When we send
peer-to-peer. electronic payments, we
obviously cannot transfer
Just like bitcoin exists natively on the blockchain, XRP exists natively on the physical paper bills across the
Ripple network as a counterparty-free currency. Unlike the Bitcoin Protocol, Internet. Instead, we exchange
however, Ripple users can opt not to use XRP as a medium of exchange. bank balances, which are
effectively just IOUs that the
Instead, XRP performs two key functions within the network: protect the
bank has issued. A bank
network from abuse and provide a bridge currency for market makers.
balance is a promise from the
More on these functions below. bank that you can redeem
your money on demand. But it
XRP: Protecting Against Network Abuse is nothing more than a
promise to repay. All digital
Since the Ripple network is based around a shared ledger of accounts, a fiat money has counterparty
malicious attacker could create large amounts of ledger spam (i.e. fake risk.
accounts) and transaction spam (i.e. fake transactions) in an attempt to
XRP, unlike USD, is a natively
overload the network. This is commonly known as a denial-of-service (DoS)
digital asset. It can be
attack. In a DoS attack, perpetrators attempt to overwhelm a server with so transferred directly between
many communication requests that the server is unable to respond to two parties across the Internet.
legitimate requests. Sending XRP is akin to
XRPs primary function is to provide a layer of security within the network to exchanging cash USD. There
protect against these types of attacks. is no counterparty risk
involved. You can digitally
To protect the network from abusive creation of excess ledger entries, each exchange the asset itself, as
opposed to an IOU that
Ripple account is required to have a small reserve of XRP to create ledger
represents the asset. Hence,
entries. This reserve requirement is 20 XRP (or about $0.12 at the time of
XRP is a counterparty-free
writing). This requirement is intended to be a negligible amount for normal digital currency.
users while preventing a potential attacker from amassing a large number of
fraudulent accounts to spam the network.

As a second line of defense, with each transaction that is processed, 0.00001 XRP is destroyed (roughly
$0.000000055 at the time of writing). This is not a fee that is collected by anyone the XRP is destroyed and
ceases to exist. This transaction fee is also designed to be negligible for users. But when the network is under
heavy load, such as when it is attacked, this fee rapidly rises.

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The goal of this design is to quickly bankrupt attackers and keep the network functioning smoothly. Attacking
the Ripple network can get very expensive, very quickly, but for regular users, the cost effectively remains
free. In this context, XRP can be thought of as a postage stamp for transactions.

If the price of XRP were to appreciate significantly to the point where sending transactions becomes a non-
negligible cost for normal users, there is a mechanism in place to lower (or raise) transaction fees by a
supermajority vote of server operators.

XRP: A Bridge Currency for Liquidity

XRP can also serve as an ideal bridge for illiquid currency pairs. In theory, users of the Ripple Network could
exchange anything of value. This could include fiat currencies, digital currencies, gold and even items like
loyalty points, airline miles, or securities.

On a protocol level, Ripple makes a distinction between both the balance type (USD, EUR, XAU) and the
issuing counterparty (Bank A, Bank B, etc.). This is important because USD balances issued by two different
banks are technically liabilities of different institutions and have different counterparty risk profiles. From the
perspective of the protocol, they are different financial instruments. As the number of assets and the number of
counterparties in the network grows, the number of currency pairs can quickly become unmanageable for a
market maker.

Instead of quoting every possible currency/gateway combination, XRP can serve as a useful bridging tool for
market makers. If every currency is liquid to XRP, it is also liquid to other currencies.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 15

Thus, while Ripple users have complete currency choice meaning they can hold balances in one currency
(such as USD) but transact in any other (such as JPY) the market makers facilitating those transactions may
see holding XRP as an ideal bridge currency.

The role of a bridge currency or vehicle currency is traditionally played by USD in financial markets. Within
the Ripple network, there is a functional reason to prefer XRP. Because XRP is a natively digital asset (as
opposed to a balance/liability), it is the only instrument within Ripple that has no counterparty risk, so it can be
universally exchanged between market makers with no friction. Also, because it has no counterparty, XRP
never has third party fees attached to it.

Ripple Labs believes that an increase in the number of counterparties and asset types in the network adds to
the utility of XRP and creates demand for XRP in the long run.

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An Overview of Ripple Labs
Ripple Labs is the creator of the Ripple Protocol and focuses on three primary areas.

First, as a software developing company, Ripple Labs provides the core technology for transaction settlement,
developing and maintaining the code of the protocol. Second, Ripple Labs builds new tools to allow developers
to build user-friendly applications, whether those end users are consumers, merchants or other institutions.
Ripple Labs helps incubate these ideas but does not typically take a cut of ownership in order to maintain its
neutrality. Third, Ripple Labs pursues partnerships to expand the Ripple network of financial institutions, users
and market makers, providing APIs to access the protocol.

Ripple Labs has raised capital from some of the leading venture capital and technology firms, including Google
Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, LightSpeed Venture Partners, IDG Capital Partners, and Founders Fund. In
addition, Ripple Labs continues to attract a diverse set of talented individuals with experience in relevant
technology and financial services companies, including Apple, Google, Square, Twitter, e-Loan, Fiserv,
Promontory Financial Group, Goldman Sachs, and the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Historically, information protocols, like HTTP and SMTP, were impossible to monetize directly. Ripple Labs is
not a financial services provider and thus does not charge for using the network. The Ripple protocol, however,
could in fact be monetized through its native currency, XRP. By design, 100 billion units of XRP were created at
Ripples inception, and per the protocol rules, no more XRP can ever be created.

Ripple Labs plans to retain 25% of all XRP issued to fund operations (and hopefully turn a profit) and distribute
the rest to incent the participation of market makers, gateways, and consumers to utilize the protocol. Given
that there is a finite number of XRP, as demand for XRP grows, the value of XRP should appreciate. In this
manner, Ripple Labs believe that its incentives are aligned with those of protocols users both want the
protocol to reach its full potential and scale.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17

Ripple: Focused on Transaction Clearance and Settlement
The following table is a simple look at the several layers in the payments ecosystem, with different financial
services and payments companies specializing in certain segments.
The bulk of the innovation in payments is occurring at the top of the stack: companies like Square, Paypal, and
Stripe are creating elegant user interfaces and user experiences, but these services are still riding on top of the
old, antiquated infrastructure.
Ripple Labs is one of the few companies innovating at the very bottom of the payments stack, focused on
providing a free, real-time settlement infrastructure for the world. Ripple Labs is not itself consumer facing and
is not a provider of financial services or a custodian of funds. Instead, the technology provides an alternative rail
for financial services, payments, and retail companies that build consumer/merchant interfacing applications.
These companies can leverage Ripples settlement system to provide customers with a better experience and
reduce operational costs.

Note: Corporate logos in graphic above are for illustrative purposes only

If widely adopted, Ripples peer-to-peer, decentralized settlement infrastructure would replace the current
settlement system for funds transfers. However, the other layers on the payments stack would be unchanged.
Financial services institutions, developers, and payment processors would continue to focus on their strengths
and directly integrate their services on top of a more efficient transaction settlement system.
Banks and payment processors will continue to acquire and interface with their end-customers (business
and/or consumers). Regulatory bodies like the Federal Reserve will continue to set and enforce regulatory
standards. Messaging standards like SWIFT can be easily integrated into Ripple as well.
Several networks or clubs of financial institutions may ultimately form on top of Ripples common settlement
protocol. For example, NACHA (the North American Clearing House Association that governs the ACH
network in the U.S.) could create standard rules that allow for payment reversibility, compliance, dispute
resolution, etc. between member banks on the Ripple network. The same can be true for SEPA region banks
in Europe.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18

Potential Use Cases
This low cost, real-time settlement system can have numerous potential future applications. Ripple Labs
business development efforts have been primarily focused on addressing two current pain points for financial
institutions: intra-group transfers and inter-bank transfers.

Intra-Group Transfers
Large, diversified financial services institutions will often operate separate core ledger systems in different
business lines. This is especially common among companies that were formed through multiple acquisitions
over the years, where ledger system integrations can be challenging and costly.

For example, a financial conglomerate that operates a brokerage and a retail bank may never have integrated
the brokerage and checking account ledger properties after an acquisition. In this case, if a banks customer
wanted to transfer cash from her brokerage account to her checking account maintained in the same financial
institution, the financial services company needs to move the cash outside its system via ACH. As described
above, the transfer could take up to 3 days to settle. Not having access to these funds results in a working
capital challenge to the bank and the banks customer. There are additional operating and compliance costs
associated with expatriating and repatriating funds.

Ripple can provide a relatively turnkey solution to integrate ledger-based properties within an institution.

Inter-Bank Transfers
Domestically, inter-bank transfers appear similar to the intra-group transfers described above. In this case, a
domestic financial institution would need to use the ACH system to transfer the cash to another domestic
financial institution. Once again, the receiving bank (and the banks customer) will not have access to the cash
until the transaction settles in up to 3 days.

International inter-bank transfers, however, have many more pain points given the lack of a global payment rail.
Instead, money moves from one regional bank system to another through a series of correspondent banking
relationships. Correspondent banks are financial institutions that can conduct business transactions, such as
process payments, accept deposits and transfer securities on behalf of other institutions. Correspondent banks
help domestic banks conduct these business transactions in foreign jurisdictions.

As explained above, these international transactions need to go through a sequential process, where
transactions take several hops. Each hop adds a layer of fees, counterparty risk and settlement delay. These
fees and risks vary depending on how complex the correspondent network is. Some transactions (particularly
for funds going to certain developing countries) navigating through an extensive correspondent bank network
involving several hops could take up to 15 days to settle.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 19

What are the Advantages of Using Ripple?
The Ripple network relies on industry partnerships to reach its full potential. These partnerships include financial
services institutions, including banks, payment processors and other money transmitters, which can integrate
their services on top of Ripples back-end settlement solution. The following are a few compelling reasons for
potential partners to build on top of Ripple:

For Banks
Ripples technology can enable banks to optimize internal payments operations (e.g. back-office) and provide
new and enhanced external payments services to customers (e.g. retail, commercial and institutional clients).
By reducing fees associated with correspondent banking and shortening the cash cycle, Ripples distributed
network eliminates many of the costs and risks involved in the current ecosystem for banks. In addition, banks
can leverage market maker competition to lower their FX cost for international transactions. Importantly, Ripple
also eliminates the need for banks to post reserves/collateral to their correspondent bank, improving working

While financial service providers could lower wholesale costs of payments with Ripple, the protocol does not
interfere with a banks relationship with its end customers. This includes customer acquisition, service and
pricing. Thus, the financial services business continues to determine retail prices of payment services for
customers. As a result, Ripple allows banks to continue monetizing their most attractive asset their account

Banks are also best suited to act as gateways given their extensive experience in complying with financial
services regulations, anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) rules. As a result, having well
regulated entities, such as banks as gateways could help enhance the security of the network and increase
confidence for all users, potentially leading to more payment volume.

For Payment Processors or Money Transfer Operators

Ripple can also enable payment processors and money transmitters to integrate into Ripple and offer their
customers real-time settlement. Rather than replace existing systems, Ripples open nature makes it easy to
integrate into the Ripple network, enabling existing network rules and processes to remain in place.

Given the intensifying competition in payments and money transfer ecosystems, leveraging the Ripple Protocol
could provide payment processors and money transfer networks a competitive advantage. These companies
would benefit from a lower wholesale cost of payments and money transfers. However, the protocol does not
set retail prices. As a result, payment processors and money transfer operators would have flexibility to
compete on price while managing profit margins. For a more detailed discussion on the payments and money
transfer ecosystems, see A closer look at electronic payments and A closer look at international money
transfers on pages 37 and 40, respectively.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 20

Over time, Ripple is likely to erode the marginal cost of payments as companies compete on price. We believe
that a meaningful increase in the volume of payments could serve as an offset to a decline in per-payment
margins. The emergence of a value web could do for payments what the information web did for information
sharing when communications became fast and cheap, the volume of communications grew exponentially.
Increased payment volume could come from more international transactions, higher penetration of B2B
volumes or micro-transactions and increased inclusion of the 2 billion underbanked individuals. It is difficult to
definitively say whether margin erosion or payment volume growth will ultimately drive the industry towards
higher or lower profitability.

For example, it is currently not economically viable to send $200 internationally, because fees would typically
account for such a large percentage of the total payment value. If the marginal cost per payment were lower,
this and other new market segments could emerge.

For Regulators
Regulators could find it easier to monitor and enforce regulatory standards for transactions that occur on the
Ripple network. Under the current interbank funds transfer systems, banks record transactions on separate
ledgers. Thus, it could be difficult to follow the flows of funds, particularly in international transactions, which
require the funds to go through multiple correspondent banking relationships. Flow of funds within Ripple are
easily traced, as all transactions are posted on one giant ledger.

In addition, since regulated banks and other financial institutions integrate in the Ripple Network and provide
liquidity, these financial services institutions will continue to comply with their existing regulations, such as anti-
money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) rules.

Ripple provides law enforcement and regulators with a single consolidated global ledger with which to monitor
economic activity.

For Market Makers

Market makers play an important role within the Ripple network. These financial institutions provide liquidity by
competing for FX trades. Market makers earn bid/ask spread on trades and will benefit as volume grows on
the network.

The foreign exchange market is known to be among the most liquid markets in the world, yet retail and B2B
payments have had persistently wide margins. This provides a strong incentive for market makers to
participate in a space where many market making firms historically have not had a seat at the table.

For Corporate Treasuries

Real time payments can provide working capital improvements in many capacities. For example, currently, in
order to make payroll on the 30th of the month, a company will typically need to send funds 5 days before the

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 21

30th. This suggests that payroll costs are in transit for 1/6 of the year (5/30 days each month). Real time
payments via Ripple can allow for just in time payments, submitted on the 30th to settle on the 30th,
providing an improvement in working capital.

For Merchants
Ripple allows merchants to conduct business in several countries without exposing the merchant to foreign
exchange risk. For example, a EU-based machinery exporter can sell to customers in the U.S., EU, and Japan.
All of the customers can continue to pay for products in their local currencies, leveraging Ripples foreign
exchange network to ensure that the merchant seamlessly receives payment in EUR. In effect, Ripple allows
for continuous rebalancing of foreign exchange, instead of waiting to accumulate blocks of foreign currency
and converting at the end of the quarter or reporting period. Additionally, real-time settlement on Ripple
means that funds are immediately available, improving working capital for the merchant.

For Prepaid Debit Programs

Ripple allows for the seamless translation of any store of value. Prepaid debit cards can be linked to a Ripple
account to facilitate the spending of non-traditional stores of value at point of sale. For example, a cardholder
could hold gold balances on Ripple that are backed by physical gold bullion at a Ripple gateway. The
cardholder could spend gold at point of sale, and Ripple will seamlessly leverage market makers to exchange
gold for USD in real-time, delivering USD to the issuing bank for settlement with the merchant via traditional

The same logic can be applied to convert loyalty points or any other store of value into USD, as long as market
makers can quote the price effectively. This requires no hardware upgrades or modification at the point of
sale. From the merchants perspective, it looks like a traditional debit transaction.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 22

Sources of XRP Demand
As with most other digital currencies, there is a fixed supply of XRP, 100 billion units, and according to the
protocols rules, no more can ever be printed to debase the currency. Ripple Labs business model is
predicated on a belief that demand for XRP will increase (resulting in price appreciation) if the Ripple protocol
becomes widely adopted. In this section, we discuss some potential demand drivers for XRP as the Ripple
network grows.

In order for there to be long term organic demand (as opposed to purely speculative demand), XRP must
provide some utility to its holders. XRP provides utility by fulfilling two functions: 1) security and 2) bridge

XRP Secures the Network XRP: Fast Facts

The network charges tiny fees denominated in XRP to discourage network abuse. > 100 billion units of XRP
A malicious attacker could attempt to overwhelm Ripple servers by sending were created at Ripples
transaction spam (a flood of small transactions) or ledger spam (creating a flood of
> Small amounts of XRP
new orders or new accounts). These types of attacks, known as denial-of-service
are destroyed with each
(DoS) attacks, can occupy a server with requests for information, creating a long transaction (i.e. deleted
queue to process information, rendering it unable to process legitimate transactions from the database).
in a reasonable timeframe. > 99,999,980,473 XRP
currently exist July 23,
To prevent these types of SPAM abuses, the Ripple network requires every user to 2014

hold a small amount of XRP to meet network reserve requirements and to pay > No more XRP can ever
be created, per the
transaction fees. The table below breaks down reserve and transaction fee
protocol rules
amounts. In each of these cases, the economic value is negligible for normal use
> XRP is currently
less than $1 worth of XRP is enough to send tens of thousands of payments across subdivisible to 6 figures
Ripple. The reserves exist to create an economic cost to sending an abusively high (0.000001)
number of transactions.

Action XRP Reserve Amount Explanation

Account Reserve 20 XRP Each account must hold 20 XRP to be valid.

This amount is destroyed with every transaction. This is designed to

0.00001 XRP (variable be negligible for normal users (rounds to zero).
Transaction Fee
based on server load) Under heavy server load, this fee scales higher to make it expensive to
sustain a DDoS attack.

Trust Line Reserve 5 XRP This amount is frozen as margin for each trust line that is in place.

This amount is frozen for each working order that is in the order book.
Working Order Reserve 5 XRP
When an order is filled or cancelled, the reserve amount is released.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 23

These reserve amounts are set by a supermajority of server nodes using a voting mechanism built into the
protocol. So if the value of XRP rises (or falls), the reserve amounts can be lowered (or raised) to maintain the
desired economic effect.

As the number of accounts, the number of live orders, the number of trustlines, and the number of transactions
on the network increase, there should be a very small increase in demand for XRP.

XRP as Bridge Currency

On a protocol level, Ripple makes a distinction between both the balance type (USD, EUR, XAU) and the
issuing counterparty (Bank A, Bank B, etc.). This is important because USD balances issued by two different
banks are technically liabilities of different institutions and have different counterparty risk profiles. As the
number of assets and the number of counterparties in the network grows, the number of currency pairs can
quickly become unmanageable for a market maker.

The diagram below shows the network evolving from a few gateways to several hundred thousand gateways.

Rather than quoting every possible currency/gateway combination, XRP can serve as a useful bridging tool for
market makers. If every currency is liquid to XRP, it is also liquid to other currencies.

As the number of gateways grows, it becomes increasingly complex to find paths to resolve transactions.
Long paths are inherently fragile. It takes long periods of time to scan for long paths, and since order books
are subject to constant change, the longer it takes to calculate a path, the more likely it is that the path will
have changed or disappeared by the time a transaction is attempted to be sent.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 24

If all balances on Ripple are liquid to XRP, it significantly reduces the need for complex paths, making
everything one hop away. Accordingly, XRP becomes more useful as a bridge currency as the Ripple network
topology sprawls.

If XRP is increasingly used as an intermediary currency, users who are unsure of what currency they will need
may choose to hold XRP, since it readily translates into all other assets on the network. Market makers are one
type of user for which this could be the case, but one can easily think of others as well.

Demand for XRP as a Risk Asset

XRP shares the cash-like or gold-like characteristics that attract many speculators to Bitcoin and other digital
currencies. Like gold, digital currencies have historically done well in times of increased banking system stress
or bouts of sovereign risk, when investors seek to reduce counterparty risk. Apart from these isolated
episodes, XRP and other digital currencies have not shown any meaningful correlation to other risk assets like
equities or traditional commodities. Within the digital currency space itself, assets like XRP and BTC have
shown a strong correlation to each other over longer periods of time.

Future Demand Potential

The Ripple network is still in its infancy and relatively unknown. Likewise, XRP is still fairly complicated for
average users to acquire or even completely inaccessible in many parts of the world. Increased exposure and
a more global network of Ripple gateways could result in increased speculative interest, which may have
significant impacts on price. Speculative demand and bullish expectations for the future were enough to send
XRP and BTC total market capitalizations to over $6 billion and $23 billion in Q4 2013, respectively.

If the Ripple protocol becomes the backbone for global value transfer, Ripple Labs expects the demand for
XRP to be considerable.

Historical XRP Data provides historical price and volume data about XRP and other assets traded on the Ripple

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 25

Benefits and Applications Beyond Traditional Payments

Benefits and Applications Beyond Traditional Payments

As with other digital currencies, the potential benefits of Ripple could extend much beyond traditional
payments. The ability for parties to settle transactions in a decentralized network, in real-time, and at a low-cost
could have implications for securities transactions, B2B payments, crowd-funding and escrow settlement.
Broadly speaking, anywhere theres an Internet connection there is now an Internet-for-value exchange, which
can bring untapped segments such as underserved/underbanked populations and micropayments into
mainstream financial services.

Macroeconomic Benefits of Real-Time Payments

A number of central banks (including the U.S. Federal Reserve4, Finland, and Australia) have been exploring
and advocating a move to real-time payment systems. Currently, the pace of the payment system acts like a
bottleneck on economic activity. To make an analogy to the pre-email days, it harkens back to when paper
contracts were shipped back and forth between counterparties for physical signatures in order to get a deal
done. Much like email sped up the pace of doing business, a jump to real-time payments can also accelerate
economic activity and increase the velocity of money. By reducing the settlement time of payroll, accounts
receivables, and other financial interactions, Ripple can speed up the cash conversion cycle of a company.

Increasing Velocity of Money

From a macroeconomic perspective, Ripple could increase the velocity of money, translating into greater
economic activity. The velocity of money is the rate at which money flows from one transaction to another. As
we have discussed throughout this report, banks and their customers typically need to wait several days to
gain access to funds in cross-border transactions.

In some cases, counterparties essentially replicate a real-time payments system via the extension of credit. For
example, the receiving bank in an international bank-to-bank funds transfer can access funds in real-time if
large financial institutions extend credit to the receiving bank. Receiving banks can make those funds readily
available to their end customers before the funds actually settle (in 5-7days). This is sometimes known as a
risk funds model.

However, this introduces another layer of counterparty risk and cost into the system, which may not be the
most efficient way of enabling real-time payments. With Ripples technology, funds are fully settled in real-time
without the need to extend credit. In this case, the funds are known as good funds and are not based on credit
(i.e. a goods funds model). Receiving banks can then loan those funds back out to consumers or businesses,
which then spend the money in the economy. This can greatly increase the velocity of money and have a
positive impact in the overall economy, without increasing counterparty risk.


Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 26

Benefits and Applications Beyond Traditional Payments

Faster Payments Means More Payments

There is some empirical evidence that faster payment network result in higher volume of payments. Below we
show some historical data from both the UK and Mexico, illustrating the change in volumes after faster
domestic payment systems were implemented. As mentioned earlier in the paper, while the marginal cost of
sending payment can decrease, the payments industry may see an offset from a dramatic rise in the number of
payments sent around the world.

Providing Liquidity to a Wide Range of Value

Ripples technology can also enable the exchange of varying forms of value, such as gold and loyalty points.
For example, gateway providers can enable consumers to purchase, store and convert precious metals into
any currency in the world using Ripple. This is exactly what Gold Bullion International, a well-known precious
metals custodian, began doing earlier this year. In this manner, individuals can decide to hold their gold as a
store of value or convert into other currencies in real-time in order to make transactions.

Another example might be loyalty points or gift cards, which represent a huge amount of stored value.
According to a study by loyalty marketing information company Colloquy and SWIFT Exchange, approximately
$16 billion in rewards points and miles go unredeemed each year (out of $48 billion total rewards miles and
points issued annually). In addition, CEB TowerGroup estimates that more than $1 billion in gift cards go
unredeemed each year.

Ripple can very easily provide loyalty program managers with tools to enable out of network spending of
loyalty points by converting value into USD or other currencies. This increases utility for customers while giving
points issuers granular control over how and where points can be spent.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 27

Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look

Walking Through the Mechanics of the Ripple Protocol

This section takes a deeper dive into the mechanics of the Ripple Protocol, highlighting the key features of the
technology described above. The following series of illustrations depicts how a typical international transaction
would flow through the network in three general steps.

Step 1. Before the Transaction

The hypothetical parties to this transaction include a U.S. Sender (consumer or business), European receiver
(consumer or business), U.S. Bank (i.e. where the U.S. Sender has an account), Europe Bank (i.e. where the
European Receiver has an account) and market makers (which provide liquidity for currency conversion,
including EUR/USD).

The following diagram depicts an account ledger (i.e. the banks core system), and each square represents an
account within the banks ledger (e.g. the checking account of U.S. Sender).

Account Ledger


Each bank plugs into Ripple by downloading the open-source software and communicates balances to the
network via an application-programming interface (API). In the illustrations below, the Ripple network is
depicted by a blue oval. As the diagram shows, U.S. Banks account ledger is integrated into the Ripple

Integration involves synchronizing the two ledgers, so that the issuance of a balance in Ripple results in a debit
in the core system, and vice versa, so that there is never a duplication of balances.

Multiple banks that are connected to Ripple then establish correspondent agreements either bilaterally or
through clusters in order to transact on a peer-to-peer basis. The diagram on the following page shows that
both U.S. Bank and European Bank are now integrated into Ripple and communicate balances into the

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 28

Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look

A bilateral or group agreement is typically necessary to provide for KYC information sharing to comply with
funds Travel regulations and to provide for things like reversibility in the event of an erroneous payment.

A market maker (typically a hedge fund or FX trading desk) sets up an account with both banks to provide
liquidity in the system. Banks can vet, authorize, and in some cases, contract with the market maker directly.

Ripple is a pre-funded network. As shown in the diagram below, the market maker pre-funds his account by
sending euros to the receiving bank (European Bank). This is done through the domestic payments systems
(i.e. ACH, SEPA, etc)

European Bank then immobilizes the cash and issues EUR to the market makers account in Ripple. European
Bank now has posted a liability (i.e. a balance) onto the Ripple ledger. This is depicted by the partially yellow
shaded box within the Ripple Network below. This liability is backed by the EUR assets that the market maker
pre-funded, which are now held by the bank in an immobilized account.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 29

Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look

The market maker can now post an offer to Ripples order book, signaling to the market the rate where he is
willing to sell his claim on Euros in order to buy U.S. Dollars.

Now we introduce two customers who wish to transact. As illustrated below, the U.S. Sender and European
Receiver are customers of U.S. Bank and Europe Bank, respectively. Each customer is subject to their banks
know-your-customer (KYC) rules, transaction rules, etc.

Each bank, further, has a single house account within Ripple which its customers access by proxy. This is
analogous to how a customer would access ACH/SWIFT by proxy through his bank.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 30

Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look
Step 2: The Transaction Flow
The U.S. Sender initiates the transaction by notifying his bank (U.S. Bank) that he would like to send cash to
European Receiver. In the diagram below, the U.S. Senders account is denoted by the green square and the
European Receivers account is depicted by the blank square in the center of EU Banks ledger.

In the diagram below, U.S. Bank immobilizes the USD funds by transferring them to a house account and
issues a USD balance into its Ripple account. This is illustrated in the diagram below by the green-shaded
square interaction.

U.S. Bank can then query Ripple for the best rate to perform the transaction. Ripple automatically calculates
the best execution path to trade between U.S. dollars and euros. The transaction is ultimately routed to the
market maker with the most competitive offer in EUR/USD.

When the payment is sent, the market maker purchases USD from U.S. Bank, and Ripple simultaneously
transfers EUR into Europe Banks Ripple account. It is important to emphasize that neither bank has any
counterparty risk to the market maker at any point in time, since both legs of the transaction are fulfilled

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 31

Mechanics of Settlement on Ripple: A Closer Look

The European Bank debits this Ripple Balance to gain access to the funds. This is depicted by the yellow arrow
and square in the diagram below.

Finally, European Bank transfers EUR from the immobilized holding account into European Receivers
beneficiary account (i.e. the receivers checking account) held in the institution.

All told, the process essentially boils down to two in-house transfers: 1) a transfer of USD from the sender to
the market maker at U.S. Bank and 2) an offsetting transfer of EUR from the market maker to the recipient at
Europe Bank.

Straight-through Transaction Settlement

The walkthrough above highlights how innovative the technology is for interbank transaction settlement. Once
integrated into the protocol, any two banks located anywhere in the world can transact directly on a real-time
basis. This entire process takes place in six seconds as the banks transact on a peer-to-peer basis rather than
through several hops (as in correspondent banking) or through multiple currency conversions (as required by
other digital currency protocols).

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 32

A Closer Look at Correspondent Banking
Today, each country has its own domestic interbank transfers system, such as the ACH System in the U.S. or
the Bankers Automated Clearing Services (BACS) in the UK. At the core, these payment systems enable
domestic bank-to-bank transfers and are typically low-cost transactions for businesses and banks, but could
take two to five days to settle. For international transactions, however, there is no global ACH or payment rail.
Instead, money moves from bank to bank through a series of correspondent banking relationships, which act
like a bridge from one regional banking center to another.

These correspondent banking relationships are bilateral agreements between financial institutions.
Correspondent banking networks could become quite extensive, with larger financial institutions managing
hundreds of bilateral arrangements. Correspondent banks act as a domestic agents bank in international
markets and could process transactions, accept deposits or conduct other business activities on behalf of
domestic banks. For example, a small or mid-sized U.S. bank could transact with a European bank through a
bilateral relationship with a large U.S. bank, which in turn could have a bilateral relationship with a large
European bank.

Correspondent banks typically have correspondent accounts (also known as nostro accounts) with foreign
banks that have the ability to pay and receive in the domestic currency. For example, a large U.S. Bank might
have a correspondent account with a large UK Bank, which can transact in British pounds. The correspondent
account allows the U.S. bank to offer various services to domestic customers, including foreign exchange or
foreign denominated deposits without a bank license in the foreign country.

These correspondent banks, moreover, decide on how and when to settle transactions between them using
their correspondent accounts. For example, two correspondent banks with correspondent accounts could
decide to settle transactions daily on a net basis. The banks simply deposit and withdraw funds from their
correspondent accounts.

The exhibit on the next page walks through how a typical international transaction may look when funds need
to move from a U.S.-based Bank (i.e. Alpha Bank in the illustration) to an India-based Bank (i.e. Beta Bank). In
this example, Alpha Bank is a mid-size bank with no presence in international markets. However, the company
sends the funds to HSBC, its domestic correspondent bank. The exhibit below assumes that HSBC, moreover,
does not have a banking license in India and thus cannot operate in the market. Instead, HSBC transfers the
funds to its correspondent bank in India, Citi. Citi withdraws funds from HSBCs correspondent account and
routes the funds to Beta Bank, the India based bank.

Yet another bank hypothetically Deutsche Bank then handles the FX conversion between USD and INR as
the examples assumes the bank is a big provider of liquidity in both currencies. Finally, banks send international
interbank messages about the transaction (including settlement notification) using SWIFT codes (the Society for
Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication).

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 33

As discussed previously, this sequential process has significant costs to banks, which in turn helps set retail
prices paid by bank customers (consumers and businesses). The funds can move through numerous hops,
with each hop introducing a nominal fee per transaction, counterparty risk and settlement delays. Additionally,
the FX conversion fees could be costly and operationally challenging. For example, HSBC needs to hold a
significant amount of FX and has to rebalance in order to provide liquidity in multiple currencies. Additionally,
each bank needs to have a certain amount of deposits in its correspondent banks as part of the arrangement.
This liquidity cost varies widely depending on the bilateral arrangement and size of banks. These costs and
reserve requirements add up across billions of transactions.

The exhibit below is a helpful illustrative example of how these costs could add up (developed by Glenbrook).
The exhibit walks through how a U.S.-based business (Kool Industry) pays its Brazil-based supplier (Supra-
Hidraulica) via a network of correspondent banks. As depicted on the diagram, this transaction could impose
significant transaction fees and FX conversion fees (in this case the 2% FX spread) for business. This funds
transfer system imposes significant costs over the billions of cross-border transactions. In 2013, for example,
over 5 bn financial messages were sent over the SWIFT network (the leading provider of international interbank
financial messages), with 50% of the messages representing cross-border payments.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 34

Correspondent Banking: Example

Source: Glenbrook

Source: SWIFT

The costs of correspondent banking, moreover, are likely to rise given increased regulatory requirements.
According to SWIFT, while correspondent banking and payments processing remains an attractive business,
increased regulation and increased competition are putting pressure on industry profits. In a May 11, 2014
article, moreover, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that JP Morgan was reviewing many of its domestic
correspondent-banking relationships. According to the WSJ, JP Morgans review was prompted by heighted
regulatory scrutiny, which has encouraged the bank to shore up its risk controls. While this review appeared
specific to domestic correspondent bank relationships, the intense regulatory scrutiny could have important
implications for riskier international correspondent banking networks.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 35

Correspondent banking also introduces numerous risks. While the examples above showed a simple illustration
of two correspondent bank networks, some situations might be more complex. For example, an interbank
transfer from mid-sized U.S. bank to a to India might involve three correspondent bank relationships. If one
bank within the correspondent banking network were to delay a payment, it would be difficult for businesses
and banks to track the funds.

When such payment delays occur, banks need to redirect staff and resources to solve these issues. As a
result, financial institutions seek to minimize the rate of intervention and rate the efficiency of a payments
system by a measure known as the straight through rate (i.e. the percentage of transactions that go through
without intervention).

And of course, counterparty risk exists while transactions are in flight. While it is a remote possibility, it can be
a big problem if a correspondent bank were to fail to make a payment. This is referred to as Herstatt Risk,
coined after the German bank that failed in 1974 after it was unable to cover its liabilities.

Ripple addresses the inefficiencies in the interbank funds transfers as its decentralized network offers a low-
cost, instant settlement system. There are several reasons driving financial institutions to use correspondent
banking networks but one key factor is the difficulty in communicating between banks directly. Each bank has
its own core account ledger, which cannot easily communicate with another banks ledger.

In the Ripple Protocol, there is one shared ledger that other systems can plug into in order to communicate
with each other. By handling transaction clearing and settlement through its decentralized network, Ripples
technology eliminates the need for multiple hops between regional bank systems. This enables settlement of
transactions within 6 seconds.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 36

A Closer Look at Electronic Payments
Payments are perhaps the most widely used applications of interbank funds transfers. In a typical open-loop
payments system (i.e. a Visa or MasterCard) funds move from a cardholders bank (i.e. the card issuing bank)
to merchants bank (i.e. the acquiring bank). Visa and MasterCard (1) provide the rails for funds to move, clear
and settle much faster than ACH, (2) set network rules that govern membership, security, and other practices,
and (3) set fees for belonging to the network.

In the current payments ecosystem, merchants pay a fee for accepting electronic payments called the
merchant discount rate (MDR). This MDR is typically expressed as a percentage of purchase volume and a per
transaction fee. These fees vary widely depending on factors such as merchant size, type of merchant and risk
of transaction (i.e. card not present are higher than card present transactions). However, in the U.S., merchants
pay an average of 2.5% for physical retail payment and 3.0% or higher for online retail payments.

In an open-loop payment system, the MDR is composed of three major components: interchange (revenue for
banks), network fees (revenue for payment networks) and merchant acquiring fees (revenue for payment
processing intermediaries known as merchant acquirers). Merchant acquirers are responsible for charging
merchants the MDR, routing the interchange component to issuing banks and paying some of network fees to
payment networks (typically 60%-70% of network fees). Banks also pay network fees out of their interchange
revenue (typically 30%-40% of network fees). The interchange fees and network fees are typically set by the
payment networks, while the merchant acquiring fees are competitively set.

The following exhibit is a simplistic representation of how the payments economics of a typical credit card
transaction are divided among key payments participants.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 37

The Ripple Protocol could theoretically eliminate some of these fees, resulting in lower wholesale costs of
payments for banks and payment processors. However, the protocol does not set retail payments prices nor
determine how Ripple users interact with each other outside of the Ripple network. In addition, since users are
not required to transact in XRP, consumers and merchants can continue transacting through their local
currency. As a result, consumers and merchants do not need to change their behavior or preferred method of

The payments ecosystem could theoretically continue to work with current payment network rules and existing
pricing, though this would require payment networks, banks and merchant acquirers to integrate into the
Ripple network.

Conversely, banks and payment processors could leverage Ripples technology to lower their direct cost of
payments (i.e. reducing 0.25% paid to network fees). This could add up to meaningful costs savings for banks
and payment processors handling millions or billions of purchase volume. Companies would then have the
option to hold onto the higher margins or pass on the cost savings to customers.

Payment processors, such as merchant acquirers, could gain an edge on pricing over the competition with
Ripple. The merchant acquiring industry remains highly competitive, particularly in the mature and fragmented
U.S. market. The industrys pricing outlook has turned increasingly as new entrants have introduced a wide
range of new mobile payments/loyalty applications tied to simple pricing. The chart below looks at the
normalized merchant acquiring revenue per transaction growth for First Data, the largest global merchant

Source: First Data

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 38

This is in contrast to other digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, which require users to transact in BTC and thus
circumvent the issuing and acquiring banks entirely. As a result, the Bitcoin protocol could theoretically
eliminate the entire MDR for merchants, as there is no need for an issuer, payment network or traditional
merchant acquirer (although in practice Bitcoin payment processors essentially replace the traditional merchant
acquirers role). However, this forces consumers to pay fees for currency conversion to and from BTC. In
addition, the Bitcoin protocol potentially gives the pricing leverage to Bitcoin payment processors, which do not
pay a MDR and decide how much of the cost savings to pass onto merchants.

The benefits of Ripples clearing and settlement system are more pronounced for international transactions.
Banks and payment processors would benefit from Ripples competitive FX rates and real-time settlement.
These benefits could also be passed down to end customers who often have to pay extra cross-border fees for
international transactions. For example, merchants get charged an extra 40bps to 50bps on average for
accepting cards issued by a foreign bank (i.e. an international transaction) and cardholders get hit with a
currency conversion fee as well.

Cross-border fees are a lucrative business for payment networks. The exhibit below shows how cross-border
revenues have been growing at a rapid clip since the downturn (at about a 14% CAGR5 from 2010-2013) and
account for nearly 25% of Visa and MasterCards combined revenue. Given the high incremental margins of
these transactions, moreover (likely in the 80%-90% range), cross-border volume likely makes up over 30% of
combined profits for the payment networks. While this is already a significant cost for merchants, it likely will
continue to grow as a function of international travel.

By reducing FX conversion fees and cross-border network fees, Ripple could deliver significant cost savings for
banks, payment processors and merchants, while enabling real-time transaction settlement.

Source: Company Filings

Compound Annual Growth Rate: The year-over-year growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 39

A Closer Look at International Money Transfers
International money transfer is another widely used application of interbank funds transfers. Money Transfer
Operators (MTOs), such as Western Union or MoneyGram rely on a collection of correspondent banking
networks to transfer payments abroad. In other words, when a consumer walks into an agent and sends
money to her family in Ghana via a money transfer network, that cash is ultimately getting transferred through
the money transfer networks correspondent banking relationships.

Money transfer systems thus bear similar costs, risks and settlement delays that exist in international bank fund
transfers. As a result, the family receiving remittances have to wait several days to have access to the cash
unless the sender is willing to pay a premium for faster settlement. In contrast to electronic payments
(discussed above) where merchants bear the cost of payment acceptance, however, consumers are charged
money transfer fees directly.

Nearly all money transfer systems could be broken out to six major components: payment gateways (i.e. cash-
in and cash-out agents), Transaction Clearing and Settlement, FX Services (for international transactions),
Transaction Communication, Messaging, and Dispute Resolution and Standards. As shown by the exhibit
below, money transfer network operators bundle these services and charge a fee to consumers for facilitating
money transfers. These fees incorporate the cost of interbank funds transfers.

The Ripple network unbundles these money transfer components and allows each function to compete on
price. As discussed above, Ripple powers a quicker back-end settlement system than that offered by
correspondent banking and allows FX traders (i.e. market makers) to compete for transactions (as shown in the
exhibit below). This means that Ripple could lower some of the operational costs and FX spreads for money
transfer networks as well as improve their consumers experience by providing them with real-time settlement.

As a result, Ripple could drive down the wholesale cost of remittances for money transfer operators. Since
Ripple does not govern retail prices, moreover, money transfer operators could have the flexibility to choose

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 40

how much of the cost savings to pass down to their consumers. This could be a significant competitive edge
for money transfer networks, given how fragmented the remittance market is today.

Cash In Market Cash Out

We Buy We Sell

1.370 1.380

We Buy We Sell

1.365 1.375

We Buy We Sell

1.372 1.382

In the current money transfer ecosystem, consumers pay MTOs a fee that varies widely by a number of factors
including type of remittance, amount of face value and speed of settlement. Based on World Bank data,
consumers pay roughly 8% of total amount transferred, on average. These fees are used to cover agent
commissions, FX conversion fees, fees related to their correspondent banking relationships and other
operational costs.

However, this fee has contracted significantly in the last five years, particularly for traditional MTOs. The exhibit
below illustrates how the premium pricing charged by MTOs over the global average price of remittances has
virtually eroded. In fact, the average price charged by MTOs reached the lowest level on record and finished
slightly lower than the global average price in 1Q14.

While competition has been steadily intensifying between traditional MTOs, banks and non-traditional
participants (such as retailers and telcos), the biggest change in the competitive landscape is the emergence of
online and mobile money transfer companies.

These new providers leverage the Internet and have formed relationships with banks to enable bank-to-bank
transfers and circumvent some of the fees involved in mobile money transfers, such as agent commissions.

As a result of this cost advantage, online and mobile money transmitters generally charge consumers a more
competitive rate. In addition, rising regulatory requirements have increased operating costs for MTOs. Thus far,
competitive pressure has prompted the leading MTO, Western Union, to lower prices significantly in select
corridors. However, competition is likely to intensify and MTOs will continue to balance the need to offer more
competitive pricing while maintaining healthy margins.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 41

Source: World Bank

Ripples technology could help lower the cost of money transfer networks by removing the need to maintain an
extensive correspondent banking network and offering competitive FX rates. As noted above, the Ripple
protocol does not govern retail prices and thus money transmitters can choose how much of the potential cost
savings to pass onto their end consumers. At the very least, however, the lower cost could provide MTOs with
the flexibility to lower prices to compete with new entrants.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 42

What are the Risks to Ripples Success?
Despite the key benefits of Ripple, there are also numerous risks that that potential users and potential XRP
investors should consider.

Regulation Remains Unclear

As with other settlement protocols which involve a digital currency, regulatory uncertainty remains a big hurdle
for wide adoption of Ripple. Regulators in the U.S. and abroad are increasingly taking steps to understand,
contextualize and regulate digital currencies. As a result, it is still unclear how regulation will ultimately look and
how burdensome it will be on digital currency protocols and users.

Though the Ripple protocol is very different from other digital currency protocols, it is unclear whether
regulation will distinguish between protocols or regulate all digital currencies under one broad brush. On a
similar note, Ripple could suffer from reputational damage if other digital currencies are used for illicit activities
or operators/exchanges for other digital currency protocols are engaged in unlawful behavior.

Additionally, while Ripple makes it easier to track the flow of funds within the network, it is hard to identify
individual account holders in isolation. While Ripple Labs is continuing to innovate and add features that could
make it easier to identify account holders to help law enforcement, it will need to balance this with ensuring
user privacy protection.

Ripple is a Nascent, Relatively Illiquid Network

Needless to say, the Ripple network is nascent and volume will gradually build as more banks, gateways and
market makers integrate into the network. Much of the appeal of the network, including the ability to send
money anywhere in the world and to leverage FX trading competition hinges on building out significant volume
on the network. In addition, despite stress testing in laboratory conditions, there is some uncertainty on how
the network will perform when volume spikes in heavy traffic seasons. While these are issues that could get
resolved over time, users must be aware of liquidity risk before transacting on the network today.

Competition Could Intensify

While Ripple focuses on forming industry partnerships with banks, payment processors and money transfer
transmitters, it is possible that some incumbents could decide to compete with the protocol. Direct competition
could entail incumbents creating their own digital currency protocol or deciding to integrate/partner with other
existing digital currencies (i.e. Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc).

Finally, while incumbents may not opt to either adopt other digital currencies or create their own, influential
incumbents may enact policies that make it difficult for others in the ecosystem to use Ripple.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 43

Existing Networks Could Get Upgraded
The existing settlement architecture could be made faster. An upgrade to same day ACH in the U.S. could
make more significant changes like Ripple appear less attractive. Likewise, some limited form of global ACH
could get adopted to smooth pain points in international payments.

However, the Federal Reserve, in a series of recent Payments Town Halls, has indicated that it would prefer a
more comprehensive solution to modernize the payments system. And any upgrade to ACH can be expected
to take many years to implement, giving Ripple some time to gain traction.

Technological Flaws Could Exist

While the underlying source code has been public and available for public audit since September 2013, it is
possible that technological flaws could be discovered in Ripples consensus or other processes. While it may
be possible to fix a bug, the reputational damage could still be significant.

It is difficult/impossible to definitely prove that something is fully secure. The absence of security breaches over
a long period of time is usually the best evidence that a system is trustworthy. In this sense, trust in the Ripple
protocol may partially be a function of time.

The Protocol Could Be Forked

Since the code for Ripple is totally open-source, a third party could clone and re-brand Ripple (i.e. fork the
protocol), potentially garnering more adoption and the associated positive network effects. The Bitcoin
protocol has seen a large number of clones (Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc.), all of which are essentially copies of the
Bitcoin code base, with small changes that are often largely cosmetic in nature.

Because the Ripple protocol relies on integration with gateways and financial institutions, it is more complicated
to effectively clone Ripple than it is to clone Bitcoin. Copying the code is easier than convincing third parties to
integrate and support it.

Likewise, though Bitcoin has been extensively copied and rebranded, the original implementation continues to
enjoy the most adoption and positive network effects.

A Superior Protocol Could Be Developed

It is possible that someone will develop a superior protocol for funds transfer and settlement, potentially offering
faster settlement, better ease of use, or features that have yet-to-be considered.

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 44

Ripple Protocol: The Internet for Value
The Ripple protocol aims to link the financial world on a common system for transaction settlement. A global
Internet for value transfer can create economic efficiencies that are as significant as those brought about by the
Internet for information. Ripples technology enables users to transfer funds (including fiat currencies, digital
currencies and other forms of value) across national boundaries as seamlessly as sending an email.

A Compelling Alternative to Correspondent Banking

As a result of its key features, the Ripple Protocol presents a compelling alternative to traditional interbank
funds transfer systems. Given the absence of an international payment rail, international interbank funds
transfers rely on a series of correspondent banking networks which introduce multiple layers of fees,
counterparty risk and settlement delays. The Ripple Protocol eliminates the costs associated with
correspondent banking as it enables two banks located anywhere in the world to transact directly on a real-
time basis. Market makers can compete on Ripple to provide liquidity for global payments. By introducing new
market participants and making foreign exchange pricing a competitive process, the cost of sending payments
can improve meaningfully.

Partnerships are Key

Ripple sits at the bottom of the payments stack, providing settlement functionality to banks, money
transmitters, and other financial services institutions. This approach stands in contrast to other peer-to-peer
networks, most of which seek to disintermediate existing players. The Ripple Protocol is not built to interface
directly with consumers and businesses and does not govern retail prices. Thus, the Protocol provides financial
institutions with the flexibility of passing on some of the cost savings to their end customers (consumers and
businesses) while managing profit margins.

The Role of XRP

XRP is the native currency of the Ripple protocol. It is a digital asset, like Bitcoin, though most users of Ripple
will continue to use their existing local currencies. XRP plays a security function and assists with liquidity
providing on the network. Over time, if the Ripple protocol becomes widely adopted, demand for XRP may
increase, leading to an increase in price. Unlike information protocols like HTTP or SMTP, investors can directly
own a stake in Ripple, the value transport layer of the Internet.

Distributed Systems: The Future of Finance

Most of the worlds payment systems still operate on infrastructure that was designed in the 1950s 1970s.
Recent technological innovations have made it possible to clear and settle transactions without involving a third
party agent. This has opened the door to move finance to a post-Internet, distributed architecture. Incumbent
players broadly acknowledge the inefficiencies in the current payments process and seek a solution. Ripple
provides a free, neutral, and global solution to move payments into the Internet age.

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Phillip Rapoport Roman Leal
Head of Markets and Trading Fmr. Goldman Sachs Payments Analyst
Email: Email:

Patrick Griffin Wellington Sculley

EVP, Head of Business Development Business Development
Email: Email:

Partnership Inquiries
Phone: +1.415.967.1836

Ripple Labs
300 Montgomery Street, 12th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104

Ripple Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. 47

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