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The key takeaways are that the university aims to deliver excellent outcomes for students, undertake impactful research, and be recognized as a leading UK university by 2020.

The university's three main ambitions are to deliver an excellent educational experience, expand students' horizons, and build on its strengths in research and innovation.

The university has invested over £110 million in its estate over the past decade and has current infrastructure projects totaling £64 million, including new buildings for education and research facilities.

Strategy to 2020

Our strategy at a glance


Academic Being practical Supportiveness Collaborative, Honesty, integrity,

flexible, innovative high professional
ambition and applied and inclusion thinking standards

We are academically strong and ambitious, with an We deliver excellent outcomes for our students, enabling them
emphasis on being practical and applied. Our strong to succeed in a diverse and complex world characterised by
increasing change.
connections to business and the professions directly We expand the horizons of our students connecting them to wider
influence our courses and teaching, and help ensure the opportunities through partnerships.
impact of our research and innovation. We undertake high impact research with an applied emphasis which
secures significant economic and social benefits.

By 2020 we will be recognised as a leading UK university known for
the excellence of our teaching and student experience with highly satisfied students
the value that we add to the futures of our students, partners and staff
internationally recognised research with real world impact

Ambitions Ambitions Ambitions

Delivering an excellent Expanding horizons Building on our strengths in research
educational experience and innovation
The value that we add to the futures of
We aspire to be one of the best universities our students will be recognised as the Our research performance in our areas
for the quality of our teaching and distinguishing factor in the of strength will achieve the highest
learning, excelling in programmes that are Sheffield Hallam experience. international standing.
academically challenging with an emphasis
on professional practice. We will raise aspirations to participate in Through our research and innovation we
higher education and expand the horizons will address important social and economic
Our students will have an excellent challenges and make contributions that
of our students as they progress through
educational experience. Through our have benefits in regional, national and
their studies and into their chosen careers.
learning and teaching they will be international spheres. We will be sought
We will enable our graduates to realise their
stimulated, presented with new challenges after by partners in business, industry,
full potential and to be ready to make a
and perspectives and supported to the professions, government and charities
positive contribution to a global society and
succeed. Their student experience will be to create and transfer knowledge, develop
economy. This will be underpinned by our
underpinned by excellent support services practical solutions and add value to
strong national and global partnerships.
and facilities. Our students will experience their activities.
digital resources and technologies that
support their academic, professional and
social development.

Delivered by Delivered by Delivered by

high quality and popular raising aspirations and world-leading and
programmes supporting success internationally excellent
outstanding teaching opening up opportunities research
a culture of continuous partnerships engagement
improvement a culture of ambition
an excellent infrastructure to and excellence
support learning and teaching partnerships

Being a sustainable university

Size and Finance People Infrastructure digital
Process Reputation
shape estate technology
S heffield Hallam University is a great
university in a great city. This is
what appealed to me when I became
Vice-Chancellor in 2007 and what still
holds true for me today. I am continually
We attach great value to the vibrant
university community we have developed.
We also pride ourselves in being engaged
with the world around us and being
collaborative, flexible and innovative in our
inspired by the talent and enthusiasm that thinking.
I see around our campuses.
We have developed our strategy in
We excel at expanding horizons and consultation with our staff and partners.
this is at the heart of our University. Their feedback and an in-depth appraisal
Our connections to business and the of our strengths and opportunities has
professions directly influence our courses informed our thinking.
and teaching, and enhance the impact of
our research and innovation. This strategy reflects the achievements,
expectations and experiences of thousands
We are proud of our learning environment, of staff, students and partners who all
and prouder still of our commitment to contribute to our success. They will inspire
bringing quality and inventiveness to our us to achieve the ambitions captured in our
teaching. We help students to develop strategy to 2020.
their abilities, enable them to realise their
potential and encourage them to seize Professor Philip Jones
opportunities. Although we are a large Vice-Chancellor
university we place great emphasis on February 2015
the individual, making us friendly and
exceptionally supportive.

Strategy 20152020 | 3
The environment Our focus
Our plans for the future recognise that we have Our strategy places students and high-quality
to respond to and deliver in a challenging and teaching at the centre of what we do ensuring we
invigorating environment where are responsive to student needs. It is focussed
on delivering an academically challenging and
students have increasing expectations stimulating experience that allows our students
national and international higher education to develop their full potential and become
environments are more competitive sought- after graduates.
research and innovation will be focussed on It is important to us that our community and
selectivity and impact our partners benefit from our research and
a difficult economic environment makes it
challenging for new graduates to move into the Throughout the strategy our commitment to
workplace engagement and partnership with our students,
staff and other organisations is recognised as
technological advances are bringing rapid central to delivering our vision.
changes to society
The strategy also recognises that our activities
increased international mobility emphasises must be underpinned by being sustainable
the importance of working across national academically, financially, socially and
borders environmentally and defines priorities that we
partnering with other organisations to believe will enable us to flourish in a competitive
improve effectiveness and impact is and globalised higher education market.
increasingly important

4 | Strategy 20152020
Our university
Our mission We will support the delivery of this vision by
We are academically strong and ambitious, with continuing to
an emphasis on being practical and applied. Our build a sustainable university where we have
strong connections to business, the professions the financial resources to develop and succeed
and communities directly influence our courses
and teaching, and enhance the impact of our employ skilled, successful and committed
research and innovation. Our mission is to staff
deliver excellent outcomes for our students, establish an outstanding reputation for
enabling them to succeed in a diverse and engagement and partnership
complex world characterised by increasing make innovative use of our infrastructure to
change deliver our academic activities
expand the horizons of our students,
connecting them to wider opportunities Our values
through partnerships We acknowledge that students and staff achieve
undertake high impact research with an their greatest potential in an environment that
applied emphasis which secures significant is intellectually invigorating, open and fair,
economic and social benefits which engages students, staff and partners and
engenders a sense of belonging.
Our vision Sheffield Hallam University is characterised by
By 2020 we will be recognised as a leading UK a sense of ownership and pride in itself and we
university known for value
the excellence of our teaching and student academic ambition
experience with highly satisfied students being practical and applied
the value that we add to the futures of our supportiveness and inclusion
students, partners and staff
being collaborative, flexible and innovative in
internationally recognised research with real our thinking
world impact
honesty, integrity and high professional

Strategy 20152020 | 7
Case Study: Expanding Horizons

Where it all begins

I n 2014, we became the first university to
sponsor the Grand Dpart of the Tour de
France. It inspired a wide ranging programme
of events and activities, brought to life by our
outstanding students and talented staff. Hosting
More than 200 students secured unique
placements and volunteering experiences
related to their area of academic study. They
are experiences that will not only live long in
the memory but also give them a competitive
the Tour de France was a once-in-a-generation advantage when they graduate.
opportunity for our region, and we are proud to
have played a significant role in its success. This has been a brilliant project where I've
learnt so much. I even met someone at the
This project exemplified the University's Grand Dpart exhibition who has put me in
commitment to providing unique opportunities touch with another company, and I've got an
for our students that not only expand their internship out of it. Eddie, Graphic Design
horizons but provide them with experiences that student
will help them to distinguish themselves in their
future careers. The value we place on our links with the
community was also reflected in the range and
Our partnership with the Tour provided an scale of the activities we provided for local people
opportunity to showcase excellence from across and school children throughout the duration of
the University's academic community from the Tour de France.
sports engineering to events management and
the performing arts. We ensured our activities were enjoyed by an
incredible number of people across the region
Our sports engineers explored the science of more than 3,500 pupils in their schools and
cycling at public events, and our art and design colleges, thousands of members of the public
students created the unique wraps for the at our Tour-themed events, and millions of
vehicles that took part in the pre-race parade. spectators cheering our caravan vehicles along
the route of the Grand Dpart.
Stage and screen students performed Bespoke,
a specially commissioned theatre event which We achieved a global profile for the University,
drew on local people's stories of cycling. And our securing media coverage worth more than
cycling club rode the 200 kilometre route of stage 250,000 and exposure to more than six million
2 of the Grand Dpart with the Vice-Chancellor to spectators.
raise money to support students who come to the
University from the care system.

8 | Strategy 20152020
T he nature of a university's business means
that we have a wide range of stakeholders,
all of whom have different expectations
of their interactions with us. Our mission and
vision puts relationships at the heart of what
Members of staff can expect
an environment that supports their personal
and professional development, where they
feel a sense of belonging and community,
and can take pride in their contribution to the
we do. Therefore our new strategy sets out what University's achievements and the success of
our different stakeholders can expect from their students
interactions with the University.
encouragement to excel in their area of work
Students can expect in the context of clear expectations and
high performance to produce results that
an intellectually stimulating and challenging contribute to our goals
environment where subject knowledge and
its application in practice will equip them
with the academic knowledge and expertise Partners can expect
to increase their future opportunities and graduates with ambition and enterprise
choices underpinned by subject knowledge and a
range of skills that will enhance their business
inspiration from the quality of teaching, or organisation
the use of technology and the global and
professional perspectives in our courses research and leading edge practice that is
useful to, and has an impact on, their business,
support throughout their time as a student industry and profession
and as part of our alumni community,
providing increased opportunities to help help with realising their ambitions through
them achieve their potential the expertise we can provide to their business,
industry and profession
opportunities to enrich the economic, social
and cultural life of the city region

Strategy 20152020 | 11
Case study: facts and figures

Sheffield Hallam
in numbers
We are the best modern university in the We are also a leading provider of highly
north of England moving up 15 places from qualified graduates for the professions each
77 to 62 in the 2015 Times & Sunday Times year more than 700 newly qualified teachers
Good University Guide. enter the classroom and 600 new nurses start on
the ward.
In the 2014 National Student Survey our
overall student satisfaction score rose from The 2014 Research Excellence Framework
83% to 86% with many courses scoring ranks us in the top five of all UK modern
above this and several achieving 100% student universities. Over 65% of the research
submitted by Sheffield Hallam received the
We are the fourth largest university prestigious 4* and 3* rating as world leading and
in the UK with a student population internationally excellent, moving the University
of 34,000. up 25 places in the national research league
Widening participation comes naturally tables.
to us with 97% of our student population
drawn from state schools 25% from low We have created more than 140 Knowledge
income households and 17% from areas where Transfer Partnerships enabling companies
participation in higher education is very low. to employ a graduate to help tackle a business
challenge in a three-way partnership between
We have one of the strongest track records companies, the graduate and their supervising
on work placements of any university with academic.
close to 19,000 placement experiences each year
in business, industry, nursing, healthcare
and schools.

12 | Strategy 20152020
Delivering an excellent
educational experience
We aspire to be one of the best universities on recognition of teaching excellence, academic
for the quality of our teaching and learning, leadership and leading pedagogic practice. We
excelling in programmes that are academically will strengthen the links between research and
challenging with an emphasis on professional teaching, thus contributing to a high-quality
practice. academic environment and student experience.
Our students will have an excellent educational
experience. Through our learning and teaching
they will be stimulated, presented with new
challenges and perspectives and supported
to succeed. Their student experience will be
3 A culture of continuous improvement
All academic and professional service
departments will be engaged in continuous
improvement and the sharing of good
practice to ensure high-quality performance
underpinned by excellent support services and and innovation. We will build a culture of
facilities. Our students will experience digital connectedness that promotes positive staff-
resources and technologies that support their student feedback. Our services to support
academic, professional and social development. learning and teaching will be reliable, responsive
and enabling. We will work with our students
How we will achieve this and the Students' Union to understand students'

needs, encourage contributions and learn from
High-quality and popular programmes experiences, using feedback to inform our
We will offer programmes that are informed priorities for the future.
by research and scholarship and which meet
the demands of professional practice. They will
challenge students to meet the highest academic
standards and will enable them to develop a full
range of work-related, personal and professional
skills. There will be a strong focus on relevant,
4 An excellent infrastructure to support
learning and teaching
We will provide excellent learning and
information resources, specialist laboratory
and practice space and flexible learning spaces.
up-to-date and applicable curriculum that is We will develop our digital resources to pursue
informed by and addresses current issues and new developments in learning and teaching. We
anticipates the challenges of the future. We will will advance our virtual learning environment,
be a sector leader in programmes designed with e-learning tools and mobile learning
and for employers and the professions. technologies to provide a modern, efficient,

flexible and engaging learning environment
Outstanding teaching for our students. Our estate will be developed
Our teaching will be inspiring and to reflect shifts in patterns of learning and will
challenging, delivered by professionally be designed to provide students with a sense of
recognised, well-qualified and experienced identity, belonging and engagement.
academic staff. Staff will have enthusiasm and
passion for their subject and a commitment to
their professional development. We will continue
to work with students to identify inspirational
teachers, and we will develop career paths based

Strategy 20152020 | 15
Case study: inspiration

Inspirational teaching
T he Universitys Inspirational Teaching
Awards have been running since 2010.
Each year more than 1,000 of our
teaching, research and student support staff
are nominated by our students for having
Inspirational Research Supervisor Awards:
Professor Nick Hodge
Nick is a reader in education, childhood and
inclusion, principal lecturer in autism, leader
of the Equality, Diversity and Social Justice
had a transformative impact on their student Research Group and research lead for the
experience and for having inspired their Department of Education, Childhood and
learning. Inclusion. He was a teacher supporting disabled
In 2014 more than 3,500 students took the time children and their families in schools. During
and trouble to nominate their tutors and other this time Nick became a lecturer in autism for
staff who they felt had had a significant impact. the University of Birmingham and Sheffield
Hallam University.
This process is a great source of pride, as the
appreciation that our students have for the Nick was a member of the first cohort of
creativity, academic challenge, collaboration students to study for a Professional Doctorate
and dedication of colleagues is expressed in in Education at Sheffield Hallam, graduating in
their own words. 2006. Inspired by the quality and commitment
of his colleagues who taught and supported
him throughout the doctorate, Nick has tried to
2014 award winners emulate this with his own support for research
Inspirational Teaching Awards: David Smith students.
David has won an Inspirational Teaching Nick is able to sense when I need critical
Award three times. He was very pleased to be feedback and when I need a boost. This is a
nominated again by the students he says its rare quality that has kept me motivated and
always nice to know someone somewhere can be shows he understands my thinking. He is
excited by enzymes and DNA. patient, motivational and reliable the best
David is currently researching Parkinsons type of supervisor I could wish for.
disease, linking together a range of biochemical Outstanding Student Support Awards:
and analytical methods to find out how and International Student Support Team, QESS
why cells die in the brain. He tries to use this
background to give context to his teaching and The team provides specialist services to ensure
show how the content of the lectures is really all international students have the best possible
used. The award is a reflection of the high quality experience while studying at Sheffield Hallam.
of teaching and commitment of his peers who Our international students receive a warm
give him space to try out new ideas. welcome on arrival, and specialist advice and
support specific to their needs throughout the
David makes lectures fun. He doesnt just year.
lecture you for two hours he interacts with
his students and is always prepared to offer The team also organise an exciting range of
that extra bit of help if you are struggling. integration activities to help all students get the
He has inspired me to do more work outside most out of our international community. They
of my course and to be more interested in run regular fun events and projects so students
science. from different backgrounds can meet, develop
their cultural awareness and their knowledge of
the world.

16 | Strategy 20152020
Dr David Smith Dr Anne Hollows Professor Nick Hodge
Biochemistry Social work Autism
David has inspired me to do more work Anne is a fountain of knowledge, Nick is patient, motivational
outside my course and to be more and has often gone more than the and reliable the best type of
interested in science. extra mile. supervisor I could wish for.

Colette Beecher International Tim Williams

Occupational therapy Student Support Marketing
Colette is energetic, fun, Ever since I arrived, they Tim is an amazing and enthusiastic
knowledgeable and a truly made me feel like I was in tutor. His help when I was finding a
fantastic teacher and person. my home country. placement was invaluable.

Neil Sissons Dr Nicola Palmer Dr Heidi Probst

Stage and screen Public sector management Radiotherapy
To have had the opportunity to work Nicola is an inspirational role Heidi is incredibly knowledgeable,
with such an engaging man has model, and I am very proud to and happy to spend time passing
been an incredible advantage. be her PhD student. that knowledge on.

Strategy 20152020 | 17
Expanding horizons
The value that we add to the futures of our
students will be recognised as the distinguishing
factor in the Sheffield Hallam experience.
We will raise aspirations to participate in higher
2 Opening up opportunities
We will expose our students to a wide
range of experiences which complement
and support their academic achievement and
equip them for successful futures. We will
education and expand the horizons of our provide opportunities for practical, professional
students as they progress through their studies and enterprise skills, work-based learning,
and into their chosen careers. We will enable our placements and internships, projects, overseas
graduates to realise their full potential and to be experiences, community involvement, sport
ready to make a positive contribution to a global and culture. Students achievements in these
society and economy. This will be underpinned experiences will be recognised and celebrated.
by our strong national and global partnerships. Our academic programmes will reflect a global
society and will provide a broad international
How we will deliver this and cultural experience that equips our

1 Raising aspirations and graduates for the global work environment. We

supporting success will make the most of diversity in our University
Our distinctive quality is that we motivate community so that different perspectives are
and enable students from a wide variety of encouraged, valued and celebrated.

backgrounds to achieve academically, to grow Partnerships
in confidence and realise their potential. We We will be influential in shaping the
will raise the aspirations and awareness of professional workforces of the future
students to enter and return to higher education, through our partnerships with business, the
expand their horizons during their time with professions and employers. We will extend our
us and support their continuing development global reach through international networks
as graduates in their chosen careers. We will and partnerships in teaching and research to
develop mutually beneficial collaborations with raise our profile and presence internationally.
schools, colleges, other education partners, the The knowledge and expertise we access though
community and employers to create pathways our partnerships will benefit and advance the
into the University and beyond into employment. quality of our academic activities.

Strategy 20152020 | 19
Case study: partnerships

for employment
W e forge deep and broad partnerships
with global organisations to enhance
our students' learning and maximise
employment opportunities. We offer one-to-
one careers advice and mentoring on every
Nestl Fast Start This programme is a unique
scheme that allows school-leavers to 'earn while
they learn' by placing them in a salaried training
role while they study. This is the first of its kind
in the food industry. At the end of the three-year
course, and we have a dedicated Careers and programme, successful participants will be
Employability Centre which supports students offered a job within the company.
so that they can get the most from their
University experience. We chose Sheffield Hallam as they really
understood the importance of employability
We maintain one of the strongest track records skills, ensuring that delegates are graduating
on work placements of any university annually with great qualifications and also the key
we work with more than 3,500 businesses and skills required to be successful in business
deliver more than 1,600 placement experiences Dame Fiona Kendrick, DBE, chairman and
for students. Courses are co-designed with global CEO Nestl UK and Ireland
companies to meet their current and future
skills needs, and to provide our students with Kier Group We have worked with Kier to
up-to-the-minute experiences in the workplace design a bespoke programme to meet the skills
to enhance their employment prospects on gaps in construction management.
graduation. The programme has proved to be highly
You don't realise how inspiring a placement successful and respected within the Kier
is until you've done it. It turned me from a group, with the individuals making a real
student to a scientist. Jonathan, biosciences difference at work. Kay Rogan, foundation
alumnus degree manager, Kier.
Barratt Developments Our lecturers have
Tailored partnerships developing worked with Barratt Developments to create a
skills for industry tailor-made programme. The Foundation Degree
in Residential Development and Construction
Our work with sector bodies and global combines learning in the classroom with
organisations provides excellent examples of practical applications in the working
how we combine academic experience with environment.
industry expertise.
Rolls-Royce The company worked with us to
Our close links with organisations like Nestl, design a two-year bespoke foundation course
Kier Group, Barratt Developments, Rolls-Royce, for apprentices, as well as BEng courses to meet
Bombardier and JCB provide students with their specialist skills needs. Bombardier and JCB
opportunities to gain life-changing experiences now use the same courses to enhance the skills
through new routes into higher education. In of their apprentices.
return, these schemes provide our industry
partners with well-qualified graduates who
really understand their business.

20 | Strategy 20152020
Building on our
strengths in research
and innovation
Our research performance in our areas of
strength will achieve the highest international
standing. Through our research and innovation,
we will address important social and economic
challenges and make contributions that have
3 A culture of ambition and excellence
We will build our research profile by
supporting, developing and growing leading
researchers who thrive and advance their
careers at Sheffield Hallam. We will put in place
benefits in regional, national and international the frameworks to support the development of
spheres. We will be sought after by partners in researchers and their careers. We will support
business, industry, the professions, government staff to advance their academic standing and
and charities to create and transfer knowledge, reputation through research qualifications and
developing practical solutions and adding value activities, innovation and the dissemination
to their activities. of new knowledge. We will develop a strong
postgraduate research community that will
How we will deliver this attract talented research students who are both

challenged and supported to succeed.
World-leading and internationally
excellent research
We will nurture our world-class research
performance in selected areas, building on our
current strengths and developing new areas
in which we will achieve a strong reputation.
4 Partnerships
We are a responsive university, highly
aware of our partners' and funders'
priorities and strategic objectives, producing new
developments in knowledge and capacity that
We will review our potential for research and contribute to their agendas. We will maintain
innovation to identify new opportunities and and further develop a wide range of relationships
grow new areas of strength. We will attract with
funding from a range of sources, including

mainstream funders such as the Research
partnerships and collaboration. We will invest in
Councils, the European Commission, the UK
our research so our reputation continues to grow.
government, the National Health Service,

2 Engagement
Our research has an orientation in which
new knowledge produces economic and
social impact. We will deliver engagement
activities that bring the benefits of our research
charities and local government

business-led innovation and market-driven
bodies, including the Technology Strategy
Board and individual firms
and innovation to our teaching, to our students other universities in the UK and
and to the wider community. We will strengthen internationally
the links between research and teaching,
thus contributing to a high-quality academic
environment and student experience.

Strategy 20152020 | 23
Case study: research excellence

World-leading research
Research Excellence Improving maps for the
Framework 2014 visually impaired
Our research programme was ranked in the top Our researchers and designers have worked
five of all UK modern universities in the national closely with users to develop an affordable
Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014. and easy-to-use tactile system. TacMap
enables visually impaired people to familiarise
We moved up 25 places in the national research themselves with how a building, floor or room
league tables. 65% of the research we submitted is laid out so that they can get around spaces
received the prestigious 4* and 3* rating. independently.
Businesses and organisations choose Sheffield
Hallam as their academic partner because Helping to shape the future
we offer a mix of fundamental and applied of midwifery
research which supports their growth, imparts
new knowledge and acts as an economic and By evaluating the effectiveness of midwife-led
knowledge transfer catalyst. care, Professor Hora Soltani, with colleagues
from four other universities, has helped to shape
Our REF 2014 submissions emphasise the impact policy improvements that promote access to
of our researchers' work. midwifery care for low-risk women.
They conducted an international collaborative
Understanding employment in Cochrane review which showed explicit benefits
Britain's seaside towns for midwife-led maternity care compared with
Research by our Centre for Regional Economic other types of care. The review was recognised
and Social Research (CRESR) has broken new by the Department of Health and informs
ground by finding different ways to collect and guidelines on childbirth. Internationally, the
understand the evidence on the people and work research has informed reviews of maternity
available in coastal areas. This research has services in the USA and Brazil, and it has
dispelled myths about their decline, providing a influenced policy change in Australia.
more subtle view of trends around the coast.
Capturing live sporting events in 3D
Heavyweight investment for Our Centre for Sports Engineering Research
lightweight ceramics (CSER) has developed new methods to allow
Materials development research funded by the accurate, simple and low-cost 3D measurement.
Ministry of Defence was undertaken by our These methods have been applied to measure
Materials and Engineering Research Institute the performance of sports equipment and
(MERI). competitors, both in training scenarios and at
actual sporting events. Technology developed for
This research has produced a new lightweight, the laboratory was then translated to new in-situ
wear-resistant ceramic composite material, systems that were simpler, more accurate and
suitable for a range of applications, including less costly than previous methods.
body armour such as bullet-proof vests,
vehicle armour and kiln furniture used in the This success led to the centre implementing
manufacture of porcelain and other household camera-based analysis systems within
ceramics. numerous Olympic GB training facilities in
preparation for London 2012 and Rio 2016.

24 | Strategy 20152020
Building our future
Our infrastructure a 5.5m investment in the University

Our two campuses, individually and together, Sports Park which provides international-
exemplify how the University unites the standard pitches for our sports teams, a home
principles of social responsibility with the for student, club and community athletes, and
practical demands of providing first-class Olympic- standard performance monitoring
facilities for our staff, students and the local and analysis technology
Looking to the future
The main aim is to provide a high-quality,
sustainable infrastructure that supports the We are planning a 15m development that
development of academic activities. This will provide new engineering and chemistry
includes supporting changes in the delivery of laboratories and a prestigious new home for the
learning and teaching to enhance the student Sheffield Institute of Arts.
and staff experience. The investment in our infrastructure alongside
'The facilities are exceptional our ambitions demonstrates our commitment to
because they allow us to simulate the and confidence in our future.
situations we could face in practice.' Our focus for the next five years remains centred
Kat, nursing student around our three ambitions

delivering an excellent educational experience
Future spaces
Over the past decade we have invested more expanding horizons
than 110 million our estate. Our current Future 
building on our strengths in research and
Spaces strategy is investing a further 64 million innovation
in projects including
 e recognise that our activities need to
the 30m Charles Street development
 be underpinned by being sustainable
right in the heart of the city which will provide academically, financially, socially and
a home for the new Sheffield Institute of environmentally so we can continue to flourish
Education from 2015 in a competitive and globalised higher education
the 27m Heart of the Campus Building
at our Collegiate Campus which opened in Our future is exciting and will provide
2014, housing our law, criminology, politics, opportunities and challenges. We will deliver
sociology and psychology courses our ambitions with the continuing support and
a new 6m home for our world-renowned
 commitment of our talented and inspirational
Materials and Engineering Research staff, students and partners.
Institute, including the revolutionary HIPIMS
materials coating centre which provides
industrial applications for aircraft turbines,
replacement hip joints and satellite cooling

Strategy 20152020 | 27
Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus
Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB
Phone 0114 225 5555

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