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My Understanding of Freddds Protocol

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My Understanding of Freddd's Protocol


SHECLIMBER's time on the protocol at last update: 6 weeks (almost through stabilization at the initial
doses of the B12s - I was able to move somewhat quickly because my startup reactions were mostly
positive and luckily I was able to resolve negative symptoms quite easily.).

These are generalized guidelines, and everyone's process is very individual. You must do your own research
to make sure that your implementation of the protocol is appropriate and safe for you. Keep a detailed
journal. These are simply my notes in attempting to make sense of how to apply this protocol to me, and
since I wrote it all up anyway, I figured I might as well share. I'm certain that all your questions will not be
answered here, all my questions are not even answered here. This is just the synthesis of the info that
I have collected so far. Ive tried to make it clear when the information comes from Freddd (to the best of
my research/understanding) and where it comes from me, apologies in advance for any
confusion. - SHECLIMBER

1. Remove all supplements containing Hydroxocobalamin, Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Glutathione, and
Glutathione precursors such as NAC, Glutamine, and undenatured whey.
2. Supplement with Basic Cofactors for about a week.
3. Titrate B12s and adjust Methylfolate and Potassium (and possibly B1, B2, and B3) as needed to
eliminate deficiency symptoms.
4. Titrate L-Carnitine Fumurate (LCF) to effectiveness.
5. Titrate SAM-e.
6. Titrate Trimethylglycine (TMG, aka Betaine). If it does nothing, discontinue.
7. Titrate Biotin.
8. CNS Penetration Test.

titrate (verb): continuously measure and adjust the balance of (a physiological function or dosage).

Remove all supplements containing Hydroxocobalamin, Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Glutathione,
and Glutathione precursors such as NAC, Glutamine, and undenatured whey.

Hydroxocobalamin and Cyanocobalamin are inactive forms of B12; Cyanocobalamin is artificial, meaning it
is not present in nature. Folic Acid is also artificial.

Glutathione induces immediate deficiencies in active B12, apparently by converting active MeCbl to inactive
GlutathionylB12 and rapidly excreting it.

Supplement with Basic Cofactors for about one week.

These cofactors are essential:

Other Options (not

Basic Cofactor Freddd's Picks recommended by Notes
Freddd specifically)

6 ml FCLO (one
Vitamins A & D from Green Pastures FCLO syringe to 5ml mark) =
fish oil 10950 A, 2565 IU D

Vitamin D - 3000- 6ml FCLO plus 500-

5000IU total 2500 IU

Can take half as much

Vitamin C Seeking Health
if using the liposomal
- 4000+mg/day Liposomal C

NOW Foods Gamma E

Vitamin E

NatureMade B-Complex
with C - Per 1 capsule:
15mg B1 (as
Thiamin Freddd: B-complex and
Mononitrate) methylfolate need to
10.2mg be taken twice a day
B2 (Riboflavin) because of short serum
50mg B3 (Niacin half-lifes for best
as Niacinamide) effectiveness
B-complex that includes 5mg B6 (as
P-5-P, biotin and Pyriodoxine Freddd: Daily doses of
pantethine without Hydrochloride) B1 and B2 above 20-
Cyanob12 or folic acid 10mg 30mg a day and B3
Pantothenic Acid above 100mg a day
(as d-Calcium can cause an insatiable
Pantothenate) need for methylfolate
Missing biotin and and potassium.
others which will
need to be added
individually, but
worth it for low
B1, B2 and B3

1:1 magnesium:calcium

Seeking Health
Zinc - 50mg/day Trace Mineral
Complex (I or II)

Omega3 oils 2-6 caps

per day

These cofactors may be included now, later, or not at all - at your discretion:

Optional Other Options (not

Basic recommended by Notes
's Picks
Cofactor Freddd specifically)

Lecitin (no specific

Glycophosph NT FACTOR
Seeking Health
Optimal PC
Jarrow Pantethine Adrenal support

Chromium, Seeking Health Trace

Selenium, Mineral Complex (I or
Multiminerals II)

ALA - Alpha
Freddd: enhances LCF and AdoB12
Lipoic Acid

Freddd: enhances LCF, AdoB12, and ALA;

improves exercise recovery and energy

Freddd: PLEASE NOTE - Taking while starting

mb12/adb12/methylfolate can cause a significant
increase in blood pressure. This goes away after
some unknown number of months and CoQ10 can
then be taken again. It appears to be a problem
only in the early stages of healing.

Titrate B12s and adjust Methylfolate and Potassium to sufficiency as needed to eliminate
deficiency symptoms.

This step can take months to years - DO NOT RUSH.

Supple Starting
Target" Dose Freddds Brand(s) Notes
ment Dose

as little as a a.k.a. Methylcobalamin or
with no Enzymatic Therapy B12
MeB12 quarter of a MeCbl; one active form of
noticeable Infusion
tablet B12

Anabol Naturals
as little as a Dibencoplex a.k.a. Adenosylcobalamin,
with no
AdoB12 crumb of a AdoCbl, or Dibencozide; the
tablet Source Naturals other active form of B12

As needed to
Solgar Metafolin
1-3 doses of symptoms - Take away from potassium
Folate 800mcg or 1000mcg
400mcg usually between by 30-45min
16mcg and
30mg/day (yes

As needed to
Brand not that Take away from folate by
important, but NOW 30-45min; Ignoring
Potassiu 300mg every insufficiency
Potassium Gluconate symptoms of potassium
m several hours symptoms -
powder is probably deficiency can by
maybe up to
best if it works for you. dangerous and even fatal.
3a. Start MeB12
Place 1mg MeB12 (1 tab Enzymatic Therapy) between your lip and gum. Let dissolve until the neurological
brightening (or whatever effect you experience) is as intense as you are willing to allow and then chew and
swallow. The absorption stops in minutes and so does the increase in brightening.

Freddd: "Of course if you are more like me, I held it for an hour. At the end of the hour life long depression
had lifted, the abnormal fatigue was on the way out and about 50 symptoms were starting to change and
much reduced within a month. Each time the brightening went down at the dose I was on I increased the
dose. It took me 4 months to go from 1mg to 5mg and 4 months to go from 5 to 20mg. Then after that
went to zero immediate noticeable effect I did the 50mg test."

3b. Watch for Insufficiency Symptoms

Anticipate that around day 3 you will start having symptoms of folate and/or potassium deficiency. Based
on your symptoms, add Metafolin or potassium or both.

Freddd: "At about 3 days in after starting the methylfolate symptoms making you feel rather sick may
start. They are usually both folate deficiency symptoms on some levels and low potassium. Those need to
be identified by the list of symptoms and the deficiencies corrected by titration. "

Reference: Symptoms List 1/4/15 with Start-Up Timings; Symptoms List 1/9/14

3c. Titrate Methylfolate and Potassium to Sufficiency

Start by adding 800mcg by splitting a tablet in half and taking it in 2 doses. You now have a total of 3
doses of Metafolin per day, which is good because the half-life is about 3 hours.

Increase each of these doses (by adding another 1/2-1 tablet per dose), or add additional doses, up to 5mg
a day or more until insufficiency symptoms start going down. Freddd: "This is usually between 1600mcg
and 20-30mg depending upon how one reacts to other folates and B1, B2, B3."
Methylfolate is absorbed better with food, but is ok without. It should be taken away from Potassium.

Potassium you can take 300mg every several hours with water until symptoms start to go down and stay
down. Wait 45 minutes after taking Methylfolate before taking Potassium.

Freddd: "The potassium can be taken at 300mg per several hours with water until the symptoms start
going down and stay down. These can go away for an hour and be back because of serum halflife issues in
another 2 hours. Many have to increase by 2000-3000mg of potassium daily."


3d. Adjust B1, B2, and B3 if Needed

If you are unable to relieve folate and/or potassium deficiency symptoms by adding more, try lowering your
dose of B1, B2, and B3. Any of these nutrients can create a need for folate and/or potassium that is

3e. Replace morning MeB12 with AdoB12 for 1 day

After a week on MeCbl, replace your morning MeCbl dose with AdoCbl. If you are very sensitive you may
want to start with only a crumb, or you can start with the entire 10mg tablet and chew and swallow if ever
the startup effects exceed your comfort zone. You are working towards 30-50mg AdoB12 that you let
absorb over a 4-6 hour window, after which you can return to your regular MeB12 dosing.

Freddd: "People appear to be bimodal or more on the AdoCbl as to balance and frequency of doses. I did up
to 50% daily, and down to once a month. Once a week with a large CNS dose during 6 hours seems to
work best for me. My daughter needed a tablet every day, along with even more MeCbl. When I took it
every day I didn't feel as good as just MeCbl. It affected my mood a bit, more "irritated". Taking both the
first day seems to be a good idea as a near complete lack of either isn't good. The thing is some people
need it every day in serum where others do fine with the AdoCbl in place in the mitochondria being
renewed regularly."
Quote source:

3f. Titrate up the B12s

As the start-up symptoms (e.g. neurological brightening, increased energy) subside, repeat 1-3 above with
increasing doses of B12s until you've reached 15-20mg a day of MeCbl and 30-40mg AdoCbl once a week.

Freddd: "The slower you go the longer the intense reactions last. Remember, the first thing MeCbl does for
most people is increase the intensity of the senses. EVERYTHING IS PERCEIVED MORE. I found the
difference between 1mg and 5mg imperceptible to most people and that 5mg a day brings perceivable
response down to zero faster."

Some thoughts on MeB12 timing and dose

Freddd: "The MeB12 has to come before the methylfolate to protect your neurology. So swallow the
folate and putting the ENZY in your mouth at the same time will work well on both counts."
Freddd: "You might find you get deeper penetration and better results by taking one dose of 5mg
whereas someone else may get better results by taking 1 mg 5 times a day."
You may want to take all MeB12 before 10am, noon at the latest, if you have trouble falling asleep.
Ultimately you may need 3-10x more MeCbl than AdoCbl

Freddd: "If you check the so called "overmethylation" symptoms they are usually deficiency symptoms,
often of AdoCbl. People often confuse ATP startup for "over methylation". I judge the effectiveness of these
various theories by who has healed with them. I've healed from FMS and CFS and congestive heart failure.
However, I was a hyper responder to methyB12 If I had let that scare me off I likely would have died 10
years ago."

Titrate LCF to Effectiveness.
LCF, the 4th of the Deadlock Quartet:
MeCbl, AdoCbl, MethlyFolate and Carnitine make up what Freddd calls the Deadlock Quartet. Carnitine
works with AdoCbl and a lack of Carnitine can completely prevent it's effectiveness to increase energy,
improve aerobic endurance, improve mood, etc.

Supplemen Starting Target" Freddds

t Dose Dose Brand(s)

Doctor's Best L-
500- For a small percentage of
Carnitine Fumurate
1000mg/day people Acetyl-L-Carnitine might
(one 855mg cap =
L-Carnitine 125mg/da where an work better; Jarrow Liquid
500mg Carnitine)
Fumurate y increase of Carnitine (freebase) might be a
250mg makes good starting point for those
Source Naturals is
no difference. with anxiety.
also OK

Start with 125mg and titrate up to 500-1000mg per day, where an increase of 250mg more makes no
difference. Go slow, it could take 6 months to titrate up to one 855mg capsule (500mg of Carnitine) per

Take Carnitine on an empty stomach - 30 minutes or so before food or at least 2 hours after.

Titrate SAM-e.
SAM-e makes MeCbl more effective, possibly much more effective. It increases energy and improves mood.
Start with 100mg (1/2 tablet) and move up to around 200-600mg/day.

Take on an empty stomach - 30 minutes or so before food or at least 2 hours after.

Titrate TMG. If it does nothing, discontinue.

TMG enhances the effects of SAM-e, MeCbl, and L-Carnitine. It can also ease the intensity of ATP
production starting up. Start around 250mg (1/2 tablet) or less.

Take on an empty stomach - 30 minutes or so before food or at least 2 hours after.

Titrate Biotin.

I couldnt find any specific information on this.

CNS Penetration Test.

After this then the CNS penetration test is tried. The CNS effect is normally far more subtle than the body
startup and if there is any body startup left, it overwhelms the CNS effects making the CNS trial less
effective. Each of these two trials can let you know if you have difficulty with B12 entering the cerebral
spinal fluid. It appears to be a transport problem of unknown cause which many with neurological diseases
have, including FMS and CFS.
8a. MeB12 Penetration Test
The CNS can be tried with MeB12 first, first 2 tablets, adding one each half hour to total.

8b. AdoB12 Penetration Test

A couple of days later try 50mg of the AdoB12, first 2 tablets, adding one each half hour to total. The
AdoB12 test might only show start up effects once since AdoB12 is persistent in the mitochondria. Each of
these two trials can let you know if you have a difficult to enter cerebral spinal fluid. It appears to be a
transport problem of unknown cause which many with neurological diseases have, including FMS and CFS.

Freddd: "Right now SC injection of 7.5mg to 10mg MeCbl appears to be a CNS penetrating dose. I use
3x10mg injections daily to maintain my CNS level of MeCbl. If I only do twice a day I have some startup
each time. FOr me it takes 3 for equilibrium. Good luck."


Stages of Methylation and Healing (


Notes on Brands (


Titration Methods (


Understanding Potassium (

CFS Symptoms (






Reasons for protocol failure (


A Guide to Freddd's Protocol (


Most of my Freddd quotes come from this thread: (


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