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The Hormone Handbook

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A basic, no frills look at your hormones

Dr. West Conner

The Medicine Coach™
The Author of How to Save Money on Your
Prescription Drugs
1 Getting to know Your Hormones
2 What are Phytoestrogens?
3 Is there a Difference Between Commercially
Available and Bio-Identical Hormones?
4 Estrogens
5 The Power of Progesterone
6 Estrogen-Progesterone Combo
7 Testosterone
9 Modification without Supplementation
10 Saliva Test
11 Proper Dosing
12 The Correct Way to Practice
13 Symptoms Checklist
14 The Wiley Protocol
15 PMS
16 Osteoporosis
17 Just for Men
18 Conclusion

Dr. West Conner's


A basic, no frills look at your hormones

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From the Author...

Thank you for taking the time to read through this
handbook and learning some basics about your hormones.

As I see it, people from my generation, Generation X as

we are called, are positioned to make tremendous strides
in changing the healthcare model. No longer should
patients be treated based on "numbers" using blood tests
developed in the 1970s.

How much has technology changed in the last thirty to

forty years? Why hasn't medicine? Sure things change as
new medications are pushed through and rushed into the
market. Science finds new ways of covering up symptoms
they call diseases.

You are not a disease. You are not a condition. You are a
unique individual who should be treated individually and
given proper medical care based on you, the individual.

Myself, and a few colleagues, plan on changing the

current system one patient at a time.

- giving more individualized care

- personal attention
- non-traditional "office" hours
- treating the patient, not the numbers
- more access through technology

Traditional hormone balancing involved giving women a

standard dose of processed horse urine, Premarin. Then,
in an attempt to keep her cycle, added the chemical
medroxyprogesterone. This combination seemed to work
by decreasing her hot flashes and night sweats.

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Unfortunately, it also greatly increased her risk of cancer
and heart disease.

With bio-identical hormone balancing, there are no

chemicals. Our bodies, for one reason or another, are not
making enough hormone to keep us in balance. Hormones
matching exactly what our bodies normally produce are
simply added to what we are currently more,
no less. This is balance.

Giving hormones in a transdermal cream is the best way

for us to administer these hormones.

Oral hormones are destroyed by the liver causing stress on

the organ and creating possibly harmful metabolites.

Injecting pellets can produce unwanted side effects due to

overdosing. If the dose is too high, it cannot be changed
for months.

A troche delivers medication through the mucus layer of

the mouth via a lozenge. This method is erratic because
the patient is producing and swallowing saliva, altering
the dosing.

Along with hormones, we cannot forget our thyroid and

adrenal glands. It is also important to optimize their
performance as we rely on them for energy. Diet,
exercise, and digestion also play an important role in how
our body performs.

When a person comes to me with issues related to

hormone imbalances, we discuss the different paths one
can take to correct the problem. I prefer to first "stop the
bleeding" and balance the hormones using bio-identical
hormone cream. This is the best method since we can
adjust the dose on a regular basis if needed.
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Once the "bleeding" has stopped, we train the body to
produce those hormones naturally. Giving thyroid
hormone to help that energy system is the first step. We
then move to the adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands should be producing the sex hormones

when the ovaries have stopped due to menopause.
Unfortunately, many of us are in what is called, adrenal
fatigue. Our adrenal glands have been overworks for too
long and simply cannot keep up with their responsibilities.

Once the adrenals have been fixed through lifestyle

changes and some supplements, the natural hormonal
system can begin to work again. Working with the
individual, we slowly reduce the hormone dose as the
body begins to work they we it is intended to work.

The thyroid is also coaxed into producing the right amount

of thyroid hormone.

In no time at all, you feel like your old self again...

- excess body fat just seems to melt away

- your energy has returned
- falling asleep with ease and waking refreshed
- your 20-something libido is back
- brain fogginess has disappeared
- your skin is plump and refreshed

Please visit for more information on

hormone balancing.

- Dr. West Conner

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The joys of middle age; financial security, plenty of
leisure time, the kids are out of the house, young
grandchildren to enjoy, waning energy, moodiness,
bloating, low libido, wrinkly skin, and hot flashes.

Wait a minute, what’s happening to me?

Am I the only one who feels this way?

My friends joke about the hot flashes, no interest in the

bedroom, and the bloating but I’m not laughing. What is a
woman to do?

As women age, the consistency of menstrual cycles

become erratic. Bleeding that was once regular, has
become heavier, then lighter, then absent, then spotting
with no rhyme or reason as to which type of month the
next will be. It is these unpredictable cycles that lead to
the highs and lows of estrogen and progesterone.

Natural bio-identical hormone replacement has only come

into popularity in the last dozen or so years. Prior to that,
women were told to use the synthetic hormones to relieve
their menopausal symptoms. Suzanne Sumers brought the
subject to light with her books, Ageless and The Sexy
Years. Because of the gaining popularity, several years
ago I began studying and learning about this “new”
approach to therapy. Coincidently, while investigating
these hormones, the frequency of questions from patients
about the therapy increased.

In these last dozen or so years; many doctors, with the

help of pharmacists, have been prescribing these
hormones to tens of thousands of women, as well as men.
The hormones can enter the body through the skin, oral

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capsules, implantable pellets, or sublingual delivery
systems. The dosages are individualized to meet the needs
of the individual patient. Men and women all over the
world have taken and continue to take these bio-identical
hormones with great success and virtually no drawbacks.

The Woman's Health Initiative Study

In 2002, one arm of the Woman’s Health Initiative, or

WHI, study was abruptly stopped because of side effects.
The study was testing the efficacy of combining synthetic
estrogen and synthetic progesterone (Prempro) versus
nothing. The synthetic hormones increased the risk of
breast cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and stroke. The
study was stopped after just five years, three years early,
because the risks of synthetic hormone replacement were
too great.

The study looked at 16,000 women and determined that

after five years of taking synthetic hormones, there was a
29% increased risk of breast cancer, 26% increased risk of
heart disease, and 41% increased chance of stroke. In
August 2003, the British medical journal, The Lancet,
published a study involving approximately 1 million
women. The researchers concluded that in the United
Kingdom, in ten years, synthetic hormone use has caused
20,000 extra breast cancers.

Those of us studying bio-identical hormone could have

predicted that outcome. Because of this, both patients and
physicians have been inundated with conflicting
information regarding hormone replacement. Many
physicians are avoiding hormone replacement altogether
because of the new findings. This, after years of
prescribing these medications, confused even the most
experienced of doctors. Patients began looking into

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The synthetics increase breast cancer risk because of

“unchecked” estrogen in the breast tissue. You have to
balance estrogen with progesterone. Taking synthetics
will also give you a better chance of blood clots due to
metabolism in the liver. When the liver has to filter out
these synthetics, it produces chemical metabolites that
cause blood clots. These blood clots can increase your
risk of a blood clot in the brain, also known as a stroke.

The goal of most physicians is to optimize their patients’

health while alleviating annoying symptoms that occur
with hormonal changes. With the stoppage of the WHI,
many physicians were left scratching their heads. They
knew the hormones relieved their patients’ symptoms but,
in the long term, did not optimize health. Also, there are
no long term, large clinical trials to test the effectiveness
of bio-identical hormones versus the synthetics.

Looking for clinical trials to show the effectiveness or

ineffectiveness of bio-identical hormones proves difficult.
Large, clinical studies are generally funded by big drug
companies. They are trying to prove that their patented
medication out performs other therapy. Since “Big
Pharma” cannot profit from the sale of these hormones,
they are not going to pay for a study.

As I See It
Drug companies have plenty of money to study
medication. If they are confident that their synthetic
product is superior to the naturally occurring bio-identical
hormone, why don’t they test them side-by-side in a long
term study? The answer is, because they would lose. If
you can’t win, don’t fight.

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Some government agencies and colleges have performed
studies but many results are inconclusive. This is partly
due to the expertise required for proper individualized
dosing. If you do not properly dose each individual
according to their unique need, the results will not be

These hormones are the exact chemical structure found

inside our bodies. There is a constant on-going long term
clinical trial called life. We, as humans, have had these
hormones in our body since, well, since we were humans.
By simply replacing what our body can no longer produce
or supplementing our lowered output is certainly a
reasonable goal. Don’t we have enough sense to realize
that we are not drugging ourselves but simply restoring
our natural hormone levels?

Bio-identical hormone replacement has been sometimes

regarded as a way to slow down or stop the aging process.
This is untrue as the goal of BHRT is not to bring a 60-
year old woman’s hormones to that of an 18-year old. The
goal is to optimize the function of the body without
causing harm in the form of overdosing the patient. How
many 60-year olds would like to return to the menstrual
cycle and fertility of an 18-year old anyway? Nature does
not want us having children at 60 years old.

Statistics show that nearly 50% of woman who begin

synthetic hormone replacement stop within one year.
They stop because of side effects like weight gain,
spotting, moodiness, and breast tenderness. When woman
are given the option of trying different strength and
different drug delivery systems of synthetic hormone
replacement, the compliance increases significantly. With
the bio-identical hormones, the dose is based on the
individual woman, not of a widely accepted “normal”

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range. The one year continuation rate with bio-identical
hormones is reported to be over 90%.

This form of therapy works. It has absolutely no side

effects; none, never had, never will. The only unwanted
effects are from under-dosing or over-dosing.


Before we go any further, it is important to know the

hormones that are currently flowing through your body.
Both men and women should have a balanced level of the
big three; progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone. These,
along with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) make up the
majority of the hormones we’ll be discussing here.

In short, progesterone regulates the other hormones and

preserves pregnancy. Estrogen makes a woman a woman,
giving her wider hips, softer skin, breasts, and a higher-
pitched voice. Testosterone makes a man a man, giving
him a larger frame, body hair, and deeper voice. DHEA is
converted into these hormones. As we age, DHEA levels
drop, therefore, our other hormone levels drop.

Later, we will go into further explanation of each of these

essential hormones.

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What are bio-identical hormones?

Bio-identical hormones have the same, exact chemical

structure as those found inside the human body. Bio-
identical hormones will provide for you the exact same
physiological response and action as those hormones
manufactured in your own body. What the practitioner is
attempting to do when administering bio-identical
hormones is to bring you up to normal levels. This will
achieve the same physiologic response that would
normally happen if your own body were producing the
estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

These hormones should be administered in a similar

manner in which your body excretes them. This provides
a more natural and balanced approach. By doing this, we
are attempting to duplicate what your body has done for
years by itself. You have been running along on cruise
control for forty plus years with your hormones directing
the show. Now, something has happened and your body
wants its hormones back where they are supposed to be.

Although theoretically impossible to reproduce exactly

how our bodies send out the hormones, we do our best to
replicate it. Your body will shoot out a small burst of
hormones about every two hours, or 12 times a day. This
gives an average level as well as high and low levels.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance vary but the most
common complaint from the menopausal woman is the hot

What happens in a hot flash

It is reported that up to 75% of women go through the

“experience” of hot flashes during menopause. A hot
flash occurs when blood vessels in the upper torso area
open more widely than normal. These blood vessels are
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generally located towards the surface of the skin and the
opening brings more blood to the area. This increase in
blood causes the heat and redness in the upper chest, neck,
and face region.

Almost immediately, perspiration arrives and you become

a soaking mess. Shortly after, the hot flash is over and
you become a shivering wreck because of the cooling
effect of the sweat. Fortunately, this annoyance only lasts
a few minutes but you know the next one is on the way.

Of course, there is never a convenient time for this

phenomena. They seem to occur while sleeping, at an
important meeting, during a speech, or at a job interview.
It would be nice if there was a way of controlling these.

Hot flashes are caused by a drop in estrogen

and a rise in follicle stimulating hormone.

The time before a burst of hormones is when the hot

flashes occur. The estrogen level goes below a critical
threshold causing the unpleasant effects. As soon as the
hormones are released again, the hot flash is over.
Without any treatment, hot flashes slowly decrease and
eventually go away on their own. This process can take
up to three years after your last menses.

Are bio-identical hormones “natural?”

Yes, and no. To the general public, the term “natural”
means coming from nature. The precursors to the bio-
identical hormones are found in Mexican Yam or soy
plants. These precursors, called diosgenin, cannot be
readily used by the body in the same form in which they
are found in nature. So, yes the basic chemical structure is
natural, as in found in nature. This chemical structure
must then be brought into a laboratory and altered to

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create the exact same chemical found in our bodies. So,
no the exact chemical produced is not natural, as in found
in nature.

Well, then is Premarin natural? Yes, and no. Premarin

comes from the urine of pregnant horses. The last time I
checked, urine was natural. The urine is then brought into
a laboratory, the estrogens are concentrated, and then
pressed into a tablet. So, yes the basic chemical structure
is natural. Now, this estrogen from horses is natural to
horses, not to humans. To the human body, they are
foreign, and therefore not natural.

The term “natural” is more appropriately referred to the

system that is using the natural product, not where it came
from. In other words, the body “sees” these chemicals as
natural because they are the exact same structure as the
ones it has produced since before your were born. They
are not synthetic as far as your body is concerned. The
base could have originated anywhere. If could have begun
in a tomato, a mouse, a tree, in ocean algae, it doesn’t
matter where it started, it matters where it ends up.

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Phytoestrogens are very weak estrogen-like compounds.

In fact, they are as much as 10,000 times weaker than your
own natural estrogen. They can be found in various
substances, over-the-counter products, and herbal
supplements. What needs to be clear is that
phytoestrogens are not hormones. They mimic, and very
poorly at that, what estrogen does in the body.

There are three basic types of phytoestrogens;

isoflavanoes, lignans, and coumestans. Isoflavones are the
most popular and the most potent of the three types.
Isoflavones can be found in legumes such as soy,
chickpeas, red clover, lentils, and beans. Lignans are
found in flaxseed, lentils, whole grains, beans, fruits, and
vegetables. Coumestans are found in red clover,
sunflower seeds, and sprouts.

It also takes a long time for the phytoestrogens to build up

in the body in order to have any effect. The exact time for
this action varies from person to person and is dose
dependent. There has not been much in the way of
clinical research on the subject of phytoestrogens,
especially when it comes to long term effects.

Some scientists are discovering that, depending on where

the phytoestrogen is located within the body, it can act as
either an estrogen or antiestrogen. Studies have shown
that soy acts as either an estrogen or antiestrogen. If you

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have a normal estrogen level and eat soy products, the
phytoestrogens will counteract the actions or your own
estrogen, causing an antiestrogen effect. It does this by
attaching to the cell and blocking the normal estrogen
hormone from attaching. This causes less estrogen
affects. If your estrogen level is low and you eat soy
foods, the phytoestrogens act like a weak estrogen. Crazy

I’ve been asked many times about the subject of cancer

with the phytoestrogens. The thinking is that if the
synthetic estrogens cause cells to grow uncontrolled, will
these weak estrogens cause cancer like the synthetic
estrogens are known to cause. We aren’t sure.

We know that the phytoestrogens in soy cause

uncontrolled cell growth in breast tissue. This means that
they can cause cancer. But the actual, real life, results
show that women who eat a large amount of soy have
lower amounts of breast cancer. Another study concluded
that soy lowered your risk of breast cancer if you were
premenopausal but not if you are postmenopausal. Other
studies concerning endometrial cancer have come to
similar conflicting results. While some show and increase
in cancer, some show a protective effect.

Some women have begun taking the phytoestrogns before

any menopausal symptoms have appeared. By doing this,
they may prolong the beginning of the symptoms for a
short period of time. This, so far, has not been fully
proven nor is the therapy very effective. Remember, by
taking these phytoestrogens, a woman may block the
actions of her own hormones. This is explained by the
phytoestrogens blocking the hormones at the receptor site.
To put that in English for now, the doorway is being
blocked by something you do not want to come inside.

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A word of warning…
If you have a history of breast cancer, or a family history
of breast cancer, I would recommend you avoid using
phytoestrogens. If you include some of the phytoestrogen
foods in your diet occasionally, there shouldn’t be a
problem. But avoid the supplements containing
isoflavanoes, lignans, or coumestans.

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Yes, a big difference. The big drug manufacturers are

now using the term “natural” to describe some of their
products. This is in response to the large number of
patients who are asking their doctors for natural
alternatives to the synthetic hormones. Remember,
Premarin can be considered natural because it is derived
from natural horse urine. The chemical is natural but it is
not a natural substance to the human body. The structure
is different and therefore our bodies see it as a synthetic,
foreign chemical.

The synthetic, commercially available, patented

medicines are chemically different than those found in
the human body.

Prescription, synthetic drugs are not the same chemical

structure, and do not perform the same functions as the
hormones produced by the human body. These drugs only
mimic some the activity of our hormones. When you take
them, the response from the body is similar, but not
exactly the same.

One of the main issues surrounding the bio-identical

hormone movement is money; yes, money. The

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pharmaceutical drug manufacturers cannot patent a
naturally occurring chemical. Therefore, they cannot
make any money from the sales. The only way they can
profit from hormone therapy is to alter the chemical
structure and patent the new structure. Technically, they
can patent how a natural chemical is manufactured and a
unique drug delivery system. In other words, a company
can protect it’s intellectual knowledge in extracting a
natural product from its source, but not the actual product.
They can place this natural product in a patch or capsule,
develop some unique technology for the drug to enter your
body, and patent the delivery system. But they cannot
make money from something that is not unique and not
manufactured in a laboratory.

For example, you can get natural, bio-identical estradiol in

the form of a prescription patch. The medication is not
patentable, but getting the medication through your skin
by way of a matrix delivery system is patentable. So the
drug company took a natural product and impregnated a
drug delivery system. They are protected by the patch’s
drug delivery system.

Many in the medical community use the term HRT, or

hormone replacement therapy, without properly defining
the meaning. By using a synthetic product, like Premarin,
the patient is substituting natural estrogen with a drug.
This drug simply mimics some of the actions of estrogen,
it does not replace it. The patient is not replacing estrogen
with estrogen, she is substitution estrogen with drug. This
definition of the term HRT has led to confusion amongst
the medical community.

Let’s use a little common sense. A hormone’s job is to get

to a cell and fit into it’s unique receptor site. This fitting
is like a lock and key, or two pieces of a puzzle. The

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hormone molecule fits perfectly into a receptor site
located on the cell wall.

By studying chemicals that are structurally similar from

our own hormones, we learn that the foreign chemicals act
differently at the receptor site. Sometimes they act like
our own hormones, sometimes they have no effect, and
sometimes they block the receptor so no other hormone
can enter. These are not natural to our body.

The pharmaceutical companies know this and try to

formulate a chemical that is similar to our own. It doesn’t
matter how close they get, the effects at the receptor site
are different from the exact chemical structure of our own
hormones. Remember, they cannot patent a naturally
occurring substance.

This same definition holds true when a patient uses the

synthetic medroxyprogesterone. This is a chemically
altered form of the hormone progesterone. It acts similar
to progesterone but it is not progesterone.
Medroxyprogesterone is a chemical drug developed in a
laboratory and patented so the drug manufacturers can
turn a profit. To make maters worse,
medroxyprogesterone will substitute progesterone in the
uterus only. Throughout the rest of the body, the chemical
causes the exact opposite effect that naturally occurring
progesterone causes.

Medroxyprogesterone has been shown to increase

cholesterol levels, increase liver enzymes, cause the body
to become glucose tolerant, decrease the body’s insulin
utilization, cause fluid retention, increase the chances of
heart disease, increase the chances of stroke, and blocks
the heart-protective effects of estrogen. Continuing with
medroxyprogesterone, it has been known to cause
insomnia, depression, nervousness, anxiety, bone loss, and

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has been linked to certain seizures. Medroxyprogesterone
is contraindicated in pregnancy and increases your risk of
certain cancers.

Reading the previous paragraph may scare you away from

any hormones whatsoever. I can assure you that the side
effects listed here do not happen to everyone taking
medroxyprogesterone. With any prescription drugs, there
are risks and benefits. If you are currently taking
medroxyprogesterone, talk with your doctor about
changing over to the bio-identical progesterone.

Natural progesterone is a much better option for women.

Many of the benefits are “covered up” by the big drug
companies because they cannot patent the chemical and
profit from sales. Bio-identical progesterone may lower
LDL and increase HDL, it does not affect liver enzymes, it
assists the body in using glucose for energy, releases
insulin, decreases blood pressure by acting as a diuretic,
protects the heart, improves sleep quality, has a natural
calming effect and it being used to prevent certain
seizures. Natural progesterone has been used successfully
to treat preeclampsia, a condition where a pregnant
woman’s blood pressure is dangerously elevated. Studies
have shown the hormone to be successful in treating
cerebral hemorrhage and reduce postpartum depression.

In one study, women who switched from

medroxyprogesterone to natural progesterone showed a
80% increase in overall satisfaction, 50% improvement in
hot flashes, 42% reduction in depression, 47% reduction
in anxiety, and progesterone was better at controlling their
breakthrough bleeding.

After it’s all said and done; replacing, or

supplementing, your body’s own progesterone with
natural, bio-identical progesterone is the smart choice.

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Progesterone causes your body to react in the exact same

way your body would react if the progesterone were
produced inside your body. There are no side effects,
there never have been side effects, and there never will be
side effects. The only effects with bio-identical hormone
are under-dosing effects and over-dosing effects.

Before you begin therapy, the symptoms you feel are

under-dosing effects. By bringing your levels up to where
they are supposed to be, those effects will disappear
almost instantly.

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Estrogen defines women. When you hear the word
estrogen, the human female comes to mind. Estrogens
have been shown to be responsible for over 400 different
functions in the body. Estrogen is responsible for the
growth, development, maintenance, and function of the
female sex organs. They protect against bone loss and
heart disease. Estrogen regulates other hormone and helps
certain cells grow and multiply in the body.

Conventional medicine assumes that once a woman goes

through menopause, she is estrogen deficient. The doctor
will then prescribe a synthetic estrogen to ease the
menopausal symptoms. It is absolutely untrue to assume
that a post-menopausal woman is estrogen deficient. Over
two-thirds of women have adequate estrogen levels after

Females (and males) have three estrogens that run through

the body. These are estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and
estriol (E3). Both men and women convert testosterone
into estrogen in their stored fat.

If you have a higher level of body fat, you are

producing more estrogen than someone with a low
level of body fat.

We’ll begin our estrogen discussion with estrone; also

known as E1. E1 is the main estrogen in post-menopausal
women. The ratio of estrone to estradiol and estiol is at its
highest after a woman has gone through menopause. The

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body converts estradiol to estrone and also produces E1 in
fat cells, in the liver, and in the skin. It is less than half as
active as estradiol.

Estradiol, known as E2, is the main estrogen hormone in

the female body. E2 is produced in the ovaries and is
highest during a woman’s fertile years and drops at
menopause. Estradiol is also be made by converting

Estriol, E3, is a very weak estrogen. In fact, estradiol is

about 80 times as powerful as estriol. E3 is highest during
pregnancy and is made from the conversion of estrone.
Studies are showing that E3 has a breast cancer protective
effect by regulating the actions of estrone and estradiol.
Estriol cannot be converted into the other two, more
powerful, estrogens, E1 and E2. Therefore, if you take
estriol, your body cannot convert that into estradiol or

Estrogen dominance

Estrogen dominance occurs when the estrogen hormones

are out of balance with the other hormones. This can
occur because your body is producing too much estrogen,
throwing the balance off, or your body is not producing
enough progesterone and testosterone, again throwing the
balance off.

The term “estrogen dominance” was first used by John R.

Lee, M.D. in his book Natural Progesterone-The Multiple
Roles of a Remarkable Hormone.

This most often naturally occurs during peri-menopause.

It can also be caused by giving too much estrogen, being
exposed to excessive xenoestrogens, a problem with your
body’s elimination of estrogen, or not enough

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progesterone to regulate and balance the estrogens.
Estrogen dominant symptoms can even occur if you have
low estrogen but not enough progesterone to balance its

Xenoestrogens, in case you are wondering, are estrogen-

like chemicals that are found virtually everywhere in our
current society. They get into the body and act like
estrogen, but are not estrogen.

The short list of estrogen dominance symptoms include:

A craving for sweets
Breast tenderness
Mood swings
Fluid retention
Decreased libido
Weight gain
Poor sleep
Heavy menstruation
Irregular menstruation
Panic attacks

I know, I can hear your thoughts, ‘I have those.’ Don’t be

alarmed. With the fluctuation of hormones in the peri-
menopausal and menopausal woman, you can get brief
episodes of estrogen dominance. This does not
necessarily mean you are totally estrogen dominant. It
means at certain times, you have too much estrogen and
are feeling the over-dosing effects.

Benefits of bio-identical estrogen


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Let’s just make this simple and say that the proper amount
of estrogen is good for you. But if I left it at that, you’d
feel disappointed.

First and foremost, estrogen relieves many of the

symptoms of menopause. This is why women come to me
every day; menopausal symptoms. The proper level of
estrogens in the body lowers your risk of heart disease and
improves your cholesterol. Studies show that LDL or the
“bad” cholesterol is lowered 10-20% and the HDL or
“good” cholesterol is increased 10-20% with a return to
proper estrogen levels. It is interesting to note that the
same cholesterol effects are seen with the conventional,
synthetic estrogens. Estrogens also lower blood pressure
by decreasing the amount of calcium inside the cells of
your blood vessels. This causes them to relax and allows
blood to flow more easily.

Estrogens prevent osteoporosis by reducing the amount of

bone loss. The hormone maintains or improves memory
function by increasing certain brain chemicals like
serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine and promotes the
growth of nerve connections in the brain. Estrogens act as
antioxidants in the central nervous system and allow the
brain to use glucose for energy more easily.

Estrogen is crucial in keeping healthy looking skin,

mouth, and eyes. It helps regulate the amount of water in
the skin, builds collagen, increases skin thickness, and
improves skin firmness and elasticity. The regulation of
water content smoothes out those fine wrinkles that begin
around age 45.

It also prevents vaginal atrophy by increasing the number

of blood vessels. This in turn thickens the lining of the
vagina, decreases vaginal discharge, and increases

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elasticity and moisture. This lining of the vagina has the
highest number of estrogen receptors in the body.

Hormones do not belong in your stomach

When you take a pill, that medication is carried to your

liver where it is processed and changed to increase it’s
usability in the body. This process is known as the first-
pass effect. When developing oral medications,
manufacturers must consider not only what the liver does
to the medication but what the medication does to the
liver. Synthetic estrogens like Premarin are swallowed in
a tablet and must go through this first-pass metabolism.

The liver destroys approximately 85%-98% of oral

estrogen before it has the chance to enter the bloodstream
and do its job. Many assume that since only 2% to 15% is
usable, only 2% to 15% is absorbed through the stomach.
This is not true. The estrogen is fully absorbed but the
liver only allows between 2% and 15% to return to the
bloodstream. The remaining 85% to 98% is altered into
estrogen metabolites before returning to the bloodstream.

The effect that these metabolites have on the body is

not fully understood.

When our bodies secrete hormones, they go directly into

the blood stream. When applying a bio-identical hormone
cream, the hormones are going directly into the blood
stream. They then flow to the heart and are pumped
throughout the entire body; just like the ones we product

Taking a pill to supplement your hormones bombards the

liver with a highly concentrated dose. On average, a 35-
year old woman will produce 0.1mg to 0.2mg of estradiol
per day, total. The most popular dose of the conjugated

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estrogen drug, Premarin is .625mg in one dose. So the
woman is receiving approximately three to six times the
total daily production in one concentrated dose. When
this dose hits the liver, it alters it’s production of vital
substances. More clotting factors are released, C-reactive
protein increases, sex-hormone binding globulin is
changed, your thyroid globulin is altered, and many other
adjustments in liver function are observed.

When using transdermal estrogens, there are no effects on

the liver. The transdermal estrogen does not adversely
effect the cardiovascular system, does not promote
clotting factors, and decreases triglycerides. These effects
have all been proven in clinical trials.

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Starting around the age of 35, a woman’s hormone levels
begin to fluctuate. Beginning at this age and continuing
through age 40 is the steepest decline in progesterone.
This creates an estrogen dominant situation. When a
woman is having mood swings, depression, irregular
periods, hot flashes, weight gain, sleep disturbance, heavy
menstrual flow, and loss of libido, it’s time to balance out
the progesterone. Of course a saliva test is required to
determine just how much progesterone is needed.

Some in the medical field use the terms progesterone and

progestin interchangeably. Because of this, a portion of
the population believes that taking hormone replacement
therapy in the form of natural progesterone will have the
same negative side effects that the synthetic progestins are
infamous for.

Many doctors have been taught that progesterone affects

only the uterus and if the woman has had a hysterectomy,
there is no need for progesterone. It’s not their fault, the
drug companies have been telling them that for years.
Drug companies cannot patent progesterone and therefore
cannot make money from it. So they changed the
structure to medroxyprogesterone, patented it, and turned a
profit. Medroxyprogesterone, a progestin, affects only the
uterus and has a harmful affect on the body, unlike

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The synthetic medroxyprogesterone can actually block the
action of progesterone in the body. So, if you are taking
medroxyprogesterone, your own progesterone that your
body is producing may not be working. Drugs and
hormones are “captured” by cells at receptor sites. Your
receptor sites for progesterone are being taken up by
medroxyprogesterone; your own hormones cannot work.

Also, by blocking these receptor sites, your risk of cancer

goes up. And there are side effects with synthetic
medroxyprogesterone like acne, fluid retention, headache,
breast tenderness, depression, blood clots, insomnia,
anxiety, and more.

For natural progesterone, the side effects include


That’s right, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; with
bio-identical hormones, there are no side effects. There
are only under-dosing effects and over-dosing effects.
Before you get supplemental bio-identical hormones, you
are experiencing under dosing effects.

The progesterone in a woman’s body is produced by the

corpus luteum of the ovary during ovulation as well as by
the adrenal glands. It is also manufactured in the body
from cholesterol. Cholesterol is converted to
pregnenolone, which is then converted to progesterone.
Progesterone can then be made into the other hormones
our bodies use like estrogen and testosterone.

Progesterone affects the entire body. There are these

receptor sites all throughout your body waiting for
progesterone to come floating by. Your body also uses
progesterone to make other hormones. For example, your
adrenal glands take progesterone and change it to
adrenaline and noradrenaline. These give us our “flight or

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fight” reactions. Thousands of years ago when we were
chased by a tiger, adrenalin kicked in and gave us that
short, tremendous boost of energy to get away.

From progesterone, your body also creates your other sex

hormones; testosterone, estrone, estradiol, and estriol.
Your body also forms hormones that regulate blood
pressure, inflammation, and glucose metabolism from
progesterone. In the synthetic, medroxyprogesterone,
there is no such conversion. The chemistry cannot and
does not happen.

One thing that has to be considered when discussing these

conversions; some people do not convert at a proper rate.
In other words, some people’s bodies can make plenty of
estrogen from progesterone, while others cannot. So a
woman who is experiencing estrogen deficiency
symptoms may get no relief at all from supplemental
progesterone. Her body may lack the required amount of
specific enzymes needed to convert the progesterone over.

Some doctors simply give their patients a prescription for

bio-identical progesterone with the understanding that her
body will produce the required sex hormones when
needed. That is not the answer. The answer is to balance
the progesterone with the estrogen and testosterone. What
if you are enzyme deficient? You then return to the doctor
with the same symptoms and are given a higher dose with
the same result. After a couple months, the patient gives
up now believing that this bio-identical stuff doesn’t work.

So what does progesterone actually do?

Estrogens in the body cause the uterus to grow.

Progesterone counteracts this growth, “telling” the cells
what to do. Without it, you have an overgrowth of cells,
possibly leading to cancer. It also works on the nucleus,

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or “brain,” of the cell. Progesterone maintains the proper
balance of estrogen receptors on the nucleus of the cell
and moderates the metabolism of estrogen. When the
female egg is fertilized, progesterone prepares the uterus
for implantation and the breasts for lactation.

Progesterone is a natural diuretic that maintains the proper

amount of water in the body. Without enough
progesterone, a woman will not urinate out enough water
and feel bloated. It acts as a mild antidepressant by
regulating certain chemicals in the brain. Progesterone
boosts the cells that produce new bone, therefore
increasing bone density. The hormone signals to breast
cells to grow, reproduce, and die at the proper speed. This
regulation protects the breasts against cancer. It is also
vital in signaling your body to use fat as an energy source.

Your circulatory system relies heavily of progesterone for

proper function. We already know the estrogens protect
the heart and blood vessels. Progesterone increases this
effect. When there is an injury with bleeding,
progesterone allows for normal blood clotting. It also
lowers LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.
Progesterone regulates the thyroid, decreases uterine
cramping, and increases libido.

I call progesterone the regulator.

Envision this hormone sitting in the background, telling

everyone else what to do. She’s kind of like the boss. If
one of the other hormones cannot do what they are
supposed to do, she can change herself and perform many
functions. She also helps and guides the other hormones,
moderating the entire system and making sure you are
functioning properly. Like a business without a boss,
without progesterone, there is chaos.

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Another way to envision progesterone is to think of an old
balance scale. On one side, you have estrogen, on the
other, testosterone. Progesterone is the balance in the

Why do you like the progesterone cream and not a


When you take a pill, the medicine has to go through your

liver. Your liver acts as a filter to remove potentially
dangerous substances before they go into your blood.
Some medications pass right through, unharmed in their
full dose while some never make it out. Between 2% and
15% of the progesterone you swallow makes it into your
bloodstream. That means 85% to 98% of your dose is
filtered out and removed by the liver.

So, if you need an additional 20mg of progesterone in

your body, you would have to take between 135mg and
1000mg of oral progesterone to get the proper amount.
No one can determine what the proper oral dose should

This filtering is called the first pass effect and is taxing to

the liver. Your liver has enough to do, leave it alone, let it
do its job. It also creates metabolites as byproducts that
the body must remove.

The creams use a lower dose and go right into your blood
stream. They bypass the liver, letting it do its job. The
creams do not create unwanted byproducts of the filtration
process and will not interact with anything you eat or
drink. Progesterone, by its very nature, is a fat loving
molecule. This means when you put it on your skin, it
naturally wants to be with fat. Progesterone readily moves
through your skin and into the layer of fat between the
skin and muscle. As blood flows around the fat cells, it

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picks up the active progesterone and delivers it to the
body. Bio-identical hormone creams are the only way to

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These two go hand in hand. By giving estrogen without
progesterone, you will most likely lead to estrogen
dominant symptoms. By giving only progesterone, you
could end up with several different effects, including
estrogen dominance. The different effects depend on the
individual woman and how her body is uniquely set up.
It’s the story of the conversion of progesterone into
different hormones. If your body is lacking in certain
enzymes, all the progesterone in the world is not going to

You shouldn’t use estrogen without progesterone. These

two need each other to balance your body. At the cell
level, these two actually counteract each other. Believe it
or not, this is what we want. Progesterone “tells” the cell
to grab some estrogen. But estrogen “tells” the cell to
block estrogen. So, too much progesterone causes your
cells to grab too much estrogen. There is not enough
estrogen to stop this uptake and you get estrogen dominant
symptoms. It seems illogical to give estrogen to
counteract estrogen dominant symptoms but this is what
needs to be done in this scenario. It has to do with
balance, not your body’s level of hormones.

Once the supplemental estrogen counteracts the high

progesterone, all is normal again. But what if there is too
much estrogen? Too much and your cells grow too
rapidly. There is not enough progesterone to slow the
process down. This can lead to cancer if unchecked by

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progesterone. You may also get, of course, estrogen

When the female body is given natural progesterone, she

will convert a portion to estradiol, an estrogen. Therefore,
using progesterone along with estrogen in a cream, allows
for a lower dose of estrogen. In general, if a woman is
taking synthetic progestin and switching to natural
progesterone, the rule of thumb is to reduce her dose of
estrogen by 50%.

As a point of interest, breast cancer cells hoard large

amount of estrone inside the tumor cells. The estrone is
then converted into estradiol and used to further grow
more unregulated cancer cells. Progesterone blocks this
conversion of estrone to estradiol inside tumor cells
limiting their growth rate.

You recommend using my estrogen/progesterone

cream twice a day, why?

When I formulate a cream with progesterone, the

directions will be to apply a certain amount of cream twice
a day. With only estrogen or testosterone, the directions
are once a day. When measuring the amount of hormones
that enter the body by way of creams, progesterone shows
a gradual rise for about three hours. The level then
steadies for six to eight hours and then begins to decline.
After fifteen hours, the levels have dropped to only 10%
of the steady level. At the twelve hour mark, there is still
enough progesterone present to show a beneficial effect,
but just barely. Adding progesterone at this time keeps
the progesterone level stable because as the previous dose
is dropping, the current dose is rising.

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Yes ladies, you have testosterone. Before menopause, the
female body produces about 0.3mg of testosterone a day.
When a woman gets in her middle thirties, the testosterone
level begins to drop. It is a slow decline but a decline
none the less. The decline in levels is gradual but the
symptoms begin abruptly.

The lowering of the testosterone throws off the balance

of the other hormones.

Two of the main functions of testosterone are libido and

sexual response. Coincidently, when testosterone is given
to women, the first noticeable effects are libido and sleep
quality. The improvement of sleep usually occurs after
just one day of testosterone supplementation. Libido
returns, as long as all hormones as balanced, after a couple

The benefits of testosterone to women are varied. This

hormone increases muscle tone and strength, increases
lean body weight percentage, increases bone density,
improves memory, and gives an overall sense of well-
being. Along with improving the quality of life,
testosterone also protects the heart by relaxing blood
vessels. It increases the body’s response to insulin and
maintains the healthy glow in the skin and hair.

Too much testosterone is not good, especially for women.

Testosterone can have you turning into a teenage boy
before your eyes. The skin gets oily, acne appears, hair

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begins to grow on your chin and upper lip, and the telltale
signs of the teenage libido appear. While the libido
effects are nice, you will not feel very "pretty" with acne
and a beard.

When physicians carelessly give too much testosterone,

the female patient will soon complain of these unwanted
symptoms. If the hormones are given using an
implantable pellet, medications to counteract the
overdosing must be given. Hair depilating cream, acne
medications, and testosterone blockers are prescribed for
these patients.

When using a hormone cream, simply adjust the dose

downward beginning immediately. By using a cream, the
amount of any hormone can be adjusted quickly.

As a side note, once the testosterone level is lowered, the

overdosing effects will disappear at the same rate they
appeared. So if you noticed the effects over the course of
two weeks, the effects will go away after two weeks. This
is, of course, only if you are using a cream and reducing
the dose.

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DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, is one of the
precursors to both testosterone and the estrogens. It is the
most abundant steroid in the human body and is produced
mainly in the adrenal glands. Beginning around age
seven, our DHEA begins to rise and peaks between the
ages or 25 to 30. At this point, DHEA levels fall at about
2% a year.

Theoretically, by taking DHEA, your body will produce

the required hormones and naturally balance your body…
theoretically. This is not the case. Converting one
hormone to another requires enzymes, cofactors, and
other substances. What if you are deficient in one of these

In practicing bio-identical supplementation, I have found

only a small percentage of people feel a benefit from
DHEA. This is not to say you shouldn’t supplement with

That being said, DHEA is beneficial for reasons other than

balancing hormones. Scientifically, the supplementation
of DHEA has been shown to increase muscle strength,
improve sleep, decrease joint stiffness, increase the body’s
use of insulin, activate the immune system, naturally
lower stress, improved memory, and increase the quality
of life.

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Studies have shown that a reducing your calorie intake
may prolong your life. They also show that those
involved in the reduced calorie study had higher levels of
DHEA. Could the elevation in DHEA be the reason for
the extended longevity? Further studies are ongoing to
determine the DHEA/longevity link.

My feelings on DHEA

I don’t thing too highly of it for balancing hormones.

Many people tell me they take it and love it. More power
too you, don’t stop if you like it. I just feel that if you are
trying to balance your hormones, let’s balance your
hormones. Why take something five steps away from
what you are trying to fix? To me, that’s like painting
your wall by slopping a bunch of paint near the ceiling
and letting it run down, hopefully covering the entire wall.
Paint the wall the way it is supposed to be painted.
Balance your hormones by supplementing the hormones
you are lacking with bio-identical hormones at the correct
dose for you.

Too much DHEA in women and cause excess testosterone

while too much DHEA in men can cause excess estrogen.
This high dosing is to be avoided. For men, 25-50mg a
day and woman should take no more than 15mg a day.

Remember, DHEA can be converted to both testosterone

and estrogen.

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This simplified diagram shows how your hormones are

made in the body. Notice how everything starts with
cholesterol? Your body also uses cholesterol to repair
itself from injury. Since daily repair is necessary for
survival, your body will use cholesterol for repair first.
Anything left over will go towards making your
hormones. When lowering cholesterol with medication,
you will automatically lower your hormone levels.

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Several women have asked me what can be done, without
the help of supplementation, to balance and regulate their
hormones. The simple answer is diet and exercise.

When you eat a diet high in simple carbohydrates, you

increase your stress hormones. This causes your body to
respond poorly to insulin, leading to insulin resistance.
This resistance leads to estrogen dominance. The answer
here is to eat a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates,
lean protein, and “good-for-you” fats.

Diet is important. Not the restricted calorie "I’m trying to

lose weight" diet, but a nutrient rich balanced eating plan.
Get with a nutritionist to develop a sound eating plan
tailored to your needs. The benefits vastly outweigh the
sacrifice you have to make to eat well.

I have developed an eating plan that has worked very

successfully for me as well as several of my coaching
clients. I’ve named it the “511 Diet.” The 511 Diet is
simple, everyone can follow it, it’s socially acceptable and
best of all, you can eat whatever you want; just not
whenever you want. The basic idea is eating well for five
straight days, fasting the sixth day, and eating whatever
you want, in whatever amounts you want, on the seventh

I personally have followed this plan for years with

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excellent results. If, for instance, there is a dinner outing
during the week or some engagement where I cannot eat a
sensible meal, I do the best I can with the food presented
to me. It is perfectly OK to enjoy yourself on occasion
during the five day stretch.

Did you know that you can buy over-the-counter bio-

identical progesterone cream without a prescription? You
can. Certain states have different laws regarding the
strength but bio-identical progesterone is available without
a prescription. The trick is finding the correct dose for
you and determining if using just progesterone is right for

If you are having estrogen dominant symptoms, you could

be deficient in progesterone. This is a relatively
inexpensive way to determine is supplementing with
progesterone cream is going to help with your symptoms.

You can usually find bio-identical progesterone cream in

your local pharmacy or health food store. Be sure to read
the label carefully to make sure it says "progesterone
USP" on the label. You will also need to check the
concentration or strength. This is where is gets a little

The amount of progesterone in the cream can be written

two different ways: either by an amount per volume or
percentage. The amount per volume will be written
something like 25mg/ml. This means for every one
milliliter (ml) of cream, there are 25 milligrams (mg) of

It can also be written in the form of a concentration, such

as 2.5% progesterone. This means that for every 100
grams of cream, there is 2.5 grams of progesterone. We
need to convert this to milligrams (1/1000th of a gram).

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So, 2.5% is the same as saying 25 milligrams per gram.
And to make it just this much more fun, a milliliter equals
a gram. Confusing huh?

This chart should help you determine the strength or

concentration of your cream.

Amount per gram (or milliliter) Concentration

10mg 1%
20mg 2%

To start your experiment, you have to know if you are still

cycling or not.

If you are not cycling regularly, use 10mg of progesterone

twice a day, no matter what recommendations are on the
label. Use 10mg in the morning and 10mg before bed
spaced about twelve hours apart. Give the progesterone a
few days to give you the full effect. If you like the way
you feel, continue this dose. If you feel a little bit better
but still are just not “you,” up the dose to 15mg twice a
day and wait a couple weeks.

The first over dosing effect with progesterone is going to

be breast tenderness. If your breasts become sore, this is a
sign that the dose of progesterone is too high and you
should lower it. Since you are stepping up by just a few
milligrams at a time, you should be able to determine a
correct dose for you.

If you are currently cycling, you should only use

progesterone during the last two weeks of your cycle. The
first day of your period is considered day one. Begin
progesterone on day 14 or your cycle and stop on day 28
or when your period starts, whichever comes first. As
with women who are no longer cycling, begin your dose
with 10mg twice a day and follow the same procedure

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except you will use the same dose through one complete
cycle. The sudden stoppage of progesterone on day 28 is
telling your body to begin your period, and start back at
day one.

As a side note, many women who are no longer cycling

and continue to use progesterone on a daily bases find in
beneficial to have a couple “drug holiday” days every
month. This means they do not use the progesterone for
the last two or three days in each calendar month.
Scientifically, this gives the receptor sites time to
“freshen-up” for lack or a better term. After just a couple
days, she begins the same dose again.

Some women who chose not to take these “drug holidays”

tend to need a progressively higher dose of progesterone
to keep their symptoms at bay. This is because the
receptor sites on her cells become saturated and must
grow new receptor sites to keep up with the increasing
dose. If you are finding that you have to continually
increase your dose, try stopping for a couple days and see
if that helps you.

As mentioned before, there are a number of xenoestrogens

in our environment. It is virtually impossible to avoid
them with our current lifestyle. Xenoestrogens are man-
made products that have been introduced into our
environment beginning about 70 years ago but their
impact has only been studied since 1991. They act as
estrogens but do not have the beneficial effects of
estrogen. They also accumulate in the body and, over
time, can cause symptoms of estrogen dominance.

Supplementation with over the counter products is

becoming more and more popular. Below is a list of over
the counter supplements that women are taking to try and
combat the effects of menopause:

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Soy is the most popular phytoestrogen. Studies show that

eating 20-60 grams of soy daily or taking 35-120
milligrams of the soy extract daily modestly decrease the
number and intensity of hot flashes. Before you go
rushing out to buy your soy, proceed with caution. When
you eat soy, substances in them called lignins bind to zinc
and magnesium, preventing their absorption. So, if there
is any amount of these vitamins in your meal containing
soy, you will not get the benefit. A zinc deficiency has
been linked to prostate disease and low levels of
magnesium can cause muscle cramping.

Soy contains an enzyme that blocks protein absorption and

trypsin. A low level of trypsin, an enzyme, can cause low
thyroid function and slowed growth in children. Another
unwelcomed substance in soy is hemagglutinin.
Hemagglutinin lowers the red blood cell’s ability to carry
oxygen throughout the body.

If you want to eat soy as a food, limit it to three times a

week. This gives your body a chance to remove those
unwanted substances and repair itself. For
supplementation, if it works for you, all the better. Try to
take soy supplements only during that time in your cycle
when you feel they relieve your symptoms.

Black cohosh is very popular and is used to treat

menopause symptoms. Scientists are not exactly sure how
the compound works. Sometimes it acts like estrogen in
some places in the body but not in others. Black cohosh
does not bind to the estrogen receptors on the cell but may
block serotonin in the brain. It has been difficult to study
black cohosh because the chemicals found in black cohosh
differ depending on where the plant was grown, the type
of fertilizer if any, the soil, amount of water, and other
variables. I say try it if you want and give black cohosh at

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least a month to be effective. If it doesn’t work for you,
stop taking it.

Red clover contains compounds similar to those in soy.

Studies show it does not reduce hot flashes.

Dong quai is more popular in the Chinese culture than

here in the United States. Current recommendations say
do not take dong quai. Not only is it ineffective in treating
hot flashes, it contains substances that are known to cause
cancer. Don’t use it.

Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-

linolenic acid, and fiber but not a good choice for hot
flashes. Early studies show a mild effect but hardly worth
the effort.

Chasteberry is a substance that has been suggested can be

used for hot flashes. It has a slight effect of certain brain
chemicals and may be helpful for PMS but not
menopause. This one is not necessary to take.

I have been asked about DHEA for menopause and do not

recommend it, there are better options.

Other supplements that claim to relieve estrogen

symptoms are evening primrose oil, wild yam, and
vitamin E. None of these are effective for this purpose,
don’t waste your money.

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An employee of a health food store told me that taking
an over-the-counter supplement called diosgenin can
replace my natural hormones. Is this true?
Diosgenin is the substance that is extracted from the
Mexican yam or soybeans to make bio-identical
hormones. It has a similar structure to our own hormones
but still must be altered in a laboratory to make human
progesterone. From the progesterone, the lab can make
estrogen and testosterone. This altering of diosgenin
happens in a laboratory, not in the human body. Our body
does not have the ability to change the diosgenin into
progesterone. Taking a supplement containing diosgenin
will only help the person selling you the product. Do not
use it.

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Testing hormones in the blood or serum is not an accurate
way to determine your levels. Decades of blood tests have
only led to more and more confusion with regard to true
hormone levels. Testing the blood gives a total hormone
level, not the level of active hormone. A large percentage
of the hormones in your blood are protein-bound and
therefore inactive. Only the small fraction that are not
bound to proteins are “allowed” to leave the blood stream
through the capillaries and enter the cells. These are the
free hormones. The free hormones eventually return to
the liver where they are attached to proteins and excreted
in the urine. Why measure something that doesn’t work in
the first place?

When the free hormones flow into the capillaries of the

saliva glands, they easily move into saliva. The protein
bound hormones cannot leave the blood until they are
ready to be removed from the body. Saliva tests only the
active hormone, the amount that is actually producing
changes inside cells.

A blood test is taken at your doctor’s office during your

appointment. The body produces a small surge of
hormones about 12 times a day, or about every 2 hours.
Depending on the time your blood is taken, you could be
at the high end or the low end of this surge. The morning
saliva test proves more accurate because the specimen is
being taken at roughly the same time according to your

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personal “clock.” You are instructed to begin testing
about 15 minutes after you wake up in the morning.

Also, a saliva test can be taken at home, at your

convenience. There is no appointment, no driving to the
doctor’s office, no needles. It is painless, easy and
accurate. The hormones found in the saliva are very
stable and can be stored at room temperature for a week
without changing the accuracy of the test results. Saliva
testing is also much less expensive than a traditional blood

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The general feeling amongst those who specialize in bio-
identical hormones is to restore hormones to their normal
levels. There is no proper dose, recommended dose, or
most popular dose. Each woman gets the amount needed
to bring her levels back to her normal.

Hormones should only be used if needed. A saliva test

can measure need in an objective manner while symptoms
measure the need in a subjective manner. I’ve had many
patients who have a certain hormone measured within the
“normal range.” Their symptoms, however, reflect a
symptom that indicates they are low. Supplementing with
bio-identical hormones, even though that patient was
initially in the normal range, alleviated the symptoms.

When giving hormones to a patient, only bio-identical

hormones should be used. This seems like common sense
but traditional doctor have been giving women chemicals
that are not found in the human body for decades. Drug
companies, the ones who “educate” doctors on
medication, can reap a profit from altering the chemical
structure of the hormones and patenting them. No one can
profit excessively from a naturally occurring, bio-
identical, hormone.

When dosing hormones, it is essential to create a balance.

The issue here is – What is the proper level to balance the
hormones? This level varies from person to person. Also,
an excess of one hormone will “push” the other hormones

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down to a lower level. Frequently assessing both
symptoms and saliva hormone levels are a necessity when
properly balancing hormones.

If the woman is still having regular menstrual periods, her

hormones levels will vary based on her cycle. A good
practitioner will supplement her current fluctuating
hormones with bio-identical hormones and regulate her
body. While it is feasible to stop a woman’s cycle, this is
neither healthy nor natural.

The postmenopausal woman does not necessarily need or

want to begin her monthly cycles again. Her hormones
remain relatively steady on a daily basis and therefore do
not need to be adjusted based on a monthly cycle. Once
her levels are brought back to normal, the over dosing and
under dosing effects of the hormones alleviate.

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There are different ways to get bio-identical hormones
into the body. They can be taken orally and swallowed,
absorbed through the cheek, applied vaginally, used as a
topical cream, or implanted in the body. Of all the ways
to administer the hormones, topical cream is the way I get
the hormones into the body.

The reason I like creams so much is the variability I have

with dosing. It is called the practice of medicine for a
reason. There is no one single dose that is correct for
everyone. Each woman I dose is different from the next.
You are different than your neighbor, your mother, and
your sister.

So, I begin each patient with a short consultation about

bio-identical hormones. They are then given a saliva test
kit to take home and submit a saliva sample to the lab.
When the results are in, we discuss the test and together
come up with a plan of action. I use the saliva test as a
baseline only, a place to start. From then on, month by
month, she is dosed primarily on how she feels.
Generally, as long as the patient is happy, hormones levels
are checked once or twice a year.

Remember, it is the practice of medicine. Each hormone

has a normal range that the majority of people fall into.
The first month, your hormones are adjusted to be in the
middle of the ranges. But you, being you, may not feel
right in the middle of all the ranges. We don’t know

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where you are. This is when the dose is adjusted based on
how you FEEL.

If a woman is low in progesterone and low in testosterone,

I will be her best friend in exactly two days. That’s
because on the second night, she will have the most restful
sleep she can remember. See, low progesterone and low
testosterone are responsible for those restless nights and “I
just don’t feel like I slept well” mornings. When the
levels are back to her normal levels, she can sleep.

This is where individual dosing comes into play. Your

estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone need to be
balanced for YOU in order for YOU to feel good. YOU
are different from everyone else.

So, after the first month, the patient will come back to me
and we will discuss how the treatment went for the last
thirty days. She explains to me what is happening, how
she feels, and anything else that is going on with her body.
Based on the discussion, I adjust the dose for the next
month. These monthly conversations happen until she
walks in with a big smile, as happy as can be, and feeling
like her old self again.

I’m not going to tell you this process is simple, it’s not. If
the patient and I discuss the options and her hormone
levels are no longer fluctuating, three months is generally
how long it takes to get the proper dosing. Three months
if she was not taking any synthetic estrogens prior to
beginning the bio-identicals.

If a patient wants to stop taking the synthetic medications

and move to a more natural, bio-identical approach to
hormone supplementation; the process takes longer. I tell
my patients to expect a difficult six months. It is going to

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take about six months for the synthetic estrogen to leave
her body and the bio-identicals to take control.

When a woman takes the synthetic estrogens, like

Premarin, she is bombarded with dozens of estrogen
compounds that her body does not use. These estrogens
block the receptor sites on the cells where estrone,
estradiol, and estriol need to be. When that cell dies and a
new cell is born, a process called up-regulation occurs.
This means the new cell has more receptor sites on it
because it wants that good estrogen. This process
continues with each new cell until there are enough
receptor sites to accommodate the estrogens you cannot
use and the estrogens you can use. Technically, there is a
“balance” here of blocked receptors and usable receptors.
The problem is, you are altering your cells and their

When converting to the bio-identicals, the patient has a

larger role in deciding on the therapy. Either way, this is
going to be a difficult six months. Those cells must die
off and regenerate new cells with a process called down-
regulation. The new cells have less receptor site because
less estrogen is being introduced into the body to fill the
receptor sites.

Giving a high dose of estrogens will cause estrogen

dominant symptoms because those receptor sites are no
longer being filled with the synthetic estrogens. The cells
were not responding to the synthetics even though they
were filling the holes, sort of speak. So, the estradiol and
estrone in the cream are now filling those receptor sites
causing those estrogen dominant symptoms like
depression, breast tenderness, fatigue, mood swings,
bloating, headaches, and poor sleep. The good news is the
symptoms will lessen over time because of the down-

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regulation. As the cells down-regulate, we lower the dose
to keep pace. It takes about six months, but it works.

Giving a low dose causes estrogen deficiency symptoms.

These include a rapid pulse rate, bloating, constant
fatigue, hot flashes, foggy thinking, and headaches. The
opposite reasoning goes for giving a low dose. A low
dose will cause a faster down-regulation but the under
dosing effect will be harsher than the over dosing effect
seen with giving a high dose. There are a high number of
receptor sites that want to be filled with the estrogens but
we are not giving it to them. So the next generation of
cells will have far fewer receptor sites. This process, if
we’re lucky, takes about four months.

It is the patient’s choice as far as which therapy path she

will take: either about six months of estrogen dominance
symptoms or about four months of harsh estrogen
deficiency symptoms.

In practice, only about half the women who try to convert

over finish the conversion. This is unfortunate. The
symptoms are just too harsh for them and they cannot
complete the conversion. These are the women I feel the
most sympathy for. For two, three, sometimes four
months they have endured the effects of synthetic estrogen
“withdrawal” and give up just before they are about to
break through and feel better than they have in years. If
you are taking the synthetics, be warned. The journey is a
difficult one, but worth it in the end.

An exception to this rule is when there are children in the

house that may be exposed to the cream. If you rub cream
on your arm and hug your children, the cream will transfer
from your arms to their body. Obviously, this is not a
good situation. Also, creams applied at night, before bed,
may transfer to your bed linens where they can be picked

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up by someone laying in the same bed. So what’s the

I advise my patients with children to apply their creams to

the inner thighs. This sometimes involves using their
hands to spread the cream, but not necessarily. I dispense
my patient's hormone cream in a topical applicator that
can be used to spread the cream without touching it. Also,
if just a small amount of cream is being used, apply to the
upper inner thigh of one leg and rub your inner thighs
together spreading the cream into a thin layer.

There are a couple of rules I use for my hormone

replacement therapy patients. First, I only give
supplementation to those who need it. A doctor wouldn’t
give you diabetes medication if you were not a diabetic.
You would not be put on medication to lower your blood
pressure if you did not have hypertension. There is
generally no reason to supplement someone’s hormones
unless he or she is deficient. Many doctors simply write a
prescription for synthetic hormone replacement for
women based on their symptoms without ever testing their
hormone levels. How is one standard dose correct for
everyone when this area of medicine is so individualized?

Also, when supplementing, give the correct dosages for

the individual. In other words, treat the patient, not the
numbers. Once a baseline is established and we know
where to start, adjust based on how the patient feels.
What is normal for one is not normal for another.

And finally, use bio-identical hormones and get the

patients off that poison we call synthetics. Our bodies
want the exact chemical that it normally produces, not
something foreign to it. The cells react properly only to
the exact chemical structure we produce in our bodies.

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The hormone creams are absorbed through the skin and
enter the bloodstream through the capillaries. You want to
put the cream where there are a high number of capillaries
and a relatively consistent percentage of fat. This includes
the face, neck, upper chest, or inner forearms. I prefer the
inner forearms because you can apply the cream from the
dispenser directly onto one inner forearm. You then rub
your forearms together to spread a thin layer. When the
hands touch the cream, a small amount stays on the hands
rather than staying on the area it is supposed to be on to
get absorbed. Some say the cream is absorbed through the
hands but I disagree. I feel the skin on your hands is too
tough from every day callous buildup. The skin is too
thick to get adequate absorption.


I prefer to use a compounded estrogen called Bi-est, a

combination of 80% estriol and 20% estradiol. Through
the years, this combination has given my patients the most
benefit. In experimenting with other percentages, this
80:20 combo seems to be the best. Like I’ve said before,
you shouldn’t give estrogen without progesterone. I also,
virtually every time, add testosterone into the cream.

The only time I give any hormone also is for PMS. A

woman who has regular menstrual cycles and experiences
difficult PMS symptoms receives progesterone in the form
of a cream. The general starting dose is 10mg applied
twice a day. I prefer progesterone twice a day since its
effects generally last about twelve hours. This eliminates
overdosing on progesterone to retain the benefits over the
course of an entire day. The cream is applied on days 14
through 28 of her cycle, where day one is the first day of
menstruation. If the symptoms continue, we can increase
the dose to a max of 50mg daily.

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If she begins her period before day 28, simply stop the
cream and this begins day one. On day 28, she should
stop the progesterone cream and her period should start in
a day or two.

The general guidelines for peri-menopausal and

menopausal women are fairly broad. Bi-est dosing can
begin with as little as 0.1mg per day to as much as 1mg
per day. This, of course, depends upon the results of the
saliva test. Obviously, a low saliva estrogen requires
higher supplemental estrogen, and vice versa.
Progesterone dose usually begins at 20mg per day and
rarely goes above 50mg per day. If the woman is peri-
menopausal and feels she wants to have a period, we can
cycle the progesterone in hopes of replicating the hormone
cycle. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Testosterone is the kicker. Interestingly, most women are

excited about the testosterone element. Again, I let the
women decide if they want to go aggressive or not. If
they have absolutely no libido and very little energy, we
can boost those with a higher dose of testosterone. Too
high and she will experience weight gain, oily skin, and
acne. Too low and she will continue the same feelings.
This balance of hormones is where we want to be. To be
honest, most women prefer a slightly higher level of
testosterone due to the affect it has on their mood. They
say that they are willing to put up with oily skin and a
pimple every now and then in exchange for how the
testosterone makes them FEEL. Remember, I go by how
you feel. Most women begin with 0.25mg a day with a
high of 1.5mg a day.


Another way of dosing is what I call hormonal rhythm

dosing. This dosing schedule mimics a woman’s cycle

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that occurs during her life before entering menopause.
Hormones fluctuate during her cycle causing changes
inside the body in preparation for pregnancy. What
happens if we supplement with varying levels of
hormones, giving the proper amount to cause those
changes again?

Some women prefer this rhythmic cycling to continue.

Again, what my patients want, my patients can usually
have. This is a more difficult dosing schedule and must be
followed strictly. It involves using separate creams
containing different kinds of hormones that are cycled
during a 28-day cycle.

The general dosing is to begin on day one of the cycle

with low dose Bi-est 80/20 cream. Every two days, the
dose is slightly increased until day 13, then the dose is cut
25% for day 14, and another 25% on day 15. That dose is
maintained until day 20 then slowly reduced every two
days until the original starting dose, then the cycle begins
again. The progesterone dose begins low and in
maintained until day 14. The dose is raised daily for the
next 7 days, then lowered at the same rate until the initial
starting dose is reached on day 28.

Needless to say, the patient must be heavily involved in

this process. It involves paying strict attention to your
body. Like other therapies, it will take about three months
to get the doses correct. If the patient is currently taking
synthetic hormones, she can expect the process to take
about six months.

Generally, I don’t like to supplement testosterone with my

hormonal rhythm method. Testosterone tends to slightly
lower estrogen. It is difficult to get levels correct with this
schedule and throwing testosterone in the mix seems to
upset this balance. In practice, I have not had a patient yet

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be successful adding testosterone to this regimen. It is just
too difficult, I feel, for patients to keep track of one more

Of course, if the patient has had a hysterectomy, I don’t

recommend this therapy. A consistent dose of hormones
is best for her.

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Below are the lists of symptoms caused by an excess or
deficiency in hormones. The lists are certainly not
complete since an excess of one hormone can throw off
your other hormones. The same holds true if you have a
deficiency in one or more of your hormones. Remember,
everything must be in balance according to your own

Estrogen Excess

Weight gain
Breast swelling and tenderness
Heavy menstrual cycles
Mood swings
Accelerate aging
Coldness in extremities
Dry eyes
Allergy symptoms
Low libido
Hair loss

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Estrogen Deficiency

Hot flashes
Night sweats
Dry skin
Poor sleep
Low libido
Foggy thinking
Vaginal dryness

Progesterone Excess

Breast swelling
Intensify the affects of estrogen deficiency

Progesterone Deficiency

Weight gain
Low libido
Mood swings
Intensify the affects of estrogen excess

Testosterone Excess

Oily skin
Clitoral enlargement
Facial hair growth

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Testosterone Deficiency

Decreased libido
Lack of motivation
Foggy thinking
Muscle weakness
Vaginal dryness

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The Wiley Protocol is a patented dosing schedule that
mimics the natural hormone production of a 20 year old
woman. The doses of the hormones used, estradiol and
progesterone, are varied to mimic the woman’s natural

By the third month of treatment, the patient must have her

estradiol, FSH, and progesterone levels checked on the
12th day of her cycle. On day 21, she must get estradiol
and progesterone levels. These levels are required to
determine proper individual dosing. If dosing is changed,
a three month follow-up with lab testing is required again.

T.S. Wiley is a medical author and researcher who

developed this approach to therapy. She teamed with a
doctor, philosopher, and scientist to show that women
have accelerated their aging process through lifestyle.
More information can be found on her website at

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Prior to going through menopause, pre-menstrual
syndrome, PMS, is the most common hormone related
complaint of women. Some women begin experiencing
PMS in their teens, some in their twenties, but mostly,
PMS symptoms begin when a woman is in her mid-
thirties. As the years and cycles progress, the symptoms
become worse and worse. Just about any woman can tell
you the signs of PMS but the most common are bloating,
breast tenderness, headache, cramping, irritability, and
mood swings. PMS officially occurs two weeks before
menstruation and may continue for several days into

Researchers have a difficult time pinpointing the exact

cause of PMS. This is because every woman’s hormone
level tolerance is different. The level of hormones that
cause one woman to experience extreme PMS, cause her
neighbor to feel nothing.

Most, if not all, PMS symptoms are linked to estrogen

dominance. The simple answer to relieve many of the
symptoms is progesterone. Just the right amount of
progesterone to offset the high level of estrogen works
wonders. But, of course, simple does not always work.
Stress plays a major role because stress releases cortisol.
Cortisol blocks the effects of progesterone. So, just
because you have a normal level of progesterone does not
mean the progesterone is working effectively. The extra
progesterone is needed to overcome this blocking by the

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cortisol. The more stress the woman is feeling, the more
cortisol is released, the more progesterone is needed to
overcome the blockade.

Too much progesterone can make the PMS worse. By

looking at the symptoms of excess progesterone, you’ll
see that they mimic those of excess estrogen. Many
woman who ask their doctor about progesterone and PMS
are given progesterone cream and told to use more if they
are experiencing a particularly difficult month. They have
PMS; apply too much cream; the symptoms get
predictably worse, so they apply more cream, the
symptoms get even worse, so they apply more
cream…you get the picture. It becomes a never ending
cycle until she finally gives up in frustration, believing
that the progesterone cream does not work.

Some doctors prescribe oral contraceptives to “help

regulate” a woman’s cycle. While the medication in birth
control pills is effective in preventing pregnancy, it only
does a modest job at reducing PMS symptoms. Most birth
control pills work by giving a high amount of estrogen at a
steady level, followed by a sudden stoppage and a high
level of progesterone. This sudden starting and stopping
produces menstruation at a predictable time every month.
But if she is particularly sensitive to that level of estrogen,
using the pill for PMS does nothing.

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One of the most pressing issues today is the prevalence of
osteoporosis. There are several different approaches to
battling this thinning of the bone and, yes, hormones play
a major role. Researchers began their investigation with
estrogen because bone loss accelerates at menopause
when estrogen levels plummet. Scientists discovered that
estrogen replacement at menopause greatly slowed the
progression of bone loss. Unfortunately, the effects of
estrogen on bone loss only work for about five years.
After that, the rate of loss, about 1.5% per year, continues
even with estrogen replacement.

Several years ago a new drug class called the

bisphosphonates arrived on the scene. This class of drug,
with brand names like Fosamax, Actonel, and Boniva,
slows bone loss and accelerates bone building. It sounds
promising but the bone that is not absorbed by the body is
not nearly as strong after about three or four years. So, as
new bone is laid down on top of old bone, the bone
actually becomes weaker and less flexible, but more

A low level of one of our major hormones, progesterone,

causes a decrease in new bone formation in women.
Doctors who have been studying bio-identical hormones
for years have discovered that the proper level of
progesterone increases bone density and bone mass. After
three years of progesterone therapy, patients averaged a
29% increase in bone density.

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Perhaps the most important factor in bone formation is

vitamins and minerals. A balance of calcium, magnesium,
vitamin B6, and Vitamin D is critical. We need vitamin D
to absorb calcium from our diet. The calcium relies on
magnesium to be absorbed into the bone. Magnesium
needs vitamin B5 in order to “push” the calcium into your
bones. Just like your hormones, these vitamins and
minerals must be present in order for your body to do it’s
natural process of bone building.

This section cannot be complete without expressing the

need for exercise. Lack of exercise, especially weight
training, is one of the leading causes of osteoporosis. As a
minimum, 30 minutes of active exercise, three times a
week. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you
should add weight training and progesterone to your
regimen. Weight training is essential at this point in your
life. You do not need to go to a gym either. You can use
soup cans, milk jugs, or books for resistance.

There are a number of ways to prevent osteoporosis before

it is too late. First of all, cut out the Coke, Pepsi, Sprite,
or any drink that contains phosphorus or phosphoric acid.
When you consume these chemicals, your body pulls
calcium off the bone and uses it to neutralize your blood.
Phosphoric acid is, obviously, acidic. Your body needs to
neutralize that acid before it gets into the blood. To
neutralize acid, the body uses calcium. Where is there an
abundance of calcium? In the bones.

Substances in alcohol, coffee, and cigarette smoke bind

calcium in the digestive tract. When bound, calcium
cannot move through the intestines and into the blood, it
passes right through you. Prescription diuretics, like
hydrochlorothiaze and furosemide, remove excess fluid
from the body. Along with the fluid, minerals like

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calcium, magnesium, and potassium are removed. If you
are taking a diuretic to control blood pressure, be sure you
are getting adequate amounts of vitamin D, calcium,
magnesium, and potassium.

Getting a bone density test can be beneficial in assessing

your risk for osteoporosis. I would recommend your first
test at age 45. Every six months, check your height. If
you “shrink,” get another bone density test since getting
shorter is a sure sign that you are losing bone in your
spine. I also recommend a test every three to four years
minimum just to be sure.

You may be developing osteoporosis if you have some of

the following symptoms; loss of height, low back pain, leg
or foot cramps, or gum disease or loose teeth.

You increase your risk of osteoporosis if you are a

woman, smoke, don’t exercise, are white, are thin, are
short, use antacids, drink large amounts of coffee, drink
alcohol regularly, have a low calcium intake, or have a

Having strong bones doesn't necessarily mean you will not

get a fracture. Diamonds are very hard, yet will break
under enough pressure because they are not flexible. A
tree branch must be strong and flexible, this is what we are
looking for in our bones. Your bones must be able to
slightly flex and bend when subjected to stress. Properly
balancing your hormones will keep your bones strong and

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The latest “buzz” for men is called andropause, the fall in
testosterone that men experience similar to the way
women experience menopause. Did you know that the
average 55-year old man has MORE estrogen that the
average 55-year old woman? That’s right, men at that age
have more estrogen than women. As aging continues,
estrogen levels rise in men as testosterone levels fall.

As the estrogen begins to take over, the signs become

clear; breast enlargement and an overgrowth of prostate
cells. The male prostate has similar cellular
characteristics to the female uterus. Therefore, the
prostate has an affinity for estrogen. The estrogen causes
the prostate to enlarge and possibly cause prostate cancer.

A high testosterone level does not effect the prostate. If

high testosterone caused prostate enlargement, wouldn’t
there be a bunch of eighteen year old boys with prostate
cancer? That is when the testosterone level is at its

The signs of andropause begin more slowly than

menopause and the symptoms progress at a gradual rate.
The long tem consequences though, are just as severe. As
testosterone drops, there is a predictable increase in the
incidents of heart attacks, dementia, osteoporosis, anemia,
diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. Men who
regularly exercise notice a loss of performance as well as
increased stiffness in the muscles and joints. Many men

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see their drive and motivation in regard to their career
plummet. They get tired more easily; depression, mood
swings, and general irritability are seen.

For many men, the sexual side effects are most troubling.
His libido decreases along with the willingness to have
sex. His fantasies about sex diminish. His erections are
not as rigid as before and orgasms are not as intense.

Testosterone begins its decline in the early thirties and

will be reduced by ½ by the time the man reaches 75 years
of age.

Testosterone supplementation to restore youthful levels is

an effective way of preventing prostate cancer. Again, the
balance of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is the
important factor. The proper dosage for men is far less
than what is traditionally given. Many men have egos and
want more testosterone. They feel more will only
exaggerate its beneficial effects.

The exact dose varies but men generally need about five
milligrams topically per day to restore proper levels. I’ve
seen doctors prescribe 500 milligrams per day! If there is
one thing I’ve learned, doctors are NEVER wrong. I must
try to explain this dosing to the patient, but, men have
egos and want this testosterone. Generally, at this 500
milligram dose, the man will gain 10 to 20 pounds the first
month. His skin will be excessively oily; acne will appear
on his face, back, and chest. Body hair growth will
accelerate and he will become noticeably hairier.

On the inside, much worse is going on. The excess

testosterone is being converted into estrogen in an attempt
to balance out the hormones. This estrogen has an affinity
for breast tissue and the prostate. Also, the body is
changing the excess testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, or

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DHT. DHT is what scientists believe causes hair loss and
contributes to prostate enlargement.

So, you gentlemen who think you are going to be more

manly by taking an excess amount of testosterone are
doing the exact opposite. Your breasts will begin to grow,
your testicles will shrink, your prostate will enlarge, and
you will lose the hair on your head while the hair on your
body will increase.

Here’s a way to increase your testosterone naturally

without supplementing with testosterone. It still involves
getting a prescription from the doctor for a pretty
expensive medication. You can take a drug called an
aromatase inhibitor like anastrazole, exemestane, or
letrozole. These drugs block the conversion of
testosterone to estrogen.

Remember, our bodies can make estrogen from

testosterone. Since our body wants to be in balance, it
wants to make estrogen from testosterone but you are
taking a drug to block this conversion. So, your body
makes more testosterone in an attempt to overcome this
blockage. The end result is more testosterone. I’ve read
studies where a man’s testosterone has increased over
100% after a short period of time taking an aromatase

So what should the testosterone level be? A saliva test is

the only true and effective way to test hormone levels.
According to established ranges, the male level of saliva
testosterone should be between 350-1030 ng/dl. In my
own practice, I have begun treatment on men with a level
of 800 because they were symptomatic. Remember,
medicine is supposed to treat the patient, not the number.
When the testosterone levels of these patients are just

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slightly increased, the balance is returned and the fatigue,
aches and pains, and loss of libido all quickly subside.

I have also treated men with levels far below 100 with a
heavier, more aggressive dose. Within a couple weeks,
based on their subjective symptoms, the dose was too
high. A repeated saliva test revealed a level of under 500,
well within the “normal range.” Although "normal," this
level was not their own, personal balanced level.
Tapering off the dose with some minor adjustments and
these guys were feeling young and spry in no time.

So, just because the established normal range is reached

does not indicate a normal level for that particular male.
Older, less active men generally require a lower
testosterone level while the 40-something with an active
lifestyle will require a little more. As with female bio-
identical supplementation, it is an individual dosing that is
most important.

Through practice, the active male’s saliva testosterone

level should hover around 1000 ng/dl. The vast majority
of my patients are in their fifties and maintain this level of
saliva testosterone.

When the testosterone level is too high, or the man is

insistent upon a higher dose, the hormone will convert to
dihydrotestosterone and estrogen. The body uses this
conversion as a checks and balances system to assure
balance. To combat this conversion, medicinal drugs can
be used. Compounds such as topical chrysin, zinc, and
topical progesterone will help decrease this aromatization
of testosterone. For those interested, the chrysin dose is
250mg orally daily and the progesterone dose is 5mg in a
transdermal cream twice a day.

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Additional aromatase inhibitor drugs like anastrozole,
exemestane, or letrozole are used to stop the conversion.
These prescription medications control estrogen levels
very well.

To get your body into hormone balance, there are three
rules the health practitioner should follow:

- use bio-identical hormones, not synthetic chemicals

- use hormones only if needed
- use hormones in the proper doses

Whether you are unhappy with your current hormone

balancing or have never had your hormones properly
balanced, you can quickly be on your way to feeling

Hormone balancing is just one aspect of the whole person.

In order to fully appreciate what a competent health
practitioner can do for you, all three of your "energy
systems" must be in balance. Along with your hormones;
your thyroid gland and your adrenal glands must work at
optimal levels in order for you to get the full effect of total
body balance.

Every seemingly small step you take to improve your

eating habits, your exercise routine, your sleep schedule,
your stress level, and your mental attitude will make it
easier to achieve balance.

To Get Your Hormones Properly Balanced, visit

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