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A Review On Mechanical Alloying: K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.Shivappa

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K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.

Shivappa / International Journal of Engineering Research and

Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.921-924
A Review On Mechanical Alloying
K V Nagesha1, Rajanish M2, D.Shivappa3
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AIET, Moodbidire
Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DSATM, Bangalore
Professor. Department of Mechanical Engineering, BAE, Bangalore

Ball milling is one of the most extensively Milling speed, Type of milling equipment, Size of
used technique to produce ultrafine materials. balls used and Ball to powder weight ratio
The ball milling process is widely used in ceramic
and metal processing industries. Ball milling 2. Review of previous work
consists of repeated fracture, mixing, and cold H.F.Li and Ramanujan, School of
welding of a fine blend of metal, oxide, and alloy Materials Engineering, Nanyang Technological
particles resulting in size reduction and University, Singapore, have studied the
sometimes in chemical reactions. In recent years microstructure evolution and formation of
the ball milling process is employed to prepare nanocrystalline FeCo based alloys by mechanical
nanostructured materials which are intensively alloying. They have reported that planetary ball
studied, particularly because the physical and milling of 22 mesh iron powder with 100mesh
chemical properties of these materials are quite cobalt powders with a ball to powder ratio 10:1 and
different from those of the bulks material. In speed of 300rpm would result in powder particle
nano-materials research, this technique is well size of 3.3 m after 70hrs. Table 1 shows the
used to fine-tune the grain sizes of the materials reduction in particle size as a function of milling
in nano-scales. However scientists and engineers time and composition. They have characterized the
are optimizing the processing parameters and powders using SEM, TEM and X-ray analysis.
machine construction to obtain powders with Finally they have concluded that the milled powders
desired size and performance characteristics. are not magnetically soft but a variation in
The purpose of this work is to review the findings coercivity with milling time has been observed that
of some of the researchers, relevant to the ball is related to the microstructural evolution. After
milling process for soft magnetic materials such 5hours of milling, the saturation magnetization for
iron, cobalt and nickel and to emphasize the the unalloyed Fe50Co50 and Fe44.5Co44.5P7B4 were
importance of key process parameters on grain 175.7emu/g and 167.2 emu/g [4].
size, particle size and performance
characteristics. Table: 1 Powder particle size (in m) of as
milled powder after different period (in hours) of
1. Introduction milling
Mechanical milling involve the use of Milling
10 15
mechanical forces such as compressive force, shear time/ 5h 20 50 70
h h
or impact to effect particle size reduction of bulk composition
materials. This is sometimes referred to as 19. 12. 5.0 4. 4. 3.
mechanical alloying or ball milling. Ball milling of 6 3 6 3 3
powder particles as a method for material synthesis Fe44.5Co44.5P 3.2 2.1 1.7 1. 1. 1.
has been developed as an industrial process to 7B 7 5 4 1
successfully produce new alloys and phase mixtures, Fe41Co41P14 2.6 3.1 1.6 - - -
since 1970 [1]. This powder metallurgical process B14
allows the preparation of alloys and composites, Fe42.5Co42.5P 9.4 1.8 1.9 - - -
which cannot be synthesized via conventional B
7 8
routes. In nano-materials research, this technique is
well used to fine-tune the grain sizes of the materials Yang Yuanzheeng, et al, at the Academia
in nano-scales. Nanostructure is obtained by Sinica, Heifa have studied nano-structure of iron
repeated mechanical deformation and alloying as the formed by mechanical milling. They have conducted
powder is vigorously shaken in a vial or jar the experiments using Pulverisette-5 planetary ball
containing a number of milling balls [2 & 3]. The mill with steel vials and steel balls. The starting
energy transfer to the powder particles in these mills material used was iron powders with an average
takes place by a shearing action or impact of the particles size of 76 m powders. The ball to powder
high velocity balls with the powder. The size of the weight ratio (BPR) was 20:1. Milling speed was set
powder particle depends on several factors such as to 230 rpm and powder particles were milled for 80h
in one vial. Powder sample was picked up from the

921 | P a g e
K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.Shivappa / International Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.921-924
vials after selected interval of milling time to see the
change in shape and size reduction of powder
sample. The powder milling resulted in particles
with grain size of up to 6nm and the conclusion of
this work is that mechanical grinding is an effective
method to produce nanometer powders of pure
elements. [5]. Fig. 1 shows the reduction in
crystallite size and increase in strain as a function of
milling time.

Fig 2 (a). Evolution of saturation magnetization

versus milling time

Fig 1
Reduction in crystallite size and increase in
strain as a function of milling time.

R.Hamzaoui of University de Technologie

de Belfort-Montbeliard, France, has studied the
structure and mag netic properties of nanocrystalline
mechanically alloyed Fe-10wt % Ni and Fe-20 wt. Fig 2 (b). The coercivity as a function of
%Ni alloys of mixtures. The average particle size of
crystallite size
Fe was 7m and Ni was 250m; the ball to powder
ratio 10:1, and rotational speed was kept constant at
W.Pilarczyk of Institute of Engineering
400rpm. They have reported that the crystallite size
Materials and Biomaterials, Poland, have studied the
decreases from 541.5 to 10.41.5nm and the structure and properties of Fe-Co-Ni-B-Si-Nb alloy
internal strain increases from 0.10 0.05 to 0.69 prepared by mechanical alloying method. In this
0.05. The crystalline size and lattice strain with paper the test material was the mixture of iron,
respect to Fe-20 Ni is D= 51.21.5 to 9.8 1.5 nm cobalt, nickel, boron, silicon, niobium material with
for 96hrs of milling and lattice strain = 0.11 different proportions. The mechanical alloying
0.05% to 0.72 0.05 %. The conclusion of this process was done using high energy SPEX 8000
work is Fe and Ni powders form solid solution mill of the shaker type under inert argon
accompanied by grain refinement and grins size atmosphere. The ball to powder weight ratio is 9:1
reduced resulted in an increase of the magnetization and the powder were grounds for 10, 45, 100hrs.
and a decrease of the coercivity values as shown in The crystallite size is measured by using Scherrer`s
the graph. (Fig.2) [6]. method. The conclusion of this paper was that
powder structure becomes more homogeneous after
100hrs of mechanical alloying with the particle size
in the range of 0.4m [7].

D.A. Sanchez of Universidad Autonoma de

Coahuila, Mexico, have reported that the material
used for experiment was high purity cobalt nitrate
hexahydrate, iron nitrate, sodium hydroxide, citric
acid monohydrate and ethylene glycol. In ball
milling experiment milling was performed in a
planetary ball mill, the milling time is 4hours at a
speed of 300rpm with ball to powder mass ratio

922 | P a g e
K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.Shivappa / International Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.921-924
10:1. After 4hr of ball milling the materials have The grain size of alloy composition of
improved crystallinity of magnetic phase with Fe49Ni38B18Mo4 was 6nm; correspondingly alloys of
increasing temperature the growth of crystalline Fe49Ni46Mo5 and Fe42Ni40B18 yielded particles with
from 5nm to 26nm has also been reported [8]. grain size in the range of 8 to 20nm. They have
reported that addition of molybdenum and boron
A.M. Glushenkov, Department of have a dramatic effect on the magnetic properties of
Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School mechanically alloyed Fe and Ni based material [11].
of Physical Science and Engineering, Australia have
performed reactive ball milling experiments to D.Oleksakova, S.Roth, P.J.Safarik
produce nanocrystalline ZnO. The experiment were University, Slovakia Germany, have studied the soft
carried out in oxygen atmosphere leading to nano magnetic properties of NiFe compacted powder
crystalline ZnO. Initially the powder particle size alloys. In this paper they have reported mechanical
was 150 microns after 100hrs of milling the powder milling using high energy planetary ball mill in
particles had crystallite size of 10 to 100nm. The hardened steel vials with steel balls. The milling was
conclusion drawn from this paper is that performed in the protective argon atmosphere with
mechanochemical procedure is simple and ball to powder ratio of 6:1 and with a speed of 180
applicable to producing material in large quantities rpm. The conclusions of this paper are that NiFe (81
and the oxidation of zinc is a gradual process in wt% of Ni) form from a single phase system and
contrast to combustion oxidations of other metals the mechanical milling of NiFe (81 wt% of Ni)
[9]. results in decrease in coercivity as a function of
grain size [12].
S.R.Mishra,et al, University of Memphis,
USA, have studied the magnetic properties of iron H.R. Madhaa Hosseini, have studied
nitride alumina nano-composite materials prepared preparation of nanocrystalline Fe-Si-Ni soft
by high-energy ball milling. In this study milling magnetic powders by mechanical alloying and its on
was carried out in Pulverisette-5 planetary ball mill the magnetic properties and microstructure of these
with WC vials and WC balls. Starting material used alloys. In this research work the powder mix were
for milling was 99.9% pure 50m iron nitride ball milled under argon atmosphere, iron, silicon
powders. The ball to powder weight ratio (BPR) was and nickel with a ball to powder ratio 10:1 and
20:1. Milling was conducted at 400 rpm. Powder speed 700rpm. The initial grains size was 400nm,
particles were milled for 64h. The reduction in the after 100 hours of milling the grain size reduced to
particle size of FexN leads to a decrease in the 12nm. Detailed characterization of the powders has
saturation magnetization (62.5 emu/g) and a been done using SEM, and X-Ray analysis. Finally
corresponding increase in the coercivity. The they have concluded that the milled powders had
observed enhancement in coercivity results from a metastable bcc solid solution of Si and Ni in Fe with
combination of particle size effect, surface defects, a fine particle structure. The maximum saturation
and mechanical stress. The presence of a super magnetization (Ms) and minimum coercivity (Hc)
paramagnetic component in the Mossbauer spectra were obtained at the optimum composition of
and the decrease in saturation magnetization are Fe85Si10Ni5 after 70hrs milling [13].
related to the grain size. The observed increase in
the isomer shift and rapid decrease in hyperfine field El-Eskandarany et al studied the effect of
in the highly dispersed magnetic particles of (FexN) milling speed in a Fritch pulverisette-5 mill. They
0.2(Al2O3)0.8 are compatible with surface defects reported that the time required for the formation of
[10]. an amorphous phase in the Co-Ti system decreased
with an increase in the rotation speed. While it took
S.W. Du, R.V.Ramanujan, School of 200h for the formation of the amorphous phase at a
Materials Engineering, Nanyang Technological speed of 65 rpm, it took only 100h at 125rpm and
University, Singapore, have studied the mechanical 24h at 200rpm. They had observed acyclic
alloying of Fe-Ni based nanostructured magnetic crystalline amorphous crystalline transformation on
materials. The various alloys composition continued milling [14].
Fe49Ni38B18Mo4, Fe49Ni46Mo5 and Fe42Ni40B18 were
processed from elemental powders by mechanical The effect of milling speed during milling
alloying of Fritsch pulverisette 5 planetary ball of a Fe-7 wt % C-6 wt % powder blend in a
milling under argon atmosphere from pure planetary ball mill was investigated at three different
elemental powder iron, nickel, boron and speeds of 80, 100, and 120 rpm by Rochman et al.
molybdenum. The ball to powder ratio was kept [15]. They noted that the solid solubility of carbon
constant at 8:1. The milling speed was 300rpm for in iron increased with increasing speed of operation
milling times ranging from1to 100h. Initially the of the mill for the same milling time. For example,
raw material particle size was iron-35m, nickel- they reported that on 100h of milling, the solid
150m, boron-46m, and molybdenum 3 to 5m.

923 | P a g e
K V Nagesha, Rajanish M, D.Shivappa / International Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.921-924
solubility of C in -Fe was 0.2 at % at 80rpm, 0.5 8. D. A. Sanchez-Ramirez, A. Rodrguez-
at% 100rpm, and 1.3 at % 120rpm [16]. Rodriguez1, Sagrario M. Montemayor, E.
M. Muzquiz-Ramos, O. S. Rodriguez-
3 Conclusion Fernandez, CoFe2O4 nanoparticles: ball
The inferences that can be drawn based on the milling (assisted by NaOH) vs.
literature review given above are: polymerized complex, vol-09-12 March,
a) Ball milling processing parameters (ball to 2009
powder ratio, size of the balls, material of the balls, 9. A.M. Glushenkov, H.Z.Zhang, Y.Chen.
jar size, milling time, milling speed) have a strong The study on reactive ball milling to
influence on the particles size of brittle materials produce nanocrystalline ZnO, department
which undergo particle size reduction, and in the of Electronic materials engineering
case of ductile materials there is a reduction in research school of physical Science and
crystallite size due to sever plastic deformation as a Engineering, Australia. -Vol 62 (2008)
result of high energy impact. 4047-4049
b) There is a need for a mathematical model, 10. S.R. Mishra, G.J. Long, F. Grandjean, R.P.
which relates processing parameters to particle size Hermann, S. Roy, N. Ali, and A. Viano
or grain size for a given material. Such a model Magnetic properties of iron nitride-alumina
would accurately predict the rate of grain size or nanocomposite materials prepared by high-
particle size reduction as a function of processing energy ball milling D 24, 9396 (2003)
parameters, thus facilitating accurate control of 11. S.W. Du, R.V.Ramanujan school of
powder characteristics. materials Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
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