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Fracture Analysis of Chilled Cast Iron Camshaft: China Foundry

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Fracture analysis of chilled cast iron

*Li Ping , Li Fengjun2, Cai Anke2 and Wei Bokang3
(1. School of Material Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China; 2. China Yituo Group
Co., Ltd., Luoyang 471004, Henan, China; 3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)

Abstract: The fracture of a camshaft made of chilled cast iron, installed in a home-made Fukang car, happened
only after running over a distance of 6,200 km. The fractured camshaft was received to conduct a series of
failure analyses using visual inspection, SEM observation of fracture section, microstructure analysis, chemical
composition analysis and hardness examination and so on, while those of CKD camshaft made by Citroën
Company in France was also simultaneously analyzed to compare the difference between them. The results
showed that the fracture of the camshaft mainly results from white section in macrostructure and Ledeburite in
microstructure; the crack in the fractured camshaft should be recognized to initiate at the boundary of coarser
needle-like carbide and matrix, and then propagate through the transverse section. At the same time, the casting
defects such as dendritic shrinkage, accumulated inclusion and initiated crack and abnormal external force might
stimulate the fracture of camshaft as well. Based on failure analysis, some measures have been employed, and as
a result, the fracture of home-made camshafts has been effectively prevented.

Key words: camshaft; car; chilled cast iron; fracture; Ledeburite

CLC number: TG143.6 Document code: A Article ID: 1672-6421(2009)02-104-05

C amshaft is one of the key parts or components in

the engines of automobile and other vehicles. The
performance is to control the open and close intervals of the
iron (chilled cast iron, nodular cast iron, surface hardened,
and malleable cast iron, etc), steel (ion nitrided and
nitrosulphurized, hardened steel) and so on. Moreover, chilled
inlet and exhaust poppet valves by its cams. grey cast iron is commonly used worldwide for camshaft
Due to the cyclic impact loading on the contacting surfaces production [6-7]. For such camshaft, just the cam surface is
of the cam and the follower, it often gives rise to premature chilled to get high hardness containing transformed ledeburite
wear of cam profile and affects a routine run of the valve without graphite during primary crystallization, while the
gear such as the rotational speed, valve displacement and the crank does not need to be chilled to keep fatigue performance
torque. On the other hand, simultaneously the most serious, well with higher tensile strength and lower hardness. The
under cyclic bending and torsion, fatigue fracture of camshaft material used for camshaft of Citroën car assembled by
initiating at stress concentration easily occurs. Therefore it Dongfeng Citroën Automobile Company (DCAC) in Wuhan,
demands the camshaft has not only excellent wear resistance China, is required to meet GLA1 chilled grey cast iron of
but also adequate anti-impact toughness [1-2]. PSA Group specification in France. The fracture failure of one
Many researches on improving wear resistance of cam camshaft occurred only after a running distance of 6,200 km.
and the follower by surface hardening have been reported This paper presents the fracture analyses of the car camshaft
in recent decades [3-6]. The measures of surface hardening and an improved measure to be recommended.
include phase transformation such as surface chilling and heat
treatment, and precipitation processes occurring in the material 1 Experimental procedures
during surface thermochemical treatment by ion nitriding and
nitrosulphurizing or spraying of multicomponent layers and so The chemical composition of the failed camshaft material
on[1-6]. was determined by using a standard spectrum analyzer. The
At present, almost all of camshafts are made of cast fracture characteristic of the camshaft was studied by visual
inspection and optical microscope and SEM observation.
*Li ping The microstructure was observed under optical microscope.
Male, born in 1968, Postdoc., Associate Professor. Research
Hardness test was performed by using Vickers Hardness
interests: casting process and new materials, wear-resistant testing machine and HB 3000 Brinell hardness machine,
and corrosion-resistant materials and their application. respectively. Hardness (HB) test of the material for the failed
E-mail: camshaft was conducted with a steel ball of 10 mm (load of
Received: 2008-10-10; Accepted: 2009-02-20 3000 kg).
Research & Development
May 2009

2 Results
2.1 Visual inspection
The fractured camshaft is shown in Fig.1. From Fig.1, it is
found that the fracture had taken place in the journal region
between exhaust cam and admission cam of the 2nd cylinder
in the engine. Adherent fins at the molding parting of the
fractured camshaft was not thoroughly trimmed, yet, as shown
in Fig.2. In addition, there was obvious extruded trace on the
interior wall surface of camshaft hole of cylinder head. White
macroscopical section of the fracture zone shown in Fig.3 is
significantly different from the camshaft from France shown in
Fig.4 Macroscopical fracture section of the camshaft
made by Citroën Company in France

2.2 SEM observation of fracture section

SEM image of fracture section of the failure camshaft is shown
in Fig.5. From Fig.5, we can find the casting defects such as
dendritic shrinkage and accumulated inclusion, together with
initiated crack. The characteristics of the fracture section
indicate the mechanism of brittle fracture of the camshaft
Fig.1 The photograph of the fracture camshaft
Note: In Fig.1 E1, E2, E3, and E4 represent exhaust cam from the first
cylinder to the fourth cylinder, respectively; A1, A2, A3, and A4 represent (a)
admission cam from the first cylinder to the fourth cylinder, respectively.

Fig.2 Casting fins at the molding parting


Fig.3 Macroscopical fracture section of the failed camshaft

Fig.6 SEM images of fracture section of the camshaft


2.3 Microstructure observation

The specimens for the metallographic investigation were
taken from the fractured zone of the failed camshaft and the
corresponding position of the camshaft imported from France.
The results are shown in Figs.6 –9, respectively. Graphitization
degree of the fractured zone of the failed camshaft showed
very slight, only a few D-type graphite and coarse Ledeburite
were found in Fig.6 and Fig.7, respectively. The microstructure
was out of specification required by the material standard of
PSA group of France, as shown in Table 1 and Figs.8 and 9.

200 μm

Fig.9 Matrix structure of the corresponding zone of CKD

camshaft from France

Tble 1 Microstructure of car camshaft from material

standard of PSA group in France

Position Graphite Matrix

Journal A type + few D, E type Pearlite + Ferrite, Carbide≤5%

Cam 0.2% (Max) Carbide + Pearlite

200 μm

Fig.6 Graphite shape of the fractured zone of the camshaft 2.4 Chemical composition analysis
The chemical composition of the material from the failed
camshaft, by using a spectroscopic metal analyzer, is reported
in Table 2. At the same time, Table 2 also gives the specified
chemical compositions of the camshaft material. It can be seen
from Table 2 that all of the chemical compositions of the failed
camshaft are within the specified range.

Table 2 Chemical composition of camshaft material (wt.%)

C Si Mn S,max P,max Fe
Failed 3.52 1.78 0.81 0.10 0.07 Bal.
Normal 3.20–3.70 1.70–2.20 0.60–1.10 0.15 0.18 Bal.
200 μm

Fig.7 Matrix structure of the fractured zone of the camshaft

2.5 Hardness inspection
Hardness inspection results at sectional position is in the range
of 352–363 HB that is significantly not in accordance with the
specified value of 170–255 HB in the material standard of PSA

3 Analysis and discussion on fracture

of camshaft
Camshaft TU3/TU5 of Citroën car was cast in Foundry No.1
of Dongfeng Automobile Corporation of Shiyan, China and
the shell-mold casting technology was used to produce the
components with a layout of two cavities per mould. All eight
200 μm cams were chilled using grey cast iron chills, and each of the
cams was rapidly chilled by two divided chills circled in the
degree of 360°, as shown in Fig. 10(a). Camshaft material
Fig.8 Graphite shape of the corresponding zone of CKD
camshaft from France
was required to meet GLA1 chilled cast iron standard of B51

Research & Development
May 2009

1110 for PSA Group of France. The hardness for chilled zone results, visual section characteristic shows nearly white, the
is required to measure within the zones of 2 mm beneath the microstructure of fracture zone is Ledeburite, and its hardness
surface, as shown in Fig. 10(b), where the value specified on is also beyond the range of the standard.
the top of a cam should be in excess of HRC 48, and the value The second reason for it is casting defects such as the
at the other zones of each cam should be higher than HRC inclusion. The existance of the defects increased the initiation
42. And, the hardness values at the non-chilled zones such as and propagation of the crack and decreased the loading
the center of the cam and the transition region of the journal, capacity of the camshaft to impacting force from the outside, i.e.
are specified approximately 170–255 HB. The intermediate increased the inclination of the fracture of the camshaft.
frequency induction furnace with a capacity of 1 ton was Another reason for the fracture of the camshaft is the action
used to melt the molten iron. The pouring temperature was of abnormal force. From the extruded trace in the inner wall
approximately 1,400 ℃. Inoculation treatment was operated in of camshaft hole of cylinder head shown in Fig.3 it can be
a ladle. assumed that the working order of the camshaft was destroyed
since hard particles entered into the clearance between the
camshaft and the corresponding hole of cylinder head before
the fracture failure of the camshaft.
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the crack
in the fractured camshaft initiated at the boundary of coarser
needle-like carbide and matrix (as shown in Fig.7), and
then propagated through the transverse section, where stress
concentration easily takes place under cyclic bending and
torsion. At the same time, the crack initiated can be rapidly
grown at the boundary of the inclusion and matrix, or passes
through the shrinkage zone within the camshaft (as shown in
Fig.10 Schematic diagram of chilled situation of camshaft
Fig.5). In addition, the extruded force gave rise to the initiation
In order to obtain an excellent wear-resistance of cam of the crack at the removal of the casting fins at the transition
surface of cast camshafts, chills are usually used to increase region surface of the camshaft or the enterance of hard particle
the cooling rate and create a hard ledeburitic structure layer into the engine as well.
on the surface, while the center of the cam still keep grey cast Based on the analyses above, some optimization measures
iron structure [8]. An appropriate depth of the chilled layer taken to prevent the abnormal microstructure at the cam necks
is prerequisite to keeping better resistance and long service can be recommended below:
life of cam. A too-thin chilled depth would result in short (a) Improve casting process design parameters, for example,
service life of cam; however, a too-thick chilled depth would chilled depth of chilled samples has been reduced to 11–13 mm
lead to increase the large brittleness, namely, high inclination from about 15 mm. Furthermore, thermal analysis method has
to fracture of camshaft casting. Transition regions situated been used to rapidly analyze C, Si content and supercooling
between two cams are required to have the approximate degree of melted iron of camshaft for helping effective control
microstructure of grey cast iron and keep good toughness as of chilled depth of chilled samples [9-10].
that of the center of the cam. The chilling tendency of the (b) Purify the melt iron to remove inclusion, and improve
transition regions increases significantly due to the small gating and riser system to provent shrinkage defect and so on.
interval of about 4 mm between the cams, therefore it is very (c) Prevent the crack from initiation by carefully trimming
necessary that casting process of camshaft keep under adequate adherent fins at the parting line of camshaft and avoid hard
control. The measuring method of chilled depth in the sample particle enter into the engine.
is shown as Fig.11. So, the main reason for the fracture Through taking those measures above, the fracture of home-
failure of the camshaft is that an over-chilling impacted in the made camshafts has been effectively prevented.
transition region. As the evidences from the above inspection
4 Conclusions
(1) The main reason for the fracture failure of the camshaft
is that a too strong chilled trend existed in the transition
region. Visual section characteristic shows nearly white, the
microstructure of fracture zone is Ledeburite, and its hardness
is also beyond the range of the standard.
(2) The existance of the defects such as inclusion increased
the potential of the generation and propagation of the crack
and decreased the loading capacity of the camshaft to
impacting force from the outside, i.e. increased the inclination
Fig.11 Measuring method of chilled depth in the sample of the fracture of the camshaft.


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The work was supported financially by the postdoctoral foundation from Yituo Group Co., Ltd., China and
the doctoral foundation from Henan Polytechnic University, Henan, China.


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