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Gamatronic - UPS Power Systems

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1UDC+ Power DC/DC Converter
Products System This DC-DC converter module
Centric UPS The Gamatronic 1U DC+ power converts a nominal 48V (42V-
system provides clean DC power 61.5V)into 24V (25A maximum)
Power+ UPS to sensitive equipment while accurate voltage at the output.
simultaneously charging the The unit comes
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Your Telephone A Super-Efficient (96.5%) Modular Telecom Rectifier

A rectifier is the general term for a dc power supply that
also charges batteries. The rectifier produces a regulated
Your Message dc output voltage suitable for telecom applications.
Rectifiers are usually designed to accept a wide-range of
ac input so that the rectifier can be used worldwide with
ordinary ac mains. A scalable dc power supply will
include one or more identical rectifier modules connected
in parallel, a controller for monitoring the system, a
battery, and a low voltage disconnect (LVD) circuit to
prevent over-discharge of the battery.

In normal operation, the system is powered by the ac
mains. The rectifiers convert the ac power into a clean
stable dc voltage suitable for both the operation of
equipment and the charging of the battery.
Type the characters that
The battery is normally intended for use as a backup
power source for the system load (the equipment being
powered by the system) until the normal ac power is restored or a backup generator is operated.
The system controller enables the operator to monitor the system, and to diagnose any problems that may arise. The controller can
Send also be used to connect the power system to the outside world via a LAN or a cellular net. In the best architectures, the controller is an
optional component of the system; the system can work normally without it, but with reduced functionality.
When the ac input power is absent the rectifier modules are unavailable and the load devices are powered by the systems battery.
The battery is connected in parallel to the normal rectifier output.
The battery discharges as it supplies the load devices. When the battery voltage falls below a certain value the battery must be
electrically disconnected from the system, to avoid damage to the battery due to over-discharge. The disconnection is performed by an
LVD circuit in the form of a mechanical relay or an electronic switch.

In recent years efforts have been made to raise the efficiency of the rectifier to the highest possible levels.

The efficiency of the rectifier module determines system efficiency, and is very important for achieving:
Low heat dissipation.
Small size and weight.
Improved reliability as a result of low component stress.[11/02/2014 04:25:08 p.m.]

Gamatronic - UPS Power Systems

Decreased air-conditioning.
Electricity bills savings.
Indirect reduction in CO2 emissions (from the electrical power plant).
In the not-so-distant past ordinary rectifiers achieved 90 % efficiency, and especially well-designed models could reach 92 %
efficiency. Such units are usually comprised of two power stages: a dc-ac (PFC) stage followed by a dc-dc stage. The first stage
corrects the input power factor and creates a high dc voltage link (400 Vdc). The second stage converts this high dc voltage to the
output 48 V (or 24 V in some cases).

Each stage has its own efficiency, and thus the total
efficiency is the product of efficiencies. This means
that for a 92% overall system efficiency each stage
must be 96% efficient. This is not an easy goal to

It must be understood that the improvement of
efficiency from 92 % to 96 % is huge and signifies the
reduction of the losses to half. As an example let us
assume a rectifier of 1800 W. A rectifier with 92 %
efficiency will dissipate 156 W, and if its efficiency
were 96 % it would dissipate only 75 W. The
difference in losses is huge although the efficiency
ratings are very close to one another. In the figure on
the right, there is a curve illustrating losses vs.
efficiency. From it one sees that improvement in
efficiency from 92% to 96% require a reduction in
losses from 8.7% to 4.2% (more than half!).

New Telecom rectifierpower topologies

Over time new power topologies were developed for the two stages comprising the rectifier module:
Bridgeless BOOST PFC:
Bridgeless BOOST PFC was used
extensively for the input stage. This
topology exploits the absence of the input
diode bridge, using transistors to eliminate
bridge losses. With careful design,
efficiency for this stage could reach 98 %.

Interleaved BOOST PFC:
Years later, the Interleaved BOOST PFC
architecture was developed. In this scheme
the power stage is split into two
significantly smaller equal stages that
operate in anti-phase to each other. Using
this arrangement the high frequency
currents are cancelled or minimized and
input line current is almost free of high
frequency ripple currents.[11/02/2014 04:25:08 p.m.]

Gamatronic - UPS Power Systems

Ls Lm CsTelecom rectifier
The second stage of the rectifier is responsible for
converting the 400 Vdc down to 48 Vdc, or 54 Vdc for
charging a string of four VRLA 12 V cells. For this
stage many innovative topologies were developed.
The classic Forward converter has now been replaced
with Resonant and Quasi-Resonant topologies of
many kinds. Recently the LLC resonant converter has
been used extensively by many high-end equipment
vendors to provide high efficiency. Such a converter
contains two inductors (series and parallel) and a
capacitor, forming a resonating tank. The name is
therefore after those components designated here as
Ls Lm Cs.

To achieve even higher efficiency, synchronous
rectification is used at the output of the transformer that actually replaces the output diodes with very low Rds(on) MOSFETs. This
arrangement improves efficiency by about 2 %.

Gamatronic Telecom Rectifiers
Gamatronic Electronic Industries has been developing telecom rectifiers and chargers for more than 40 years. Recently Gamatronic
introduced modular rectifiers specifically designed for telecom and similar applications. These rectifiers employ Interleaved BOOST for
the input stage and an LLC stage for the output. Overall maximum efficiency of 96.5 % results from the extraordinary efficiencies of
98.2% average for each stage. This novel design makes use of the latest technology in the fields of power devices, magnetic
components and control.
By Udi Levy,R&D Manager[11/02/2014 04:25:08 p.m.]

Gamatronic - UPS Power Systems[11/02/2014 04:25:08 p.m.]

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