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Homeopathy - Aspects of Holistic Medicine

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Aspects of holistic medicine

NETWORKS & SYNERGY - The Kollinger Telegram


Founded world Naturopathy Federation in Paris.

Message to all naturopathy companies with the request to


Kollinger telegram:

Ladies and gentlemen,

this message would you go to all not least for the reason because you have contributed a part. The results
and the work of naturopathic practitioner can no longer be overlooked. My great thanks go to them at all
as they are here. Decades of struggle to bring the results and appreciation of natural medicine in the world
public. Who would now deny in Germany that naturopathy and their models were not authorized. In humi-
lity, hope and condence I tell you all wholeheartedly thank you.

Your Ralf Kollinger

Founded world Naturopathy Federation in Paris.

The 2nd International Conference Naturopathy Medicine (ICNM) in Paris with its 250 members from over
40 countries around the shiny framework for the new foundation of the world was Naturopathy

The very dierent conditions of encouraging promotion to combating and suppressing Naturopathy by go-
vernments and universities in the dierent countries of the world was the opening speaker Dr. David
Schleich, the President of the NCNM in USA, cited as the main reasons for the re-establishment of the world
Naturopathy Federation.

While countries such as India, China as well as the United States especially through scientic research, but
integration into the health care system is lacking to identify best opportunities, particularly in rich countries
like Germany this support unfortunately largely in the eld of research. Countries like Switzerland could by
referendum made available to all interested patients force the government naturopathy.

The following objectives raises the world Naturopathy Federation:

1. Support the growth and diversity of natural medicine.

2. Support for the recognition of naturopathic
3. Promotion of distribution and the best possible educational standards for our global profession.
4. Promoting naturopathic research
5. Create and maintain a database of natural health organizations, regulatory, accreditation, confe-
rences and research activities.
6. Working with world organizations (World Health Organization, United Nations, UNESCO) and natio-
nal governments to promote naturopathic medicine.

Language problems at more than 40 participating nations were dissolved into English and vice versa in the
main presentations of the three-day conference by a translation of French. The two German speakers pre-
sented their topics, each after a short presentation of naturopathy in Germany, in English before. The ap-
proximately 80 German magazines for Natural Medicine for patients, medical practitioners and doctors re-
mains largely hidden from the rest of the world. The many organizations naturopathy therapist in Germany
are the world's most unknown. Essential knowledge and many new developments of about 30 000 medical
practitioners and about 40,000 physicians with the additional titles acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy
and the more than 100 procedures are respected even lower by the authorities remain limited to Germany.

The next International Congress is planned for 2016th can promote German organizations this project Sup-
porting this as a support partner, so far about 90 are here listed worldwide, previously charged.

A 120-sided collection of abstracts, list of speakers and the program can be requested, if necessary with me
for the copying costs. My lecture on the successful atherosclerosis regression can be obtained free of char-
ge by mail as a presentation with 110 accompanying sided "Chronicle ill".

If your organization already has English lyrics I'd like to forward them to the world Naturopathy Federation.

This entry was posted on 17. July 2014 [] .

Kollinger telegram: Frankfurter Consilium - hyper-
sonic meets matter - energy strikes chemistry -
information meets the Bio-Gen - on 02 April 2014
Frankfurt Consilium
It is these moments that I'm just proud and happy to be a part:

My two-hour conversation on today's noon, Friday 21 March, with Dr. Ri-

chard Krassnigg explained in terms of the upcoming event in Frankfurt Con-
silium, the hypersonic subject and the therapeutic relevance in daily prac-
tice. The general practitioner studied before studying medicine chemistry
and discovered - man is not chemistry alone. The chemistry is physics
ahead as a base. Only the physical boundary conditions allow chemical re-
actions in general. The evolutionary development biology ultimately is ba-
sed on the chemistry and those relevant to the underlying physics, howe-
Dr. med. Richard Krassnigg ver, is incomprehensible and inaccessible to us in much more. Quantum
president of the "International physics certainly plays a role here, the inuence of the "normal wave phy-
Medical Society for Elektroa- sics," as he stammmt from the Longitudinalwellenphysik, however, is far
kupunktur for full" (IMGEAV) more intense than previously thought. It covers many previously misun-

since 2000 derstood phenomena of human and "paranormal" phenomena.

Why funktioniern certain Therpien the patient? -But but more interesting is
the question - why various therapies do not work?

Dr. Krassniggs credo is: "The operating system of the people running no life at hypersonic without hyperso-
nic". It is important to explain to the practically active physicians that there are two types of waves. The
electromagnetic wave and matter wave which is also called longitudinal wave. All frequency ranges of the
longitudinal waves are named by the physicist as sound waves. The hypersonic is located in the frequency
range of the sound waves above the ultrasonic waves in the region of the highest frequencies and smallest

Hypersonic waves have so far only measurable with biosensors in the con-
struction of technical sensors are working feverishly. The philosophy of
ground-in physicists who say that what we can not measure that exists
non-lies are punished, because the use of the existing knowledge of the hy-
personic waves exceeds all expectations. We will come much closer to the
understanding and importance of matter waves on April 2. The important
inuence of hypersonic in human medicine and document the work and re-
search by Reiner Gebbensleben. The recommended reading for this is the
book: "The sixth sense and its phenomena" Physical and neurophysiological Dr. Wolfgang Stute from
basis of the perception of hypersonic . The work of Gebbensleben based es- Bielefeld
sentially as a basis for therapeutic work of Dr. med. Richard Krassnigg. On
02 April 2014, we are allowed to know a Exceptionally sympathetic man in
Frankfurt Consilium, which grants with dedication of physics to place in medicine, where it belongs, all the
way forward! The next lecture is an introduction to fundamentals of physics and motivated for therapeutic
views and activities. In matter waves will be reected, inter alia, health and any disease. She's with inam-
matory processes and fever just as important as involved with cancer and other acute and chronic disea-
ses. On Wednesday evening of April 2, we discuss with Mr. Krassnigg the essential factors of the matter wa-
ves in the salutogenesis why they initiated by them and in the rst place is possible. Why Lyme disease and
other apparent autoimmune diseases disappear through targeted hypersonic therapy and why on the cur-
rent state of knowledge and cancer develops and can be treated specically. We can not stop to discuss or
stop the causes to seek why some therapies not anschlagem or even go inexplicably in progression. I re-
peat: all complementary, essentially the natural remedies do not work without longitudinal waves - "matter
waves," said Dr. Krassnigg and Dr. Mare, this also once again was conrmed by a highly exciting physician
that I went to them also to interview just like before Mr. mare this to me.

The incredibly likeable Dr. Neshat Madani-Pontius from Bad

Homburg had discussed this week two hours with me in
My interview on information medicine and hy- their practices on the subject hypersonic detail and profes-
personic with the experienced Dr. med. Neshat sionally argued. Miss Dr. Madani-Pontius particularly plea-
Madani- Pontius. sed, as some others that we in Frankfurt Consilium with Dr.
Krassnig will speak in detail on this subject. In any case, only
the knowledge of the longitudinal waves, so matter waves in
their function enables many alternative medical procedures and methods such. As cupping, as well as
acupuncture, neural therapy or homeopathy, to name a few examples to understand their mechanisms of
action and to optimize their use.

your Ralf Kollinger

Issue on 02 April 2014 Frankfurt Consilium:

Hypersonic - accompanying phenomenon of natural and industrial processes; Experiences from the Medi-
cal hypersonic diagnosis and therapy hypersonic as an information and energy turns out to be key to many
hitherto unexplained phenomena. It is identical to Orgon, scalar waves, morphogenetic elds and magne-
to-hydrodynamic waves. Also electrosmog is hypersonic. high intensities of hypersonic involved in the im-
plementation of the so-called. free energy into usable forms of energy. To the transverse waves, longitudi-
nal waves, electromagnetic waves and the resulting common harmonics in the fore. There are three types
of hypersonic sources: natural, technical and passively illuminated objects mitteilweise extremely high rein-
forcement. Hypersonic whenever free electrons meet matter and give their pulse on atoms is formed. The
currently most important task is to track down sources of health-endangering hypersonic elds and to take
measures to reduce the emission or immission.
Dr. med. Richard Kranigg, President of the "International Medical Society of EAV" (IMGE-
AV) since 2000; Specialist in General Medicine - Homeopathy - Acupuncture; Focus: scien-
tic causal research and application of "unconventional" medical methods

Richard Kranigg in his lecture describes (s Elektroakkupunktur full.) By EAV the functio-
nal mechanism of inuencing biological systems and homeopathy in its foundations.
Here, the hypersonic spectra Wasserinformationseinspeicherung, exponentiation and the fundamental
operation of the power stages and their mixtures are explained. In the practical application of hypersonic
diagnosis and therapy is evident that matter waves belong to the operating system of biological systems
and the maintenance of a precisely dened sound level in the cells, organs and the whole body is essential
for the preservation of health. All measures of the diseased body are aimed at restoring this level. These
newly konzeptierte therapy based physically on the application of matter waves hypersonic, supports these
eorts by one hand strengthens the system components with exactly matching previously wretched sound
levels and also destroys pathological structures. So that it is basically able to cure life-threatening conditi-
ons and diseases for which the university medicine no remedies are available (your application becomes
the focus of future medicine because of the totality of these parameters. It is suggested that the means n-
ding less after instead, to make more of similars through the application of biological emergence the re-
sults so far indicate that in this way a signicant reduction of disease duration can be achieved by text:..
Krassnigg, mare, Gebbensleben

Continued here leading literature on hypersonic:

Hypersonic - The invisible light - An introduction to the hypersonic acoustic

Hypersonic and brain - Reex and mental hypersonic perception

This entry was posted on March 22, 2014 [] .

Homeopathic treatment is eective

Homeopathy for hyperactive Zappelkinder
Medical Journal , 12.02.2007
Studies therapy cut with homeopathic remedies from good / doctors, parents and children satised / Ber-
ner colleague recommended duration of therapy

NEW ISENBURG (gwa). Treatment with homeopathic remedies can relieve symptoms such as dgeting in
children with attention decit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This resulted, for example, a study by the Uni-
versity of Bern.

German medical journal

ADHD: Homeopathic treatment is eective
German medical journal in 2006; 103 (1-2): A-36 / B-27 / C-27
in July 2005 was published in the "Homeopathic treatment of children with attention decit hyperactivity
disorder" study in the European Journal of Pediatrics. In this double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled
trial Frei et al reported. the eectiveness of homeopathic treatment for patients with ADHD. In your litera-
ture review the preliminary study of Frei was - showed similar results - although listed. In the questions and
answer catalog of the German Medical Association is succinctly read on the eectiveness of homeopathic
treatment: "There have been no controlled trials so here restraint should be exercised." Where please stay
scientic integrity? Constantly studies are required. A study shows a clear proof of eectiveness, the result
is simply denied. I personally had the opportunity to hospitieren few days in practice of the author, Heiner
Frei. I have seen many long-term courses of ADHD patients and have been very impressed by what can
make the homeopathic treatment. Was also amazing that most patients in whom a Ritalinbehandlung had
to be canceled due to incompatibilities, responded very well and without any side eect on the homeopa-
thic treatment. Following publication of the study point in Switzerland Unikliniken appropriately trained ho-
meopathic doctors (child psychiatrists, pediatricians, family doctors) patients to homeopathic treatment. A
combination homeopathic treatment with Ritalin has engaged in a transition phase - to relieve the pressure
by the school - proved possible. The methodology is well instructive in basic knowledge of homeopathy be-
cause of its structured approach and learned. The results are reproducible in practice. It is time that the
present results are recognized and appreciated. Finally, there is the most valuable asset of our society: our
Dr. med. Dominik Mller,
Cardinal Preysing-Platz 14,
85072 Eichstatt

Application of individual homeopathic medicines for ADHD -. Study by H. Frei et al, University of Bern
In the event that these links will eventually stop working, repeat the key messages here.

Homeopathic treatment of hyperactive children, results of a double blind study
education Homeopathy double-blind study
This entry was posted on 27. August 2013 [] .

The sixth sense and its phenomena

Physical and neurophysiological bases of perception of hypersonic

Hypersonic: Basics - Declaration - cancer - and therapies

The book "The Sixth Sense and its phenomena"

by Reiner Gebbensleben

The author, Reiner Gebbensleben, conducted research on behalf of industry for 35 years in the eld of noi-
se control, vibration mechanics and technical diagnostics has, since 2002, the study of the hypersonic.

Gebbensleben makes it clear that extremely intense hypersonic elds have a direct eect on the human
body by moving to such a high vibration amplitudes stimulate the cells that molecular bonds breaking. In
the event that it is damaged when the molecule is DNA, the blueprint for the cell is lost, uncontrolled
growth - in other words: - a result of cancer. These ndings are consistent with the results of numerous in-
ternational studies in which, for example, DNA unit fractions is talk and a direct link between electromagne-
tic elds and cancer is made.

To book order

Hardcover: 676 pages

Publisher: Books on Demand; 1 edition (October 11, 2010)

Language: German
ISBN-10: 3842300867
ISBN-13: 978-3842300866
Size and / or weight: 22.6 x 18 x 4.6 cm

Reiner Gebbensleben, born in 1939 in Magdeburg, studied at the Dresden University of Technology Electri-
cal Engineering specializing in electro-acoustics, and later power engineering. He was 35 years active in the
areas of noise control, vibration measurement and the Technical diagnostics, has received several patents
and published technical papers. Since 2002, he has devoted himself exclusively to the study of the hyperso-
nic. This research was so successful because he einarbeitete to in the subject areas of particle physics, as-
troparticle physics, solid state physics, optics, anatomy, neurophysiology and cognitive psychology.

Continued here leading literature on hypersonic:

Dear Mr. Kollinger,

Hypersonic that un-

sichtbae light - Intro- the expansion found by me to technical and geopathic stress elds in which there

duction to hypersonic is another mechanism that can meet today in particular through the LTE technolo-
gy everyone is worrying. Information-bearing elds in the body (= hypersonic el-
acoustic I received
ds) -The issue almost bring hypersonic of the population, therefore, the most ur-
from Mr. Reiner Geb-
gent task at present. I put you to a small not protected by copyright booklet when,
bensleben personally
in the present state of hypersonic research is outlined briey and understandable,
but also points out the risks and rewards. Thank you again, that you have taken up
the theme. I wish the event a complete success. Perhaps it is indeed times in the
course of a theme night on cancer set up under the new aspect in Frankfurt Consilium. There are brand
new and disturbing insights into cancer development, which must be spread.

Gebbensleben your Reiner

Hypersonic - The invisible light - An introduction to the hypersonic acoustic

Hypersonic and brain - Reex and mental hypersonic perception

Reiner Gebbensleben describes electromagnetic than from synchronous atomic longitudinal modes in the
range Tetra Hertz consisting and associates it with the short-wave infrared range.
Again he points out the dierence that it just is not electromagnetic but to mechanical vibrations. Accor-
dingly hypersonic has on the one hand the behavior of audible sounds, on the other hand the light. In addi-
tion, it is stated that it is bound to matter, that does not exist in a vacuum, and is refracted when striking in-
terfaces reected or totally reected. Since, in the resonances between the parallel boundary surfaces, for
example, store all the rectangular living rooms hypersonic elds. In addition, water is known thanks to its
high hypersonic index as an excellent storage medium.

Involving many disciplines and with the help of

known physical laws the riddle is solved by the so-cal-
led sixth sense and related to this phenomenon for the rst time. The reader is taken on an exciting jour-
ney into the unknown and fascinating world of hyper sound. Its frequencies are in the terahertz range hig-
her and are equipped with technical devices is not directly measurable at present. As the key to emotional-
ly known for thousands of years existence of the unconscious working sixth sense, the information theory
proved. The innate human sensitivity to each hypersonic elds as well as a rudimentary, once the run ser-
ving reex were used to investigate the properties of hypersonic with the scientic methods of observation
and experiment and on the basis of model tests. The reader learns that it has not only equipped with the
familiar ve senses, but also with an ingenious system for receiving and processing signals hypersonic na-
ture. At the end of reading it will know that hypersonic the operating system of the people heard and that
all associated with the New Age phenomena are normal hypersonic phenomena and can be explained
plausibly with the laws of the physical standard model. He obtained a new view of nature and life, and have
above all learn something about yourself.
Hypersonic - accompanying phenomenon of natural and industrial processes Introduction The hypersonic
theory describes the laws of nature, which were a result of a variety of dierent experimental studies
found, for because of the lack of suitable technical instruments (technological terahertz gap) biological sen-
sors were used. So that a new branch of science was born on the basis of the standard model of physics:
the hypersonic acoustic with specic laws and so uring that are already known from vibration mechanics,
uid dynamics, optics and audiology. Hypersonic as an information and energy turns out to be key to many
hitherto unexplained phenomena. It is identical to Orgon, scalar waves, morphogen etic elds and magne-
to-hydrodynamic waves. Also electrosmog is hypersonic. high intensities of hypersonic involved in the im-
plementation of the so-called. free energy into usable forms of energy. Hypersonic provides plausible ex-
planations for the phenomena of Geobiologie (water veins, earth jets, grids), for all the phenomena of Ra-
disthesie (Strahlenfhligkeit, remote viewing, the Wnschelruten- and hunting phenomenon, Psi-tracks,
Ley lines), the Parapsychologie (Except sensory perception, telepathy, precognition , Gedankenimprgnati-
on and psychokinesis), biophysics (orientation behavior of animals, metabolism, growth and communicati-
on of plants), alternative medicine (homeopathy, placebo eect, acupuncture, naturopathy), neuroscience
(learning, thinking, remembering, dreams, hallucinations, hypnosis, near-death experiences and apparent
rebirth). Hypersonic also provides completely new perspectives in sociology, psychology, evolutionary bio-
logy and philosophy. What's hypersonic and where it comes from? The wave equation for motion of atoms
in the lattice of a crystal lattice has two solutions. In the acoustic branch, groups of atoms in the form of
long standing waves in the millimeter to meter range move against each other. This is the hallmark of audi-
ble sound. In the optical branch, the second solution of the wave equation, atoms of standing waves move
with their natural frequencies in the form of wavelengths in the nanometer range up to today. These vibra-
tions with frequencies in the terahertz range higher will of man, animals (and even plants!) Perceived un-
consciously. You are above the ultrasonic range and are called hypersonic. Between the two areas are nine
orders of magnitude. This results in signicant dierences. So obey Hyper sounds inerseits mechanical, but
on the other hand optical laws. Hypersonic whenever free electrons meet matter and give their pulse on
atoms is formed. Pulse and excited atomic natural vibrations are greater the higher the per electron con-
verted kinetic energy Ekin = mv = e U (m = mass, v = speed, e = elementary charge, U = electrical volta-
ge), that is, the greater the is number of interacting with matter electrons and the higher its speed v or the
traversed in the plasma potential dierence U.

There are three types of hypersonic sources: natural, technical and passively illuminated objects with so-
metimes extremely high reinforcement. Natural sources hypersonic always exist, technical only since the
advent of electrical engineering. Most important natural resource is the cosmic radiation that is in the at-
mosphere releases electrons, which in turn interact with air molecules. But even within the Earth are re-
leased in Magma masses of electrons and reabsorbed by the shortest route. Besides hypersonic sug-
gestions WC by the decay of radioactive elements. Other sources in the biosphere of the earth: re, light-
ning, meteorites, corpuscular radiation of the sun, ow processes in air and water, metabolic processes in
biological systems of plants and animals, especially the ring of synapses of the nervous system. Strongest
biological hypersonic source is the human brain, which easily reaches peak values with 100,000 times the
amplitude of the natural eld and more at intellectual activity. Strongest technical sources are under-
ground nuclear waste storage. The radioactive Zerfallentstehende at hypersonic is highly enhanced by the
geometry of the mine shafts. This is followed by nuclear power plants with thermal power of several giga-
watts. Plasma free electrons can be found in many industrial processes in arcs, spark gaps and corona di-
scharges. But any semiconductor component inevitably generated hypersonic in its pn junction. The super-
sonic power generated is proportional to the converted electric power in the pn junction. This means that
the entire home and oce electronics hypersonic radiates: at panel displays, CRT monitors, PCs, TVs, au-
dio systems, receivers, dimmer, etc. The latter emit particularly high amplitudes because electrons are ac-
celerated by the full mains voltage in their switching power supplies. The same applies to investments in
energy technology and equipment and antennas of digital news services: mobile networks, radio and televi-
sion stations, radar equipment. All energy-saving lamps emit extremely strong hypersonic elds. Types with
coiled light stick can reach hypersonic amplitudes that dier only slightly from those of a nuclear power
plant due to its geometry. Only incandescent stay with their hypersonic amplitudes in the natural area.
Main characteristics of the hypersonic eld hypersonic occurs in two congurations: a coherent unattenua-
ted beam and as a structured eld between the beams, named eld. If an originally homogeneous hyperso-
nic eld strikes an object, it is modied in a characteristic manner. The many elementary beams, the homo-
geneous eld ausdenen composed, "condense" at suciently high eld strength during passage through a
homogeneous object in principle because of the radially inwardly directed transverse forces of each beam
to each a single beam in each coordinate direction. Hypersonic eld, the principle of balance of power is va-
lid. The beams are modulated by the vibration prole of the irradiated object (so-called shape resonance.)
And rich - if there are no obstacles in the light path - theoretically innitely far. Hypersonic jets always con-
tain white noise that constantly refer to the radial forces the global eld. This increases a beam on the
spectra of all of passed objects. Hypersonic jets behave with their inherent structure in the global hyperso-
nic eld as solid bodies (so-called. Ethereal). Between 2 per materially identical objects created exclusive
hypersonic resonances and forces that lead to the merger of larger units, a basic principle of nature. Liquid
and gaseous bodies form clusters, and can take as any foreign spectra and existence of an external excitati-
on also indenitely speichern.Hyperschall high amplitude through exceeding the dissociation energy for
rupture of atomic bonds. At higher oscillation amplitudes atoms interact with each other directly. This re-
sults in atomic transmutations and the so-called. Cold fusion. Knowing the found laws of hypersonic is ne-
cessary for the realization of important current goals, such as the use of hypersonic for the cleavage of che-
mical compounds for diverse applications (increase agricultural yields, water treatment, pollutant removal,
generation of Browns gas) and the conversion of so-called. Free energy into usable forms of energy. The
currently most important task is to track down sources of hazardous hypersonic elds and to take measu-
res to reduce the emission or immission. The ght against earth rays and water veins is as old as mankind.
A new addition is the so-called. Electrosmog, which already meets all the characteristics of an epidemic.
Here, the hypersonic model provides not only the physical background, but also shows ways to its disposal
on. Reiner Gebbensleben Dresden, January 2012

Gebbensleben, Reiner:
The sixth sense and its phenomena - physical and neurophysiological bases of perception of hypersonic.

Photo Reiner Gebbensleben and the fascinating world of hyper sound. Its frequencies are in the terahertz
range higher and are equipped with technical devices is not directly measurable at present. But with the
scientic methods of observation and experiment and on the basis of model tests it can be explored. Rei-
ner Gebbensleben shows that hypersonic the operating system of the people heard and that all associated
with the New Age phenomena can be explained plausibly with the laws of the physical standard model.

This entry was posted on 21. August 2013 [] .

Homeopathy - medicine or sham?


Movie review with positive study analysis

is time, because looking away is not up to date, especially in this wonderful (non clues, but evidence)

What you always wanted to know about homeopathy / should.

Much to see knowledge in BR on Monday night 4/23/13 successful contribution in the show fascination.
This uadie publication in "The Lancet" in 2005 is completely exhausted.

With contributions by:

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Linde, Scientic Coordinator of the Technical University of Munich, Institute of General Medi-
Prof. Dr. med. Maja Steinlin, Department of Pediatrics Bern, University Hospital
Dr. Stephan Baumgartner, University of Bern, Collegial of Complementary Medicine
Dr. med. Sigrid Kruse, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, University of Munich
Dr. med Jens Wurster, Clinica St. Croce, Orselina
Dr. med. Heiner Frei, Pediatrician, Laupen

This entry was posted on 27. April 2013 [] .

Brain Tumors; Banerji Protocol For Malignant

Brain Tumors


The Banerji Protocols:

glioblastomas 80% cure rate - in Texas, there is the center for cancer - it is thought that these protocols are
applied at the earliest in the world. Family practices since 1863 Homeopathy - grandfather was the rst to
his son makes this even now. In India, there are many people, they have to pay for the treatments themsel-
ves - that's why conventional treatment is much too expensive. Father gave the Medis free arms. More than
1000 patients a day, more than 100 cancer patients a day. The protocols simplify the classical homeopathy -
then Hahnemann's time, there was less knowledge, for this reason Hahnemann had the question - Sym-
ptoms, life history habits etc. created. Meanwhile science is improved - hormones, DNA, enzymes, etc. and
methods of diagnosis have been revolutionized. With the help of these diagnostic tools we have learned
the benets thereof to treatment and Banerji has specic funding for specic diseases developed - even in
dicult cases. Many of these cases had previously undergone the conventional medical treatment. Homeo-
pathy can cure all diseases - with a very large bandwidth.

Vereinfache die Homopathie PBH Research Foundation 10/3/1 Elgin Road, Kolkata 700020 West bengal,
India Email: Website:

This entry was posted on 24. November 2012 [] .

The Banerji Protocols:

Vereinfache die Homopathie PBH Research Foundation 10/3/1 Elgin Road, Kolkata 700020 West bengal,
India Email: Website:

For example to the minutes:

Brain tumors
evening dosing before therapy: Camphor C 200 , 1x 5 Glob
Ruta grav. C6 , 2x daily. 5 glob. morning and evening + calcium phos. D3 ., 2x daily 2 tablets at lunch and
Extra with cramps and headaches:
Arnica mont. C3 + Cuprum met. C6

In addition confusion:
Helleborus C30 Liq 2x daily..

In brain edema in addition:

Lycopodium C30 Liq 2x daily..

Bei Pleuraerguss
Lycopodium C30 Liq. 3x date.

When brain metastases :

treatment of the primary tumor only when proven metastases, for example, come from the chest, then
Phytolacca C200 every 2 weeks + Ruta grav + calcium phos . give.
Non-malignant tumors:
with Ruta and calcium . phos . to treat

... read on to the complete Protikollen to arrive

Glioblastomas 80% cure rate - in Texas there's Center for Cancer - you might think that these protocols be
applied soon around the world.
The family practiced since 1863 Hmopathie - grandfather was the rst to his son makes this even now. In
India, there are many people, they have to pay for the treatments themselves - that's why conventional tre-
atment is much too expensive. Father gave the Medis free arms. More than 1000 patients a day, more than
100 cancer patients a day.
The protocols simplify the classical homeopathy - then Hahnemann's time, there was less knowledge, for
this reason Hahnemann had the question - created symptoms, habits, etc.. Meanwhile science is improved
- hormones, DNA, enzymes, etc. and methods of diagnosis have been revolutionert.
Using these diagn. Tools we have learned the benets of it to document treatment and mode of action of
homeopathic remedies. It was very dicult to prove in the laboratory which dierent drugs which cures di-
Banj. Has developed specic funding for specic diseases - even in dicult cases. Many of these cases had
before the schulmed. Undergo treatment. Hom. Can cure all diseases - with a very large bandwidth. In ho-
meopathy has for spec. Diseases No spec. Means - but for cases you can make protocols. Becker and Witt
et. Al - study- 6 type Klass.. Histories 117 min (42 min) - today one wants to have the history unchanged.
This science, however, has evolved. However, constant change by methods change important to important
- the science embodies permanent development. Here are specic. Means for spec. Prescribed diseases -
how we got to that? We have a lot of patients and by observations, we have shown what means in which
power most help. This is the Banjeri protocol. Now, if modern diagn. Make the diagnosis methods may then
Banj. Protocol can be used. We have very good results and use mainly 2 pot. Material and place them. The
side eects we can mitigate and achieve faster healing. Steinbeck 2204 - spec. Agents have been very suc-
cessful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Flour. Ac. Has strongly recommended for radiation pati-
ents. Dr. Sushil Vats 2004 - bad picture - only 50% of practicing active, only 10% can work live in a city like
Delhi. Homeopathy must be easy to learn and easy to practice be for the Hom. Can also be used across the

What are Banerji Protocols:

They are the fruit of experience and observation of zig1000enden of patients. The complex system was
standardized and simplied.
The scientic community should look deeper into the matrix and not just on the surface. In Huston was ex-
perimenting with dierent cell lines -. Here it was demonstrated that microne dilutions show demonstra-
ble eect.
Same disease - dened resources - dened power-always the same for the dierent diagnoses.

Baj. Protocols:
Easy to learn - because diagnosis is central.
Fixed prescription for spec. Diseases achieved standardization
Spec. Agents with spec. Potency for each disease - are eective and data are numerous prescription within
minutes approach is diagnostic - not so much individual - easier transfer of knowledge. A test must be re-
peated - here are Banj. Meets protocols for these tables. There is no other common non-surgical method.
A dose is 2 beads ....

Hamamelis C200 both agents in a bottle mixed
Arnica mont. C 3 2 x daily. (A taking up to 2 years)

Leberversagen (Fibrose und Inammation)

Chelid. Majus D 6 2 x tgl.
Thuja C 30, 2 x
Kalium mur. D3
Ferrum phos. D3

Jaundice Hep. B and C -

Chel. Majus D 6 every 3 hours. Alternated with
Lycoppod. Clavat. C 30 (also with pleural eusion or Silicea c 30 add)
Myrica tincture (Q) 2 x daily. (All spec. Means in severe liver disease)
Thuja occ. C 30 twice daily.
Potassium mur. D3 mixed xtgl with Ferrum phos D3 second

Hepar sulf. C 200 every second day in the morning
Arsenicum alb. C 200 every night a dose - at itching, aggravation also to 3.4x daily.

Lung cancer
potassium carb. C 200 (FOR ALL PULMONARY DISEASE)
Thuja occ. C 30, 2 x daily.
Ferrum Phos. D3 with hemoptysis

This kind of Peeping disease and all other lung diseases we heal - in India homeopathy is no alternative treatment
special conventional treatment.

Hypothyroidism taking about 2 YEARS - AND then 3 months tapering o

and HASHIMOTO, thyroiditis, Stuma,

each and every given initially in hospital Camphor 200 single dose to extinguish all the conv. Means and revamps
the body to homoeopathic. involved treatment.

Bromium C 6 2 x daily.
Lye. Clavat. . C 30 2 times a day (always helps swelling which should subside)
or - if no improvement:
Instead Brom - Spongia C 30 2 times a day.
If LThyroxin is taken - then slowly tapering o normal in LThyrox 100 15 days after each month to reduce
the 25th The results are indeed easier if anything is taken, but the results are also stable.

iodine C200 morning and evening
Crataegus urtinkur 5 - 10 drops -. 2 x daily (palpitations)

Fibroid and hypothyroidism - also at elevated PAP give

Conium maculatum c 3morgens and evening (spec uterus.) For 3 months -. During Mens not
Arnica montana C 3 ditto (with bleeding) - at Mens to 5x daily.
Clavat Lycopodium. . C 30 ditto These three are in broid treatment - broid
away after 2 months.

Take at increased Pap or after surgical protocol 3 months, 14 days o - 3xwiederholen

take medications at dierent times.
Then: hypothyroidism - see above.

Helonius C 200 two times a day.
Cefalandra India. Tincture every morning and evening
With much appetite and weight loss - instead Helonius iodine 200 is - even with juvenile diabetes, polyuria
and high blood sugar levels -

Pharmacies - Helios in Karlsruhe, Remedia in Austria

further to all protocols, click here for the full article

Homeopathy Banerji Protocols PBH Research Foundation

NHY Dr. Miguel Corty Friedrich to Banerji Homeopathy protocols, Alicante in Spain, former board member
of the Medical Association Alicante Frankfurt Consilium and Ralf Kollinger discuss positive

Rajendran - March 2017 - SJMPS-3289-106-1 and the Frankfurt Consilium Kollinger, telegram and Ralf

This entry was posted on 24. October 2012 [] .

Basis of homeopathy
While the British Medical Association (BMA) called for an end to nancial support of homeopathy and critics
disparage as "the appointed Nonsense," a Nobel Prize winner made a discovery that may point to the scien-
tic basis of homeopathy. In July, the French Nobel laureate and virologist Luc Montagnier shocked his No-
bel Prize-colleagues and the medical Establish- ment with the opening, he discovered water dispose about
a kind of "memory", which is available even after many dilutions. Up to Montagnier's research, the most es-
tablished doctors and scientists were convinced that
there was no scientic evidence for the eectiveness
of multiple dilutions, as they are used in homeopathy. Partly go to these estimates one occasions to misun-
derstanding. For the most part it did so on the growing popularity of homeopathy, which one as annoying

wants to get rid of competitors to traditional medicine - almost the same thing happened in the United Sta-
tes a century ago.

One of the basic assumptions of homeopathy holds that the eectiveness of a substance grows by repea-
ted dilution. Montagnier now discovered that solutions containing the DNA of a virus or a bacterium, "radio
waves in the low frequency range broadcast" that aect other molecules in their environment and trans-
form them into organized structures. These molecules then also emit waves. Montagnier also discovered
that these waves remain in the water even after many dilution processes. For a layman, perhaps says not
much, but for a scientist it stands to reason that homeopathy but has a scientic basis.

In England, the market for homeopathy is growing by about 20 percent. About 30 million people in Europe
use homeopathic medicines. In England's Kronprinz Charles supporters of homeopathy, and since the 19th
century, the royal's personal physician is traditionally a homeopathic doctor.

Even in the US, homeopathy is experiencing a boom, but is not as popular as in the rest of the world by far
there. In India, 130 million people are considered Annexes ger homeopathy. In Brazil, homeopathy is con-
sidered an independent medical area with about 15,000 licensed homeopathic specialists. The second half
of the 19th century was the golden age of homeopa-
thy in the US. Normal doctors could barely keep up.
1902 practi-ed seven times as many homeopaths as scientic medicine ( "allopathic," as she called the
founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann man). At that time there were about 15,000 homeopathic
physicians in the United States. During the cholera epidemic in 1849, the homeopathic doctors in Cincinnati
were extremely successful. They lost only three percent of their patients, while there were 16 to 20 times
more in the orthodox medical practitioners. Many large and important personalities of the past and pre-
sent were supporters of homeopathy, including some American presidents. Many prominent American wri-
ters campaigned for homeopathy and wrote about this method of healing, including Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,

Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Mark Twain as well as European thinkers such as Johann Wolf-
gang von Goethe, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Lord Alfred Tennyson and George Bernhard Shaw.

With the beginning of the 20th century, said American Medical Association (AMA) openly, competition ruining
the income opportunities of conventional medicine. Using nancial support from John D. Rockefeller and
the Carnegie Foundation, it was the AMA possible to urge the homeopathy and other natural healing and
alternative healing methods more and more to the edge and eventually o. Of the 22 homeopathic univer-
sities in 1900 23 years later, only two whole existed. In 1950, was the last school was taught in homeopathy

It is a bitter irony that John D. Rockefeller was a staunch supporter of homeopathy itself. He refers to them
as "progressive and aggressive step in medicine." Rockefeller was 99 years old and used in his last stage of
life only homeopathic medicines. (Natural News)

Quellen zu diesem Artikel unter:

Books from the Kopp Verlag :
http: //www.kopp-verlag .com / Knaurs-small-Homoeopathiefuehrer.htm? websale7 = kopp-verlag & pi =
112254 & ci = 000078

About the Author:

Tony Isaacs written article about naturopathic topics and is a lawyer and researcher. He runs the website
The Best Years in Life , which is aimed at the generation of baby boomers and others who are against pre-
scription drugs and mainstream medicine. Isaacs currently lives in East Texas.

This entry was posted on 24. November 2010 [] .

Homeopathy scientic evidence

A Nobel Prize winner, believes homeopathy stand on a secure scientic basis.

The French virologist Luc Montagnier shocked his colleagues at a prestigious international conference by
submitting a new method for the detection of viral infections, shows the parallels to the basic principles of
homeopathy. While his Nobel laureate colleagues - keep homeopathy for
quackery - shaking his head left back, was Montagnier's opinion of the ho-
meopath who seek understandably after more credibility and recognition,
joyfully welcomed. Montagnier said in this conference, solutions containing
the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, including HIV, "are able to emit
low-frequency radio waves" which caused the surrounding water molecules
to arrange in "nanostructures". These water molecules could also turn, emit
radio waves. He showed that water also maintained these properties when Luc Montagnier
the original solution was diluted massively, to the point where the original
Quelle: Holger Motzkau, cc-by-
DNA was indeed gone. In this way, water can save the "memory" of sub-
stances with which it was in contact - and the doctors could use these emis-
sions to detect diseases. To a scientist, it is a provocation to draw a parallel
with the principles of homeopathy here. Homeopathy works on the prin-
ciple that a toxic substance was added in small amounts heals the same symptoms that he would cause ad-
ded in large quantities. The scientists reject that view entirely, and say there is no evidence that water could
retain information or transmit, and that the eect of homeopathic treatments has never been established
in clinical trials. The growing concern of doctors is due to the popularity of homeopathy increases more
and more. Even the Queen and David Beckham turn to homeopathic remedies. Montagnier received the
Nobel Prize in 2008 for his research in the 1980s, by which he was able to prove the link between HIV and
AIDS. This breakthrough opened the way to new therapies that have prolonged the lives of millions of
people. Recently he was on the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Germany, where 60 Nobel Prize winners
and 700 other scientists had gathered to discuss the latest developments in medicine, chemistry and phy-
sics. Cristal Sumner of the British Homeopathic Society says Montagnier's work give homeopathy "a real
scientic ethos".

This entry was posted on 19. October 2010 [] .

Repertory of vaccine damage by Yves Laborde

Homeopathic approach for the detoxication, rejection and treating

Mind, nervous system, pain

Angstjustnde : Cancer

Autism : Thuj

Epilepsy : merc sol

Gastige Retrdiarung : cancer, Med, tooj, Wario

mental and physical delayed release after vaccination: carc, med, merc-sol

arrested development, Language : Thuj

Meningeal irritation, inammation (encephalitis: apis, bell (cerebral hyperemia), bright, med, vario, zinc

Meningeal irritation and brain damage : zinc

high fever with cerebral irritation immediately after vaccination : carc

Brain damage after vaccination: carc, med

Brain damage in children: merc-sol

Hysteria after vaccination (Kent): sil

Jaktationen (violent Schuckeln and head roles): carc

Kopfrucken, Konvulsionen : sil

Konvulsionen, Kopfrucken : sil

Headache with insomnia, <during storms (unusual): carc

Fever headache + + back pain: sil

Ischialgie: mez

Legasthenie : Cancer

Masturbation in children: carc, med, Thuj

MS: cadm-ox, carc, hep-B, med, merc-sol, sil, thuj

Morbus Parkinson: merc-sol

Kronische Neuralgian : cancer, Kpdae-L, Med, all tooj, Vac, Wario

chronic neuralgia according suppressed rash : mez (DD suppressant mez,

Thanks, sulfur, zinc)

Neuralgia + dermatological eect: mez

Neuralgia of all kinds cause numbness : mez

Neuralgias, <night : merc sol

Kopfneuralgie: sars

Ziliarneuralgie after eye surgery: mez

Intercostalneuralgie: mez

Ohnmachtsanfll e: vac

Chronic Schlaosigkeit : thuj

Schulschwierigkeiten: carc

Child is moronic and constantly touches his genitals: merc-sol

nervous breakdown : sil

Skin and hair

Akne vulgaris : cupre-l, gunp, maland, sab, sil, thuj, vacc, cario

Acne vulgaris with scarring sil, vac

Acne vulgaris with pus formation and scarring: calc-sil

Akne pustols, fettig, nssend: maland

Acne pustular with scarring : vario

Eczema after vaccination: gunp, kali-m, maland, mez, Psor, sars, sil, SKOOK, sulf, Thuj, vac, vario

chronisches Ekzem : gunp, maland

chronic eczema, shy odor, smelly, sticky (o smell): graph

Eczema, scabs with pus layer including: mez

Eczema on the back of the hand : vario

Eczema and elephantiasis of the labia : vac

Lichens or fungal infection on the head (tinea captis): Thuj

Skin diseases in general, dermatological diseases: calc-sil, crot-h (Pustolse dermatosis), Kali mur,

maland (chronic eczema), mez (scabies like, preventing sleep, itchy Hutausschlge), burning Psor (,

pustolse Dermatose), SARS, forces (pustolse Dermatose an der Impfstelle) skook, sulnyl (pustolse Der-
matose auf

the scalp), Vacc vario (dry eczema, Elefaniasis the labia)

Hair loss (Allopecia diusa): echi, Thuj

Allopecia areata (scalp, beard) after vaccination: Thuj

Failure of the eyebrow ends : maland

accelerated hair growth : Thuj

Kelloidbildung (unhealthy tissue proliferation, for example after injury): calc-sil, cupre-l, graph, sab, sil,

vac, vario

Kondolyme: cupre-l, merc-sol, thuj

Kondolyme, stalked : Thuj

Kondolyme in the mouth under the tongue : sab, Thuj

Kondolyme, including the frenulum: cupre-l

Kondolyme in women : graph

Kondolyme already in the child: cupre-l

Kondolyme and polyps, especially the anus: merc-sol

itchy Kondolyme : sab

Kondolyme on the Iris : merc-sol

DD Kondo Lyme, weggeschnittene: Staph, thuj, nit-ac

Lichen ruber planus, generalisierter: hep-b

Lipome : Thuja

Lipomas on the scalp: graph

Lipome Oberschenkel : cupre-l, Sabin, Thuja

Eczema : gunp

Eczema with itching (pruritus),> Heat: calc-sil, wheel-br, syphilitic, rhus-ven

Psoriasis (psoriasis): gunp

generalized psoriasis over large parts of the body : echi gunp,

Pustules : crot-h

slow development of pustules, one after the other for a long time: maland

pustolser rash at the injection sil

pustolser rash on the scalp : sulf

pustolser rash burning : Psor

pustolser rash: crot-h

Urticaria (hives): cupre-l

Vitiligo (Weilecken): calc-sil, graph, merc-sol, sil, sulf, thuj

Warts , vulgaris, molluscum: calc-sil

proud esh grows in places after injury: merc-sol

Locally body (head to foot)

Fever headache + + back pain : sil

Strabismus: vac

Lidlhmung (Ptosis): con, vac, vario

Keratitis: vac, vario

right side keratitis on the eye: echi

Conjunctivitis : thuj

Iritis left : ECHI

Chronic Otorrhoe : thuj

Heuschnupfen : clock-sealing, Cancer, Made

Mundwinkelrhagaden (E inrisse): maland

Swelling of the cervical glands : Thuj

Poor inamed , red and swollen (the vaccinated arm) sil

Muskelathropie the vaccinated arm, emaciation of the arms after vaccination: maland, Thuj

Blackening and loss of ngernails : echi, graph

Tears (ssures) especially on hands and feet : maland

Atrophy of the long back muscles : Thuj

Pulmonary TB after vaccination: tub, vac

Pulmonary tuberculosis in both lungs tips after smallpox vaccination : vac

Brust-Tumor: vac
Breast tumor in women : cupre-l

Breast tumor in men right : Thuj

Breast tumor in men left behind the nipple : calc-phos, sil

Milk production in the male breast (by vaccinosis or hereditary syphilis in adolescents)

or caused by the pituitary gland

This entry was posted on 24. September 2007 [] .

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