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Quantum Physics and Nosodes Sarcodes

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By William Nelson MD Prof of Medicine IMUNE

The atoms of all things are made of mostly electrons and protons and

other miscellaneous sub atomic particles. Everything has a electric field around it

because of the electrons and protons that make it up. The workings of these atoms

is covered in chemistry. In chemistry we learn that most atoms have imbalances in

their outer electron shell. So they seek atoms that can help to fill theses shells.

These shells are only explained in quantum physics. All things are only

describable with quantum physics. The electrons are placed around the nucleus

of the atom. If the nucleus is the size of a golf ball the electron is less than the head

of a pin and about a half mile away from the nucleus. The truth is that we are

mostly empty space. Space that is full of fields. Fields that interact and make

biology possible. To study biology we must study these fields. But these fileds are

only explainable thru electronics or quantum physics.

What we call modern medicine is not modern at all. Infact it is based in

antiquated science of thermodynamic newtonian physics and old style chemistry.

Today a trully modern science is based in non linear fractal quantum

electrodynamics. We need a more modern medicine.

Everything has a electric field around it because of the electrons and protons

that make it up. We all know about these fields today especially if you have

travelled and had to go thru a metal detector. The metal detector senses the

magnetic field of metal. Metals have a strong magnetic field. Other substances

have a weaker or paramagnetic field such as water. It has weak field. Some things

have an almost nil field and some substances such as bismuth have a negative

field. But Everything has a electric field around it because of the electrons and

protons that make it up.

To study the body, we need to study the body electric and use QED as our

scientific guide.

Electro-Chemistry has been a respected and developed science for many

decades. Thousands of articles and books have been written on the subject. It is

also known as polography.

A three-dimensional (TRIVECTOR) topological electro field can be

measured which shows the relationships among various time-dependent

volt-ammetric techniques using micro electrodes. Intersections of the surface with

appropriately oriented planes represent conventional polarography,

chronopotentiometry, polarography at a stationary electrode, and

constant-potential voltammetry. Homeopathy is dependent on a shape

transfer process. The activation of neuro-emotional shape receptors can offer an

explanation of homeopathy. Our tRIVECTOR three-dimensional topological field

time-dependent voltammetric techniques offers a good compatibility with the

tRIVECTOR resonance system. This has been shown to provide an accurate

system of homeopathic analysis. This article will only deal with the

three-dimensional topological field time-dependent voltammetric techniques as

part of a whole system for homeopathic shape analysis.


The basic existence of all atoms and molecules as all of science knows has

a distinct field around it. This subtle field can be measured. The first form of

electrical chemical analysis was done over a hundred years ago in the science of

volt-ammetry also referred to as polography. Thousands of research articles and

a fully accepted science of the electro dynamic analysis of the has lurked in the

back waters of chemistry. But since so few chemical engineers have electrical

knowledge, it does not gain popularity.

There was even a journal on volt-ammetry published years ago. In the

journal there were some interesting articles. In animals they found that the voltage

of the body was connected to the catecholamines. These are our adrenal

hormones, necessary for flight fight and stress management.

The amperage was connected to the indolamines or brain hormones like

serotonin and melatonin. When they gave catecholamines there was an increase

in voltage. When there was a measured drop in catecholamines there was a drop

in voltage. When they gave indolamines there was an increase in amperage.

When there was a measured drop in indolamines there was a drop in amperage.
We have scientifically and clinically proved the same observation true in humans.

In 1983 I developed a trivector system of analyzing the volt-ammetric

signature of a compound. I developed a three dimensional system I refer to as the

trivector. The basic theory was to make a volt-ammetric- electro-chemistry

analysis systrm that would be as similar to the actual process in the body. So the

volt-ammetric test should use volts and amps similar to the actual body potentials.

Thus the measured volt-ammetric signature would be very similar to the actual

body natural processes.

I started purchasing compounds. Bacteria, fungus, viruses, enzymes,

hormones, minerals, etc and to date I have spent over one half a million dollars on

collecting and testing these items. All items in the SCIO test kit have been tested in

their reality. Other companies use much less scientific systems. This is the

reasons for the success of the SCIO system.

There have been over twenty five years of testing, perfecting, substantiate,

corroborating, authenticating, and validating the current system we call the QQC.

There have been over five articles published on the science. And over 25,000

systems using the trivector patterns have shown profound safety, and efficacy.

This research and history has been reviewed intimately and correctly

assayed by medical experts in Europe. There has been now an acceptance of both

the QQC device and the accuracy of the trivector volt-ammetric signatures. To

review this research and the legal registrations please inquire. There is a full peer

reviewed medical ISSN journal devoted to the review of the technology. Simply put
we can test the electrical field that binds and permeates a compound and

reproduce a signal to see how a patient reacts to it.

These items such as vitamins, homeopathics, enzymes, hormones,

sarcodes, allersode, nosodes, Isodes and herbs have static trivector signatures.

The living being has a reactive or ever changing field. The patient has a reactive

field that is drawn towards nutrition and repelled from toxins. We measure the

reactions ( reactance EPR ) of the patient to ten thousand some homeopathic

compounds. This is the basis of the EPFX system as it was sold from 1989. Two

decades of development to get to today. An over night success.

Scientific Principles of Voltammetric TRIVECTOR Analysis

1. The liquid crystal nature of the polar substance water is a well known

scientific principle.

2. The memory of water to retain and return to it’s crystal polymorphic

shape structure is also well known. (This memory is destroyed by a.

Heat above 55 degrees Celsius b. Strong oder such as camphor,

c. Ionizing radiation (X-rays). Magnetic fields can distort the shape

but the water memory will return after the magnetic field is discontinued.

This is the principle of magnetic resonance imaging. Water will

remember it’s crystal structure and always seek to find it’s shape or

polymorphic state)

3. Electrochemistry (polarography, Polography, chronopotentiometry,

volt-ammetry) are standard accepted scientific principle. of modern

chemistry for chemical analysis.

4. The dynamics of the chemical information transfer of hormones

through shape receptors in the cell is the basis of all pharmacology. All

hormones work by stimulating these shape receptors. The plasticity of

these receptors has allowed synthetic chemistry to appear to work.

Shape receptor stimulus is our fourth scientific principle.

These four well known scientific facts offers us an

explanation for understanding and proving high potency homeopathy

as a medical treatment. This science also offers us a superb

homeopathic quality control procedure. Now homeopathy can be

proven, tested, understood, and defended with these scientific


The principle of water’s liquid crystal shape capacity and

homeopathy was demonstrated by Nelson in 1997 (IJMSH). Here
several homeopathics were frozen and analyzed for repeatability. In
this journal the electrochemical reactivity of homeopathic remedies
were also well determined. The analysis of conductive resonance,
magnetic resonance, and capacitance states were proven a window of
examination analysis. Voltammetry or electrochemistry offers a
potential more efficient and accurate system of examination. A
TRIVECTOR Voltammetric analysis has been done by others, and a
refined variation of this process has proven valuable for homeopathy.

Water is a polar substance. It has a small magnetic pole. If

we place a plastic comb rubbed with fur next to a small trickle flow of
water we can see the water flow bend towards the electrically static
charged comb. This polar nature of water allows it to take a shape. As
that water is a liquid crystal at temperatures from 0 Celsius to 55
Celsius. at temperatures above this the kinetic energy of the heat
destroys the polar nature.
Next we put different metal electrodes into a container of
the water homeopathic to be tested. There will be an electro potential
established between the electrodes. As we pass a changing voltage
current thru the water based homeopathic the current or amperage
potential will change at the electrodes. This volt-ammetric reading is
different for each substance. Because the liquid crystal effect of water
will make a distinct pattern that is reflective of the different shape.
The shape of the liquid crystal polar water reflects and
resonates the flow of the current and it’s variant voltage. Just as the
shape of a canyon determines the style of the echo that resonates thru
it when you call. The shear lines and crystal boundaries have a
signature effect on the output. Each substance has a different
volt-ammetric TRIVECTOR signature.

Just as our shape receptors in our nose and tongue detect a

shape (taste and smell), the shape of the homeopathic is also detected
by the volt-ammetric process. It is the volt-ammetric signature that is
responsible for the phenomena of taste and smell. The reactive
receptors detect the volt-ammetric signature to react. This shape
detection is a three dimensional process, so we have called it the
TRIVECTOR. After the three vectors of electronic theory.

For almost two decades, researchers and clinicians have

found the TRIVECTOR items EPR (electro-physiological-Reactivity) to be
very accurate. They have reported astounding verification of the EPR
validity of the QQC TRIVECTOR readings. They have been accurate in
measuring nosodes, isodes, allersodes, sarcodes, and classic

The subjects had a strong tendency to electrically react to

items that were irregular or abnormal in many types of tests. Tests on
isodes, allersodes, nosodes, sarcodes and classical homeopathics.
But since the accuracy was only approximately 80%, There was a need
for a disclaimer to consider the results pre-diagnostic as best and to
confirm any reading with proper medical techniques.
Quantum Electro Dynamics
Science has developed and evolved dramatically over the last hundred years or
so. Newtonian physics and thermodynamics are now known to be inadequate in
describing biology. Quantum Electro Dynamics ( QED ) is known to describe
much more of life and science. The basis of QED is that the interaction of photons
and electrons explains biology.
A photon is a particle of light. Light is electro-magnetic-radiation
( EMR ). It is made of photons. The EMR spectrum contains infrared (heat),
visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, etc, all photons. They oscillate at different speeds
that makes them difference. The faster they vibrate the higher the energy.
An electron is a negatively charged particle that orbits (or exists as a
probability cloud) in all atoms. There are free electrons that can make up what we
call electricity.
When a electron changes it’s quantic state or mode it emits a photon and
goes to a lower state. When a photon strikes an electron in the proper way the
electron goes to a higher state. Electrons and photons are tied together intimately.
As are all subatomic particles. Thus it is obvious that to understand anything we
must understand the photon. As God said in the beginning Let there be Light.
To understand life and science we must learn to use the
electro-magnetic-static-photonic-gravity forces as they interplay. But modern
medicine does not deal with this. Modern medicine is still mired in old
thermodynamic science. This allows them to make a synthetic chemical in the test
tube (in vitro), but we live in our bodies (in vivo). Modern medicine is not so
modern is it.
The simple explanation of life on earth is that there was minerals on the
planet. Certain energies like heat, lightening, gravity combine the minerals and
molecules to make certain amino acids (building blocks of protein) and fatty acids
(carbon chains that make up all cellular membranes). At first these compounds
join to make bubbles. These bubbles are light sensitive. Light lets them find the
energy to make more. Remember that light Photons give the electrons a higher
state, more energy stored in the electron.
As life evolves and becomes more and more complex, the electro-magnetic
static photonic forces are the integral driving force. To understand life we need to
understand this electro-magnetic-static-photonic better.
The minerals of the Mineral Kingdom are food for the plant kingdom. The
bonds in the mineral kingdom are primarily ionic. This means that the outer
electrons are in low energy states. Ionic bonded atoms are drawn to each other
but do not share electrons. Mineral salt NaCl is ionic bonded. The bond is so weak
it disassociates in water (dissolves).
The plant uses photons of heat or light to give energy to the electrons and
they go to higher states. Then they can bond co-valently. This means that they
share an electron or more. A covalent bond is much stronger and does not easily
disassociate. These high energy bonds are the designed distinctly for the
purposes of nature. The secret of the QED placement of the high energy electrons
makes nature nature. The synthetic chemical companies can not understand this
QED electron state photon placement. This is why all synthetic chemicals are
incompatible for biology. This is true for our medicines as well as our foods, but
this unpopular truth makes one very unpopular with the chemical cartel.
The master formula is an extreme over simplification of the complexity of
biology on planet earth. Carbon dioxide and water plus minerals are taken up by
the plant. The plant then uses light (photosynthesis) to add energy to the
electrons. The beast example is sugar or basic carbohydrates with the hot energy
state electrons. These hot electrons are used by the animal, us, to give us the
energy for life.
Our complete biology must also explain breatharians or people who do not eat for
years at a time. Modern biology does not accept this because of their ignorance
(ignore things). In the eastern medicine this happens all of the time. We can
explain it with more avant garde QED but that is outside of this simple first lesson.
So back to our bubbles. You see the process of life and evolution is all
about cycles. Being able to use energy and recycle it is the key of life on the
planet. More and more complex life forms develop. All using the QED
electro-magnetic-static-photonic gravity process to satisfy life. Life is metabolizing
and reproducing. Energy states are developed one at a time in quantic subatomic
Life has an undeniable QED electro-magnetic-static-photonic gravity base. And as
such it has fields. Subtle energy fields that assist and help direct life. Subtle
energy fields that draw towards our nutrition and life sustaining events and repel
us for toxins, waste, excretions and other risks to life. Subtle energy fields of
electro-magnet-static QED nature is an undeniable truth, no matter how much
money and influence the chemical companies have. They try to buy a cover up of
this inconvenient truth, they try to attack me but truth none the less will win.
This study of the QED electro-magnetic-static-photonic gravity (QED for
short) science of biology, gives us the impetus to prove the subtle field theories of
medicine. Even though many are based in incomplete logic and marketed by
charlatans, there is a truth worth pursuing.
Just as humans use our primary photon detectors to hunt, our white blood
cells do the same. They use photons to hunt. They as all things use photons. A
new medicine evolves.
This leads us to the science of Electro-Physiological-Reactivity (EPR). A
science base on scientific professional analysis of the body electric with all of it’s
factors. This book is just an overly simplified modest summary of just some of the
interactions of the SCIO. Thirty years of science, discovery, clinical testing, double
blinds, field testing, laboratory research, legality and safety testing all coming
together for the finest quality.
As we have said, changes in the volts, amps, resistance were found to
indicate reactance. This is measured in Siemens after the German researcher
who discovered the concept. The changes of volts plus changes of amps plus
changes in resistance equals reactance.
Delta Volts + Delta Amps + Delta Resistance = Reactivity
The Electro-Physiological Reactivity ( EPR ) is the rating of how much
reactance a patient has to a stimuli. The stimuli or input with the SCIO is the
trivector volt-ammetric signature pattern of a homeopathic. The EPR of a human

is based on the speed of the ionic exchange or just how fast the human can form
reactance to an external stimuli. This speed is known to science as approximately
one hundredth of a sec. Thus the scan of many Homeopathics can happen at very
fast speeds. This is known as the Xrroid. The scan of EPR of a patient to many
trivector signatures is the Xrroid. EPR Xrroid is the name of the device the
Electro-Physiological-Feedback-Xrroid. ( EPFX ).
Since this EPR can cascade and resonate, this bioresonance has
significance in biology. It can be used to correct and address certain issues of
health. This is the work started in bio-resonance in Germany years ago.
Biofeedback is also bioresonance as the feedback of a signal in a cybernetic loop
is feedback. Biofeedback is bioresonance and bioresonance is biofeedback.
The substances have a static trivector field. They are not alive, the field is
static. The shape is static. The shape is like the taste as our tatse receptors can
detect the shape of the voltammetric siganture. These shapes of taste effect our
brains. This is the science of homeopathy.
The trivector field of a living organism is not static, it is reactive. A living
being is interacting with the enviroment to be drawn towards nutrition, and
reppelled from toxins. Thus with the xrroid we measure which items the patient
reacts to and how he reacts so we can see a profile that might help us learn more
about our patient.
So a new modern medicine is formed to analyze the patient’s body electric
and treat it without drugs. But won’t that provoke and irritate the drug companies.
Well of course. But those investing in a flase belief are always provoked by ideas
that expose theri false belief.


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Wilkerson D. (1991) Conductance Resonance in Homeopathy, Academy Press Rio
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