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.CH 3 Drilling Problems

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Chapter 3 - Drilling Problems

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail

Petroleum Engineering Dept.

Faculty of Petroleum & Renewable Energy Eng.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

1. Stuck pipe/pipe sticking
2. Lost circulation
3. Shale problem/borehole instability
4. Mobile formations
5. Undergauge hole
6. Kick and blowout (will cover in Chapter 6)
7. Other problems
Shallow hydrocarbon zones
High bottomhole temperature
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

1. Stuck pipe/pipe sticking

Definition: When part of the drill pipe
or collars are stuck in the hole
If pipe cannot rotate, cannot pull up or
cannot go down but circulation is good, (a)
then pipe is probably wall stuck
Causes of pipe sticking:
a. Differential/wall sticking
b. Mechanical sticking
c. Key seating

(b) (c)
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

a. Differential/wall sticking
Definition: A pressure differential
around the circumference of drill
collars or pipe
Wall sticking is caused by:
pipe is held by suction force
resultant from overbalance
hydrostatic pressure forcing
filtrate into a permeable zone
which leaves a thick mud cake
on the wall of the hole Stuck drill pipe results when it
porous and permeable formation becomes motionless against a
permeable bed. After cake
motionless drill string buildup, hole pressure presses
pipe against wall
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

The causes of differential sticking:

Unnecessary high differential pressures
Thick mud cake (continuous high fluid
loss to formation)
Low-lubricity mud cake (high
coefficient of friction)
Excessive embedded pipe length (time
delay in operations)
To free wall-stuck pipe:
apply torque and tension to try to work
the pipe loose
if possible, reduce the mud weight
determine the stuck point and spot a
mixture of surfactant and oil
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Prevention of wall sticking

To minimize the possibility of wall sticking:
reduce the differential pressure
reduce the contact area: install stabilizers
use an oil-emulsion mud
use extreme-pressure lubricants
use low mud weights
use low solids content in the mud
stop circulation only when necessary
avoid long strings of large diameter drill collars
keep the hole as straight as possible
never stop drill collars adjacent to any permeable
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

b. Mechanical sticking
A drill pipe can be stuck mechanically when:
Cuttings and sloughing formations pack off the
annular space around the drill string (especially
during a pump shutdown period)
Drill through several layers of formation of
different hardness
Junk dropped from surface
The drill string is run too fast until it hits a bridge,
a tight spot or the hole bottom

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


To free mechanical sticking

To work the drill string either by rotating and
pulling it or by activating a drilling jar
If this method fails, an organic fluid must be
spotted and the above procedure has to be
The use of back-off operation is the final

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


c. Key seating
Definition: a phenomenon happens at the dogleg where a
new hole is created by drill string until the drill pipe is
stuck to the wall
When it passes through a dogleg, it tries to straighten and
thus, creating a lateral force which causes the drill pipe
joint to dig into the formation at the dogleg bow
A key-seat can only be formed if the formation is really
soft and the hanging weight below the dogleg is big
enough to create a substantial lateral force
This problem can be identified when the drill string can be
moved downwards but not upwards

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


To prevent key seating

drill straight holes or avoid sudden changes in hole
inclination and direction in deviated wells
To remove a key-seat:
the hole should be reamed
organic fluids can be spotted to reduce friction round the
key-seat in order to facilitate the working of the pipe
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

2. Lost Circulation
One of the major problems in drilling operation
Occurred in almost every formation and at virtually
all depths
Occurs when hydrostatic pressure of mud exceeds
the breaking strength of the formation
Definition: Partial or complete loss of drilling
fluid during drilling, circulating or running casing

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Type of Lost Circulation

Those types inherent in the formation:
porous, permeable, and unconsolidated formations
cavernous or irregular formations
natural fractures in formations (faults, joints, fissures)
Those openings caused by poor drilling practices:
induced fractures caused by high mud weights or
pressure surges

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Lost circulation sections

Coarsely permeable unconsolidated formation

Faulted, jointed & fissure formation

(man made or induced fractures)

Vugular and cavernous formation

Faulted, jointed & fissure formation

(natural or existing fractures)

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Causes of Lost Circulation

Rapid running of pipe i.e. generating surge pressures
(tripping in or out)
Spudding the bit or core barrel on the bottom of the
Raising mud weight too quickly
Improper balanced column of mud (Phyd > Pf)
Increasing pump pressure too quickly
Whipping pipe
High gel strength
Sloughing shales (closed annular space)

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Types of loss zones

Loss zones

Horizontal Vertical

Natural Induced Underground

fractures fractures blowout

Porous sands Natural Induced Cavernous

& gravels fractures fractures fractures

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Identifying features of horizontal loss zones
Porous sands and gravels Natural Fractures
gradual lowering of mud levels in may occur in any types rock
pits gradual lowering of the mud in
losses may become complete if pits.
drilling is continued Fracture must have a finite
supported width to take mud
Induced fractures
marked increase in pump pressure Cavernous zones
drilling becomes tight normally confined to limestone
loss of returns may be sudden
and complete
drilling may be rough before loss
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Horizontal loss zone : porous Horizontal loss zone :

sands and gravels natural and intrinsic fracture

Induced horizontal fracture Cavernous formations

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Identifying features of vertical loss zones
Natural fractures Induced fractures
may occur in any type may occur in any type
rock rock
loss will go from partial Sudden loss, complete
to complete as more loss of returns
formation is drilled, when loss of circulation
particularly if drilling is occurs and adjacent wells
accompanied by an have not experienced loss
increase in mud weight

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
Underground blowout

Fluids flow from a lower

active zone to an upper
induced vertical fracture
Unstable pressure
readings, change in
pressures and mud

a. Natural vertical fractures

b. Induced vertical fractures
c. Underground blowout
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Natural causes
Unconsolidated shallow formations
Porous and permeable formations
Natural Fractures and voids
Easily Fractured Formations

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Unconsolidated shallow formations

This formation may be highly fractured shale,
sandstone and limestone.
Sands and gravel ranging in size from fine to
boulders also commonly occur.
It usually occurs near the surface and the fractured
formations at deeper depths.

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Porous and permeable formation

Porous, permeable sands occur at any depth.
Porosity and permeability generally decrease with
The lost circulation rate usually controlled by the
permeability of the sand, the viscosity of the mud,
and the differential pressure between the pores and
the mud column.
The lost-circulation rate is relatively constant and
often decreases with time, as the filter cake is built
up on the borehole wall and some distance into sand.
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Natural fractures and voids

Natural fractures and voids can occur at all depths in all
The frequency of occurrence increases in the older,
harder, more consolidated formation that usually found
deeper and also been subjected to tectonic forces and
Once the fracture has been opened by an imposed
pressure, mud lost to the fracture at a rapid rate can
widen the fracture. Even though the pressure is later
reduced, the opening may not close completely and the
loss of circulation will continue

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Easily fractured formations

- If the formation is weak, fractures may be created
cause by the induced pressure, and the mud pumped

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Induced lost circulation

Mud loss caused by operators action during the
drilling operation
Overpressuring and fracturing the formation by
initiating a fracture
Results of excess pressure
poor flow properties in mud system
pressure surges

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Induced lost circulation

Types of
loss zones

Horizontal induced fractures Vertical induced fractures

(occur where fractures are horizontal in (occur in any type rock but would be
any formation under mud rungs) expected below 2,500 ft.)

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Vertical induced fracture

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


How fracture is formed?

Depends on:
Begins with fracture Formations characteristics
initiation pressure Types of fluid


Extends by fracture Further extends by mud

propagation pressure

Increase with
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

How fracture is formed?

Fracture initiation pressure

Fracture propagation pressure

Pumping time
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

How fracture is formed?

Fracture initiation pressure Fracture propagation pressure

Easier to fracture using Magnitude difference (fluid,

penetrating fluid formation)
Fluid penetrating
non- penetrating

Mud extends the process,

propagation < initiation
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Effects of Lost Circulation

Loss of muds (high cost)
Loss of drilling time (consequent cost increases)
No information on the formation being drilled
If the lost circulation zone is a potential pay zone,
considerable productivity impairment may result
The drop in annular mud level may cause a
Excessive caving of formation

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Identify the source of mud loss
Determine the appropriate treatment

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Criticality of Loss Circulation

The severity of the loss (the rate) will dictate the
criticallity of the situation and the emergency of
the action to be taken

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Amount loss
(% of the
Type Action/Remarks
Usually treated as a routine problem
Seepage loss < 10% without interfering with any part of the
Treated immediately but the current
Slight loss 10 - 25% operation may continue if geopressured
zones are not present in the well
Hazadous 25 - 50% Stop all operations (excluding well
control) until remedial action has
Severe > 50% resolved the problem
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


To Combat LC
Raised the bit into the cased part of the hole & wait
Reduce mud weight
Spot LCM of proper size

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Prevention of LC
Control downhole pressure
minimize hydrostatic pressure
maintain minimum annular velocity
avoid restriction in the annulus
Setting the intermediate casing into the transition zone
Raised weight of mud gradually when combating high
pressure zones
Start pumps only after rotating pipe
Run & pull drill pipe in the hole slowly
Never spud pipe
In areas of known LC pretreat with LCM
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Prevention of LC (ctd)
Break circulation slowly
circulate at a slow rate and low pressure until good returns are
obtained without loss of mud, then increase the circulation rate
Selecting a mud system
maintain a minimum mud viscosity and gel strength to prevent
setting of the weighing material
mud system should be able to resist contamination
maintain minimum mud density
use filler materials (loss circulation materials) to prevent severe
loss of mud to the formation to restore circulation

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Prevention of LC (ctd)
Use a simple drilling programme and have a good
drilling practice
drill the lost-circulation zone with a maximum-clearance drilling
lower the drill pipe slowly
Observation of well hole and precautionary steps
extra mud-storage capacity
make sure supply of mud-mixing and lost circulation material is
observe the mud level

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Remedial actions
Reduction of mud weight
Correction of lost returns by waiting periods
Placement of soft plugs - LCM
Placement of mud containing a high concentration of bridging
Adoption of special drilling methods such as blind drilling,
drilling under pressure, drilling with air, or aerated mud
Drill ahead-cuttings circulating in the mud system can act as
lost-circulation material
Pull the bit up at least 50 ft from the bottom
Dry drill - minimize the effects of lost circulation or regaining
circulation in minimal time
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Fibrous material - sawdust, cotton seed hulls, hay,
leather, bark
Lamellated (flat, flacky) material - mica, cellophane
Granular material - nut shell, perlite, volcanic ash
Combination of two or more of the above materials

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


3. Shale problem/borehole instability

sedimentary rock form by deposition and compaction of
contain clays, silt water, quartz, feldspar
compact or unconsolidated rock depend on water content
Definition of shale problem/borehole instability:
a condition where the shale section containing bentonite or
other hydratable clays which continually absorb water from
the mud, expands, swell & slough into the hole
hole instability resulting from drilling shale sections
Other terms: sloughing shale, heaving shale, running
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Problems due to Sloughing Shale

Ineffective hole cleaning
Stuck pipe & its recovery
Bridges & filled up
Increased mud volume & treating
Poor cement jobs & increase cement
Difficult logging
Poor sidewall recovery
Wellbore enlargement
Excessive solid build up in the mud
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

A sloughing hole can jam the

drill string and block circulation
Severity depend on:
percentage content of
montmorillonite (higher
montmorillonite, higher shale
the age of the rock (older shale,
lower dispersion)

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Causes of Sloughing Shale

Hydration of shale
Mechanical fissuring of shale
sections due to pressure
Restricted hole gauge
(balling, etc.)

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Borehole instability
An unstable borehole poses several problems for
the drilling operation:
fill on trips increasing the drilling time & decreasing bit
hole washout
swelling formations producing tight hole

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Causes of shale instability

Overburden pressure
Pore pressure
Tectonic forces
Water adsorption

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Main factor of
sloughing shale

Mechanical Hydration
factors factors

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Mechanical factors
Erosion effect
annular flow of mud
depend on degree of turbulence in the annulus and
mud viscosity
Impaction by drill string cause the breakage of
Caving due to horizontal movement of the shale

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Hydration factors
Shale hydration force
the drilling of shale section relieves the compaction
force on the borehole
Osmotic hydration
the difference in salinity between the mud and
formation water of the shale
adsorption force when formation water of the shale is
more saline than the mud
desorption force when the mud is more saline than the
formation water

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Other factors
Dipping shale
shale expansion in a direction perpendicular to its
bedding planes
more shale heaving when the section is highly dipping
Abnormal pressured shale
water content of the rock is much higher compared to
the normal pressure shale
plasticity of the shale is high due to the overburden load
shale will be squeezed into the hole because the
difference between formation pore pressure and mud
hydrostatic pressure
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Examine the geology of the area for the
presence of water sensitive clays
Check the past case histories of geopressure

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Prevention of sloughing shale

Use suitable mud system to inhibit hydration (high Ca &
K content, OBM, oil-emulsion, ...) to decrease the
tendency of mud to hydrate water sensitive clays
Increase circulation rate for more rapid removal of
Increase mud density for greater wall support (Phyd > Pf)
Decrease water loss of mud
Avoid fast trips or swabbing of the hole
Keep flow properties & annular velocity at such a level
as to insure good hole cleaning
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
4. Mobile formations
A salt or shale can squeeze into the well
bore because it is being compressed by
the overburden forces
The deformation results in a decrease in
the well bore size, causing problems
running BHAs, logging tools and
casing and stuck pipe
A deformation occurs because the mud
weight is not sufficient to prevent the
formation squeezing into the well bore
Once broken, the hole will become
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
Warning Signs
Increase in mud chlorides
Large overpulls at connections
Pump pressure increase

Rig site identification

Stuck shortly after pumps are turned off
Rotation may be possible but with high torque
Overpull when moving up, takes weight when
running in
Sticking occurs with BHA at mobile formation
Restricted circulation with BHA at mobile
formation depth
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
Preventive Actions
Identify salt dome
Monitor mud chlorides and mud resistivity
Maintain sufficient mud weight
Select an appropriate mud system that will not aggravate
the mobile formation
Plan frequent reaming/wiper trips particularly for this
section of the hole
Slow trip speed before BHA enters the suspected area
Minimize the open hole exposure time of these formations
With mobile salts, consider using a slightly under-saturated
mud system to allow a controlled washout
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
5. Undergauge hole
Drilling hard abrasive rock wears the bit and the
stabiliser gauge and results in a smaller than gauge
When a subsequent in-gauge bit is run, it
encounters resistance due to the undergauge
section of hole
If the string is run into the hole quickly without
reaming, the bit can jam in the undergauge hole
This mechanism normally occurs:
After running a new bit
After coring
When a PDC bit is run after a roller cone bit
When drilling abrasive formations

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM
Rig site identification
Pulled bit or stabilisers are undergauge
Occurs only when RIH
Sudden setdown weight
Circulation is unrestricted or slightly restricted
Bit stuck near the bottom of the hole or at the top of a cored section

Preventative Action
Use suitably gauge-protected bits and stabilisers
Consider the use of roller reamers
Always gauge all BHA components both when running in and
pulling out of the hole
Ream suspected undergauge sections
Slow the trip speed down before the BHA enters an undergauge
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

6. Kick and blowout

Kick: An entry of formation
fluids (gas, oil or water) into
the wellbore during drilling
Blowout: Uncontrolled flow
of formation fluids (gas, oil
or water) from the wellbore
Kick and blowout can occur
when hydrostatic pressure of
mud is lower than the
formation pressure

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Causes of Kick/Blowout
Drilling into high pressure zones (abnormal pressure)
Swabbing when coming out of the hole
Improper hole fill-up on trips
Lost circulation during drilling or cementing

Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM


Detection of Kick/Blowout
Rise in pit level
Hole fails to take right
amount of fluid after
Gas cutting or decrease
in mud weight
Increase in pump speed
or decrease in pump
Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

Prevention of Kick/Blowout
Use high mud weight
Use right type of mud and keep in good
Check mud weight frequently
Check fluid level frequently
Add weight material evenly
Do not add excessive weight reducing
materials such as oil or water
Trip slowly
Keep hole clean to prevent swabbing
Observe surface gas Assoc. Prof. Abdul Razak Ismail, UTM

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