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100 Quesions With Answer

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1-How do you mix spud mud? Can u mix 80 ppb? HB 45-50 ppb bentonite.

• Check water salinity “must be less than 2000 mg/l”

• Check water hardness “must be less than 400 mg/l”
• Treat water with soda ash to precipitate calcium
• Add bentonite to fresh water and leave to perhydrate for 4-6 hours
• Add caustic soda before drilling to precipitate magnesium and increase alkalinity to avoid
• We can’t mix 80 lb/bbl, max close 45-50 lb/bbl “High Bentonite”

2- Why should you treat calcium before mixing spud mud?

Because Ca+2 will replace Na+ in the bentonite as Ca is divalent and Na is monovalent and will decrease
space between bentonite and prevent bentonite dispersion/hydration.

3- What is the value of water loss in spud mud? 12 - 16 ml “uncontrolled”

4- What is the maximum salinity of water that using for mixing bentonite? Less than 2 K.

5- How do mix spud with sea water?

Mix the full dose of bentonite in fresh water then let the bentonite perhydrate then add the sea water.

6-What is the concentration of bentonite that you mixed before?

25-30 ppb “spud mud”

7- If you drill a section that has total loss circulation zone and shale formation, what the mud type can
you use?

Mix on fly “caustic soda 0.5 lb/bbl & PHPHA 1-2 lb/bbl”

8- Why do you use KCl polymer mud? Shale inhibition

9- Why KCl is shale inhibitor?

This happen by two mechanisms; the first one is ion exchange as space between layers is 2.8 A and K+ is
2.66A so when K+ is adsorbed on the surface of clay which have a negative charge, it increase the
attractive force between layer and prevent the uptaken of water. The second mechanism is ion fixation.
It is very difficult to become exchanged again.

10-What is the ionic diameter of K and Na? 2.66 0A, 1.9 0A.

11-What are the types of shale?

• Non swelling shale: Attapulgite and sepiolite

• Slightly swelling shale: illite, Chlorite and Kaolinite
• Swelling shale: Montmorillonite “smectite”
12-Which types of shale that K is inhibitor?

Smectite, vermiculite, illite and mica

13-What are the shale types in KSA?

Montmorillonite, Kaolinite and illite

14-Why do you add hydrogen peroxide 3% in MBT? What is Methylene blue?

To remove the effect of organic materials such as CMC, lignosulfonates and lignite.

Methylene blue is a cationic dye that is used to detect reactive bentonite in mud. It has the chemical
formula C16H18CIN3S also known as Methylthioninium Chloride.

15-What is the typical concentration of KCl? 10% by weight or 37 ppb.

16-What is the typical concentration of K in KCl in KCl polymer mud? 52K mg/l

17-What is the test of KCl?

7 ml filtrate, 3 ml sodium perchlorite, use the centrifuge and take the value T know the lb/bbl from
chart, use the KCl table to know the % wt.

18-Can you calculate K concentration from Cl? Yes, K = 1.103 X Cl

19-Is the value accurate? Why?

No because the concentration of K+ will decrease during drilling due to depletion while Cl- will be

20-Why do you make Pf and Mf test?

To determine the alkalinity source “OH, CO3, HCO3” and to know CO2 contamination in the mud.

22-What should you do if you don’t have indicator to make Pf and Mf test?

Use pH meter to determine the end point of Pf & Mf

23-What is the end point of Pf and Mf? Mf end point is 8.3 while Pf is 4.3

24-If you have CO3 contamination, what is the test can you do to know it? Not Pf and Mf test?

Ca test if the concentration of Ca decrease, it means that the mud has CO3.

25-What are fluid loss reducer chemicals and what is the maximum temperature of each one?

Starch 225OF
Flo trol (Modifies Starch) 250-280 OF (O2 Scav)
Pac (CMC with high DS) 300-320 OF (O2 Scav)
Resinex (resin lignite) 400 OF
Bentonite 700 OF
26- Which fluid loss reducer chemicals can you use in the reservoir? Flotrol

27-How do you mix OBM? Aramco new page 34 for Direct Oil Emulsuin, page 61 for invert emulsion


• Fill pits with make up water and correct pH as required with caustic soda
• Mix and prehydrate bentonite for a minimum of 8 hours to obtain excellent yield
• Add starch and XC polymer as programmed at 1 sack per 5 minutes.
• In a separate pit, mix required volume of diesel and emulsifier “safe Surf WN”
• Slowly blend both phases and mix for 3 hours with high shearing.


• Fill bits with calculated volume of base oil and circulate it through hopper and fluid guns lines.
• Add the calculated amount of primary & secondary emulsifiers through the hopper
• Prepare the brine using calculated water and salt in a separate tank and allow it to get
homogeneous for 30 minutes through hopper and gun lines.
• Transfer brine to the oil premix and allow it to get homogeneous.
• Add the selected organophilic clay and mis the suspension until well dispersed.
• Add filtration control additive through the hopper and mix for a minimum of 45min.
• Add weighting agents to attain desired fluid weight.
• Add supplemental rheological modifier & wetting agents as needed.

28-What is the important factor in OBM? ES, WPS.

29-Why do you use emulsifier? What is the highest ES for OBM? Why?

We use emulsifier to make emulsion between oil and water to be homogenous phase. They orient
themselves between interfaces of incompatible liquids or surfaces and lower the surface or interfacial
tension. They hydrophilic head which is polar and ionized and organophilic tail which is non polar.

The highest ES is 2025Volt +/- 25V because it is the maximum reading by the ES

30-What is the ES? How could you know that OBM which has low ES need more shearing or more
chemical treatment?

ES is the drilling fluid’s electrical stability related to its emulsion stability and oil wetting capability. We
can know from water content retort to check O/W ratio or presence of water in filtrate that the
emulsifier level is low.

As for the OBM if need more shearing ?

31- What is the mechanism of ES meter?

Electrical Stability is measured by applying voltage across a pair of electrodes submerged in the OBM.
The resulting current will remain very low until a threshold voltage is reached. At this voltage,
conduction between the two electrodes occur resulting in a rapid increase in the current and peak
voltage is measured and reported as the ES for OBM. As conductivity decrease, ES increase and vice

32-How can you check any drop in ES without using ES meter? From HPHT test if I found free water.

33-Why do use CaCl2 not NaCl with OBM? Done

34-What is the maximum salinity of CaCl2 and NaCl?

NaCl : 188700 mg/l, KCl: 132600 mg/l, CaCl2: 356600 mg/l.

35-What is the osmosis pressure?

The pressure results from transferring the water from low salinity to high salinity.

36-What are the OBM tests? Need more tests??

Alkalinity test:

• Add 1 ml OBM, 25 ml isopropyl alcohol, 25 xylene and mix for 30 seconds to break emulsion
• Add distilled water to reach 100 ml, add 10 drops of phenol phthalein “pink color appear” and
titrate with 0.1N H2SO4 till color disappear
• Number of H2SO4 ml is the Pom “mud alkalinity”
• Excess lime = Pom X 1.295

Chloride test:

• Take previous sample, add 10 drops of potassium chromate “yellow color will appear”
• Titrate with silver nitrate “10,000” 0.282 till red brown color appear

37-What is the equation of CaCl2 in OBM?

• Whole chloride mud “mg/l” = ml of silver nitrate X 10000

• CaCl2 mud “lb/bbl” = ml of silver nitrate X 5.48
• CaCl2 % wt = (15.65 X ml of silver nitrate X 100) / [(15.65 silver nitrate) + ( water factor X 1000)]

38-What is the effect on the hole if you have emulsion breaking?

Shale swelling and barite and solids settling in the hole

39-What is the contamination of in OBM? Solids, water, gases “H2S”

40-How do you displace the hole from WBM to OBM?

Condition the fluid to be displaced by adjusting the rheological properties to achieve the lowest practical
YP without solids settlement “15-22”. Use spacer “20 bbls diesel + (30-50) bbls high viscous OBM”

41-What is the wetting agent?

It is a type of surfactants that reduce the interfacial tension and contact angle between oil and solids
which causes the oil to spread over the surface of the solid, it has one end that is soluble in oil and other
phase that has a strong affinity for solid surface. In OBM wetting agent is a chemical used to wet the
solids and additives to be oil wet. This keeps the viscosity effects of the solids low so that high levels of
weighting materials and drilled solids can be easily incorporated into the mud. If solids become water
wet “flip”, it will adhere to each other and removed by the shaker screen “e.g. barite because it present
in large quantities, it will contribute to the oil-wetting surfactants”

42-What are the types of stuck?

Differential pressure sticking & Mechanical pipe sticking “pack off, hole geometry, key seating”

43- What is the indicator of each type?

• Differential : no RPM, uninterrupted circulation. It happens in front of permeable or depleted

“low pressure” zone.
• Mechanical: high torque and drag during tripping and overpull during POOH. No RPM, no
circulation. If pack off we may lost circulation and have very high pressure while pumping.

44-What is the mechanism of differential stuck? Will it happen at pure shale?

It is happen when there is big difference in pressure between hydrostatic and formation pressure. It
occurs in front of permeable low pressure formation or depleted zone and can not be happen at pure
shale because it is non-permeable.

45-Is there partial circulation with mechanical stuck? Which type?

May be happen with key seat because it is free down and restricted up in some cases.

46-What is the mechanism of key seat stuck?

It is wearing a small hole “groove” into the side of full guage hole. It caused by the drill string rotation
with side force acting.

47-Why do make sand content test?

To know the efficiency of SCE and because sand abrade/wear the drilling and rig surface equipment.
Also there is a limitation of sand content for downhole MWD tools.

48- What is the important of centrifuge? Why we control solids in mud? Increase ECD!!!!!!!!, losses, well

It is the most important SC equipment in the rig site because build up of solids has undesirable effects
on drilling fluid performance and drilling process like:

• Increase mud weight and lost circulation

• Reduced ROP
• Excess drag and torque
• Cost of mud treatment
• Poor rheology control
• Stuck pipe
• Abrasion erosion
• Poor cement job
• Formation damage
49-Can you use it with high MWT?

We limit its use in high weighted mud to avoid drop in density

50-What is the mechanism of barite recovery?

It is a centrifugal system running in series consist of two centrifuges, first one is low speed & G-force
“less than 1200” to separate only barite and return it to mud system then collect mud separately to
holding tank “small one” this contain only LGS & very small amount of HGS then puts it to high speed
centrifuge & G-force “>3000” so it discard solids and return mud to system.

51-What is the minimum solid size that centrifuge can separate?

It is 2 microns, but practically in field it is 5 micron.

52-What is the CaBr2?

It is a calcium Bromide brine used as completion fluid, it has density ranges from 11.7 to 15.1 ppg, it is a
two salt brine containing both calcium chloride and calcium bromide. The effect of increase temperature
on density can be extremely significant with CaBr2 brine.

It has summer blend of 15.5 ppg and winter blend of 15.1 ppg.

53-What is the corrected solid? It is the undissolved solids “total retort solids minus dissolved solids”

54-What is the equation of solids?

• AGS = ([11.96 X Mwt] - [water % X SGwater] – [Oil% X SG oil]) / Solids %

• % LGS = [(4.2 - AGS)/(4.2 -1.6 )] X solids
• LGSppb = LGS % X 3.505 X 2.6
• % HGS = total solids – LGS %
• LGSppb = HFS % X 3.505 X 4.2

55-What is the maximum weight of CaBr2? Brine weight still stable? Done

56- Why do you use it?

Mainly cost and density and compatibility with formation not to cause formation damage.

57- How do make hole clean in horizontal well? Is it the difficult section to clean?

• Proper mud rheology and parameters is essential

• RPM is essential
• Max ROP within ECD limits
• Control ROP not to exceed cuttings precent of 5% in the hole
• Always circulate prior to tripping
• Circulate off bottom
• Monitor pick up and slack off weight and torque and drag
• Sweep hole regularly with tandem pills if possible

The most difficult section in hole cleaning that have angle of 35 – 65 degrees.
58-What is the mechanism of tandem pill? When should LV not used?

LV pill to make turbulent flow and remove cuttings from low side cutting bed and high-density pill to
sweep the moved cuttings. I should not use LV pill if it will affect the whole system viscosity.

59-Why do you use high weigh not Hi VIS?

Because high weight will carry cuttings with buoyancy which depend on mud weight not viscosity. And
not to affect viscosity of the mud system.

60-Can you use high weigh –hi VIS?

Yes we can within the optimum mud weight and rheology. If question about tandem, so no because high
vis only sweep don’t make turbulent flow.

61-If you have good rheology, good RPM and good flow rate but have bad hole cleaning, why? ROP,
what about more sliding!!!!!!!!!

Bad drilling practice of high uncontrolled ROP which load annulus with high % of cuttings. We should mix
sliding with rotary drilling because RPM is a key factor in hole cleaning.

62-If you hear the well control alarm, what should you do?

Proceed to master point and contact company man for further decision.

63-What is TCT? FCTA, LCTD?

• TCT: is the true crystallization temperature at which the salt crystals will form and precipitate
out of a solution. It is the maximum temperature reached following the supercooling. API utilize
the TCT as standard when brine is selected and blended to meet the required temperature
range that is anticipated at the well site.
• FCTA: is the First Crystal To Appear Temperature. The temperature at which crystal will start to
form during the supercooling “cooling below the actual crystallization temperature”.
• LCTD: The Last Crystal To Dissolve in the heating cycle at which crystals disappear. Companies
utilize the LCTD as standard when bine is selected and blended to meet the required
temperature range.

64-What is the pilot test?

It is a test done in the lab before making full scale treatments to the entire circulating mud system to
confirm a particular treatment will have the desired effect or to avoid potential overtreatment. It is
carried out using 1 lab barrel “350 ml” mud sample and 1gm/350 ml is equivalent to 1 lb/bbl. Electronic
balance is used for measuring the weight in gram to obtain the required concentrations. The sample is
sheared at high speed using the Hamilton Beach Mixer.
65-What is the maximum weight of - 66-What is the specific gravity of

Barite 156 PCF • Barite • 4.2

Hematite 187 PCF
• Marble • 2.7
Marble 110 PCF
NaCl 74 PCF • Bentonite • 2.6
KCl 72 PCF
CaCl2 87 PCF • Diesel • 0.84
CaBr2 106 PCF
CaCl2/ CaBr2 113 PCF • Safra oil • 0.79
Na Formate 83 PCF
• LGS • 2.6
K Formate 98 PCF
ZnBr2 144 PCF • Hematite • 5
NaBr2 95+PCF

67-What are the types of LCM?

Conventional acid soluble:

• Calcium Carbonate/marble “ F/M/C/Chips, CaCO3 5/25/50,600,2300”

• Acid soluble fiber “N-Seal or OES Seal MF”
• Acid soluble flake - CaCO3 flake “Soluflake F/M/C”
• Mineral Carbonate “BaraCarb”

Conventional non-Acid soluble

• Cellulose “Baro-fiber, frac-seal, True-seal”

• Synthetic fiber “Sun sweep or super sweep”
• Mica
• Granular “Nut shells e.g. wall nut”
• Graphite “Stealseal 50/100/400, LC-Lube F, LC-Lube”


• Cross-linking polymer pill “X-Link”

• Thermaset
• Dia Seal
• Stop loss

68- What are the types of losses

Lost Circulation formations:

• high permeability unconsolidated sands & gravel

• Cavernous or vagular zones in carbonates
• Natural fractures, faults and transition zones in carbontes or hard shale.
• Induced fractures from excessive pressure
Lost Circulation severity: Seepage <10 bbl/hr, Partial >10 bbl/hr, Severe >100 bbl/hr, Total “no return”

Lost Circulation mechanisms:

• invasion to cavernous, vugular, fractured or unconsolidated formations.

• Fracturing due to hydraulic fracturing from excessive induced pressures.

69-What is the GGT?

It is a test kit contains the equipment and reagents for measuring the concentration of soluble sulfides
and soluble carbonates in drilling fluids. The GGT kit consists of the Garret Gas Train apparatus, Drager
tubes, gas cartridges, reagents and pressure regulator.

The GGT has three chambers. Sample is added to the first chamber where it is mixed with acid. An inert
carrier gas carries H2S or CO2 through the chambers. This gas steam passes through a dragger tube in
the third chamber. The Drager tube contains chemical reagent on solid material which reacts to the gas
and change color.

H2S detection : the dragger tube responds to H2S by darkening along its length as the H2S reacts with
the reagent. The length of the darkened section depends on concentration of sample gas, flow rate and
time that sample flows through the tube. For WBM test on filtrate while in OBM the entire fluid is
analyzed for active sulfide.

CO2 detection: Acid is added to filtrate in the GGT, and carbonates are converted to CO2, which is
transported by an inert gas. The gas stream is collected in a one litre bag and drawn through a Drager
tube at a fixed flow rate. The Drager tube responds to CO2 by staining along its length to purple. The
stain length is sensitive to the CO2 amount,
distribution, total volume and gas flow rate.

Calculate sulfide using this equation

Calculate carbon dioxide using this equation

70-What is the H2S scavenger with WBM?

• Safe scav “MI – organic chemical – zinc & iron free liquid”
• sour scav “Baroid - iron gluconate – zinc free powder”
• zinc oxide “react with sulfide to form ZnS precipitate that is removed by SCE- powder”
71-What is the chemical name of sourscav? Iron gluconate

72-What is the bit balling and how do you prevent it?

Bit balling is the tendency of drilled solids to adhere together and cling to the metal surface of bit and
BHA. The clay adhesion is a function of electro-chemical attraction of clay to clay and clay to metal
“surface tension”. It can cause problems from decrease ROP to not being able to pull the BHA “Stuck”.
Bit balling is classified into primary “at bit surface” and secondary “at BHA”.

It can occur when drilling reactive clay “rock type”, non inhibited WBM, PDC bits when cuttings are
compressed “bit design and depth of cut”, clay plasticity relative to bottom hole pressure “effect of
pressure”, due to poor hydraulics and hole cleaning, and due to electrochemical attraction of clay to
metal surface.

Prevention of bit balling by optimizing the following mechanisms:

• Control fluid invasion to the shale

• Use detergent/glycol to change surface tension between metal surface and cuttings
• Minimize clay content in the mud system
• Use inhibitive mud systems “clay inhibitor, clay hydration suppressant, shale stabilizer, cation
exchanger and osmotic control”
• Optimize bit design and hydraulics “good TFA with proper nozzle size, high blade standoff, large
junk slot areas”
• Use surfactants “e.g. Drilzone, penetrix”, detergent or glycol
• Control rheology and improve hole cleaning by sweeps and wiper trips

You can identify bit balling by sudden decrease in ROP which can’t be improved by changing drilling
parameters, increase hydraulic pressure drop across the bit due to plugging of the nozzles, and high
overpulls and tendency to swap when tripping out.

Curing the bit balling

• Dispersing the balled materials by caustic pill, lignosulfonate and drilling detergent
• Eroding the balled material by pumping nut plug or walnut pill
• Pumping non polar “anti bit balling” material “Glycol, detergents, etc.”
• HCl pill 15% to break up calcareous clay balling
• POOH if material is hard to get off the bit

73-What is the ECD? Depend on what?

ECD is the sum of the additional pressure used to overcome frictional pressure losses and viscosity
effects due to the circulation of drilling fluid.

74-What is the source of pH in formate mud?

pH is around 9.5-10.5 and is maintained by Sodium carbonate and bicarbonate

75-why don’t you make a retort in formate mud?

Due to heat of expansion will mak

76-What is the using of Glycol? And Poly Glycol?

Poly alkaline glycol such as Gem GP used as shale stabilizer and to increase lubricity

Mutual solvent “MS-90” is ethylene glycol mono butyl ether used clean the OBM from wellbore “surface
tension reducer” and dehydrate/reduce the filter cake deposited on the reservoir face.

MEG/TEG well stimulation products

Aqua Drill system “baker” is high performance glycol base fluid system as an alternative to OBM

Glycol is used as

1. shale inhibitor for WBM by making hydrogen bond with shale and prevent pore pressure
transmission “PPT” to formation by forming adsorption layer on shale surface.
2. Helps increase mud lubricity to reduce adhesion of pipe/cake
3. Reduce bit balling
4. Decrease HPHT filtration

77-What is the contamination of WBM?

• Carbonates: detected by increase in Mf-Pf – treatment with lime to ppt caco3

• salt: detected by increase in Cl – use salt saturated system
• calcium from cement : detected by increase in Pm – bicarbonate to ppt caco3, reduce alkalinity
and treat system with thinner
• calcium from other sources: detected by increase in Ca – treatment by soda ash to ppt caco3
• magnesium: Detected by increase in Mg – treatment by caustic soda
• H2S: detected by decrease in pH, increase in sulfide – treat with caustic soda to raise pH, h2s
scavenger such as zinc oxide or iron oxide to remove dissolved sulfides
• LGS: detected by increase in retort solid content – optimize SCE and dilute with base fluid
• Foaming: decrease in mud weight and foam on surface of mud pit – add defoamer, spray water
on the surface and add viscosifier to reduce mechanical aeration
• bacterial degradation: detected by increase in carbonate alkalinity – add biocide or lime to
increase pH and treat system with fresh polymer
• corrosion: detected by external or internal pitting on drill pipe – raise pH between 11-11.5 and
treat with suitable corrosion inhibitor
• Hydrocarbon influx: increase in pit volume and decrease in mud weight – increase mud weight,
open degasser, shut in the well and follow proper kill procedure

78-What is the equation of hydrostatic pressure? “from Aramco wellcontrol manual in pcf”

79-What is the equation of kill mud weight? “from Aramco wellcontrol manual in pcf”

80- Why do you double the result value from HPHT test?

Due to Filter area 45.8 cm2 (7.1 in2) in LPLT API filter press and 22.6 cm2 (3.5 in2) in HPHT test.

81-What is the chemicals name of Max guard?

A polyamine derivative.

82-For what is poly amine using?

It is used in shale inhibition.

83-What are shale inhibitor chemicals?

• PHPA “ID-Cap”- adsorbing onto clay surface and form a protective film that prevent cuttings
from sticking to each other or to the shaker screen – limitation : calcium.
• Poly amine “Max guard, kla stop”, Clay sync
• Gilsonite “Blaknite and black furry”
• Poly alkaline glycol “Gem GP”
• Clay seal: low molecular weight amphoteric material
• soltex “sodium asphalt sulfonate” and sulphonated asphalt materials,
• Bore-hib “help seal pores and microfractures, reduce bit balling & increase lubricity”

84-What is the accepted concentration of CO3 in the mud? 500 mg/l.

85-What is the treatment you should add with CO2 contamination?

From GGT test for accurate analysis. Increase pH to 10.7 with NaOH or KOH. Treat with gypsum or lime
to remove carbonate “avoid overtreatment”.

86-What is the mean of damage formation?

Anything done to the formation that artificially lower its natural permeability. We know it from return
permeability test = 100 X (damaged permeability/ undamaged permeability)

87-What is the definition of glycol cloud point? Depend on what? Mwt, Salinity, Temp

Glycol Cloud Point is defined as the temperature where glycol comes our of solution as small dispersed
droplets forming a cloud. It depend on mud weight, salinity and temperature.

88-What are the types of gel strength?

Flat (some types of mud), Fragile (mud), Progressive (solid build up) and Flush (chemical contamination).

89-What is the accepted concentration of Ca in the mud? <400 mg/l

90- What are NTU and TSS? NTU should less than 20.

• NTU : Nephlometric turbidiy unit, a unit to measure turbidity/clarity of brines which is the
property of fluid that causes it to scatter or adsorb light.
• TSS: is the total suspended solids, defined as solids in brine that can be trapped by a filter. The
brine sample is filtered and the retained on filter is dried in an oven at 103-105 C until the
weight of filter no longer changes, the increase in weight of the filter represent the TSS.

91- What is the Soltex, Gilsonite? What is the difference between them? Max plex can be used as
alternative for Soltex?

Soltex : sodium sulphonate of asphaltic material, it is charged and with this charges it can attack water
and stabilize it. Also due to its sulphonate bulk group it prevent water from entering the shale
“hinderance effect”. Soltex is used also as lubricant and to decrease HPHT filtrate. If shaker screen
plugged you can use water “70-80% solubility”.
Gilsonite: asphaltic material without sodium used as shale stabilizer and decrease HPHT filtrate but it
has low solubility in water, if shaker screen plugged, you can’t use water.

92- For 120 PCF OBM which is better O/W 70/30 or 90/10. Water will increase the rheology and
decrease the volume to dispersed barite. More emulsifiers, more the rheology.

70/30 because water is a medium for rheology chemicals and weighting materials and also this ratio will
have lower cost.

92- What is LSND? What is used for?

Low Solids non dispersed mud used in high ROP, low ECD due to polymer network give low rheology in
compare, so GPM can increase.

93-Can you mix NaCl at CaCl2 brine or vice versa?

No you can’t because the general rule of monovalent & divalent ions are not mixed together to avoid
precipitation as it needs certain concentration and conditions of temperature and pressure which might
not achieved during drilling, but it can be blended at the lab.

94-What is the reason of foaming? Chemically and mechanically.

• Chemically : carbonate contamination, low MBT, H2S

• Mechanically: due to rig surface equipment such as hopper, gun lines, pumping, agitations

95- What is the ES of All oil mud? Maximum reading of the ES which is nearly 2000 volt

96- What is the unit for the following:

PV: cp, YP: lb/100ft2, Filter cake thickness: mm/32 inch, API: ml/30min , HPHT: ml/30min, March Funnel
Viscosity: sec, Gel: lb/100ft2, Solids: % or ppb, pH: unitless

97- Calibration of ES, VG, retort, pH meter

• Es: by inserting electrodes inside standard fluid and check ES.

• VG: Calibration is checked by applying known torques to the bob shaft by one of two methods
first is dead weight calibration check to check if the torsion spring requires adjustment. and the
second is the standard fluid calibration “diesel” check to identify a bent bob shaft, rotor
eccentricity and if the rotor or bob is runout.
• Retort: by water or diesel in rig site. In the lab it should be done by certified technician by
checking the thermostat temperature with special thermometer and measuring the mass of cell
with/without water on a balance it should increase 10 gm with water if using the 10 cc retort
• pH meter: by immersing in standard buffering solution, pink:4 for acid, blue: 10, yellow: 7

98-Types of defoamer? Alcohol base and silicone base.

99- What is the reversible viscosity?

Exploring the possibility of describing a fluid flow via a time, reversible equation and its relevance for the
flocculation statistics instationary turbulent or laminar in compressible navier strokes flow.

100-Pore pressure vs formation pressure?

• Pore Pressure: it is the pressure of the fluids within the pores of the formation ‘usually equal to
hydrostatic pressure’
• Formation pressure: the formation pressure is the pore pressure plus the sum of vertical
overburden and horizontal stress

101- Resilient graphite vs. Marble fine in mech degradation?

Marble fine degrade to fine and ultra-fine particles by shearing while resilient graphite doesn’t because
it is resilient which has softening point that allow it to expand and contract but doesn’t degrade.

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