It - Philosophy
It - Philosophy
It - Philosophy
of New Brunswick
Collaboration with the University
of New Brunswick
ID NUMBER: 3579758
My name is Kristal Ramchan and I come from a family of four (4), my both parents, my
older sister and I. However I recently got married and now live way up in the country side, Rio
Claro, Tableland. I have worked in the teaching profession for the past six (6) years, five (5)
years, Early Childhood and one (1) year, Primary School. Due to transitions recently I am
currently unemployed. Nevertheless teaching has always been my aim thus far throughout my
life. I consider it to be the one profession that is able to connect and reach out to many
becoming a teacher and the educational system because technology is a major element in the
time we live in worldwide. As I gain wisdom about technological strategies; this will help
theoretically and practically. In this journal I will give details of how I intend to integrate the
use of technology in the classroom, in the future including all the strategies and techniques I
have learnt.
With the great expectation of becoming a teacher, I am of the understanding that in order
to develop a healthy learning environment and foster fruitful learning outcomes it is necessary
to always keep up to date with the best learning methods and resources to ensure success. My
belief for students or a class in the upcoming future is that they can all reach their maximum
individual capabilities. Each child have different abilities, different learning styles and as a
potential teacher I would like each student to reach their highest proficiency in the classroom.
date with new implementations in the educational system and at large the world simply because
as each second that goes by a new form of technology is designed. Compared to long ago in the
80s and 90s, children didnt even have the luxury of proper pair sneakers much less for useful
learning materials. In the 21st century that we now live in, the world has evolved into everything
being linked to a technical adaption. There are endless learning resources for various age
groups, infact; from early childhood go up. Just a few to name: IPad, ICT resources- computers,
projectors and audio- CD, recorder. Children today are just fascinated by the world of
technology. They are desperate to learn through technology rather than chalkboards and text. I
recall in my school days how ecstatic I was on the day which I had computer literacy. It was my
favourite day of the week. I wanted to just touch the nubs on the keyboard and click on the
mouse. Now there are much more than just a computer that can be implemented in the
I intend to help students epistemologically, theoretically and practically by applying the use of
technology into the everyday classroom, for example: showing videos and teaching particular
lessons through power point that would capture the students attention. The use of technical
resources such as audios for subject; interactive phonics and numeric equipment that will engage
them and keep them interactive with the teacher as well as their peers. Theoretically, it has a lot
to do with the holistic makeup of each child. According to; (Jones. J. A, 2002), Gardners
theory of multiple intelligences is used in many schools to cater for intellectual areas of strength
and to bolster any less developed areas. By allowing students to use content-free software (for
example word processors, spreadsheets, draw and paint programs, e-mail, HyperStudio,
MicroWorlds, Inspiration, PowerPoint) teachers can develop activities to enrich many of the
multiple intelligences. In a classroom there are many diverse learners, by the use of ICT in the
classroom will enable all students to develop self -awareness to self- realization. Through this
students will also move from a behaviorists approach to a more constructivist approach. As an
intentional teacher, I hope to practically implement the use of technology in the classroom and
I am not yet in the classroom; however I believe the factors that will impact most on the
students learning are getting them engrossed in the lesson itself, making them love to learn which
will require active learning and collaboration with teacher and peers. Captivating the students
attention is what will make the difference to me. Once they are interested in the lesson they will
do well. Using ICT in the classroom will definitely carry out effective learning because students
In the future, I plan to change the current concept of assessment. When someone hears
about assessment they think of a test given via a worksheet. I plan to adjust that to where
children can have fun interactive game based quizzes, children working in groups, researching
and evaluating each other through ICT. These are some of the ways I plan to change assessment
methods from pen and paper to a more independent and creative approach which will encourage
more constructivism in and outside of the classroom. I can recall when I was teaching at the early
childhood level, when I incorporated the use ICT in my teaching student would be so trilled and
absorb all the outcomes of the lesson. I observed that the children became more interested in
everyday learning. I would have no issues about children being left behind because they
remembered all the various ICT strategies that were used. For example, writing on Polaris office,
musical videos and typing on Microsoft word. Learning outcomes were highly achieved because
students would memorize rhymes and video clipping from YouTube. At that level children are
very much exposed to ICT electronics such as, I pads and computers at home. Students would go
home, research and come back with additional knowledge to contribute to learning objectives.
practices to take children to a different level; a level where they can not only depend on the
teachers knowledge to learn but rather acquire additional knowledge to enhance learning and
create a collaborative environment for learning between, teaching, peers and students. There are
many values that technology can add to the classroom. Some values technology may add to the
classroom are, fashioning critical thinkers in the classroom, active learners because they will be
much engaged into activities and a healthier communication between teachers, students and
parents at home. The integration of ICT will certainly incorporate parents involvement more
because they will have to assist their children in research and technological activities.
However as much as ICT is beneficial in the process of teaching and learning there are
also some barriers that exist to prevent the use of ICT integration. Some of the barriers that exist
are lack of proper facility; some schools may not have the equipment necessary to include the
use of technology in the classroom. In rural areas and poor community this is also an issue
because some schools may have the equipment but no Wi-Fi in the area to support ICT
teaching and learning. Another barrier that exists is also the fact that some schools may have the
proper facility with all necessary resources but the teacher perhaps will be lacking confidence in
My aim in my future practice is for all students to be at a particular level in which they do
not only wait for a teacher to pour knowledge into them. I would like for children to become
exposed to many extents they can generate knowledge from. As I continue to learn myself, I
understand in a classroom there are diverse learners, which is why the importance of holistic
development is necessary. The use of ICT in the classroom will endorse this because it will
incorporate visuals, audio and many more interesting factors to connect all students in the
classroom despite their different learning styles. From my past current practices, I will definitely
practice the use of ICT as a part of daily process in teaching and learning. I will move from the
past methods of chalk and talk where teachers are the only participant in the classroom and
children behave as they like and move to a more constructivist approach where everyone in the
classroom will be highly engaged and perform under a better environment. I will practice using
innovative strategies in ICT to teach such as , voki, Kahoot and office mix which will surely
make learning fun and interactive. As a teacher my role will also change because I will
encourage other teachers to practice the use of ICT in their classroom and to make life easier in
terms of testing and assessment. It is much easier on Microsoft word, access and Excel. It
Students role will also change; students will be more independent and enthusiastic
learners. In a classroom its not just a place for a teacher to be the knowledgeable person, but
rather everyone, teachers and students learning and growing together. A school, a classroom is a
place where learning occur, and for effective learning to occur it requires all participants in the
classroom to educate themselves and be of a high standard to share wisdom, not only teachers
but students. Students will also become reflective. They will be able to reflect on how they as a
learner are progressing. They will reflect and write journals using ICT to record learning
outcomes. They will also bond with their families at home when having to put together portfolios
and other electronic activities. The student will become a self-regulated learner where the teacher
The use of ICT in todays society will definitely take individuals to a higher level of
teaching and learning. Teachers as well as students will set higher aims for themselves as they
explore the world of knowledge through technology. As my learning has shifted into a different
dimension throughout the course learning with technology, I have developed my teaching
philosophy on technology integration in the classroom which is, keypads more than writing
pads are the new key towards success in the process of teaching and learning awaken ones
awareness of learning abilities and capacities . Theres a quote that says, Tech gives the quietest
student a voice (Jerry Blumengarten). The use of technology in the classroom will certainly
awaken even the quietest learner in the classroom which can be live changing. The
leaders and not followers which is exactly what our society needs.
Tech Quotes: Blumengarten. J (2016)