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Maam Mortula Lesson Plans

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Prepared by: Jezreel Madsa

I. Objectives

Through the game What are the parts, thats the Pattern class interaction and
activities, the students should be able:

a. identify the differences between the 5 basic sentence pattern;

b. name the parts of the S-TV-DO-OC pattern;
c. share their own examples of sentences having S-TV-IO-DO;
d. evaluate their classmates constructed sentences; and
e. write sentences using the S-TV-DO-OC pattern.

II. Learning Procedure

1. Subject Matter:
S-TV-DO-OC Sentence Pattern
2. Key Concepts:
a. Subject is the doer of the action.
b. Transitive verb a verb that passes an action from the doer to the receiver.
c. Direct object it is the receiver a transitive verb and answers the question what.
d. Objective complement it is a noun or pronoun which renames or identifies the subject
or an adjective which completes the verb and modifies the subject.

3. Reference:
Ribo, L. M. English Arts III pp. 15-19

4. Materials
- pocket chart
- manila paper
- cartolina
- envelopes
- pieces of papers where the questions are encoded

5. Skills
- evaluating
- writing
- constructing of sentences
- drawing
- listening
6. Values
- Listening is a way of gathering information.
III. Learning Procedures
A. Motivation:
Play What are the parts, thats the pattern

Each part is covered with envelope where numbers were written outside of it.
S= is covered with # 12
TV= is covered with # 8
DO= is covered with # 11
OC= is covered with # 37

To reveal the hidden parts, do the following steps:

Choose a number one-by-one by asking the following questions. (It depends on you
what to ask first, second, third, and fourth.)
For 12: What day of June is Independence Day being celebrated?
8: What is the atomic number of oxygen?
11: How many sides does an undecagon object have?
37: What is our bodys normal temperature?

After they answered correctly that number, get the question inside the envelope and
ask it again to the students. The question inside the envelope having the number:
12 is: Cutting of tress increase the problem on Global Warming. In this sentence,
what is the part or role of the word cutting?
8 is: It is a verb that passes an action to the receiver.
11 is: If the part of the word mother in the sentence (We give mother a presence
for her birthday.) is direct object, what then is the part of the word presence?
27 is: it is a noun or pronoun that renames or identifies the subject or it is an
adjective that completes the verb and modifies the subject.

Call for a student to answer the question, then after that; remove the envelope to
reveal the part that is covered by it. (This is tan indirect way of checking the students
answer to the question.)

Uncover the pattern (S-TV-DO-OC pattern).

B. Lesson Proper:

1. Present a pocket chart where sentences having the discussed 4 patterns and the S-TV-
DO-OC are placed

a. The Romans called her Usha.

b. My sister baked me a cake.
c. I find my assignments challenging.
d. The two dancers come to bow to the audience
e. We owe our parents gratitude.
f. I have considered you my closest friend
g. She named the dog Eos.

2. Call for students to identify and to defend what no. contains sentences using the S-TV-
IO-DO pattern.

3. Call on for students (those not called on step e) to classify if what patterns do the other
sentences belong.

4. Ask the difference between S-TV-IO-DO and S-TV-DO-OC.

5. Using sentences, explain the difference between S-TV-IO-DO and S-TV-DO-OC.

6. Group the class into two groups.
a. Let the of 1st row construct his/her own sentences while the members of the 2nd row
should listen carefully to evaluate if the constructed sentence of the other row belong to S-
TV-DO-OC and one assigned member will identify the repeat process until parts on the
constructed sentence.
7. Let the members of 1st group construct his/her own sentence having the S-TVDO-OC
pattern while the embers of the 2nd group listen carefully to evaluate if the constructed
sentence of the other group belongs to the said pattern and if it belongs, then the 2nd group
will assign one to identify where are the subject, the direct object, the verb and the objective
complement in the constructed sentence. (Repeat the process until 15 members of the 1st
group give his/her constructed sentence.

C. Generalization:

Give a summary with example on the 5 Basic sentence patterns.

VI. Evaluation:
Let the students do the following exercises.

Exercise # 1
(copy and answer in a 1 whole sheet of paper)
Write below the underlined word/s their uses in the sentence. Write S for subject, TV for
transitive verb and IV for intransitive verb and LV for linking verb, DO for direct object and
IO for indirect object, and OC for objective complement. And then on the provided space
before the number, identify whether the sentence is made up of S-V, S-TV-O, S-LV-C, S-
TV-IO-DO or S-TV-DO-OC pattern.
_______________1. Great men never talked about their needs.

_______________2. Our geometry teacher makes the difficult task a pleasure.

_______________3. Anne shared her experiences during the summer vacation.

_______________4. They have considered my older brother a very honest


_______________5. The oil in the pan has become hot.

_______________6. It can be very dangerous to all of us.

_______________7. Philippines celebrates Independence Day every 12th day of


_______________8. Filipinos give Jose Rizal a day of commemoration.

_______________9. The doctor diagnosed her acidic.

_______________10. The juniors feel excitement to take their chosen field in T.L.E.

_______________11. Does the principal know your father?

_______________12. Mr. Dominguez will teach his students the perspective


_______________13. Ideas are worthless unless followed by action.

_______________14. The commandant has chosen the most responsible trained

student the CAT-Corps Commander.

_______________15. Their parents think them too young for a lover relationship.

Exercise # 2:
Construct S-TV-DO-OC sentences using the list of words given below. You may add
determiner a, an, or the before the subject and others to make it more meaningful. Make as
many as you can but consider its sense.


Lora found Filipinos

victim make Boracay guilty
Jona accused business Jossa
tourist called Joseph respectful
baker accept Linda temporary
manager named suspect romantic
designer found pandesal successful
Let the students pass their paper 5 minutes before the time.

V. Assignment

In a short bond paper, draw anything that would interest you. From your drawing,
construct sentences using the 5 Basic sentence patterns. (2 sentences in each pattern)
Prepared by: Jezreel Madsa



I. OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to read a passage
and have and adequate understanding about the daily routine in the life of a farmer


+ Grammar: simple present, progressive present
+ New words: relating to the farmers daily activities

III. TEACHING AIDS : pictures, handout worksheet, projector

Stage Teachers activities Students activities

Time needed
I. Warm-up (5) - Shows pictures of some people who are working- Work individually
( doctor, typist, football player, engineer, farmer) and give answers
- asks:
+ what does he/ she do ?
+ what does a farmer do ?
- says : to understand more about the life of a farmer ,
lets come to Unit 1- lesson reading
II. Pre- reading (7) - Have students ask and answer questions about their Work in pairs
daily activities Give feed back
- Comments
- Uses pictures relating to the farmers daily activities to
teach the word meaning
New words :
+ lead the buffalo to the field
+ plough (v, n)
+ harrow (v, n)
+ pump (v)
+ transplant (v)
+ fellow (n) } ( synonym ) friend
+ peasant (n) } farmer
III. While reading * Task 1 -Work individual
(20) - Have students open their book to read the text silently - Do the exercise and
and do the task that follow give feedback.
- Guides students to scan to get the information
- Comments
* Task 2 Work in pairs
- Have students read the text again then answer the
- calls some pairs to answer the questions (closed pairs,
opened pairs)
- comments
- have students close the book taken ask and answer Work in pairs
about Mr Derasin and Mrs Quinto according to the
* Task 3
- have students do task 3 after explaining the
- have students scan the text to get information to fill in
the table
- divides the class into 3 groups to make a brief note Work in group
about Mr Derasin and Mrs Quintos daily routine in the Listen and comment
morning; in the afternoon; after dinner
- call some students to present their answer on the
- comments
IV. Post reading - have students talk about their father and mother s Work in group
(10) daily activities
- call some representative to present their passage in
front of the class
- comments
V. Home work (3) - have students learn the new words by heart
- have students read the text carefully to remember Mr
Derasin and Mrss Quinto daily routine
- have students write a passage about 80 words talking
about your father or mothers daily routine.

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