Effects of Sleep
Effects of Sleep
Effects of Sleep
Andriana Tesoro
Sleep is an important biological necessity that all people need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It
helps people work at an optimum level and is critical for brain functioning, helping with all the
cognitive functions such as memory, learning, decision making, and critical thinking. This makes
sleep extremely important for academic performance. However, research shows that not
everyone is getting enough sleep to function properly, especially college students. Researchers
state that sleep deprivation is one of the main reasons college students receive low academic
scores aside from stress which contributes to sleep deprivation. The purpose of this research
proposal is to examine what contributes to sleep deprivation and see how it then affects academic
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance
Sleep is a vital necessity for people to live a healthy lifestyle in which they can function
well and think properly. It helps with memory consolidation, learning, decision-making, and
critical thinking (Gilbert & Weaver, 2010). Therefore, sleep deprivation is necessary for keeping
these cognitive functions at an optimal level for performance wherever the person may be,
whether it be at work, home, or even school. Unfortunately, not everyone receives adequate
amounts of sleep in order to function properly throughout the day. These poor performances as a
result of poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation is especially evident among college students.
Since college students have such busy work, school, and social schedules to keep up with, their
sleep cycles become negatively affected by it. They tend to have irregular sleep-cycles
depending on the day of the week and report dissatisfaction with sleep as a result of poor sleep
There are many causes as to why sleep deprivation occurs in college students. In a study
done by Ahrberg and his colleagues (2012), they found that different modes of stress affect the
circadian sleep rhythms of the students. OF these modes of stress, stress from work and school
are the most prevalent. A working student can feel stress from going to school, then working to
hard at their job, and then having to come home to do more schoolwork until the early hours of
the day. Students who do not have a job may also feel the same stresses as working students if
they spend too much time procrastinating and have to spend time working on schoolwork until
the early morning as well. Ahrberg and his colleagues (2012) also state that as a result of
sleeping this late, sleep deprivation acts as another stressor on the student.
More causes of sleep deprivation as stated by Tsai and Li (2004), are gender and grade
differences. In Tsai and Lis study, they found that female students tend to receive lesser sleep
with poorer sleep quality and more awakenings in the middle of the night compared to male
students. The male students would receive more sleep with better quality. This is because women
went to bed later but rose earlier. According to Tsai and Li (2004), younger students such as
college freshmen also tended to sleep less than college seniors no matter what their gender. This
may be because of fewer workloads and the more relaxed attitude of college seniors since they
have their life more balanced out as opposed to the incoming freshmen that are just trying to
figure things out. The college freshmen may feel more stress as they try to balance having a
social life and keeping up with their academics at the same time. As a result, sleep deprivation
Many studies in the past have shown that sleep deprivation does correlate with poor
academic performance because of lower abilities in cognition as a result of poor sleep quality. In
the study done by Gilbert and Weaver (2010), the two researchers found that sleep loss interferes
with a students academic, extracurricular and vocational choices. They also found that the
amount of hours students sleep in a 24-hour period has greatly decreased over the years while
Another study done by Medeiros and three other colleagues (2001), found a correlation
between poor academic performances and sleep deprivation but in this study, they analyzed how
irregular sleep cycles can be the result of different days of the week. For example, their
participants tended to have prolonged sleep during the weekends because of their loss of sleep
during the weekdays because of school (Medeiros et al., 2001). Since humans have the tendency
to continue sleeping late as the result of their human circadian rhythm, sleep deprivation is
further worsened (Medeiros et al., 2001). As stated before by Ahrberg and his colleagues (2012),
stress can also worsen the desynchronization of circadian rhythms and make people moody and
In a similar study done by Kelly, W. and two other colleagues (2001), they also found
that sleep deprivation greatly affects a students ability to perform well in their classes. This is
evident through the students GPAs. Kelly and colleagues reported that people who slept 9
hours or more in a 24-hour period had significantly higher GPAs than short sleepers who sleep 6
hours or less in a 24-hour period. These short sleepers also tended to show signs of anxiousness,
were less creative, more neurotic, and more prone to hallucinate as well (Kelly, Kelly, &
Clanton, 2001).
The purpose of this research is to examine what contributes to sleep deprivation and see how it
then affects academic performance. Past research has shown the effects of stress, gender, and
grade differences on sleep deprivation. It would also be interesting to see if there are other
Hypothesis: Participants who are female, have high amounts of stress, and are college
freshmen are more likely to experience more sleep deprivation and as a result perform
poorly academically.
The data will be collected from undergraduate psychology students at the California State
University of Long Beach. The expected students ages would range between 18 and 23. Around
150 participants are expected to be selected through a cluster sampling procedure, where 75
participants would be males and 75 participants would be females. These students would be
chosen in an introductory psychology class after taking a test. The participants would be asked to
complete a survey regarding their sleep patterns, stress levels during the semester, pre-test, and
post-test, and their academic performance such as GPA and how they perform in class.
Materials. Paper and pencils would be needed to distribute the surveys to the participants
in the classroom.
Measures. Demographics such as gender and grade level will be collected because past
research has shown that females are more likely to become victims of poor sleep quality and
sleep deprivation while it also depends on their grade level differences (Tsai & Li, 2004). It
would also be interesting to see whether or not ethnicity correlates with sleep deprivation in any
way and how it affects their academic performance. For this experiment, the Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index (PSQI) will be used to measure the subjective sleep quality in participants
(Ahrberg, Dresler, Niedermaier, Steiger, & Genzel, 2012). The 6-point Kunins faces scale will
also be used to measure stress in the participants, along with a survey of five questions regarding
Before the day the survey will be taking place, the professor of the introduction to
psychology class will be asked for permission to have the survey take place in their classroom
after the students have completed one of the midterm exams for the class. After getting the
professors consent to work in his classroom, a schedule would be set for the day the survey will
take place.
On the day of the survey, one of the researchers for this study will enter the classroom to
greet the students before their midterm exam and to inform them of the survey that will be taking
place after the exam if the students choose to participate. The participants would be informed by
the researcher that the results would be confidential and anonymous, and if he or she feels the
need to leave at any time during the survey they may do so without feeling uncomfortable in any
way and without receiving any penalties. The students would be asked to stay behind after they
have completed their exams to complete the survey. Once a student has completed his or her
midterm exam, they student would bring up their exam to the front of the classroom to hand their
exam in. Then the researcher supervising that classroom would hand the student a survey for
them to complete if they choose to. On the first page of the survey, the participant would be
given a consent form to read and sign regarding the experiment. After reading and signing the
consent forms, he or she would understand that the experiment is investigating what causes sleep
In the survey the participant would be asked a total of 18 questions regarding their sleep
patterns, stress levels during the semester, pre-test, and post-test, and their academic
performance. The first section of the survey, which would be a PSQI, would be made up of 10
questions related to sleep habits over a one-month period and includes subscales assessing sleep
Niedermaier, Steiger, & Genzel, 2012). This section should take about 5 minutes. The second
section of the survey would consist of three of Kunins faces scale to measure stress levels
during the semester, pre-test, and post-test. This section should take about 1 minute. The final
section of the survey would consist of five questions asking about the participants academic
performance. These questions would pertain to the participants GPA, their ability to focus in
class, how they work with other students in the class, their ability to stay awake in class, and
After completing the survey, the participant will be thanked for participating in the study
and will be given a cup of coffee or hot chocolate as a reward and to keep them awake in the rest
Ahrberg, K., Dresler, M., Niedermaier, S., Steiger, A., & Genzel, L. (2012). The interaction
Gilbert, S., & Weaver, C. (2010). Sleep quality and academic performance in university students:
Kelly, W., Kelly, K., & Clanton, R. (2001). The relationship between sleep length and grade-
point average among college students. College Student Journal, 35(1), 84.
Medeiros, A., Mendes, D., Lima, P., & Araujo, J. (2001). The relationships between sleep-wake
cycle and academic performance in medical students. Biological Rhythm Research, 32(2),
Tsai, L., & Li, S. (2004). Sleep patterns in college students: Gender and grade differences.