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China's New Cybersecurity Law: Balancing International Expectations With Domestic Realities

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An internet bar in Chengdu on Jan 28, 2011. pcruciatti /

Chinas New Cybersecurity Law1:

Balancing International Expectations
with Domestic Realities
June 23, 2017
Jing de Jong-Chen2

Almost all digitally-developed countries agree on innovation and public policies to support advances.
the importance of cybersecurity regulations and the This will support an accessible, unfragmented, and
need for proper measures that enable protection of secure online ecosystem for continued economic
citizens and critical infrastructure. China, with over growth. In this way, even with potential disruptions
700 million Internet users, has taken dramatic steps such as those caused by terrorism or economic
to establish a set of laws, regulations and standards turbulence, overall progress will continue and the
to build a domestic cyber governance system, with Internet will remain open for business.
government being firmly in control.
Second, protectionism puts globalization at risk.
From a long term perspective, three core areas will More and more countries such as the United States,
shape the future of the global Internet economy. First, Russia and China, consider cyberspace development
every nation must investment in both technology and cybersecurity national priorities, and will

continue to seek ways to prevent cyberattacks to individuals and organizations based abroad for any
critical infrastructure as well as public and commercial cyberattacks against Chinas critical infrastructure.
systems. However, there is a growing trend of
The new law covers six core areas: network security;
using security as an excuse to limit procurement of
network products and services; critical information
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
infrastructure; data protection; security response
products and services based on country of origin. There
and monitoring; and penalties. China reaffirmed its
is also a push for data residency to restrict cross border
position on cyber sovereignty by instrumenting strong
personal and commercial data flows, although these
governmental controls over the use of technology
policies do not necessarily improve cybersecurity.
and data flows. The law also prioritized protecting
Third and perhaps most importantly, in a connected critical information infrastructure by including a high-
world, users, including consumers worldwide, both level definition, and left the details to be addressed
young and old, educators, scientists, healthcare by a separate policy to be issued at a later date.
providers, entrepreneurs and technologists, depend
on the Internet for their personal and commercial Evolved Thinking
information exchange, searching for knowledge and
solutions, advancing research and collaboration, and Anyone involved in the development of legislation
delivering services. The harmonization of Internet knows that drafting a law is an evolving process. This
policies in support of interconnectedness among is evident in the language used, or not used, in the
nations is needed to ensure ongoing economic and final version of China Cybersecurity Law. Since the
social progress. first draft was released for public comments in July
2015, China continued to provide a public comment
period (30-days), allowing international and domestic
Chinas New Cybersecurity Law
entities to provide input during the development
On November 6th, 2016, the Standing Committee of process. However, it was unclear how feedback was
the National Peoples Congress of the PRC approved evaluated and adopted in the final law.
Chinas final Cybersecurity Law, effective on June 1,
Unlike other domestic security policies, the final
2017. This law is an important milestone in Chinas
Cybersecurity Law provides a legal and policy
goal to establish a legal framework for protecting
framework to emphasize the protection of personal
its national security. Together with the Counter-
information. For example, it highlights the need to
Terrorism Law and The Counter-Espionage Law,
protect users data from hackers, and to crack down
the new Cybersecurity Law forms the third pillar of
on resellers of personal information. The law also
Chinas National Security Law.
requires data residency, gives the government the
This law has significant implications for both domestic right to restrict both personal and commercial data
and foreign businesses. In addition, it implies greater collected locally, and requires information to be stored
government control over Internet content and domestically. Finally, the law requires special approval
data flow emanating to and from China and within for cross border transfers in key sectors, including
the countrys borders. As a similar (or perhaps a public information and commercial services, banking
reciprocal) measure to the United States, the final and financial services, transportation services, and
law included an article imposing sanctions against other sectors.

Numerous fundamental issues related to the law measures. The definition of personal and important
remain unclear, including: clarity of legal authority for data found under data residency rules related to
the enforcement of the law; separation of different CII operators is also vague given that the CII sector
levels of enforcement between national law and definition is based on the amount of user information
agency-specific policies; alignment between Chinas collected by the service providers, which in turn is
cybersecurity review which may limit procurement based on current interpretations of local experts.
of foreign products and services in commerical
The international business community appreciates
sectors; international legal and trade obligations;
precise legal terms for compliance in countries
potential conflict between a mandatory Real Name
where investments are made, rather than vague
Registration for all web services; and legal liabilities
language that creates uncertainty about how laws
for service providers related to the collection and
and regulations will be implemented. This challenge
protection of user data.
is even greater when Chinas requirements do not
The definition of critical information infrastructure is correspond to internationally accepted norms.
an important issue in this law. In the first draft, critical
information infrastructure (CII) was defined based Areas of Impact to Foreign
on the number of users of a service. The second draft
removed all language related to the definition and
the parties that might be held responsible, leaving As noted earlier, the Cybersecurity Law
both topics to be defined in future policies. The final became effective on June 1, 2017. But many
version of the law brought back definitions on public questions remain about how the law will
information and communication services, financial be enforced. As more and more policies
services, transportation, water and energy, public and standards are released, there will be
services and e-government systems. It is expected significant impacts on the ICT companies
that future policies will define CII and protection doing business in China. For example:

Residency Requirements National Standards-based

Unlike Chinas Counter-Terrorism Compliance - Domestic (national)
Law, the final version of the standards are being used in the
Cybersecurity Law requires law for product certification and
personal and important data that compliance. However, some of
is collected by critical information these existing standards were
infrastructure operators in China to designed to be country specific,
remain in China. Special approval and in effect, were non-compatible
is mandatory for any cross-border with international security standards
data transfers. This provision is which prevented compliance in
designed to guarantee Chinas legal the global supply chain. If China
jurisdiction over CII sectors related desires a secure and productive
data. However, in a highly globalized cyberspace, effort must be made
world, this can be impractical when to prevent a non-compatible by
the exchange of personal and design situation which could hurt
business data across international both foreign and domestic industry
borders is a necessity for global competitiveness. China is a member
and regional operations such as of leading standards organizations
telecommunications, transportation, such as the ISO, IEC and ITU. By
public health, disaster response aligning national standards with
and recovery, scientific research globally-adopted and well tested
and education, and commercial standards, and contributing to the
and financial services. Cross-border international standard development
personal and business data flows with a market-driven approach,
take place in real time and are China will also improve its industrial
massive in quantity when associated competitiveness, trade fairly and
with human activities. Even though benefit from stronger security
this requirement reflects Chinas protection.
affirmation of its data sovereignty,
Cybersecurity Review and
it does not necessarily improve
Certification Schemes - The law
cybersecurity nor data protection
introduces several new certification
given that hackers have no regard
schemes including a cybersecurity
for national borders in cyberspace. It
review3 without any definition
would effectively impose high costs
of certifying authority, scope, or
and constraints on innovation to the
process. By expanding its current
detriment of Chinas global ambition,
scope in certifying security products,
the wellbeing of its citizens, and
China may impose significant costs
global trade.

on providers of ICT goods and apply censorship management.

services, especially those based The law requires service providers
abroad. A government-approved to demand Real Name Registration
catalog of products, as proposed confirmation when users apply for
in the law, would be difficult to web services. In addition, service
maintain. Furthermore, because providers may be required to collect
security risks are constantly and store large quantities of personal
evolving, China has begun to information. However, no matter
promote a secure and controllable how qualified and prepared these
approach to collecting technical services are, there is no bullet proof
information, which includes not only hacking prevention. This represents
features and functions, but also data a huge risk to the providers based
streams from enterprise as part of on the legal penalty outlined in
its assessment. Chinas proposed the same law for failing to protect
certification also includes a broad personal information.
definition of critical equipment,
which can be problematic for foreign- A Way Forward
based technologies providers.
China does not have an official system to allow active
Content Censorship and Real public involvement in the legislative process, apart
Name Registration The law from small windows of public comment period at
requires service providers to undefined times. Nonetheless, multinational and
enforce content self-censoring as domestic companies that share common interests
well as notice and takedowns. Many should continue to seek clarity to improve the
service providers in China already understanding of this new legislation.

Bilateral and multilateral dialogues at a government will be enforced. As two of the worlds most
level should include discussions on issues that affect influential nations, China and the United States
compliance with cyber norms and trade obligations. share responsibility for leading international efforts
This would promote confidence in the global supply to establish cybersecurity policies and promote
chain and assist in protecting cyberspace and the fair competition. Despite improved cooperation
economy. and greater collaboration between China and the
United States on cybercrime and cybersecurity, the
Cybersecurity has been a top priority during the past two governments continue to hold very different
US-China presidential meetings. The willingness to positions on other cyber governance issues. While
cooperate led to the signing of a bilateral agreement under the Trump Administration and a Republic
at the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialog in majority Congress, one can expect a US centric
Beijing4 in June 2016. Both President Xi and President market-driven policy, it is less clear how the US
Obama noted that cybersecurity in commercial will address the trade deficit with China, while
sectors should: expecting cooperation around cyber hacking and
cyber warfare.
be consistent with World Trade Organization
agreements; From industrys perspective, continued challenges
can be expected due to a dynamic cyber
be narrowly tailored;
governance and trade environment in China.
take into account international norms; Companies will need to invest to be able to legally
comply with the new Chinese law, associated
be nondiscriminatory based on suppliers country regulations, and national security standards. There
of origin, and;
will be a major risk to the users; if an ICT company
cannot find solutions to address non-compliance
not impose nationality-based conditions or
restrictions on the purchase, sale, or use issues, this may force the company to remove its
of ICT products by commercial enterprises products and services from the China market.
Government, industry, and civil society all share a
The two governments also affirmed the principal responsibility to promote cybersecurity and prevent
that access to a full range of global technology cybercrime. Governments can partner with ICT
solutions strengthens the cybersecurity of companies to address common interests such as
commercial enterprises. This is a significant managing supply-chain risks in terms of provider
development for the ICT industry, both in China and qualifications, standard conformance, and legal
in the United States, which for years have struggled compliance. Industry can offer input based on
to gain proper acceptance and to overcome market- experiences and best practices to help government
access barriers imposed or created by the other address cyber threats. This will create an
country. environment where it is possible to protect critical
infrastructure within and across national borders and
With the implementation of Chinas Cybersecurity support global economic growth.
Law, governments and enterprises will be watching
to see how the bilateral agreement outlined above

1 The original law legal text in Chinese can be found on the
National Peoples Congress official website.

2 Jing de Jong-Chen is a General Manager, Global Security

Strategy, at Microsoft Corporation. She is based in Seattle
Washington. The views expressed in the paper solely
belong to the author.

3 China Administration of Cyberspace issued a draft

Cybersecurity Review policy on February 4, 2017 for
public comment. The official document can be found

4 Fact Sheet of the US-China Strategic and Economic

Dialogue concluded on June 6th, 2016 in Beijing

The opinions expressed in this article are those

solely of the author.

Jing de Jong-Chen
General Manager, Global
Cybersecurity Strategy,
at Microsoft Corporation
The Wilson Center
Jing de Jong-Chen is Senior
Director, Global Cybersecurity Strategy and
@TheWilsonCenter Diplomacy Group in the Corporate, External and
202.691.4000 Legal Affairs Division at Microsoft Corp. She has 20
years of industry experience and domain expertise
Digital Futures Program in cybersecurity policy, technology and strategic
partnership development.
@WilsonCenterDFP Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
202.691.4002 One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004-3027

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