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WA150 5 Small

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FLYWHEEL HORSEPOWER Gross: 74 kW 99 HP @ 2000 rpm. Net: 71 kW 96 HP @ 2000 rpm eS OPERATING WEIGHT 7410 -7495 kg 16/336 - 16,524 Ib BUCKET CAPACITY 3 WA150-5 “17m 17-22 yd YUAACVO'T THAH NM. Photo may includ optional equipment WA150-5 Whee LoapeR WHEEL LOADER WALK-AROUND Komatsu-integrated Reduced operator noise GeSIQN offers the best to 70 dB(A) value, reliability, and versatility. Hydraulics, powertrain, frame, > and all other major components Expanded main monitor Powerful yet efficient Komatsu are engineered by Komatsu. snp youbierionty sen: san40102&-2 emissionized engine You get a machine whose Larger cab components are designed ath new layout design to work together for higher production, greater reliability, and more versatility. Full side opening culling engine doors New tilt steering column Radial Sealed air cleaner Easy-to-operate loader contro! mono-lever using PPC (Proportional Pressure Contr!) ‘Swing-out hydraulic radiator fan Side-by-side type coolers tor easy access and cleaning Overrun protection system Ground level servicing an lid checks Large breakout force Extremely low fuel consumption Extended service intervals Flat face “O-Ring” Hydraulic Seals for extended lite Maintenance-free tully hydraulic Electronically controlied Hydrostatic Transmission Staircase-type steps f-dise serie and parking brok (HST) with variable shit contol syst vith large reaching doors 7 \watdie service and parking brakes (HST) witn variable shitt contro system oe rearing stb siaiWivai obsbasten Traction control system Pros yah pln sip. WA150-5 WHEEL LoaveR PRODUCTIVITY FEATURES. High Productivity and Low Fuel Consumption Powerful Engine ‘A powerlul SAMEDTO2E-2 wtrechanged ata aoreaoied ‘esol ongino proviges an avput {nat of 71 KW 85 HF far the WAISO-S [Low Fue! Consumption ‘Tha lve consumption is reduced up ta 10% due foe gh {torque angie and Hycrostat Traneieion (HST) with ma um aeney inh tw speed range *vssnape lacing (25 ec. eye na} Electronically-Controlled HST Using a 1-Pump, 2 Motor System 15 The |-pump, 2enotorayster allwrs fr highsoliconty and high tacive ofort Engine power is transmitted hydraulealy 1 a wansor eae, then manly out to tha ‘itarontiats and out tothe Your ening whois (° HST provides quis aval response and aggressive crv info the’ pie. The vanaale displacement system automat cay achusts a the tracive ation sera to prowee rmaximant power and ofiioney, ‘= Full auto-hitting ouminatus any gear shiing ane kick dwn operatan to allow the operator to concentra on digging and leasing eH Piston Pump ‘= Wen high rive torqua is nadia for epging, ckmbng ‘Fitting movament, tha pum feeds both motote: This combination makes the load very aggressive and quick © Under seceleration the HST systam act as a dynamic brake on tha machanical chive sysiom The dynam brake can fold ne loader in postion on most workable slopes. This can ba an advantage in stockpling and ram loading. As the machine moves and gains ground speed, the torque demand ocreazes and tne law gpaed motor tlacively ernavec rom tha ve System by a cute AL thee point, he aw i going tothe Ngh-spwed molar ana tha low-speed motor i not cating a drag onthe sys tem ‘© An inching pada vee the operator excalln smutane- us contro of hie Havel and equipment hyeeaulc speeds, By depressing the inching pada, dive pure How to the motors will decrease, reducing ground speed and allow: Ing the operator o ute his acamlaator 1 Increase tow to fis equipment hytauics, Depressing the Inching pedal furtner wil aca the savice bakes: Transler case Electronically-Contraliad HST with Variable Shift Control System “Tho operator can choose batwaen list, second, thie oF fourth maxinuam speeds by ing tn speed range salactor ‘wich, For cytes, he operator can Bat he spred conto nah 12 or, whic wi ve hm aggre ‘Sa dgging, quick engponee aa tat yaaues For toad an eaery bo can select 3 or 4 when we gv aggressive Saino ut wet uh speed “Tho vasiable shut seh alos tho ‘pata fo rus his machine speed in conned wloasing appcatons. When 1, the operator can ais his ae ‘pou ung tha vena ahIRGwtch Yo muted hs MCN ‘peud and hysrauics to the detanca he must aval Variable Shift Control Variable range of travel speed Tractive effort Oo 4 8 12 16 20kmm o 2 4 6 6 10 12 MPH Travel speed WHEEL LOADER Traction Control System iniientas tact sitantons ware the oparaior would tka te avoid the signage (such ae sandy ar we surface ops tions) he ean automaticaly reduce sippage by actvating the tacton conto! feature. Pusting he traction contol SSrtch in ane"ON" postion lis tha maxtmum amount ot fractvo eto. Traction cont wt bd an advantage in carain appniea ons such as rans tor stations wnare the loads may be working on ippary Traction Canteol | Reduced Tractve effort oa 8 4% 16 20 kmm 0 2 4 6 6 1 12 MPH Travel speed WA150-5 WHEEL LoapeR WHEEL LOADER INCREASED RELIABILITY AND SERVICEABILITY ‘Main Monitor - ENMS (Equipment Management ‘Monitoring System) Komatsu naw main monitor oops tbo operator informed of sl naahine Fosehons at gk The monitor i oe beter he sowing whool and plays various diaront rmacting Rinesons lung Au tor change morale ane troubleshooting memory display tunctons. The main gauges 219 analog type for easy viewing ara ohor ncaa vkzo {ght symbols or LCO rvadouts. ‘Swing-Out Radiator “The now Komatsu ‘oaing system is ‘solated trom tho fergie to provide more etint oct (ng anew noise “Tha swing out yale fa laws te operaior to cuicly clan out the cooing system. “The radia, sirto-ar cooler and ol coor ara mounted ‘80-by-sidn lor mow eficart cooing and easy clearing, A ‘uy opening, gas spring asictod rear gil ges tha eperator ‘excallol accass to the sning-out lan and coals Full Side-Opening Gull-Wing Engine Doors Ground ave! engine sare and daly earicn checks are ‘made easy wi the gas sexing ses tll de opacing pull aoees Extended Service Interval Extended engine eil change interval: 250} ——> 500 H Extended drive shatt greasing interval: 1.000 1H ——e 000 H Overrun Prevention System \Wnan the machine dascend a slope ot sx degrees or les, ‘maximum travel speed is automaticaly esticted to appro: ‘ately 4 kwh 27 MPH, for safety protection againt dam ‘ae of power train components and brakes by sensing the travel ped andl controling the eiecharge amount o! he HST pump ard motor. When the machine descends a sien ‘lope and ne travel speed reachos 40 kwh 25 MPH. he ‘caution lamp ights Upto inlorm the operator to reduce the betel spa Note: When the machine descenc a stbep slope, the wee the service brake ts necessary 1o fn travel speed Fully Hydraulie Wet Mult-dise Service Brakes ‘Th dua! wet disc brakes a each whe ae Kly sos an fadjusimen oo to toduoe contaminaten, woar and mar nanoe, The resuit slower mainnance costs and higher ok abit. ‘Aced dependably is designed ito the broking ejatom by the us of two independont nyc cuits, providing yale backup en0uld one of he cut ta He brake ol pressure crops, no warning lamp Rrshes and tha warring buzzer sounds itarmatotly. “The paserg bake s mechanically conrolaa bya lever othe cab Parking Brake: Service Brakes High-rigidity Frames “The Wom ana rear ramos along with he loader linkage have igh ngty to wahstand raptated twisting ard bending oad tothe teaser body and nkage. Beth the upper and lower Ccomor pat oarngs use tapered rllor baarngs for mcveased suratity Te structure is mia’ to thase of age ‘820d loagers and the rinorcad loader Inkage eras hgh stonatt Flat Face-to-Face O-Ring Seals Frat taco tote tio (Oring soa are sod 10 curly ‘eal a hydrate and to proveet of ‘eakage, aig CCathion Electrodeposition Primer Pain Powder Coating Final Paint Catton otrcvadpossion paint fs applied as a primer paint ang peder coatng s apphod as a topcoat othe exterior ‘otal shoot pars. Ths proses resuts in a durable rst roo ‘machine, oven inthe Most severe anvitonmens, Some ‘tornados are made of plas to provide ong Ma and igh impact resistance, Sealed OT Connectors Moon hamssns and contoter connectors re equoped wth ‘Seated DT connectors provicing gh rolabaty and dust and ‘omosion resistance. Komatsu Components omateu marutaetues the engine, raneor case. ciorortas and loinc pas of woe loader. Komatsu ‘oaders ara manutac rnd wth an togrates producton sytom under ‘set quaity core syetnm Feniohe “Tone ite WA150-5 WHEEL Loaper WHEEL LOADER OPERATOR COMFORT Now Cab Layout omateu's now cab layout provides the eporatr wih a oly, Gut and OSare wok enitoamoat. The ow MBs evel sd tho ab leds the industry at 70-8(A) and ioacer Contos are argonomicady designed to reduce operator Fasguo and neice procctity. Two Door Walk-Through Cab Eney and extiono the now Komatsu cab seas wih ‘oped staxeasa typo stops and wage damoter hance fr ade ealty ‘and comton. The large cab ors ae rearhinged to ‘pen 120 degrees orig font antryiont and wil not hamper visit whan ‘perating the machina wth The doors latchad opan. A wide pilardess at glass proves for excellent vib, The wiper aim covurs.a tage area to prowde great visbity avon on any ays Low-noise Design Operator noise: 70 684A) The large cab is mounted wth Komatsv's unique ROPS/FOPS vs: cous mounts, Tho Jow-noiso engine, hyorautcaty driven Fan, and hye pumps are mouried with ruber cus Jone, and to ead soaling is improved to provide aque, low-uibration. and comfortable operating aavironment Pressuizaion in tho cab keops din out unher enhancing tho operators como Easy-to-operate Loader Control Mono-lever ‘Anew mono-avertning PPG (Proportona Pressure Control) ows the operator to wasiy operate the work equipment, to reduce operate faiqua and te ineroase contotabity. THe adjustable wrist rest provides th operator witha vaity of combonabie operating postions: Electrically Controtied Directional Lever ‘Tho operator can change diecton wah atowch of his bagers without moving hi hand rom ths stoarng wheel. Solid tale electrons makes this possible V Titable Steering Column “Tho operator can tthe ‘stooring column o allow max: Imnum samfort and conto “Tho two-spoke tering wines alow. maine ii pity of no mentor pane! ana| forward work enweoarent Comforts of Home The large cab allows room ora large unc ‘box holdor and a vty ‘of cup tokiors, Optional aircondticniag andthe of opbonal AMM stereo cassette system crwate a comfonabie and eon trolad work environ mont EE WHEEL LOADER WA150-5 = RETA Sa TTS Ta asi [om Lames Toe 1 Wt a ree j2so 7s [aus 77 | ewe 77 [eam Ty vo Tages GRD[SEP fonds 70 Wauconda Goran ak alvin tre [ow a oe oe a

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