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Desmet Ballestra Biodiesel Technologies PDF

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The key takeaways are that Desmet Ballestra is an engineering group that specializes in designing and supplying process units for producing biodiesel and other raw materials using their continuous transesterification technology. They have over 1,000 plants supplied globally and can produce biodiesel from a variety of oil sources.

Desmet Ballestra specializes in the design and supply of process units for the production of surfactants, formulated detergents and other raw materials for personal and home care products. They have the leading position in this field with over 1,000 plants supplied in more than 100 countries.

The Ballestra Technology is based on a 3-step Continuous Transesterification Unit that allows operating under mild conditions with constant quality of the products and a reduced environmental impact.

Generating clean & sustainable energy

Biodiesel Technologies

Desmet Ballestra : The right partner

Desmet Ballestra is an engineer-

ing group operating all over the
world in the oils & fats industry
and various areas of the organic/
inorganic chemical industry but
with a special skill in the design
and supply of process units for
the production of surfactants, for-
mulated detergents and other raw
materials for personal and home
care products.

In this field Desmet Ballestra

holds the leading position with
over 1,000 plants supplied in
more than 100 countries and for
clients ranging from small pro-
ducers to large multinational Desmet Ballestra is nowadays in Desmet Ballestra has been re-
companies. a position to design and to sup- cently awarded a contract for the
ply Biodiesel production plants design of a new biodiesel plant
Desmet Ballestra started the de- sized in a wide range of produc- having a capacity of 100.000 TPY
velopment of the Methylester tion capacities (from 10,000 up to based on continuous transesteri-
Technology in the early eighties 200,000 T/y), coping with the fication technology to be installed
through an intensive R&D pro- most stringent international in Livorno, Italy for Novaol (Bunge
gram in the field of the standard specifications. Group) which is the major
methylester production, mainly
biodiesel producer in Europe.
finalized to the production of a Optional units such as (upstream)
convenient raw materials for sur- Oil Refining and (downstream) The new plant was started-up in
factant production as alternative Glycerine Upgrading can be November 2004.
to LAB and fatty alcohol. added, upon customer request.
As a logical consequence of the In the mean time 2 new biodiesel
deep experience acquired in the A continuous-type industrial plant plants are under construction in
esterification of surfactants inter- of 30,000 tons/y has been then Greece and Portugal.
mediate products, Desmet installed at the Estereco factory
in Umbertide. This plant has The biodiesel can be produced
Ballestra has developed a con-
been started-up in 1993 and meeting the latest and most strin-
tinuous transesterification proc-
since then it is producing gent European and/or US ASTM
ess to produce Diesel-Fuel Sub-
biodiesel, meeting the latest and standard specifications.
stitutes (BIODIESEL) starting
from a wide range of vegetables most stringent European quality
oils of various purity (crude/neu- standards.
tral/refined), including exhaust
Desmet Ballestra was also
and “fried” oils from edible/food
awarded a turn-key contract for
applications without the need for
another 30,000 tons/y
a full refining step up-stream.
methylester production plant form
rapeseed oil to be installed in
This flexibility allows to use raw Germany and has developed the
material cheaper than traditional basic engineering for plants hav-
processes based only on refined ing capacity ranging up to
oils. 150,000 tons/y.
......for your Biodiesel Project

Technology Overall scheme

The Ballestra Technology is The overall technological scheme

based on a 3-step Continuous offered by Ballestra for the pro-
Transesterification Unit that al- duction of Biodiesel and Glycer-
lows to operate under mild oper- ine starting from seeds and/or
ating conditions with constant crude/neutral and/or refined veg-
quality and minimised specific etable oils, mainly:
consumption of raw materials and
energy. - rapeseeds
- sunflower
The plant design is targeted also - soybean
to reduce to a negligible extent - recovered fried oil
the process effluents with conse-
quent virtual elimination of pollut- is summarised here below:
ant and process wastes.




• Seeds cleaning/drying
• Oil degumming • Transesterification
• Glycerine purification
• Seed pressing
• Oil neutralization • Biodiesel purification
• Glycerine
• Solvent extraction
• Glycerine separation
• Meal treatment
• Glycerine distillation
• CH3OH recovery
• Oil drying

How does it operate? High yields High Quality Glycerine

The Biodiesel production section, The yield of the continuous Partially refined glycerine can be
namely the Transesterification of transesterification is 99,8% cal- delivered as such or sent to the
Oils and the Biodiesel Purification culated as ratio of Neutral / Re- upgrading-distillation section up
step are characterised by unique fined Oil fed to the transesteri- to pharmaceutical grade meeting
features that with reference to the fication versus the produced the most stringent pharmacopea
illustrated Process Block Dia- Biodiesel specifications.
gram, are here below described:
At the end of the transesteri-
fication process, two phases are
The transesterification reaction is
accurately separated.
accomplished in 3 steps with a
methanol surplus with respect to
Purification of the upper
the stoichiometric quantity, using
methylester phase involves sepa-
an alkali methylate in anhydrous
ration of unreacted methanol,
methanol solution as a catalyst.
washing with water solutions and
final drying.
Methanol and catalyst are dosed
and recycled to the 3 reaction Purification of the lower glycer-
steps within prefixed rates. ine phase involves: neutralisa-
tion, separation of unreacted
Reaction temperatures are lower methanol, dilution with wash liq-
than 60°C and pressure is max uid stream coming from
0,5 bar(g). Overall residence time methylester washing, splitting of
of the whole plant is 2 hours soaps and final concentration up
approx. to 88 - 90%.


Catalyst CH3OH Oil

CH3OH Recovery

CH3OH Stripping
Glycerine -phase ME-phase
CH3OH Stripping

CH3OH Distillation Methylester

Wet CH3OH Drying

Wet CH3OH Concentrat./Distillation


These operations are performed When accounting for the kinetics As for the plant safety manage-
by means of process sequence aspects of the transesterification ment, the reduced reaction vol-
and equipment characterised by: reaction, a continuous process umes imply that much lower
shows peculiar advantages with methanol amounts are present at
· Mild operating conditions respect to the traditional batch any time in the process sections,
process, as herebelow detailed: which greatly reduces the fire
· Completely Computerised hazard.
Process Control System The initial step of the reaction
consists in the solvation of the oil A further feature, unique to the
· Simple mechanical design of molecules by the excess reactant Ballestra continuous process, re-
the process equipment and (methanol); this step is slow, due sides in the dedicated reactors
negligible maintenance de- to the scarce affinity between the design, which allows the continu-
mand two reactants and is accelerated ous separation of the glycerine
by the presence of methylester phase from the reaction mixture
· Small overall dimensions of that, being a mutual solvent, acts within each of the three reaction
the Units and equipment as a “phase transfer agent”. steps.
In a batch system, where no This allows shifting the reaction
In particular the Transesteri- methylester is initially present in equilibrium toward the products,
fication step entails these peculi- the reaction mixture, the so maximising the yield, and to
arities: transesterification reaction re- minimise the catalyst consump-
quires, therefore, a dwell time tion.
before appreciable amount of
· Continuous operation-mode methylester are produced.
with multiple glycerine sepa- Conversely, in a continuous proc- As for the downstream
ration for each single step ess, the two reactants are fed to Methylester purification unit, the
a reaction mixture containing the Ballestra technology foresees the
· Enhanced reactor Kinetics steady state methylester amount, following steps:
due to the “Solvation” effect and the overall kinetics is en-
of the excess Methanol vs. hanced by the resulting fast con- · Evaporation (BEFORE the
the quantity of oil to be re- tact between the two reactants. Methylester washing section)
acted of most (85% approx.) of the
An almost tenfold viscosity reduc-
unreacted methanol in dry
tion is observed when oil is con-
· Limited product hold-up form, suitable for direct re-
verted to methylester; the steady
cycle to the transesterificat-
state viscosity of a continuous
· Operation flexibility deriving ion section.
reactor is, therefore, consistently
from the possibility to dose
lower than the initial reaction mix-
the reactants to the 3 steps · Washing of the residual glyc-
ture viscosity of a batch system,
in variable and specifically erine and soaps by means of
which allows an overall higher
pre-set quantities water; the water phase leav-
mixing intensity at comparable
ing from this section is re-
mixing energy inputs.
· Possibility to process oils of cycled to the glycerine purifi-
widely variable quality and ori- The above aspects add up to the cation section
gin general advantages of a continu-
ous process (reduced equipment · Final Methylester drying; the
· Easy and accurate control of sizes at given plant capacity wet methanol stream sepa-
the process key-parameters thanks to the elimination of load- rated in this section is sent to
(temperatures pressures and ing/unloading dead times, re- a rectification unit, in order to
flow rates) duced energy and utilities con- recover it to the transesterifi-
sumption, easier automation of cation section.
process control, higher product
quality uniformity), making it al-
most a must, once the econom-
ics of a commercial scale plant
are accounted for.
1)Continuous MultistepTransesterification of oils with multiple glycerine separation

2)Mild Operating Conditions and High Operation Safety

3)Complete Computer Control of the Process

4)Equipment of simple mechanical design, with high efficiency and negligible maintenance

5)Well proven technology for oil production and refining

6)State-of-the-Art Technology for Glycerine purification, concentration and distillation.

1)Small overall dimensions of process unit and equipment

2)Three steps reaction section

3)Limited product hold-up

4)Easy and accurate dosing of reactants

5)Glycerine recuperation at each reaction step.

6)Enhanced reaction kinetic thanks to “solvation” effect of excess CH3OH versus oil to be reacted.

7)Possibility to process a wide range of natural oils.

Biodiesel according to european specification EN 14214

Property Unit Min Max Test Method
Density at 15°C kg/m 860 900 EN ISO 3675+12185
Viscosity at 40°C mm2/s 3,5 5.0 EN ISO 3104
Flash point range °C 120 - ISO/CD 3679
Cold Test CFFP Summer max 0°C
Winter max.-20°C
Sulphur content mg/kg - 10
Carbon residue % (m/m) - 0.3 EN ISO 10370
Acid value mg KOH/g 0.5 prEN 14104
Cetane number 51.0 EN ISO 5165
Ash Content % (m/m) - 0.02 ISO 3987
Water content mg/kg - 500 EN ISO 12937
Sediment Vol.% 0.05
Total contamination mg/kg - 24 EN 12662
Copper corrosion rating Class 1 EN ISO 2160
Oxidation Stability hours 6 - prEN 14112
Ester contact % (m/m) 96.5 prEN 14103
Methanol content % (m/m) 0.2 prEN 14110
Monoglycerides content % (m/m) 0.8 prEN 14105
Triglycerides Content % (m/m) 0.2 prEN 14105
Free glycerine Content % (m/m) 0.02 prEN 14105+6
Total glycerine content % (m/m) 0.25 prEN 14105
Iodine number 120 prEN 14111
Phosphorus mg/kg 10 prEN 14107
Alkali content (Na+K) mg/kg 5 prEN 14108+9


903,95 Kg 874,11 Kg 129,15 Kg

NaOH @ 50% H3PO4 @ 80%

3 1A 2

Waste CRUDE OIL Waste Water


Soapstock @ Water
40% Dry matter Process water 4

Dry Oil Dry U.F.O.
1002 Kg

Catalyst: Sodium Methylate H2SO4 @ 96%

Esterified U.F.O.
Fresh Methanol

Reaction Acidified Wet

Citric Acid Mixture Methanol HCl @ 36% NaOH @50%

Crude Glycerine GLYCERINE

Methylester Wet Methanol

Wet Methanol DISTILLATION Dry Methanol


1000 Kg 116,87 Kg
Biodiesel Glycerine @ 88 %


Dry Methanol
Waste Water
(max. 0,1% of Methanol)

B.L. B.L.

Stream 1A + 1B Stream 2 Stream 3

Refined oil: Rape-Soy-Sun U.F.O.: Used Frying Oil Crude Oil: Rape-Soy
FFA: 0.1% max FFA: 5% max FFA: 2% max
Moisture: 0.1% max M&I: 0.5% max M&I: 0.3% max
Impurities: 0.1% max Susp.solids: 0.5% max Phosfor: 300 mg/Kg max
Phosphor: 10 mg/Kg max
Unsaps: 1.0% max
Stream 4 Stream 5
Dry oil Dry U.F.O.: Used Frying Oil
FFA: 0.1% max FFA: 5% max
Moisture: 0.03% max M&I: 0.03% max
Impurities: 0.1% max Susp.solids: 0.5% max
Phosphor: 10 mg/Kg max
Unsaps: 1.0% max
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Produced for Desmet Ballestra Oleo S.p.A, 2004/12.
Via dei Castelli Romani, 2L - Pomezia 00040, Rome
Tel.: +39 06 911 821 Fax.: +39 06 910 6762

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