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Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves by a dielectric

medium moving in an arbitrary direction

Yao-Xiong Huang
Department of Physics, Sun Yat-SenUniversity of Medical Sciences,GuangZhou,
People’s Republic of China
(.Received 22 April 1993; accepted for publication 6 May 1994)
The problem of reflection and transmission of an electromagnetic wave by a dielectric medium
moving uniformly in an arbitrary direction is analyzed in detail. The expressions for wave four
vectors, the modified law of reflection and Snell’s law, the reflected and transmitted wave field
vectors, and the reflection and transmission coefficients are presented as the general solution for the
problem. These expressions cover all the cases of arbitrary velocities of the moving medium and
reduce to the results given previously by other authors for the particular cases of u = u, , u =v y,
u = v, , and v=u,%+v,$.

1. INTRODUCTION tion of this problem can be applied to many aspects of optics,

radio sciences, and astrophysics. It is also of considerable
The problem of reflection and transmission of a plane practical interests in many monitoring and control applica-
electromagnetic wave by a moving medium has been inves- tions, such as radio communication with moving spaceships;
tigated by numerous authors. Initially, it was treated as early identifying echoes from moving targets from stationary tar-
as 1958 to 1959 by Paul? and Sommerfeld,2 on the fre- gets; MT1 radar system; plasma diagnostics; power amplifi-
quency shift of the reflected wave by a moving mirror. Later cation; and laser Doppler anemometry for fluid flow studies.
in 1965, Tai3 and Yeh4 gave the first solutions for the prob- Therefore, it is desired to have a thorough understanding of
lem of reflection and transmission of plane waves by a di- this interesting problem, and a general solution for the case
electric half-space in vacuum moving parallel and perpen- in which the dielectric medium moves in an arbitrary direc-
dicular to the interface, respectively. Then, the problem has tion with respect to the observer seems indispensable. The
been considered in detail for: the case in which the dielectric purpose of this article is to give such a solution.
medium moves perpendicular to the plane of incidence;’ the The geometry of the problem is shown in Fig. 1. At time
case in which the dielectric medium moves in an arbitrary t=O, the z<O half-space is filled by an isotropic, homoge-
direction parallel to the plane of incidence;6 the energy rela- neous, and lossless dielectric medium, with permittivity E
tions for plane waves reflected from moving media;7 the and permeability h. The other half-space is empty free
Brewster angle for a dielectric medium moving parallel and space (eo, h). A uniform plane electromagnetic wave is in-
perpendicular to the surface;8 the total reflection at the inter- cident at an angle Bi from free space on the plane surface of
face between relatively moving dielectric medium;’ the re- the dielectric medium, which, moves uniformly with an ar-
flection and transmission of a plane wave at the interface bitrary velocity v (v=v,~+v,~+u,~) with respect to the rest
between a stationary dielectric medium and a dielectric me- frame of the observer K. The plane of incidence coincides
dium moving in an arbitrary direction parallel to the with the x-z plane of the frame.
interface;” Snell’s law for the Poynting vector in a semi- The problem is analyzed with the principle of phase in-
infinite dielectric medium moving parallel5 and variance, the covariance of Maxwell’s equations, the consti-
perpendicular” to the surf&e. The investigation also has ex- tutive and dispersion relations, by the method based on the
tended to some other aspects, such as: the scattering of plane Lorentz’s transformations for field vectors and wave four
waves at a plane interface separating two moving media;‘” vectors from the reference frame K to another reference
the surface impedence of a moving medium;r3 the reflection frame,’the rest frame of the moving medium K’ , whose axes
and transmission by a moving inhomogeneous medium,14 parallel to the corresponding axes of frame K.
and by a ferrite surface,” a moving plasma medium,r6 elastic In Sec. II the wave four vectors and the law of reflection
solids and viscous fluids,r7 etc.‘* However, in all of these as well as Snell’s law are considered. The reflection and
investigations, the problem was treated only for the transmission coefficients are discussed in Sec. III.
which the dielectric media move in some particular direc-
tions either parallel or perpendicular to the interface. The
solution for the case in which the dielectric media move in AND SNELL’S LAW
an arbitrary direction with respect to the observer, or even
just in an arbitrary direction parallel to the plane of inci- As described previously in Ref. 19, by matching the
dence, or to the plane of vibration, however, has not been phases of incident, reflected, and transmitted waves at the
found yet. boundary between the two media, noting that the boundary is
The problem of reflection and transmission of electro- at z=v,t when t>O, one can obtain the equalities for the
magnetic waves from a dielectric medium is a fundamental wave vectors k and the frequencies w of incident, reflected,
problem in the electrodynamics of moving media. The solu- and transmitted waves:

J. Appl. Phys. 76 (5), 1 September 1994 0021-8979/94/76(5)/2575/7/$6.00 B 1994 American Institute of Physics 2575

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t reflecti wave


FIG. 1. The geometry of the problem.

FIG. 2. (a) Angle of reflection 6,, and [b) angle of transmission 0, vs angle
of incidence oi for various values of /I and N,=O.22, N,=O.Si,
k,.(x+v,t)+k,,(y+v,t)+k&,t)-qt N,=O.837, and n=2. The angles on dashed lines are those of 180”-6’,.

= k&r+ v,t) + k,,.(y + v,t) + k,,(v,t) - o,t
= k,,(x + v,t) + kyt(y + v,t> + k,t(v,t) - qf, (1-n’P2)(k3))2+2 : j3(n2- l)(k.N)
where the subscripts i, r, and t denote the components for
incident, reflected, and transmitted waves, respectively. As +(l-/32j(kxN)2+~ (P2--n2)=0, (4)
Eq. (1) holds for all x, y, and t, it yields
where ~=(E/E~)~‘~,. and N=v/v is the unit vector in the
krr=kxf=kxi, (24 direction of v. Similarly, by combining Eqs. (2~) and (4), we
find that
kzt=kdP,U+p, cos Wdl(l-@j,
i2’j Ot="i(l+P~ COSei-p&)/(1-&), (5b)
For our case, kxi=ko sin $i, k,i=O, kzi= -ko cos pi; here where
ko=Wi/C, and c=(E~,LQ) -1’2. Combining Eq. (2cj with the
dispersion relation for the reflected wave, s={C1-p,2)[‘Y2(n2-1)(1-Px sin Bi+,B, COS 8ij2
- sin2 ei] + ( 1 + /3, cos 8i)2}1’2,
we immediately obtain k,, and or as follows:
y= l/( 1- /!?2)?
k,,=ko(2P,+~s t’$+/?z cos f+)/(l-/3:), (34 At present, we have given all the components of wave
four vectors for both the reflected and transmitted waves.
WrzC0i(l+2P, c0S Bi+@)/(l-&j, i3b) From these results, we can conclude that, no matter how the
values of v and its three components v, , vY , and v, vary, the
where p=vIc, and Pa=vnlc (a=~, y, z). propagation vectors of the incident, reflected, and transmitted
The dispersion relation for the transmitted wave in the waves always lie on the same plane-the plane of incidence.
moving medium can be deduced following the same ways as In addition, both o, and k,, depend on & and ei. So, there
those described in Refs. 20 and 21, is Doppler shift in frequency for the reflected wave, but it

2576 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 5, 1 September 1994 Yao-Xiong Huang

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90 -0
70 0.6




0.6 0
w 0.8
30 40 0.4
0: -0.2 c i 0.2
20 -0.4
30 $4
-0.6 -0.2
10 -0.8 -0.4
10 -0.8

10 30 80 70 90
FIG. 3. (a) (9, and (b) .9, vs Bi for various values of p and e;
N,=N,,=N,=il.577, n=2. The angles on dashed lines are those of
FIG. 4. (a) 0, and (b) 0, vs ei for various values of p and N,=O.837,
N,=OSl, N,=O.22, and n=2. The angles on dashed lines are those of
occurs only in the case of u,# 0, and the angle of reflection
8, [=tan-‘(&.,/k,,)] is not equal to tli except for the case of
u,=O. Its dependence on Bi for various values of p in sev-
eral sets of N, , N,, , and N, is shown in Figs. 2-4, as the sin e,=sin t9,{sin2 &+[&(& c0S @i+l)’
solution of the modified law of reflection. It is noted that -2&(p, COS Bi+1)q+q2]l(1-p~)}-1’2
when p, is positive, 13~is smaller than 0i and drops to zero as
u, approaches the speed of light; but, for a negative p,, 0, is and
greater than Bi and becomes 90” at an incident angle Bi= 0,.
k,=ko{sii2 hJi+[&& cos Bi+ 1)’
According to Eq. (3a), 8,,=cos-‘[ - 2flJ( 1 + &)]. Beyond
this angle, k,, changes its sign, and the angle of reflection -2&(& COS 8i+l)q+q2]/(1-P~)2}1’2.
becomes greater than 90”. So readers should be aware that
the angles on the dashed lines in Figs. 2-4 are not e,‘s, but III. REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION
those of 180”- 0,) instead. BiC is smaller as the magnitude of COEFFICIENTS (FOR TE WAVE)
]p,l increases and it exists only in the case of u,#O.
According to Eq. (5b), there also exists Doppler shift for Suppose the incident wave in the observer’s frame K
the transmitted wave in the case-of u,#O. However, different takes the form
from that in the reflected wave, the frequency shift in trans-
mitted wave depends not only on u, , but also on u, , uY , and
n. The angle of transmission &=tan-*](k,,lk,,)]. From Eqs. exp i(k,ix+kziz-cj>it), (84
(2a) and (5a), we can see that it is a function of Bi, n, u, , uY ,
and u,. The behavior of f3, vs 8i for various values of uX,
v,, , and uL is also shown in Figs. 2-4.
The relation between et and Bi now follows Snell’s law Hi=[z) =( 111 @JLxp i(k,ix+k,iz-tiit),
with modifications. According to the result of Eq. (5a), the
modified Snell’s law can be written as (W
where E. and Ho are constant amplitudes. By using the Lor-
k. sin &=k, sin 8,, 63 entz transformations for field vectors,“” one can find the
where real part of the incident wave in frame K’,

J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 5, 1 September 1994 Yao-Xiong Huang 2577

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Eli = [ yp,, sin Si + ( 1 - y)N,N,]Ea , H:i=[ y sin Oi- YP,

Eb,=[y+y(& cos Oi-fl, sin t&)+(1-y)Ni]Eo, (9) - (1- y)N,(N, cos O,+N, sin Oi)]Ho.

E~i=[Cl-Y)Nyffz-YPy ~0s G%,

With the aid of the wave four vectors in this frame, using
Hii=[ y cos di+ y& the principle of phase invariance-and the covariance of Max-
+ (1 - y)N,(N, cos Oi+Nz sin OJ]Ho, well’s equations, we obtain the real parts of the reflected and
transmitted waves in frame K’ by satisfying the boundary
H~i=(l-~)N,(N, cos LJ,+N, sin &)Ho, (10) conditions

E:,= , (114
El,= 2 W)
E;,= 9 (llc)
E;,=E;,+E;,, w

H, _(G~-n2G~)H~i+(n2~,--M~)H~~+(n’M~-M~)H~,
2 Wb)
Y’ n2G2- G3
H, =(G,-n’G,)H:i+(n2Al-A3)H:i+(n*A2-Af)Hr,
XT 3 , (13c)
n-G2- G3

Hit= Hii + H;, , Gr=(y-~l)N,(N, sin 0,-N, cos Oi)-cos Bi-yflz,

H;,=H$“H;, , 04) Ga=(y-l)N,(N,-sin Oi+N&)+L- y&U, , (17)

Gs=(y-l)N,(N, sin B,+N$)+P- y&W,
where L=k,,/k,, P=k,,lk,, U=wJoi, and W=w,/wi.
Ar=(y-l)N,(N, sin Si-Nz cos Bi)+sin Oi-ypX, Then, the real parts of the reflected and transmitted
waves in the observer’s frame K are obtained by applying the
inverse transformation to Eqs. (ll)-(14). They are written in
AZ= ( y- l)N,(N, sin Oi+N&) + sin ei- yfl,U, (15) the form as follows:


sin ciri+N,P)+sin

sin @i-N? cos

Bi- y/&W,

(f$)=Y( ,,

l)N,(N, S~II &+N&)-

sin ~i+NJ’)-yP,W,
yfl,U, (16)
i ” yb,)
(;!), (18)

2578 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 5, 1 September 1994 ‘Yao-Xiong Huang

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_,/.-.-' -. -._- t-r-._.

-1.0 -0.11 -6.6 -0.4 -0.9. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0 -1.0 4.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1.0

FIG. 5. The reflection and transmission coefficients vs p when Bi= 0, n = 2, FIG. 6. The reflection and transmission coefficients vs ,B when 4=60”,
and (a) N,=O.22, N,=OSl, and N,=O.837; Ib) N,=N,=N,=O.577; n=2, and (a) N,=O.22, N,=O.Sl, N,=0.837; (b) N,=N,=N, =0.577;
(c) N,==O.837, N,=O:Sl, N,=O.22. (c) N,=0.837,Ny=0.51, Nz=0.22.

sj (5;)
= @+;jW;j@ z (
-ypo[ Jy u’ :xj (zj, (19)
( (Zij, (21)


($j=($j+bh(;j a2=N,E:t+N,,Elt+N~~:I,

1’f+j(Zj¶ (20)
From the results of Eqs. (18), (19), (20), and (21), with
those of Eqs. (9)~(17), we can see that in any case u,fO,
both the reflected and transmitted waves have components of

J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 5, 1 September 1994 Yao-Xiong Huang 2579

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FIG, 7. The reflection and transmission coefficients vs the angle of inci- FIG. 8. The reflection and transmission coefficients vs the angle of inci-
dence 8, with /3=0.2, n=2, and N,=N,=N,=0.577. dence Bi With p=-0.2, n=2, and N,=Ny=Nz=0.577.

For oblique incidence, we can see from Fig. 6 that the

E, , E,, and Hy . That is, they are no longer TE waves, but variations of R and T with /I are quite different from those
linear combinations of E and H plane waves. However, if shown in Fig. 5 for the case of normal incidence. It is worth
uy=O, regardless of the values of u, and u,, both the re- noting that, even when the wave &incident from free space
flected and transmitted waves keep as TE waves. into a medium with a refractive index greater than 1, total
Now we can determine the reelection coefficient R and reflection is possible if the medium is moving with a positive
transmission coefficient T by using the relations of p; but, if the medium is moving with a negative p, R de-
i.s, creases to zero at a value of /? at which the condition for 0i,
R=r cm is satisfied. Beyond this value, there is no reflection any
Z*Si more.
and The curves of R and T as well as R + T versus the inci-
dent angle for two values of p are plotted in Figs. 7 and 8,
i.s, respectively. It is observed that the curves are not symmetric
T=Y-- 03)
z*sj ’ with respect to the axis of Bi = 0. This results from the dif-
ference in the azimuthal angles between the wave vector of
where incident wave and u, , as the incident wave travels from + di
Si=$(EiXHT), (24) and - Bi regions, respectively. Figure 7 shows that, for a
positive pt as 1oil increases from 0” to 90”, both R and T
s,= &.xH;), 12% increases without bounds, but T decreases to a minimum
after passing a broad maximum, then increases rapidly with-
St= $(E,xH$). (26) out bounds. From Fig. 8 we note that, for a negative fl, R
The asterisk signifies the complex conjugate of the function. increases with Bi slightly, then drops to zero at the angle of
Thus, I)i,, because 8,= 90” at the angle. T also decreases to zero at
another incident angle 8im= cos-‘1 -&I; thereafter, T in-
ExJf,r-E,rHxr creases without bounds. It is worth noting that the.transmit-
EoH” COS 8i ’ (27)
ted angle has a maximum also at 8i, in its dependence on
Bi, as seen in Figs. 2-4. Apparently, both OiC and 8i, exist
&Hxt -E.&f,,
T= CW only in the case of u, # 0. The presence of u, , uy , and the
EoHo cos Bi
variation of n just vary the value of 8,, not affect its
In Figs. 5 and 6 the values of R and T as well as R + T maximum at Bi, and the occurence of zero reflection and
are plotted as a function of p for various sets of N, , NV, and transmission coefficients at these two specific incident
N, at the incident angles of 0” and 60”, respectively. From angles, respectively.
Fig. 5, we see that for normal incidence, as /I varies from 0 In the particular cases of u =uX, u =uy , u =uZ, or
to 1, R monotonically increases without bounds, while T de- v=ux~+u,~, Eqs. (18)~(28) re d uce to the results given pre-
creases to zero and then increases without bounds. The sum viously for the cases where (1) the medium is moving paral-
R+ T decreases from 1 to a minimum and then increases lel to the interface, by Yeh;4 (2) the medium is moving per-
without bounds. As /3 varies from 0 to - 1, both T and R + T pendicular to the plane of incidence, by Shiozawa and
are always greater than 1 and increase with fl, while R de- co-workers;’ (3) the medium is moving perpendicular to the
creases monotonically to zero as p approaches to -1 in the interface, by Daly and Gruenberg7 and Yeh;* (4) the medium
case shown in Fig. S(a); but, in the cases shown in Figs. 5(b) is moving in an arbitrary direction parallel to the surface of
and 5(c), R decreases to a minimum and then increases a the medium, by Pyati6 and by Shiozawa and Hazawa,” re-
little bit as /3 approaches to -1. spectively. This’ confirms that what we obtained is a solution

2580 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 5, 1 September 1994 Yao-Xiong Huang

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for the combination of all the cases. In other words, our, 4C. Yeh, J. Appl. Phys. 36, 3513 (1965).
expressions for wave four vectors, the modified law of re- ‘T. K. Shiozawa, K. Hazawa, and N. Kumagai, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 4459
flection and Snell’s law, the reflected and transmitted wave “V. P. Pyati, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 652 (1967).
field vectors, and the reflection and transmission coefficients, 7P. Daly and H. Gruenberg, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 4486’11967).
can cover all the cases in which the medium is moving uni- sC. Yeh, J. Appl. Phys. 38, 5194 (1967).
formly with an arbitrary velocity; thus, it can be taken as the 9T. Shiozawa and N. Kumagai, Proc. IEEE 55, 1243 (1967).
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general solution for the problem. “J. M. Saca, J. Mod. Opt. 36, 1367 (1989).~
“D. Censor, Radio Sci. 4, 1079 (1969).
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “M. Ohkubo, Electronic Commun. Jpn. (English trans.) 52-B, 125 (1969).
14K. Tanaka and K. Hazawa, Radio Sci. 7, 973 (1972).
This work was supported in part by the Chinese National “R. S. Mueller, Radio Sci. 22, 461 (1987).
Science foundation and an award for Chinese Outstanding 16C. Yeh, J. Appl. Phys. 37, 3079 (1966).
Young Professors from Chinese National Education Commit- t7Y. H. Pao and K. Hutter, Proc. IEEE 63, 1011 (1975).
“A good review on these aspects is given in J. Van Bladel, Relativity and
tee. The author would like to thank Q. C. Ho for some dis-
Engineering (Springer, Berlin, 1984), Chap. 5, and references therein.
cussions on the subject, and F. H. Huang for the drawing. I9 J. A. Kong, Theory of EZectromagnetic Waves (Wiley, New York, 1975).
‘OH C. Chen, Theory of Electromagnetic Wuves (McGraw-Hill, New York,
r W. Pauli, TIzeory of Relativity [Pergamon, New York, 1958). 1983).
aA. Sommerfeld, Opfik, 2nd ed. (Akademische, Leipzig, 1959). *r K. S. Kunz, J. Appl. Phys. 51, 873 (198Oj.
3C. T. Tai, URSI Spring Meeting, Washington, DC, 1965. “C. Meller, Theory of Relativity (Oxford University Press, L&don, 1959).

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