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Paraboloidal Reflector in Chiral Medium Supporting Simultaneously Positive Phase Velocity and Negative Phase Velocity

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 92, 223234, 2009

PARABOLOIDAL REFLECTOR IN CHIRAL MEDIUM SUPPORTING SIMULTANEOUSLY POSITIVE PHASE VELOCITY AND NEGATIVE PHASE VELOCITY T. Rahim and M. J. Mughal Faculty of Electronic Engineering GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology Topi, Swabi, N.W.F.P. 23640, Pakistan Q. A. Naqvi and M. Faryad Electronics Department Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad 45320, Pakistan AbstractFocused high frequency electromagnetic waves reected from a PEC paraboloidal surface placed in homogeneous, reciprocal and isotropic medium with high chirality parameter are analyzed. The value of the chirality parameter is set such that it simultaneously supports modes of negative and positive phase velocities. Present work is an extension of the previous work, in which the chiral medium supports only positive phase velocity. Using the previous derived expressions, line plots in the focal region are obtained.

1. INTRODUCTION Negative phase velocity (NPV) term is referred as a mode of electromagnetic wave propagation in which the phase velocity vector is directed opposite to the direction of time averaged energy ux [1]. Though the phenomenon was proposed by Veslago [2], of the many interesting consequences of NPV propagation, it is the phenomenon of negative refraction which has attracted much attention in many research communities working in the eld of electromagnetics, optics, communication and materials. This interest may be traced back to the rst experimental report of negative refraction in 2001, involving
Corresponding author: T. Rahim (


Tariq et al.

the microwave illumination of an articial metamaterial [3]. Initially NPV was realized by imposing conditions on the permittivity and permeability of the media [4, 5]. Recently, conditions for the chiral medium to support NPV propagation have been derived [6]. It is well known that both right circularly polarized (RCP) and left circularly polarized (LCP) waves are supported by chiral medium. Chiral medium may support NPV propagation for both modes, or NPV for one mode and positive phase velocity (PPV) for the other mode [7]. Geometrical Optics (GO) and Maslovs method are applied to analyze the eld near the caustics of the focusing systems by many authors [1328]. In this work paraboloidal reector is placed in a medium having strong electromagnetic coupling. The present work is an extension of previous work, in which eld around the caustic of a parabolic reector placed in medium with high chirality parameter was analyzed, to three dimensional case in which eld around the focus of a paraboloidal reector placed in a chiral medium supporting NPV and PPV is analyzed [24]. The GO solution for this geometry using Maslovs method has been derived previously in [13]. Analysis of the previously derived expressions is extended to study the eld behavior with the increase in the chirality parameter of the medium. In Section 2, chiral medium and negative phase velocity are discussed. The reection of plane waves from a perfect electric conducting (PEC) plane which is placed in chiral medium supporting NPV and PPV modes is discussed in Section 3. In Section 4 the eld expressions near the focus of the paraboloidal reector placed in strong chiral medium are reproduced. In Sections 5 and 6 simulation results and conclusions are given respectively. 2. CHIRAL MEDIUM AND NEGATIVE PHASE VELOCITY Chiral medium is a microscopically continuous medium composed of chiral objects, uniformly distributed and randomly oriented. A chiral object is a three dimensional body which cannot be brought into congruence with its mirror image through translation or rotation. An object which is not chiral is called achiral. Both LCP and RCP waves are supported by chiral medium. The chiral medium and its application in electromagnetics has been studied by many authors [3039]. There are many ways to dene the constitutive relations for chiral medium, but Drude-Born-Fadorov (DBF) constitutive relations

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 92, 2009


are used as follows [30] D = (E + E) B = (H + H) (1) (2)

where, , and are permittivity, permeability and chirality parameters respectively. , , have usual dimensions, and has the dimension of length. Using above constitutive relations in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) Maxwells equations result in coupled dierential equations. Uncoupled dierential equations for E and H are obtained by using the following transformation [30] E = QL j H = QR j QR QL (3) (4)

In the above equations QL , QR are RCP and LCP waves respectively and satisfy the following relations (2 + n2 k2 )QL = 0 1 ( +

(5) (6)

n2 k2 )QR 2


where, n1 = 1/(1 k) and n2 = 1/(1 + k) are equivalent refractive indices of the medium seen by LCP and RCP waves respectively, and k = . For 1 < k < 1, both refractive indices remain positive, and we have PPV propagation for both modes [13]. For k > 1, n1 < 0 and n2 > 0, LCP mode travels with NPV and RCP mode with PPV. For k < 1, RCP mode travels with NPV and LCP mode with PPV. It may be noted that for 1 < k < 1 and < 0, both RCP and LCP waves travel with NPV, simultaneously. We have considered the situation when one mode travels with NPV and other mode with PPV. We have explained the case of k > 1 only, because for k < 1, we can get the solutions from k > 1 by interchanging the role of LCP and RCP modes. 3. REFLECTION OF PLANE WAVE FROM PEC PLANE PLACED IN CHIRAL MEDIUM To nd the eld expressions for the reected waves from a PEC paraboloidal surface placed in a chiral medium, we will rst discuss the reection of RCP and LCP waves from a PEC plane surface placed in a chiral medium. As shown in Figure 1, when RCP wave traveling with


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Figure 1. Reection of RCP wave from PEC plane placed in chiral medium.

Figure 2. Reection of LCP wave from PEC plane placed in chiral medium. positive phase velocity /kn2 and unit amplitude, making an angle with z-axis is incident on the PEC plane. Two waves with opposite handedness (LCP and RCP) are reected. The LCP wave has an amplitude 2 cos /(cos + cos 1 ) and makes an angle 1 = sin1 {(n2 /n1 ) sin }, and the RCP waves amplitude is (cos cos 1 )/(cos + cos 1 ) and makes an angle with the normal to the surface. If k > 1, 1 and n1 become negative. Therefore, the LCP wave will be reected in the opposite direction as shown in Figure 1; it will have a negative phase velocity given by /kn1 . Similarly when a LCP wave traveling with positive phase velocity /kn1 and unit amplitude, making an angle with zaxis is incident on PEC plane, as shown in Figure 2. Two waves of opposite handedness are reected. The RCP wave makes an angle 2 = sin1 {(n1 /n2 ) sin } and has an amplitude 2 cos /(cos + cos 2 ), and LCP wave is reected at an angle ; its amplitude is (cos cos 2 )/(cos + cos 2 ); here negative reection take place for RCP wave for k > 1.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 92, 2009

X RCP+LCP LR normal




Figure 3. Paraboloidal reector placed in chiral medium. 4. PARABOLOIDAL REFLECTOR PLACED IN CHIRAL MEDIUM Consider a conducting paraboloidal reector, as shown in Figure 3. The equation for the paraboloidal reector is = g(, ) 2 = f 4f 2 + 2 = f 4f where, (, , ) are the initial values of the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z); f is the focal length of the paraboloidal reector and 2 = 2 + 2 . When both LCP and RCP waves hit the PEC boundary, four waves are reected. These four waves are represented as LL, RR, RL and LR. Waves represented as LL and LR are LCP and RCP reected waves respectively, when LCP wave is incident. Waves represented as RR and RL are RCP and LCP reected waves respectively, when RCP wave is incident. Only three waves (LL, RR, RL) are reected towards the axis of the paraboloidal surface and LR wave is reected away from the axis, hence it will not contribute in the total eld around the


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focus. Consider the geometry in Figure 3, where LCP and RCP waves, traveling along z-axis are incident on the paraboloidal surface. These waves satisfy the wave equations given in Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) and are given by QL = (ax + jay ) exp(jkn1 z) QR = (ax jay ) exp(jkn2 z) (7) (8)

where, ax and ay are the unit vectors along x-axis and y-axis respectively. By ignoring the polarization and taking the incident eld of unit amplitude we get QL = exp(jkn1 z) QR = exp(jkn2 z) (9) (10)

These waves make an angle with the normal to the surface of the paraboloidal reector an given by an = sin cos ax + sin sin ay + cos az where, az is the unit vector along z-axis and , are given as sin = 2 + 4f 2 2f cos = 2 + 4f 2 tan = (11)

(12) (13) (14)

The elds around the focal regions for paraboloidal reector are derived using Maslovs method. The expressions for LL, RR and RL waves are [13] uLL (r) = j2kn1 f H 2 cos cos 2 tan cos + cos 2 0 0 [exp(jkn1 [sLL (px , py )])dd j2kn2 f cos cos 1 tan cos + cos 1 0 0 [exp(jkn1 [sRR (px , py )])dd
2 H


uRR (r) =


uRL (r) =

jkn1 f

H 0 0

2 cos cos + cos 1

X1 sec3/2

[sin sin( + 1 )[tan sin( + 1 ) + cos( + 1 )]]1/2 exp(jkn1 [sRL (px , py )]dd (17)

Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 92, 2009


where the phase functions are given by (18) sLL (px , py ) = n1 [2f x sin 2 cos y sin 2 sin z cos 2] (19) sRR (px , py ) = n2 [2f x sin 2 cos y sin 2 sin z cos 2] n2 cos 2 (x cos +y sin 2f tan ) sin(+1 ) f sRL (px , py ) = n1 n1 cos2 cos 2 cos( + 1 ) (20) zf cos2 The term X1 in uRL (r) is given as X1 = n2 n2 sin2 + n2 cos 1 2 n2 n2 sin2 1 2

The limit of integration is taken as H = tan1 (D/2f ) where D is the height of the paraboloidal reector from the horizontal axis. 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The integration in Eqs. (15)(17) was solved numerically, and the results are plotted as shown in Figures 46. Each gure contains three plots for dierent values of k > 1. The amplitudes of LL, RR and RL waves are dierent due to their dierent reection coecients and dierent values of the phase velocity for RCP and LCP waves. If the


(b) (c)

|uLL |
50 -10





Figure 4. Line plot for |uLL | along z-axis, with kf = 100 and (a) k = 1.75, (b) k = 1.9, (c) k = 2.1.


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(a) (b) (c)












Figure 5. Line plot for |uRR | along z-axis, with kf = 100 and (a) k = 1.75, (b) k = 1.9, (c) k = 2.1.
(a) (b) (c)


| uRL|
20 -400








Figure 6. Line plot for |uRL | along z-axis, with kf = 100 and (a) k = 1.75, (b) k = 1.9, (c) k = 2.1. plots are compared with those for |k| < 1 [13], it can be observed that the focal points for LL and RR waves are at the same positions. The focal point for RL wave has been shifted towards left. This shift is signicant compared with the corresponding case for |k| < 1 [13], and the focal point for LR wave does not exist because in the present case it is a diverging wave. It may be observed that for |k| < 1 the LR wave was focused closer to the paraboloidal reector compared with LL, RR and RL waves [13]. 6. CONCLUSIONS High frequency elds of a paraboloidal reector placed in homogeneous and isotropic chiral media, are analyzed for k > 1. Three focal points are formed for LL, RR, and RL waves. Focal points for LL and RR waves are located at the same position as in case when |k| < 1. The

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