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4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

The Chances and Challenges for Renewable Energy

in Libya

Ashraf Khalil*, Ali Asheibi

Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering, University of Benghazi
Benghazi, Libya

Abstract Libya is the largest oil producer in North Africa. The future electricity needs for Libya and its neighbors and can
oil and natural gas exportation contributes to the most of the even be delivered to Europe through High-Voltage Direct
Libyan economical revenue. Some industrial sectors in Libya Current (HVDC) links. However is blessed with such a huge
essentially rely on this oil. One major sector is electricity renewable energy resources, their share in electricity
generation which uses gas and fuel to operate the turbines in the production is negligible.
generation stations. Libya currently produces energy of 33 TWH
to meet the demand on the local electricity market. The demand Libya currently relies entirely on the oil and natural gas for
on energy will substantially increase in the near future as a result electricity production. These two conventional resources are
of the economic development in order to build new infrastructure limited and depleted. As the energy demands are increasing
in Libya after the massive destruction that happened during the rapidly in Libya which can affect the oil and natural gas
last four years. This will lead to more consumption of oil and gas production. This can lead to decrease in the country revenue.
which causes a reduction in the national economical revenue and This pushed the energy authority toward a rapid and not well
more carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, Libya should use its planned investment in renewable energy. According to the
alternative energy supplies to cover some of its load REAOL (Renewable Energy Authority of Libya) the renewable
requirements. The location of Libya on the high centered energy share is expected to reach 10% of energy demand in
radiation area as well as its long coastal line on the 2025 [3]. The planned projects are mainly solar and wind
Mediterranean make it one of the countries that have very high energy systems. The development of this new technology faces
potential for solar and wind energy. There are other available
many barriers. All the planned projects are financing by the
renewable sources in Libya such as geothermal, biomass and
tidal waves, however, all these sources have less potential in
General Electricity Company Of Libya (GECOL) which is a
Libya. In this paper analytical data for the current and future state-owned company with no room to the privatization or
energy situations are presented. Challenges and obstacles faced competition. Due to the inconvenient planning some renewable
by the renewable energy sector in Libya are briefly discussed and energy projects are delayed or suspended. The lack of the
finally some recommendations for promoting the renewable metrological data makes the planning and the decision making
energy in Libya are summarized. a cumbersome task. Additionally, there are not any good
surveys or detailed studies about the current energy situation
Keywords-component; Libya; renewable energy; solar energy; and demands evolution in Libya. With the expected increased
wind energy renewable share, many problems could arise. For example the
impact of the renewable energy penetration on the Libyan grid
I. INTRODUCTION which has not been studied yet. Because of the aforementioned
reasons and the lack of the awareness and experience in the
Although, the renewable energy has been used in Libya renewable energy technology, this new technology is still
back to the seventies, the main applications are for powering viewed suspicious. We can conclude that Libya suffers from
small remote loads such as communication repeaters, rural poor research in the area of renewable energy. As a first step
electrifications, water pumping and Cathodic Protection for the the authors start with the analysis of the energy current
oil pipelines in the desert. With the ever increasing demands on situation and then a number of energy future scenario will be
the energy, the renewable energy sector in Libya planned a analyzed [4]. In this paper analytical data for the current and
number of projects in the last decade. The proposed projects future energy situations are briefly presented. Simple models
are mainly solar energy and wind energy systems, which are for prediction the energy demands and the oil and natural gas
the best alternatives renewable energy in Libya. For example, prices are used through this work. The challenges and obstacles
the average solar radiation in Libya is around 7.5 kWh/m2/day faced by the renewable energy sector in Libya are discussed. In
with about 3000 to 3500 sunshine hours per year [1]. The order to promote the application of renewable energy a number
average wind speed is roughly between 6 m/s and 7.5 m/s at 40 of recommendations are made. To the best of the knowledge of
m height [2]. This huge amount of sunshine and wind the authors there is no detailed study or analysis to the current
distributed over an area of 1,750,000 km2 can provide the energy situation and the expected scenarios for the renewable

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

energy in Libya and we think that the work in this paper is the
first step in the right direction.


Libya depends entirely on fossil fuel for generating its
electricity demands. Oil and Natural Gas are the main energy
sources. The power plants in Libya depends on the light and
heavy oil with an increase reliance on the natural gas in the
recent years. The next two subsections summarize the current
oil and natural gas situation.

A. The Oil Current Situation

Libya is one of the largest oil producers in North Africa and
currently is around 1 million (bbl/d) barrels per day compared
with 1.68 million bbl/d before the civil war in February 2011.
The total crude oil proven reserves is around 47.1 billion Figure 2. The distribution of the oil resource in Libya [5]
barrels [5]. The crude oil production during the last five years
is shown in Figure 1. The oil production was suspended B. The Natural Gas Current Situation
because of the events which took place in February 2011 [5].
During the 2012 and 2013 the situation in the country The natural gas is ranked as the second precious resource
improved where the production settles around 1.4 million for production. The proven natural gas reserves reported in
bbl/d. Due to the spread of the militias which took the control 2012 is 52.8 trillion cubic feet. Libyan natural gas production
of some important refineries and oil harbors the oil production and consumption is shown in Figure 3.
is suspended in the mid-2013.

Figure 3. The natural gas production and consumption from 2000 to 2013 [5]

As can we see from Figure 3 most of the produced natural

Figure 1. Libya crude oil production from 2010 to 2014 [5] gas is exported. The large change in the gas production starts
when the gas pipeline between Libya and Italy starts
Before the events in 2011 the main player in the oil production where most of the Libyan gas is exported to Italy
industry was the National Oil Corporation (NOC) which is a [5]. The increase in the gas consumption is due to the reliance
state-owned company. The NOC has a target of 2.5 million on the gas instead of the oil for electricity production.
bbl/d by 2015 but this target cant be achieved until the
production levels return to their levels before the conflict in C. The Current Electricity Situation
2011. This recovery needs a secure environment and rest in
To supply the load demands Libya has installed twelve
order for the international companies to continue the oil
power plants as shown in Figure 4 [3]. These power plants are
exploration in Libya. Most of the oil resource in Libya is in the
capable for supplying 8.347 GW while the available capacity is
eastern part of the country (this area is called Sirte Basin as
6.357 GW. In 2012 the peak demand reached 5.8 GW in the
shown in Figure 2) and around 25% in the southern area (this is
summer due the excessive use of the air conditioners. The
called Murzuk Basin).
instability and the war in the country led to destruction in some
Libya net oil production is around 1.8 million bbl/d and transmission lines and substations. Additionally the increased
around 300 thousands bbl/d are consumed for electricity number of illegal buildings make the GECOL fail to supply the
production. With the increase in the energy demands this figure electricity for almost all the cities in the country. The GECOL
will be increased. was forced to apply load shedding plans to secure the stability
of the grid and many blackouts occurred in the last year.

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

The electricity in Libya is generated using gas and steam

turbines with a total number of Fifteen generation stations.
Most of these stations are located in the coastal line, where
most of inhabitants live, as shown in Fig.4. It is worth noting
that gas and fuel are the only sources used to operate the
turbines in the generation stations. Hence, the demand on
energy in future will lead to more consumption of oil and gas
which will lead to a more carbon dioxide emission as well as
reduction in the national economical revenue. The carbon
dioxide emission from electricity generation in Libya is much
higher than that from transportation or industry.
In order to reduce the gas emission from generation
substations, the GECOL has reduced the number of units which
operate with fuel, and increased the gas based ones. Also the
use of combined cycle stations was another alternative solution
Figure 4. Locations of the electrical power plants [3] to minimize fuel consumption. The GECOL has also improved
its transmission line infrastructure, in order to minimize losses
The energy sector relies on the natural gas, heavy fuel oil in the network and to improve its efficiency and reliability. The
and light fuel oil with the percentages shown in Figure 5. The total length of the transmission system (220 KV, 400 KV) is
GECOL increased the dependence on the natural gas in order now about 16,000 km, and that of the medium voltage (33 KV,
to reduce the CO2 emission. 66 KV) is around 28,000 km.
The use of energy in Electricity generation, industry and
transportation has not been rationalized in Libya due to
different reasons, such as the low price of fuel locally and
energy conservative regulator does not exist in Libya yet.
As another step toward reducing the gas emission beside
the increasing reliance on the natural gas, GECOL has also
built a 400 kV transmission system which increases the
efficiency and the reliability of the Libyan electricity
transmission system. The planned and built 400 kV
transmission systems are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 5. Types and percentage of gas and fuel used in electricity generation
in 2012

The energy consumption is distributed among several load

types as shown in Figure. 6. The residential load is the most
dominated load with 31% of the total consumed energy.

Figure 7. The 400 kV Libyan transmission systems


The load growth study is one of an essential subjects with
regard to load demand prediction. From the annual report of
the GECOL which shows the energy consumption in Libya
over the last ten years as shown in Figure 8. The regression
Figure 6. Types and shares of customers of Libyan electricity generation in equation has been derived and then used to predict the load
2012 growth at about 9% for each consecutive year.

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

from the daily Libyan oil export which is about 1.3 million
barrel on average. This will cost the country around 19.4
7 billion a year. This means that there will be a substantial
reduction in oil exportation as a result of electricity usage
6 5.759 unless the renewable energy technology is adopted. The use of
The Power Consumption, MW

clean energy such as wind and solar in electricity generation
5 4.756
4.420 will also lead to the reduction of carbon dioxide emission to
4 3.857 some extent. The saving in Libya oil and gas resources is not
3.341 beneficial only to Libya but to the whole world.

Libya planned to make the share of the renewable energy in
2020 to be 20% of the generated power. The planned projects
are mainly solar and wind energy systems. Libya will generate
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 around 20% of its power in 2020 from solar energy. This will
be around 3 GW (20% of around 15 GW). However the current
share of renewable energy in Libya is negligible.
Figure 8. The energy consumption over the last 10 years

The demand on energy will substantially increase in the A. Solar Energy Resource
near future in an exponential growth as shown in Figure 9 as a The Geographical location of Libya makes it one of the
result of economic development. This will lead to more countries bless with high Solar Energy. Solar energy is
consumption of oil and gas which causes a reduction in the believed to be the most important and feasible renewable
national economical revenue and more carbon dioxide energy source in Libya. Libya lies within the most favorable
emission. The expected increase in electricity demands is sunny zone (between 150 N and 350 N). The rain falls is below
shown in Fig. 9. 150 mm in most of the country. For example, the average solar
radiation in Libya is around 7.5 kWh/m2/day with about 3000
140 to 3500 sunshine hours per year [1]. The solar radiation in
different cities in Libya is shown in Fig. 10.

100 Benghazi
Expected Load, GWh

80 8 Ejdabia
60 7
k Wh/ m 2 / day

40 6 Shahat


2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 4

Figure 9. Expected load demand for the next 20 years
As can be expected from Figure 9, The load demand for the Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

electricity consumption will be increased for the long term with

9%. This means that, in the future, the amount of oil used for
Figure 10. The monthly solar radiation in different cities in Libya
electricity generation will be substantially increased. The total
price of oil used for electricity generation, for long term, can be As can be seen from Fig. 10 the high solar radiation during
calculated from the electricity demand as each barrel of oil can the summer. The maximum load increases greatly in the hottest
produce 1628 KWh in three steps: months in summer (June, July, Aug, Sept and Oct). The main
First the expected load demand for any prospect time can reason is the excessive irrational use of air conditioners. Also
be figured out from Figure 9. Second this amount of oil can be the load demand increases in the coldest months in the year
converted to no of barrels by dividing it over 1628 KWh. (Jan, Fab and Dec). The behavior of the electrical loads in
Finally, this number of barrels is multiplied by its price Libya and the sun radiation in the region has been studied to
predicted by OPEC [6,7]. show that an efficient peak load shaving can be achieved using
solar energy. Fig. 11 shows the load profile based on maximum
For instant, in 2030 the expected load demand will be 120 load throughout one year and the measured temperature at the
GWh and the number of barrel to cover this generation per day region. The correlation of the temperature and the load
is 194 thousand barrels (bbl/d). This number will be subtracted demands is clear in the figure.

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

electricity production. The expected increase in the load

40 6
demands can be compensated by putting the renewable energy
Winter train on the track. Based on 100$ price for the crude oil price
Summer Winter per barrel the cost of the kWh produced by oil is 0.176$ the
35 5.5
average cost of the kWh produced by PV in Libya is around
0.123$ which is much cheaper than burning the precious crude
oil. What the country needs is stability, security and political
Temperature, C

Max Laod, MW
30 5

well. The electricity in Libya is subsidized and it is better for

the GECOL to spend on emerging the renewable technology
25 4.5
into the country.
As most of the loads are residential and in addition to the
20 4 commercial loads they count to 44%. The excessive heating
and conditioning can reduced by penetrating solar and wind
energy. It worth noting that around 19% of the loads are street
15 3.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 lighting. The GECOL relies on very old and inefficient street
lighting systems. Replacing these old fashioned inefficient
technology with LED solar street light system can achieve
Figure 11. The load profile and the average temperature throughout the year energy consumption and reduce CO2 emission.
The renewable energy Libyan plan is shown in Fig. 14 [8].
B. Wind Energy Resource The plan is divided into four basic phases. Due to the instable
Wind energy is the second best alternative renewable situation in Libya this plan is suspended. Now in 2015 the 6%
energy source. The wind speed in some coastal cities is shown target has not been achieved because of the instability.
in Fig 12. The average wind speed at three different heights in Additionally there is no true will to launch these projects. As
different cities in Libya is shown in Figure 13. an example of the bad planning. The first phase of the plan was
to build 60 MW wind farm in the city of Dernah, the project
lasts from 2008 to 2012. The farm consists of 37 wind turbines
each rated 1.65 MW. Due to some issues about the ownership
of the land used for the wind farm the project is delayed.

Figure 12. The wind speed in coastal cities in Libya

12 Average wind speed at 10 meter

Average wind speed at 50 meter
Average wind speed at 100 meter

Wind Speed, (m/s)

Figure 14. The Libyan renewable energy plan


The GECOL considered only centralized large scale
renewable energy plants in their plans. This is insufficient. In
0 order to promote the renewable technology small and medium
Tripoli Sirt Ejdabia Benghazi Derna Tobroq Shahat Gadamas Sebha Jalu Kufra
scale projects should be considered too. Depending on some
studies for the load of around 75 kWh locates more than 1.2
Figure 13. The monthly average wind speed in different cities in Libya Km from 11 KV grid it is economical and most convenient to
use PV system [9].
Back to Fig. 11 the peak in load demand can be shaved in
the summer with the penetration of solar energy as the solar V. DIFFICULTIES AND OBSTACLES
energy is at its best. In the winter where there is a shortage in
the hours of sunshine the wind energy takes the main role for The electricity in Libya is subsidized because the country
adopted a communist economical system since 1969. By the

4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications Palermo, Italy, 22-25 Nov 2015

time, the consequences of this policy are clear in the irrational and the estimated energy of the planned renewable energy
use of electricity by most of the Libyans. Additionally, the projects. Furthermore the forecasting of oil and gas prices with
peculiarity of the weather and the inefficient design of the addition to the expected prices of energy generated from wind
homes made the air-conditioning unavoidable. It can be and solar sources must be used for future studies. Also the
concluded that the increase energy demands in not a result of most suitable renewable technology that will be most suitable
the country development but rather a consequence of the for the Libyan should be investigated.
inefficient use of the energy.
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS The electric energy demand is expected to grow very
Libya should initiate a subsidizing plan and legislations for rapidly in the next few years; The perfect weather in Libya
renewable energy which includes: with a plenty of land hold the promise to be one of the leading
countries in renewable energy production. The share of
(1) Creation of the awareness among the people of the long renewable energy technology in Libya still very low despite the
and short term impacts of the wasteful use of electricity. This fact that Libya location is optimum for exploiting this
can be done through the social media and TV channels. technology. There is a great potential for utilizing, home grid
(2) Legislations and laws for using low power electrical connected photovoltaic systems, large scale grid connected
appliances. This can be achieved through encouraging people electricity generation using Wind farms, and concentrated
to use the energy efficiently. photovoltaic system CPS. Solar energy resources in particular
can be of great source of energy for Libya after oil and natural
(3) Added taxes on the wasteful consumption of the gas. Renewable energy resources offer good opportunities for
electricity. After establishing the law and order the country technology transfer and international cooperation. Energy
should put added taxes on the irrational use of electricity. efficiency can be implemented in both energy consumption and
(4) Initialize the renewable energy market form small-scale production sides. Libya should start emergent plan to increase
and medium scale projects with fix on simple, fast and easy its share from renewable energy.
(5) Attract local and foreign investors into the Libyan REFERENCES
electricity market. This point is mainly depend on the political
stability of the country. [1] NASA Atmospheric Science Data Centre, NASA Surface Meteorology
and Solar Energy: Available from:, Last
(6) Build pioneering projects for wind and solar energy. Accessed 5th March 2013.
These system will be pilot projects where real data about [2] Libyan climatic archives, Climate Department, Libyan National
energy production could be available after a time. Additionally Meteorological Centre (LNMC).
these projects will create awareness between local people. [3] General Electric Company Of Libya GECOL, Annual Report 2012.
[4] Ali Asheibe and Ashraf Khalil, " The Renewable Energy in Libya:
(7) Create education and training programs to qualify more Present Difficulties and Remedies". In the Proceedings of the World
people in the field of renewable energy technology. Congress, 2013.
[5] Independent Statistics and Analysis, US Energy Information
(8) One of the make issues is the lack of information about Administration: Available from:
the solar radiation, wind speed and weather data. Building
small pilot projects with data logging can be viable in this time. libya.pdf, Last Updated 25 Nov 2014.
[6] Bureau of Energy Data and Studies, LNEC Libyan National Energy
(9) Research and Development: with such a huge country Information-sixth edition 2004.
with high potential for renewable energy, there is only one [7] Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC, World Oil
research center located at the western part of the country. Libya Outlook, 2012.
should build a number of research center in different parts of [8] Ahmed M. A. Mohamed, Amin Al-Habaibeh, Hafez Abdo and
the country. Mohammad Juma R. Abdunnabi, "The significance of Utilizing
Renewable Energy Options into the Libyan Energy Mix", Energy
The work in this paper is to highlight the importance of the Research Journal, 4 (1), 15-23, 2013.
renewable energy in Libya energy mix. The paper paved the [9] Ibrahim Saleh, "Prospects of renewable energy in Libya". International
way for more detailed survey on the current energy situation Symposium on Solar Physics and Solar Eclipses, pp. 153-161, 2006.

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