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Brochure - NUiCONE 2019

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The Nirma University is located in peaceful and sylvan surroundings, on Sarkhej Gandhinagar highway (about 17 km from
Ahmedabad railway station and 10 km from the Ahmedabad airport) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat state of India.
Ahmedabad, one of the liveliest cities and a major industrial hub in India, had often been called the 'Manchester of the East'.
It is the largest city in Gujarat with a population of about 5 million. The city has developed itself into a leading industrial
centre and has become the economic capital of Gujarat. Vibrant Gujarat is an example to prove this. The city has many
NUiCONE 2019
places to visit, like Science City, Akshardham Temple, Gandhi Ashram, Adalaj Vav (step well) etc. The weather of Ahmedabad
is very pleasant during the month of November. 7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering
Conference Theme : Technologies for Sustainable Development (November 21-22, 2019)

Address for correspondence:

Conference Chair -
Technical Co-Sponsors
Institute of Technology, Nirma University
Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway,
Ahmedabad- 382 481, Gujarat, India
Ph: +91-79-30642214, 079-30642525
Conference Website:
Nirma University is one of India's leading universities based in Ahmedabad (Gujarat). The University was established in the Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE) is a flagship event of the Institute of Technology,
year 2003 as a Statutory University under a special act passed by the Gujarat State Legislative Assembly. It is recognised by Nirma University. The conference follows the successful organization of four national conferences and six international
the University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act. The University is duly accredited by National conferences in previous years. This year the main theme of the conference is "Technologies for Sustainable Development" .
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The University is a member of Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and
the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). Nirma University is one among the top 100 in National Institutional NUiCONE 2019 will be a multidisciplinary event encompassing themes related to various disciplines of Engineering &
Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking consistently for last three years. Our University is the top most private University, in the Technology. The objective of the conference is to bring professional engineers working relentlessly for the sustainable
state of Gujarat as adjudged by Gujarat State Institutional Ranking Framework (GSIRF) for the year 2017-2018. development technologies from industry, academics, research organizations, and research scholars of matching interests
on a common platform to share new ideas, experiences and knowledge in various fields of Engineering and Technology.

ABOUT THE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NUiCONE 2019 is being organized in association with the stalwart of publication house CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Selected papers will be published with CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Institute of Technology, Nirma University, earlier known as Nirma Institute of Technology, started in 1995 by Nirma
Education and Research Foundation (NERF), was the first self-financed engineering college in Gujarat. Institute of The conference will ignite the minds of the participants and delegates for undertaking more interdisciplinary collaborative
Technology has turned into a leading hub of education, offering multidisciplinary undergraduate, postgraduate and research for updating technology and creating a repository of knowledge.
PhD programmes in engineering.
The technical program will consist of peer-reviewed paper presentations in parallel technical sessions. In addition, keynote
The institute is consistently ranked within top 25 self-financed engineering colleges of India in the survey conducted by lectures, presentations by industry professionals, panel discussions, session-wise expert talks and poster presentations will
various rating agencies. The persistent efforts of faculty members and students of the Institute win many prestigious be conducted during the conference. PhD Forum will be arranged where PhD students will present their work through a
awards and bring laurels to the institute. poster presentation. The best paper will be awarded the special prize.
The Institute is located in the peaceful and sylvan surroundings of Ahmedabad city in the heart of Gujarat. The Institute
provides disciplined, serene and conducive environ for reflection, repose and research. The Campus is dotted with
majestic buildings with lush green sun-dappled lawns.
The ardent pursuit of knowledge by the young aspirants leads to knowledge generation and innovative solutions for Researchers, Academicians and Professionals are invited to submit a full length paper not exceeding five A4 size pages
the community and society. And, to give wings to these aspirations, the Institute presently has more than 4500 at the technical sessions of NUiCONE-2019. Author may increase the number of pages by paying additional charge of
students and 220 faculty members, making relentless efforts for making a mark with their presence globally. The Rs.1500 per page.The format of the paper is available on the conference website: Soft copies
campus vibrates with not only world-class curricular activities but also with myriad activities like international of the papers in specified format should be uploaded on the conference website. A poster session will also be
conventions, symposia, conferences, student competitions, conclaves, short-term industry-relevant programs and organized. The papers selected for presentation will be included only in conference proceeding of NUiCONE-2019. The
cultural activities. accepted papers will be recommended to CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. Please visit the conference website for more
The teaching philosophy of the Institute is Outcome-Based Education (OBE), Experiential Education (through Project
Based Learning), research in thrust areas with translational impact, and the creation of engineers as leaders in the
It has dynamic curriculum, robust and talented pool of faculty members, and state of art infrastructure in all the
departments. It is well known for imparting quality education, active research and also in nurturing students for holistic Researchers from industry and academia are invited to present their research work in the following areas.
1. Advances in Transportation Engineering:
Pavement materials, Pavement analysis and design, Traffic operations and management, Transportation economics,
Road safety and traffic awareness, Accident analysis, Transportation planning and modelling, Intelligent
transportation systems, Sustainable transportation system, Public transportation system, Road construction
technology, Application of remote sensing & GIS in transportation engineering.
2. Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Impact of climate change on water resources, Groundwater modelling & management, Hydrological modelling &
forecasting, Application of remote sensing & GIS in water resources, Irrigation planning & management, Reservoir
operation & optimization, Sustainable development of water resources, Watershed management, Water quality
monitoring & assessment, Environment hydraulics, Environmental impact assessment, Water and wastewater
treatment, Solid waste management, Air and noise pollution, Recycle and reuse of waste, Application of remote
sensing & GIS in environmental engineering.
3. Construction Technology and Management DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL
Advanced construction materials and technologies, Construction economics, Workplace management, Life cycle 13. Control and Automation
assessment, Construction laws, Construction productivity, Value engineering, Safety and health management, Area of process modelling, Simulation, Robot dynamics, Control algorithms, Vision-based control, Industrial
Management practices for construction equipment and materials, Innovation in construction, Construction waste automation, Control and optimization, Robotics, Fault detection and diagnosis, contemporary issues related to
management, building energy efficiency, BIM and life cycle project management, Contract management, sustainable process industries along with the challenges and solutions of factory automation
construction material and methods.
4. Concrete and Structural Engineering
14. Electronic Communications
Advances in cement-based materials and concrete technology, Structural analysis & design of reinforced, steel and
Performance analysis, Experimental development and simulation in the areas of optical communication,
prestressed concrete, Repair, Rehabilitation and retrofitting of structural systems, Earthquake resistant design of
Wired/wireless communication and networks, Ad Hoc Network, Sensor networks, Next generation networks, RF and
structures, Computational techniques in structural engineering, Geotechnical investigations & design of structures,
antenna systems, Microwave communication, Satellite communication, Antenna design, Cognitive radio, Energy
Smart material applications and structural health monitoring, Response measurement and control of structures,
harvesting and green communication, Internet of Things (IoT), IoT in urban development, Intelligent transportation
Sustainability in concrete and structural engineering.
system, ICT applications in social upliftment, Navigation system.
DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 15. Electronics Circuits and System Design
5. Futuristic Power System Embedded system design, Cyber-physical system (CPS), Health and medical electronics, Reconfigurable architecture,
Smart grid, WAMS, Grid challenges, Grid stability and restructuring, Grid optimization, Transmission planning and Device modelling and simulation, Advanced CMOS devices, Emerging memory devices, Analog and mixed-signal
design, Distributed generation – reliability and grid security, New frontiers in fault detection and mitigation, circuits, Circuit timing and power models, Low power and near/sub threshold circuit design, Logic and behavioral
Developments in switchgear and relaying, Artificial intelligence applications in power systems, Issues and synthesis, Placement, Routing and floor planning, Design automation, Design verification, Test, Reliability and fault
development in high voltage and insulation engineering, Renewable integration., PMU, Power System dynamics and tolerance, Formal verification, Design for testability, Fault modelling, Post-silicon validation, Testing memories and
stability, Condition monitoring. regular logic arrays, Design for manufacturability and yield analysis, Device physics design and circuits using non-
6. Control of Power Electronics Converters, Drives and E-mobility Silicon materials.
Modelling of power devices, Control strategies in power electronic systems, Topological advancements in power 16. Signal Processing:
electronic converters, Multi-level converters for high power applications, Power quality improvement devices – active Signal processing for communications, Image and video signal processing, Multimedia applications, DSP algorithms
power filters, Front-end converters and unity power factor correctors, Power supplies, Lighting systems, EMI and and architectures, Speech and speaker identification, Biomedical applications, Language identification, Machine
EMC issues, Advances in drive control, Power electronics based renewable energy systems, Artificial intelligent learning, Pattern recognition and classification, Applications in astronomy/ astrophysics, Radar and sonar signal
controlled power electronic systems, HVDC transmission and FACTS, Power electronic converters & control for processing.
electric vehicles, Battery modelling, Battery chargers, Battery management systems, V2G and G2V technology, DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING
Electric propulsion systems for hybrid electric vehicles, Life cycle analysis, Traction systems.
17. Advances in Networking Technologies
7. Advanced Electrical Machines and Smart Apparatus
Areas including but not limited to Wired network, Wireless and ad-hoc networks, Software defined networks,
Design, modelling, and analysis of advanced (and conventional) electrical machines, Condition monitoring, fault Wireless sensor networks, Vehicular networks, Body area networks, Delay tolerant networks, Mobile social networks,
analysis and protection of electrical machines, Testing and condition monitoring of electrical equipment, IOT based and the Internet of things. Protocols and algorithms for communication, performance enhancement, QoS
electrical equipment. provisioning and security in these and other networks.
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 18. Machine Intelligence / Computational Intelligence
8. Chemical process development and design Optimization, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning methods/algorithms, Data mining and big data, Pattern
Modelling and simulation, Applications of nanotechnology, Catalysis and reaction engineering, Hydrocarbon analysis, Soft computing, Bio-inspired computing, Image processing, Computer vision, Biometric security, Speech
processing, Fluid dynamics and multiphase flow, Process development and design. analysis, Signal processing theory and methods, and applications of human brain interactions are invited. Other
theories/applications of machine learning and signal processing techniques.
9. Technologies and Green Environment
19. Autonomic Computing
Cleaner Production, Waste Treatment Technologies, Bioprocesses and Biotechnology, Energy and Environment
Cluster and grid computing, cloud as a service, applications and infrastructure, edge computing, fog computing,
Management Practices, Applications of Nanotechnology, Sustainable Development Issues
enterprise software and services, multicore systems, computing in Internet of things and embedded systems, design
DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING issues addressing architectural challenges of autonomic computing and its solutions, algorithms, theory and
10. Sustainable Manufacturing Processes foundations of autonomic computing, applications, security and current trends.
Manufacturing processes and materials contributing to sustainable manufacturing processes. DEPARTMENT OF MATHS AND HUMANITIES
11. Design and Analysis of Machine and Mechanism 20. Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics
Area of computational methods, experimental work and analytical solutions for design and analysis of machines and Graph theory, Modelling and simulation, Bio-mathematics, Statistical computation/optimization, Fuzzy logic,
mechanisms. Algebra, Number theory
12. Energy Conservation and Management 21. Recent Trends in Teaching-Learning in Engineering Education
Area of production, utilization and conservation of energy. Innovative methods in curriculum design and delivery, Social media and teaching-learning, Blended learning/MOOCs
in engineering education, Assessing the assessment, Futuristic trends in engineering education, Entrepreneurship
and innovation.
1. The papers submitted to various themes will be recommended for publication as conference proceedings with CRC
• Dr. Banu Örmeci, Professor and Jarislowsky Chair in Water and • Dr. Akhtar Kalam, Professor & Discipline Leader, Engineering,
Press, Taylor & Francis subject to strictly meeting and complying with Taylor & Francis guidelines and signing of copy-
Health Director, Global Water Institute, Canada Research Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
right transfer form.
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental • Dr. Akshay Kumar Rathore, Associate Professor, Electrical and
2. The format of the paper is given on the conference website: Engineering, Carleton University, Canada. Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC,
3. Soft copies of the papers in specified format should be uploaded on the conference website. Maximum number of • Dr. Daniel P. Abrams, Professor Emeritus (RTD), Department of Canada.
pages per paper should be five only. However, author may increase the number of pages by paying additional charge Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at • Dr. I.N. Kar, Professor, IIT Delhi, Delhi, India.
of Rs.1500 per page. Urbana-Champaign, USA.
• Dr. Sisil Kumarawadu, Professor, University of Moratuwa,
4. For the final selection, all the papers will be reviewed and scrutinized by a Technical Committee comprising of subject • Dr. Raman Patel, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Civil and Srilanka.
experts after plagiarism checks for the originality of paper. Urban Engineering, Tandon School of Engg., NYU, USA.
• Mr. Jayesh Gandhi, Managing Director, Harikrupa Automation
5. Along with the final submission of the selected paper, authors are required to submit an undertaking form which • Dr. Rishi Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India.
states that, the paper has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and if Engineering, University of Victoria, Canada.
• Dr. Rajkumar Nagpal, Senior Manager, Synopsys, Delhi, India.
accepted it will not be published elsewhere in the same form. • Dr. Alan Richardson, Associate Professor, Faculty of
• Prof. Abhijit Pandya, Professor, Department of computer and
6. One of the authors must register for the conference and present the paper, otherwise the paper will not be published Engineering and Environment, Department of Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering and Computer science, Florida Atlantic
Construction Engineering, Northumbria University, UK.
in the conference souvenir and proceedings. University, USA.
Important dates • Dr. Yogesh M. Desai, Professor, Department of Civil
• Dr.Manoj Gaur, Director, IIT, Jammu, India.
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai,
• Receipt of Full Paper : May 15, 2019 Mumbai, India. • Prof BVR Chowdhary, Senior Executive Director/Professor,
• Intimation of Acceptance : August 16, 2019 • Dr. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla, Head, Earthquake
President's office, Nanyang Technological University,
• Submission of Camera Ready Copy : September 01,2019 Singapore.
Engineering Research Centre, International Institute of
Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, India. • Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, Professor, New Castle University, UK.
REGISTRATION • Dr. Amit Prashant, Professor, Civil Engineering Department, • Dr. Shailendra Mishra, Professor, Majmaah University, Saudi
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India. Arabia.
Registration and presentation by at least one of the authors is must to consider the paper as included and published in
the conference souvenir and proceedings. The registration process will be online from the conference website • Dr. Shiv Mohan, Scientist (RTD), Space Application Centre • Dr. M.M. Gore, Professor, Motilal Nehru National Institute of
a. Indian Delegate (First author) : Rs. 8000 + 18% GST (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad, India. Technology, Allahabad, India.
b. Student : Rs. 3000 + 18% GST • Prof. I S Jawahir, Professor, Department of Mechanical • Dr. Ravi A V Kumar, Scientist SG & Head, Accelerator Division,
c. Research Scholar : Rs. 4000 + 18% GST Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506, Institute of Plasma Research, Ahmedabad, India.
d. Foreign delegates : $ 200 + 18% GST United States. • Dr. Sang Won Yoon, Associate Professor, University of
e. Industry delegate : Rs. 10000 + 18% GST • Prof..A.K.Kulatunga, Professor, Department of Manufacturing Binghamton NY, USA.
Accommodation is not included in registration fee but the organizing committee may help the delegates in arranging suitable & Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of • Dr. Devesh Jinwala, Professor, SVNIT, Surat (Currently on
accommodation in the Nirma University guest house (limited numbers) and nearby hotels/hostels on the payment basis: Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. deputation at IIT, Jammu, India.
• One full registration is compulsory for submitting paper/presenting paper in conference. • Prof.. Raghu Echempati, Professor, Mechanical engineering • Dr. Ashok Pandey, Associate Professor, Massachusetts
• The delegate fee includes day time hospitality during conference days, proceedings, and kit. Department, Kettering University, Flint, MI USA. Maritime Academy, Boston, USA.
• Dully filled online registration form should be supported by a bona fide certificate for Students and Research Scholar.
• Shri Sanjay Desai, CEO, RBD Engineers, Ahmedabad, India. • Dr. K Kotecha, Professor, Dean, Symbiosis Institute of
• The Indian authors should pay the registration fees through NEFT/RTGS along with the duly filled registration form, bona fide
certificate (if applicable) and signed copy-right form. • Shri Rajesh Sampat, Vice President, Inspiron Pvt.Ltd, Technology, Pune, India.
• For foreign delegates, the account details for transferring registration fee is available on the conference website. Ahmedabad, India. • Prof. Nigam Dave, Director, SLS, PDPU, Gandhinagar, India.
• Non-author delegates are also welcome to register for the conference. • Dr. Suparna Mukharji, Professor, Chemical Engg, Dept, IIT- • Dr. K. R. Pardasani, Professor, Mathematics Department,
For any details, please send your email to or contact 079-30642214, 079-30642525 Bombay, Mumbai, India. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, (MANIT)
• Dr. K K Pant, Professor, Chemical Engg Dept, IIT Delhi, Delhi, Bhopal, India.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE • Dr. Tajinder Pal Singh, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
School of Technology, PDPU, Gujarat, India.
• Dr. Abinash Agrawal, Department of Earth & Environmental
Chief Patrons: Shri K K Patel, Vice President, Nirma University Sciences, and Environmental Science Program, Wright State • Dr. Gaikwad S. N, Professor, Department of P G Studies and
Dr Anup Singh, Director General, Nirma University University, Dayton, USA. Research in Mathematics Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, India.
Patrons: Dr Alka Mahajan, Director, IT, NU • Dr. Ram B Gupta, Associate Dean for Research, Professor, • Dr. Dhirendra Bahguna, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT
Dr R N Patel, Additional Director, School of Engineering, IT, NU School of Engineering, Virginia, Commonwealth University, Kanpur, India.
Conference Chair: Dr Parul R Patel, IT, NU USA.
• Dr. Geetanjali Panda, Associate Professor, Department of
Conference Co-Chair: Dr Priyanka Sharma, IT, NU • Dr. K. Gopakumar, Professor, Department of Electronic Mathematics, IIT, Kharpur, West Bengal, India.
Members: Shri D P Chhaya, (Director, A&GA, NU) Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc),
Bangalore, India.
Dr G R Nair (Exec. Registrar, NU)
Dr S C Vora Dr D K Kothari Dr D M Adhyaru • Dr. Ramesh C. Bansal, Professor & Chair of Electrical &
Computer Eng. Department, College of Engineering,
Dr Madhuri Bhavsar Dr P V Patel Dr V J Lakhera
University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE.
Dr J P Ruparelia Dr Sanjay Garg Dr S S Patel

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