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The key takeaways are that traditional food retailers are facing increased pressure from alternative channels and evolving consumer preferences. This is driving many to consider strategic alternatives like M&A to optimize growth. Small format stores and limited assortment concepts are gaining market share.

Traditional food retailers are facing stiff competition from alternative channels, evolving consumer preferences, and a challenging organic growth environment. This is putting pressure on their business models.

The document discusses the rise of small format and limited assortment grocery stores. It also discusses increased competition in the natural/organic space from other retailers expanding offerings in this area. Finally, it mentions the expansion plans of Aldi and Lidl in the US.

Industry Insights:

Food Retail Industry

Insights 2016

Traditional food retailers, facing increased pressure from alternative Merchandisers are changing assortment, providing more
channels, are testing new concepts to retain market share. shelf space to prepared foods for take away and home meal
Natural and organic supermarkets, while continuing to trade at a
premium to traditional food retailers, are fighting to maintain traffic. Stiff competition, evolving consumer preferences and a
challenging organic growth environment are driving food
The U.S. Hispanic population is growing exponentially, which is retailers to consider strategic alternatives, including M&A, to
influencing national consumption patterns. optimize capital allocation and pursue growth opportunities.
Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Table of Contents

Food Retail Industry Insights.............................................................................................................................. 3

Selected Food Retail M&A Activity................................................................................................................ 7

Selected Food Retail M&A Transactions................................................................................................... 8

Selected Publicly Traded Food Retail Companies.............................................................................. 9

Selected Recent Duff & Phelps Food Retail Transactions........................................................... 10

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Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Food Retail Industry Insights

Competition in the food retail market has increased in recent years. Traditional food
retailers have faced fierce pressure from alternative channels including warehouse clubs,
supercenters, drug stores, mass retailers and convenience stores, as well as online retailers
and grocery delivery services. As consumers distance themselves from the traditional
supermarket model, grocery retailers are attempting to stay competitive by creating more
intimate and innovative shopping experiences tailored to individual shoppers with an emphasis
on fresh, organic and prepared food options. As some large chains have actively pursued
relationships with smaller niche retailers, other grocery chains have failed to adapt.

Stiff competition, evolving consumer preferences and a challenging Natural/Organic Competition

organic growth environment are driving many food retailers to The demand for natural and organic products has led to increased
evaluate their store and brand portfolios and consider strategic competition within the retail space. The three largest publicly
alternatives, including M&A, in order to optimize capital allocation and traded natural and organic supermarkets by market capitalization
growth opportunities. This has led to a wave of consolidation in the Whole Foods, Sprouts and Fresh Market have seen their stock
industry over the past five years. For example, Kroger, the largest pure prices plummet over the past year. As of February 3, 2016, the
play grocery company in the U.S., recently acquired Roundys in a group closed, on average, at 42.7% of their 52-week high while
take-private transaction to expand into Wisconsin and Harris Teeter the S&P 500 closed at 89.7% of its 52-week high. Institutional
to increase its presence in the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic markets. investors have focused on declining comparable store sales and are
Additionally, on January 7, 2016, SUPERVALU filed an initial Form challenging the validity of current long term growth projections.
10 Registration Statement in connection with the possible spin-off
of its discount banner, Save-A-Lot. Finally, consumer preference for The most recent year-to-date financials for Whole Foods, Sprouts
high end, convenience oriented and specialty food concepts drove and Fresh Market indicate comparable store sales growth of 2.5%,
the recent acquisition by ACON Investments of Fiesta Mart and 5.2% and -1.6%, respectively. Each of the three failed to replicate
Pace Food Retails acquisition of Dean & DeLuca. As secular trends growth experienced in previous years. In each fiscal year from 2011
continue to put pressure on the traditional food retail model, industry to 2013, Whole Foods reported same store sales growth above
consolidation is expected to continue. 7.0% and in 2014 growth of 4.4%, materially higher than 2015. For
the thirty-nine week period ending September 28, 2014, Sprouts
Retail Trends had vigorous comparable growth store of 10.4%, which declined to
Channel Shifting 5.2% for the same period in 2015. Fresh Market experienced a similar
Traditional supermarkets continue to be challenged in todays slow down from 2.9% in the thirty-nine week period ending 2014
environment. One format that has gained significant market share to a contraction of -1.6% in 2015. These metrics are particularly
in recent years is the limited assortment or small format grocery concerning to investors in light of projections for the global organic
store. Since 2006, the average supermarket square footage in the food market, which suggest a 13% CAGR from 2015 to 2020.1
U.S. has fallen steadily, according to Packaged Facts. Trader Joes, Conventional retailers, including Kroger and Walmart, have entered
Aldi (with over 1,400 locations in the U.S. and counting), Bfresh in the natural and organic segment, which has hampered the potential
Boston and Green Zebra in Portland are each small format players growth trajectories of specialty retailers. It was recently reported
that offer an attentive and curated shopping experience with a that Kroger is in the second round of an auction process to acquire
heavy focus on private label and exclusive brands. Fresh Market. As these large players have increased their natural
Aldi and its main UK competitor, Lidl, both have aggressive and organic offerings and continue to leverage their robust sourcing
expansion plans in the U.S. over the next several years. Lidls U.S. and supply chain capabilities, customers now have the option to
spokesman boasted that, Lidl will offer customers the highest- pay less for similar product offerings. In response to the increasing
quality products at the lowest possible prices in convenient history. competition, Whole Foods announced in May that it will begin
The new entrants have many traditional retailers concerned and opening an entirely new format called 365, which will offer value
contemplating the introduction of new store concepts. For example, pricing aimed at millennials. 365 by Whole Foods Market President
Kroger is currently expanding its convenience and value-oriented Jason Turnas stated that, with a fresh format and unique product
concept, Turkey Hill Minit Markets. assortment, we think 365 will offer convenience and value while
providing the quality and transparency that consumers love and
expect. As competition continues, we expect additional operators
to explore expanded channel offerings.
1 Global Organic Food Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2020. TechSci Research

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Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Food Retail Industry Insights (cont.)

Delivery with key insights and expertise in the online grocery business in
Even with continued innovation in global, regional and local supply hopes of developing an omni-channel offering. In 2014, Kroger
chain and delivery capabilities, the online-only grocery business finalized its merger with Harris Teeter, which included online
model remains challenging. However, consumer demand for online ordering platform Express Lane. Kroger has also initiated testing
food offerings has increased in recent years, providing an incentive of its own click-and-collect service, called Click List. For a fee
for traditional brick-and-mortar retailers to enter the online segment. of $4.95, Click List allows customers to buy groceries online,
Current online only incumbents include FreshDirect and Peapod, and then at an appointed time pay and collect goods at a pickup
a unit of Ahold USA. In addition, several other large traditional window. Finally, in 2014, Kroger purchased the nutrition and
supermarkets have entered into the space. has healthy living ecommerce business
launched AmazonFresh and recent press statements indicate they are Large Operator Advantage
in strategic discussions with the UK online grocery retailer, Ocado.
As large chains, such as Kroger and Albertsons, continue to grow,
Furthermore, in January 2015, Albertsons acquired Safeway, which
they have been able to leverage fixed infrastructure costs and
owns and operates Albertstons is expected to
optimize capabilities. Krogers significant size and scale presents
grow this service materially. Additionally, Walmart has expanded both
an advantage over many peers, allowing for efficiencies within its
its online and store pickup platforms.
private label manufacturing, distribution network, and ability to
One company that is creating a buzz within the industry is Instacart. offer more competitive pricing given its purchasing power with
Instacart is an on-demand grocery delivery platform facilitating suppliers. In the most recent quarters investor call transcript,
doorstep deliveries of groceries and other home essentials in major Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen stated that they will continue
cities around the U.S. Founded in 2012, the company received to manage costs so that we can continue investing to grow our
approximately $275 million in a January 2015 funding round business for the future while delivering today.
led by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which values Instacart
In recent years, Kroger has taken advantage of industry trends
at roughly $2 billion. The company offers a collection of over
by bringing certain business functions in-house, as opposed
300,000 items from several independent stores including Whole
to out-sourcing. Kroger has been aggressive with investments
Foods, Safeway and Costco, enabling customers to place orders
in the rapidly growing natural and organic food categories. The
on their smartphone from their favorite store or to mix items from
company has also invested in the in-store customer experience
different stores. Once an order is placed by the user, a shopper
by improving merchandising and enhancing its prepared food
is designated to purchase and deliver the groceries to the user.
offerings. These store enhancements position Kroger to capitalize
Instacarts model depends on consumers comfort level with
on the growing demand for fresh and prepared foods. Albertsons
independent individuals selecting and dropping off their groceries.
is another company leveraging its scale. The companys fresh fruit
Walter Robb, co-CEO of Whole Foods, evidently believes that this
and vegetable offerings are cut daily by members of their own
is a possibility, as customers today are interested in options and
produce department. When Albertsons acquired Safeway last
services outside the four walls of the store.
year, it announced that Safeway would be switching to Albertsons
Technology and Retail fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Safeway is now able to in-source
Technology has had a widespread impact on commerce over fresh-cut produce, reducing cost and improving profitability.
the past ten years, and the food retail industry is no exception. In The industry is incredibly dynamic and there is constant pressure
2012 Kroger rolled out QueVision, a technology platform that uses to adapt formats to address evolving customer preferences.
sensors and predictive analytics to feed managers real time data. Larger players have been much more receptive to operating a
QueVision indicates in real-time when long lines will happen and broad portfolio of store formats, whether developed in house or
where cashiers are needed before a pileup begins, allowing for through acquisition. In doing so, these players have been able to
staff optimization. Prior to deployment, average wait time in Kroger leverage their infrastructures to drive higher sales, margins and
stores was four minutes; today, it is less than thirty seconds. investment returns.
Kroger has also spent the last few years investing in companies

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Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Food Retail Industry Insights (cont.)

2015 Growth by Grocery Store Department

Dairy 5%
0% Center Store Depts.
Grocery 2%
Frozen 1%
Seafood 5%
Meat 7% Perimeter Depts.
Produce 4%
Bakery 4%
Deli 9%

(4%) (2%) 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%

Volume Growth Dollar Growth

Source: Nielsen Perishables Group 4/25/15, growth verse prior year

Food Trends A New Wave of Eating Prepared Foods and Snacks

Consumer preferences are changing, and changing drastically. The prepared foods market in the U.S. has grown significantly
According to the 2015 Supermarket Guru Grocers Association in recent years. A substantial component of this growth can be
Consumer Survey, 50% of people in the U.S. said their diet attributed to the expansion of value-added fruits and vegetables
could be healthier. In addition, 28% of shoppers want minimal which grew 65% and 49%, respectively, from 2010 to 2014.2 As
processing and 25% said they want a shorter list of ingredients. consumers increasingly look for convenience in the foods they
IFICs Annual Food & Health Survey also reported that 36% of purchase, the market for fresh prepared foods such as value-added
shoppers said they worry about chemicals in their foods, and that produce will continue to grow at a robust pace in coming years.
foods labeled with a health attribute experienced a sales increase According to Nielsen, the prepared foods market is forecasted to
of 13% in the last year versus roughly flat sales throughout the grow at an annual pace of 4.5% through 2019.
store. As consumers are actively trying to live healthier lifestyles,
Healthy snacking is also expanding as a category as consumers
food retailers are being forced to tailor their products and services
focus on better for you options. According to Euromonitor, sales
to this new 21st century consumer.
of snacks increased more than 3% a year since 2008, significantly
Fresh Foods and Vegetables outpacing sales of staple packaged foods. Going forward, snacks
The fresh foods story is at the forefront throughout the supermarket are projected to grow 2% annually through 2019. The growth of
industry. Over the past five years, there has been a significant snacks is driven largely by Millennials, who are snacking as a form
increase in overall fresh food offerings as retailers strive to meet of meal replacement. On average, Millennials eat 3.05 snacks per
rising demand from customers. Vegetables, in particular, have been day, compared to 2.26 snacks consumed daily by generation X
taking center stage on consumers plates as they are perceived and 1.53snacks by baby boomers. Millennials are also reaching
to be versatile, nutritious and flavorful. Certain vegetables, such for healthier options including fruits and vegetables. On average
as beans and lentils, are making their way into products including Millennials eat 5.12 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
snack bars, drinks and smoothies as consumers look for new ways compared to 4.71 by generation X and 4.43 by Baby Boomers.3
to add protein and fiber to their diets. Local Foods
Local produce has been one of the biggest trends in food retail
Over the past five years, there has in recent years as consumers have a rising interest in knowing
been a significant increase in overall specifically where their food is coming from. A 2015 survey
fresh food offerings. in Shopping for Local Foods in the U.S. found that 53% of
adult respondents specifically seek out locally grown or locally
produced foods. Among the primary reasons for purchasing
locally grown or locally produced foods, 60% of consumers say

2 The Impact of Consumer Trends on the Produce Industry. Source: Nielsen Perishables Group.
3 Jared Koerten, Euromonitor

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Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Food Retail Industry Insights (cont.)

they do so because the products are fresher and 44% indicate Smaller Households
these products taste better. While the increase of fresh and Consumption behavior in the U.S. has become less household-
local produce should support the growth of natural and organic oriented and more individualized than in previous generations. Today,
supermarkets, not all consumers purchase these items from large over 50% of eating occasions occur when consumers are alone.
retailers. Instead, many consumers prefer to buy directly from the Currently 27% of all households consist of just one person; this is the
grower. Farmers market count is up 35% since 2010, with almost highest level in U.S. history, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The
8,000 farmers markets operating in the U.S., according to the U.S. number of solo eating occasions will have a wide range of implications
Department of Agriculture. Retailers are certainly catching on to for food retailers in terms of packaging, positioning and more.
this trend. Jason Ackerman of FreshDirect (U.S.) stated, We will
compete by our commitment to farm-to-table and fresh products. Demographic Shifts
Thats our position. The U.S. Hispanic population is growing exponentially compared to
non-Hispanic populations and as a result, in-home Hispanic dining
Consumer Trends
traditions are beginning to influence national consumption patterns.
Millennials As of 2015, approximately 17.7% of the total U.S. population was
Millennials will soon surpass the Baby Boomer generation as the of Hispanic descent. By the year 2040, Hispanics are projected to
nations largest living generation, making up roughly a quarter of the make up 24.1% of the total population.4 Hispanics provide a bright
total U.S. population. Millennials are driving changes in the countrys spot in the U.S. food retail market. On average, Hispanics cook
eating behaviors with their approach to food choice and preparation. more frequently at home, spend more on routine shopping trips and
According to The NPD Group, Millennials increased interest in fresh visit supermarkets more often. In 2014, overall ethnic supermarket
foods may be explained by their reactions to the Great Recession. revenue was $30.4 billion, and this number is expected to increase
Younger adults were hit hardest by unemployment, and although to $35.2 billion in 2018, representing a 3.7% cumulative annual
this age group is considered the heaviest user of restaurants, they growth rate.5
pulled back the most from going out to restaurants during the
One supermarket that identifies itself with the growth of the
downturn. It seems these adults still wanted many of the benefits
Hispanic population and ethnic supermarket industry is Vallarta
that restaurants provided among them, freshness and speed.
Supermarkets. Based in Sylmar, California, Vallarta operates
Baby Boomers supermarkets catering to a primarily Hispanic consumer base in the
The Baby Boomer generation is aging, considering retirement and Greater Los Angeles area. In 2015, the company added three new
developing health ailments, all of which are typically associated store locations bringing its total number up to 47, which helped
with major changes in the way a consumer approaches food and push it to number one on the Supermarket News Top 50 Small
beverage consumption. While shrinking in size, the generation is Chains and Independents 2016. The California market has been
still large enough to have a significant impact on food consumption especially active for Hispanic food retailers. To meet ever increasing
in the U.S. As the generation continues to age, it will be driven demand for Hispanic and other ethnic food, Unified Grocers,
less by the latest fad and more by what is needed to sustain health a wholesale cooperative partnering with independent grocers,
and lifestyles. Healthful foods, such as foods high in whole grains, now has an entire division devoted to supplying Latino and other
protein and calcium, or low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, ethnicfoods.
will be of most interest to the Baby Boomer generation. There has also been a significant amount of strategic activity in the
Hispanic food retail sector in California. In January 2014, Cardenas
Millennials are driving changes in the Markets and Northgate Gonzalez Markets formed a special purpose
countrys eating behaviors with their vehicle to acquire Ontario, California based Pros Ranch Markets. In
February 2014, Victory Park Capital provided financing to Mi Pueblo in
approach to food choice and preparation.
connection with its emergence from bankruptcy. Mi Pueblo is the owner
and operator of 21 Latino supermarkets in Northern California that have
been performing quite well since completing itsrestructuring.

4 U.S. Census Bureau

5 Hispanic Shopping Report

Duff & Phelps 6

Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Selected Food Retail M&A Activity

As the industry has continued to evolve in recent years there Food Retail M&A activity in 2015 has continued at a strong pace.
has been an incredible amount of mergers and acquisitions According to Pitchbook, private equity overhang totaled $395 billion
activity. Currently, moderate levels of inflation combined with an in 2015. Additionally, the increasingly competitive marketplace is
accommodating lending environment has driven well-capitalized pushing EBITDA multiples higher. Strategic acquirers are also in
retailers to pursue acquisitions and consolidation as they attempt to search of opportunities to consolidate the industry, as the operating
gain access to new markets, leverage sourcing and merchandising environment has become increasingly competitive. Several notable
capabilities and manufacture earnings growth. transactions have been completed or announced in the food retail
industry in 2015. Below is a list of transactions dating back to
2013, followed by descriptions of select recent transactions.
Selected Transaction Analysis
($ in millions) Enterprise Value as a Multiple of LTM:
Date Value
Announced Acquirer Name Target Name ($mm) Revenue EBITDA

11/10/15 The Kroger Co. Roundy's $803 0.20x 7.0x

11/13/15 Albertsons Haggen, 30 Stores $14.4 - -

7/23/15 K-VA-T Food Stores Southeastern Grocers, 29 BI-LO Stores in Chattanooga - - -

7/19/15 Key Food Stores 23 Stores in New York and New Jersey - - -

7/19/15 Stop & Shop 25 Stores and Other Assets in Greater New York $146 - -

7/19/15 Acme Markets 72 A&P Supermarkets and Other Assets $243 - -

6/24/15 Koninklijke Ahold N.V. Delhaize Group $12,274 0.47x 8.4x

4/29/15 Acon Investments Fiesta Mart $120 - 5.0x

12/19/14 Haggen 99 Albertsons Stores - -

11/17/14 Pace Food Retail Dean & DeLuca $140 - 14.0x

3/6/14 Albertsons Safeway $8,960 0.25x 5.5x

2/20/14 Victory Park Capital Mi Pueblo Food Center $51 0.13x 6.6x

1/31/14 Cardenas Markets; Northgate Gonzlez Markets Pro's Ranch Markets $55 0.29x 4.0x

12/20/13 TPG Capital Gelson's $370 0.84x 10.7x

7/8/13 The Kroger Co. Harris Teeter Supermarkets $2,497 0.53x 6.7x

6/12/13 Sobeys Canada Safeway Limited $5,555 0.87x 10.7x

5/28/13 BI-LO Delhaize America, Sweetbay, Harveys and Reid's $246 0.14x -

1/22/13 AUA Private Equity Partners Associated Food Holdings $155 0.33x 5.0x

Median 0.31x 6.7x

Mean 0.40x 7.6x

Source: SEC filings, Capital IQ, MergerMarket, Company Press Releases, and various news sources (e.g. NY Times Dealbook, the Deal, Wall Street Journal, etc.)

2010-2015 Total Food Retail Transaction Volume & Value

$20,000 90

$17,043 80

66 66 70
52 52


$5,000 $4,266 20

$1,643 $1,444 10
$0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total Deal Value ($ in millions) Total Deal Volume

Source: S&P Capital IQ; Total U.S. Food Retail closed transactions from 2010 to 2015

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Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Selected Food Retail M&A Transactions*

Kroger / Roundys ACON Investments / Fiesta Mart

On November 11, 2015, The Kroger Co. agreed to acquire Roundys On April 29, 2015, ACON Investments, a private equity and
for $3.60 per share in cash, representing a total enterprise value venture capital firm specializing in investments in middle market
of $803 million. The transaction price represents a premium of companies, acquired the 43-year-old grocery store chain, Fiesta
approximately 65% to Roundys closing share price on the day prior. Mart, from The Grocers Supply Co. Based in Houston, Fiesta Mart
Roundys was founded in 1872 and is headquartered in Milwaukee, is among the largest international and Hispanic grocery chains
Wisconsin. Roundys brings to Kroger an expanded footprint with in the U.S. with 60 stores throughout Texas. Fiesta has stores
a complementary base of 151 stores and 101 pharmacies in new in the Houston, Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth markets, serving
geographies, including Milwaukee, Madison and Northern Wisconsin, customers from over 100 countries of origin with a vast variety of
which are served under the Pick n Save, Copps and Metro Market dry grocery and perishable products. The deal comes just months
banners. The acquisition also expands Krogers presence with an after The Grocers Supply agreed to sell its wholesale distribution
innovative store format in the Chicago area, where Roundys operates and supply business to C&S Wholesale Grocers.
34 stores under the Marianos banner.
Pace Food Retail / Dean & DeLuca
Albertsons / Haggen On November 17, 2014, Pace Food Retail, a subsidiary of Pace
On November 13, 2015, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved the Development Corporation, agreed to acquire Dean & DeLuca, one
sale of 30 Haggen stores to Albertsons for $14.4 million. Haggen of the worlds most iconic gourmet food brands. Dean & DeLuca
had previously filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on owns and operates a chain of retail stores around the world.
September 8, 2015. Albertsons plans to convert the Washington The company operates eleven outlets in the U.S. as well as 31
Haggen stores to the Safeway banner. The transaction is subject to international stores in locations such as Japan, Singapore and the
approval from the Federal Trade Commission. Additionally, through United Arab Emirates. Pace expects to leverage the iconic lifestyle
the bankruptcy proceedings, Haggen has sold locations to TAWA brand and open hundreds of new stores in the next two years.
Supermarket, Sprouts Farmers Market and Smart & Final. As a part of this expansion, Pace intends to increase the global
footprint of Dean & DeLuca from eight countries to more than 15.
ACME Markets / A&P
On July 19, 2015, ACME Markets, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Albertsons, agreed to acquire 72 A&P stores in Connecticut,
Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania under the A&P, Superfresh
and Pathmark banners. ACME Markets operates 107 stores
across Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey. A&P
filed for bankruptcy in July 2015, just three years after emerging
from a previous trip through bankruptcy, filed in 2010. A&P was
the nations first traditional supermarket operator with its roots
dating back to 1859.
Ahold / Delhaize Group
On June 24, 2015, Dutch grocer Ahold agreed to acquire Belgian
rival Delhaize Group in a merger of equals. Delhaize shareholders
will receive 4.75 Ahold shares for each Delhaize share, which
equates to a transaction value of over $12 billion. The combination
of the two powerhouses brings four well-known supermarket
chains on the east coast of the U.S. under the same umbrella:
Aholds Stop & Shop and Giant stores and Delhaizes Food Lion
and Hannaford. By merging together, management believes they
will lower operating and purchasing costs to compete with Walmart
and expand the reach of Aholds online grocery store, Peapod, the
largest of such services in the U.S., to compete with Amazon.

*Source: SEC filings, Capital IQ, MergerMarket, Company Press Releases, and various news sources (e.g. NY Times Dealbook, the Deal, Wall Street Journal, etc.)

Duff & Phelps 8

Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Selected Publicly Traded Food Retail Companies

Trading multiples for food retail companies have fluctuated over February 3, 2015 to February 3, 2016. Large Cap supermarkets
the past year. Natural and Organic supermarket multiples are the multiples are trading at 7.1x 2015 EBITDA and 7.0x 2016 EBITDA.
strongest, trading at 9.8x 2015 EBITDA and 7.5x 2016 EBITDA. Small and mid-capitalized supermarkets trade in line with their larger
However, their stock prices are collectively down 52.2% from counterparts at 7.1x 2015 EBITDA and 6.6x 2016 EBITDA.

($ in millions except share price data ) Enterprise Value as a Multiple of LTM

Revenue EBITDA
Stock % of
Price 52 Wk Market Enterprise Price/ EBITDA Revenue
Company 02/03/16 High Value Value LTM 2015E 2016E LTM 2015E 2016E EPS Margin Growth

Natural / Organic Supermarkets

Whole Foods Market, Inc. $28.93 50.3% $9,490 $9,163 0.60x 0.59x 0.56x 6.6x 6.7x 6.8x 19.5x 9.1% 8.4%

Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc. 23.74 61.7% 3,646 3,806 1.12x 1.06x 0.92x 13.5x 12.7x 11.2x 30.8x 8.3% 19.6%

The Fresh Market, Inc. 18.76 44.6% 882 877 0.48x 0.47x 0.45x 4.5x 4.5x 4.5x 14.4x 10.6% 7.0%

Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. 17.66 50.5% 397 423 0.65x 0.55x 0.46x 8.2x 7.0x 5.9x 24.2x 7.9% 18.4%

Fairway Group Holdings Corp. 0.50 6.5% 22 250 0.32x 0.33x 0.31x 16.1x 6.7x 6.1x NM 2.0% (2.4%)

Median 50.3% 0.60x 0.55x 0.46x 8.2x 6.7x 6.1x 21.9x 8.3% 8.4%

Mean 42.7% 0.63x 0.60x 0.54x 9.8x 7.5x 6.9x 22.3x 7.6% 10.2%

Small / Mid Cap Supermarkets

Ingles Markets, Incorporated $37.22 64.5% $754 $1,642 0.43x 0.43x 0.43x 6.8x 6.7x 6.5x 12.7x 6.3% (1.5%)

Smart & Final Stores, Inc. 16.01 80.7% 1,181 1,652 0.43x 0.42x 0.37x 10.2x 8.8x 7.8x 32.5x 4.3% 10.9%

SpartanNash Company 20.19 59.6% 759 1,298 0.17x 0.17x 0.17x 5.8x 5.7x 5.5x 13.1x 2.8% 6.7%

Weis Markets, Inc. 40.12 77.3% 1,079 976 0.34x NA NA 6.3x NA NA 18.9x 5.5% 3.7%

Village Super Market Inc. 25.26 73.0% 357 347 0.22x NA NA 5.2x NA NA 11.5x 4.2% 3.4%

Median 73.0% 0.34x 0.42x 0.37x 6.3x 6.7x 6.5x 13.1x 4.3% 3.7%

Mean 71.0% 0.32x 0.34x 0.32x 6.9x 7.1x 6.6x 17.7x 4.6% 4.6%

Large Cap Supermarkets

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. $66.86 76.0% $2,14,079 $2,63,272 0.54x 0.55x 0.54x 7.6x 7.7x 8.2x 14.3x 7.2% 0.0%

The Kroger Co. 40.15 93.9% 39,135 50,094 0.46x 0.46x 0.43x 8.9x 8.8x 8.3x 19.9x 5.1% 2.2%

SUPERVALU Inc. 4.34 36.2% 1,154 3,742 0.21x 0.21x 0.21x 4.7x 4.8x 4.6x 7.5x 4.5% 2.2%

Median 76.0% 0.46x 0.46x 0.43x 7.6x 7.7x 8.2x 14.3x 5.1% 2.2%

Mean 68.7% 0.40x 0.40x 0.39x 7.1x 7.1x 7.0x 13.9x 5.6% 1.5%

Source: Capital IQ and SEC filings; Firms represent actively traded U.S. supermarket companies

Food Retail Stock Price Index








Jan-13 Mar-13 May-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jan-14 Mar-14 May-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 Nov-14 Jan-15 Mar-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Nov-15 Jan-16

Large Cap Supermarkets Small / Mid Cap Supermarkets Natural / Organic Supermarkets

*Source: S&P Capital IQ

Duff & Phelps 9

Food Retail Industry Insights 2016

Selected Recent Duff & Phelps Food Retail Transactions

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a portfolio company of
has been acquired by

Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor

has sold stores to has acquired certain retail grocery

a portfolio company of Morgan assets from
Stanley Private Equity, has
completed a leveraged dividend
recapitalization transaction.

Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor

Kinney Drugs, Inc. and its Sprouts Farmers Market has

has completed a reorganization.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan completed a leveraged
completed a leveraged recapitalization.
recapitalization to create a 100%
ESOP-owned company.

Duff & Phelps 10

U.S. Asia UK

Joshua Benn David Lu Henry Wells

Global Head of Consumer, Retail, Food, Head of China M&A Head of UK M&A
and Restaurants +86 21 6032 0608 +44 (0)20 7089 4876
+1 212 450 2840
Canada Paul Teuten
Edward Mielke Managing Director, M&A
Director, Consumer, Retail, Food, and Ross Fletcher
+44 (0)20 7089 4840
Restaurants Head of Canada M&A
+1 212 450 2876 +1 416 361 2588 Philip Duffy
Co-Head of UK Restructuring
Farzad Mukhi Germany
+44 16 1827 9003
Director, Consumer, Retail, Food, and
Andreas Stoecklin
Country Head of Germany
+1 424 249 1661
+49 893 8888 4120

For more information please visit:
About Duff & Phelps
Duff & Phelps is the premier global valuation and corporate finance advisor with expertise in complex valuation, dispute and legal management
consulting, M&A, restructuring, and compliance and regulatory consulting. The firms more than 2,000 employees serve a diverse range of
clients from offices around the world.

M&A advisory and capital raising services in the United States are provided by Duff & Phelps Securities, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Pagemill Partners is a Division of Duff & Phelps Securities, LLC. M&A advisory and capital raising services in the United Kingdom and
Germany are provided by Duff & Phelps Securities Ltd., which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Duff & Phelps Copyright 2016 Duff & Phelps LLC. All rights reserved.

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