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Wonderful Word Puzzle MiniBooks

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Word Puzzle

by Jan Meyer

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

For Jeffrey, Julia, David,
Lyndsey and Jamie

Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the mini-books for classroom use. No other part of this
publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.
For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc.,557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

Cover design by Gerard Fuchs

Cover and interior artwork by Mike Moran
Interior design by Holly Grundon
Literacy consultant Katherine Schulten

ISBN: 0-439-37666-1
Copyright 2003 by Janet Meyer
All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

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Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
How to Make the Mini-Books .......4
Making the Most of Each Mini-Book ..5

Words Within Words Compound Words
Theres a Bird in That Word . . . . . 11 Compound Roundup . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Wordy Wigglers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Barefoot Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Case of the Missing Words . . 15
Homonyms Multiple Meanings The Syllable Shuffler . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mussels With Muscles . . . . . . . . . 17
Missing Letters
Prefixes Suffixes One for All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Thats Amazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Clueless Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Rhyming Words Secret Codes

Rhyme Finds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Crack the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Anagrams Scramblers Antonyms Synonyms

Field Trip Scramble . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Zigs Zags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Magic Hat Trick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Synonym Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Chef Alfonsos Word Recipe . . . . 27
Making Words
Idioms Similes Shrink Ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Eating Your Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Be a Word Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

About This Book
Welcome to Word-Puzzle Mini-Books! This fun classroom supplement is filled
with engaging puzzles and activities that:

h cover the language arts topics you teach: spelling, vocabulary, and

h build practice with antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, syllables, prefixes

and suffixes

h promote an active involvement and interest in language arts

h stimulate an enjoyment of wordstheir formation, spelling patterns,

sounds and meanings

h demonstrate a variety of ways to have fun playing with words

h show students, as well, how words magically change, as letters are added,
removed, replaced or rearranged

If a puzzle seems too challenging, work through it as a group.

How to Make the Mini Books


i ng
A. ___ owl ___ ___ ___
Q. Whats an owls
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___
Is that a rat in the refrigerator?

favorite sport?
___ ___ ___ r a t ___
Fill in the missing letters to
complete the ratty words

___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___

___ ___ r a t ___ ___

There s a Bird
in That Word
that fit these clues.

___ ___ r a t ___

Carefully remo e the mini- Help students assemble the

some birds do this for the winter:
r a t ___ ___ ___

something to do if you itch:

a long outdoor foot race:

Captain Hook was one:

Super Stumper:
Rat !

98.6F, for example:

book to be copied, tearing pages in order

a babys toy:


along the perforated line,

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 11 Scholastic Professional Books
v a ___ ___ ___ i o n
that are in these words.

is in each of these words? Fill in the

Staple the books together

___ ___ ___ ___ e t

and make a double-sided

missing mammal names to complete the words
___ ___ ___ e n n a e
s ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ g y

___ ___ ___ ___ d

___ ___ ___ t e r y

m i l ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ e r
complete the words that fit the clues.
Fill in the missing insect names to

a week at the beach, for example:

k a ___ ___ ___

g r ___ ___ ___


along the folded edge.

___ ___ ___ f

you need one to see a movie:

y of the page (one per

a piece of pizza or bread:

an old-fashioned vehicle:

Santa has a white one:

butterflies have them:
Now try to find the


a source of power:
a doe to its fawn:

that fit the clues.

a large number:
a kind of meat:

a type of boat:

a kind of fruit:



There s a Bird
s in That Word
Rat !
Is that a rat in the refrigerator?

e students cut apart the

Now try to find the insects
that are in these words.
Fill in the missing letters to
Fill in the missing insect names to
complete the ratty words
complete the words that fit the clues.
that fit these clues.

a kind of meat: ___ ___ ___ f a babys toy: r a t ___ ___ ___

a piece of pizza or bread: s ___ ___ ___ ___ Captain Hook was one: ___ ___ r a t ___

pages along the dotted line

a doe to its fawn: ___ ___ ___ ___ e r something to do if you itch: ___ ___ r a t ___ ___

an old-fashioned vehicle:

you need one to see a movie:

___ ___ ___ g y

___ ___ ___ ___ e t

98.6F, for example:

some birds do this for the winter:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ r a t ___

Q. Whats an owls
butterflies have them: ___ ___ ___ e n n a e Super Stumper:
a long outdoor foot race: ___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___ favorite sport?
and then fold the pages
6 3

Which mammal is in each of these words? Fill in the

missing mammal names to complete the words
There s a Bird
along the solid line. B i ng
A. ___ owl ___ ___ ___
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 11

that fit the clues.

in That Word
a large number: m i l ___ ___ ___ ___

Santa has a white one: ___ ___ ___ ___ d Q. Whats an owls
a type of boat: k a ___ ___ ___ favorite sport?
Scholastic Professional Books

a source of power: ___ ___ ___ t e r y

B i ng
A. ___ owl ___ ___ ___
a kind of fruit: g r ___ ___ ___

a week at the beach, for example: v a ___ ___ ___ i o n

8 Name

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Each Mini Book
In most of the mini-books, the puzzles are arranged in order of difficulty.
This allows students to gain confidence before the challenge increases. Some
mini-books include high-challenge bonus puzzles that give students an added
sense of achievement when solved. Heres a look at each mini-book:

Words Within Words

Students are surprised and amused when they disco er that the w There s a Bir
wl is in bo the word quit is in mosquito, or the word ogre d
in That Word
is in progress. Finding words within words is an entertaining w y to
turn students on to the wonder of language. Q. Whats an
his mini-book is filled with birds, insects, rodents, sea creatures and favorite spor
mammalsnames of these animals are hiding in different words! Aided
y a clue, students fill in missing letters to complete each puzzle word. B
A. ___ i ng
___ ___ ___

As a follow-up acti , make a list of more words in w h the words Name

ant and rat can be found. ords not used in these puzzles include: pages 1112

ant rat

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
In these puzzles, students find the many o erlapping words that are
wded together. o get kids started, the answers to the y
on the co er page are gi en.
age students to create their own y igglers. hey can do
this as a class, in groups or on their own. hey simply start with a w
h as smile and then add a word starting with the w s final two
letters (learn or letter for example). Students should try to include
ords in w h there are other words like butter carpet and shipment.
pages 1314


the Mis Here, students find the words that are missing inside a series of w
The word si Before starting these puzzles, remind students that the pronunciation of
in missing
missing. In fac
rds are
a word may change when it is inserted into a word. For example, the
lots of wo
missing in thi
pronunciation of the letters in the word ache would change if ac
were inserted to complete the word mustac

pages 1516

Mussels With
Mussel and
are homonyms
words that so

the same but
different spell
ings our students will roar when they figure out that a grizzly thats lost its
and meaning fur is a bare bear Here, students ha e fun as they try to answer these
ym puzzles, guess w h multiple meaning words fit gi en double
definitions, and illustrate two meanings for a word such as bat, fence
or fly
pages 1718

Prefixes & Suffixes

his mini-book provides practice with thirty-fi e different prefixes
and suffixes. Moti ated to find the amazing answers to questions about
animals, students must add a suffix or prefix to change each underlined
ord to a new word that fits a provided clue.
pages 1920

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
hese are word sear h puzzles with a twist. Rather than looking for
ords in a word list, students look for unidentified words that rhyme with
a gi en w
h grid includes rhyming words with endings that are spelled differently
and sev al words whose endings are spelled the same, but dont rhyme. he
last page of this mini-book invites students to create their own rhymes. Caution pages 2122
students to look for rhyming words within rhyming words. For example, inside
the word sphere is the rhyming word here (puzzle page 4).

Field Trip Sc


adventures. So
s will take you
on seven fiel
d trip
hop on the bus
scrambled wo and bring you
In this mini-book, students set off on seven field trip ad entures! On eac on each of the
rd skills! The
se trips have
names of wh
at youll see
been jumbled.
theme-oriented trip, they unscramble fi e words and then use letters in their Name

puzzle answers to unscramble a sixth w pages 2324


In these anagram puzzles, classroom magicians must use all the letters in
a fi e-letter word to make two new wordsa two-letter word and a three-
letter word. Before they start, tell students that, from many of the fi
ords, more than one anagram can be made. hey will find out, as well, that
sometimes a two-letter word can be made, but the remaining letters do not
form a w
pages 2526


Chef Alfonso
In these puzzles, students combine the letters of a four-letter word and a s
Word Recipe
en additional letter to create a fi e-letter word. Each puzzle page includes First, take a wo
rdnot too lon
g and
a double the fun c not too short.
bowl. Next, add
Put it into a larg
one letter. The
stir and mix n,
all the letters
just so!

Fantastico! You
ve made a tas
ty new word.

pages 2728

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Idioms & Similes
Idioms and similes make our language quirky and colorful! In this
mini-book, students complete commonly used idioms and similes with
the names of animals, foods and parts of the bod . On page 7, c
can write their own similes. Because idioms rarely mean what they
pages 2930 ally sa , students ha e a chance, on page 8, to illustrate the liter
meaning of an idiom of their choice! he primary purpose of this mini-
book is to encourage students to ha e fun with expressi e language.
herefore, if they are not familiar with some of the idioms, they should
just fill in their best and most creati e guesses.

Compound Ro by joining Compound Words
rds as you can
compound wo ntally,
Make as many tically, horizo
in boxes that connect ver ara te sheet
words wers on a sep
. Write your ans rds to round
or diagonally pou nd wo
er. There are 20 com
of pap
up in each pu
hese puzzles are similar in format to word sear h puzzles. Hidden in
h of the seven puzzle grids are twenty compound words. Students
must find them by joining words in boxes that connect v ,
horizontally or diagonally
pages 3132

Barefoot Foo s, youll form
In these puzzle rect
pou nd wo rds. Put the cor
com m two
word in the box
and youll for
rdsone with the word he challenge increases! In these puzzles, students form a series of
compound wo one with the
in front of the
word in back
box and
of the box . pairs of compound words. o do this, they supply a missing word between
o words that then forms two compound wordsone with
bare fo ot ball the word on the left and one with the word on the right.

pages 3334 he missing word is basket, forming the two compound w

astebasket and basketball.

The Syllable
Shuffler le

the sly syllab
Oh no! Snarg, ky prank
played a pes
shuffler, has this mini-
lists in
with the word has
aky prankster
book. This sne now
syllables and
mixed up the sen se.
rds make
none of the wo les
the right syllab
Can you put
bac k tog ether? THE SYLLABLE SHUFFLER
In these puzzles, students put the correct syllables back together to

pages 3536
form three-syllable words. his mini-book is a good introduction to
syllable division. In addition, it builds spelling and word formation skills.
Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
M One for All
Fill in the bla
ONE FOR ALL Just one letter
Is it a d, an
will do.
m or a q?
In this mini-book, students find the one letter that completes all four It might be a
But what is a

ords in each puzzle ro . he missing letter may be an initial consonant, ___ atch
___ age ri ___ e
a final consonant, a consonant in the middle of the word, or a part of a Do you know
what ONE lett
___ rew

each of these er correctly com

consonant blend. o increase the challenge, each puzzle row has one or words? pletes

more letters that complete all but one of the w
On the last page of this book, students can ha e fun writing sentences in pages 3738
h all or most of the words start with the same letter


Can you

Here is a high-challenge cross ord puzzle variation in w h there are no Crosswords complete
the puzzle?

written clues to use in solving the puzzles. Instead, students fill in letters that
form known words going both across and do
Sometimes more than one letter is missing in a word, and sometimes more
than two words are in ed in determining the right missing letters. In almost
all cases, sev al or more letters work going in one direction, but only one Name

letter works going in both directions. As in many of the mini-books, the last
pages 3940
o puzzles are the hardest. Be sure students use pencils with er

Secret Codes
Students lo e to cr k secret codes! On each puzzle page, students must On each page
group of rela
of this mini-bo
ted words are
ok, a
decode a group of theme-related words written in an alphabet code. Eac in an alphabet
code written
code. Heres se
in an alphabet
puzzle page uses a different alphabet code. vise students to start their H V X I VG X LW
se cre t V
decoding by filling in all known letters in each of the puzzle words. Turn the pag
c od e
e for code
should be cautioned to be sure that they put these and all other decoded puzzle direct

letters on the correct blanks. Before students begin, you may want to review
with them the directions on mini-book page two. Depending on the abilities
of your class, it may be helpful to do a decoding puzzle together on the pages 4142
board. Heres one:

g reen
_ ___
_ _____
_ _____
_ ___
_ _____
_ ____
wers: gr , orange, purple, blue, y , bro
Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Antonyms & Synonyms
Students fill in antonyms for gi en words as they zig and zag their w
through this unique puzzle format. he first and last letter of eac
ym is gi
pages 4344

Synonym Sear same or nearly
words with the
Two or more led synonyms
aning are cal
the same me
In this word sear h puzzle variation, students dont look for the w
On each page,
and circle a syno
on the
Hes huge!
in the word list. Instead, they find a synonym for each of the listed w
for each word
list. Then write
synonym pairs
on a
of paper.
Also hiding in the grids are antonyms for a few of the words on the list.
separate sheet
The letters of each across
synonym go forw
n the
the square or dow
can be
square. Letters
d mor e than once.


pages 4546

Shrink Ems nt In these puzzles, students start with a fi e-letter word, shrink it down to
! cried the gia
Im shrinking n an ant.
a gnat and the
as he became a four-letter word, then a three-letter word and, finally, a two-letter w
g __i a__ __n __t
y of the Shrink Ems ha e multiple answer possibilities. Ho
n a__ __t
g __
pages 6 and 7 present added challenges. Students must choose a four
a __n __t
letter word and then a three-letter word from w h the gi en tw
ord can be made. Students may find that they e made a word from
h another word cant be made. (For example, if students shrink the
pages 4748 ord floor to fool, theyll be stuck and will ha e to start o er again.)


Be a Word Wiz
Can you change
a reptile into
a fish?
Can your students change a reptile into a fish? Can they change a bird into
a farm animal? o be word wizards, students make a series of new w
that match clues, changing just one letter each time. his mini-book includes
a tw er game for more word wizardry fun. (Students might enjo
S holastic Prof

learning that this puzzle format was in ented by Lewis Carroll, author of
Turn the pag
e and try it! Alice in Wonderland. He called his puzzles doublets. hey first appeared

Name in 1879 in the magazine Vanity Fair


pages 4950

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Is that a rat in the refrigerator?
Now try to find the insects that are in these words.
Fill in the missing letters to
Fill in the missing insect names to
complete the ratty words
complete the words that fit the clues. ats! that fit these clues.

a kind of meat: ___ ___ ___ f

a babys toy: r a t ___ ___ ___

a piece of pizza or bread: s ___ ___ ___ ___ Captain Hook was one: ___ ___ r a t ___

a doe to its fawn: ___ ___ ___ ___ e r something to do if you itch: ___ ___ r a t ___ ___

an old-fashioned vehicle: ___ ___ ___ g y 98.6F, for example: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

you need one to see a movie: ___ ___ ___ ___ e t some birds do this for the winter: ___ ___ ___ r a t ___

butterflies have them: ___ ___ ___ e n n a e Super Stumper:

a long outdoor foot race: ___ ___ r a t ___ ___ ___
6 3

Which mammal is in each of these words? Fill in the There s a Bird

missing mammal names to complete the words
that fit the clues.
in That Word
a large number: m i l ___ ___ ___ ___

Santa has a white one: ___ ___ ___ ___ d Q. Whats an owls
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 11

a type of boat: k a ___ ___ ___ favorite sport?

a source of power: ___ ___ ___ t e r y

a kind of fruit: g r ___ ___ ___ B i ng

A. ___ owl ___ ___ ___
a week at the beach, for example: v a ___ ___ ___ i o n

8 Name
There are farm animals in these words. Did you see the ant
in the restaurant? Fill in the miss-
Can you fill in the missing letters to complete the words ing letters to complete the words
that fit the clues? that fit the clues.
an opposite of older: ___ e w e ___
an ancient Egyptian structure: ___ ___ r a m ___ ___
an organ of the body: k i d ___ ___ ___
someone whos not very brave: c o w ___ ___ ___
male deer have them: a n t ___ ___ ___ ___
a bird seen in city parks: p i g ___ ___ ___
this mammal has a trunk: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a n t
Super Stumper:
its used for jumping fun: ___ r a m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a synonym for baby: ___ ___ ___ a n t
4 5
Birds are hiding in these words! Can you fill in the
What adjective describes
missing letters to complete the words that fit the clues?
a fish that wont share?

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

___ ___ ___ f i s h
its filled with air: ___ ___ ___ l o o n
a kind of tool : w r e n ___ ___ Here are more words in which
there are ocean dwellers. Fill in
an angry look: ___ ___ o w l the missing letters to complete the

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 12

words that fit the clues.
a room in a house: ___ ___ ___ ___ h e n
its followed by an !: ___ ___ c l a m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
to feel sorry: ___ e g r e t
a reptile: ___ ___ ___ c o d ___ ___ ___
a type of oven: ___ ___ c r o w ___ ___ ___
2 a type of metal: ___ ___ e e l
There are19 words with three or more letters in this There are 17 words with three or more letters in this
Wordy Wiggler. Wordy Wiggler.

rotateachangermotheripet baddresshiplanetrimaskip

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

6 3

There are18 words with three or more letters in this

Wordy Wiggler.
The caterpillars in this mini-book are packed with
spillowastarrowheatapeel overlapping words and words within words. All of the
words are formed with letters that are next to each other.
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 13

Can you find 18 words with three

or more letters in this Wordy Wiggler?


8 Name
fall, all, less, son, lesson, song, glove, love, over, very, you, your, our, rod, rode, rodent, den, dent
There are18 words with three or more letters in this There are18 words with three or more letters in this
Wordy Wiggler. Wordy Wiggler.
ifortunearthinknowindown spitchairibboneggoldrage
4 5
There are17 words with three or more letters in this There are17 words with three or more letters in this
Wordy Wiggler.
Wordy Wiggler.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

showholemoneyethislidear scartoonicenterushelfind

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 14

Correctly complete each word below by inserting one Correctly complete each word below by inserting one
of the words that is under the magnifying glass. of the words that is under the magnifying glass.

Answer s __________ al Answer ter __________ le

Words Words
g __________ nment p __________ acy
side bed
ar __________ ent re __________ sal
very tree
iron con __________ r hear per __________ ion
over lap
cen __________ ter rib
col __________ se
time harm

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

env __________ ment i __________ ical
end dent
fri __________ miss
o __________ ient
bra __________ s __________ t
6 3

Correctly complete each word below by inserting one

of the words that is under the magnifying glass. The Case of
Answer ann __________ the Mis Words
ju __________
opera v __________ ain The word sing
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 15

in missing is
ill pr __________ ss
missing. In fact,
c __________ tesy lots of words are
right co __________ te missing in this
ounce mini-book.
apo __________ ize
f __________ en
8 Name
Correctly complete each word below by inserting one Correctly complete each word below by inserting one
of the words that is under the magnifying glass. of the words that is under the magnifying glass.
Answer ap __________ ite Answer or __________ ra
Words Words
f __________ y mos __________ o
pear mend
deco __________ n de __________ ry
ratio live
car sym __________ y tell d __________ ous
pet chase
ma __________ oni chin
cons __________ ation
actor ap __________ ance quit pur __________
tin chest
ex __________ ct anger
ma __________ ery
as __________ ish tre __________ ous
4 5
Correctly complete each word below by inserting one Correctly complete each word below by inserting one
of the words that is under the magnifying glass. of the words that is under the magnifying glass.
__________ ction __________ ious

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Answer Answer
Words Words
or __________ nt th __________
sure last
mi __________ hone rough
pecu __________
name ex __________ ent use de __________ er
jam rag

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 16

pa __________ as sign
g __________ ful
crop mea __________ ment liar m __________ um
fin fur
mu __________ d race
f __________ ile
de __________ ite p __________ ic
2 7
Answer each of these riddles with a pair of homonyms. Write in the word that fits the pair of definitions. Each
Remember: Homonyms are words that sound the same answer is a word that has the same spelling but two or
but have different spellings and meanings. more different meanings.
What do you call seven days with no strength?
Its a name for a container with a lip for pouring.
a w ___ ___ ___ w ___ ___ ___ Its also the name for a position on a baseball team.

What do you call a female relative of a tiny insect? ______________________________________

an ___ ___ ts ___ ___ ___ t As a noun, its a term for animal skin.
As a verb, its a synonym for conceal.
What do you call an amphibian being pulled on a rope?

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a t ___ ___ ___ ___ t ___ ___ ___
Its a term for a unit of weight.
What do you call a spicy, cold Mexican food?
It also means to strike or hit with heavy blows.
c h ___ ___ ___ ___ c h ___ ___ ___
6 ______________________________________ 3

Illustrate two different meanings of one of these words:

Mussels With Muscles

Mussel and muscle
are homonyms
words that sound
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 17

palm the same but have

different spellings
and meanings.


8 Name
Answer each of these riddles with a pair of
homonyms. Write in the word that fits the pair of definitions.
Its a term for one of four equal parts. Its also the name
What do you call a grizzly thats lost its fur? of an American coin.
a b ___ ___ ___ b ___ ___ ___ ________________________________________
How do you start a letter to an animal with antlers? As an adjective, it describes someone who waits without
complaining. As a noun, its a person receiving medical
D ___ ___ ___ d ___ ___ ___ treatment.
What did they call the armored soldier who guarded the ________________________________________
castle from 8:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M.?
Its the name for something used to create a cool breeze.
the ___ ___ ___ ___ t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ t It also means an enthusiastic admirer.
4 5
Answer each of these riddles with a pair of
homonyms. Write in the word that fits the pair of definitions.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

What do you call a farm animal with a husky voice? Its a term for land on the sides of a river. Its also the
name for a place where money earns interest.
a h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ h ___ ___ ___ ___
What do you call an undecorated jet?
As a noun, its a compartment in a stable. As a verb, it
a p ___ ___ ___ ___ p ___ ___ ___ ___ means to use excuses to delay doing something.

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 18

What do you call a penny thats been mailed? ________________________________________
a ___ ___ ___ t ___ ___ ___ t Its a term for a level or floor of a building. Its also the
name for a tale or an account of an event.
Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined word. Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined word.
Then put each numbered letter on the correct line at bottom. Then put each numbered letter on the correct line at bottom.

a female lion ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ describing someone who
keeps secrets ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
someone who is visiting ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6
it's ruled by a king ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
the opposite of correct ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 3
someone who plays
describing someone stronger
the violin ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
than others ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1
2 6
to cook ahead of time ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
things used by someone 2
who is equipped ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the opposite of changed ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 7 1 4 5

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

What insect group in the tropics lives in a structure What sea creature has no heart, no
that can be over 20 feet high and have chimneys? lungs, no brain and no mouth?

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a/an ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined word.

Then put each numbered letter on the correct line at bottom.

describing someone who has hope ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Q. How does the archerfish
1 6
the feeling of being happy ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ catch the insects it eats?
4 9
it's shown by someone who's brave ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A. It squirts a powerful stream of
well-aimed drops of water at
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 19

something in which to
compete ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ its prey. When the insect falls
5 3 into the water, the archerfish
to make someone feel fright ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ eats it. It can shoot water
8 7
more than 3 feet into the
Where are a cricket's ears? air. For more amazing
facts, turn the page.
on its ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 Name
Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined
word to a new word that fits the clue. Then put each word to a new word that fits the clue. Then put each
numbered letter on the line with the same number at numbered letter on the line with the same number at
the bottom of the page. the bottom of the page.
to heat again ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
someone who performs magic ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 3
3 9
it's formed when a person
the opposite of careful ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ perspires ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
6 5 7
someone who acts like a fool ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the opposite of legal ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2 2
the opposite of possible ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ someone who resides in a place ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 7
1 8
someone who acts like a hero ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a quality shown by a leader ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
8 1
5 4
What reptile can look forward and backward What mammal baby spends almost two years inside its
at the same time? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ mother before it's born? a/an ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5
Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined Use a prefix or a suffix to change each underlined
word to a new word that fits the clue. Then put each word to a new word that fits the clue. Then put each
numbered letter on the line with the same number at numbered letter on the line with the same number at
the bottom of the page. the bottom of the page.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

i nv e n t i o n
something that is invented ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ someone who runs ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
7 2
in a loud way ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a shape with three angles ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2 5
the opposite of agree ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the opposite of behave ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5 4
describing something containing a move from front to back ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 20

poison ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3 something that can break ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
6 3
a temperature below zero ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
1 What do male monitor lizards often do at the start of
What does a horned toad shoot from mating season to attract a female?
its eyes when it feels threatened? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
Find and circle Find and circle
16 words of 17 words of
four or more three or more
letters that letters that
rhyme with rhyme with
crate. true.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

6 3

A hog and a frog

Rhyme Finds
In these word search puzzles, you need to find the
tripped over a log words that rhyme with a given word. But watch out!
when they tried to jog Not all words that rhyme have endings that look alike.
with a dog in the fog.
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 21

I heard a bird say a word. How absurd!

Create rhymes with your rhyme finds. On a separate sheet
of paper, make a list of all the rhyming words you found in And . . . some words with the
same endings dont rhyme.
one of the puzzles in this mini-book. Then write a poem
using some of these rhyming words. Or use as many of I heard he grew a beard.
these rhyming words as you can in a silly sentence.

8 Name
Find and circle Find and circle
16 words of 20 words of
four or more three or more
letters that letters that
rhyme with rhyme with
near. sly.
4 5

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Find and circle Find and circle
15 words of 16 words of
four or more three or more
letters that letters that
rhyme with rhyme with
score .

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 22

The first three
are done for
2 7
Scary Harry s Haunted House Paws & Claws Pet Shop
Unscramble each word below to find five creepy things youll Unscramble each word below to find five pets youll see
see in this haunted house. Then arrange the letters you put at this shop. Then arrange the letters you put in the
in the circles to find one more bone-chilling surprise. circles to find one more of this shops pets.

shogt ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ knesa ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

cabkl act ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ zidlar ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

wobbec ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r a s t m e h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

hwcit ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ppuyp ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

nomrets ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ h i f s g l o d ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

6 3

Ma and Pa Plunket s Farm Field Trip Scramble

Unscramble each word below to find five things youll
see at this farm. Then arrange the letters you put in the
circles to find one more farm sight.
cortrat ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

blates ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 23

yah nowga ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
These puzzles will take you on seven field trip
nikchec poco ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ adventures. So hop on the bus and bring your
___ ___ ___ ___ scrambled word skills! The names of what youll see
on each of these trips have been jumbled.
chardor ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

8 Name
Tilly s Totally Fresh Fruit Stand African Wildlife Safari
Unscramble each word below to find five fruits youll see Unscramble each word below to find five mammals youll
(and maybe eat) at Tillys fruit stand. Then arrange the see on this trip. Then arrange the letters you put in the
letters you put in the circles to find one more tasty fruit. circles to find one more safari sight.
monel ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
effarig ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
pagres ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
onil ___ ___ ___ ___
paehc ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
d a r p o e l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
rerhyc ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
rezab ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
abanna ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
popih ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 5
M Coral Reef Aquarium
Unscramble each word below to find five things youll see
Unscramble each word below to find five ocean dwellers
in this very large city. Then arrange the letters you put in

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

youll see in the tanks. Then arrange the letters you put in
the circles to find one more of this big citys sights.
the circles to find one more of the aquariums attractions.
rakp ___ ___ ___ ___
disuq ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
buysaw ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
brac ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 24

olteh ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
restbol ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
m u m u e s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
gonsep ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
xiat ___ ___ ___ ___
prihms ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using
each letter in the word just once, make two new Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using
wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter word. each letter in the word just once, make two new
wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter word.
point ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
faint ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
frame ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
maple ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
fruit ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
groan ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
brace ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
spine ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

___ ___ ___ ___ ___
bribe ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
guest ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
tooth ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using

each letter in the word just once, make two new
wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter word.
wheat ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 25

broad ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

money ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
poise ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Put just one word into the magic hat.
gnome ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Presto Change-o! Ka-Zoom! Ka-Zam!
alien ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Incredible! Out come two new words.
Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using
Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using each letter in the word just once, make two new
each letter in the word just once, make two new wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter
wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter word. word.
field ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
budge ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
shame ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
wrote ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
pupil ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
tease ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
cheap ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
their ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
daisy ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
tunes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
scout ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 arise ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using
each letter in the word just once, make two new
Try the magic hat trick on each word below. Using

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter
each letter in the word just once, make two new
wordsone two-letter word and one three-letter word.
badly b y
___ ___ l a d
___ ___ ___ boast ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
trade ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ found ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
mound ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 26

empty ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
store ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ burro ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
waist ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ weird ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
beast ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ spray ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the
right to the word on the left. right to the word on the left.
case + l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ turn + k ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

hens + i ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ wave + e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

barn + i ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ rate + w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

shoe + u ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ sift + r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

stir + w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ fear + t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words. Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words.
worn + g ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ rose + h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

6 3

Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the

right to the word on the left. Chef Alfonso s
hats + r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Word Recipe
most + r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ First, take a wordnot too long and
tire + g ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ not too short. Put it into a large
bowl. Next, add one letter. Then,
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 27

wore + p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ stir and mix all the letters just so!
pale + p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words.

cone + a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Fantastico! Youve made a tasty new word.
___ ___ ___ ___ ___

8 Name
Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the
right to the word on the left. right to the word on the left.
near + l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ cane + l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
bear + v ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ rags + s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
soil + p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ arch + i ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
gift + h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ nose + r ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
hope + n ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ iron + h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words. Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words.
tore + w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ache + t ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 5
Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the
Follow Chef Alfonsos recipe, adding the letter on the
right to the word on the left.
right to the word on the left.
meal + t m e t a l
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
acre + m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

some + u ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
ripe + c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
chat + w ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
meal + b ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
male + c ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
sale + f ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
pond + u ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 28

cape + e ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words.
Super Stumper: Double the fun! Make two new words.
torn + h ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
hint + g ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Similes Expressions that compare two things using Foods Complete each of these idioms by putting the
the words as or like are called similes. Complete each name of a food on each blank. If you dont know the
of these popular similes by putting the name of an idiom, put in your best guess.
animal on each blank. If you dont know the simile, put
in your best guess.
be a couch ___________________ (sit around, be lazy)

as wise as a/an ____________ as strong as a/an __________ walk on ___________________ s (be very cautious)

as proud as a/an ___________ as quiet as a/an ___________ in a ___________________ (have a big problem)

spill the ___________________ s (give away a secret)

as sly as a/an ______________ as stubborn as a/

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

an _________________________ a piece of ___________________ (something thats very easy)
as busy as a/an ____________
as gentle as a/an __________ like two ___________________ s in a pod (to be very similar)
as graceful as a/an _________
6 3

Draw a picture that illustrates the meaning of one of

the idioms in this mini-book. Write the idiom at the
bottom of the page.

To eat your words is

an expression called
an idiom. Idioms cant
be taken literally. To
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 29

understand them, you

Lucy said wed
have to know their lose the game,
but we won.
special meanings. Now shell
have to eat
her words.

8 Name
Parts of the Body Complete each of the get a pat on your ___________________ (be praised)
idioms on these two pages by putting the name of a part
of the body on each blank. If you dont know the idiom, make your ___________________ stand on end (be scary)
put in your best guess. be all ___________________ s (be awkward or clumsy)
be all ___________________ s (be eager to listen) stick your ___________________ out (take a risk)
hold your ___________________ (be silent) button your ___________________ (keep quiet)
have your _________________ in the clouds (to daydream) pull someones ___________________ (fool someone)
make your ___________________ water (look and smell tasty) catch your ___________________ (be noticed)
get it off your ___________________ (make a confession) on your ___________________ s (be alert)
give someone a ___________________ (help someone)
4 5
Animals Complete each of these idioms by putting
Create your own similes by completing each of
the name of an animal on each blank. If you dont know
the phrases below. Try to make your similes as descriptive
the idiom, put in your best guess.
as possible.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

have a ___________________ in your throat (be hoarse)
as funny as _______________________________________________
raining _______________ s and _______________ s (rain hard)
as noisy as _______________________________________________
be a ___________________ (feel fearful or anxious)
as scary as ________________________________________________

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 30

have ___________________ s in your stomach (feel nervous)
as fast as _________________________________________________
___________________ around (play noisily)
as playful as ______________________________________________
smell a _________________ (suspect somethings wrong)
as angry as _______________________________________________
have ________s in your pants (feel restless)
fit cycle line hall flag trip pen play hog chair high window

motor out air bell way pole stick ground wheel arm deep way

law cap side knob door cone yard back melon lid pit drive

burn sun walk shoe bone pine fall water brow eye ever green

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

set hot shine wish fire back up hot ball round lash house

6 3

Compound Roundup
weed shell shore stage dragon hole
Make as many compound words as you can by joining
words in boxes that connect vertically, horizontally,
food sea sick fly coach scotch or diagonally. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper. There are 20 compound words to round
up in each puzzle.
top cave fire proof hop butter
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 31

sand car man place fruit vine

mail box shade lamp apple grape

8 Name
pick paste ache line fore over cuffs shake wear every stand drop
drop tooth bird head how moon fog hand ship under rain card
gum cage brush some light saw kick horn pants bow board fold
day red hair thing any guard drum ache time black cup bill
home dream cut body life where ear stick lip cake spoon tea
4 5
mill wind toe tail light work skate pull quake worm pea pit

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

lady bug pig pony print step board over blue earth suit cock
spread bed chop class mate foot surf score due man snow case

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 32

tub robe room stick stool mare bag end bench see storm brief
cold bath mush way time night week bean work home thing brain
Put the correct missing word in the box and form two Put the correct missing word in the box and form two
compound wordsone with the word in front of the box compound wordsone with the word in front of the box
and one with the word in back of the box. and one with the word in back of the box.

base park sweat sleeves touch stairs tea holder

door ladder gold hook

bumble hive camp cracker

Super Stumper:

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

tug house

see horse lace

6 3

This time, fill in the missing letters

to form eleven compound words that either Barefoot Football
end or begin with the word book. In these puzzles, youll form pairs of
compound words. Put the correct
word in the box and youll form two
c ___ ___ k
o o s ___ ___ ___ e
t o r compound wordsone with the word
s ___ ___ ___ p in front of the box and one with the
w ___ ___ m word in back of the box.
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 33

p ___ ___ k ___ t

book c ___ ___ e
n o ___ ___
m ___ ___ k Example:
w ___ r ___
s ___ ___ ___ f bare foot ball
t ___ x ___
barefoot football

8 Name
Put the correct missing word in the box and form two Put the correct missing word in the box and form two
compound wordsone with the word in front of the box compound wordsone with the word in front of the box
and one with the word in back of the box. and one with the word in back of the box.
jelly bowl news weight goal card tip nail
mid gown pea cracker
battle wreck corn web
Super Stumper: turtle tie
pine sauce cake
4 5
Put the correct missing word in the box and form two
Put the correct missing word in the box and form two
compound wordsone with the word in front of the box
compound wordsone with the word in front of the box
and one with the word in back of the box.
and one with the word in back of the box.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

pop stalk birth light quarter pack ear master
cow friend cart barrow scare bar ant side

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 34

waste ball flash house
Put the correct syllables together to make six words. Put the correct syllables together to make six words.

mul ni cle ________________________ op gi saur ________________________

bi si ply ________________________ ma er dar ________________________

in bi ble ________________________ di en rine ________________________

mag cy tion ________________________ sub fi cian ________________________

sen dus fy ________________________ cal no ate ________________________

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

am ti try ________________________ of ma cer ________________________

6 3

Put the correct syllables together to make six words.

The Syllable
or ten do ________________________
orchestra Shuffler
an ta go ________________________ Oh no! Snarg, the sly syllable
shuffler, has played a pesky prank
fla brel tra ________________________ with the word lists in this mini-
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 35

book. This sneaky prankster has

um na to ________________________ mixed up the syllables and now
none of the words make sense.
po min na ________________________ Can you put the right syllables
back together?
tor ches la ________________________

8 Name
Put the correct syllables together to make six words. Put the correct syllables together to make six words.
al ro teen ________________________ de rec ment ________________________
sev sti pal ________________________ gen li nate ________________________
ter pha ble ________________________ hi gu cious ________________________
prin en tute ________________________ cor er dent ________________________
sub ci bat ________________________ ac ber tion ________________________
ac ri bet ________________________ ar ci ous ________________________
4 5
Put the correct syllables together to make six words. Put the correct syllables together to make six words.
rec en tic rectangle
________________________ an e neer ________________________

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

fan cel tine ________________________ rel u way ________________________
ex tan ber ________________________ cel i tive ________________________
val ven gle ________________________ mon y ment ________________________

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 36

re tas ture ________________________ pi a nate ________________________
ad mem lent ________________________ nom o brate ________________________
Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the
blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four
words in the row. words in the row.

1. ___ o o t ___ a k e l i ___ e ___ e a t h e r

1. ___ a l l ___ a l e ___ u m m y b l a ___ e
2. ___ i l l ___ i n k s ___ e l l ___ o c k e t
2. ___ u n k ___ i m p l e ___ u l l ___ r o w n
3. ___ i v e ___ a t e ___ low ___ r a i n
3. ___ o l d ___ a i l ___ o o f ___ a i r y
4. ___ e a l ___ i d d l e ___ o l e b a ___ k
4. ___ e l l w i ___ e ___ o u n d ___ u d g e

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the blanks
Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the blanks and complete the word.
and complete the word.

___ a ___ ___ l e ___ a l e ___ a ___ ___ a l

6 3

One for All

Fill in the blanks,
Just one letter will do.
Is it a d, an m or a q?
Try writing some sentences in which all (or almost all) It might be a p,
of the words start with the same letter. But what is a prew?
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 37

___ atch ___ age ri ___ e ___ rew

Do you know what ONE letter correctly completes

each of these words?

8 Name
Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the
blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four
words in the row. words in the row.
1. c a ___ e ___ a v e n o ___ e ___ i f t
1. ___ a s h ___ e e p ___ a s t e ___ i r e
2. ___ e n d ___ u n c h ___ i c k f o o ___
2. ___ u m p ___ i n t ___ i l e s h o ___
3. ___ e n t ___ e a c h ___ o a d ___ r i m
3. ___ o n e s ___ o r e ___ i c e ___ a m e
4. ___ a n g ___ o r n ___ a n d ___ e e n
4. ___ o o k m i ___ e ___ o u g h ___ l u e
Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the
blanks and complete the word. Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the
blanks and complete the word.
c ___ c ___ ___ n p o ___ ___ e ___ ___ i o n
4 5
Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the Whats the missing consonant for each row? Fill in the
blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four blanks with the ONE letter that makes sense in all four
words in the row. words in the row.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

1. ___ e a t ___ o s s l a ___ e ___ a r k
1. ___ e s t h e a ___ ___ o s e h i ___ e
2. ___ i n d ___ o o l ___ e e d ___ e e k
2. ___ o v e ___ a w n s ___ e e p ___ i m e
3. m a ___ e ___ o o m d o ___ e s i ___ e
3. ___ a r e ___ a c k ___ o i l ___ l u s h
4. ___ e a d ___ u m b l e ___ e e l ___ i k e
4. ___ o u r ___ o r e ___ a n k l o ___ e

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 38

Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the Super Stumper: Using just one letter, fill in the
blanks and complete the word.
blanks and complete the word.
___ u ___ ___ a b y ___ i ___ ___ l i n ___
2 7
Fill in the Fill in the
squares to squares to
complete the complete the
words in this words in this
puzzle. Be puzzle. Be
careful careful
though, and though, and
have an eraser have an eraser
handy. Form handy. Form
words that words that
make sense make sense
going both going both
across and across and
down. (No down. (No
proper nouns, proper nouns,

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

please.) please.)

6 3

Fill in the
squares to
complete the Clueless Can you
words in this complete
puzzle. Be the puzzle?
careful Crosswords
though, and
have an eraser
handy. Form
words that
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 39

make sense
going both
across and
down. (No
proper nouns,

8 Name
Fill in the Fill in the
squares to squares to
complete the complete the
words in this words in this
puzzle. Be puzzle. Be
careful careful
though, and though, and
have an eraser have an eraser
handy. Form handy. Form
words that words that
make sense make sense
going both going both
across and across and
down. (No down. (No
proper nouns, proper nouns,
please.) please.)
4 5
Fill in the Fill in the
squares to squares to
complete the complete the
words in this words in this
puzzle. Be puzzle. Be

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

careful careful
though, and though, and
have an eraser have an eraser
handy. Form handy. Form
words that words that
make sense make sense
going both going both

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 40

across and across and
down. (No down. (No
proper nouns, proper nouns,
please.) please.)
2 7
Get in Shape Crack the code for this group of Good Sports Crack the code for this group of
names of geometric shapes. names of sports.

DEZFXASVL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
t r a p e z o i d GTBQNSL ___
b ___
o ___
w ___
l ___
i ___ g
n ___
QFJXEX ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ GFXPJYGFQQ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
FNEZTVL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ KTTYGFQQ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
QRPZEX ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ YJSSNX ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
YVEYHX ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ XTHHJW ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

YNHVGLXE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ PFWFYJ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
FXGDZWSG ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ XBNRRNSL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
6 3

What s My Job? Crack the code for this Crack the Code
group of names of occupations. On each page of this mini-book, a
group of related words are written
p o l i c e m a
UDEFHPVZM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
n in an alphabet code. Heres secret
code written in an alphabet code:
UEBVQPC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 41

HZTOFPC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ H V X I VG X LW V

se cre t c od e
EFQCZCFZM ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Turn the page for code
CPUDCKPC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
puzzle directions.
YDHKDC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
QBT YCFSPC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
8 Name
Sweet Treats Crack the code for this group of Weather Report Crack the code for this
names of sweet things to eat. group of words related to weather.
___ o ___
o ___
k ___
i ___
e ___
s PDQJZAN t ___
___ h ___
u ___
n ___
d ___
e ___
OGB OMWQ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ HECDPJEJC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
UOQ ODQMY ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ DQNNEYWJA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
MBBXQ BUQ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ YHKQZ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
NDAIZUQ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ PKNJWZK ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
YMDETYMXXAI ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ XHEVVWNZ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
OTQDDK FMDF ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ NWEJOPKNI ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4 5
Code Puzzle Directions
1. A new set of letters has the words in which the Head to Toe Crack the code for this group of
been substituted for the same code letters appear. names of parts of the body.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

correct letters in each
group of related words. 4. Each new word and letter
you decode will help you LPKEPGKN v ___
___ e ___r ___
t ___
e ___
b ___r ___
2. The substituted letters decode remaining coded
remain the same in each words and letters. TXWOCP ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
word in the group. For
example, if R represents 5. Each new puzzle page uses
g in one word, R will a different alphabet code. BPNKE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 42

represent g in all words in
the group WEUTNOB ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. The first word in the group A hint: Use the subject EBKUNE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
has been decoded for you. of each word group to help
Write its decoded letters on you think of related words. GKNRJ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
the correct blanks in all of
2 GUJP ___ ___ ___ ___
Complete the antonym for Complete the antonym for
each word below. The last each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is the letter of each antonym is
first letter of the next the first letter of the next
antonym. So, in this chain, antonym. So, in this chain,
the first antonym ends with the first antonym ends with
p in square 2. l in square 2.

1. awake 1. horizontal
2. rude 2. quiet
3. tiny 3. safe
4. save 4. sweet
5. shallow 5. forget

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

6. wealthy 6. give
7. cooked
8. strongest
6 3

Complete the antonym for

each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is the
first letter of the next The antonyms in these puzzle
antonym. So, in this chain, chains zig and zag, but the
the first antonym ends with chains hang together. Thats
because the last letter of each o a i
w in square 2.
antonym in the chain is also s p e
the first letter of the next
1. forbid
antonym in the chain. e e d
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 43

2. shout
3. conceal 1. winner u
4. most 2. break
5. alone p x c
3. increase
6. fake 4. shrink a
7. follower 5. wet
n r
8 Name
Complete the antonym for Complete the antonym for
each word below. The last each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is the letter of each antonym is
first letter of the next the first letter of the next
antonym. So, in this chain, antonym. So, in this chain,
the first antonym ends with the first antonym ends
d in square 2. with h in square 2.
1. backward 1. wise
2. attack 2. sick
3. same 3. old
4. catch 4. selfish
5. best 5. float
6. bottom 6. cruel
7. ashamed 7. arrive
4 5
Complete the antonym for
Complete the antonym for
each word below. The last
each word below. The last
letter of each antonym is
letter of each antonym is
the first letter of the next
the first letter of the next

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

antonym. So, in this chain,
antonym. So, in this chain,
the first antonym ends with
the first antonym ends with
n in square 2.
t in square 2.
1. answer
1. guilty
2. always
2. wild

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 44

3. smooth
3. exit
4. soft
4. odd
5. shiny
5. wide
6. truth
6. east
7. cheap
7. thick
8. full
8. all
d List d List

almost wealthy
dodge mistake
worth convince
beneath moist
permit terrible
require acquire
vacant bother

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

cross stay
secure brag
cry slender
6 3

d List Synonym Search

Two or more words with the same or nearly
faithful the same meaning are called synonyms.
On each page, find
foe and circle a synonym Hes huge!
conscious for each word on the Enormous!
list. Then write the Gigantic!
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 45

entire synonym pairs on a Immense!

separate sheet of paper. Gargantuan!
quarrel The letters of each Humongous!
numerous synonym go forward across
the square or down the
destroy square. Letters can be
possess circled more than once.

8 Name
d List d List
find purchase
awkward final
assist applaud
feeble decay
astonish altitude
inquire cost
too harm
observe jump
dull disappear
journey attempt
4 5
d List
d List

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources


Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 46

2 disregard
This time youve been given the final two-letter word. Take away one letter and use the remaining letters to
Choose a four-letter word and then a three-letter word make a four letter word. Repeat these steps to make a
from which this two-letter word can be made. three-letter word and then a two-letter word.

__ __
d__ r__ o__ w n __ __
m a __r __r __
y __
s __
k __
u __
n __
k __ __
w a __
t __
c __h
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

o __
r __ __
m y __ __ __ __

6 3

Take away one letter and use the remaining letters to

make a four letter word. Repeat these steps to make a Shrink Ems
three-letter word and then a two-letter word.
Im shrinking! cried the giant
as he became a gnat and then an ant.

b __
e __
a __ __
r d __
g __r __e a__ __
g __i a__ __n __t
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 47

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
g __
n a__ __t
__ __ __ __ __ __
a __n __t
__ __ __ __

8 Name
Take away one letter and use the remaining letters to Take away one letter and use the remaining letters to
make a four letter word. Repeat these steps to make a make a four letter word. Repeat these steps to make a
three-letter word and then a two-letter word. three-letter word and then a two-letter word.
f l__ o
__ o __r
__ __ s __
__ t __
e __
a __
m t o
__ d __
__ __ a __
y s__ w e __e __t
__ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4 5
Take away one letter and use the remaining letters to
This time youve been given the final two-letter word.
make a four letter word. Repeat these steps to make a
Choose a four-letter word and then a three-letter word
three-letter word and then a two-letter word.
from which this two-letter word can be made.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

c __o __u __l d__
__ o__ __
u __
n __
c __e e __
__ a __r __
t h__ p__ r__ o__ __
u __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 48

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ h __
__ e o r
__ __
Be a word wizard and change a boot with wheels into a Can you change a group of bones into a mammal? Fill in
bird. Fill in the blanks to make a new word that fits each the blanks to make a word that fits each clue, changing
clue, changing just one letter in each new word. just one letter in each new word.

a boot with wheels __

s k__ a__ __t __
e another word for backbone __
s __
p __
i __
n __e
Idaho, for example __ __ __ __ __ something a flashlight might do __ __ __ __ __
a place on which to perform __ __ __ __ __ to complain __ __ __ __ __
to look hard at someone a synonym for during __ __ __ __ __
or something __ __ __ __ __
an antonym for part __ __ __ __ __

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a type of business __ __ __ __ __
a mammal __ __ __ __ __
a bird __ __ __ __ __
6 3

Word Wizard Rules Be a Word Wizard

Play this game with a friend. Can you change a reptile into a fish?

1. Select a four-letter word and 4. Continue to take turns, changing

write it at the top of a sheet each new word by just one letter.
of paper.
5. If a player cant think of a new
2. The first player writes below word, play passes to the other
Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 49

it a new word, changing the player. If neither player can think

start word by just one letter. of a new word, the game round
ends. A new start word is
3. The second player must now picked and play starts again.
change this new word by just
one letter and add it to the 6. Players score one point for each
chain. word they add to a chain. The
Turn the page and try it!
player with the most points is the
8 Name
Be a word wizard and change a sandy place into something Can you change a web-footed bird into a farm animal?
with wings. Fill in the blanks to make a word that fits each Fill in the blanks to make a new word that fits each clue,
clue, changing just one letter in each new word. changing just one letter in each new word.
a sandy place b __e __
__ a __c __
h a web-footed bird g __
__ o __
o __s __
a fruit __ __ __ __ __ an antonym for tight __ __ __ __ __
an antonym for war __ __ __ __ __ a mammal __ __ __ __ __
a synonym for location a rodent __ __ __ __ __
or area __ __ __ __ __
a place to live __ __ __ __ __
its found in a kitchen __ __ __ __ __
a farm animal __ __ __ __ __
something with wings __ __ __ __ __
4 5
Be a word wizard and change a reptile into a fish. Fill in
Can you change someone who gathers information into
the blanks to make a word that fits each clue, changing
something to wear? Fill in the blanks to make a new word
just one letter in each new word.
that fits each clue, changing just one letter in each new word.

Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a reptile s __
__ n a__ k__ e__ person sent to bring
a synonym for tremble __ __ __ __ __ back information s c__ o__ u__ __t
to use a razor __ __ __ __ __ to yell __ __ __ __ __

Word Puzzle Mini-Books page 50

a pentagon, for example __ __ __ __ __ what you do with a
bow and arrow __ __ __ __ __
to be generous with others __ __ __ __ __
an antonym for long __ __ __ __ __
a fish __ __ __ __ __
something to wear __ __ __ __ __
2 something else to wear __ __ __ __ __
s a Bird p. 5 p. 8
in hat d, p. 11 spit, pit, pitch, itch, c , hair, air, rib,
ribbon, bone, one, egg, gold, old,
p. 2 p. 3 ag, rag, rage, age

p. 6
rot, ate, rotate, tea, teach, eac
hange, hang, anger, hanger, germ,
regret migr , other, moth, the, her, rip, ripe,
Super Stumper:

p. 7
p. 4 p. 5 , car, cart, art, cartoon, too, nice, Mussels ith Muscles, p. 17
ice, cent, center, enter, rush, she, elf,
shelf, fin, find p. 2 p. 3
a hoarse horse
p. 8 a plain plane
spill, pill, ill, pillo , lo , was, star, tar a sent cent
Super Stumper: , ro , wheat, heat, eat, tap, tape,
ampoline ape, peel, eel p. 4 p. 5
a bare bear
p. 6 p. 7 Dear deer
the night knight
he Case of the Missing
d, p. 15 p. 6 p. 7
a weak week
p. 2 p. 3 an ant aunt
a towed toad
hilly c
p. 8

s Amazing, p. 19
p. 2 p. 3

p. 4 p. 5

y igglers, p. 13 a sponge

p. 2 p. 4 p. 5
, ho , who, whole, hole, lemon,
one, money, eye, yet, this, his, slid,
lid, slide, dear, ear
impossible resident
p. 3 p. 6 p. 7
bad, add, address, dress, ship, hip, ac an elephant
plan, plane, lane, net, planet, trim,
rim, mask, ask, ski, skip p. 6 p. 7

p. 4
fortune, for, fort, tune, near, ear, earth,
art, thin, think, ink, kno , no , win,
wind, windo , down, o

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
p. 8 ield rip Scramble, p. 23 p. 6 p. 7
t ( i p so bat (or so
p. 2 p. 3 me far do fun
it fur y pet
be car or rub
he owl (or he lo we rid
on its front legs us get as pry

p. 8
we hat (or he hew)
yme Finds, p. 21 p. 4 p. 5 do bar (or or bad)
lemon or melon y one
p. 2 so pie
hore, four, roar, soar, pore, go men (or no gem)
ore, sore an lie
Up and do , bore, more, pour
tore, shore, door, snore
ords in the puzzle that don
yme are hour, tour and sour p. 6 p. 7 Chef Alfonsos W d
p. 27
p. 3 k cat
, zoo, clue, drew, shoe, p. 2 p. 3
too, who, blue, grew, through
Up and do , glue, threw, flew
ou, blew, tw
Note: ords in the puzzle that don
yme are sew and rough. p. 8
Super Stumper Super Stumper
p. 4 north, thorn horse, shore
oss: , steer, fear, spear, sheer yw
, clear, pier ken coop p. 4 p. 5
Up and do , rear, hear, dear
, deer, sphere, here
ords in the puzzle that don
yme are wear, bear and pear

p. 5 Magic Hat k, p. 25 Super Stumper Super Stumper

sigh, eye, guy, cry, try, dry wers may v . wrote, to h, c
die, sp , d e, sk , pie
Up and do , tie, buy, fry, lie, p. 2 p. 3 p. 6 p. 7
, sh , thigh, high y lad in fat
ords in the puzzle that don at red me pal
yme are weigh, they and key no mud on r
or set is pen
p. 6 it saw (or as wit) be rib
ait, mate, skate, fate, state, as bet to hot Super Stumper Super Stumper
aight, plate, late, hate wn, wrong thing, night
Up and do great, bait, rate, date, p. 4 p. 5
gate, freight, eight if led be dug p. 8
ords in the puzzle that don me has (or am she) we rot
yme are seat and meat. up lip at see
he cap it her
p. 7 us net (or us ten)
, ro , mo , kno , o so cut (or us cat) is are (or is ear)
toe, doe, blo , lo Super Stumper
Up and do , bo , sho , sno ocean, canoe
, hoe, dough
Note: ords in the puzzle that don
yme are co , no , how and tough.

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Eating our ds, p. 29 p. 5 p. 5
wers may v . foghorn, handcuffs, handshake, post (goalpost, postcard)
, understand, underpants, ship (battleship, shipwrec
p. 2 p. 3 aindrop, r , cardboard, k (turtleneck, nec
k, blackboard, cupboard, toe (tiptoe, toenail)
cats, dogs cupcake, billboard, billfold, eardrum, cob (corncob, cobweb)
kle or jam he, lipstick, teacup, teaspoon
p. 6
p. 6 ball (baseball, ballpark)
, flagpole, motor ycle, outfit, step (doorstep, stepladder)
outline, outla , outside, airline, shirt (sweatshirt, shirtsleev
alk, doorbell, doorw , door- fish (goldfish, fishhook)
p. 4 p. 5 knob, sunburn, sunset, sunshine, Super Stumper
shoeshine, pinecone, wishbone, w (seesa , sa
kbone, bac shoe (horseshoe, shoelace)

p. 7 p. 7
skateboard, pullo , peacock, k (quarterback, bac
erboard, o erdue, earthquake, w (scarecro , cro
p. 6 orm, suitcase, cockpit, light (flashlight, lighthouse)
surfboard, scoreboard, sno ring (earring, ringmaster)
wman, snowstorm, briefcase, hill (anthill, hillside)
weekend, beanbag, w
bee or bea ork, br p. 8
cook (cookbook) store (bookstore)
p. 8 ap (scrapbook) worm (bookw
h, dr , sea ket (pocketbook) case (bookcase)
seashell, seashore, seafood, seasic note (notebook) mark (bookmark)
eman, firefly, fireproof, fireman, ork (workbook) shelf (bookshelf)
Compound Roundup, p. 31 fireplace, hopscotch, butterscotc text (textbook)
sandbox, mailbox, boxcar, lamp-
p. 2 shade, grapefruit, gr
windmill, taillight, ladybug, pigtail,
ytail, bedbug, bedspread, he Syllable Shuffler, p. 35
bedroom, c k, classmate,
classroom, footprint, footstep, foot- efoot Football, p. 33 p. 2 p. 3
stool, bathtub, bathrobe, bathroom,
mushroom, nightmare, p. 2
corn (popcorn, cornstalk)
y (co , bo
p. 3 basket (wastebasket, basketball)
ypen, playground, highc , y (birthda , da
, groundhog, w , heel (cartwheel, w
, armpit, y k, bac p. 4 p. 5
ground, bac ard, dri , p. 3
atermelon, waterfall, eyelid, wn (touc wn, do
, eyeball, eyelash, ev bee (bumblebee, beehi
boat (tugboat, boathouse)
pot (teapot, potholder)
p. 4 fire (campfire, firecr
forehead, toothpick, toothpaste,
he, toothbrush, birdcage, p. 4 p. 6 p. 7
he, headline, headlight, fish (jellyfish, fishbo
moonlight, gumdrop, someho night (midnight, nightgo
something, daydream, hairbrush, paper (newspaper, paperweight)
cut, anything, an , an nut (peanut, nutcr
Super Stumper
apple (pineapple, applesauce)
pan (saucepan, pancake)

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
p. 8 Super Stumper p. 5
(g) giggling

Clueless Cr ds, p. 39
A few answers may v . All formed
ords, ho , must make
sense going both across and do

One for All, p. 37 p. 2

p. 1
(c) catch, cage, rice, crew

p. 2
1. (m) meat, moss, lame, mark
2. (w) wind, wool, weed, week p. 6
3. (z) maze, zoom, doze, size
4. (h) head, humble, heel, hike
Super Stumper
(l) lullab

p. 3
1. (f) foot, fake, life, feather
2. (p) pill, pink, spell, poc
3. (g) gi e, gate, glo , gr
4. (r) real, riddle, role, bark p. 3
Super Stumper
(m) mammal

p. 4
1. (s) case, sa e, nose, sift
2. (l) lend, lunch, lick, fool p. 7
3. (t) tent, teach, toad, trim
4. (b) bang, born, band, been
Super Stumper
(o) cocoon

p. 5
1. (w) wash, weep, waste, wire
2. (p) pump, pint, pile, shop
3. (n) none, snore, nice, name
4. (c) cook, mice, cough, clue
Super Stumper p. 4
(s) possession

p. 6
1. (m) mall, male, mumm , blame
2. (d) dunk, dimple, dull, dro
3. (h) hold, hail, hoof, hairy
4. (f) fell, wife, found, fudge
Super Stumper
(t) tattletale

p. 7
1. (r) rest, hear, rose, hire
2. (l) lo e, lawn, sleep, lime
3. (b) bare, back, boil, blush
4. (s) sour, sore, sank, lose

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
p. 8 Zigs & Zags, p. 43 p. 5

p. 2

k the Code, p. 41
p. 3 p. 6
p. 3 p. 4

cup cake
ice cream
apple pie

herry tart

p. 5 p. 6

p. 4 p. 7

p. 7 p. 8

bus dri

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
p. 8 p. 5 p. 3
hase, buy skunk, sunk, sun, us
final, last h, what, hat, at
applaud, clap
, rot p. 4
altitude, height , roof, for, of
cost, price steam, tame, met, me
harm, hurt
jump, leap p. 5
,v , toad, dot, to
attempt, try weet, west, wet, we

p. 6 p. 6
almost, nearly wn, word, ro , or
dodge, a , arm , ma , m
orth, v
beneath, under p. 7
permit, allo earth, hear, her, he
ym Sear h, p. 45 require, need proud, pour, our, or
acant, empty
p. 2 cross, angry p. 8
, tired secure, safe beard, bead, bed, be
select, c , weep great, gate, ate, at
neat, tid
construct, build p. 7
, odd , reply
ageous, br , often Be a d d, p. 49
, middle tremble, quake
connect, join certain, sure p. 2 p. 3
rush, hurry e, pardon
thought, idea ate, r
impolite, rude
p. 3 desire, cr
, ric , roam
mistake, error disregard, ignore
vince, persuade
moist, damp p. 8 p. 4 p. 5
terrible, a faithful, lo
acquire, get capture, catc
, anno foe, enem
, remain conscious, a
ag, boast entire, w
, thin quarrel, argue
numerous, man
p. 4 , ruin p. 6 p. 7
find, locate possess, o
ard, clumsy , messy
assist, help
feeble, weak
astonish, amaze
inquire, ask Shrink- Ems, p. 47
too, also wers may v .
e, w Sample answers are gi
dull, boring
, trip p. 2
could, loud, old, do
ounce, once, one, on

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The antonyms in these puzzle
chains zig and zag, but the
chains hang together. Thats
because the last letter of each o a i
antonym in the chain is also s p e
the first letter of the next
antonym in the chain. e e d

1. winner u
2. break
p x c
3. increase
4. shrink a
5. wet
n r

Wonderful Word Puzzle Mini-Books Jan Meyer, Scholastic Teaching Resources


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