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Lely Amelia PPT B.Inggris (CHAPTER 4)

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Name : Lely Amelia

Nomor : 20
Class : X Science 2


Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

Make a
Chapter 4
A. Proverbs

Definition of proverbs

A proverbs is a short pithy saying in general use,stating a general

truth or piece of advice. Generally,a proverbs is known as sentence of
the film which contains wisdom,truth,morals,and traditional views in
a methaporical,fixed,and memorizable form and which is handed
down from generation to generation.
Social Function of Proverbs
1. Proverb have a function to teaching, enlightening, and
persuading people. Proverbs play many roles in society. The
most common role is to educate on what might happen if they
do something. A proverb contains wisdom, truth, morals, and
traditional views.
2. Proverb has been and remains a most powerful and effective
instrument for the transmission of culture, social morality,
manner, and ideas of a people from one generation to another.
The proverbs deal with knowledge, experience, hard work, and
human relations.
3. Proverb and proverbial sayings have for centuries been equally
popular with all nations, despite their regional diversities, and
clearly, for the impact the have made.
4. Proverb can be used to tech people, give them some advice,
help in difficult situations, show people what the most
important thins in life, and show the proper way in life.
5. Proverbs are very often used in personal interaction.
6. Proverb can also be used mock someone or criticize.
General Structures of Proverbs
a) Parallel Phrases b) Imperative, Positive
Examples: Examples:
- Easy come, easy to - Look before you
- No pain, no gain leap
- Do it well or not at

c) Imperative, Negative d) Declarative Sentence

Examples: Examples
- Don’t judge a book by its cover - Birds of a feather
- Don’t count your chickens before flock together
they are hatched - All roads lead to
Language Features of Proverbs
A. Usually as short as two words. The full forms of popular
longer proverbs are often replaced by elliptical allusion
B. Use of prosodic devices that enhance their memorability,
especially rhyme, alliteration, assonance, parallelism, as
Live and let live (Alliteration)
Birds of a feather flock together (Rhyme)
Strike while the iron is hot (Assonance)
C. Use of simple rhetorical device's, metaphor, hyperbole,
paradox, and personification
Examples: it never rains but it pours can occur
Definition of Riddles
A riddle is a question, a puzzle, a phrase, or a
statement devised to get unexpected or clever answers.
It is a folklore genre as well as rhetorical device, often
having veiled or double meanings. When someone uses
it as a puzzle or a question, it could be a
thought-provoking challenge for the audience to figure
it out themselves, or it could be a funny comment
intended to make the audience laugh.
Social Function of Riddles
When someone uses a riddle, it can be a thought provoking
challenge to figure it out on your own, or it can be a funny comment
that makes you laugh. Riddles can be great brain busters or
conversation starters to get you think. Riddle games have been
played since times, and are still being played today.
Riddles have significant roles. They include roles that may be
described as cultural, educative, intellectual, ideological,
cosmological, and political. Riddles teach logic about the social and
cultural environment, social norms, history, biology, and much more.
Riddles can help in memory training for children as they are
expected and encourage to remember the correct answers to the
riddles. Riddles also can help to introduce a variety of vocabulary.
They also provide opportunities to play phonetic, morphological,
grammatical, and semantic games as they exhibit a variety of
linguistic expressions and structures.

Riddle have no form set. Riddles can be a

question with a quick witty answer. They can
be just a sentence that makes you have a
sudden realization. We can also create riddles
from words that rhythm with a word in a
riddle’s answer, other word and phrases that
use the funny part of an answer.
Types of Riddles

a. Enjgma. This type of Riddles is a statement or question that

employs metaphorical or allegorical language. The person
trying to solve the riddles must use careful thinking and some
ingenuity to reach the answer. For example,I’m tall when I’m
young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? The answer is a
b. Conundra. This type of Riddle relies on some sort of pun
either in the original statement or in the answer. For example,
what is the longest word in the dictionary? The answer is
smiles because there is a mile between each’s.

A riddle is a verbal puzzle, an enigmatic

statement, description, or question posed by
one person to another, or to a group, who
have to guess the answer. We use the term
loosely for more than one kind of puzzle.
However, the riddle proper relies on imagery
for its effects; often quite poetic imagery.
Some riddles use pronoun “i” even though the
word that should be guessed is a thing. For
example : “If you have me, you won’t to
share me. If you share me, you haven’t got
me. What am i?” The answer is “a secret”.
Thank You For Your Attention

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