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Oil Burner Nozzles

and Accessories
for residential applications



Delavan has specialized in the development and production Delavans inspectors have the latest test instruments such
of components for highly specialized industries for over 50 as this video projection microscope, here being used to
years. The Bamberg, South Carolina, plant produces a wide inspect the orifice dimension on the face of the nozzle.
range of oil burner nozzles for domestic and industrial
applications as well as accessories for the heating business
in general.

Delavan 100% tests its nozzles for flow rate and spray angle Delavan inspectors audit nozzle components numerous
using test oil, maintained to nominal fuel oil properties. Each times during production prior to assembling and testing.
is rotated to check symmetry and spray quality, and to look These checks are done to ensure the highest quality product
for any voids, streaks, or pulsations in the spray pattern. is delivered.

Delavan has been designing and manufacturing nozzles in assisting original equipment manufacturers in design-
for oil heating industry for over 60 years. Quality assur- ing and specifying the best nozzles to fit their applica-
ance was important to us way back then and still is tions.
today. Since those early days, Delavan has grown and Whether you are an engineer designing original oil
expanded into other product lines as well, such as gas burner equipment or a service technician performing
turbine engine nozzles and accessories; nozzles, pumps annual service, remember Delavan for assured quality
and accessories for agricultural and industrial spraying. and call on our knowledge and experience whenever
you have a combination nozzle application problem.
Delavan is unique in the oil heating industry because we
have developed training materials and programs to edu-
cate the oil heating service technician. Our nozzles are
the most widely distributed in the U.S. and Canada and
are also exported to many other countries. Delavan is Fuel Metering Products Operation
the leader in designing and manufacturing nozzles for P.O. Box 969 Bamberg South Carolina 29003
special industrial combustion applications. We specialize

2 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
Why is Delavan so different?
Precise spray angles and optional spray uniformity
through new machining process

Reduced distributor size

with shorter tangential slots
to avoid plugging
100% Tested
Aerodynamic body configuration Every nozzle tested.
Then we go one
Rolled threads to avoid metal
chips and burrs step further and
clean the test oil
Sintered filter (*) for maxi-
mum protection; sized
from the nozzle to
depending on flow (*) Mesh avoid plugging.
strainer supplied on 2.00
GPH and higher flow rates


World leader in spray technology
ISO 9001 Certified
State of the art manufacturing equipment
High technology research, design and quality assurance methods


Two manufacturing facilities with
R and D in the USA.
Manufacturing and marketing facility
in the UK.
Marketing and technical services in
Intercontinental distribution network

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 3

The all-new Delavan ProTek Nozzle


System provides the first step into the 80

future of Clean Air Technology. This 70

unique, patented System from 60

The Delavan ProTek Nozzle System
Delavan provides significant reduc- 40
has been thoroughly tested. In the tests,
tions in combustion pollutants for 30 approximately seven years of "on/off"
cleaner air. The ProTek Nozzle 20
cycle operation simulation in the labo-
System includes a factory-installed, 10 ratory with no failures. A total of
one-piece Valve Component which BURNER BURNER
107,000 cycles were recorded. After
reduces smoke and oil smell in START OFF the first 11,350 cycles, the cut-on pres-
the off cycle by preventing oil after- Without ProTek With ProTek sures shifted upward an average of 3.0
drip from the nozzle. Also, the PSI. The cut off pressure shifted up an
Hydrocarbon emissions are greatly average of 7.75 PSI. After this initial
reduction of smoke (carbon and soot)
reduced when the Delavan ProTek seating process, there was very little
helps maintain burner set up efficien- Nozzle System is used.
cy longer and extend the time period change of either "on" or "off" pres-
Hydrocarbons are typically elevated sures. Very little change in nozzle flow
between appliance clean ups. at start-up and shut-down of the noz- was noted after 107,000 cycles, either.
Installation is fast and easy; there's zle firing, as both of these graphs Additional testing has included pres-
no need to increase pump supply show. When the ProTek Nozzle sure tests up to 500 PSI (34,5 BAR), as
pressure at installation because there's System is installed, the dramatic ben- well as combustion tests and tests with
no pressure drop. Plus, ProTek efits are seen in these charts which various fuels such as kerosene, #2, and
Nozzle Systems maintain the same show comparative results with and heavier oils. Detailed test results are
flow pattern and flow rating charac- without the ProTek valve. Results available from Delavan Technical
teristics of comparably rated Delavan will vary by application. Services.
The dramatic benefits of the ProTek Operating Pressures
Nozzle System are available in either a
factory-installed, complete system or Minimum Operating Pressures
as the ProTek Valve Component sold Valve Supply Pump Valve Open Valve Close
separately to replace the standard filter
on a Delavan nozzle. 60030-1 135.0 (9,3) 125.0 (8,6) 65.0 (4,5)
60030-2 100.0 (7,0) 60.0 (4,1) 45.0 (3,1)

4 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
HOLLOW-CONE Type A-nozzles are mainly used on

A burners with a hollow cone air pattern and for through

puts up to 2.00 GPH. The droplet distribution is concen-
trated on the outside of the cone and results in good
Red Vial ignition and low-noise combustion.

SOLID-CONE Type B-nozzles produce a spray that dis-

B tributes droplets fairly uniformly throughout the com-

plete pattern. The spray pattern becomes progressively
more hollow at higher flow rates, particulary above 8.00
Blue Vial GPH. Provides smooth ignition and efficient combus-
tion, particulary in larger burners.

Type W ALL PURPOSE -nozzles are neither truly hol-

W low nor solid. These nozzles frequently can be used in

place of either solid or hollow cone nozzles between 0.40
and 8.00 GPH, regardless of the burners air pattern. The
Green Vial lower flow rates tend to be more solid.

Type AR-D Nozzles are of a solid cone type similar to

AR-D Type B but with a slightly lower concentration of the

droplets in the center of the cone. They are high per-
formance in burners of low up to medium capacity (up
Light Grey Vial to flows of 2.00 GPH).

Type R-D Nozzles have a high concentration of droplets

R-D in the center of the spray cone. They are particularly
recommened for burners with a highly concentrated
solid air pattern. The average droplet size is slightly
Dark Grey Vial coarser than on the Standard Solid Cone Type B.

MH Type .579 MH Mobile Home Nozzles are low-capacity

nozzles designed for mobile home use. This design will
minimize the usual plugging problems associated with
low flow rates.
Orange Vial

SS Semi-Solid nozzle (.50-2.00) 600, 700 and 800 spray angles;

interchanges with other SS nozzles.
Powder Blue Vial

A Del-O-FloTM nozzles are low-capacity nozzles designed

to minimize the plugging problems associated with very
Black Vial low flow rates. The special interior design of the
Del-O-FloTM flushes contaminants through, limiting
build-up. These nozzles will satisfactorily interchange

B with other hollow and solid cone nozzles. The

Del-O-FloTM is available in 0.40 GPH up to 0.85 GPH.

Yellow Vial

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 5
Oil Burner Nozzles For Residential Applications
Types A and B Type W Del-O-Flo Type A and B
GPH 300 450 600 700 800 900 GPH 300 450 600 700 800 900 GPH 450 600 700 800 900
.40 .40 .40
.50 .50 .50
.55 .55 .55
.60 .60 .60
.65 .65 .65
.70 .70 .75
.75 .75 .80
.80 .80 .85
.85 .85
.90 .90
1.00 1.00 Type SS
1.10 1.10
1.20 1.20 GPH 450 600 700 800 900
1.25 1.25 .50
1.35 1.35 .60
1.50 1.50 .65
1.65 1.65 .75
1.75 1.75 .85
2.00 2.00 1.00
2.25 2.50 1.10
2.50 2.75 1.20
2.75 3.00 1.25
3.00 3.25 1.35
3.25 3.50 1.50
3.50 4.00 1.65
4.00 4.50 1.75
4.50 5.00 1.75
5.00 5.50 2.00
5.50 6.00
6.00 6.50
6.50 7.00 Types AR-D and RD
7.00 7.50 GPH 450 600 700 800 900
7.50 8.00 .50
8.00 .60
8.50 .65
9.00 .579 MH Mobile .75
10.00 Home Nozzle .85
11.00 1.00
12.00 Normally Stocked 1.10
13.00 Limited Inventory 1.20
14.00 Special Order 1.25
15.00 Not Available 1.35
16.00 1.50
17.00 1.65
18.00 1.75
19.00 1.75
20.00 2.00

6 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
Replacing a nozzle of one make with another sometimes Proper nozzle selection is a subject of great importance
presents problems. This is partly due to unique design dif- because the performance of the nozzle is so directly related
ferences among the various makes, plus the fact that the to the overall performance of the burner. The wrong choice
nozzle manufacturers use different methods for evaluating of flow rate, spray angle or spray pattern for a given burner
spray angles, patterns and spray quality. air pattern can result in improper firing.
In many cases, nozzles with similar patterns and spray To match a nozzle to a burner takes field-service experience,
angles are directly interchangeable. However, there are or trial-and-error, or a good foundation of understanding
other cases where nozzles that would seem to be equivalent angles, rates and patterns. Refer to Delavans service techni-
really are not. When this happens it is best to ask the burner cians guide #884, A Total Look at Oil Burner Nozzles for
manufacturer for a recommendation. Otherwise, it is a mat- more technical information on nozzle selection and under-
ter of trial and error: (1) Trying nozzles with slightly higher standing angle, rates and patterns. Also refer to the Burner
or lower flow rates, (2) wider or narrower angles and (3) Manufacturers Recommendations Chart below.
more solid or more hollow patterns, to see which one per-
forms best.

Manufacturer Model Delavan Nozzle

Nozzle Interchange Chart Aero
F-AFC 800 W, A or B
HF-US 800 W, A or B
Spray Angles 300 through 900 Burner HF-AFC 800 W, A or B
SV-SSV 700 or 800 B
HAGO/SID HARVEY DELAVAN AF/FG (F) 600, 700 or 800 A or B (100-150 PSI)
H A R.W. AF/AFG (M) 600 or 700 A or B (100-150 PSI)
Beckett AFII (FB) 450, 600 or 700 A, W or B (140-200 PSI)
SS (up to 2.0) SS AF II (HLX) 450, 600 or 700 A, W or B (140-200 PSI)
99 FRD (Std.) .50-.75 GPH 600A
SS (over 2.0) A or W .85-3.00 GPH 450A, 600A or B
ES/P B* The
100 CRD (Std.) .50-.75 GPH 600A
.85-2.25 GPH 450A, 600A or B
B B* Carlin .75-1.10 GPH 600
Co. Elite EZ-1 .50-1.00 GPH 700A
NS/PL A 1.00-1.65 GPH 600 or 700
Elite (EZ-2,3) All Flow Rates 600 A, B or SS
R/AR (up to 2.0) R-D/AR-D Mectron 3M 600 W, B, or Del-O-Flo A
R/AR (over 2.0) A/A or W 5M (Up to to .85 GPH)
F3, F.5 .40-1.25 GPH 600 or 800 W or A
PLP B* Riello F10 1.25-2.50 GPH 600 or W or B
Burners F15, F20 2.00-5.00 GPH 450 or 600 W or B
DANFOSS DELAVAN R35.3, R35.5 .50-1.25 GPH 600 or 800 W or B
AS W or B Press 2.00-12.00 GPH 600 or 450 B or W
AH A MAC 1265 P/N 6601-181 or .55 GPH 900 W
*The original B Nozzle or .579 MH
Intertherm MSH 066 .50-.800A
WARNING: Improper modification to combustion units may create a MSH 086 .65 - 800 A
fire hazard resulting in possible injury. Contact the original equipment P100 .50-1.00 GPH 600, 700, 800 A or B
manufacturer before modifying the combustion unit. EHASR .75-3.00 GPH 800, 700, 600 **
P.O. Box 969 Bamberg, SC 29003 Wayne MSR .75-2.75 GPH 800, 700, 600 **
Home HS .50-2.50 GPH 800, 700, 600 **
HS .50-3.00 GPH 800, 700, 600 B
1-800-982-6943 EG-1 .50-3.00 GPH 800, 700, 600 **
**Under 1.00 GPH use A; above 1.00 use B.
QB180 (150 PSI) .55-1.80 GPH 450, 600, 700, 800 A or B
Weil-Mclain QB300 (140 PSI) 1.75-3.00 GPH 450, 600, 700, 800 B
Every nozzle is spray tested for flow rate, spray angle and *Effective November 1999. Subject to updating by burner manufacturers. For mod-
spray quality. Our nozzles are flow rated at 100 psi. Test els not listed contact burner manufacturer. Always follow the appliance manufac-
turers instructions for the correct nozzle specification.
conditions include: fuel gravity within a total spread of 1-
1/20 API . . . viscosity within .04 centistoke (.03 SSU) . . . WARNING: Improper modification to combustion units may create a fire hazard
pressure at 100 psi . . . fuel temperature at 800F, 20F . . . an resulting in possible injury. Contact the original equipment manufacturer before
air-conditioned test area maintained at a temperature modifying the combustion unit.
spread of 40F or less . . . and regularly calibrated pressure NOTE: Information on this chart is to be used as a general guide only.
gauges and flow meters.

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 7
Line Filter
Use Delavans line filter for extra filtration in burner applications of 2.00
GPH or less. These offer four times the filtering area of a standard noz-
zle stainer and twice the protection. A plugged line filter can cause a
pressure drop. Check the pressure on the outlet side of the filter while
the unit is flowing to see that it is the same as the pump pressure. If less,
replace filter.

1/8 NPT inlet and outlet threads

Easy installation (see drawing)

NOTE: Replace the line filter during the annual

service check for an economical way to maintain
clear lines.


Nozzles up to 2.00
Type Part # Media/Mesh size
GPH have as standard
a sintered filter. From Sintered Filter 45560-4 25 Micron
2.25 up to 15.00, Sintered Filter 45560-1 40 Micron
monel filters are pro- Mesh Strainer 46046-1 74 micron/200M
vided. Nozzles with Mesh Strainer 46046-2 125 Micron/120M
through-put of 16.00
GPH and higher have It is recommended to use sintered filters on nozzles
no filter attached. with low throughput.

All nozzle adapters are made of brass, with precision machined mating
surfaces for proper sealing.
Thd Size Part Number
IMPORTANT specify 1/8 or
1/4 pipe thread size Long 1/8 28738-1
(Female) 1/4 28738-3
All nozzle adapters 9/16-24 Standard 1/8 28737-1
UNEF internal thread (Female) 1/4 28737-3
Male 3/8 28741-1

8 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
An attractive black plastic display and storage rack is available and will
hold up 120 nozzles ( 12 vials in 10 slots ). It is inexpensive, lightweight
and easy to mount on the wall. Holes are drilled in the rack for easy
mounting. This rack is packaged two to a carton; order in multiples of
Also available is a metal nozzle rack that will hold more than 500
nozzles. It can be mounted flush or at an angle on a wall. Mounting
brackets are furnished.

Part number #47749 #32779

nozzle changer: two in one

Delavans versatile nozzle changer passes through the small openings
of the flame retention-disc. Just snap off outer socket and use the inner
socket alone to remove the nozzle.
For wider openings, snap on outer socket and use like a standard noz-
zle changer. The nozzle changer fits the hex of the adapter (3/4), and
the nozzle hex (9/16).

Part number: #34478

Three types of flame inspection mirrors are available... the round (3-3/4
dia.), the rectangular (1-15/16x3-3/4) or mini (1-1/8x3). They are fur-
nished with handles, which telescope down to fit into a service
technicians kit. A cloth bag is provided to protect the mirror finish.
Mirror Parts: Complete Mirror Assemblies:
#12269 Rectangular Mirror Head Assembly #33175 Mini Mirror w/handle
#12672 Round Mirror Head Assembly #12640 Round mirror w/handle
#33174 Mini Mirror Head Assembly #12275 Rectangular mirror
#13148 Swivel Bracket Assembly w/handle

A nozzle adapter designed to reduce the volume of oil in the adapter and
minimize oil after drip. Specify 1/8 or 1/4 NPT pipe thread size and

Available in brass only. Part Number

Thd Size 1 5/8 Length 1 3/8 Length
1/8 37231-3 37231-1
1/4 37231-4 37231-2

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 9
This kit is designed to hold 41 nozzles and is constructed of heavy-gauge
steel with carrying handle, snap latch and removable steel tray. It is also
designed to hold the following accessories:
#32781-4 1/4 test gauge (0 to 300 psi)
#29168 Plastic containers for filters and strainers
#34478 Nozzle changer
# 2838 Female coupling (1/4 FPTx1/4 flare)
# 2839 Half union (1/8x1/4 flare) #26846-3 Kit with tray only
# 2840 Half union (1/4x1/4 flare) #2624 Kit with
# 2843 Tubing section and flare nuts accessories


Accessories available include pressure and vacuum gauges, nozzle boxes,
a display and storage rack and telescoping mirrors.

#32781-4 -- 1/4 Pressure Gauge

#32781-2 -- 1/4 NPT Vacuum Gauge

nozzle boxes
Delavan nozzle boxes handle all brands of nozzle vials. Our 110-nozzle
and 55-nozzle boxes are made up of heavy-gauge steel with rugged
hinges and snap-latch construction... finished in baked-on jet black

#26846-4 -- 110 Nozzle Box -- (5 x 3 5/8 x 11 15/16)

Visit our website at
#26846-5 -- 55 Nozzle Box --
for more details about (5 x 1 3/4 x 11 15/16)

our products and


10 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
Type WDA & WDB
Pressure Atomizing Nozzles for humidifying
Spray Characteristics Materials
Finely atomized cone spray pattern for humidifying Nozzle bodies are available in brass or stainless steel
WDA has a hollow cone pattern with a stainless steel orifice disc. Distributors are
WDB has a solid cone pattern stainless steel and retainers are available in brass or
Available spray angles - 30 , 45 , 60 , 70 , 80 and 90 stainless steel. Strainers are furnished up through
WDA/WDB15 (15.0 GPH @ 125 PSIG) with each
Ordering Instructions nozzle.
be sure to specify the following :
1) Nozzle number per capacity chart
2) Spray angle
3) Material (brass with stainless steel metering parts
will be furnished if material is not specified).
Order adapters separately, see selection chart.

WDA-WDB Nozzles above 16.0 GPH are furnished without strainers.

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 11
For greater detail on nozzle selection and other technical subjects consult specific publi-
cations such as:

Keep The Flame Burning -- A video series (1/2 VHS) for service technicians. It is an
overview of fuel oil heating, presented from the standpoint of nozzle needs. It points
out and reminds the service technician of the various elements in a heating system that
affect nozzle performance.

A Total Look At Oil Burner Nozzles -- A guide towards understanding how a nozzle
works and what affects nozzle performance. Included are examples of proper nozzle
selection, nozzle care and service tips plus a general trouble shooting guide and
answers to some commonly asked questions by service technicians.

How to Select the Right Nozzle -- A four-page reprinted article which explains how to
match a spray pattern to an air pattern for quiet, efficient performance.

Combustion of Fuel Oil -- A four-page reprinted article which explains what is meant
by CO2, excess air and zero smoke in simple scientific terms.

Oil Burner Nozzle Interchange Card -- A wallet-size plastic card that will quickly tell
you which Delavan nozzle will interchange with which competitive nozzles.
Video tapes are also available. For more details contact:
Delavan Fuel Metering Products Operation
P.O. Box 969 Bamberg South Carolina 29003

Nozzle Dimensions Ordering Instructions

specify the following:
(1) Quantity
(2) Capacity rating in gallons per hour (gph)
(3) Spray angle
(4) Spray pattern or type:
Hollow cone--Type A, Del-O-Flo Type A
Solid cone--Type B, Del-O-Flo Type B, Type W
(5) Filter or strainer--See selection chart on page 8 for sin-
tered filters and mesh strainers furnished with each noz-
zle. Optional mesh sizes may be substituted when order-
ing nozzles. Order by part number and description.
part number and brief description.
Delavan Fuel Metering Products Operation
P.O. Box 969 Bamberg South Carolina 29003
Refer to each product section for specific instructions on
information to include when ordering. Contact your
Delavan representative or the factory for the current price
list and for any assistance in finding the right nozzle for
your application.

12 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
industrial applications
Delavan, as a world leader in nozzle technology, offers a unique variety of products to
meet the requirements of domestic and industrial combustion.


Pressure atomizing nozzles for good atomization over a wide flow range.

Permits variable burner outputs based on by-pass pressure

Wider spray angles at lower flow rates
Less subject to clogging


for extremely fine spray particle size at low air pressures

Permits good combustion with medium and heavy oils

Produces a solid cone spray with extremely fine particle
size at low air pressures
Clog free operation of low volume due to large inside
passages and orifice


For good atomization of both light and heavy oils at higher flow rates.

Covers a wide range of throughputs from 10.00 GPH (32 kg./h up to

200.00 GPH (720 kg./h)


For maximum use of input hydraulic and pneumatic energy to atomize
fuels at low pressures.

Delavans two-fluid Swirl-Air nozzle is designed to make maximum

use of input hydraulic and pneumatic energy to atomize fuels at low
pressures. In combustion applications it can produce fine
atomization at flow rates up to 300 gph.

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 13
Pressure Atomizing
for good atomizing over
a wide flow range
2. Adapted for 2-stage firing. This is helpful when a low-
SPRAY CHARACTERISTICS fire start is required.
Good atomization over a wider flow range. 3. Operated with complete modulation over the deisgned
Wider spray angles at lower flow rates. flow range (with proper equipment).

Less subject to clogging. The fuel supply system for the Variflo nozzle is the same
Less buildup of carbon and gum residue inlet pump and pressure control system as for a simplex
nozzle. The only difference is that pump capacity must
HOW IT WORKS be at least 50 percent over the rated (maximum) flow rate
The Delavan Variflo nozzle is a pressure atomizing noz- of the nozzle.
zle which provides discharge rate variations without
For a FIXED FIRING RATE, with manual adjustment
changing nozzles. This is accomplished by the bypass
when required, hook up as shown in figure 1. Use a relief
valve for the bypass system control.
With constant inlet supply pressure and the bypass
(return line) closed, the nozzle operates as a simplex For 2-STAGE FIRING, the hookup is the same except a
atomizing nozzle. For a reduced discharge flow the solenoid valve is added. (See inset, figure 1.) The bypass
bypass line is opened and part of the fuel is allowed to control valve in this hookup should be set for minimum
return to the tank. The advantage is reduced flow with- flow with the solenoid normally open for low fire. High
out deterioration of the spray quality. fire is obtained by closing the solenoid. The solenoid may
be actuated by a timer or temperature or pressure sens-
The maximum to minimum discharge flow rate at con- ing element.
stant supply pressure is referred to as the turndown
ratio. The standard catalog nozzles have turndown For COMPLETE MODULATION, hook up as shown in
ratios of approximately 5 to 1. figure 1 except use a modulating valve by temperature or
pressure, through the proper modulating motor, linked
The key advantage of the Variflo over a simplex nozzle to the combustion air supply.
(like Delavans oil burner nozzles) is flexibility; larger
turndown ratios with better atomization. With the Variflo Remove pressure gauges from the system after making
nozzle, using a constant supply pressure, the discharge adjustments. The pressure gauge provides an air cushion
flow rate varies approximately as the square of the in the system which causes after-squirt and drooling.
bypass pressure. This means that at minimum flows the
atomization pressure is reduced approximately 34 per- Return the bypass line to the supply tank as shown in fig-
cent. With the simplex nozzle the discharge flow rate ure 1. The Variflo nozzle can, under some conditions,
varies as the square root of the supply pressure. This draw air into the bypass line through the discharge ori-
means that to obtain one-half of the design flow rate the fice even during operation. If the air were piped to the
supply pressure must be reduced by 1/4 of the original suction side of the pump, the pump could become air
pressure. This pressure is too low for good atomization. locked with a resulting pressure loss. Another advantage
to returning the line to the tank is extended nozzle life
INSTALLATION because the nozzle will run cooler.
The Delavan Variflo nozzle may be:
1. Operated at a fixed discharge rate. The rates may be set
by a valve to any flow rate in the nozzles range.

14 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 15
Variflo Nozzle Assembly P/N 33769
(see chart for dash no. corresponding to flow & spray angle desired)

16 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
NOTE: 300 & 900 nozzles listed above available on special order only. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS
Other flow rates and spray angles available on special order. be sure to include both part number and
description. Specify P/N 33769 (see nozzle
Nozzles are calibrated for flow and spray angle at 100 PSI on #2 capacity chart for dash number correspon-
oil. Spray angles at 300 PSI will be somewhat narrower than ding to flow and spray angle desired). Order
spray angle at 100 PSI. As bypass is opened, spray angle will adapter separately (specify P/N 17147).
increase (up to 150 wider) both at 100 PSI and 300 PSI supply.

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 17
Air Atomizing
for extremely fine spray
particle size at low air pressures
The nozzle will flow in either a horizontal or vertical
SPRAY CHARACTERISTICS position. The lift distance for a vertical mounted nozzle is
Produces a solid cone spray pattern with extremely
measured from the liquid level to the end (face) of the
fine particle size at low air pressures and low CFM.
nozzle. The lift distance for the horizontal mounting is
shown in the installation drawing.
Flow rates, spray angles and droplet sizes can be
modified, with limitations, by variations in air, If the combustion application does not permit the use of
lift, etc. a constant level device, excellent spray characteristics can
be obtained using a fuel metering pump and an air com-
Clog free operation of low volume due to relatively pressor. It is also possible to operate the nozzle in a
large passages. closed pressurized system utilizing air pressure for both
lifting and atomizing the fuel.

The air compressor should be capable of providing at
least 10% more air than the specified values. All fuel and
air line connections must be tight. Any leaks, especially
in the fuel line, will have an adverse effect on the lift

18 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
sure to include both part number and description.
Specify P/N 30609 (see nozzle capacity chart for dash
number corresponding to flow and spray angle
desired). Order adapter separately (specify P/N 17147).

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 19
Air Atomizing
for good atomization of both
light and heavy fuels at higher flow rates
The industrial Airo Nozzle is an air atomizing nozzle
designed to handle #2, #4, and preheated #5 and #6
Uniform solid cone-spray angle varies with air
fuels. Air is supplied at relatively low pressure to provide
pressure and flow. A separate metering device, such
the energy for atomization. Air atomizing nozzles pro-
as an orifice, metering pump or valve is required.
vide good atomization of fuels too viscuous for pressure
atomizing nozzles. They can also provide finer breakup
Large flow passages greatly reduce clogging.
if sufficient air is available.
With the internal mixing type of nozzle, the spray
The Airo Nozzle is of the internal mixing type. That
angle changes with the fuel-air ratio (pounds of fuel
means that the air and fuel are piped separately to the
per pound of atomizing air). The spray angle is wider
nozzle and are mixed just before they enter the atomizing
at high fuel-air ratios. For example if the spray angle
slots. The air under pressure is mixed thoroughly with
is 750 at a fuel-air ratio of 30 to 1, it may be reduced
the fuel in the swirl chamber so that a uniform emulsion
to 600 at a fuel-air ratio of 10 to 1.
is discharged through the orifice. The resultant spray is
well atomized in a solid cone pattern.
Higher air pressures produce narrower spray angles.
The cost of equipment with air atomizing nozzles is high-
Droplet size is smaller at higher air pressures and
er than for equivalent pressure atomizing nozzles
narrower spray angles.
because of the addition of the compressor. The power
requirement is also higher because of the extra power
Constant spray angles may be obtained by
required to compress air. These disadvantages are offset,
modulating air pressure with the fluid flow.
however, by the advantages in handling of heavy fuels.

Adapters are optional and, if required, must be ordered
The Airo Nozzle may be used as a fixed discharge
separately. Adapters come with seals installed.
nozzle. (Fuel metering is discussed in a following
This nozzle may be arranged for two-stage firing if
This type of nozzle may be arranged for complete Hex Size Part Number Material
modulating over the desired flow range.
7/8 23034-1 Brass
The Airo Nozzle will handle light fuels at any flow
23034-2 Stainless steel
rate from 2 GPH and up. The proper nozzle must be
selected for each range. 1 1/4 30678-1 Mild steel
The Industrial Airo Nozzle will handle #5 oil or #6 30678-2 Stainless steel
oil preheated to approximately 100 SSU. Above 30678-3 Inconel
20 GPH, higher viscosities may be handled if
sufficient air is available.

20 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
It may be necessary when burning residual fuels to pro-
FUEL METERING vide some means for heating the nozzle and fuel line
A fixed firing rate may be obtained by supplying before starting. It may also be advantageous to provide
fuel by a pressure pump through a fixed metering air purge of the fuel line to the nozzle on shut-down.
orifice to the nozzle.
It is always advisable to make certain that air flow
Two stage operation may be obtained by the use of through the nozzle is established before fuel is supplied.
two metering orifices in the fuel line, one of them This will prevent backing up of fuel into the air line and
in series with a solenoid valve. This solenoid valve equipment. It will also insure good atomization at the
will be actuated by pressure or temperature. start.

A positive fuel metering pump of the piston type is

satisfactory for single stage operation. SERVICE:
Since the fuel and air passages in this type of nozzle
Modulating metering may be obtained by the use of are quite large, clogging is not a serious problem. It
a fuel pump in combination with a modulating valve. is recommended, however, that both the air and the
fuel be filtered to remove lint and large particles of
Metering cannot be done with this type of nozzle foreign matter. Clogging of air passages or fuel
by balancing fuel pressure against air pressure. passages will result in off-center fires.

METHODS OF METERING FUEL Damage to the orifice may result in a streaky fire,
Metering pump. an off-center fire, or drooling.

Constant pressure pump and metering orifice in the


Constant pressure pump and motorized modulating

valve actuated by steam pressure, water or process

May be rotary type for pressures up to 25 PSI or
as rated by manufacturer.

May be piston type for higher pressure.

May have built in pressure relief valve.

Must have enough capacity for the nozzle


U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 21
The Airo nozzle is made up of three basic parts,
available in the following materials:
NOZZLE BODY Brass or stainless steel.
Thread sizes: 3/4-20 UNEF on #30615 and
1-1/8-18 UNEF on #30616.
DISTRIBUTOR Brass, stainless steel, or tungsten
carbide (requires special body with replaceable
tungsten carbide orifice disc, integral with body.)
SCREW PIN Brass or stainless steel.
NOTE: Contact factory for other material requirements.

22 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
7/8 Airo Nozzle Capacities
Flow Rate
Screw Pin
Air Pressure
Air Flow
@ max PPH
Spray Angle
30615-001 10 Brass Unthreaded Brass 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80
30615-002 10 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80 WHEN ORDERING AIRO NOZZLES,
30615-003 10 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80
30615-004 10 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80 be sure to include both part number and
30615-005 10 303 SST Threaded Brass 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80
30615-006 10 Brass Threaded Brass 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80
description. To find part number and
30615-007 10 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80 dash number, see the nozzle capacity
30615-009 10 Inconel Threaded AMS 5665 20 4.6 - 5 60 - 70
30615-010 15 Brass Unthreaded Brass 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80 charts. First locate the correct nozzle size
30615-011 15 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80
30615-012 15 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80 and capacity, then select proper body
30615-013 15 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80 material and screw pin type. NOTE:
30615-014 15 303 SST Threaded Brass 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80
30615-015 20 Brass Unthreaded Brass 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80 Please specify distributor material if dif-
30615-016 20 303 SST Unthreaded 303 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-017 20 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80 ferent than screw pin material.
30615-018 20 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-019 20 303 SST Threaded Brass 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-020 20 Brass Threaded Brass 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-021 20 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-023 25 Brass Unthreaded Brass 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-024 25 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-025 25 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-026 25 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-027 25 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-028 30 Brass Unthreaded Brass 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-029 30 303 SST Unthreaded 303 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-030 30 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-031 30 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-032 30 303 SST Threaded Brass 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-033 30 Brass Threaded Brass 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
EXAMPLE: A 1-1/4 100 GPH
30615-034 30 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80 stainless steel nozzle
30615-036 30 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 9.5 - 10.5 70 - 80
30615-037 30 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 10.2 - 11 70 - 80 with stainless steel,
30615-038 35 Brass Unthreaded Brass 25 8 - 8.4 70 - 80
30615-039 35 303 SST Unthreaded 303 25 8 - 8.4 70 - 80 threaded screw pin
HT 303 SST
303 SST
Unthreaded 303 SST
Threaded Brass
8 - 8.4
8 - 8.4
70 - 80
70 - 80
is PN 30616-15.
30615-042 35 303 SST Threaded Brass 25 8 - 8.4 70 - 80 It will be shipped with
30615-043 35 Brass Unthreaded Brass 30 16 - 18 70 - 80
30615-044 40 Brass Unthreaded Brass 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80 a stainless steel distributor.
30615-045 40 303 SST Unthreaded 303 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80
30615-047 40 Brass Threaded Brass 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80
30615-048 40 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80 Order adapter separately. Be sure to
30615-050 40 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80
30615-051 40 303 SST Threaded Brass 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80 specify part number and description.
30615-052 40 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 13.5 - 14.5 60 - 70
30615-053 40 Inconel Threaded AMS 5665 30 8.5 - 9.7 60 - 70
30615-054 40 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 10 - 11 70 - 80
30615-055 50 Brass Unthreaded Brass 30 9.5 - 10.5 65 - 75
30615-056 50 303 SST Unthreaded 303 30 9.5 - 10.5 65 - 75
30615-057 50 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 30 9.5 - 10.5 65 - 75
30615-058 50 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 9.5 - 10.5 65 - 75
30615-059 50 303 SST Threaded Brass 30 9.5 - 10.5 65 - 75
30615-060 50 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 30 9.5 - 10.5 60 - 70
30615-062 50 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 9.5 - 10.5 70
30615-063 50 Inconel Unthreaded AMS 30 9.5 - 10.5 60 - 70
30615-064 50 Brass Unthreaded Brass 30 17 - 18.5 80
30615-069 20 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-071 25 303 SST Unthreaded 303 25 6.1 - 6.4 70 - 80
30615-073 30 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 25 6.8 - 7.1 70 - 80
30615-075 35 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 25 8 - 8.4 70 - 80
30615-077 40 303 SST Unthreaded 303 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80
30615-079 40 316 SST Threaded 316 SST 30 8.5 - 8.9 70 - 80
30615-081 30 303 SST Unthreaded Brass 30 10.2 - 11 70 - 80
30615-082 30 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 30 10.2 - 11 70 - 80
30615-083 10 HT 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80
30615-084 30 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 30 10.2 - 11 70 - 80
30615-085 40 303 SST Unthreaded 303 30 13.5 - 14.5 60 - 70
30615-086 100 Brass Unthreaded Brass 35 20 - 22
30615-087 120 Brass Unthreaded Brass 35 19 - 21
30615-088 150 Brass Unthreaded Brass 35 16 - 18
30615-098 35 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 30 16 - 18 80
30615-099 15 303 SST Threaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 5 70 - 80
30615-100 10 Brass Unthreaded Brass 20 6.6 - 7 70 - 80
30615-101 50 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 30 17 - 18.5 80
30615-102 120 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 35 19 - 21
30615-103 150 303 SST Unthreaded 303 35 16 - 18
30615-104 100 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 35 20 - 22
30615-105 20 Inconel Threaded AMS 5665 20 6 - 6.3 70 - 80
30615-106 40 Inconel Threaded AMS 5665 30 89.7 - 10.8 70 - 80
30615-107 10 303 SST Unthreaded 303 SST 20 4.6 - 4.9 70 - 80

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 23
Combustion Air
Atomizing Nozzles
for maximum use of input hydraulic and
pneumatic energy to atomize fuels at low pressure
Delavans two-fluid Swirl-Air is designed to make maxi-
mum use of input hydraulic and pneumatic energy to
atomize fuels at low pressures. In combustion applica-
tions it can produce fine atomization at flow rates up to
300 gph.

Fuel enters the mixing chamber axially coming in contact

with tangentially introduced streams of air (or steam).
Interaction of the two creates extreme turbulence and
mixing. Finally the fuel-air mixture impinges against a
circular deflector ring, or pintle plate, before leaving the
nozzle as a finely atomized spray.

Design of the pintle plate support eliminates the need for

external struts that could interfere with the spray pattern.
The progressive application of shear and inertial forces
within the nozzle helps to provide high nozzle efficien-


Large fuel passages and lack of torturous paths reduce The list of industrial combustion applications for the
chances for clogging. Swirl-Air nozzle continues to grow. Here are some of
the more common ones:
Air consumption (SCFM) and power requirements are
relatively low, permitting the use of smaller, more eco-
As igniter nozzles in both coal-fired and oil-fired
nomical, air compressors and blowers.
electric power stations.
Good atomization ratios.
As main atomizers in large burners, especially where
Nozzle configuration provides vortex mixing of heavier fuels are used. Advantages include one or
two fluids. more of the following: Fewer flue deposits (ashes),
lower smoke reading (0 Bacharach not uncommon),
Can handle fuels up to Type C Bunker oil...also com- higher CO2 and lower pre-heat temperatures.
bustible waste liquids. (The use of Swirl-Air nozzles in
burning Bunker oils often reduces the accumulation of As an incineration atomizer: Products such as waste
ashes caused by the high concentrations of impurities water, mustard gas, chemical wastes, eggs etc. have
such as vanadium and sulphur). been handled successfully.
Various spray angles and capacities are available through
a selection of metering sets and swirl chambers.

No external struts that interfere with the spray.

24 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
Air, steam, or even a process gas, is introduced tangen- With the wide variety of combustion applications, there
tially into the nozzle chamber in the low pressure is no way to cover all possibilities in one piece of litera-
region of the swirling mixture, creating extreme turbu- ture. There are, for example, the problems of nozzle fix-
lence and primary atomization. As the fuel leaves the tures, the adaptations necessary for existing fireheads,
orifice, it impinges against the deflector ring which and the needs for special adapters. So if yours is such
serves a dual purpose: close control of spray angle and an application, send us the details and we will give you
breakup of the spray into even finer droplets (secondary our recommendation. Use the following list of questions
atomization). Upon leaving the nozzle, the mixture as your guideline:
swirls in a clockwise direction, looking downstream.
(1) What type of fuel? (#2, #4, #6 oil etc.)
The nozzle has demonstrated the capability of achieving (2) Required flow rate in gallons per hour?
mean droplet diameters in the 50 to 100 micron range at (3) What atomizing fluid...air, steam or other?
modest air pressures and air volumes (SCFM). When (4) What atomizing fluid pressure...(psig) is available?
using steam instead of air, the steam pressure should be (5) What atomizing fluid volume (scfm) is available?
approximately four times greater to achieve the same
(6) What fuel pressure (psig) is available?
spray characteristics. Comparable atomization in a
hydraulic nozzle would usually require very high fuel (7) What is the method of attaching both fuel and
pressures. The degree of atomization is also fuel pres- atomizing fluid lines to the nozzle? Parallel
sures. The degree of atomization is also variable by con- pipes? Pipe within a pipe? Or Other?
trolling the ratio of air to fuel flows. (8) Fuel pipe size?
(9) Atomizing fluid pipe size?
CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS: (10) Approximate spray angle required?
Four-Piece construction (see below): (1) nozzle body (11) If possible, also furnish prints of existing
(adapter), (2) swirl chamber, (3) metering set (integral installation, or a free-hand sketch.
nut and pintle) and (4) nozzle cap.

Parallel and concentric bodies (adapters) are available. (1) Body (adapter) (2) Swirl (3) Metering (4) Cap
Chamber Set
Both are shown in the dimensional drawings.

Standard nozzle material is mild steel for all four basic

parts. Other materials available on special request.

Nozzle Nozzle Assy. Number Component Part Numbers * When ordering either a complete nozzle
assembly or just a metering set, be sure
Size (1) Body (2) Swirl (3) Metering
to specify one of the dash numbers
(GPH) Parallel Concentric Parallel Concentric Chamber Set (4) Cap below to designate spray angle.
** Body subassembly 34516 includes
50 34429-* 34460-* 34426 34516** 34427# 34431-* 1165-5 swirl chamber for concentric model.
60 33240-* 34890-* 33517 33287 33233 33373-* 33516-1 # Swirl Chamber 34427 is for parallel
100 33515-* 34892-* 33517 33287 33518 33521-* 33516-1 model only.
150 33522-* 34894-* 33517 33287 33523 33526-* 33516-1
Spray Angle
200 33527-* 34896-* 33528 33907 33529 33532-* 33516-2
50 All
250 33533-* 34898-* 33528 33907 33534 33537-* 33516-2 Dash GPH Other
No. Size Sizes
300 33538-* 34900-* 33528 33907 33539 33542-* 33516-2
-1 500 500
-2 70 0
-3 900 900
-4 110 0

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 25
(Based on #2 fuel oil)
The capacities shown in the following charts will (1) serve as a guide to nozzle selection and (2) rate each nozzle accord-
ing to minimum atomization energy expended per gallon of #2 oil burned. For example, both the 150 gph and 200 gph noz-
zles are flow rated at 150 gph, but the 200 gph nozzle has a higher air/fuel ratio. The wide turn-down capability of this
nozzle also permits each nozzle to be operated at capacities less than shown. However, very low flows would require
installation of a fuel metering pre-orifice or valve to prevent oscillation or chugging in the fuel line or system. Ideally, a
nozzle should be selected for minimum energy used for atomization and for optimum burner performance. For some
applications this may require customer testing.

26 U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146
ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS that corresponds to the spray angle you need. To order
Refer to Considerations Before Ordering section (page individual parts, use the part numbers shown, but make
25) if your specific requirements are not met by the infor- sure you add the proper dash number on metering sets to
mation shown in this catalog. designate spray angle.

WHEN ORDERING SWIRL-AIR NOZZLES, be sure to EXAMPLE: P/N 33240-3 is a 60 gph 900 parallel
include both part number and description. Specify the inlet nozzle.
complete assembly number, including the dash number

U.S. Toll Free: 1-800-982-6943 Phone: (803) 245-4347 FAX (803) 245-4146 27


All products sold by Delavan are warranted only to purchasers from Delavan for resale or for use in purchasers own
business or original equipment manufacture, against defects in workmanship or materials under normal use, mainte-
nance and service (rental use excluded), if notice of said defect is received by Delavan at the factory within 90 days
after installation or one year from date of shipment from the factory, whichever first occurs. The sole and exclusive
obligation of Delavan under this or any implied warranty shall be to replace or, at its option, to repair, without charge,
any product which is determined by Delavan to be defective in workmanship or materials after the product is returned
to the Delavan factory, shipping costs prepaid. In no event shall Delavan be liable to any person for indirect or conse-
quential damages or for injury or commercial loss resulting from any use or inability to use any Delavan product.
OF DEALING OR CUSTOM OR USAGE OR TRADE. No person, including any dealer or representative of Delavan, is
authorized to make any representation or warranty on behalf of Delavan in addition to or inconsistent with these pro-
visions. Purchasers to whom these provisions apply agree to hold Delavan harmless from claims by their customers in
excess of the obligations of Delavan expressly set forth herein.

Fuel Metering Products Operation
P.O. Box 969 Bamberg, South Carolina 29003
PHONE: (803) 245-4347 FAX: (803) 245-4146
1.800.982.6943 1709P-03/00-(10M)
Delavan, Inc. 2000
Printed in the U.S.A.

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