Previous OSCE Stations
Previous OSCE Stations
Previous OSCE Stations
1. Prescribing palliative care - 10 mins for syringe driver (took 5 mins so easy)
2. Paeds ABCDE - croup
3. Breast pain Hx + Mx i.e. one stop clinic referral
4. Emergency contraception - PCP apparently
5. Female catheterisation + write in notes
6. Dermatology SBAR handover with picture - melanoma, breslow thickness etc.
7. Spinal cord compression palliative care Hx + Mx
8. Paeds cardio exam
9. Visual fields exam - bitemporal hemianopia
10. Developmental assessment - watch a video and answer the questions on the sheet
11. Ear Hx + O/E + Mx
13. HIV REEBA - pregnant lady?
14. Capacity - stroke pt wanted NG tube removed? Had capacity but could be convinced to
keep in (stroke left him with inability to swallow risk of aspiration pneumonia
consented and agreed initially to NGT but now ripping out NGT go assess capacity)
15. Schizophrenia explanation