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Gravitomagnetism and The Clock Effect

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Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect

Bahram Mashhoon1 , Frank Gronwald2 , and Herbert I.M. Lichtenegger3

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri,
65211, USA
Institut GET, Universitat Magdeburg, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany
Institut fur Weltraumforschung, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
A-8010 Graz, Austria
arXiv:gr-qc/9912027v1 8 Dec 1999

Abstract. The main theoretical aspects of gravitomagnetism are reviewed. It is shown

that the gravitomagnetic precession of a gyroscope is intimately connected with the
special temporal structure around a rotating mass that is revealed by the gravitomag-
netic clock effect. This remarkable effect, which involves the difference in the proper
periods of a standard clock in prograde and retrograde circular geodesic orbits around
a rotating mass, is discussed in detail. The implications of this effect for the notion of
inertial dragging in the general theory of relativity are presented. The theory of the
clock effect is developed within the PPN framework and the possibility of measuring
it via spaceborne clocks is examined.

1 Introduction
The close formal similarity between Coulombs law of electricity and Newtons
law of gravitation has led to a description of Newtonian gravitation in terms of a
gravitoelectric field. The classical tests of general relativity can all be described
via post-Newtonian gravitoelectric corrections brought about by relativity the-
ory. Moreover, any theory that combines Newtonian gravitation and Lorentz
invariance in a consistent framework must involve a gravitomagnetic field in
close analogy with electrodynamics. The gravitomagnetic field is generated by
the motion of matter. For instance, the mass current in the rotating Earth gen-
erates a dipolar gravitomagnetic field that has not yet been directly observed;
in fact, the main objective of the GP-B is to measure this field in a polar Earth
orbit via the gravitomagnetic precession of superconducting gyroscopes on board
a drag-free satellite.
Gravitomagnetism had its beginning in the second half of the last century.
Developments in electrodynamics led Holzmuller [1] and Tisserand [2] to pos-
tulate the existence of a solar gravitomagnetic field [3]. In fact, attempts were
made to account for the excess perihelion precession of Mercury since the plan-
etary orbits would be affected by the gravitomagnetic field of the Sun. However,
the excess perihelion precession of Mercury was successfully explained by Ein-
steins general relativity theory in terms of a small relativistic correction to the
Newtonian gravitoelectric potential of the Sun. It was later shown by Thirring
and Lense [4,5] that general relativity also predicts a certain gravitomagnetic
field for a rotating mass, but the magnitude of this field in the solar system is
generally small and would lead to a retrograde precession of the planetary orbits.
2 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

This Lense-Thirring precession of planetary orbits is too small to be detectable

at present.
For the purposes of confronting the theory with observation, gravitomag-
netic phenomena are usually described in the framework of the post-Newtonian
approximation; however, it is possible to provide a fully covariant treatment of
certain aspects of gravitoelectromagnetism [6,7]. In fact, extensions of the Ja-
cobi equation (i.e. the relativistic tidal equation) may be employed to identify
the gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic components of the curvature tensor in
close analogy with the Lorentz force law. This analogy is incomplete, however,
since the purely spatial components of the curvature tensor do not in general
have an analog in the electromagnetic case; in fact, this is expected since linear
gravity is a spin-2 field in contrast to the spin-1 character of the electromagnetic
Some of the main theoretical aspects of gravitomagnetism are discussed in
Section 2. We then turn our attention to how gravitomagnetism affects the
spacetime structure in general relativity. Of primary importance in this con-
nection is the gravitomagnetic clock effect, which in its simplest form may
be formulated in terms of the difference in the proper periods of two clocks
moving on the same circular orbit but in opposite directions about a rotat-
ing mass. Let + ( ) be the period for prograde (retrograde) motion, then for
r 2GM/c2 , + 4J/(M c2 ). To lowest order, this remarkable result is
independent of Newtons constant of gravitation G and the radius of the orbit
r. The effect and its consequences are discussed in Section 3 for circular equato-
rial orbits in the Kerr geometry and the intimate connection between the clock
effect and the gravitomagnetic gyroscope precession is demonstrated. The PPN
approximation for this effect is developed in Section 4 and a brief discussion of
its observability is given in Section 5. The sign of the clock effect is quite in-
triguing, as it implies that prograde equatorial clocks are slower than retrograde
equatorial clocks. This is completely opposite to what would be expected on the
basis of inertial dragging. In fact, gravitomagnetism is historically connected
with the question of the origin of inertia as this was Thirrings motivation in
his original paper on gravitomagnetism [4]. The present status of the problem of
inertia is the subject of Section 6. Finally, Section 7 contains a brief discussion.
Unless specified otherwise, we use units such that G = c = 1 for the sake of

2 Gravitoelectromagnetism
This section is devoted to a brief discussion of certain essential theoretical aspects
of gravitoelectromagnetism. The Larmor theorem has played an important role
in the field of magnetism; therefore, we begin by an account of the gravitational
analog of Larmors theorem.

Gravitational Larmor Theorem

A century ago, Larmor established a theorem regarding the local equivalence
of magnetism and rotation [8]. That is, the basic electromagnetic force on a
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 3

slowly moving particle of charge q and mass m can be locally replaced in the
linear approximation by the inertial forces that arise if the motion is referred
instead to an accelerated system in the absence of the electromagnetic field.
The translational acceleration of the system is related to the electric field, aL =
(q/m)E, and the rotational (Larmor) frequency is related to the magnetic
field via L = qB/(2mc). The charge-to-mass ratio is not the same for all
particles; otherwise, a geometric theory of electrodynamics could be developed
along the same lines as general relativity. It turns out that in general relativity
one can provide an interpretation of Einsteins heuristic principle of equivalence
via the gravitational Larmor theorem [9]. This is due to the experimentally well-
established circumstance that the gravitational charge-to-mass ratio is the same
for all particles. Einsteins heuristic principle of equivalence is usually stated
in terms of the gravitoelectric field, i.e. the translational acceleration of the
Einstein elevator in Minkowski spacetime. The gravitational Larmor theorem
would also involve the gravitomagnetic field, i.e. a rotation of the elevator as
It follows from the theoretical study of the motion of test particles as well
as ideal test gyroscopes in a gravitational field that in general relativity the
gravitoelectric charge is qE = m, while the gravitomagnetic charge is qB =
2m; in fact, qB /qE = 2 since general relativity involves the tensor potential
g , i.e. (linear) gravitation is a spin-2 field. Thus aL = E and L = B/c in
this case. Indeed B/c = P is the gravitomagnetic precession frequency of an
ideal test gyroscope at rest in a gravitomagnetic field, i.e. far from a rotating
source dS/dt = P S, where

P = [3(r J)r J], (1)
c2 r 3
and J is the total angular momentum of the source. Let us note that a gyro spin
is in effect a gravitomagnetic dipole moment that precesses in a gravitomagnetic
field. Locally, the same rotation would be observed in the absence of the gravit-
omagnetic field but in a frame rotating with frequency L = P in agreement
with the gravitational Larmor theorem.
It is the goal of the GP-B to measure the gravitomagnetic gyroscope preces-
sion in a polar orbit about the Earth and thereby provide direct observational
proof of the existence of the gravitomagnetic field [10].

Gravitoelectromagnetic Field
Let us consider the gravitational field of a nonrelativistic rotating astro-
nomical source in the linear approximation of general relativity. The spacetime
metric may be expressed as g = + h , where is the Minkowski metric.
We define h = h 12 h, where h = tr(h ); then, the gravitational field
equations are given by

2h = 16 T , (2)
4 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

where the Lorentz gauge condition h , = 0 has been imposed. We focus atten-
tion on the particular retarded solution of the field equations given by

4G T (ct |x x |, x ) 3
h = 4 d x, (3)
c |x x |
where the nature and distribution of the nonrelativistic source must be taken
into account.
We are interested in sources such that h00 = 4/c2 , h0i = 2Ai /c2 and
hij = O(c4 ), where (t, x) is the gravitoelectric potential, A(t, x) is the grav-
itomagnetic vector potential and we neglect all terms of order c4 and lower
including the tensor potential hij (t, x). It follows that T 00 /c2 = is the effective
gravitational charge density and T 0i /c = j i is the corresponding current. Thus,
far from the source

, A , (4)
r c r3
where M and J are the total mass and angular momentum of the source, respec-
tively. It follows from the Lorentz gauge condition that

1 1
+ A = 0, (5)
c t 2

since the other three equations (hi , = 0) all involve terms that are of O(c4 )
and therefore neglected. The spacetime metric involving the gravitoelectromag-
netic (GEM) potentials is then given by

2 4 2
ds = c 1 2 dt (A dx)dt + 1 + 2 ij dxi dxj .
2 2 2
c c c
The GEM fields are defined by

1 1
E = A , B = A, (7)
c t 2
in close analogy with electrodynamics. It follows from the field equations (2) and
the gauge condition (5) that

E = 4G, (8)

B = 0, (9)
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 5

1 1
E= B , (10)
c t 2

1 1 4
B = E+ Gj, (11)
2 c t c

which are the Maxwell equations for the GEM field. Using classical electrody-
namics as a guide, one can investigate the various implications of these equations
[11]. A thorough approach to the determination of the gravitomagnetic field of a
rotating mass (such as the Earth) is contained in the papers of Teyssandier [12].
The fact that the magnetic parts of equations (8) - (11) always appear with a
factor of 1/2 as compared to standard electrodynamics is due to the circumstance
that the effective gravitomagnetic charge is twice the gravitoelectric charge. That
is, QE = M and QB = 2M are the effective gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic
charges of the source.
The linear approximation of general relativity involves a spin-2 field. This
field, once its spatial components are neglected, can be interpreted in terms of
a gravitoelectromagnetic vector potential. To sustain the electromagnetic anal-
ogy, however, we need to require that the gravitomagnetic charge be twice the
gravitoelectric charge. This factor of 2 is a remnant of the spin-2 character of
the original field, while for a pure spin-1 field (i.e. the electromagnetic field) the
ratio of the magnetic charge to the electric charge is unity.
The equation of motion of a test particle of mass m inRthis linear gravitational
field can be obtained from the variational principle Ldt = 0, where L =
mcds/dt is given by

v2 v2
2 2 4
L = mc 1 2 2 1 + 2 + 3v A , (12)
c c c c

using equation (6). To linear order in and A, one can write (12) as

v2 v2
2 2m
L = mc 1 2 + m 1 + 2 v A. (13)
c c c

Let us note that the deviation of equation (13) from a free-particle Lagrangian
is given to lowest order in v/c by m 2mA v/c. This deviation would be
of the form j A in electrodynamics; therefore, the slow motion of the test
particle is very similar to that of a charged particle in electrodynamics except
that here qE = m and qB = 2m as expected. It thus follows from the geodesic
motion of a test particle of mass m far from the source in this gravitational
background that the canonical momentum of the particle is given approximately
by p + (2m/c)A, where p is the kinetic momentum. In this electrodynamic
6 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

analogy, the attractive nature of gravity is reflected in our convention of positive

gravitational charges for the source and negative gravitational charges for the test
particle. The gravitomagnetic charge is always twice the gravitoelectric charge as
a consequence of the tensorial character of the gravitational potentials in general
The gauge transformations

, A A + 2, (14)
c t
leave the GEM fields (7) and hence the GEM equations (8)-(11) invariant. The
Lorentz gauge condition (5) is also satisfied provided 2 = 0. However, the
quantity qE + qB A v/c in the Lagrangian is not invariant under the gauge
transformation (14). The gauge invariance of this Lagrangian is restored, how-
ever, if the gauge function is independent of time, /t = 0. In this case, we
can start from a coordinate transformation t t 4(x)/c3 in the metric (6)
resulting in the gauge transformations (14) with left invariant.
The gravitational field corresponding to the metric (6) is given by the Rie-
mann curvature tensor

R = (h, + h, h, h, ), (15)
where h00 = 2/c2 and hij = (2/c2 )ij are gravitoelectric and of O(c2 ),
while h0i = 2Ai /c2 is gravitomagnetic and of O(c3 ). The components of the
curvature tensor as measured by the standard geodesic observers are given by
R () () () () , where () is the tetrad frame of the test observer. In the
linear approximation under consideration here, () is in effect equal to in
the calculation of the measured curvature. The components of this tensor may
be expressed in the form of a symmetric 6 6 matrix R = (RAB ), where A and
B range over (01, 02, 03, 23, 31, 12); hence,

R= , (16)

where E and S are symmetric 3 3 matrices and B is traceless. We find that the
electric and magnetic components of the curvature are given by

Eij = Ej,i + O(c4 ), (17)

1 1 Ek
Bij = Bj,i + 3 ijk + O(c4 ), (18)
c2 c t
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 7

and the spatial components are given by

1 1
Sij = Ej,i + 2 ( E)ij + O(c4 ). (19)
c2 c
That B is traceless is consistent with equation (9) and the fact that E and
S are symmetric is consistent with equation (10) at O(c4 ). It is therefore clear
that gravitoelectromagnetism permeates every aspect of general relativity: the
gravitational potentials (GEM potentials), the connection (GEM field) and the
curvature. In the exterior of the rotating source, the spacetime is Ricci-flat and
hence S = E, E is traceless and B is symmetric. These restrictions on the
curvature are consistent with the GEM field equations (8)-(11) in the source-
free region.
The general treatment of gravitoelectromagnetism presented here has been
based on a certain approximate form of the linear gravitation theory and can
be used in the theoretical description of many interesting gravitational phenom-
ena. In particular, we use this formalism below to investigate the microphysical
implications of the gravitomagnetic precession of spin.

Free Fall is not Universal

The assumption that all free test particles fall in the same way in a gravi-
tational field is reflected in general relativity via the geodesic hypothesis. That
is, the worldline of a free test particle is an intrinsic property of the spacetime
manifold and is independent of the intrinsic aspects of the particle. In this way,
general relativity is a geometric theory of gravitation. This circumstance origi-
nates from the well-tested equality of inertial and gravitational masses.
An important consequence of Einsteins geometric theory of gravitation is
the fact that an ideal test gyroscope would precess in the gravitomagnetic field
of a rotating source. Here we pose the question of whether all spins should
precess like a gyroscope; evidently, the treatment of intrinsic spin would go
beyond classical general relativity. It follows from the consideration of spin-
rotation-gravity coupling that the intrinsic spin of a particle (e.g. a nucleus)
would couple to the gravitomagnetic field of a rotating source (such as the Earth)
via the interaction Hamiltonian

H = P (20)
such that the Heisenberg equations of motion for the spin would be formally
the same as that of an ideal test gyro [13]. Intuitively, this interaction is due
to the coupling of the gravitomagnetic dipole moment of the particle with the
gravitomagnetic field just as would be expected from the electromagnetic anal-
ogy. It follows from equation (20) that the particle is subject to a gravitational
Stern-Gerlach force given by

F = ( P ) (21)
8 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

that is purely dependent upon its spin and not its mass and therefore violates
the universality of free fall.
The point is that a particle is in general endowed with mass and spin in addi-
tion to other intrinsic properties; indeed, the irreducible unitary representations
of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group are characterized by mass and spin. In its
interaction with a gravitational field, the mass interacts primarily with the grav-
itoelectric field while the spin interacts primarily with the gravitomagnetic field.
Whereas the former dominant interaction is consistent with the universality of
free fall, the latter is not. For instance, the bending of light by the gravitational
field of a rotating source depends on the state of polarization of the radiation.
The differential deflection of polarized radiation by the Sun is too small to be
measurable at present. The predicted violation is also extremely small for a nu-
cleus in a laboratory on the Earth: the weight of the particle is w = mg (1 ),
depending on whether the spin is polarized vertically up or down and 1029 .
Thus the predicted violation of the universality of free fall is extremely small.
It may still be possible to measure this relativistic quantum gravitational
effect by detecting the change in the energy of a particle in the laboratory when
its spin is flipped. This would require, for instance, significant refinements in
modern variations of NMR and optical pumping techniques, since

~P 2 3 = 1028 eV (22)
c R R R

is a factor of 104 below the sensitivity of recent experiments [14]. Here LP is the
Planck length, L2P = ~G/c3 , J is the angular momentum of the Earth and R is
its average radius. The smallest detected energy shift is about 1024 eV corre-
sponding to a frequency shift of 2 nHz [14]. However, it appears that significantly
lower energy shifts may soon be detectable [15].
To clarify the nature of the force (21), let us consider the motion of a classical
spinning test body in a stationary gravitational field. Such a system is necessarily
extended and thus couples to spacetime curvature resulting in a Mathisson-
Papapetrou force

F = R u S = cR u S , (23)
where S is the spin tensor of the system, u is the velocity vector such that
S u = 0 and the spin vector is given by

S = (g)1/2 u S . (24)
For the calculation of F , it suffices to set, in the linear approximation, u
(1, 0, 0, 0), S 0i 0 and S ij ijk Sk . Then, F0 0 and
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 9

Fi cBij S j = Bj,i S j = ( P )j,i S j , (25)
in agreement with equation (21). Thus the existence of the force (21) may be
ascribed to the intrinsic nonlocality of a particle in the quantum theory and
hence the coupling of spin to the magnetic part of the spacetime curvature in a
stationary field.
It is important to remark here that our considerations are distinct from pro-
posals to measure the classical spin-spin force as discussed in [11]. Our results ul-
timately follow from detailed considerations of Dirac-type wave equations in the
gravitational field of a rotating mass (see the references cited in [13]); however,
one can arrive at equations (20)-(21) on the basis of certain general arguments
such as the local isotropy of space, the extended hypothesis of locality and the
gravitational Larmor theorem [13].
Assuming the approximate validity of equations (20)-(21), it would be diffi-
cult to imagine a basic gravitational theory founded purely on the universality of
free fall and Riemannian geometry. However, such a theoretical structure would
clearly be an excellent effective theory in the macrophysical domain.

GEM Stress-Energy Tensor

Let us imagine a congruence of geodesic test particles in a gravitational
field. Taking one of the test particles as the reference observer, how does the
motion of the other neighboring test particles appear to the fiducial observer?
The result is best expressed in a Fermi coordinate system that is set up along
the reference worldline. Let X = (, X) be the Fermi coordinates of the test
particles, while the reference observer is at the origin of spatial Fermi coordinates.
Then the equation of motion of the test particles is given by the generalized
Jacobi equation

d2 X i
+ FR0i0j X j + 2 FRikj0 V k X j + (2 FR0kj0 V i V k
d 2
2 2
+ FRikjl V k V l + FR0kjl V i V k V l )X j = 0, (26)
3 3
which is valid to first order in the relative separation X and to all orders in the
relative velocity V = dX/d . Here FR ( ) are components of the curvature
tensor as measured by the fiducial observer, i.e. they are the projections of the
Riemann tensor onto the nonrotating tetrad frame of the reference observer.
Neglecting the second and third order terms in the relative rate of separation,
equation (26) can be written as the GEM analog of the Lorentz force law

d2 X
m = qE E + qB V B, (27)
d 2
where qE = m, qB = 2m and
10 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

Ei = FR0i0j ( )X j , Bi = ijk FRjk0l ( )X l . (28)
It is important to notice that the spacetime interval in the neighborhood
of the reference worldline can be expressed in Fermi coordinates as ds2 =
g dX dX , where

g00 = 1 FR0i0j ( )X i X j + , (29)

F 2F
g0i = R0jik ( )X j X k + , (30)

F 1F
gij = ij Rikjl ( )X k X l + . (31)
Letting Fg00 = 1 + 2 and Fg0i = 2Ai , we find that

1F 1
= R0i0j X i X j , Ai = FR0jik X j X k , (32)
2 3
so that the corresponding GEM fields using equation (7) agree with the results
in equation (28) to linear order in the separation X. One can verify directly that
B = 0 and E = 0, so that the source-free pair of Maxwells equations
are satisfied along the reference worldline. Moreover, it is possible to combine
the GEM fields together to form a GEM Faraday tensor F ,

F = FR0l X l , (33)

such that F0i = Ei and Fij = ijk Bk as in standard electrodynamics. Then the
other pair of Maxwells equations is given by F , = 4J , where J (, X) is
easily obtained to linear order in X using equation (33). J is a conserved current
such that J (, 0) = FR0 /4 along the fiducial trajectory. This treatment
should be compared and contrasted with the linear approximation developed
above, in particular, the GEM current is different here.
It is now possible to develop the classical field theory of the GEM field in the
Fermi frame; in particular, one can define the Maxwell stress-energy tensor and
the corresponding angular momentum for the GEM field. Thus

1 1
T (, X) = F F F F (34)
4 4
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 11

is the Maxwell stress-energy tensor for the GEM field that is quadratic in the
spatial separation and vanishes at the location of the fiducial observer. Physi-
cal measurements do not occur at a point, as already emphasized by Bohr and
Rosenfeld [16]; moreover, the fiducial observer is arbitrary here. Therefore, a
physically more meaningful quantity is obtained by averaging equation (34) over
a sphere of radius L in the Fermi system. Here L is a constant invariant length-
scale associated with the gravitational field. We find that

< T (, X) >= 2 C0 L2 T () () (0) (0) , (35)

where C0 is a constant numerical factor and

1  1
T = R R + R R g R R . (36)
2 4

For a Ricci-flat spacetime, T reduces to the Bel-Robinson tensor T ;

in this case, R reduces to the Weyl tensor C and in equation (36)
C C = (K/4)g with K = C C .
The magnitude of C0 depends on whether we average over the surface or the
volume of the sphere; in any case, one can always absorb C0 into the definition
of L. Thus the pseudo-local GEM stress-energy tensor may be defined for any
observer with the tetrad frame () as

T()() = L2 T () () (0) (0) . (37)

In this way, the pseudo-local GEM energy density, Poynting flux and stresses
are defined up to a common multiplicative factor.
It is important to note that the spatial components of the curvature have
been ignored in our construction of the GEM tensor T()() . For a Ricci-flat
spacetime, however, the spatial components of the curvature are simply related
to its electric components; therefore, the pseudo-local tensor defined via equation
(37) using the Bel-Robinson tensor contains the full (Weyl) curvature tensor and
is thus the gravitational stress-energy tensor.
It follows from a simple application of these results to the field of a rotating
mass that there exists a steady Poynting flux of gravitational energy in the
exterior field of a rotating mass.

Oscillations of a Charged Rotating Black Hole

Imagine a black hole of mass M , charge Q and angular momentum J that is
perturbed by external radiation. The black hole is stationary and axisymmetric;
therefore, the perturbation is expressible in terms of eigenmodes P(r, ) exp(it
+imj ), where P depends upon the frequency of the radiation, the total angular
momentum parameters of the eigenmode (j, mj ) and the spin of the external
field. It turns out that for a Fourier sum of such eigenmodes, the response of the
12 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

black hole far away and at late times is dominated by a superposition of certain
damped oscillations of the form A exp(it), where = BH iBH with
BH 0. For these quasinormal modes, the amplitude A depends, among other
things, on the strength of the perturbation while depends only on the black
hole parameters (M, Q, J). Moreover, these black hole oscillations are in general
denumerably infinite and are numbered as n = 0, 1, 2, , such that n = 0 is
least damped and BH increases with n. The intrinsic ringing of a black hole
is due to the fact that once perturbed, the black hole undergoes characteristic
damped oscillations in order to return to a stationary state.
The fundamental modes of oscillations of black holes were originally found
by numerical experiments and initial attempts to explain the numerical results
via the properties of black hole effective potentials were unsuccessful [17]. The
solution of the problem was first given around 1980 [18]. This work provided
the stimulus for many subsequent investigations by a number of authors [19]. A
detailed discussion of black hole oscillations is contained in [20].
For the modes of oscillation of a charged rotating black hole, the only reliable
results are for j |mj | 1. Expressions for (BH , BH ) have been obtained
in the case of j = |mj | 1 for a general Kerr-Newman black hole; however,
the results have been generalized to the case of j > |mj | 1 only for a slowly
rotating charged black hole [21]. To express (BH , BH ) in terms of (M, J, Q)
in the latter case, let K (r) = (M r3 Q2 r4 )1/2 be the Keplerian frequency
for the motion of a neutral particle in a circular geodesic orbit of radius r about
a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole of mass M and charge Q. Here we use Boyer-
Lindquist type of coordinates for the Kerr-Newman geometry. Timelike circular
geodesic orbits exist down to a null orbit of radius rN such that 2rN = 3M +
(9M 2 8Q2 )1/2 . Let N = K (rN ), then it can be shown that for a slowly
rotating black hole

BH jN + mj N , (38)

J rN + M
N = 3 1 , (39)
rN M rN rN M
is an effective black hole rotation frequency. The (2j + 1)-fold degeneracy in the
spectrum of oscillations of the spherical black hole is removed by its rotation.
We note that N is proportional to the gravitomagnetic precession frequency at
rN . Moreover,

1 M mj
BH n+ 23 N Q N , (40)
2 rN j
where n = 0, 1, 2, is the mode number and Q = 6M Q2/[rN (9M 2 8Q2)]. It
is interesting to note that if the black hole is charged, the rotation removes the
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 13

degeneracy of the damping factor as well. Moreover, in the formulas (38) and
(40) if (BH , BH ) is a ringing mode, then so is (BH , BH ). These results are
independent of the spin of the perturbing field, since they are valid for states of
high total angular momentum j |mj | 1.

3 Structure of Time and Relativistic Precession

Let us now return to the gravitomagnetic temporal structure around a rotating
source. The gravitomagnetic clock effect involves a coupling between the orbital
motion of clocks and the rotation of the source. On the other hand, the gravito-
magnetic gyroscope precession occurs even for a gyroscope at rest in the exterior
field of a rotating source. Nevertheless, there is a general physical connection be-
tween relativistic precession and temporal structure. This is not surprising since
the operational definition of time ultimately involves counting a definite period
and simple precession is uniform periodic motion. It is the purpose of this section
to explain this relationship. We do this in several steps in the context of Kerr
geometry with

ds2 = dt2 + dr2 + d2 + (r2 + a2 ) sin2 d2

Rg r
+ (c dt a sin2 d)2 , (41)

where = r2 + a2 cos2 and = r2 Rg r + a2 . Here Rg = 2GM/c2 is
the gravitational radius of the source and the Kerr parameter a = J/M c is a
lengthscale characteristic of the rotation of the source. For M = 0 and a 6= 0,
the spacetime given by (41) is flat as expected. For a = 0 and M 6= 0, the metric
(41) represents the Schwarzschild geometry. Finally, for a = 0 and M = 0 we
have the metric of an inertial frame expressed in spherical coordinates (r, , ).
Let us first imagine an accelerated observer in an inertial frame. Suppose that
this observer carries along its worldline an ideal pointlike test gyroscope so that
there is no net torque on the gyroscope and its spin axis is therefore nonrotating.
To simplify matters, let us first assume that the path is a circle of radius r in
the (x, y)-plane with its center at the origin of coordinates. According to the
standard static observers in the inertial frame, the accelerated observer moves
with uniform frequency z. The transformation between the inertial frame and
the rest frame of the rotating observer involves a simple rotation of frequency ;
therefore, from the viewpoint of the standard (i.e. static) observers in the rotating
frame a natural operational way to keep the direction of the gyroscope spin
axis nonrotating is to imagine fixing this axis at some initial time with respect
to the axes of the rotating frame, but then continuously rotating it backward
with frequency . In this way, the spin direction would remain fixed in the
inertial frame if the rotation of the observer were virtual. In reality, however, the
observers proper time is related to t by d = dt (1 v 2 /c2 )1/2 , where v = r ;
hence, the backward rotation of the spin occurs with respect to the rotating
observers proper time, i.e. with frequency (dt/d ). From the standpoint of
14 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

the standard inertial observers, the time dilation causes the spin direction to
overcompensate and hence the spin direction is not fixed but precesses with
the Thomas precession frequency T = (dt/d ) + . This amounts to a
precession of frequency (1) in a sense that is opposite to that of the rotation
of the comoving observer; moreover, the generalization to arbitrary acceleration
can be simply carried out by means of the Frenet procedure. That is, a Frenet
frame can be set up along the path of the observer in space; then, = v/R(t),
where R(t) is the radius of the curvature at each instant of time t.
The intimate connection between time dilation and Thomas precession in
Minkowski spacetime can be extended to a gravitational field. Therefore, let us
imagine next that the motion described above is the geodesic motion of a free
test particle carrying an ideal test gyroscope around a spherical mass M . Let
K = d/dt be the Keplerian frequency as perceived by static inertial observers
at infinity; then, K = GM/r3 , where r is the Schwarzschild radius of the circular
orbit. The proper frequency in this case is = K , where = dt/d = (1
3GM/c2 r)1/2 . The gravitational time dilation involves the static gravitational
redshift effect of g00 = 1 2GM/c2 r in the Schwarzschild geometry as well
as the azimuthal motion r2 (d/dt)2 = GM/r resulting in the factor of 3 in
. This situation is reminiscent of the spin-orbit coupling in the motion of the
electron around the nucleus in the hydrogen atom; however, there are subtle
differences between the electromagnetic and gravitational cases. In this case, the
spin precession frequency is given by the Fokker frequency F = K , and the
sense of precession is in the same sense as the orbital motion. This gravitational
analog of the Thomas precession has a simple and transparent explanation in
terms of Einsteins principle of equivalence. According to this heuristic principle,
an observer O in a gravitational field is locally equivalent to an observer O
in Minkowski spacetime with an acceleration that is equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction to the Newtonian gravitational acceleration of O. The
gravitational (Fokker) precession is thus locally equivalent to Thomas precession
with the direction of acceleration reversed. It follows that the Fokker precession is
in the same sense as the orbital motion. For an arbitrary accelerated observer in a
gravitational field with velocity u = dx /d and acceleration a = Du /d , the
nonrotating equation of motion for the torque-free pointlike spin vector (u S =
0) is

+ u S = u a S , (42)
so that both Fokker and Thomas precessions would be present for accelerated
motion in Schwarzschild geometry.
The gravitomagnetic precession of a gyroscope is in a similar way related to
the temporal structure brought about by the rotation of the source. However,
the situation here is more complicated than the gravitoelectric Fokker precession
since the temporal structure is affected by the coupling of orbital motion with
the angular momentum of the source.
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 15

Specifically, let us imagine stable circular geodesic orbits in the equatorial

plane of the Kerr source (41). It can be shown that

dt a 1 d 1
= TK , = TK (1 2 3Rg /2r)1/2 , (43)
d c 2 d 2

where TK = 2/K is the Keplerian period of the orbit and = a K /c. Here
the upper (lower) sign refers to a prograde (retrograde) orbit. It follows that the
orbital period is given by

t = TK (1 ) , = TK (1 2 3Rg /2r)1/2 . (44)

2 2
Let us first note that t+ t = 4a/c and + = 4TK2 . Since + + =
2TK + O(c2 ), we find that + 4a/c. In fact, + monotonically
decreases as a function of r and approaches 4a/c as r . Thus a prograde
clock moves more slowly than a retrograde clock according to comoving observers
as well as the standard asymptotically inertial observers at infinity; moreover,
+ 4a/c for r Rg . This remarkable gravitomagnetic clock effect has
been discussed in some detail in recent publications [22]-[27]. This classical effect
is in some sense the gravitomagnetic analog of the topological Aharonov-Bohm
effect; in fact, let us note that far from a finite rotating source + is nearly a
constant independent of the distance r and the gravitational coupling constant
G. These aspects of the clock effect have been discussed in detail elsewhere [26].
Let us now imagine two clocks moving in opposite directions on a stable
circular geodesic orbit of radius r in the equatorial plane of the Kerr source.
Suppose that at t0 = 0, they are both at 0 = 0; let us denote the event at
which the clocks next meet again by (t1 , 1 ). It follows from equation (43) that
2t1 = 1 TK (1 + ) for the prograde clock and 2t1 = (2 1 )TK (1 ) for
the retrograde clock. Thus 1 = (1 ) and t1 = TK (1 2 )/2. Moreover,
2 2
+ (1 ) (1 ) = TK2 (2 + 3Rg /2r), which is negligibly small for clocks in
orbit about astronomical sources in the solar system; in fact, + (1 ) (1 )
O(c4 ). The next time the clocks meet is at (t2 , 2 ), which bears the same
relationship to (t1 , 1 ) as (t1 , 1 ) to (t0 , 0 ); therefore, 2 = 2(1 ) and
t2 = TK (1 2 ). In general, the nth time the clocks meet is at (tn , n ) with
n = n(1 ) modulo 2 and tn = nTK (1 2 )/2.
Consider now the behavior of the diametrical line joining these events to the
origin of the spatial coordinates. For a = 0, i.e. in the Schwarzschild case, this
line is fixed as the clocks repeatedly meet at two diametrically opposite points.
However, for a 6= 0 the line precesses in the opposite sense as the rotation of the
source with the precession frequency given approximately by (cf. Fig. 1)

1 GJ
= 2 3 + O(c4 ), (45)
+ (1 ) c r

which at this order is in agreement with the precession frequency of an ideal

torque-free gyroscope that is fixed in the equatorial plane of the Kerr source
16 Bahram Mashhoon et al.


Fig. 1. Gravitomagnetic precession of the diametrical lines indicating the points

(0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) at which the clocks would meet.

Our treatment of the clock effect has been limited thus far to circular orbits
in the equatorial plane of the source. Off this plane, even circular orbits are
not generally closed and the discussion of the clock effect as well as its intimate
connection with the gravitomagnetic gyroscope precession becomes more com-
plicated. In fact, the clock effect can be extended to such orbits using the notion
of azimuthal closure [26].
Finally, it should be mentioned that the general motion of an ideal pointlike
torque-free gyroscope in the Kerr field would, in accordance with equation (42),
involve Thomas and Fokker precessions as well as a complicated gravitomag-
netic motion that consists of both precession and nutation. Indeed, the notion of
relativistic nutation has been introduced in the post-Schwarzschild approxima-
tion scheme in order to describe the nutational part of the gravitomagnetic spin
motion [29]. The complex gravitomagnetic spin motion reduces to the simple
(Schiff) precession in the lowest post-Newtonian order.

4 Clock Effect in the PPN Approximation

In view of the possibility of detecting the gravitomagnetic clock effect via space-
borne clocks, it is interesting to develop the theory of the clock effect within the
parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) framework. The PPN formalism contains
a set of parameters that characterize different metric theories of gravitation in
the post-Newtonian approximation. The general form of the PPN metric is de-
scribed in [30,31]; it includes theories and effects that are not of primary interest
for our treatment of the clock effect. Therefore we will start from a simplified
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 17

PPN metric of the form

g00 = 1 + 2U 2U 2 , (46)
g0i = (4 + 4 + 1 )Hi , (47)
gij = (1 + 2U )ij , (48)

which describes a rotating body in an underlying Cartesian coordinate system

x = (ct, ) with = (x, y, z). In the following, we will use spherical coordi-
nates (, , ); the isotropic radial coordinate should not be confused with the
Schwarzschild radial coordinate r. In general relativity, the PPN parameters 1 ,
and are given by 1 = 0 and = = 1.
The PPN metric (46)-(48) is restricted to theories that exhibit conservation
laws for total momentum and ignores the Whitehead and preferred-frame effects
[32]. We assume that the gravitational source is a uniformly rotating and nearly
spherical body that is symmetric about the axis of rotation (i.e. the z-axis). We
are interested in the exterior gravitational field of the source when its center of
mass is at the origin of spatial coordinates. The gravitoelectric potential U (, )
is given in this case by [12]

GM h X  n
U (, ) = 1 + Jn Pn (cos ) , (49)
c2 n=2

where e is the equatorial radius of the source, M is in effect the asymptotically

measured mass of the source, Pn is the Legendre polynomial of degree n and
Jn := ( , ) Pn (cos ) d3 . (50)
M ne
Here denotes the effective mass-energy density of the source. In a similar
way the multipole expansion of the gravitomagnetic vector potential Hi can be
expressed as [12]
G(J )i h X e
Hi (, ) = 1 + K n P
n+1 (cos ) , (51)
c3 3 n=1

where J = Jz is in effect the asymptotically measured angular momentum of

the source and Pn (x) = dPn (x)/dx. Here

2 M 2e
Kn := (Ln + Jn+2 ) (52)
2n + 3 J
Ln := ( , ) Pn (cos )d3 . (53)
M n+2

The derivation of the clock effect involves the computation of the proper time
over a complete azimuthal cycle along geodesic orbits about the source. For
18 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

simplicity, we limit our discussion to circular geodesic orbits in the equatorial

plane, i.e. = constant and = /2.
The radial geodesic equation, corresponding to a circular orbit in the equa-
torial plane, is given by

dx dx
= 0, (54)
d d
which can be written as
 c dt 2  c dt 

+2 + = 0. (55)
d d 00 00

It is straightforward to show that 0 /00 = g0, /g00, and /00 = g, /g00, .
Using equations (46)-(48), we find that
g0 = 4 + 4 + 1 H(, ) sin2 , (56)
GJ h X e
H(, ) = 3 1 + Kn Pn+1 (cos ) , (57)
c n=1

and g = 2 (1 + 2U ) sin2 . The solution of equation (55) can then be written

dt c2 12 h 1 i
= U, 1 + ( + )U + U,

d 2
1 H
+ 4 + 4 + 1 + O(c3 ) . (58)
8c U,

It follows from the PPN metric c2 d 2 = c2 g00 dt2 + 2cg0 dtd + g d2 that
 d 2  dt 2 1
= (1 2U ) 2 2 + O(c3 ) . (59)
d d c

Using equation (58), we find after some algebra that

d c2 12 h 1 i
= U, 1 + ( + 1)U + (U, |U, |)

d 2
1   H,
+ 4 + 4 + 1 + O(c3 ) . (60)
8c U,

Integration of this equation immediately yields ; hence,

+ = 4 + 4 + 1 + O(c3 ) (61)
2c U,
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 19

gives the gravitomagnetic clock effect within the restricted PPN framework
adopted here. The explicit dependence of the gravitomagnetic clock effect on
the PPN parameters is through the proportionality factor of (4 + 4 + 1 ); in
fact, the clock effect has this feature in common with other main gravitomagnetic
effects [32].
It is interesting to note that in general relativity the gravitomagnetic clock
effect in the post-Newtonian approximation is given by

J h 3 9  2e i
+ 4 1 + J2 K2 2 , (62)
M c2 2 2
when the source is assumed to be symmetric about the equatorial plane and all
moments higher than the quadrupole are neglected. Using data given in [12],
we find that for the Earth J2 103 and K2 103 , so that (3/2)J2
(9/2)K2 3 103 gives the relative contribution of the oblateness of the
Earth to the clock effect for a near-Earth equatorial orbit.

5 Detection of the Gravitomagnetic Temporal Structure

According to Eq. (43) and the discussion following it, the orbital motion of free
clocks around a rotating mass gives rise to the gravitomagnetic clock effect which
shows up in the difference between the proper orbital periods of co- and counter-
orbiting clocks. This is given by 4a/c for equatorial trajectories. Inserting the
specific angular momentum of the Earth (a 3 m) yields an amazingly large
value of + 107 s.
Despite this seemingly large effect, the actual measurement of this time dif-
ference encounters severe practical difficulties. Since the two clocks are assumed
to move along opposite but identical orbits, their Kepler periods exactly cancel
upon forming the difference + , thereby revealing the gravitomagnetic clock
effect. In reality, however, clocks cannot be injected into identical trajectories
and the resulting difference in the Kepler periods will readily exceed the time
difference induced by the rotation of the Earth. Since for near-Earth orbits a
radial separation of 0.1 mm of the clocks involves a time difference in the Kepler
periods of the same order of magnitude as the gravitomagnetic clock effect, the
position of the clocks has to be known at the submillimeter level in order to
filter the effect which is caused by the rotation of the Earth out of the data.
Similary, as the satellite moves just under 1 mm within 107 s along its track (or
102 milliarcseconds in angular distance), the azimuthal position has to be
known at the same accuracy as the radial one. On the other hand, the gravito-
magnetic time difference accumulates with the number of revolutions and after
hundreds or thousands of periods a knowledge of the position of the clocks at
the centimeter level will be sufficient to overcome the difference in the Kepler
Another difficulty arises from the determination of all the forces that act on
the satellites carrying the clocks. Since the period of revolution for orbits of 103
km altitude is of the order of 104 s, accelerations as weak as 1012 m/s2 will
20 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

already cover the gravitomagnetic clock effect. Among these forces, gravitational
perturbations due to the nonsphericity of the Earth, solid and ocean Earth tides
as well as the interaction with the Sun, Moon and planets will cause the most
significant deviations from an ideal orbit. Depending on the altitude of the satel-
lites, the atmospheric drag effect can also considerably change the shape of the
orbit. Moreover, this latter effect is quite difficult to model because it strongly
depends on the atmospheric density which is not only correlated to the orbital
height but also subject to temporal variations. Other non-gravitational perturba-
tions like solar and terrestrial radiation pressure, thermal thrust, charged particle
drag etc. must also be taken into account despite their less distinct influence,
since they likely induce accelerations in excess of 1012 m/s2 .
In practice, the effect of all these perturbations will be modeled by deter-
mining a precise orbit based on the actual spacecraft observations. This will be
accomplished by generating an orbital trajectory following Newtons equations
of motion and by including all perturbing forces acting on the satellite, using
the most accurate models available. In the next step, this predicted orbit has to
be best fitted to the one observed, where some force parameters may be solved
for during the orbit adjustment process in order to obtain an improved or tai-
lored force model for the specific mission. From the resulting precise orbit the
effects of the individual perturbations are removed step by step thus yielding a
quasi-Keplerian orbit, but still carrying the signatures of the relativistic effects.
Finally, a comparison with the corresponding clock predictions for an appropri-
ate synthetic orbit is performed which is expected to confirm the clock effect
being investigated.
Therefore, in order to meet the very stringent conditions for the observation
of the clock effect, many tiny perturbing sources have to be considered and
investigated that are usually absent in most of the present orbit determination

6 Quantum Origin of Inertia

The sign of the gravitomagnetic clock effect has a remarkable consequence that
will be elucidated in this section. It follows from t+ > t and + > that the
uniform motion of the prograde clock is slower than that of the retrograde clock.
Thus in comparison with motion around a nonrotating mass, a rotating mass
would drag free test particles along such that it would take longer (shorter)
to go once around it on an equatorial circular orbit in the prograde (retrograde)
direction. We may call this circumstance virtual inertial antidragging, since
it is the exact opposite of what would be expected on the basis of the so-called
inertial dragging [33]. In fact, as Fig. 2 clearly demonstrates, for a given r (i.e.
fixed orbital radius), the faster the Kerr source spins, the slower the prograde
motion and the faster the retrograde motion.
Rotational or translational inertial dragging refers to the circumstance that
an accelerating mass would somehow induce acceleration in the same sense in
nearby masses as a consequence of the so-called Machs principle. The clock
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 21



0 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2a


Fig. 2. Plot of the clock rate versus the rotation of the source. Imagine an ensemble
of Kerr fields with the same mass but different angular momenta. For a fixed stable
circular geodesic orbit with radius r, + ( ) monotonically increases (decreases) over
the ensemble with increasing angular momentum of the source. Stable orbits of this
type occur for r r , where r 3Rg 4a (2Rg /r )1/2 = 3a2 /r . Let us note that
r r+ and the equality occurs for a = 0 and r = 3Rg ; moreover, r /a (3)1/2 as
2a/Rg . The graph illustrates the behavior of for an ensemble of Kerr black
holes with 2a Rg ; for 2a = Rg , r+ = a and r = 9a. In the graph, 0 = (a = 0)
and the radius r is chosen to be 5Rg .

effect indicates that precisely the opposite situation is predicted for rotational
motion in the equatorial plane by the general theory of relativity. Translational
inertial dragging has been discussed by a number of authors [34]; again, such
notions are foreign to the standard geometric interpretation of general relativity
[35]. In general relativity, accelerated motion is absolute in the sense that it is
nonrelative. Thus the term absolute as employed here only signifies the oppo-
site of the term relative and is devoid of any metaphysical connotations. The
gravitomagnetic clock effect and the gyroscope precession indicate the absolute
rotation of the source. That is, a direct gravitomagnetic verification of Einsteins
theory of gravitatione.g. via NASAs GP-Bwould constitute observational
proof that the rotation of the Earth is absolute and not merely relative to the
distant matter of the universe [36].
Machs profound analysis of the foundations of Newtonian mechanics occa-
sioned a thorough re-examination of the basic classical notions of space, time and
motion that had been prevalent since Newton provided a rational basis for the
Copernican revolution and Keplers laws of planetary motion. This re-evaluation
culminated in Einsteins theory of general relativity. It is therefore of great im-
portance to recognize that general relativitywhich agrees with all experimental
data to datedoes not contain the idea of relativity of arbitrary motion. That is,
this concept which was so crucial in the historical development of Einsteins
theory is absent in the standard geometric interpretation of general relativity
in the sense that it is neither a part of the foundations of the theory nor follows
from it. The re-emergence of absolute motion may be taken to mean that gen-
eral relativity is still not completely devoid of certain metaphysical elements.
22 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

Should general relativity therefore be modified or abandoned in favor of a the-

ory based on the relativity of arbitrary motion? To do so would be unwise. One
should recognize instead that physics has progressed far beyond the early days
of relativity theory and the observational successes of general relativity must
now be integrated within a quantum framework that involves the vacuum state
of microphysics as well as the rest frame of the cosmic microwave background
Mach noted that in Newtonian mechanics, the intrinsic state of a classical
particle characterized by its mass m has no direct connection with the extrinsic
state of the particle characterized by its position and velocity (x, v) in absolute
space and time. Hence the same extrinsic state can be occupied by other masses
comoving with the particle. Thus an observer can change its perspective by
comoving with each particle in turn. In Newtonian mechanics, the particles are
thus placed on the absolute space and time continuum and remain external
to it. On the other hand, classical particles are connected to each other via
interactions such as gravity and electromagnetism. Mach therefore concluded
that only the motion of a particle relative to other particles should have ultimate
physical significance. Machs basic analysis has been restated in modern form in
In classical physics, motion takes place via classical particles as well as elec-
tromagnetic waves. It appears that Mach did not extend his analysis of classical
particle motion to electromagnetic wave propagation; in this connection, the is-
sues that arise in the examination of the historical record are briefly mentioned
in the Appendix. Let us therefore apply Machs argument to the motion of elec-
tromagnetic waves. The intrinsic aspects of the wave are its amplitude, period,
wavelength and polarization, which therefore characterize its intrinsic state. The
extrinsic state of the wave is given by its wave function (t, x) in absolute time
and space, and we note that the waves intrinsic state is directly related to its
extrinsic state, i.e. electric and magnetic field components, since the former can-
not be defined independently of the latter. The conclusion is that the motion of
classical electromagnetic waves is absolute, i.e. nonrelative.
Classical motion can be either relative or absolute. In Einsteins discussion of
the so-called Machs principle, only ponderable masses are considered [33],
whereas classical motion occurs via classical particles as well as electromagnetic
waves. It is natural to think of the motion of classical particles (i.e. ponderable
masses) as relative, since one can change ones perspective by moving with each
mass in turn. In the same sense, the motion of electromagnetic waves must be
considered absolute due to its observer-independent status. The development
of these simple notions taking due account of wave-particle duality leads to
the principle of complementarity of absolute and relative motion [38]. In this
connection, let us note that Machs analysis of classical particle motion may
be restated in terms of the complete kinematic independence of the absolute
position x of a particle from its momentum p = mv. In contrast, quantum
kinematics can be consistently formulated only by imposing the fundamental
quantum condition on the operators characterizing the position and momentum
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 23

of a particle in absolute space and time, i.e. [xj , pk ] = i~jk . For instance, in the
nonrelativistic motion of a free particle in the Heisenberg picture p = mv and
[xj , vk ] = i~m1 jk . Thus in contrast to the situation in classical mechanics, the
mass of a particle is related to its position and velocity in quantum mechanics due
to the fact that the particle has wave characteristics as well. This idea naturally
extends to the specific orbital angular momentum of the particle, li = ijk xj vk ,
so that [lj , lk ] = i~m1 jkn ln . In the limit of an infinitely massive particle,
the connection disappears and the position and velocity commute; that is, one
recovers classical mechanics when the system is so massive that the perturbation
due to an act of observation on the system is negligible and the system therefore
behaves classically.
Machs argument involves classical quantities (c-numbers), whereas the quan-
tum condition involves operators (q-numbers); nevertheless, the quantum con-
dition implies that the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the particle are directly
related through Plancks constant. For instance, in the Schrodinger picture the
extrinsic state of the particle is given by the wave function (t, x) and the
Schrodinger equation for involves m, which characterizes the intrinsic state
of the particle in Machs analysis. The relationship under discussion here is not
merely formal but can be verified observationally. In fact, this kinematic con-
nection is particularly well illustrated by the example of a free particle passing
through a slit. The resulting diffraction angle is inversely proportional to the
mass of the particle, so that the diffraction is absent in the limit of large mass
and the particle behaves classically. To the extent that classical mechanics can be
thought of as a limiting form of quantum mechanics, the epistemological prob-
lem of Newtonian mechanics so clearly brought out by Mach disappears.
That is, the problem of the origin of inertia is resolved through the wave nature
of matter.
Thus far the inertial mass of the particle has provided the quantum con-
nection to the inertial reference frames of Newtonian mechanics. The invariance
group of Minkowski spacetime is the Poincare group whose irreducible unitary
representations can be described in terms of mass and spin. Thus in the rela-
tivistic theory the inertial properties of a particle are characterized by mass and
spin. The inertial properties of intrinsic spin have been discussed in [39].
Inertia has its origin in the fact that matter is intrinsically extended in space
and time and through this nonlocality inertial reference frames can be rec-
ognized; then, a physical system tends to preserve its state with respect to
such frames. This is beautifully illustrated by experiments involving macroscopic
quantum systems that have phase coherence, such as the recent demonstration
of Earths absolute rotation via superfluid He4 [40]. The quantum aspects of the
origin of inertia are further developed in [41].

7 Discussion
In this paper we have examined some of the main theoretical aspects of gravito-
magnetism in general relativity. The influence of the proper rotation of a source
24 Bahram Mashhoon et al.

on the spacetime structure can be studied in various ways. Attention has been fo-
cused here on certain features of the gravitomagnetic clock effect and its relation
with the gravitomagnetic gyro precession. However, other approaches exist and
should be mentioned. The detection of the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth via
the Lense-Thirring precession of satellite orbits has been investigated by Ciu-
folini et al. [42]. Moreover, gravitomagnetic effects in the spacetime curvature can
be measured in principle using gravity gradiometry [43]. In this connection, it is
interesting to note that gravity gradiometers of high sensitivity that are based
on atomic interferometry are being developed for space applications [44,45].

Appendix: Mach and the Absolute Motion of Light

Newtons introduction of the concepts of absolute space and time was truly
revolutionary in his day and allowed him to formulate the basic classical laws of
particle motion. Leibniz [46] and Berkeley [47] criticized the notions of absolute
space and absolute time and emphasized instead the idea of relativity of all
motion. Later, however, Maxwell [48] relied on absolute space and time for his
fundamental extension of the Newtonian ideas of motion to electromagnetic field
propagation. On the other hand, Mach revived the principle of relativity of
all motion on the basis of a profound analysis of the foundations of classical
mechanics [49]. Machs work played a significant role in Einsteins development
of the theory of relativity [50].
Machs deep physical treatment of the relativity of classical particle motion
was motivated by his epistemological stance on the relativity of all measurement.
According to Mach, the result of a measurement is the establishment of a relation
and not of absolute notions, since in Machs view the latter refer to processes
or objects that are not empirically verifiable in principle [51]. Machs analysis of
the relativity of particle motion in his great work on classical mechanics [49] was
not extended to electromagnetic wave motion in his later work on physical optics
[52]. In this book, Mach discussed the wave theory of light as well as the speed of
light; however, he apparently made no attempt to put these in the context of his
epistemological stance on the relativity of all motion. There is no evidence that
Mach ever wavered in his opposition to absolute motion [53]. However, a number
of Machs contemporaries pointed out the absolute character of the constancy of
the speed of light and were troubled by the fact that this aspect of the relativity
theory was in conflict with the relativity of all motion. Among the physicists
and philosophers who raised such doubts about the epistemological stance of
the theory of relativity one can mention Friedrich Adler, Hugo Dingler, Philipp
Frank, Anton Lampa and Joseph Petzoldt. Although it is claimed in the book
of Blackmore [53] that Mach rejected the principle of the constancy of the speed
of light because it was in contradiction to his phenomenalistic epistemology due
to its constant validity independent of all sensations and conscious data, there
is actually no evidence that Mach ever directly or indirectly commented on the
constancy of the speed of light [54]. A historical analysis of the situation and
Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect 25

the influence of these criticisms on Mach can be found in the monographs of

Blackmore [53] and Wolters [54].
An exposition of the reasons for the supposed opposition to the theory of
relativity based on epistemological considerations and experimental facts was
promised to appear in a sequel to Machs book on optics [52] in collaboration
with his son Ludwig, but this was never published. Although the preface to the
Optics is generally regarded as the most obvious evidence of Machs reluctance
to accept the relativity theory, there is every reason to believe that it was written
by Ludwig only after the death of his father and expresses Ludwigs opinion on
the theory of relativity, despite the fact that Ernst Mach is stated to be the
author of this preface. More on this conjecture can be found in [54].
Finally, the position of Mach vis-a-vis the theory of relativity is also discussed
in the paper of Thiele [55].

1. G. Holzmuller, Z. Math. Phys. 15 (1870) 69.
2. F. Tisserand, Compt. Rend. 75 (1872) 760; 110 (1890) 313.
3. O. Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory (The Electrician Printing and Publishing
Co., London, 1894); J.D. North, The Measure of the Universe (Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1965), ch. 3; R. Anderson, H.R. Bilger and G.E. Stedman, Am. J. Phys.
62 (1994) 975.
4. H. Thirring, Phys. Z. 19 (1918) 33; 22 (1921) 29; J. Lense and H. Thirring, Phys.
Z. 19 (1918) 156.
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