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Theory of CPH: English CPH E-Book

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English CPH E-Book

Section 3
Theory of CPH

Hossein Javadi

What means CPH?
Gravitons and models of quantum gravity
Gravitons and experiments
Problems with the Graviton
Properties of Photon
Quantum state
Relativistic Momentum
A new look at electromagnetic waves
Is the speed of electric field and magnetic fields same as c?
New definition of graviton
Definition of CPH
Principle of CPH
Color charge and magnet color
Color charge and color magnet
Color charge and magnet color equations
Color-charge and magnet-color in usual form
Electricity Alfa Number
Gravity Alfa Number
How a charge particle emits electromagnetic wave?
How Space-Time produces energy?
CPH bends space
Limit of speed in universe and Spin
Information about Big Bang and Inside of Black Hole
Absolute Black holes
Big Bang Equation


Theory of CPH have proclaimed by a simply definition of CPH and a principle that calls
CPH Principle. By a looking, seems Definition and principle of CPH are understandable
easy, but in discussion with other physicist I found for understanding CPH Theory, it
needs to time and precision. Because traveling our mind of quantum mechanics and
relativity word to sub-quantum area has combined with its difficulties.
For these reasons a section of e-book belongs to old discussion on CPH Theory.
So, I guess over than precision I guess read discussion section.
Any fresh opinions are most welcome.

With Best Regards
Hossein Javadi

What means CPH?

CPH stands of three words Creation Particle Higgs. But question is what the Higgs is?
The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist
by the Standard Model of particle physics. As of 2006, no experiment has directly
detected the existence of the Higgs boson, but there are indirect indications of it. The
Higgs boson was first predicted in 1963 by Peter Higgs.
The particle called Higgs boson is in fact the quantum of one of the components of a
Higgs field. In empty space, the Higgs field acquires a non-zero value, which permeates
every place in the universe at all times.
CPH Theory has reconsidered 4 theories (Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics,
Relativity and Higg). In fact CPH Theory is a new looking and developing of Quantum
Chromodynamic. So, CPH Theory is a Sub Quantum Chromodynamic theory.
In this section I will show graviton that quantum mechanics have propounded behaves
like charge particle. So, it is a great step for combining Quantum Mechanics and General
Relativity and finding a unification theory. In a summary we must do change our
conception of graviton. Our conceptions of graviton depend to our knowledge about
graviton and photon that come of quantum mechanics and relativity. So, of the first lets
to that what are photon and graviton in modern physics. Then I Beginning CPH
Definition by color-charge and magnet-color, according the electromagnetic wave and its
behavior in gravitational field that has explained in aforetime sections.

In physics, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that transmits the force of
gravity in most quantum gravity theories. In order to do this, one theory posits that
gravitons have to be always-attractive (gravity never pushes), work over any distance
(gravity is universal) and come in unlimited numbers (to provide high strengths near
stars). In quantum theory, these requirements define an even-spin (spin 2 in this case)
boson with a rest mass of zero.
Gravitons are postulated simply because quantum theory has been so successful in other
fields. For instance, the electromagnetic interaction can be very well explained by the
application of quantization to photons, a science known as quantum electrodynamics. In
this case photons are being continually created and destroyed by all charged particles, and
the interactions between these photons produce the familiar effects of electricity and
magnetism. In the same way, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force are
mediated by gluons and by W and Z bosons, respectively.
Given the widespread success of quantum theory in describing the basic forces in the
universe except for gravity, it seemed only natural that the same methods would work
well on gravity as well. Many attempts finally led to introduction of a so-far unseen
graviton, which would work in a fashion somewhat similar to the photon, the gluon etc. It
was hoped that this would quickly lead to a quantum gravity theory; although the
mathematics became convoluted and no internally consistent theory has yet emerged.
Gravitons and models of quantum gravity
While the classical theory (i.e. the tree diagrams) and semi-classical corrections (one-
loop diagrams) behaved as expected, the Feynman diagrams with two (or more) loops led
to ultraviolet divergences; that is, infinite results that could not be removed because the
quantized general relativity was not re-normalizable, unlike quantum electrodynamics. In
popular terms, the discreteness of quantum theory is not compatible with the smoothness
of Einstein's general relativity. These problems, together with some conceptual puzzles,
led many physicists to believe that a theory more complete than just general relativity
must regulate the behavior near the Planck length. Superstring theory finally emerged as
the most promising solution; it is the only known theory in which the quantum
corrections of any order to graviton scattering are finite.
String theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions which
represents one of its most important triumphs. A graviton in perturbative string theory is
a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibrational state. The scattering of
gravitons in string theory can also be computed from the correlation functions in
conformal field theory, as dictated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, or from Matrix
An interesting feature of gravitons in string theory is that, as closed strings without
endpoints, they would not be bound to branes and could move freely between them; this
"leakage" of gravitons from our brane into higher-dimensional space could explain why
gravity is such a weak force, and gravitons from other branes adjacent to our own could
provide a potential explanation for dark matter. See brane cosmology for more details.
Some proposed quantum theories of gravity do not predict a graviton. For instance, loop
quantum gravity has no analogous particle.
Gravitons and experiments
Detecting a graviton, if it exists, would prove rather problematic. Because the
gravitational force is so incredibly weak, as of today, physicists are not even able to
directly verify the existence of gravitational waves, as predicted by general relativity.
(Many people are surprised to learn that gravity is the weakest force. A simple
experiment will demonstrate this, however: an ordinary refrigerator magnet can generate
enough force to lift a mass against the force of gravity generated by the entire planet.)
Gravitational waves may be viewed as coherent states of many gravitons, much like the
electromagnetic waves are coherent states of photons. Projects that should find the
gravitational waves, such as LIGO and VIRGO, are just getting started.
Problems with the Graviton
Many believe the graviton does not exist, at least in the simplistic manner in which it is
envisioned. Superficially speaking, quantum gravity using the gauge interaction of a spin-
2 field (graviton) fails to work like the photon and other gauge bosons do.
But more importantly the spin-2, linear wave (classical gravitational wave) is only a
perturbation on certain, highly restrictive metrics. In general there are wave-like
fluctuations, but they are non-linear, as is often the case in General Relativity. Maxwell's
equations always admit a spin-1, linear wave, but Einstein's equations rarely admit a spin-
2, linear wave, and when they do it is only perturbative and not exact.
The more analogous gravitational object to the electromagnetic wave is actually the Weyl
curvature. In classical electromagnetism you have fields determined by sources along
with electromagnetic waves that are source-free. And in gravity, the Ricci curvature is
determined by the stress-energy tensor along with the source-free Weyl tensor which
contains the gravitational waves.

A photon is usually given the symbol , the Greek letter gamma, although in nuclear
physics this symbol refers to a very high-energy photon (a gamma ray).
The photon is one of the elementary particles. Its interactions with electrons and atomic
nuclei account for a great many of the features of matter, such as the existence and
stability of atoms, molecules, and solids. These interactions are studied in quantum
electrodynamics (QED), which is the oldest part of the Standard Model of particle

In some respects a photon acts as a particle, for instance when registered by the light
sensitive device in a camera. In other respects, a photon acts like a wave, as when passing
through the optics in a camera. According to the so-called wave-particle duality in
quantum physics, it is natural for the photon to display either aspect of its nature,
according to the circumstances. Normally, light is formed from a large number of
photons, with the intensity related to the number of them. At low intensity, it requires
very sensitive instruments, used in astronomy or spectroscopy, for instance, to detect the
individual photons.

Properties of Photon
Photons are commonly associated with visible light, but this is actually only a very
limited part of the electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic radiation is quantized
as photons: that is, the smallest amount of electromagnetic radiation that can exist is one
photon, whatever its wavelength, frequency, energy, or momentum, and that light or
fields interact with matter in discrete units of one or several photons. Photons are
fundamental particles. They can be created and destroyed when interacting with other
particles, but are not known to decay on their own.
A photon of a definite frequency is not a localized particle. Photons thus exhibit a
position/frequency uncertainty relation similar to that of matter particles and exactly
analogous to the bandwidth theorem of classical optics. Photons have zero mass and zero
electric charge, but they do carry energy, momentum and angular momentum. Photons
are always moving, and photons in a vacuum always move at a constant speed with
respect to all observers, regardless of the observers' own velocities. This speed is called
the vacuum speed of light. The energy and momentum carried by a photon is proportional
to its frequency (or inversely proportional to its wavelength). This momentum can be
transferred when a photon interacts with matter. The force due to photons interacting with
a surface is called radiation pressure, which may be used for propulsion with a solar sail.
Photons are deflected by a gravitational field twice as much as Newtonian mechanics
predicts for a mass traveling at the speed of light. This observation is commonly cited as
evidence supporting Einstein's theory of gravitation, general relativity. In general
relativity, photons (as well as any other object in a free fall) always travel in a "straight"
line, taking into account the curvature of space-time. (In curved space, such lines are
called geodesics).
Photons are produced by atoms when a bound electron moves from one orbital to another
orbital with less energy. Photons can also be emitted by an unstable nucleus when it
undergoes some types of nuclear decay. Furthermore, photons are produced whenever
charged particles are accelerated.
Atoms continuously emit photons due to their collisions with each other. The wavelength
distribution of these photons is thus related to their absolute temperature. The Planck
distribution determines the probability of a photon being a certain wavelength when
emitted by a collection of atoms at a given temperature. The spectrum of such photons is
normally peaked in the range between microwave and infrared, but sufficiently hot
objects (such as the surface of the Sun or a light-bulb filament) will emit visible light as
well. As temperature is further increased, some photons will reach even higher
frequencies, such as ultraviolet and X-ray.
Radio, television, radar and other types of transmitters used for telecommunication and
remote sensing routinely create a wide variety of low-energy photons by the oscillation of
electric fields in conductors. Magnetrons emit coherent photons used in household
microwave ovens. Klystron tubes are used when microwave emissions must be more
finely controlled. Masers and lasers create monochromatic photons by stimulated
emission. More energetic photons can be created by nuclear transitions, particle-
antiparticle annihilation, and in high-energy particle collisions.
Photons have spin 1, and they are therefore classified as bosons. Photons mediate the
electromagnetic interaction; they are the gauge bosons of quantum electrodynamics
(QED), which is a U(1) gauge theory. A non-relativistic spin-1 particle has three possible
spin states (1, 0 and +1). However, in the framework of special relativity, this is not the
case for massless spin-1 particles, such as the photons, which have only two spin
projections, felicities, corresponding to the right- and left-handed circular polarizations of
classical electromagnetic waves. The more familiar linear polarization is formed by a
superposition of the two spin projections of a photon
Quantum state
Visible light from ordinary sources (like the Sun or a lamp) is a mixture of many photons
of different wavelengths. One sees this in the frequency spectrum, for instance by passing
the light through a prism. In so-called "mixed states", which these sources tend to
produce, light can consist of photons in thermal equilibrium (so-called black-body
radiation). Here they in many ways resemble a gas of particles. For example, they exert
pressure, known as radiation pressure.
On the other hand, an assembly of photons can also exist in much more well-organized
coherent states, such as in the light emitted by an ideal laser. The high degree of precision
obtained with laser instruments is due to this organization.
The quantum state of a photon assembly, like that of other quantum particles, is the so-
called Fock state denoted , meaning photons in one of the distinct "modes" of the
electromagnetic field. If the field is multimode (involves several different wavelength
photons), its quantum state is a tensor product of photon states, for example:

Here denote the possible modes, and the number of photons in each mode.

Relativistic Momentum
The relativistic momentum is given by

This is the ordinary definition of momentum with the mass replaced by the relativistic
mass. In the above calculations, one of the ways of expressing mass and momentum is in
terms of electron volts. It is typical in high energy physics, where relativistic quantities
are encountered, to make use of the Einstein relationship to relate mass and momentum to
energy. In relativistic mechanics, the quantity pc is often used in momentum discussions.
It has the units of energy.

For extreme relativistic velocities where then
A useful application of the quantity pc is in the calculation of the velocity as a fraction of

For limit of speed applies for the momentum of a photon.

A new look at electromagnetic waves
A photon becomes energy-laden by revolving. We know this because the electromagnetic
fields around a "ray of light" are electromagnetic waves not static fields. Relativistic ally,
the electromagnetic field generated by a photon is much stronger than the associated
gravitational field. Further it is not clear at the present time whether the gravitational field
of an energy-laden photon is static or oscillatory. It is not understood how the photon
generates two sets of fields (electromagnetic and gravitational) of so different intensities.
This is an enigma.
Let's take a new look at behavior of electromagnetic wave in a gravitational field; it can
help for resolving this enigma. As we know an electromagnetic wave has form of two
vertical electricity field and magnetic field (figure)

As General Relativity predicted and experiments show, the frequency of photons changes
in a gravitational field. Remember Mossbuaer Effect. According Higgs boson what
happens in this case?
By reconsider to these thee ideas, we are able take a different and new result.
1- Energy of photon increases and according relativity mass-energy, its mass
2- According Mossbuaer Effect and W=mc
, when gravity force acts on
photon, mass (energy) of photon increases.
3- Remember Higgs boson that How Particles Acquire Mass?
4- A part of gravity work converts to electricity energy and other part of
gravity work converts to magnetic energy.

According relations;

Increasing and decreasing of photons energy were doing part by part. And photons
energy comes of its electricity energy and magnetic energy, so in red-shift and blue-shift
electricity and magnetic energy of photon do change. So, intensity of electricity field and
magnetic field change by gravity effect.

Zoom on an electromagnetic wave. There are two electric field and magnetic field. These
fields move with linear speed of c. But they have other motion that the paths of these
motions are changeable.

Do consider to top and down of wave.
Amount of seep is not stable.
Above picture shows the amount of wave speed on top is greater than down. Lets
explain it more by combining relativity, quantum mechanics and Higgs ideas.
Is the speed of electric field and magnetic fields same as c?
Again zoom on this part of electromagnetic wave on axis. But in this case take a new
look by consider to Higgs ideas (following picture).

Suppose every field has formed of particles that they are moving. So, magnetic field
contains many particles that they are carrying magnetic energy. And electric field has
formed of articles that they are carrying electric energy, too. This looking is able give us
very interesting conceptions about electromagnetic energy and how gravity affects on it.

New definition of graviton
According above explain take a look at photon that is falling in gravitation field. Gravity
acts on it and the energy of photon (also, its mass) increases. How we can explain this
increasing of photons energy by graviton theory? As we know gravity is a force and
force is energy per distance, F=-du/dx. According Higgs conception, we can accept that
graviton enters to structure of photon and during this action, a graviton disappears and the
energy of photon increases. But graviton has spin and it cannot attaches to other particle
that they have spin too. So, graviton keeps its spin and moves in structure of photon with
the linear as speed of light (Following picture).

So, the amount of passing path per time is not equal c and it is greater than c.
But there appear a great problem in above explaining. Because lots gravitons enter to
photon and the energy of photon increases, how we can explain the intensity of electricity
and magnetic field of photon increases too?
It is a fact that the energy of photon increases in gravitational field and other fact is
photon generates two sets of fields (electromagnetic and gravitational) of so different
intensities. How we can explain theses facts about photon in gravitational field?
Our explain must be able to resolving two problems;
1- When photons energy increases in gravitational field, why and how the
intensity of electricity and magnetic fields increase too?
2- Why the amount speed of electricity and magnetic fields that appear around
photon on other axis are not constant?

Now we are on a place that guesses some provable conceptions about photon and new
definition of graviton. I will continue with definition of CPH and Principe of CPH and
then return to above subject.
Definition of CPH
Suppose there is a particle with mass of m that is moving with speed Vc in an inertial
reference frame. And Vc>c (c is the speed of light). So, CPH linear momentum gives
with p=mVc (See Figure). It is Called CPH (Creation Particle Higgs). When CPH has
spin, it calls graviton.

Principle of CPH
CPH is a particle with constant mass m and moves with constant amount of speed equal
Vc. CPH has the momentum of Inertia I. In any interaction between CPH and other
particles/masses/forces, the amount of Vc does not change, so;

gradVc=0 in all inertial reference frames and any space

CPH carries linear momentum of P=mVc. So, CPH has inertia and also has Momentum
Inertia I. When an external force is applied on a CPH, then a part of its linear momentum
(P=mVc) converts to angular momentum and CPH takes Spin, so that the amount speed
of CPH does not change in any case. When CPH has Spin, it is called GRAVITON
(Following figure).

When gravity works on an object/particle, graviton does disappear and converts to
energy. Because it is not acceptable that force acts and produces energy; and force does
not have any effect on itself while producing energy.
All efforts for finding a unified field theory had no success, because physicists do not
consider the conversion of force and energy. Also, a graviton combines with another
gravitons and produces energy ( See Figure).

The picture above shows two CPH with the mass of m, speed of Vc and linear
momentum of P=mVc, in distance of r feel each other (see color-charge and magnet-color
item). They absorb each other and r decreases. But CPH must move with the amount
speed of Vc, so they lose a part of their linear speed and takes Spin and graviton appears.
A Photon is formed by lots of CPH that they have spin and photon has spin too. So, when
a photon is traveling with speed of c, CPH has linear speed of c and it has itself spin and
a speed equal to the speed of the photon (according to the structure of photon).
In a gravitational field, when a photon shifts to blue, gravitons convert to energy. And
when the photon shifts to red, energy converts to graviton. And when energy decays, it
produces Matter and Anti-Matter. See Figure. In fact every thing formed of CPH.

Color charge and magnet color
A photon becomes energy-laden by revolving. We know this because the
electromagnetic fields around a "ray of electromagnetic" are electromagnetic waves
not static fields.

Let's return to at behavior of electromagnetic wave in a gravitational field again; it can
help for resolving this enigma. As we know an electromagnetic wave has form of 2
vertical electricity field and magnetic field.

Suppose a photon is falling in a gravitational field, its frequency increases.
What happens in this case?
When gravity acts on a photon, according relation:

W=E= mc

a part of gravity work converts to electricity energy and other part of gravity work
converts to magnetic energy (see figure).

There is no any explain about this phenomenon in theoretical physics. But CPH Theory
explains it very simply.

Color charge and color magnet
When a CPH feels other CPH, they take Spin and are called graviton. A graviton behaves
like positive electricity charge and other one behaves like negative electricity charge
(they annihilate each other), but they are moving and a CPH behaves like magnetic force,
and two vertical electricity field and magnetic field do appear. Its acceptable because
when photon is falling in gravitational field, the electricity field and magnetic field
around it increase. Gravitational field has formed of gravitons. Gravitons enter into
photon, the electricity and magnetic field increase, but photon has no electricity effect.
So, there are two groups of particles that behave like charge and a group annihilates the
effect of other group. But it depends to intensity gravity, for low intensity, gravity is not
able to provide color-charge and magnetic-color for this projection (see picture).

According graviton has spin, so gravitons are color charge or color magnet.
A Photon is formed of lots CPH that they have spin and photon has spin too. So, when a
photon is traveling with speed of c, CPH has linear speed of c and it keeps itself spin, and
a speed on other axis (in electricity field on magnetic field, consider to properties of
In a gravitational field, when a photon shifts to blue, gravitons convert to energy. In fact
color-charge and magnetic-color enter into electricity and magnetic fields of photon. And
when photon shifts to red, energy converts to graviton. Color-charge and magnetic-color
of electricity and magnetic-color leave photons structure. And when energy decays, it
produces Matter and Anti-Matter. See Figure4. In fact every thing formed of CPH.

In fact a CPH is a sub-quantum of existence in nature. CPH has mass that is a manifest of
matter; its movement is a manifest of energy. CPH has sub-quantum bounding Color
charge or Color magnet field around itself.
A CPH feels another CPH, when they contact or they are very near (a distance like Plank
Length that is equal 1.6x10
m). In this case their color charge/color magnet are able act
on each other and do combine.
Photons (and all subatomic particles) are formed of many CPH that they have spin. So,
CPH has many kinds movement. For example do consider to electron that moves on its
orbit in an Iron atom in car. CPH has these movements, itself Spin, spin of electron, on
orbit of electron, speed of car and so on. So that;
gradVc=0 in all inertial reference frames and any space
Any changing of CPHs movement is changing of its transfer movement to spin or spin to
transfer movement. And according CPH has a constant mass of m, so its energy is being
stable too.
According TO CPH Theory, gravity is a currency among objects. For example consider
the interaction between the earth and the moon:
Earth has a gravitational field. The gravitational field is formed by gravitons that are
moving toward the earth and they are interacting with each other. Suppose the earth is
alone and there are no interactions between earth and other bodies in universe. When
gravitons (in fact color charge) reach the earth, the earth absorbs them. Look at a positive
color-charge that reaches to an atom on the earth. Its effect is positive charge, so absorb
with an electron. This positive color charge is not able annihilates the electrons charge,
and does disarrange the conserving of electrons charge. So, electron excretes positive
color-charge. But positive color charge has positive effect charge and pulls the electron
behind of it (see section 4 Analyses of CPH Theory.) toward the moon. Also when a
graviton reaches the moon, the same projection happens on the moon. So, every thing is
bombarded by gravitons continuously.

Color charge and magnet color equations
Suppose a CPH enter to photon. According gradVc=0, it has spin,
We can write;

gradVc=0 a

Which a
is accelerating on x axis, a
is accelerating on y axis, a
is accelerating on z
axis and i, j and k are unit vectors.

Suppose it transfers on x axis, but in an electromagnetic wave, v
is constant and equal c,
in an inertia frame (see following Figure).
So, its speed changes on y and z axis only, because a
=0 and a
=0. when a
=0, then
is maximum. And when a
is maximum, then a

One CPH is color charge. Suppose it is accelerating on z axis, and we can show its
moving with a wave function as;


Ec stand of color charge and Ecm is its maximum amount of color charge. Because
there is a relationship between its spin and speed on z axis. Remember its v
=0 (in
structure of photon), and v
is changeable, only.
When spin of color charge increases, v
decreases. If it is negative color-charge, there is a
positive color-charge that behavior same as negative color-charge.
For magnet-color we can show it is moving with a wave function too;


Bc stand of magnet-color and Bcm is its maximum amount of color magnet-color.
Also, there is a relationship between its spin and speed on y axis. Remember its
=0 (in structure of photon), and v
is changeable, only.

Color-charge and magnet-color in usual form
The number color-charge in a photon is even, because half of it is for negative color-
charges, and other half is positive color-charges. Also, according E=cB, so, we can


Which n is an even number and m=n/2c.
When a photon is falling in a gravitational field, n increases. So, the amount of E and B
increase too. It means a lot of CPH enter to structure of photon.

Electricity Alfa Number
The importance of the number 137 is that it is related to the so-called 'fine-structure
constant' of quantum electrodynamics. This derived quantity is given by combining
several fundamental constants of nature:

Where e is the charge on the electron, c is the speed of light, h-bar is Planck's constant
and the epsilon represents the permittivity of free space. Despite the fact that each of
these constants has their own dimensions, the fine-structure constant is completely

The importance of the constant is that it measures the strength of the electromagnetic
interaction. It is precisely because the constant is so small (i.e. 1/137 as opposed to 1/3 or
5 or 100...) that quantum electrodynamics (QED) works so amazingly well as a quantum
theory of electromagnetism. It means that when we go to calculate simple processes, such
as two electrons scattering off one another through the exchange of photons, we only
need to consider the simple case of one photon exchange -- every additional photon you
consider is less important by a factor of 1/137. This is why theorists have been so
successful at making incredibly accurate predictions using QED. By contrast, the
equivalent 'fine-structure' constant for this theory of strong interactions (quantum
chromodynamics or QCD) is just about 1 at laboratory energy scales. This makes
calculating things in QCD much, much more involved.

It is worth noting that the fine-structure 'constant' isn't really a constant. The effective
electric charge of the electron actually varies slightly with energy so the constant changes
a bit depending on the energy scale at which you perform your experiment. For example,
1/137 is its value when you do an experiment at very low energies (like Millikan's oil
drop experiment) but for experiments at large particle-accelerator energies its value
grows to 1/128.
Gravity Alfa Number

As have explained before gravitons behave like charge effect and they named color-
charge (or magnet-color). So, color-charge we are able choice a Gravity Alfa Number for
the exchange gravity particle.
For that we do consider to relative electricity force and gravity force between two
electrons in a stable distance equal r, which are

Gravity Alfa has no dimension.

How a charge particle emits electromagnetic wave?
As we know when a charge particle oscillates, it emits electromagnetic energy. In usual
case, when a particle charge accelerates, it emits electromagnetic energy.
Whine a force works on an electron (if W>0);


(on electron or proton)
W=0 E=0

Lots of CPH enter in structure of electron. In fact force converts into energy, or bosons
convert into energy (Following Figure).

But a charge particle will keep its inherent charge properties. A charge particle (as an
electron) is formed of Color Charges only and electromagnetic energy is formed of two
different objects, color charge and color magnet. So it emits energy.
It shows why electron does not fall in nuclear.
For charge falling in earth gravitational field, look at


According the mass of charge particle and comparing with an oscillating in electricity
field, and entering two couples positive and negative color-charge to structure of charge
particle, appearing of emitting were so hard.

How Space-Time produces energy?

Quantum energy is formed by a lot of CPH. Also, CPH (graviton) works on CPH and
produces energy.
It happens when the density of the graviton is high (Following picture).According to the
size of a gamma photon and the number of CPH in it, we can calculate the density of
CPH in the structure of the photon. The diameter of an electron is less than 10
m. A
gamma photon (in pair production) produces an electron and a positron. Suppose the
volume of a photon is 2 times of electrons volume.

Suppose that the density of CPH in structure of photon is De(cph)=n per m
Space is full of gravitons. Gravitons have interaction among each other. Cause, gravitons
are two opposites charge (they are color charge). They absorb each other and convert to
electromagnetic wave. When they convert to energy, that density of CPH reaches to
De(cph)=n per m
So, for space we have;
Integral on space of De(cph)=0 to De(cph)=n per m
on dDe(cph) = E , E is
electromagnetic energy.

Integration of gravitons is a projection to production electromagnetic energy.

This production happens in space that the intensity of gravity was being high like around
a black hole. A gravity field high intensity of gravitons is able produces energy speedy
and energy decay to matter and anti-matter speedy too (see following picture).

In high density graviton in space, force converts to energy.
And energy produces matter and anti-matter speedy.
CPH bends space
Now suppose light is moving in gravitational field of a massive body. Gravity works on
it. When distance between photon and massive body goes to short, light shifts to blue like
photon is falling. But when distance between photon and massive body goes to long, light
shifts to red like photon escapes (Following Figure).

What the inside observer observes is the opposite of what the outside observer observes.

Limit of speed in universe and Spin
CPH moves with constant amount speed Vc. So, when its transfer speed decreases, then
Spin of CPH increases (Figure), because;

GradVc=0, in all inertial frames and any space.

In other words, the Spin of CPH depends on the density of mass.
By the increase of the mass, spin increases too (Figure below).

Information about Big Bang and Inside of Black Hole

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe began about 14 billion years ago as an
unimaginably hot and dense fog of light and exotic particles. The Universe has since
continuously expanded and cooled. The whole Universe is bathed in the afterglow light
from the Big Bang. The light that is now reaching us has been traveling for about 14
billion years, thus allowing us a look back through time to see the early Universe.
A looking at data of universe maybe help us resolves some universe mysteries.

Age of universe
Universe is 13.7 billion years old
years =4.3x10

Radius of universe

Volume of universe
V=4/3 R

Density of universe

Mass of universe
M=(density)x(volume), so;

And when universe collapses?

For a moment forgets accelerating universe and expanding universe.
Now suppose universe is collapsing.
What will happen exactly?
Oh, in this case;
All evidence shows universe is contracting. Of the first, stars light shift to blue. Distance
between bodies decrease. So, distance between earth and moon decreases. Distance
between earth and sun decreases too. Moon connects to earth, then earth and other planets
fall to sun.
The strength of gravity increases. Sun swallows everything around it. Sun and nearest
star to it (Alpha Centauri) absorb each other.
Distance between bodies decrease speedy. The volume of universe decreases. Intensity of
gravity increases and pressure of gravity increases too.
What happens for atoms?
The radiuses of atoms orbits do decrease. Then electrons fall into nuclear.
Density of matter increases so speedy. So, there is nuclear only.
Also, maybe the volume of nuclear decreases, but there is no experiment shows it. So, let
continue with using the density of nuclear.
Density of nuclear is =2x10
So, suppose universe collapses completely.
Then, according mass of universe and density of nuclear we can calculate volume V


Then we can calculate R
, radius of universe when it collapses completely. We will have;
It is an absolute black hole.

Absolute Black holes
A massive body first eats matter, then eats light (it is a block hole), and the end eats
gravity. It is an absolute black hole.
According to CPH Theory every thing is formed by CPH and nucleus is formed by CPH
too. CPHs are moving with a spin near each other in structure of nucleus. CPH has Spin
and transferring movement so its amount speed is constant and equals Vc. so that;

graVc=0 in all inertia frame and any space.

Hence, a CPH has a transferring speed of v and spin of s. When v goes to zero, s goes to
When the pressure of gravity increases so much, distances between CPHs decreases.
No object, no light and no other electromagnetic waves and gravity effect are able escape
of it (Figure below).

There is the straight velocity of CPH so much near to zero. Big Bang happened in a black
hole as strong as this.
According to the following equation, we can result in a good conception about Big Bang.

Big Bang Equation
Suppose the intensity of gravity is so much that Vc of CPH changes to its spin on the
surface of an absolute black hole.
Then CPHs don't obey the external forces and the absolute black hole explodes.

Of the first time CPHs with velocity of Vc go further and gravity effect distributes to all
According to Ro<<2.7x10
m and the speed of CPH, of the first universe expands so
much, but there isn't any matter or energy
There is CPHs only, which they move with the speed of Vc.
But CPH has interaction with each other (they are color-charges) and they absorb each
other. CPH takes spin and the small quantum of energy starts to form.
There are CPHs with linear movement with speed of Vc, lots CPH with Spin and
transferring movement, and electromagnetic waves.
This item takes a great time.
Gradually energy forms easily and rapidly. Lots of big quantum energies appear.
Look at the center of the universe before it explodes.
The center of absolute black hole is like great bodies. The pressure goes to zero in its
center. So, when the universe explodes, its center is under such a great pressure from all
sides. See figure below.

During the first second of universes explosion, there are so many interactions in center
of the universe.
So, lots of quantum of energy are formed there and convert to matter and anti matter.
Then, gradually dust and bodies appear.
By the expansion of the universe, the size of the atoms increases too.


With Best Regards
Hossein Javadi
Azad University


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