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Texts and Monographs in Computer Science

David Gries
Advisory Board
F. L. Bauer
J. J. Horning
R. Reddy
D. C. Tsichritzis
W. M. Waite
Texts and Monographs in Computer Science

Suad A!agi~
Relalional Dala~ TKhnolog,y

Suad Alagi, and Michael A. A!bib

The DHign 0( Wt ll-Slruclured and CorrKI Programs

S. Thomas Aleundcr
Adapli~e SiGnal Procn.sinK: n,,~"OI"Y and Applkalions

Michael A. A!bib. A. J . Kfoury. aoo Robc:n N. Moll

A Ba5is ror TMoRlka l Compuler Sc~n~

Michael A. A!bib aoo EITII'~t G. MallCS

Algt braicc Approaches 10 Program Semanl i<:s

F. L. Bauer aoo H. Wiissner

AlllO'"ilhmic LanKua~ and Program lltvdOJlmenl

K 3a~ Chrislian
TM Guide 10 Modula -2

Edsge , W. Dijkstra
Selected Wriling~ on ComputinG' A ~rwnal Pfn pKtio'e

Nis~im France~

Peter W. F~y. Ed .
Chess Skill in Man , nd Machine. 2nd t:dition

R. T . Gregory and E. V. Kfi~hnamunhy

Method, and Appl iealiof1$ or F.nOl"-~' r ... CompU Utliotl

David Gries. Ed .
Programming Melhodology: A CollK lion 0( Artk~ by Mi:'mben 0( It'IP WG2.J

David Gries
The Sc~""e or Prognmming

A. J. Kfoury. Robc:n N. Moll. and Michael A. Amib

A Prognmming Approach 10 Compula bilily

E. V. Kris/mamunhy
Error-Free Polynomial Ma lrix CompuUtlions

Franeo P. Prcpardra and Michael Ian Sharnos

CompuUtlional Gtomttry: An InlrodlK'lion

Brian Randel!. Ed.

The Origins 0( Digilal Compule",: Seledtd Papen

Ano Salomaa and Matti !ini ttol.

Aulomala_Thf<H'<::lk A, pKlS or rCH"mal Power Series

k((~y R Sampson
Ada ptiYe InrCH"malion PrOtt.,.inl' An InlrodlK'lCH"y Sun'ey

William M Waile and Gcrttard Goos

Compiler Con~lrucllon

Niklaus Winh
Programming in Modula 2
,Adaptive Signal
Theory and

s. Thomas Alexander

With 42 lIlustrations

SpringerVerlag New York Berlin Heidelberg

London Paris Tokyo
S. Thomas Alexander
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-79 11

Series Editor
David Gries
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Upson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Alexander, S. Thomas.
Adaptive signal processing.
(Texts and monographs in computer science)
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Adaptive signal processing. I. Title.
II. Series.
TK5 102.5.A424 1986 621.38'043 86-13956

1986 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be Iranslated or reproduced in any form without
written pennission from Springer-Verlag, 115 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010, U.S.A.

Typeset by Asco Trade Typesetting Ltd., Hong Kong.

Printed and bound by R.R. Donncl1ey & Sons. Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Printed in the United States of America.

981 6 5 4 3 2 I

ISBN 0-387-96380-4 Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg

ISBN 3-540-96380-4 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

The creation of the text really began in 1976 with the author being involved
with a group of researchers at Stanford University and the Naval Ocean
Systems Center, San Diego. At that time, adaptive techniques were more
laboratory (and mental) curiosities than the accepted and pervasive categories
of signal processing that they have become. Over the lasl 10 years, adaptive
filters have become standard components in telephony, data communications,
and signal detection and tracking systems. Their use and consumer acceptance
will undoubtedly only increase in the future.
The mathematical principles underlying adaptive signal processing were
initially fascinating and were my first experience in seeing applied mathematics
work for a paycheck. Since that time, the application of even more advanced
mathematical techniques have kept the area of adaptive signal processing as
exciting as those initial days. The text seeks to be a bridge between the open
literature in the professional journals, which is usually quite concentrated,
concise, and advanced, and the graduate classroom and research environment
where underlying principles are often more important.
In that spirit, this text will be most beneficially used as an introductory
tool for anyone interested in learning the fascinating field of adaptive signal
processing. Most of the intended audience will be seniors and graduate stu-
dents in electrical engineering or computer science, although the practicing
engineer "gearing up" to work on product development using adaptive tech-
niques will also find the text useful. An understanding of linear systems, digital
signal processing, and matrix algebra approximately equivalent to that of an
undergraduate electrical engineering curriculum is adequate. The text has
been used for a graduate course in adaptive signal processing at North
Carolina State University, in which students from a wide variety of back-
grounds have actively participated.
vi Preface

The main distinction between this text and others that have appeared on
the subject is the inclusion in this text of the timely subject of vector space
approaches to fast adaptive filtering. This is currently one of the most active
areas of research in signal processing, but the mathematical sophistication
required to understand the open literature in the area has been formidable.
This text develops the vector space approach through the liberal use of geo-
metrical analogies, which encompasses Chapters 9- t 1. In so doing. the vector
space approach becomes actually very easy to understand and possesses a
great deal of simple elegance. After completing these chapters, the reader
will be well prepared to tackle some of the more specific research problems
associated with fast adaptive techniques. The book can be an effective text for
a one-semester course in adaptive signal processing or as a reference for the
researcher (academic or industrial) to absorb material at his own pace. Problems
that have survived the classroom experience are included at the end of the
This text is approximately the same process by which I became familiar
with the different areas of adaptive signal processing. Much of the original
material was literally "back of the envelope" information from hearing con-
ference talks and informal discussions. Other portions had their beginning as
notes scribbled in the margin of books or papers when something finally jelled.
As with any book, the contributions of many people over many years were
instrumental to the entire process. Specifically, J would like to thank the
following: Bob Plemmons of North Carolina State for sharing his mastery of
linear algebra; Lloyd Griffiths of USC for long runs during which philosophies
were discussed; Ed SalOrius of JPL and Joel Trussell of North Carolina Stale
for consistently providing honest and, therefore, valuable technical evaluation
and discussion on both this text and the Big Picture; John Cioffi of Stanford
for his contributions to my own understanding of geometrical approaches and
fast adaptive techniques; Nino Masnari, Chairman of the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina State, for helping to
foster the professional environment that allowed the time and resources to
develop this text; and the editorial staff at Springer-Verlag for providing the
assistance and encouragement I needed to successfully complete the manu-
script. Additionally, for their unsung efforts in reading and debugging the
original drafts and homework problems, I would like to thank the following
at North Carolina State: Gary Ybarra, Glenda Poston, Zong Rhee, Daehoon
Kim, and Randy Avent. Special thanks are also ex.tended to Peggy Ball, Liz
Story, George Winston, and Red Ryder.
Finally, the city of Boston and the season of Winter had a lot to do with
the whole process.



Preface ,
1.1 Signal Processing in Unknown Environments I
1.2 Two Examples 2
1.3 Outline of the Text 5
References 7

The Mean Square Error (MSE) Performance Criteria 8
2.1 Introd uction 8
2.2 Mean Square Error (MSE) and MSE Surface 9
2.3 Properties of the MSE Surface: 16
2.4 The Normal Equations 22
2.5 Further Geometrical Properties of the Error Surfaces 24
Problems 30
References 32

Linear Prediction and the lattice Structure 3'
3.1 Introduction 3'
3.2 Durbin's Algorithm 35
3.3 Lattice Derivation 40
Problems 44
References 45
viii Contents

The Method of Steepest Descent 46
4.1 Int roduction 46
4.2 Iterative Solution of the Normal Equations 47
4.3 Weight Vector Solutions 52
4.4 Conve rgence Properties of Steepest Descent 59
4.5 Mean Square Error Propagation 62
Problems 65
References 66

The Leaat Mean Squares (LMS) Algorithm 68
5. 1 In troduction 68
5.2 Effects of Unknown Signal Statistics 70
5.3 Derivation of the LMS Algorithm 73
5.4 Convergence of the LMS Algorithm 74
5.5 LM S Mean Sq uare Error Pro pagation 79
Problems 83
References 85

Applications of the LMS Algorithm 87
6. 1 In t roduction 87
6.2 Echo Cancellation 88
6.3 Adaptive Waveform Coding 90
6.4 Adaptive Spectrum Analysis 93
References 98

Gradient Adaptive LattIce Methods 99
7.1 In t roduction 99
7.2 Lattice Renection Coefficient Computatio n 100
7.3 Adaptive Lattice Derivations 104
7.4 P erformance Example 107
Pro blems 108
References 109

RecursIve Least Squares Signal Processing III

8.1 Introduction II I
8.2 The Recursive Least Squares Filter 113
8.3 CompUlational Complexity 119
Problems 12 1
References 12 1
Contents ix

Vector Spaces for RLS Filters 123
9.1 Introduction 123
9.2 Linear Vector Spaces 124
9.3 The Least Squares Filter and Projection Matrices 127
9.4 Least Squares Update Relations 133
9.5 Projection Matrix Time Update 135
Problems 139
References 140

The least Squares lattice Algorithm 142
10.1 Introduction 142
10.2 Forward and Backward Prediction Filte rs 143
10.3 The LS Lattice Structure 146
10.4 Lattice Order and Time Updates 148
10.5 Examples of LS Lattice Performance 150
Problems 152
References 152

Fast Transversal Filters 154
11.1 Introduction 154
11.2 Additional Vector Space Relations 155
11.3 The Transversal Filter Operator Update 161
11.4 The FTF Time Updates 163
11.5 Further Computational Reductions 172
Problems 174
References 176

Index 177

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