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Learning Activity Sheets Biotechnology 8 (Q4-Lesson 5 & 6) Application of Biotechnology in Industry and Environment

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Biotechnology 8 (Q4-Lesson 5 & 6)
Application of Biotechnology in Industry and Environment

I. Introduction
Products of biotechnology can be seen around us, from the ingredients
used in the kitchen to personal hygiene products such as shampoo, lotion,
and many more. It can be observed that biotechnology helps in producing
different products from various industries using more efficient and
environment friendly techniques and processes. Moreover, biotechnology is
also helpful in maintaining a clean environment by clearing up waste
materials and pollution using various methods.
In this learning activity sheet, you will be provided with different
activities that will improve your understanding of the application of
biotechnology in industry and the environment.

II. Learning Competency

➢ Cite the application of biotechnology in industry and environment.

At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. identify the application of biotechnology in industry and
2. cite the benefits of biotechnology in industry and environment
aspects; and
3. provide solution to different problems using application
biotechnology in industry and environment.

IV. Discussions


Industrial biotechnology also known as “white biotechnology” is defined as
the use of enzymes, micro-organisms, and plants to make nature-based

products such as chemicals, food ingredients, detergents, paper,
textiles, and biofuels.

Industrial biotechnology utilizes the process of biocatalysis which is

defined as the use of natural substances that include enzymes from
biological sources or whole cells to speed up chemical reactions. This
process uses biocatalyst which are enzymes that speed up complex
biochemical reactions. Examples of enzymes used in the industry are the

➢ Rennin for thickening of milk to make cheese.

➢ Invertase from yeast and lactase in food industry.
➢ Cellulase and amylase to remove waxes, oils, and starch coatings
on fabrics and to improve the look of the final product.
➢ Amylase and protease for baking.
➢ Lipases in fruit juices.
➢ Carbohydrase to convert starch into corn syrup.

Some of the advantages of industrial biotechnology are the following:

1. It has the potential to address some of the world’s greatest
challenges, such as feeding a growing population and offering new
alternatives to our limited natural resources.
2. It can save energy in production of different products.
3. It can significant reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, helping
to fight global warming.
4. It can also lead to improved performance and sustainability for
industry and higher value products.


Alcohol Production
The production of alcoholic beverages is one of the first examples of traditional
biotechnology in human history. It is also one of the most basic applications
of industrial biotechnology. Enzymes and microbes are two common tools in
industrial biotechnology that are used in producing alcohol. The main
microorganisms used is yeast which is a type of fungi.

Other microorganisms used are lactic acid bacteria such

as Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, etc.

For instance, beer is made from water,
a starch source such as barley,
brewer’s yeast, and a flavoring such as
hops. The starch in the barley must be
converted to sugar by enzymes such as
amylases, proteases, glucanase,
and cellulase. These enzymes are
activated when the barley is malted.
Malting is the process of converting
barley or other cereal grains
into malt for use in brewing. After that
it will be fermented, the brewer’s yeast metabolizes the sugars to produce
alcohol and carbon dioxide. The beer is then placed in bottles ready to be

Bioenergy is energy derived from
biofuels. Biofuels are fuels produced
directly or indirectly from biomass
which is plant or animal material used
as fuel to produce electricity or heat.
The Philippines is the first country in
Southeast Asia to have biofuels law
which is The Biofuels Act or Republic
Act (RA) 9367 was signed in January

Biofuel is classified as primary and

secondary biofuels. Primary biofuels are
primarily used for heating, cooking, or
electricity production. Examples
are fuelwood (see picture on the left), wood
chips and pellets and organic materials.
Secondary biofuels result from the
processing of biomass. Examples are the
following, in the form of solids (e.g.
charcoal), liquids (e.g. ethanol, biodiesel, and bio-oil), or gases (e.g. biogas,
synthesis gas, and hydrogen). It can be used in vehicles and industrial
Biofuels may be derived from agricultural crops, including conventional food
plants or from special energy crops. Biofuels may also be derived from

forestry, agricultural or fishery products, or municipal wastes, as well as from
agro-industry, food industry and food service by-products. and wastes.

These are plastic materials produced from
renewable biomass resources, such as
vegetable fats and oils, cornstarch, straw,
woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste etc.
Since these plastic products are made from
natural-based products, generally they are
considered to be biodegradable (refers to a
substance that can be broken down by
microorganisms in the environment within a
fixed period of time), although some may Source:
contain petroleum-based products which are
not biodegradable. Companies in the Philippines such as San Miguel
Corporation was set to be the first company in the country to shift to the use
of bioplastics
Bioplastic can be made from agricultural by-products and also from used
plastics (examples are plastic bottles and other containers) by using
microorganisms. There are some advantages and disadvantages to the use of


• They reduce the use of fossil-fuels and non-renewable resources.

• Production of these plastic materials produces less greenhouse gases.
• Some are biodegradable and/or compostable.
• Some can be recycled.
• Some are non-toxic and safe for medical and internal use.


• Producing these types of plastic is more expensive.

• Not all types of plastic are recyclable.
• Not all are biodegradable.


Biochemical can refer to any chemical
compound which is part of the living cells of
plants, animals, and microorganisms.
Biochemicals may also be utilized in
processes to formulate personal care
products such as make up, shampoos, and
skin care. Some of the most important
ingredients that are used in natural
cosmetics and personal care products are Source: US Biological

antioxidants, hydrolates, plant extracts (see

picture above) etc.
In addition to that, extracted cellulose fibers which are tough and can be
extracted from raw materials can be added to materials and might be
a replacement for glass, and in many applications where absorbency is
needed, such as use in diapers and sanitary products.


The removal of chemical contamination from water and soil has cost society
significant amounts of money and has met with relatively limited success.
Biotechnology has offered another option: which is the use of the microbes
at the site or at the hazardous waste treatment plant or landfill to convert
chemical compounds into less harmful compounds.

Source: Hoodlind

It is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms, like
microbes and bacteria, in the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and toxins
from soil, water, and other environments. Bioremediation may be used to
clean up contaminated groundwater or environmental problems, such as oil
Here are some important facts about Bioremediation.

➢ Bioremediation relies on stimulating the growth of certain microbes that
utilize contaminants like oil, solvents, and pesticides for sources of food
and energy. These microbes convert contaminants into small amounts
of water, as well as harmless gases like carbon dioxide.
➢ Bioremediation requires a combination of the right temperature,
nutrients, and foods.
➢ Bioremediation offers numerous advantages over other cleanup
methods. By relying solely on natural processes, it minimizes damage
to ecosystems.
➢ Bioremediation often takes place underground, where microbes can be
pumped in order to clean up contaminants in groundwater and soil.
➢ Bioremediation does not disrupt nearby communities as much as other
cleanup methods.

The Philippines is among the countries which have used this method
successfully. Examples of the application of bioremediation in the country is
the clean-up of heavy metal contamination in a mine in Surigao del Norte and
clean-up of some waterways in the capital Manila. Before and after pictures
can be seen on the picture above.
In the Philippines, they used a plant
called jatropha (see photo on the right) to
rehabilitate pollutants in metal-filled land as
in an abandoned mine site in Mogpog,
Marinduque. Jatropha is also one of the best
plants for developing biofuels, it is resistant to
droughts and pests, and produces seeds
containing 27-40% oil. Source: Food and Drug Organization

There are three types of Bioremediation

1. Biostimulation
It refers to methods to stimulate the
microbes that are already in the
environment by fertilizing with
nitrogen and other rate- limiting
nutrients and electron acceptors,
such as phosphorus, nitrogen and
oxygen .
One type of microbe that is
naturally found in soil is
Rhizobium which are involved Source:
in nitrogen fixation.
The contaminated soil is first mixed with special nutrients substances
including other vital components either in the form of liquid or gas. It
stimulates the growth of microbes thus resulting in efficient and quick
removal of contaminants by microbes and other bacteria. An example of
biostimulation is placing methane into contaminated waters to act as source
of nutrients for the resident bacteria.

2. Bioaugmentation
At times, there are certain sites where
microorganisms are required to
extract the contaminants for example
(city wastewater). In these special
cases, the process of
bioaugmentation is used.
Bioaugmentation is the practice of
adding cultured microorganisms into
the area below the surface for the
purpose of decomposing specific soil
and groundwater contaminants such
as gasoline, oil and chemicals.
Examples of microorganisms used in
bioaugmentation are the following B.
licheniformis, B. thuringiensis, P.
polymyxa, Penicillin sp. etc

3. Intrinsic Bioremediation
It uses microorganisms already
present in the environment to
decompose harmful
contaminants. The process of
intrinsic bioremediation is most
effective in the soil and water
because of these two
environments always have a
high possibility of being full of
contaminants and toxins. The
process of intrinsic
bioremediation is mostly used in
underground places like
underground petroleum tanks. In such place, it is difficult to detect a leakage
and contaminants and toxins can find their way to enter through these leaks
and contaminate the petrol. Thus, only microorganisms can remove the toxins
and clean the tanks.
Technology exists to use
microorganisms to remove
contaminants from water and
air. Methods used in removing
these contaminants include
the use of biofilters.
Biofiltration is a pollution
control technique using a
bioreactor containing living
material to capture and
biologically decompose
pollutants. Common uses
include processing wastewater, Source:
capturing harmful chemicals
from water and contaminants in air. An example of biofiltration technique
developed in the Philippines is the use of cocopeat (see picture above) which
is made from coconut husk. This simple device can easily be connected to
existing septic tanks or other primary treatment components to filter

V. Activities
Activity #1

Match the terms on the left side to the definitions in the box. Place the correct
letter on the blank of each number.

_________1. Industrial Biotechnology A. It is defined as the use of natural

substances speed up chemical
__________2. Biocatalysis reactions.
B. These are enzymes that facilitate
__________3. Biocatalyst
and speed-up biochemical
__________4. Bioenergy reactions.
C. An example is firewood.
__________5. Primary Biofuels D. It can be used in vehicles and
industrial processes.
__________6. Secondary Biofuels E. It is energy derived from biofuels
F. These are plastic materials
__________7. Biomass
produced from renewable
__________8. Bioplastics resources.
G. Plant or animal material used to
__________9. Biochemicals produce electricity or heat.
H. Methods to stimulate the
_________10. Bioremediation microbes that are already in place
by fertilizing with nutrients
_________11. Biostimulation
I. It refers to any chemical
_________12. Intrinsic Bioremediation compound in living cells.
J. It is a branch
_________13. Bioaugmentation of biotechnology that uses
microbes and bacteria in the
_________14. Biofiltration removal of contaminants.
K. It uses microorganisms already
_________15. Malting
present in the environment to
decompose contaminants.
L. The process of converting barley
or other cereal grains
into malt use in brewing.
M. It is applied to the many
products that are at home being
used daily.
N. The introduction of new microbes
to speed up degradation of
O. A pollution control technique
using a bioreactor to capture and
degrade pollutants.

Activity # 2

Fill in the blanks to complete the given statements. Choose from the words
inside the box and write in on the space provided.

Biocatalyst Biocatalysis Bioenergy

1. ___________________ examples are cellulase and amylase.

2. ___________________ may be derived from agricultural crops.

Primary biofuels Secondary Tertiary Biofuels


3. ___________________ are primarily used for heating and cooking.

4. ___________________ examples are ethanol and biogas.

Biochemicals Bioplastics Biodegradable

5. ___________________ refers to a substance that can be broken down

by microorganisms in the environment.
6. ___________________ can be made from agricultural by-products.

Bioremediation Bioaugmentation Intrinsic


7. ___________________ introduction of new microbes to speed up the

rate of degradation of a contaminant.
8. ___________________ is mostly used in underground places like
underground petroleum tanks.

Biofiltration Intrinsic Bioaugmentation

9. ___________________ is a pollution control technique using a

bioreactor containing living material to capture and biologically
degrade pollutants.
10. ___________________ is used to extract the contaminants in city or
municipal wastewater.

Biofiltration Biostimulation Bioaugmentation

11. _________________ is placing methane into contaminated waters to

act as source of nutrients for the resident bacteria.
12. _________________ purpose is to decompose specific soil and
groundwater contaminants such as gasoline.

Microorganisms Enzyme Microorganism in

used in Alcohol soil

12. An example of _________________ is Rhizobium.

13. An example of _________________ is Lactic bacteria.
14. An example of _________________ is amylases.

Activity #3

Briefly answer the following questions. You can use additional paper for
your answer.

Content 3 points
Organization 2 points
TOTAL 5 points

15. You have observed that the river in your area is contaminated with
pollutants from an old petroleum tank. What are the biotechnological
methods that you can use in clearing up the contaminants in the river?
Explain your answer. (5 points)


2. You are buying a cosmetic in a department store, you are aware that
some products already contain natural ingredients. What are the
advantages of using products containing biochemicals? (5 points)


VI. Assessment
Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Industrial biotechnology uses _____________ and _______________ to make

nature-based products.
A. chemicals, hormones C. animal oil, enzymes
B. enzymes, microorganisms D. hormones, plant oils

2. One of your favorite drinks is Zesto, which enzyme is usually used in making
these fruit juices?
A. lipase C. cellulase
B. carbohydrase D. invertase

3. You are watching a documentary about making beer. Which ingredient

producing alcoholic drink will you NOT expect to hear?
A. barley C. hops
B. brewer’s yeast D. coal

4. It is energy derived from biofuels.

A. Biopower C. Bioenergy
B. Bioelectricity D. Bioterrorism

5. Which type of biofuel is used in cars, trucks and transportation?

A. primary biofuel C. tertiary biofuel
B. secondary biofuel D. fossil fuel

6. Which products can we derive biofuels?

A. heat from the sun C. chemicals
B. agricultural crops D. heat of the Earth

7. One of the underground petroleum tanks beside the river is leaking. Which
biotechnological technique would be most suitable to use in this situation?
A. biofiltration C. bioaugmentation
B. biostimulation D. intrinsic bioremediation

8. You are reporting about the advantages of bioplastics, which advantage would
you like to emphasize?
A. They are biodegradable.
B. It can only be used once
C. It is not good for the environment
D. It is cheap to produce

9. You are researching some products that can be used as biofilters. Which
natural material would you be most interested in?

A. biochemicals C. cocopeat
B. bioplastics D. natural oils

10. You are at a grocery store looking for natural-based cosmetic products, you
know that the product used biochemicals if it contains.

A. parabens C. plant antioxidants

B. menthol D. alcohol

11. It refers to methods to stimulate the microbes that are already in place by
fertilizing with nitrogen and other nutritious compounds.

A. Biostimulation C. Bioremediation
B. Bioaugmentation D. Bioethics

12. Which can be added to stimulate the growth of microbes in biostimulation?

A. corrosive chemicals C. metals

B. dried leaves D. nutrients

13. As a biotechnology student you are aware that biotechnological application

used in processing wastewater, capturing harmful chemicals from water and
contaminants in the air

A. Biofiltration C. Bioremediation
B. Bioaugmentation D. D. Bioethics

14. As a biotechnology student, you are promoting clean rivers and waterways
in Mabalacat City. What is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of
living organisms to clean up these rivers?

A. Biostimulation C. Bioavailability
B. Bioremediation D. Bioaugmentation

15. The tank in an old sulfur mine is leaking contaminating the nearby farm, as
a biotechnology student you are aware that one of the most effective techniques
used is.

A. Biofiltration C. Intrinsic Bioremediation

B. Bioavailability D. Biostimulation

VII. Reflection
Picture Analysis.
Analyze the picture below. Describe the environment in the picture and
suggest biotechnological applications in industry and environment that
can help solve the environmental problem.
Content 5 points
Organization 5 points
Accuracy 5 Points
TOTAL 15 points



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