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Shell and Tube Heat-Exchanger-Design

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Heat Exchanger Design

Su Thet Mon Than, Khin Aung Lin, Mi Sandar Mon

AbstractThis paper is intended to assist anyone with some With the help of this computer program, not only the shell
general technical experience, but perhaps limited specific and tube heat exchanger can be designed without knowing the
knowledge of heat transfer equipment. A characteristic of heat detail design calculation but also plant engineer can modify
exchanger design is the procedure of specifying a design, heat the currently used heat exchanger for some necessary changes,
transfer area and pressure drops and checking whether the such as blocking the blown out tubes without much effects to
assumed design satisfies all requirements or not. The purpose operation, changes in fluid flow rate according to other
of this paper is how to design the oil cooler (heat exchanger) process, etc.
especially for shell-and-tube heat exchanger which is the It is hoped that this paper will aid in classifying the many
majority type of liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger. General details questions that arise during design calculation and this
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

design considerations and design procedure are also illustrated will support practicing engineers to apply the formal
in this paper and a flow diagram is provided as an aid of backgrounds in fluid flow and heat transfer to the practical
design procedure. In design calculation, the MatLAB and problems posed by the design, selection, testing, or installation
AutoCAD software are used. Fundamental heat transfer of the shell and tube heat exchanger.
concepts and complex relationships involved in such
exchanger are also presented in this paper. The primary aim of II. DESIGN CONSIDERATION
this design is to obtain a high heat transfer rate without
exceeding the allowable pressure drop. This computer The designer must consider several factors that influence
program is highly useful to design the shell-and-tube type heat the shell-side heat transfer coefficient that, in turn, determine
exchanger and to modify existing deign. the rate of heat transfer in the shell-side.
1. When baffles are provided, the system directs the
KeywordsShell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger, MatLAB and shell-fluid from axial flow to top-to-bottom flow or
AutoCAD side-to-side flow with the effect that the heat transfer
coefficient is higher than for undisturbed flow along
I. INTRODUCTION the axes of the tubes [2].
2. Patterns of tube layout influence turbulence and

T HE process of heat exchange between two fluids that are

at different temperatures and separated by a solid wall
occurs in many engineering applications. The device used to
hence heat transfer coefficient e.g. triangular pitch
gives greater turbulence than square pitch. And under
comparable conditions of flow and tube size the heat
implement this exchange is termed a heat exchanger, and transfer coefficient for triangular pitch are roughly
specific applications may be found in space heating and air- 25% greater than for square pitch [3].
conditioning, power production, waste heat recovery, and 3. Closer the baffle spacing, greater is the number of
chemical processing. times the shell-fluid is to change its direction
The problem of heat transmission is encountered in many resulting in greater turbulence [4].
industries and because of the diversity in the fields of 4. Shell-side coefficient is also affected by tube size,
application there exist countless difference in detail. However, clearance and fluid-flow characteristics [5]
the calculation principle underlying the problem to design a 5. Shell-side flow area varies across the bundle diameter
heat exchanger are everywhere the same, and it is the purpose with the different number of tube clearances in each
of this paper to present design calculations rather than to deal longitudinal row of tubes. Thats why there is no true
with the details of individual problems and special cases [1]. shell-side flow area by which the mass velocity of the
A computer program in MatLAB has been written for shell shell-fluid can be computed. The correlation obtained
and tube heat exchanger design. Normally, the heat exchanger for fluids flowing in tubes is obviously not applicable
design calculations are seems to be complex and repeated to fluids flowing over the tube bundles punctuated
calculations are required with assumed and/or fixed data. So, with segmental baffles [3].
many thermodynamic and fluid dynamic parameters are 6. There are some terms used in heat exchanger
encountered into designs procedure and therefore this specification problems and their solutions, which are
condition will satisfy and save the time by using a computer. often confused. These are rating, design and
selection. Rating defines as the computational
Su Thet Mon Than is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pathein process in which the inlet flow rates and
Technological University, Myanmar, (corresponding author to provide Phone: temperatures, the fluid properties, and the heat
09-85-69035; Fax: 95-42-24102; E-mail: suthetmonthan
Khin Aung Lin is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thanlyin exchanger parameters are taken as input and the
Technological University, Myanmar. outlet temperatures and thermal duty (if the
Mi Sandar Mon is with Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon exchanger length is specified) or the required length
Technological University, Myanmar. of the heat exchanger are calculated as output [2].

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(10) 2008 1151
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Design defines as the process of determining all

essential constructional dimensions of an exchanger that must
perform a given heat duty and respect limitations on shell-side
and tube-side pressure drop. Selection defines choosing a
heat exchanger from among a number of units already existing
Most designers employ empirical relations with a cut-and- D s 1 2 c
try approach that depends on their judgment and experience
for convergence on a new design by extrapolation from tested
units. However, an analytical approach is easier to follow for
the less experienced designer, since it shows the basic
relationships. Our primary concern in this paper shall be
thermal analysis based on analytical approach developed by
Wolverine. Fig. 1 Baffle and Tube Bundle Geometry [6]
The diametral clearance between the shell internal diameter
III. INITIAL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Ds and outer tube limit diameter Dotl is Lbb. One half of Lbb is
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

the width of this bypass channel. A pass partition lane is

In general, the design of most heat exchangers involved shown with a width of Lp. The diametral clearance between
initial conditions in which the following variables are known the shell internal diameter Ds and the diameter of the baffle Db
and assumed data: is Lsb, where the gap is equal to Lsb/2.
1. flow rate of fluids
2. temperature range of fluids
3. length/tube and arrangement of tubes L
B c = bch .100
With this information, it must prepare a design for the Ds
optimum exchanger that will meet the required process
conditions. Ordinarily, the following results must be
1. Number of tubes and shell diameter
2. Heat transfer rate L sb
3. Overall heat transfer coefficient
4. Tube side and shell side pressure drop


Fig. 2 Baffle Cut and Clearance [6]
This computer program was divided into three main steps.
1. Calculation of total number of tubes The dimensions Ds, Dotl, baffle cut (% of Ds), and Lbb and
2. Calculation and Checking of heat load Lsb, shown in Fig. 2, can be obtained from a tube layout
3. Calculation and Checking of pressure drop for tube and drawing of the heat exchanger [6].
shell side
B. Calculation and Checking of Heat Load for U-Tube
A. Calculations of Total Number of Tubes Design procedures of heat load check with calculation of
The suitable tube size, tube diameter (Dt) and tube material heat transfer coefficient of shell and tube side are as shown in
are chosen first. The tube configuration has to be decided. In Fig. 3.
our program the equilateral triangular pitch geometry is set 1. Calculation of Tube-side Heat Transfer Coefficient
since it is mostly used. No other configuration is available in
our program. Total number of tubes must be calculated by Because of total number of tube and total tube-side flow
using following equations. rate are known, tube side mass flow rate (G1) can be solved as
total flow rate divided by the tube-side flow passage area per
D s2
N t = CTP (1) pass. In our program, removable inserts are installed inside the
4CLPt2 tubes. Use of tube inserts (wire mesh or twisted tape types) is
highly effective in laminar flows inside tubes. Installation of
D otl inserts on the tube-side of heat recovery units to increase
N t = CTP (2)
energy recovery via a larger overall heat transfer coefficient
and smaller temperature approaches. To overcome the fact that
Fig.1 reproduced from Tabordk defines the principal heat laminar flow heat transfer coefficients are almost independent
exchanger dimensions. Dotl is the outer tube limit diameter and of fluid velocity and performance is difficult to improve using
Dctl is the centerline tube limit diameter (Dctl = Dotl - Dt) where plain tubes even resorting to large pressure drops, either
Dt is the outside diameter of the tubes). The baffle cut height inserts or external low fins may be the simple solution.
is shown as a height Lbch; the value of the baffle cut Bc is Properly designed units with tube inserts normally are much
(Lbch/Ds) x100%.

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

smaller in size and have smaller or equal pressure drops as For Laminar flow,
conventional plain tube units [7]. 1/ 3
hd d
Nu = = 1.86 Re.Pr 0.14 (6)
k L
For Transistion flow,
hd d 2/3
Nu = = 0.116(Re2/3 125) Pr1/ 3 0.14 1 + (7)
k L
For Turbulent flow,
Nu = = 0.023 Re 0.80 . Pr 1/ 3 0.14 (8)
The criterion of distinguishing between laminar and
turbulent flow is the observed mixing action. Nusselt number
(Nu) is a function of Reynolds number (Re) and Prandtl
number (Pr). Nu of the flow inside tube can then be calculated
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

by above Reynold number equation. Tube-Side Heat Transfer

Coefficient is also calculated by above Reynold number
equation [7].

2. Calculation of Shell-side Heat Transfer Coefficient

The stream analysis shell-side heat transfer coefficient for
single-phase flow has (ss) is used by following equation.
ss = (JC JL JB JR JS J ) 1 (9)
In this expression, 1 is the ideal tube bank heat transfer
coefficient calculated for all the flow across the tube bundle
and JC, JL, JB, JR and JS are the correction factor. JC is
calculated by using (10).
JC = 0.55+0.72 FC (10)
FC = 1-2FW (11)
In this equation, the fraction of the cross-sectional area
occupied by the window (Fw) is calculated from (12).
ctl Sin ctl
FW = - (12)
360 2
For a well-designed unit, JC typically ranges in value from
0.65 to 1.175. The maximum value of Baffle leakage
Fig. 3 Flow Chart for Heat Load correction JL is 1.0. To calculate JL, (13) is used.
JL=0.44(1-rs)+[1-0.44(1-rs)]exp(-2.2rlm) (13)
From this equation rs and rlm are calculated from 14 and 15.
rs = (14)
Ssb + Stb
S + S tb
rlm = sb (15)
Fig. 4 Tube with Insert Plate Sm
After that, JL is calculated.
According to the Fig. 4, use the following equation for the
tube-side flow passage area.
at = di2/4 (3)

af = [ (lf nf) + ( df x 3/2 ) ] tf (4)

an = at-a f (5)
Where, at is tube cross flow area, af is tip area of plate fin,
an is the net flow area for one tube. To calculate tube-side flow
passage area for one pass, an is multiplied by Nt/one pass. And
then, calculate tube side mass flow rate G1. Fig. 5 Single-segmental Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Showing Baffle
After that, Reynold number of the flow inside tube can then Spacing [8]
be calculated by the following equations.

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International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

to the flow direction Lpl is equal to the actual dimension of

the lane or can be assumed to be equal to a tube diameter Dt .
N ss
rss = (22)
N tcc
Ds Bc
N tcc = 1 2 100 (23)
Fig. 6 Tube Length Definition for U-Tube [8] L pp
Where Lpp=0.866Ltp for a 30 layout, Lpp=Ltp for a
Fig. 5 depicts a single-segmental shell-and-tube bundle 90 layout and Lpp=0.707Ltp for a 45 layout. This expression
geometry with fixed tube sheets at both heads in which the has a maximum limit of JB=1 at rss 1/2 [8].
shell-side flow makes one shell pass from one end of the tube The unequal baffle spacing correction factor JS accounts for
bundle to the other with the flow directed across the tube the adverse effect of an inlet baffle spacing Lbi and/or outlet
bundle by the baffles. The inlet, central and outlet baffle baffle spacing Lbo larger than the central baffle spacing Lbc.
spacing are shown and are identifies as Lbi, Lbc and Lbo, Some exchangers have larger baffle spacing in the inlet and
respectively. By changing Nb, baffle spacings Lbi, Lbc, Lbo are outlet nozzle compartments compared to the central baffle
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

change. spacing, allowing placement of the shell-side nozzles without

Lbi and Lbo, are often equal in length to Lbc, expect when interference with the body flanges and without overlapping the
the first and last baffle compartments must be enlarged to first baffle. The flow velocity in these compartments is thus
allow for the placement of the respective shell-side nozzles. lowered and has an adverse influence on heat transfer. The
The baffle layout is determined from the inlet, central, and correction factor JS<1.0 for larger inlet and outlet spacing than
outlet baffle spacing and the effective tube length. The the central baffle spacing. For inlet and outlet baffle spacing
effective tube length Lta is equal to the total tube length less equal to the central baffle spacing, no correction is required
the combined thickness of the two tube sheets. The number of and JS=1.0. The value for JS is determined directly from the
baffles (an integer) and baffle spacing can be determined from effect on the flow velocity and is given by the following
these values. The effective length for determining the baffle expression.
spacing for U-tube exchanger includes the straight length of
the tube plus Ds/2, where Ds is the shell internal diameter. (N b - 1) + (L bi /L bc )1-n + (L bo /L bc )1-n
Thus the baffle spacing at the U-Bend, shown in Fig.6, should Js = (24)
(N b - 1) + (L bi /L bc ) + (L bo /L bc )
include the tube straight length in this compartment plus
(Ds/2) or 0.3 Dotl [8].
By using the following Equation, baffle spacing are Where n=0.6 for turbulent flow and n=1/3 for laminar flow.
calculated. The number of baffle compartments Nb is determined from the
Lbi = {1.25/Nb+1}+0.005 (16) effective tube length and the baffle spacing [6]-[8].
In laminar flows, heat transfer is reduced by the adverse
Lbo = Lbi + 0.3 Dotl (17) temperature gradient formed in the boundary layer as the flow
Lbc = {1.25-2Lbi}/{Nb-1} (18) thermally develops along the flow channel. The laminar flow
correction factor JR accounts for this effect. For laminar shell-
The maximum limit of Bundle by pass correction side flow JR<1.0 (i.e. for 100 Re) while for Re>100, no
factor JB is 1.0 at rss . To calculate JB, use Fsbp. correction is needed and JR=1.0.
J B = exp[-Cbh Fsbp (1 - 3 2rss )] (19) 10
JR=(JR)20= (For20 Re) (25)
The empirical factor Cbh=1.35 for laminar flow (100 Re)
and Cbh=1.25 for transition and turbulent flows (Re>100). To Nc
evaluate this expression, one requires the ratio of the bypass to Nc = (Ntcc + Ntcw)(Nb+1) (26)
the cross flow area Fsbp, and the ratio rss of the number of
sealing strips Nss (number of pairs if any) passed by the flow Where Nc is the total number of tube rows crossed by the
to the number of tube rows crossed between baffle tips in one flow in the entire heat exchanger and Ntcw is the number of
baffle section Ntcc. To calculate Fsbp, use the following tube rows crossed in the window area. For Re>20 but Re>100,
equation. the value is prorated in (27). The minimum value of JR in all
cases is 0.4.
Fsbp = 20 - Re
[(J R )20 1]
Sm J R = (J R ) 20 + (27)
Sb = Lbc[(Ds-Dotl)+Lpl] (21)
In above expressions, Sb is the bypass area; Lpp represents For laminar shell-side flow JR<1.0 while for Re>100, no
the width of the bypass lane between tubes. For situations correction is needed. The correction factor J is greater than
without a pass partition lane or for such a lane normal to the 1.0 for heating the shell-side fluid and vice-versa for cooling
flow direction, set Lpl=0 while for a pass partition lane parallel the shell-side fluid.

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

To calculate ideal tube bank heat transfer coefficient hs (1), 2

use the following equation.
p noz = 3 (35)
1 = j1cpmPr-2/3 (28) 2g c
Where, vnoz is calculated at the smallest cross-section area
for flow (i.e. highest velocity) in the nozzle. The combined
header and tube entrance losses are estimated in a similar way,
1.33 (29)
j1 = a 1 Re a2 but using the velocity inside the tube, Vi.
L tp

a= (30)
1 + 0.14Re a 4
For heat load check, the overall heat transfer
coefficient, U, can be achieved from (31).
1 (31)
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Uo =
ro 1 1 ro ro 1 1
+ + ln + +
i ih h si k r
w i h so h o

In this equation, fouling resistance (factor) associated with

fluid outside tube Rfo (1/hso) and fouling resistance (factor)
associated with fluid inside tube Rfi (1/hsi). K is wall thermal
conductivity. And then, calculate overall heat transfer
The heat transfer area A is calculated by the following
d x3
A = (d o L1 ) + 2 nL f + f L1 N t (32)
In this equation, next term is represented for insert plate
heat transfer area. FT is the correction factor. Log Mean
Temperature Difference is calculated by following equation
T2 T1
Tm = Tlm = (33)
ln 2
Where, T2 = Tho Tco subscript i = inlet
T1 = Thi Tci subscripto = outlet Fig. 7 Flow Chart for Pressure Drop on Shell and Tube Side
The heat load is computed from (34) and comparing with
given heat load. V 2
q= U A FT Tlm (34) Pent = 3 i (36)
2g c
If the calculated heat load is greater than the given heat load,
The pressure drop for shell-side flow is equal to the sum of
it can be said that the design is satisfied. If not, by increasing
the inlet nozzle pressure drop, the bundle pressure drop and
TN, the total number of tubes, and the whole procedure may
the outlet pressure drop. The inlet and outlet nozzle pressure
be repeated till the above condition is satisfied.
drops can be approximated as being equal to two velocity
heads each.
C. Calculation and Checking of Pressure Drop
The bundle pressure drop is equal to the sum of the cross-
Design procedures of Pressure Drop check for shell and
flow pressure drops pc, the window pressure drops pw , and
tube side are as shown in Fig .7.
the two end zone pressure drops (first and last baffle
The pressure drop for tube side is computed from the
compartments) pe as illustrated in Fig. 8 [6]-[8].
summation of (35) and (36) and comparing with allowable
So, the bundle pressure drop for shell side is computed from
pressure drop. For the nozzle losses, it is usually sufficient to
using (37) and comparing with allowable pressure drop.
calculate the loss for each nozzle at about three times the
ptotal = pc + pw + pe (37)
velocity head in the nozzle [12].
pc = pbl (Nb-1) RB RL (38)

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International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

pbl = 0.002 f1 Ntcc m2/ R (39) 2 n 2n

b R = bc + bc (49)
1.33 s L L bi
f 1 = b1 Re b2 (40) bo
L /D pe is the pressure drop in the two end zones of the tube
tp t
bundle and Rs is the pressure drop correction for unequal
baffle spacing at the inlet and/or outlet with respect to the
central baffle spacing. For all baffle spacing of equal length,
Rs is 2.0. n is 1 for laminar flow and n is 0.2 for turbulent
flow [6]-[8].

A transmission oil cooler is designed according to the
MatLAB program discussed above.

International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008


Tube side Shell side
Fluid Hydraulic water
Inlet Temperature 105 77
Outlet Temperature 80.7 79.9
Fig. 8 Pressure Drop Regions in Shell-side Flow [8] Flow rate 27.7 84
b3 (m3/hr)
b= (41) Heat load 282 282
1 + 0.14Re b4
Pressure drop 0.6 0.3
R = (42)
w Max working 15 2
pressure (bar)
R B = exp[-Cbp Fsbp (1 - 3 2rss )] (43)
The following figures are obtained by using the MatLAB
R L = exp - 1.33(1 + rs )r p
lm ] (44) Program.
P = -0.15(1+rs) + 0.8 (45)
Where pbl is the ideal bundle pressure drop for one baffle 11000
compartment of the Nb compartments. f1 is the friction factor
and the empirical constants. R is the viscosity correction 10000
Reynolds Number in Tube

factor and RB is the bypass correction factor. The limit of RB is

1 for rss 1/2. Use Cbp is 4.5 for laminar flow (100 Re) and 9000
Cbh is 3.7 for transition and turbulent flows (Re>100). RL is
the leakage correction factor.
w = (46)
Sm S w 7000

p w = N b (2 + 0.6N tcw ) R L R (47) 6000

2 180 200 220 240 260

Number of Tube
280 300 320 340

Where M is the shell-side flow rate in kg/s and pw and mw Fig. 9 A fact of Reynolds Number on Number of Tubes
are the pressure drop and mass velocity in all Nb window
zones for turbulent flow (Re>100).
p e = p bl 1 + tcw R B R S (48)
N tcc

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(10) 2008 1156
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International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

1500 11000
Heat Transfer Coefficient in Tube (W/m K)



Heat Transfer Coefficient in Shell (W/m K)

1300 8000
1100 5000
3000 Nb=2
900 Nb=3
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 Nb=4
Number of Tube 1000
Fig. 10 A fact of Heat Transfer Coefficient on Number of Tube 1335 1340 1345 1350 1355 1360 1365
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

Length of Tube (mm)

It can be seen that in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 shows that the Re and Fig. 12 A fact of Heat Transfer Coefficient on Number of Baffles and
ho are gradually decreased corresponding to as high as Nt. Length of Tube
Because of mass flow rate are constant, velocity are increase
and Re, ho are also decrease. Between total number of tube 290
220 and 240, there are a slight rise in heat transfer coefficient
because of changing from turbulent flow to transition flow.

Heat Load (kW)

30000 Nb=2
28000 Nb=4 240

26000 230
Reynolds Number in Shell

24000 220
22000 Nb=3
20000 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400
Shell Diameter (mm)
Fig. 13 A fact of Heat Load on Shell Diameter


1335 1340 1345 1350 1355 1360 1365 Result Industrial Calculated
Tube Length (mm) Data Data
Fig. 11 A fact of Reynolds Number on Number of Baffles and Length Shell diameter, 0.385 0.39
of Tube m
Tube length, m 1.25 1.25
The decreasing pattern of curves of Reynold Number and Total no. of 248 318
heat transfer coefficient shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 shows tubes
that the Re and h are gradually decreased corresponding as Tube diameter, 0.014 0.0127
high as Tube Effective Length (L1). However, this graph also m
describes, due to Number of Baffles increase, Reynold Number of 4 4
Number increase. Baffle
The result table for Heat Load is shown in Fig. 13. Between Heat Load, kW 282 283.02
shell diameter 320m and 330m, there are also a slight rise in Tube side 0.6 0.4032
heat transfer coefficient because of changing from turbulent pressure drop
flow to transition flow. Shell side 0.3 0.1652
pressure drop


There are few limitations to be considered in program. To

reduce size and cost of heat exchanger, U-Bend Exchangers

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(10) 2008 1157
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

are chosen. The arrangements of tubes are only for a widely

used triangular pattern which permits the use of more tubes.
The limitation of shell diameter is within the minimum 0.3 m
and maximum 0.4 m. It is still assumed that there is no
advantage in varying less than the allowable pressure drop and
baffles will be employed within the minimum (one fifth of the
shell diameter) and maximum (inside diameter of the shell)
spacing. These limitations stem from the fact that at wider
spacing the flow tends to be axial rather than across the bundle
and at closer spacing there is excessive leakage between
baffles and the shell. If the shell side pressure drop is higher
than the acceptable limits, the baffles spacing is increased
slightly, the shell side pressure drop will be satisfactory. If the
tube side pressure is not within acceptable limits, the
calculation can be repeated with a revised value of total
number of tube because of the pressure drop depends on the
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:2, No:10, 2008

square of the velocity.

There are many types heat baffle. Among them, segmental
baffle is selected in this design. This type of baffle is probably
the most popular. It is a circle of near shell diameter from
which a horizontal or vertical portion has been cut. The cut-
out portion which represents the free flow area for the shell
side fluid is usually from 20 to 50 percent of the open shell
area. In this design, 25 percent baffle cut is used according to
the method of Wolverine. The limitation of number of baffle is
2, 3 and 4.
Shell diameter for calculated design is nearly the same the
existing design. But total numbers of tubes are more than
existing design because of tube diameter changes.
Furthermore, use simple insert flat plate in tubes. By using of
tube inserts (flat plate) are highly effective in laminar flow
inside tubes. Tube inserts flat plate in existing design is more
confused than calculated flat plate. In this program, tube
diameter is limited to 12.7 mm, so this diameter is less than
existing tube diameter 14mm. Because of these facts, increase
total number of tube, heat transfer area and heat load is more
than limited heat load (283.2 kW). The tube and shell pressure
drop for acceptable limits is 0.6 and 0.3 bar. The calculated
pressure drop for tube and shell are 0.4032 and 0.1652 bar.
The design is satisfied because the pressure drop for both sides
is lower than the limited pressure drop. So this computer
program is highly useful to design the liquid-to-liquid shell
and tube type heat exchanger.

[1] Frass, A.P and M.Necatic Ozisik, 1965, Heat Exchanger Design, John
Wiley and Sons Inc.
[2] Max S.Peters and Klaus D. Timmerhuaus, 1958, Plant Design and
Economics for Chemical Engineers, 4th ed, McGraw-Hill Book
[3] TEMA, 1999, Standards of TEMA, 8th ed, Turbular Exchanger
Manufacturers Association, New York.
[4] Kays, W.M and A.L.London, 1998, Compact Heat Exchangers, 3rd ed,
Krieger Publishing Malabar, FL.
[5] E.A.Krasnoshchekov and A.S.Sukomel, 1977, Problems in Heat
Transfer, MIR Publishers, Moscow.
[6] Professor John R.Thom, 2004, Wolverine Tube Heat Transfer Data
Book III, Wolverine Tube Inc,
[7] J.P. Holman, 1963, Heat Transfer, 8th ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
[8] Dr. K. J. Bell and Dr. A.C.Muller, 1984, Wolverine Tube Heat
Transfer Data Book II, Wolverine Division of UOP Inc,

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(10) 2008 1158

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