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2012 1 13 Interleaaved Converter

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Journal of International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Vol.1, No.1, pp.

99~103, 2012


New Switch-Control Technique for Multiphase Interleaved Converters

with Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation
Ponlawat Thongbuaban *, Niphat Jantharamin **
Abstract This paper presents a new switch-control approach for multiphase interleaved
converters. Development of the proposed technique is based on control-signal generation for
multi-unit synchronization. Current sharing among the switching cells and voltage
regulation are achieved by means of a multi-loop control scheme regardless of changes in
input voltage and load. System stability is ensured by single-pole compensation. This
proposed technique is straightforward, reliable and inexpensive, and can be applied to any
higher number of cells without difficulty.

Keywords: Switch-control, Interleaved converter, Current sharing, Voltage regulation

1. Introduction
Rapid changes in voltages and currents within a
switching converter cause electromagnetic interference
(EMI). The converter becomes a source of interference for
other equipment in its system, and its EMI also hinders its
own proper operation. The most cost-effective way of
dealing with EMI is to prevent the EMI from being
generated at its source [1]. EMI production can be
attenuated by using an interleaving technique which cancels
unwanted harmonics [2]. Another advantage of using this
approach is that the converter becomes more reliable and
less susceptible to its own noise [1]. The circuit diagram of
an N-phase interleaved step-up converter is shown in Fig. 1.
According to the interleaving technique, the identical
parallel switching cells are operated






Fig. 1. An N-phase interleaved step-up converter

at the same switching frequency with a phase shift in their
switching waveforms over equal fractions of a switching

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Naresuan University,

Thailand. (
** Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Naresuan University,
Thailand. (
Received 12 July 2011 ; Accepted 04 November 2011

period. Interleaving N cells therefore requires the cells to

operate at a phase displacement of 2/N radians with
respect to one another [3]. However, as the number of
switching cells of an interleaved converter is increased, the
aforesaid switch control and achieving equal current
sharing among the cells become more complicated [4].

2. Interleaved Switch-Control Techniques

Different techniques for driving power switches in
interleaved converters have been discussed in the literature.
Though microcontrollers have been used to generate
desired switching signals, their use has several drawbacks:
programming expertise of the user is required in the
implementation, and cost, circuitry complexity, and
difficulty of implementation increase as the number of cells
increases [5].
A new integrated circuit (IC), namely UCC28220 from
Texas Instruments, is used in [6] to control the switches in a
two-phase step-up converter for low-voltage applications.
The IC includes fast current mode controllers and gate
drivers for both switching cells. It supports switching
frequencies of up to 2 MHz. Slope compensation for
internal current mode is also available. However, switch
control with this IC becomes impossible for interleaving
more than two cells. In addition, the UCC28220 is still not
readily available.
A challenging application is to use an IC controller in a
two-phase interleaved converter for power factor correction
(PFC) [7]. However, driving a higher number of interleaved
cells with this approach is troublesome due to being
constrained to one IC. Moreover, the system performance


New Switch-Control Technique for Multiphase Interleaved Converters with Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation

depends on this IC controller. So, fault of this IC may cause

system failure.
A synchronizing circuit for paralleled converter systems,
suitable for voltage regulator modules (VRM) that are
designed for modern microprocessors, is proposed in [8].
Interleaved operation between the cells with automatic
phase-shift operation without pre-adjustment is achieved.
Use of simple analog circuits, which are easily
implemented, results into the switching cells being
implemented as conventional pulse-width-modulation
(PWM) controllers. However, errors in the threshold
voltages of the cells easily arises and cause time delays
among the cells. The aforesaid errors accumulateand result
in phase-shift differences between the cells.

3. New Switch-Control Technique

Hereby, a straightforward, reliable, and low-cost
approach of switch control for multiphase interleaved
converters is proposed. This technique is devised from the
concept of control-signal generation for multi-unit
synchronization by which all devices are operated at the
same frequency. A desired switching frequency and phase
shift among the parallel cells are dictated by a properly
designed resistance-capacitance time constant for the PWM
controllers, where trigger signals are generated by a sync
pulse generator as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Synchronization of switch-control signals

As an example, the proposed switch-drive circuit for a
two-phase interleaved step-up converter is shown in Fig. 3.
Each PWM controller of the proposed technique consists of
a UC3843, which is a fixed frequency current-mode PWM
controller. It is designed especially for off-line and DC-toDC converter applications, and is designed to be used with
a minimal amount of external components. This IC includes
a trimmed oscillator for exact duty-cycle control, a
temperature-compensated reference, a high gain error
amplifier, a current sensing comparator, and a high current
totem pole output for driving a power MOSFET [9].

Fig. 3. Proposed switch-drive circuit for a two-phase interleaved step-up converter

Ponlawat Thongbuaban and Niphat Jantharamin

Normally, the timing capacitor (CT) is charged between

two thresholds, namely the upper and lower voltage limits.
When the CT initiates its charge cycle, the output of the
PWM is enabled. The timing capacitor is charged until it
reaches the upper voltage limit of the internal comparator.
Consequently, the discharge circuitry activates and
discharges CT until the lower voltage limit is met. During
this discharge period, the PWM output is disabled, thus
ensuring an off time for the output [9].
Even a slight difference in the resistance and capacitance
values in PWM controllers results in non-identical
wa veforms as shown in Fig. 4. However, the
aforementioned difference has no detrimental effect on the
proposed switch control.
Hereby, synchronization is imposed in the following way.
CT is connected to ground via a small timing resistor RT.
(RT and CT are connected in series). *This timing resistor
RT performs as the input for the sync pulse (Fig. 5) which
increases the timing-capacitor voltage above the upper
voltage limit of the internal oscillator
The PWM therefore operates at the frequency dictated
by the combination of RT and CT until the sync pulses
appear, as shown in Fig. 6.


Modified R-C
Sync pulse
pulse train

Fig. 6. Determination of switching frequency

The UC3843 oscillator is set to a lower frequency than
that of the sync pulse train [9]. The modified R-C oscillator
pulse trains for both phases are shown in Fig. 7 and become
inputs of their corresponding PWM controllers. Following
the R-C oscillator pulse inputs, the PWM controllers
generate switch control signals for both switching cells with
a phase shift of 180 between them, as shown in Fig. 8.

First phase

Fig. 4. Two R-C pulse trains generated for two PWM


First phase

Fig. 5. Sync pulse trains for the two-phase interleaved


Fig. 7. Modified R-C pulse inputs of the PWM controllers

First phase

Fig. 8. Switch control signals for the two-phase interleaved



New Switch-Control Technique for Multiphase Interleaved Converters with Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation

4. Experimental Results
The proposed control method was implemented with the
two-phase interleaved step-up converter shown in Fig. 3. The
inductor current waveforms of this converter are shown in Fig. 9.
The experimental results show that this control scheme is viable
in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) as well as the
discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) of the converter.
For an interleaved converter it is necessary to ensure that
each cell shares the load current equally in order to reduce
the current stress of the switching devices and to improve
the reliability of the converter. Hereby, current sharing and
voltage regulation are achieved by means of a multi-loop
control scheme in which the outer voltage loop regulates
the output voltage to a desired value while the inner current
loop dictates the peak inductor-current value of each
switching cell. Single-pole compensation is introduced to
the outer loop to ensure system stability. By means of the
proposed switch-control technique, along with the aforesaid
multi-loop control scheme, the output voltage of the
converter is maintained regardless of the input voltage
fluctuation (Fig. 10) and load disturbances (Fig. 11 and
Fig. 12). In addition, the inductor currents of the converter
are always distributed equally among the cells, regardless
of changes in load.


Fig. 11. Output voltage regulation as load resistance



Fig. 12. Output voltage regulation as load resistance



5. Conclusions

Fig. 9. Inductor current waveforms of both switching cells in


Input voltage

Fig. 10. Output voltage regulation under input fluctuation

In this paper, a new switch driving technique for the

interleaved converter is proposed. This approach is based
on control-signal generation for multi-unit synchronization.
Driving the two-phase interleaved step-up converter is
given as an example. Current sharing among the switching
cells and voltage regulation are achieved by means of a
multi-loop control scheme. They are achieved regardless of
changes in input voltage or load. This switch-control
approach is not affected by the slight difference between
inductance values of the converter inductors. For the
interleaved converter with a number of phases above two,
critical constraints of frequency, duty cycle, and off time
can be accurately controlled by a 555 timer. The proposed
technique is straightforward, reliable and inexpensive. In
particular, this approach offers switch control that is
modular ach switching cell can be implemented
individually, independent of the other switching cells.
Therefore, this approach can be applied to any higher
number of cells without difficulty.

Ponlawat Thongbuaban and Niphat Jantharamin

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[7] L. Huai-Gang, Y. Xi-jun, M. Hai-liang, and Y. Peng-sheng,
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[8] T. Kohama, Y. Minoda, and T. Ninomiya, New
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[9] Texas Instruments, Application Note: UC3842/3/4/5, 1999.


Ponlawat Thongbuaban completed

his bachelors degree in Electrical
E n gin eer in g fr om Na r esuan
University, Thailand. Currently, he
is studying for his masters degree in
Electrical Engineering at Naresuan
University. His research interests are
Power Electronics and Photovoltaic Systems.

Niphat Jantharamin received

B.Eng. degree from KMITL in
University of Leeds in Germany,
and Ph.D. from the University of
Leeds in the UK. All his degrees
are in Electrical Engineering. He is
a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Naresuan
University, Thailand. His research interests include
Power Electronics, Photovoltaic Systems and Efficient
Energy Conversion.

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