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Analysis of Various Spectrum Sensing Techniques in Cognitive Radio

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Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X

International Journal of Advanced Research in

Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at:
Analysis of Various Spectrum Sensing Techniques in
Cognitive Radio
Ajay Sharma*, Munish Katoch
CSE Department, Sri Sai University
Himachal Pradesh, India

Abstract Cognitive radio is the (CR) technology that has the potential of dealing with the requirement and shortage
of the radio spectrum. Such a revolutionary and transforming technology represents a new model in the design of
wireless systems, as it will allow the efficient utilization of the radio spectrum by offering the ability of radio sensing,
self-adaptation and dynamic spectrum sharing. A large part of the usability of cognitive radio rests upon its ability to
detect white spaces in the spectrum, i.e. to detect the presence of the primary or licensed user. As such, spectrum
sensing occupies most of the research potential as far as cognitive radio is concerned, and in this paper, a few of the
spectrum sensing techniques will be looked upon.

Keywords Cognitive Radio, Spectrum sensing, SNR, Cyclostationarity

The need of a flexible and robust wireless communication is becoming more important in recent times. The demands in
wireless applications have put a constraint on the available radio spectrum which is a natural limited resource. But the
truth is, bandwidth is not limited but is underutilized. Todays spectrum management is based on fixed frequency
assignment resulting in highly ineffective utilization of spectrum. So the requirement of dynamic spectrum management
model (cognitive radio) as a technology tool to realize the goal to provide a new solution in addressing the issue of
spectrum shortage is must.
Cognitive Radio works on this dynamic Spectrum Management principle which solves the issue of spectrum
underutilization in wireless communication. It has an intelligent layer that performs the learning of environment
parameters in order to achieve optimal performance under dynamic and unknown situations. The key feature of a
Cognitive Radio is to recognize the unused parts of spectrum that is licensed to a primary user and adapt its
communication strategy to use these parts while minimizing the interference that it generates to the primary user. Based
on the interaction with environment in which it operates cognitive radio will change its transmission parameters like
waveform, protocol, operating frequency etc.

Figure 1: dynamic spectrum access

Four major functions of cognitive radio are spectrum sensing, spectrum management, spectrum sharing and spectrum
mobility. Spectrum Sensing is to identify the presence of licensed users and unused frequency bands i.e., white spaces in
those licensed bands. Spectrum Management is to identify how long the secondary users can use those White
spaces. Spectrum Sharing is to share the white spaces (spectrum hole) fairly among the secondary users. Spectrum
Mobility is to maintain unbroken communication during the transition to better spectrum. The basic Cognitive cycle
performs the following tasks.
Spectrum Sensing.
Spectrum Management.

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May- 2015, pp. 1100-1104
Spectrum Sharing.
Spectrum Mobility.

Characteristics of cognitive radio: Following are CRs two main characteristics:

1) Cognitive capability: It refers to the ability of the cognitive radio to sense the environment or channels used
for transmission and derive the information about the state of the channel.
2) Reconfigurability: It refers to programming the radio dynamically without making any changes to its
hardware section. Cognitive radio is a software based radio and not hardware based so it has the capability to switch
between different wireless protocols and also supports a number of applications.

In terms of occupancy, sub bands of the radio spectrum may be categorized as follows:
A) White spaces: These are free of RF interferers, except for noise due to natural and/or artificial sources.
B) Gray spaces: These are partially occupied by interferers as well as noise.
C) Black spaces: The contents of which are completely full due to the combined presence of
communication and (possibly) interfering signals plus noise
Figure 2 shows the White Spaces and Used Frequencies in
Licensed Spectrum.

Figure2: Illustration of white spaces spectrum holes) in licensed


Benefits of CR: The future requirement of spectrum will be met and this is the basic reason for implementing CR. From
the users perspective the suitability, availability and reliability will be enhanced leading to improved quality of service.
Demand for higher bandwidth services will be provided. CR makes it easier to trade between spectrum and users
(Spectrum liberalization).
Hence efficient spectrum utilization, improved interconnectivity, increased scalability etc are the advantages of
implementing CR


Spectrum sensing refers to the capability of timely sensing the spectrum holes. It is important requirement because a CR
is designed to be aware of and sensitive to the changes in the environment. It enables the CR users to adapt to the
environment by detecting spectrum holes without causing interference to the primary user. Secondary user (SU) should
be equipped with highly reliable spectrum sensing function and should be able to detect spectrum in a continuous and
real time way. When compared to all other techniques, Spectrum Sensing is the most crucial task for the
establishment of cognitive radio based communication mechanism as cognitive radio can allocate only an unused
portion of spectrum hence it has to monitor the available spectrum bands, capture their information and then detect
spectrum holes. Existing spectrum sensing technologies can be categorized as

Figure 3: Classification of spectrum sensing techniques

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May- 2015, pp. 1100-1104
All paragraphs must be indented. All paragraphs must be justified, i.e. both left-justified and right-justified.
1) Non cooperative sensing: In this technique each cognitive radio senses itself and uses its sensing data to give a decision
on channel state that is idle or busy whereas in cooperative sensing CR shares its sensing data with others and utilize the
sensing outcomes of others to give a decision. The cognitive radio will configure itself according to the signals it can
detect and the information with which it is pre-loaded. Non cooperative spectrum sensing includes:
Primary transmitter detection: The detection of the signal from the primary transmitter is Based on the received signal at
CR users the detection of primary users is performed. This approach includes matched filter (MF) based detection,
energy based detection, cyclostationary based detection etc.
2) Cooperative and collaborative detection: The primary signals for spectrum opportunities are detected reliably by
interacting or cooperating with other users, and the method can be implemented as either centralized access to
spectrum coordinated by a spectrum server or distributed approach implied by the spectrum load smoothing algorithm or
external detection.
3) Interference temperature detection: In this approach, CR system works as in the ultra wide band (UWB) technology
where the secondary users coexist with primary users and are allowed to transmit with low power and are restricted by the
interference temperature level so as not to cause harmful interference to primary users.

A. Primary Transmitter Detection: few primary transmitter detection techniques are discussed below. They are
1) Energy Detection: Energy detection is the signal detection mechanism using an energy detector to specify the
presence or absence of signal in the band. It has moderate computational complexities and can be implemented in both
time and frequency domains. It is a simple detector which detects the total energy of the received signal over specified
time duration. A threshold value is required for comparison of the energy found by the detector. Energy greater than the
threshold values indicates the presence of the primary user.

Figure 2:Bloc k diagra m of e nergy detector

The equations are an exception to the prescribed

Where H0 = Absence of User.
H1 = Presence of User.
The block diagram for the energy detection technique is shown in the Figure 4. In this method, signal is passed through
band pass filter of the bandwidth W and is integrated over time interval. The output from the integrator block is
then compared to a predefined threshold. This comparison is used to discover the existence of absence of the primary
user. The threshold value can set to be fixed or variable based on the channel conditions [5]-[7].
y(k) = n(k) H0 y(k) = h * s(k) + n(k) H1
Where y (k) is the sample to be analyzed at each instant k
and n (k) is the noise of variance 2.
Let y(k) be a sequence of
received samples k{1, 2.N} at the signal detector, then a decision rule can be stated as,
H0 if > v
H1 if < v
Where = E |y(k)|2 the estimated energy of the
Received signal and v is chosen to be the noise variance 2.
However ED is always accompanied by a number of disadvantages :
i) Sensing time taken to achieve a given probability of detection may be high.
ii) Detection performance is subject to the uncertainty of noise power.
iii) ED cannot be used to detect spread spectrum signals.
The only advantage is moderate computational complexity as no prior information is required.

2) Matched filter:

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Figure 3:Bloc k diagra m of matc hed filter
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Sharma et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 1100-1104
The block diagram is shown in figure 5.
Where H0 = Absence of User.

H1 = Presence of User.
The Matched Filter Technique is very important in communication as it is an optimum filtering technique which
maximizes the signal to noise ratio (SNR). It is a linear filter and prior knowledge of the primary user signal is very
essential for its operation. The operation performed is equivalent to a correlation. The received signal is convolved with
the filter response which is the mirrored and time shifted version of a reference signal. Its main problem is it requires pre-
knowledge of Primary user which is hard to get. Matched filter operation is equivalent to correlation in which the
unknown signal is convolved with the filter whose impulse response is the mirror and time shifted version of a reference
signal. The operation of matched filter detection is expressed as:
Y[n] = h[n-k] x[k]
Where x is the unknown signal (vector) and is convolved with the h, the impulse response of matched filter that is
matched to the reference signal for maximizing the SNR. Detection by using matched filter is useful only in cases where
the information of the primary user is known to the SR.

This technique requires shorter sensing time for certain probability of false alarm or probability of detection.
Matched filter detection performs well in stationary Gaussian noise when the CR user has the information of the primary
user signal.

Matched filter detection requires the exact synchronization and prior knowledge of primary user signal.
Implementation complexity of sensing unit is impractically large since cognitive radio user need receivers for all signal
Since various receiver algorithms need to be executed for detection, it results in large power consumption.

3) Cyclostationary based detection: Cyclostationary based sensing use the periodicity property of signals. The signals
which are used in several applications are generally coupled with sinusoid carriers, cyclic prefix, spreading codes, pulse
trains etc. which result in periodicity of their statistics like mean and auto-correlation. Such periodicities can be easily
highlighted when cyclic spectral density for such signals is found out. Primary user signals which have these periodicities
can be easily detected by taking their correlation. Fourier transform of the correlated signal results in peaks at frequencies
which are specific to a signal and searching for these peaks helps in determining the presence of the primary user. Noise
is random in nature and as such there are no such periodicities in it and thus it doesnt get highlighted on taking the
Pros:- Works well for low SNR conditions. It has the capability to distinguish between primary user and noise. It can
differentiate between different types of signals
Cons:-Since all the cycle frequencies are calculated so the computational complexity is higher.

B) Cooperative techniques
There are broadly 2 approaches to cooperative spectrum sensing:
1) Centralized approach: Here in this technique we have Cognitive Radio controller called fusion centre (FC) within
the network that collects the sensing information. FC then analyzes the information and determines the bands that
can and cannot be used, When one Cognitive Radio detects the presence of primary user then it intimates the
Cognitive Radio controller about it. Then that controller informs all the Cognitive radio users by broadcast method

Figure 6:centralized approach

2) Decentralized approaches: unlike centralized approach, distributive cooperative sensing does not depend on a FC for
making cooperative decisions. Cognitive Radio will independently detects the channel and will vacate the channel when
it finds a primary user without informing the other users. Thus Cognitive Radio users will experience bad channel
realizations and detect the channel incorrectly thereby causing interference at the primary receiver which is not
advantageous when compared to coordinated techniques.

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Sharma et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(5),
May- 2015, pp. 1100-1104

Figure 7: Decentralized approach

II. comparative analysis of various spectrum sensing techniques

Figure 8 comparative analysis of various spectrum

sensing techniques

As the usage of frequency spectrum is increasing day by day, it is becoming more valuable and we need to access
the frequency spectrum wisely. For this purpose we are using Cognitive Radio as static spectrum allocation is no
more a solution. This paper presents the overview of cognitive radio and discusses the characteristics and benefits of
cognitive radio. In Spectrum sensing is discussed in detail. Comparative analysis of various spectrum sensing techniques
is done and the results showed that energy detection based spectrum sensing is widely used because it does not require
the transmitted signal properties and thus has moderate computational complexities as compared with other techniques.

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