Optimal Multiband Joint Detection For Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Optimal Multiband Joint Detection For Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Optimal Multiband Joint Detection For Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Manuscript received November 04, 2007; accepted October 02, 2008. First
published November 07, 2008; current version published February 13, 2009.
This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under Grants ANI-0338807, CNS-06-25637, ECS-0601266, ECS-0725441,
CNS-0721935, CCF-0726740, and by the Department of Defense under Grant
HDTRA-07-1-0037. Part of this work was presented at the IEEE Conference
on Communications, Beijing, China, May 2008, and at the IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas,
NV, April 2008.
Z. Quan and A. H. Sayed are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA (e-mail: quan@ee.ucla.
edu; sayed@ee.ucla.edu).
S. Cui is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 USA (e-mail: cui@ece.tamu.edu).
H. V. Poor is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA (e-mail: poor@princeton.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2008.2008540
A. Related Work
Previous studies on spectrum sensing in CR networks have
focused primarily on cooperation among multiple secondary
users [4], [10], [11] using distributed detection approaches [12],
[13], but are limited to the detection of signals over a single frequency band. The scheme based on voting rules [14] is one of
the simplest suboptimal solutions, which counts the number of
nodes that vote for the presence of the signal and compares it
against a given threshold. In [15], a fusion rule known as the OR
logic operation was used to combine decisions from several secondary users. In [16], two decision-combining approaches were
studied: hard decision with the AND logic operation, and soft
decision using the likelihood ratio test [12]. It was shown that
the soft decision combination of spectrum sensing results yields
gains over hard decision combining. In [17], the authors exploited the fact that summing signals from two secondary users
can increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and detection reliability if the signals are correlated. In [18], a generalized likelihood ratio test for detecting the presence of cyclostationarity
using multiple cyclic frequencies was proposed and evaluated
using Monte Carlo simulations. Another two cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms based on the likelihood ratio test can
be found in [19] and [20]. Along with these works, we have developed an optimal cooperation strategy [21] based on a linear
combination of local statistics from multiple cognitive radios.
Other suboptimal solutions for linear cooperation such as maximal radio combining and maximal deflection coefficient combining can be found respectively in [21][23].
On the other hand, the literature of wideband spectrum
sensing for cognitive radio networks is rather limited at this
time. An existing approach is to use a tunable narrowband
bandpass filter at the radio frequency (RF) front-end to search
one narrow frequency band at a time [24], over which existing
narrowband spectrum sensing techniques can be applied. In
order to search over multiple frequency bands at a time, the
RF front-end needs a wideband architecture and spectrum
sensing usually operates over an estimate of the power spectral
density (PSD) of the wideband signal. In [25] and [26], the
multiresolution features of the wavelet transform were used to
estimate the PSD over a wide frequency range. However, no
prior work attempts to make decisions over multiple frequency
bands jointly, which is essential for implementing efficient cognitive radio networks. A survey of existing spectrum sensing
techniques can be found in [35].
B. Contribution
The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we introduce
the multiband joint detection framework for wideband spectrum
sensing in a single CR. Within this framework, we jointly optimize a bank of multiple narrowband detectors to improve the
aggregate opportunistic throughput of a cognitive radio system
while limiting the interference to the primary communication
system. In particular, we formulate the design of wideband spectrum sensing into a class of optimization problems. The objective is to maximize the aggregate opportunistic throughput in
an interference-limited cognitive radio network. By exploiting
the hidden convexity of the seemingly nonconvex problems, we
show that the optimization problem can be reformulated into
represents the primary transmitted signal (with
is additive complex
cyclic prefix) at time
, i.e.,
white Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance
. In a multipath fading environment, the
wideband channel exhibits frequency-selective features [27]
and its discrete frequency response can be obtained through a
-point fast Fourier transform (FFT)
where is the decision threshold of subband . For simplicity,
we assume that the transmitted signal in each subband has unit
; this assumption holds when primary
power, i.e.,
radios adopt uniform power transmission strategies given no
channel knowledge at the transmitter side. However, the development of the multiband joint detection algorithm does not rely
on this assumption while only the knowledge of the received
signal power and noise power is needed.
According to the central limit theorem [30], for large , the
are approximately normally distributed [5]
with means
and variances
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of multiband joint detection for wideband spectrum sensing in cognitive radio systems.
The vector
can be expressed as
, where
denotes the all-one vector.
narrowband subbands
Consider a CR device sensing the
to take use of the unused ones for opportunistic transmission.
denote the throughput achievable over the th subband
. If the
if used by secondary users, and
transmit power and the channel gains between secondary users
are known, can be estimated using the Shannon capacity formula [27]. Since
measures the opportunistic spectral
utilization of subband , the aggregate opportunistic throughput
of the CR system can be defined as
which is a function of the threshold vector . Due to the inherent
tradeoff between
, maximizing the sum
will result in large
, hence causing harmful
interference to primary users.
However, the interference to primary users should be limited in a CR network. For a wideband primary communication system, the effect of interference induced by CR devices
can be characterized by a relative priority factor for each primary user transmitting over the corresponding subbands, i.e.,
, where
indicates the cost incurred if
the primary user in subband is interfered with. In a special
case where the th primary user is equally important, we may
. Suppose that primary users share a portion of
This expression models, for example, the situation arising in a
multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
system, where various primary users have different levels of priority. Alternatively, can be defined as a function of the bandwidth of subband since in some applications each particular
subband does not have to occupy an equal amount of bandwidth.
To summarize, our objective is to find the optimal thresholds
for the subbands in order to collectively maximize
the aggregate opportunistic throughput subject to some interference constraints for each primary user. As such, the opportunistic rate optimization problem in the context of a multiuser
primary system can be formulated as
Similarly, the combination of (10) and (18) leads to
Consequently, the original problem (P1) has the following
equivalent form
where the constraint (17) limits the interference in each subband
, and the constraint (18) dictates
that each subband should be able to achieve a minimum opportunistic spectral utilization given by
. For a single-user primary system where all the subbands
are used by one primary user, we have
Intuitively, some factors need to be considered in the multiband joint detection. First, the subband with a higher opportunistic rate should have a higher threshold (i.e., a smaller
probability of false alarm) such that it can be best used by CRs.
Second, the subband that carries a higher priority primary user
(i.e., a smaller probability of
should have a lower threshold
missed detection) in order to prevent opportunistic access by
secondary users. Third, a little compromise on those subbands
carrying less important primary users might boost the opportunistic rate considerably. Thus, in the determination of the optimal threshold vector, it is necessary to strike a balance among
the channel conditions, the opportunistic throughput, and the
relative priority of each subband.
The objective and constraint functions in (P1) are generally
nonconvex, making it difficult to efficiently solve for the global
optimum. In most cases, suboptimal solutions or heuristics have
to be used. However, we find that this seemingly nonconvex
problem can be made convex by exploiting hidden convexity
properties and reformulating the problem.
The fact that the -function is monotonically nonincreasing
allows us to transform the constraints in (17) and (18) into linear
constraints. Specifically, from (17), we obtain
Although the constraint (25) is linear, the problem is still nonconvex. However, it can be transformed into a tractable convex
optimization problem in the regime of low probabilities of false
alarm and miss. To establish the transformation, we need the
following results.
Lemma 1: The function
is convex in
Proof: Refer to Appendix A.
Lemma 2: The function
is convex in
Proof: Refer to Appendix B.
Recall that the nonnegative weighted sum of a set of convex
functions is also convex [32]. The problem (P1) then becomes
a convex program if we introduce the following conditions:
This regime of probabilities of false alarm and missed detection is of practical interest for achieving rational opportunistic
throughput and interference levels in CR networks.
Under the conditions in (26), the feasible set of problem (P2)
is convex because the intersection of a convex set and a set of
halfspaces is also convex. The optimization problem takes the
form of minimizing a convex function subject to a convex constraint, and thus a local optimum is also the global optimum.
Efficient numerical search algorithms such as the interior-point
method can be used to find the optimal solution [32].
Alternatively, we can formulate the multiband joint detection
problem into another optimization problem that minimizes the
interference from CRs to the primary communication system
To exploit the spatial diversity, we linearly combine the summary statistics from spatially distributed CRs in each subband
to obtain a global test statistic
are the combining
coefficients for subband , which can be compactly written as
is the minimum required aggregate opportunistic
throughput. Like (P1), this problem can be transformed into
a convex optimization problem by enforcing the conditions
in (26). The result will be illustrated numerically later in
Section V.
, for all
Note that
are normally distributed, the test
Since the elements in
statistics ,
, are also normally distributed with
and variances
is a diagonal matrix assuming that the elements of
pendent and
are inde-
Accordingly, the detection performance in terms of the probabilities of false alarm and detection are given approximately by
(38) can be expressed as
In the design of an efficient distributed cooperative sensing
system, the goal is to maximize the system performance measure of interest by controlling the weight coefficient matrix
and the threshold vector . Just as we did in the previous section, we would like to maximize the opportunistic rate while
satisfying some constraints on the interference to the primary
communication system. Note that the aggregate opportunistic
subbands is now a function of both the
throughput of the
threshold vector and the weight coefficient matrix , i.e.,
, since
is implied by (40) and (41) that
. It
Observing that the left-hand side on the constraint (40) is a
convex function and the right-hand side is a linear function,
. Similarly, (41) is also
(40) defines a convex set for
a convex constraint.
Then, we reformulate problem (P4) by introducing a new
Consequently, the spatialspectral joint detection problem is
formulated as
(41) can be written as
Note that the formulation in (P4) is in the context of a singleuser primary system and it can be easily extended to the case
of a multiuser primary system as (P1) does. Finding the exact
optimal solution for the above problem is difficult, since for any
subband, the probabilities of false alarm and miss are neither
convex nor concave functions of the weight coefficients
the test threshold
according to (34) and (35).
In the following, we will develop two efficient methods for
and the thresholds ,
solving for the weight coefficients
which lead to near-optimal solutions for (P4). For consistency,
we still assume the practical conditions in (26) unless explicitly
stated otherwise.
A. Joint Optimization
To jointly optimize
and , we show that (P4) can be reformulated into an equivalent form with a convex feasible set
and an objective function lower bounded by a concave function.
Through maximizing the lower bound of the objective function,
we are able to obtain a good approximation to the optimal solution of the original problem.
First, we show how to transform the nonconvex constraints in
(38) and (39) into convex constraints by exploiting the monotonicity of the -function. Substituting (34) into the constraint
(39), we have
which can be shown to be convex through the following result.
, the function
Lemma 3: If
is concave in
Proof: Refer to Appendix C.
By changing the variables
, we can write the objective function in
(P4) as
Now define a new function
, the convexity of which is established
through the following result.
Lemma 4: If
, the function
convex in
Proof: The proof is similar to that of Lemma 3, and thus is
Consequently, the aggregate opportunistic rate can be lower
bounded as
This problem can be solved as follows. First, apply the linear
, i.e.,
is upper bounded by
denotes the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix and
follows from the RayleighRitz theorem [34]. Note that the
is achieved if
equality in
B. Sequential Optimization
Here, we present another heuristic approach that divides the
optimization of the original problem (P4) into two stages. In
the first stage, referred to as spatial optimization, we choose the
weight coefficients in order to maximize a performance measure for signal detection. In the second phase, called spectral
obtained from spatial optioptimization, we fix the values of
mization and optimize the thresholds across all the subbands.
1) Spatial Optimization: A good measure for evaluating the
detection performance, called the modified deflection coefficient
[21], [23], is defined as
2) Spectral Optimization: Substituting the weight vectors
obtained in the first subproblem (P6) into (34) and
(35), the probabilities of false alarm and detection become functions of only the threshold . Following the procedure in (P1),
we can solve the following subproblem for the threshold vector
can be interpreted as a signal-to-noise
The quantity
ratio. For any given probability of false alarm, a larger value of
As before, the problem is convex and can be solved efficiently.
As an alternative example, the spatialspectral joint detection problem can be reformulated to minimize the interference
subject to some constraint on the aggregate opportunistic
throughput , i.e.,
Fig. 4. The aggregate opportunistic throughput versus the constraint on the aggregate interference to the primary communication system.
Near-optimal solutions can be obtained using the same techniques as in solving (P4).
In this section, we numerically evaluate the proposed spectrum sensing schemes. Consider a 48-MHz primary system
where the wideband channel is equally divided into eight
, we assume an
subbands. For each subband
achievable throughput rate if used by CRs and a cost coefficient indicating the penalty if the primary signal is interfered
with by secondary users. It is expected that the opportunistic
, and the
spectrum utilization is at least 50%, i.e.,
probability that the primary user is interfered with is at most
. For simplicity it is assumed that the noise power
level is
, and the length of each detection interval is
A. Example 1: Multiband Joint Detection for Individual CRs
This example studies multiband joint detection in a single
CR. The proposed spectrum sensing algorithms are examined
by comparing with an approach that searches for a uniform
threshold to maximize the aggregate opportunistic throughput.
We consider a power delay profile, as given in Table I, that
specifies the frequency selective channel between the primary
transmitter and the secondary receiver. The channel gain, opportunistic rate, and interference penalty on each subband are
given in Table II.
We would like to maximize the aggregate opportunistic
throughput over the eight subbands subject to the constraints
on the interference to the primary users, as formulated in
Fig. 7. The aggregate opportunistic throughput versus the constraint on the aggregate interference to the primary communication system.
= 2 354 Mbps
= 1 474
Proof: To prove the lemma, we take the Hessian of
and obtain
from (10)
, we have
. Consequently, the
second derivative of
is larger than or equal to zero,
which implies that
is convex in .
Proof: This can be proved using a similar technique to that
used in proving Lemma 1. By taking the second derivative of
is concave, and hence that
(11), we can show that
is a convex function.
denoted by
, the
is a negative semidefinite matrix,
. Consequently,
is concave in
Zhi Quan (S07) received the B.E. degree in communication engineering from the Beijing University of
Posts and Telecommunications, China, and the M.S.
degree in electrical engineering from Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK. He is currently working
towards the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at
the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
He was a visiting researcher with Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, during summer 2007, and was
an interim engineering intern with Qualcomm during
summer 2008. His current research interests include
statistical signal processing, wireless communication and networking, cognitive
radios, and multimedia.
Mr. Quan was the recipient of the UCLA Chancellors Dissertation Fellowship (20082009).
Shuguang Cui (S99M05) received the B.Eng. degree in radio engineering (with the highest distinction) from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 1997, the M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, in 2000, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 2005.
From 1997 to 1998, he was a System Engineer at
Hewlett-Packard, Beijing, China. In summer 2003,
he worked at National Semiconductor, Santa Clara,
CA, on the ZigBee project. From 2005 to 2007, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Arizona, Tucson. He is now working as an Assistant Professor in Electrical and
Computer Engineering at the Texas A&M University, College Station. His current research interests include cross-layer energy minimization for low-power
sensor networks, hardware and system synergies for high-performance wireless
radios, statistical signal processing, and general communication theories.
Dr. Cui was a recipient of the NSERC graduate fellowship from the National
Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) graduate scholarship. He has
been serving as the TPC co-chair for the 2007 IEEE Communication Theory
Workshop and the ICC08 Communication Theory Symposium. He is currently
serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE COMMUNICATION LETTERS and
Dr. Sayed has served on the editorial boards of the IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, the European Signal Processing Journal, the International Journal
on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, and the SIAM Journal on Matrix
Analysis and Applications. He also served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Journal on Advances in Signal Processing from 2006 to 2007. He is a member
of the Signal Processing for Communications and the Signal Processing Theory
and Methods technical committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He
has served on the Publications (20032005), Awards (2005), and Conference
(2007present) Boards of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He served on
the Board of Governors (20072008) of the same Society and is now serving as
Vice-President of Publications (2009present). His work has received several
recognitions, including the 1996 IEEE Donald G. Fink Award, the 2002 Best
Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the 2003 Kuwait Prize
in Basic Sciences, the 2005 Terman Award, the 2005 Young Author Best Paper
Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and two Best Student Paper
Awards at international meetings (1999 and 2001). He has served as a 2005
Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and as General
Chairman of ICASSP 2008.
H. Vincent Poor (S72M77, SM82F87) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
and computer science from Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ, in 1977.
From 1977 until 1990, he was on the faculty of
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Since 1990, he has been on the faculty at Princeton
University, where he is the Michael Henry Strater
University Professor of Electrical Engineering and
Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied
Science. His research interests are in the areas
of stochastic analysis, statistical signal processing and their applications in
wireless networks, and related fields. Among his publications in these areas
are the recent books MIMO Wireless Communications (Cambridge University
Press, 2007) and Quickest Detection (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Dr. Poor is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of
the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a former Guggenheim Fellow.
He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the Optical Society of America (OSA), and other organizations. In 1990, he served as President of the IEEE Information Theory Society, and in 20042007, he served as
was the recipient of the 2005 IEEE Education Medal. Recent recognition of his
work includes the 2007 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award, the 2007 Technical
Achievement Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and the 2008 Aaron
D. Wyner Award of the IEEE Information Theory Society.